How to call the Queen of Spades on the street during the day.  Several rituals on how to summon the Queen of Spades.  How to call the Queen of Spades

How to call the Queen of Spades on the street during the day. Several rituals on how to summon the Queen of Spades. How to call the Queen of Spades

Summoning mystical creatures from the other world is a terrible power. Everyone pursues their own goals and tries to find outside help. Such mystical things include calling the Queen of Spades at home. Before you begin, you should carefully study all the details and possible consequences of meeting a witch.

Who is the Queen of Spades and what does she do?

This is of course a playing card that has fallen into disrepute. more than other cards. Some consider her to be a performer of “black desires,” while others simply call her to touch the dark force or experience new sensations.

The Queen of Spades is identified with a demon or witch of enormous power. When fortune telling on cards, it is she who means the worst enemies or dangerous people. It is this card that is used to impose damage or other villainous things, that is, it is the very demon who realizes all evil plans.

Does it really exist? Some people believe in it and some don’t, but that doesn’t matter. For her, such questions do not matter, and everyone will decide for themselves to believe or not.

History of appearance: fact or fiction?

It is not known for certain whether the Queen of Spades was evil or good initially. According to legend, she comes from the Country of Spades, which was located in the Card Empire, where in addition to the Country of Spades there were three more countries according to suits.

For a long time, all countries coexisted peacefully. However, the citizens of the Red and Spades countries had personal hostility towards each other and constantly created conflicts, which eventually resulted in a full-fledged war, although their sovereigns were very friendly with each other.

As a result, all 4 countries intervened in the war, but no one could win and peace was concluded. However, this did not save the people of spades and hearts from mutual hatred. According to tradition, the Queen of Spades was obliged to marry the Jack of Spades, but she fell in love with Chervonny, and he fell in love with her. He, in turn, was obliged to marry a Lady of his own suit and decided to persuade her to kill her rival.

The Queen of Spades was forced to agree and had already arrived at night at the enemy palace, but suddenly found out that she had been fooled and a wedding was being planned between the Jack of Hearts and the Queen. She was caught and locked in prison.

Since then, it is believed that the Queen of Spades has become evil, who hates lovers. She wanders everywhere and brings evil. She sees a traitor in a man, and a rival in a woman, and will gladly help punish any couple in love.

If you call her, what will happen?

There are several ways to summon this evil spirit:

  1. You need to take a new deck of cards and get the Queen of Spades. After midnight you need to stand in front of the mirror with a map and turn off the light. The card is torn into small pieces and the spell is said three times: “Queen of Spades, show yourself.” After some time, a silhouette can be seen in the mirror - it will stretch its arms forward in an attempt to strangle the caller. After what you see, you need to turn on the light and throw a sheet over the mirror.
  2. After midnight, you need to lock yourself in the bathroom and rub the mirror with soap. Then turn off the light and place a candle in front of the mirror, and next to it the Queen of Spades card so that it is reflected on the front side. You should wear any hat on your head to completely hide your hair.

    If even one strand is outside, the evil spirit will grab it and drag it to another world. Then, as soon as the time passes midnight, you need to cast the spell three times: “Queen of Spades, show yourself.”. Soon images will appear in the mirror. If they are light, the witch is in a good mood and she will help you, but if they are black, you need to quickly turn on the light and leave the bathroom.

    For the ritual you will need black thread and a chair. The thread is wrapped around the legs of the chair and tied in a knot. A card is placed on a chair, face down. After midnight, you need to turn off the lights and say the cherished words three times: “Queen of Spades, show yourself.” After this, you need to quickly leave and close the door.

    After half an hour you can come back and turn on the light. If she came, then things will be scattered, and small black footprints may be visible on the floor - the evil spirit was looking for the caller.


Summoning this demon of the other world is actually dangerous, although if you perform the ritual correctly and quickly respond to the aggressive reaction of the Queen of Spades, then harm can be avoided. Strange sensations may appear as if the caller is being strangled or even beaten - in this case you need to quickly turn on the light and cover the mirror.

In addition, it serves as a kind of portal between worlds, through which other, unknown spirits and demons penetrate, whose action is completely unpredictable. However, they leave with the Queen of Spades if nothing delays them.

The ritual should only be performed if the caller believes in the Queen of Spades and is not afraid to do so, otherwise she will become angry and may cause harm. Anyone who decides must strictly follow all the rules without violating a single point. The Queen of Spades can be asked to do something, and if she is in a good mood or likes the caller, the request will be fulfilled. But it is better to weigh all the possible risks before doing this.

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With red lipstick at midnight, a staircase with a door on top is drawn on the mirror. Although in general it doesn’t matter much what the staircase is drawn on. The light is extinguished and the candle is lit. The words “Queen of Spades, come” are said three times. If you hear footsteps, laughter, clicking heels, or see an image moving inside the mirror, the staircase is immediately erased. They just say that people don’t always have time to do the laundry, because it moves at different speeds and you may simply not notice how it ends up with you.

You need to put on some perfume, go outside and stand in front of a multi-story building. Look into the dark windows of the third floor and repeat three times: “Queen of Spades come/show up/appear”...

At night, at 12 o'clock, you need to sit in front of the mirror or you can stand. And so, when it’s 12 o’clock, you need to break the queen of spades and look in the mirror. And from afar the Queen of Spades appears and walks. In the mirror you see how she begins to choke you. To prevent her from strangling you, you need to either turn on the light or break the mirror. And if you don’t turn on the light, she’ll strangle you.

You need to go to a dark room where there is a mirror, preferably the bathroom. You need to smear the mirror with soap, take a candle and place it so that it is reflected in the mirror. Then you need to take the Queen of Spades card and place it facing the mirror. When you call the Queen of Spades, your hair must be carefully tucked under a scarf. If even one strand sticks out, the Queen of Spades appears, grabs you by the hair and begins to pull, hitting your head against the walls. Then you need to sit down and look in the mirror. At exactly midnight the figures will appear. If these figures are white triangles, then the Queen of Spades is kind and you can make a wish, it will come true. If it is not white triangles that appear, but something else, then the Queen of Spades is evil and you need to expect misfortune.

You need to put a glass of cold water and pour some more warm water and put a mirror on top. When droplets appear on the mirror, you need to call the Queen of Spades: “Queen of Spades, come out!” This must be done at 12 o'clock. When she appears, if you can’t do anything or get scared, you need to run away. But if you have enough strength, you need to say: “Queen of Spades, perish!”

This is done at night. At 11 o'clock you need to tie a black thread on your hand. And say 10 times: “Queen of Spades, come!” The Queen of Spades will appear. At this time, you need to cut the thread and say 1 time: “Unclean, get out!”

It is necessary that there is no red in the room. Put 15 kopecks in a glass so that it's tails and repeat "Queen of Spades, come!" And these 15 kopecks should rise from the bottom on their own. She [the Queen of Spades] must come out herself and whoever she points to will be happy.

You stretch a white thread from the table to the bed and hang candy on it. You take a piece of paper and write down what you need: a kilogram of chewing gum or a kilogram of oranges, lilacs in winter or something. You need to get up at 12 o'clock and write. She'll bring everything. If you want to see her, do so carefully, through closed eyes. If she sees you looking, there will be grief.

You have to stick a needle into the wall at night. The Queen of Spades will come, maybe she will strangle you, or maybe she will fulfill your wish. Everything will be at midnight. You can't turn on the light - it will disappear. If she wants to strangle you, you need to shout: Tari, tari, tari, her. Make my wish come true!

They take red threads, woolen ones, and tie them to the legs of a chair or other furniture. Then they take the queen of clubs from the deck and place it face down. After this, they leave the room and close the door. When he arrives, there are crosses on the floor, like birds, but not in order, as they are scattered on the floor. And maybe the bed has been thrown off, the chairs have been turned over. If you enter while the lady has not yet hidden herself in her card, she will strangle you. You need to wait 10 minutes.

Each of you is already familiar with the character from children's horror stories and legends, the Queen of Spades. Usually the first question is related to how to call it, and the question of the consequences of the call fades into the background. In this article I will tell you about the possible harm and consequences of calling the Queen of Spades.

Based on the legend, we understand that the Queen of Spades herself is in the kingdom of the dead. If you disturb her and call her, you should not hope that she will come to you in a good mood. The Queen of Spades can play a cruel joke on you and cause you both moral and physical harm, and if you’re lucky, it can simply scare you. If your challenge is not based on selfish goals of an evil nature and you are in a friendly mood, the Queen of Spades will most likely simply scare you, and may not show up at all.

If you call the Queen of Spades with a grin, without faith in her or her abilities, or are hostile, do not expect anything good from the ritual. If you make her very angry, she can take your soul and leave you with only a physical body. Yes, you will walk the earth in the same way, and outwardly nothing will change in you, but humanity, all wonderful feelings will die in you, only hatred, anger and indifference to everything around you will remain.

During the ritual itself, slight suffocation and clouding of mind are possible. Don’t be scared or surprised if something starts to fall or break during the ritual; you are still summoning a soul from the underworld. Also, immediately after the end of the ritual, there may be a breath of grave cold, and doors or windows may unexpectedly open. The Queen of Spades can cause bodily harm to you, either herself or with the help of objects around you. This could be a chandelier hanging above you, a closet next to your bed, windows, mirrors or other objects.

The Queen of Spades can leave bruises or redness on your body on her own. Also, sometimes she leaves her marks all over the place where you called her, they can be barely noticeable, or they can look like distinct red marks from prehensile hands. The Queen of Spades may begin to talk to you or convey some messages, sometimes not verbally, but rather incomprehensibly, for example, with the help of foreign objects she will try to explain something to you.

You shouldn’t expect good and pleasant words from the Queen of Spades; she will scare you and talk about approaching death, the passing of your loved ones or beloved pets, as well as the impending apocalypse. The most serious consequences can be injuries to the legs, arms, head and internal organs. The summoned lady may not touch you herself, but she is quite capable of getting into your brain and harming herself. The Queen of Spades can even, a lot depends on the time of day and your mood, and the location of the lady herself.

These are just the most basic points of what can happen when calling the Queen of Spades. It is impossible to predict her mood and the possibility of a response from her soul from the other world. But the Lady herself is quite strong, she moves like a soul that cannot be touched or even seen until she herself wants it, and can be unpredictable. You should think carefully about whether to call her, and be sure to think through a defense strategy. Summoning the Queen of Spades is a serious matter that can have serious consequences. I strongly recommend not to call her, who knows what will come to her mind?

Rituals on how to summon the Queen of Spades are simple, fascinating, but have their consequences. Let's figure out who the mysterious princess is who knew the secret of the three cards, why she is popular and what stories haunt her. Let's study ways to call a guest through the looking glass.

The image of a mystical princess

In many card fortune telling and mystical stories, the Queen of Spades is described as an evil, envious woman or a secret ill-wisher.

Essentially, this is an ordinary image in a deck of cards. However, either her ominous appearance, or the suit itself, suggests the idea of ​​a witch who brings bad luck.

There is a legend about a dark lady living in a mirror, who can be summoned. She also grants wishes.

In the story by A. S. Pushkin, the main character is presented as an old princess who acquired the card secret after communicating with a great magician. She had great influence in the secular world of her time and lived for a very long time. With one word she could both ruin a person’s reputation and mitigate a severe punishment. The writer claims that the princess was closely acquainted with the count, who had the fame of a magician, and received from him the secret of three cards.

It’s quite difficult to say who the mysterious lady through the looking glass is. Therefore, when trying to summon her, you cannot guess which ghost will come. Perhaps the first step is to find out what might happen during an intriguing meeting.

Here are some instructions for calling the Queen of Spades:

  • If so, it is better to stop the ritual. Otherwise, you can completely forget not only the words of the spell, but also the actions aimed at protection.

  • Imagination can work against us, we need to be able to control it. What may appear in the mirror is not an old princess, but an evil entity that is difficult to drive back.

  • Prepare for the meeting as seriously as possible. It is advisable to wear clothes with embroidered protective runes, and also have salt and protective prayers with you. Before you begin the challenge, prepare yourself psychologically for self-defense. The main thing is to sincerely believe in the success of the ritual.

Remember that the words of any conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, and the ritual must be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

There is an opinion that the Queen of Spades can make wishes come true. To make a request to her, place a lit candle and your photo on the mirror and say the following words:

In the name of the Great and Powerful Universe, I beg you, Queen of Spades, to come to my call through this mirror.

You need to repeat the phrase until you feel the presence of spirit in the room. As soon as an extraneous shadow or light whisper appears, say your desire as loudly and clearly as possible. Then quickly extinguish the candle and turn on the light.

When a lady is present in the room, you cannot show a feeling of panic or fear, otherwise you don’t know what might happen.

Formulate your desire clearly so that there is no ambiguity. It should not harm others. You can write it down in advance and then read it out loud.

Next ritual takes place at midnight. standing in front of the mirror, tear up the card with the image of the Queen of Spades and, looking closely at it, try to recognize her image. When you feel the presence, say your wish out loud and break the mirror on the floor. If this is not done, the princess may strangle her.

Ceremony with candles. To summon the Queen of Spades, choose a round table with a white tablecloth. At a quarter to twelve we place a square mirror, light two red candles in front of it, and look carefully into the reflection. Soon you will see a dark eye. Looking straight into it, you need to make a wish and put out the flame.

The mysticism associated with the Queen of Spades was talked about long before Pushkin’s poem.

The following methods of calling a mirror guest are known from folklore:

  • On the night of the full moon, a staircase with a door is drawn on the mirror with lipstick. Turn off the lights, light the candles. Having said the phrase “Queen of Spades, come” three times, you need to wait for any signs of the presence of the entity. Hearing rustling sounds, the image of the stairs must be erased.
  • Standing in the bathroom, lightly smear the mirror with toilet soap, place a candle and the Queen of Spades card next to it. After this, tie a scarf on your head, carefully hiding your hair under it - otherwise the entity may drag you along with you. When everything is ready, look carefully at the reflection. At exactly midnight, if a light shadow appears, there is nothing to be afraid of - you can safely make your wish. But if you see something dark or unpleasant, turn on the lights and put out the candles.

Most of all, the challenge of the Queen of Spades is of interest to children and teenagers. The desire to prove to their peers their fearlessness and well-developed imagination push young people to take risky actions. However, we must remember that performing the ritual incorrectly can cause fatal accidents. After all, otherworldly spirits are unhappy when they are disturbed and try to punish the culprit in any way. You shouldn't put your life in danger.

The gloomy image of the fortune-telling card has transformed into one of the most interesting spirits, which is most often evoked by lovers of mystical seances. It is believed that he can answer any question and help fulfill his most cherished desires. However, this spirit is dangerous and evil, so you need to know exactly how to summon the Queen of Spades at home and how to complete the ritual.

What happens if you call the Queen of Spades?

In fortune telling cards, the image of the dark queen is associated with misfortune, an evil woman, or negative emotions. According to legend, this image is so powerful that it can be summoned into the human world using mirrors. Depending on the order of the ritual and the mood, the summoned spirit may behave differently:

  • if the one who decided to ask for advice from the Queen of Spades shows his fear or disbelief in the accuracy of her answers, the spirit may become angry and send a curse;
  • if the session drags on and the contact with the other world is prolonged, an ominous image may remain in the home, bringing with it insomnia or bringing on nightmares;
  • in case of a negative attitude in the person calling the spirit, the Queen of Spades can frighten with stories about imminent death, misfortunes and illnesses;
  • if the black queen does not want to communicate with the person calling her, phenomena similar to a poltergeist may occur in the room.

Cases vary, and many people sharing their impressions on mystical forums say that nothing special happened. An unusual face, indeed, appeared in the mirror, but after a moment it disappeared without a trace.

How to summon the Queen of Spades correctly?

In order for a wayward spirit to appear in your home and answer all your questions, you need to correctly conduct a magical session. The best time to communicate with the other world is the full moon. Wait until midnight and begin the ritual.

To carry it out, you will need a new deck of cards - this is a very important condition, since old playing cards lose their magical properties. Also prepare a mirror, wax candles, bright lipstick and a small piece of fabric.

When there are a few minutes left until midnight, draw a ladder on the mirror. Using bright lipstick, draw thirteen steps that end at the door. It is the doorway suggested by your imagination that will be a kind of portal for the spirit to enter our world.

The room should be in twilight, the electric light should be turned off, and only the light of a candle should illuminate the space. Place a deck of cards in front of the mirror and place the Queen of Spades on top. Then call on the image three times and begin to peer into the mirror.

After a few minutes, the surface of the mirror will begin to darken and become covered with a slight haze, the candle will crackle loudly, and you will see an image on the stairs. In most cases, the woman begins to descend the steps, accompanying her appearance with laughter and the rustle of her dress.

At this moment, ask just one, the most important question and wait for an answer. Once the spirit has satisfied your curiosity, quickly erase the steps and tear up the map. Turn on the light and say goodbye to the spirit, and burn the map away from your home. Do not forget that it is of great importance not only how to summon the mysterious Queen of Spades at home, but also how to carry it out correctly.