Soup with a mixture of frozen vegetables recipe.  Soup with frozen vegetables: simple recipes.  Frozen Vegetable Soup Recipe

Soup with a mixture of frozen vegetables recipe. Soup with frozen vegetables: simple recipes. Frozen Vegetable Soup Recipe

Pour 1 liter of cold, preferably filtered, water into a thick-bottomed metal saucepan with a capacity of about 2 liters and place over medium heat. Wash the potatoes and ½ carrots, peel them.

Cut the carrots into medium-thick slices and place in boiling water. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes and add to the carrots. After boiling, cook the vegetables over low heat for about 7 minutes under the lid, skimming the foam from them from time to time if necessary.

Remove all frozen vegetables (except peas) from the freezer and, if necessary, rinse them in a colander with cold running water to remove any frost that has formed during storage.

After 7 min. (see point 2) add Brussels sprouts to the carrots and potatoes, increase the heat under the pan. When the water boils again, add the cauliflower and broccoli. Bring the water to a boil again, reduce the heat and cook the vegetables covered for about 3 minutes, then add the green peas (after rinsing them with cold water to remove frost if necessary) and cook the soup again under the lid for about 5 minutes after boiling until the vegetables are soft. check by piercing them with a sharp knife. Tip: If you like vegetable broth that is richer in taste and softer cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and peas, add them immediately along with the Brussels sprouts and cook for about 7-8 minutes. until soft.

It has long been widely known that freezing is the best way to store fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. Unlike canning and drying, this method allows you to lose virtually nothing of the beneficial vitamin components of the product. And dishes made from food preserved in this way are no different from fresh ones. The only thing is that such food must be cooked immediately, just after taking it out of the package, and cannot be put back into the freezer. The shelf life of thawed vegetables, unlike fresh ones, is very, very short.

However, it is frozen vegetable mixtures that are preferable in the cold season than imported vegetables and fruits. The fact is that this storage method does not use preservatives, and “out-of-season” products can contain a variety of harmful substances.

Sets and mixtures are a real lifesaver for busy housewives. With their help, you can very quickly and easily prepare many healthy and nutritious dishes, such as soup from frozen vegetables. The mixtures can be stocked up for future use - they are stored in the refrigerator for a very long time. And the lunch kit will always be available. And all cooking comes down to simply taking the mixture out of the package and boiling or frying it with the addition of your favorite spices. There is no need to peel or cut the food, and in different sets you can find exactly the one whose composition is suitable for your recipe.

Faster and simpler, perhaps, are only “instant dishes”, but in terms of usefulness they, of course, cannot be compared.

How to make your own frozen mixed vegetables

If you have free time in the summer, you can easily and simply prepare frozen vegetables for future use. During the warm season, the choice of fresh products is wide, they are inexpensive, and you can be sure of the quality of your own prepared products.

For storage, you need to select whole, undamaged fruits and roots and wash them thoroughly. After this, the products need to be dried by spreading them on a paper towel for a few minutes. And then put it in the freezer, dividing it into portions, by type and mixture - as you wish.

In the freezer, food is best stored in plastic containers or plastic bags; glass and metal containers are not suitable for this.

Basic frozen recipe

Frozen vegetable soup is a healthy, tasty dish that will help you get a real boost of vitamins even in winter. Using different broths, spices and additives, you can widely vary the taste of the finished dish. And the culinary process remains as easy and fast as possible.

Purchased sets can be designed for specific dishes - and in this case they do not require additions, except, perhaps, seasonings and salt, and assorted dishes, to which you can add cereals, potatoes, pasta, getting many options for dishes.

Usually the sets are packaged in 400 gram bags - this volume is enough for 4-6 servings of delicious soup. Preparing soup from frozen vegetables takes 40 minutes to an hour. To cook it, we need:

  • package of frozen mixture,
  • 1.5 liters of water or broth,
  • salt, spices, herbs - to taste,
  • rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, vegetable oil - optional.


  1. Put water or broth on fire, add salt.
  2. If you decide to prepare soup without additives, remove the set from the bag, rinse under running water, and add to the pan.
  3. If you add potatoes or cereals, place them before the mixture and cook until half cooked.
  4. With frozen vegetables, the soup is cooked for 20-25 minutes.
  5. During this time, you can fry it: sauté finely chopped carrots and onions in vegetable oil and add to the soup.
  6. A few minutes before readiness, add salt and spices.

Serve the finished dish with herbs, sour cream, rye bread or wholemeal bread. Sour cream dressing will perfectly complement the taste.

  • When choosing a mixture, feel the bag - if the contents are stuck together in large lumps, then there is a high probability of repeated freezing, they may be stale.
  • If you want to add mushrooms to the soup, boil them in advance; they take longer to cook than freezing.
  • You can add fresh products along with the set, but then you need to chop them very finely or grate them.

In contact with

Soups “from a bag”- a real lifeline for vegetarians and people who find themselves in a situation where they need to cook something tasty, but simply and quickly. The ease of preparation allows you to cook both the first and second courses at the same time, because you hardly have to deal with soup. It has been tested that soups turn out rich (if you follow the proportions of liquid and vegetable mixture) and tasty. Once I cooked soup from a vegetable mixture “Moscow borscht” and treated it to my friend. She thanked me for a long time, praised the borscht and kept asking how I had the patience to cut all the vegetables into such neat cubes. To which I replied, “Imagine - this is a soup made from a ready-made mixture.”

What is good about vegetable “freezing”:

  • As a rule, they are inexpensive and can be stored in the freezer for quite a long time. You can make supplies for future use, and at the right time you will solve the problem of preparing a good lunch (side dishes and main courses can also be prepared from such mixtures).
  • Frozen mixed vegetables do not contain preservatives. In winter and spring, such frosts are more desirable for consumption than fresh imported vegetables and fruits that come to our markets and stores from Turkey, Italy, Spain, South America and Israel. Vegetables are frozen immediately after harvest, preserving all the vitamins; steamed vegetables are especially useful.
  • The pre-processing stage is excluded from preparing the dish - vegetables and fruits have already been washed and peeled. There is also no need to cut vegetables, and the products are cut into neat, rather small pieces, which certainly has a positive effect on the appearance of the final dish. Vegetables often undergo partial heat treatment - exposure to steam, so they cook quickly. Therefore if you cook the soup not only from frozen, then first cook other vegetables until half-cooked, and add the mixture at the end. All of the above leads to a significant reduction in cooking time.
  • Usually the manufacturer indicates the preparation recipe on the packaging. You don’t have to waste time not only searching for a recipe, but also purchasing each ingredient. And such mixtures as, for example, “Ukrainian borscht”, “Moscow borscht”, “Soup with forest mushrooms”, etc., are already a complete preparation of a certain dish, in this case. You don't need to add anything else. All you need is a saucepan, water and salt.

Basic recipe for making soups from frozen vegetable mixtures

One pack of 400 g is enough for a 1.5-2 liter pan. Not only vegetable mixtures designed specifically as bases for soups are suitable for making soup; vegetables for frying are also suitable. In the latter case, it is necessary to add additional vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots) or pasta for soups (small), cereals, processed cheese, etc.

Cooking steps:

  1. Bring water (or meat broth) to a boil, add salt and pepper.
  2. Add the vegetable mixture to the boiling water (broth) (you can do it without defrosting). Let the dish simmer over low heat for another 10-15 minutes. At the end, add spices and fresh herbs.

Second way. If you want to add other ingredients to your vegetable soup, use the following diagram.


  1. Bring salted water (or meat broth) to a boil.
  2. Place finely chopped potatoes into the pan and cook for 10 minutes. Along with potatoes you can add large chopped carrots and onions, washed cereals.
  3. Add your vegetable mixture to the broth (you can do it without defrosting). You can add small pasta along with the vegetable mixture, finely chopped (grated) additional fresh vegetables. Let the dish simmer over low heat for another 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, you can also add fried vegetables (optional), spices, and herbs. Mushroom soups can be flavored with melted cheese.


  • Soup made from the “Lecho” mixture with the addition of potatoes and rice.
  • Mushroom soups can be supplemented with additional fresh mushrooms (take longer to cook, cook them before adding frozen mushrooms).
  • Try making frozen soup "Chinese Mixture", it turns out very tasty.

Frozen vegetable soup

Frozen vegetable soup is delicious and easy to prepare. You can cook it with chicken, pork, beef, or without meat, in this case there are nuances.

To make the soup, you can use any frozen vegetable mixture that you like. My family likes Mexican and vegetables with mushrooms and rice, it also turns out interesting.

You can also cook vegetable soup with meatballs; children especially like this option.

In addition, you can add some potatoes, pasta or rice to your frozen vegetable soup to taste.

  • Meat or chicken 500g
  • Frozen vegetables 200 g approx.
  • 1.5 – 2 liters of water depending on the desired thickness of the soup
  • Allspice - approximately 5 peas
  • 2-3 bay leaves
  • Other spices are at your discretion
  • Fresh or frozen chopped greens according to your taste


  1. Boil the meat until tender in salted water.
  2. Cooking time for chicken and pork on the bone is 30-40 minutes; the softer you want the meat, the longer the cooking time.
  3. We look at the cooking time of the vegetable mixture, most often 10 -12 minutes.
  4. If Brussels sprouts are present in the vegetables, for example, their cooking time is at least 20 minutes. Since it has a rather pronounced sweet taste, after preparing the soup, I advise you to add a thin circle of lemon to it, the taste will be more harmonious.
  5. We subtract the cooking time for the vegetable mixture from the cooking time of the meat and add it at the right stage. We also add bay leaf, allspice, and other spices. If you plan to add potatoes, rice, pasta, do the same.
  6. Cook until tender, add chopped herbs, wait until the vegetable soup starts to boil, then turn it off. It is important to maintain the temperature regime; if you do not warm the greens enough, the soup will not be stored; if you boil it, foam will appear, which will need to be skimmed off, and the beneficial substances will go into it. When two or three bubbles appear on the surface indicating boiling, turn off the heat.

Life hacks in case you plan to cook soup without meat broth:

  • During cooking, add a little sugar - about ¼ teaspoon.
  • Once cooking is complete, add a tablespoon of butter, cover and let sit for at least five minutes, then stir.
  • Add a hard-boiled egg, cut into cubes, into the prepared frozen vegetable soup and serve with sour cream.

If you can’t bear it, you can use a ready-made frozen vegetable mixture. The composition of such a mixture can be very diverse: zucchini, green beans, tomatoes, cauliflower, in a word, anything you like. In addition, preparing such a soup from frozen vegetables will take you very little time and effort, everything in this recipe is extremely simple, see for yourself by looking at our step-by-step photo recipe!

Ingredients To prepare soup from frozen vegetables:

  • frozen vegetable mixture - 400-500 g
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • meat broth - 2-2.5 l
  • salt, spices, bay leaf - to taste
  • vegetable oil
  • greenery

Recipe frozen vegetable soup:

Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into small slices (if your vegetable mixture contains potatoes, you can skip this step).

Remove frozen vegetables from the bag (they do not need to be processed in any way).

Peel the onions, wash and cut into small cubes.

Saute the onion in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil (if there are no carrots in your vegetable mixture, you can also add them to the onions, first by grating or finely chopping them).

When all the ingredients are prepared, we proceed directly to preparing the soup. To do this, you need to put frozen vegetables in boiling meat broth (if you want the soup to be lighter, you can cook it without meat).

When the water with vegetables boils again, add potatoes to the soup.

After a while, add fried onions, spices, for example, bay leaf and black peppercorns, and salt. Cook the soup over medium heat until the potatoes are ready.

Vegetable soup is ready!

It is best to serve soup made from frozen vegetables, seasoned with sour cream and sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!