Homemade turkey sausage recipe.  The most delicious recipe with step-by-step photos of how to cook steamed boiled turkey sausage at home Turkey sausage at home

Homemade turkey sausage recipe. The most delicious recipe with step-by-step photos of how to cook steamed boiled turkey sausage at home Turkey sausage at home

Meat and lard


Turkey sausage- one of the preparations, eaten without fail and without a trace in a matter of minutes. Once you prepare this appetizer, you won’t have to face the choice of preparing such a delicious dish. And if you hide some of the raw homemade turkey sausage in the refrigerator, then you are guaranteed a hearty, quick breakfast or dinner, because you can cook sausage from a semi-finished product incredibly quickly. You can find many options on sale from various manufacturers of such sausage, but once you prepare the snack with your own hands, you won’t even think about buying it.

Recipes for homemade sausage made from poultry, chicken or turkey have long been known to many housewives. It is prepared in intestines and without intestines, in foil, in cling film, in a ham maker, and even in a glass. Turkey fillet sausage can be boiled, oven-baked, dry-cured and smoked - There are a huge variety of cooking methods, as well as accompanying fillet ingredients and their arrangement. Homemade turkey sausage is even prepared with the addition of pork and chicken.

A different set of herbs and additional ingredients makes the sausage different, tasty and unique in its own way. We offer a delicious recipe for homemade sausage from the best part of the turkey carcass with the addition of soft Parmesan cheese, which will make the sausage tender and soft. Without exaggeration, we can say that this sausage is the most delicious, so that you will simply lick your fingers! And the calorie content of this snack will be very pleasing - it is very low, less than 200 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Making this amazing turkey sausage at home is very simple and easy. You don’t need any equipment, except that a multicooker with a steaming function can make the cooking process easier. We will tell you how to make this sausage with a minimum of effort, using a detailed description and step-by-step photographs of the entire process of preparing a delicate snack.



    Let's prepare the ingredients for making amazingly delicious turkey sausage: tender chilled fillet, hot chili pepper, nutmeg, a small piece of Parmesan, onion and garlic, a fresh chicken egg, a little semolina for binding and the usual spices: rosemary and black pepper. Wash the turkey fillet in cool water, thoroughly remove all films and blot with paper napkins to absorb excess moisture..

    After this, cut into large pieces and place in a deep bowl and place in the refrigerator, covering with cling film. Before putting it in the refrigerator, salt the chopped fillet well and pepper it with freshly ground black pepper. Meat should be marinated for at least a day, and optimally two. After the time has passed, remove the meat from the refrigerator and proceed to further actions.

    Peel the onion and fry it until golden brown in olive oil, adding a clove of finely chopped garlic at the end of sautéing. Catch the cooked onions and garlic with a slotted spoon and let the oil drain as much as possible, and then add it to the chopped meat..

    We separate the leaves from the rosemary sprigs and cut them into very small pieces - the smaller the better - and add spice to the meat. After this, chop the hot pepper pods, but first rinse them well in running water and dry them well with paper napkins. We will put on rubber medical gloves to protect the skin of our hands from caustic juice and staining. Before chopping, be sure to separate the stalk from the pod and remove the seeds. The sausage according to this interesting recipe should be quite spicy, so don’t skimp on the pepper - cut it smaller and larger. The mass must be mixed thoroughly again.

    Make a small depression in the middle of the mixed minced meat, and then beat one egg into it. Don’t forget to rinse it thoroughly before use: a clean kitchen is the key to excellent health! Then sprinkle the mixture with previously prepared ground breadcrumbs or semolina (optional) and add half of the chopped nutmeg. After this, mix again. This will have to be done for quite a long time - until all other components are completely enveloped in the egg.

    Place the minced meat with additives on a piece of cling film. Moisten it a little with clean water, and then cut the cheese and place it as in the photo - in the middle of the minced meat. We won't stir anymore. Now you need to roll the minced meat into a roll, making sure that the cheese does not protrude out. It should be inside the finished sausage.

    We wrap the rolled sausage in several more layers of film, and then tie the loaf as shown in the photo: along the edges, and then crosswise several times.

    Let's give the sausage the desired shape when placing it on a tray for further cooking. We will steam the turkey sausage - this will make it healthier. A multicooker will be an excellent assistant in this matter, and if you don’t have one on your household, then a regular colander and a saucepan with a lid will help solve the problem. After boiling, the sausage should be cooked for twenty-five minutes. In a multicooker, also select this time in the manual settings, or combine it from two programs.

    After time, the sausage will look like in the photo. Now you know how to make a delicious and very healthy homemade “finger lickin’ good” turkey sausage with cheese and pepper with your own hands.

    You can cook up a few servings of sausage and freeze them raw in the freezer, then have this appetizer ready in minutes. Turkey sausage according to a simple recipe will definitely find its connoisseurs and will be appropriate on the table on any day - both on an ordinary day and on a holiday. Cool the loaf before slicing, carefully remove the cling film and string, and then cut into beautiful slices. Serve as an appetizer on its own or on a sandwich.

    Bon appetit!

Homemade turkey sausage can rightfully be considered a delicacy. Made with your own hands, it cannot be compared with store-bought dry-cured and smoked sausages, and is instantly eaten.

Main nuances

Turkey sausage is easy to make. Even a novice housewife can cope with this job. Intestines, foil, cling film, a ham dish, a bottle and even a glass are used as a shell. As for the method of heat treatment, everyone chooses the most convenient and affordable one. Sausage is baked in the oven, smoked in home electric and wood smokers, cooked in a slow cooker and fried in a frying pan or on the grill.

Additional ingredients that give the finished sausage a unique aroma include herbs, varieties of soft and hard cheese, as well as all available spices and seasonings. The product is very tasty, juicy and low in calories. So, 100 grams of the substance contains only 198 kcal.

Of course, it cannot be called completely dietary, but in comparison with other types of sausages, the dish has the lowest calorie content and can be used when compiling a healthy nutrition menu (PN).

Cooking recipes

With Parmesan

To prepare this amazing dish, take the following ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of fillet;
  • one egg;
  • 40 g cheese;
  • 20 g of any breading;
  • one large onion;
  • several pods of chili pepper;
  • several sprigs of rosemary;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • a little nutmeg;
  • 3–4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3-4 large spoons of olive or sunflower oil.

The cooking process includes several steps.

  1. First, prepare the meat. To do this, wash it in cool water, remove all films and blot with paper napkins. Next, the fillet is cut into large pieces, salted, peppered, covered with cling film and put in the refrigerator for a day. After the meat has infused, it is ground using a blender or very finely chopped with a knife.
  2. Next, peel, finely chop and fry the onion, add garlic passed through a press at the end of frying, after which the whole thing is caught with a slotted spoon and added to the cup with the turkey. Then the leaves are plucked from the rosemary branches, finely chopped and also added to the meat.
  3. Next, put on protective gloves and begin chopping the chili pods. To do this, the peppers are washed with cold water, dried, the stalk is removed and the seeds are removed. Then they are finely chopped and also added to the minced meat.
  4. Then one raw egg is driven into the cup with the ingredients, the breading mixture, nutmeg, and spices are added and mixed well. After the mass becomes homogeneous, it is laid out on cling film, pre-moistened with cold water, and finely chopped cheese is placed on top.
  5. Then the minced meat is rolled into a roll so that the pieces of Parmesan are inside and do not come out. After which the rolled sausage is wrapped in several layers of cling film and bandaged. To ensure that the roll does not lose its shape during heat treatment, it is necessary to tie the workpiece along the edges and crosswise in the middle.
  6. It is better to cook this sausage in a steamed slow cooker. If you don’t have such equipment at home, you can use a colander and a saucepan with a lid. Cook the sausage for 25 minutes after the start of steaming; in the multicooker, set the time manually or select the desired mode from the available ones.
  7. After the dish is cooked, it is removed and cooled. Before serving, the sausage is freed from the film, cut and decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs and lemon slices.

With bacon

To prepare this delicious dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • half a kilogram of fillet;
  • 100 g bacon;
  • one and a half tablespoons of starch;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • a little red pepper;
  • a pair of clove buds;
  • 2 tbsp. l. high fat cream;
  • 2–3 pcs. sweet pea;
  • half a teaspoon of coriander;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper.

To prepare this dish, you should follow a certain sequence of actions.

  1. First, the turkey fillet is washed, the films are removed and chopped in a blender. The bacon is cut into thin strips and mixed with minced meat. Then add starch, heavy cream and salt, after which the mass is mixed well.
  2. Grind the cloves in a mortar, add both types of pepper and coriander, mix well and add to the minced meat. Then mix again, place on cling film, roll and tie tightly with thread. If there is a small intestine, then it is better to use it instead of film. This will prevent the possibility of damage to the shell and maintain the desired shape of the product.
  3. Then the sausage is placed in a pan, a sufficient amount of water is added and cooked for an hour. As a result of traditional cooking, a little broth may appear inside the film.
  4. After the sausage has cooled, it is sent to the refrigerator for several hours, after which it is taken out, the film is removed and served. To do this, lettuce leaves are laid out on a platter, sliced ​​sausage is placed on top and decorated with lemon slices.

This sausage goes well with mashed potatoes, grilled vegetables and white wine. Horseradish, mustard and ketchup are good spices. This recipe does not use onions and garlic, so you can take the product with you on the road or to work without fear of the characteristic garlic smell.

In the gut

To prepare this dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg turkey fillet;
  • 300 g fresh lard;
  • one head of garlic;
  • 100 ml cognac;
  • 1 tablespoon goji berries;
  • a quarter teaspoon of nutmeg;
  • a quarter teaspoon of coriander;
  • salt and pepper.

The cooking process consists of several basic steps.

  1. To prepare minced meat, the meat is passed through a meat grinder or cut very finely. Then add finely chopped lard, all the spices, cognac and garlic, mix with goji berries, then salt and leave to marinate for 3 hours.
  2. The pork intestine is thoroughly washed and scraped if necessary. Frozen intestines thaw only at room temperature; using a microwave or boiling water for this purpose is unacceptable. Thawed intestines are poured with cold water and left for two hours, then washed again.
  3. The intestines are put on the auger of the meat grinder and filled with the finished meat mass. There is no need to compact the minced meat tightly: it should be located freely inside the intestine, but it is better to remove the air present inside. To do this, punctures are made with a needle along the entire length of the stuffed intestine, carefully releasing the excess. If this is not done, the shell will burst during cooking and the contents will fall out.
  4. Then tie the edges well and leave the sausage in a cool place for half an hour. The resulting semi-finished product can be grilled for 15 minutes on each side, or baked in the oven at +200 degrees for half an hour. During baking, you must constantly turn the sausage over and make sure that the intestines on the baking sheet do not burn.
  5. After the turkey sausage is cooked, it is pierced with a toothpick and the juice released is assessed. So, if the liquid is completely transparent, then the dish is ready, otherwise it will need to be put in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.

You can serve the sausage with mustard, horseradish and ketchup, after garnishing with fresh herbs and sprinkling with lemon juice.

Turkey is one of the most common and large poultry, the meat of which is widely used by housewives for preparing main courses. The turkey is fried, stewed, baked and, of course, made into minced meat for cutlets or sausages. If you decide to please your family with a simple and tasty dish, we offer a recipe for homemade turkey sausages, which turn out juicy and tender thanks to the addition of a small amount of butter.

Homemade turkey sausage

Homemade turkey sausage in film


Homemade Turkey Sausage Recipe

Dish: Main course

Cooking time: 1 hour

Total time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Servings: 4 servings


  • 1 kg turkey fillet
  • 300 g butter
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • vegetable oil olive
  • dried thyme

How to cook homemade turkey sausages in a frying pan

Wash the turkey fillet (either breast or thigh is fine), pat dry and cut into several large pieces. Turn the meat through a meat grinder, and add a piece of butter weighing about 50 grams.

Sprinkle the resulting minced meat with thyme, salt and ground pepper.

Then mix the ingredients thoroughly with your hands.

Place a piece of cling film on a cutting board and place some minced meat in the middle. Flatten the minced meat with your hands, giving it the shape of a round cake.

Place a little butter in the middle of the cake.

Alternately wrapping the cling film from one side to the other, give the minced meat the shape of a sausage so that a piece of butter is in the center. Carefully wrap the sausage in film and place on a plate.

Similarly, turn all the remaining minced meat into sausages, and then put the plate with them in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the products harden a little.

Heat a frying pan with olive oil over high heat and, carefully removing from the film, place the minced turkey sausages in it.

Quickly fry them on each side until golden brown.

Then pour about 100 ml of water into the pan, reduce the temperature to low and cover the pan with a lid. Keep the sausages on the fire until fully cooked - this will take you about a quarter of an hour.

Serve homemade turkey sausages with boiled potatoes, sauerkraut and fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

Homemade turkey sausage in foil

Homemade turkey sausage in foil is much easier to prepare than borscht and faster than just going to the store for the same sausage.


Homemade Turkey Sausage with Walnuts Recipe

Dish: Main course

Preparation time: 30 min.

Cooking time: 30 min.

Total time: 1 hour


  • 1 kg turkey fillet
  • 150 g walnuts
  • 100 ml milk powder (diluted milk powder)
  • 2 pcs. egg white
  • 50 ml adjika
  • black pepper
  • salt

How to make homemade turkey sausage with nuts in foil

Cut the turkey fillet into small pieces.

Mix chopped turkey, adjika, milk powder (cream), walnuts and egg whites in a bowl.

Place the finished mixture in a sausage shape on thick foil.

If the foil is too thin, then fold it in two layers. Wrap it with a large candy, well leveling it along the length.

We put the sausage sweets in a bag and tie it tightly so that water cannot get inside.

After this, we put it in a larger bag so that the bag handles are not tightened.

Pour water into a large frying pan and bring to a boil. Place the sausage in the pan and cover with a lid. Cook for thirty minutes.

After this, take it out and let it cool directly in the bag for about five hours, preferably overnight.

Homemade turkey sausage with walnuts is ready.

You can make this sausage from chicken fillet without nuts (nuts sometimes become loose when cut). For brighter color, you can add beet juice.

Homemade turkey sausage is a dish that will easily outshine others on the holiday table. It is light and tender, aromatic and very tasty. Eats instantly. Pairs perfectly with mustard or tomato sauces.

I love this sausage for its “convenience”: it’s convenient to take with you to work, on the road, on a picnic, or for your child to school.

To prepare such a sausage, you need pork intestines, but if you don’t have them, you can use an artificial casing or cling film.

Prepare the necessary ingredients to prepare turkey sausage at home.

Cut the turkey fillet into small pieces for a meat grinder. It must first be washed and cleaned of films and veins.

Grind 2/3 of the meat in a meat grinder with a large strainer.

Chop the remaining meat into small pieces with a knife and place them in the prepared minced meat.

Peel the onion and garlic, grind twice in a meat grinder or chop in a blender.

Add vegetable puree to the minced meat.

Then cut the hard cheese into cubes.

Add it to the minced meat. Add salt, allspice and Provençal herbs to taste.

To stir thoroughly.

Pork intestines must be thoroughly washed and, if necessary, scraped. If you use frozen intestines, do not defrost them in the microwave or in hot water, otherwise the intestines will cook and become unsuitable for further use. They must be filled with cold or warm water and left for 1-2 hours.

Place the intestines on the auger of the meat grinder and fill with prepared minced meat. There is no need to compact it too much, otherwise the intestines will burst during cooking, but you should not leave a lot of air inside the intestines, since the appearance of the cooked sausages will not be pretty.

Make punctures all over the surface of the sausages with a needle to allow excess air to escape.

Place the sausages in boiling water and cook at low simmer for 20 minutes. Carefully remove them into a baking dish.

Grease with oil and bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees.

Place delicious and appetizing homemade turkey sausage on a platter and serve along with fresh vegetables.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.