Polina Popova's dad.  “Delicious food is the key to a good mood”: what is the weight and height of Miss Russia Polina Popova from Yekaterinburg - photo.  Polina Popova.  Biography and modeling career

Polina Popova's dad. “Delicious food is the key to a good mood”: what is the weight and height of Miss Russia Polina Popova from Yekaterinburg - photo. Polina Popova. Biography and modeling career

AT model business Polina did not come by coincidence. AT high school she dreamed of driving different countries and take part in photo shoots. The girl's thoughts materialized pretty soon, and at the age of 15 she began working as a model. Popova began to receive calls with offers of cooperation. In the first months, these were Russian agencies, but very soon they became interested in her in Europe and Asia. That is why, after graduating from school, Polina devoted herself entirely to the modeling industry. By the way, thanks to trips to other countries, Popova realized that she would like to stay in Russia.

Moscow hosted the grand finale of the main national competition but beauty. 50 beauties from all over the country competed for the title of Miss Russia 2017. As always, contenders for the crown had to pass according to standard parameters: height not less than 173 cm, age from 18 to 23 years, no erotic photography, tattoos and a stamp in the passport. Despite the fact that weight does not matter during the selection, girls with uniforms do not go to the competition yet, although the organizers emphasize that they have been waiting and waiting for plus size models. By the way, there are less and less blondes every year. This time the ratio was 7 against 43 in benefit dark-haired.

- Including quite frank. In general, were you ready for questions about kissing a girl and making love on camera (Polina Popova answered that she didn’t make love on camera, but kissed a girl - Ed.)?

- What obligations were assigned to you as "Miss Russia"? After all, this is a very serious job. What do you have to do, do you have days off?

After leaving school, Polina seriously devoted herself to her modeling career. Soon she went to Tokyo, where for a month

5. - After graduation at school, I immediately signed a contract with a modeling agency and flew to Hong Kong. Despite the fact that I did not go to university, self-education is an integral part of my life.

Polina Popova from Yekaterinburg. (updated).

— Do you feel proud or responsible for the fact that you will represent our country at such prestigious competitions?

Polina Popova's parameters: Height: 173 cm. Weight: 48 kg. Eye color: Blue. Chest: 86 cm. Waist: 61 cm. Hips: 86 cm. Photo: Vladimir VELENGURIN

I can't guess. Hope the year will be for . But so far I have no idea what could happen to me.

Polina Popova personal life. Fresh information.

- Of course, your profession, that is, television journalism, is closer to me. Communication with people, shooting - all this is very interesting.

What year (after the scandal with the failure of "Mrs. Russia" by Inna Zhirkova - ed.) on girls not only beautiful, but also resourceful, comprehensively developed. And this time, the judges took into account the way the ten finalists improvised, answering the hosts' sudden questions.

- These are stereotypes. Actually, we don't have anything like that. Everyone supports each other. At least our year was like that. We have only positive emotions.

Polina Popova boyfriend. Summary for today.

Polina Popova is a young charming model, the winner of the Miss Russia 2017 contest. The victory in the national beauty contest gave her the opportunity to present Russian Federation at the Miss World and Miss Universe contests.

Childhood and youth

The Ural beauty was born and raised in the city of Yekaterinburg. FROM early childhood girl with angelic appearance predicted a successful modeling career. Yes, and Polina herself is already in school years began to seriously think about the podium.

In 2011, she first decided to work as a model in hometown and immediately attracted the attention of serious representatives of the fashion industry. At first, she began to receive calls from prestigious Russian agencies, and soon Western fashion managers became interested in the young model. Soon, 15-year-old Polina was already flying to Tokyo, where she was caught by an earthquake, which she survived with the Japanese.

Immediately after school, the girl received an offer to work abroad and did not miss her chance. Per a short time she made a successful career in Europe and the USA, and even wanted to continue her education in China, for which she began to study Chinese. But the plans of the Ural beauty suddenly changed phone call from Moscow.

Polina Popova - Miss Russia 2017

Back in the summer of 2016, Polina participated in the casting for the Miss Russia contest, but did not really count on a positive response, since usually the winners of regional beauty contests get to Miss Russia.

That's what happened this time as well. But together with Miss Yekaterinburg, the selection board approved Popova's candidacy - in 2017, the Sverdlovsk region was represented by several participants at once. The Ural beauties have repeatedly become the owners of the honorary title of "Miss Russia": earlier Yekaterinburg women Irina Antonenko (2010) and Sofia Nikitchuk (2015) were deservedly recognized as Russian beauty queens.

After going through 3.5 weeks of preparation, of which Polina most remembered singing together in karaoke with Nikolai Baskov, who charged her with his bright energy, the girl effectively performed and won the hearts of Laysan Utyasheva, Sofia Nikitchuk, Oksana Fedorova, Igor Chapurin and Jonathan Becker, who were sitting on the jury . As a result, Polina became the first blonde in ten years to win Miss Russia.

For the first place in the competition, Polina was awarded a luxurious golden crown, generously studded with diamonds and pearls, a cash prize of three million rubles and a Hyndai Genesis car.

The winner decided to spend the money prize on education, but not in China, but in Russia. Having traveled around the world, she realized that she wanted to build a career in her native country, and it was in Russia that she wanted to give birth and raise her future children.

Polina Popova's personal life

Polina has a loved one, whose name she prefers not to advertise. The girl even asked him not to attend the competition, so that it would be easier for her to perform. The model's mother also watched her daughter's triumph on TV.

Free time young beauty devotes to sports, especially likes to play tennis. Despite the model parameters, the girl does not exhaust herself with diets and admits that she loves to eat desserts.

Polina's favorite book is "Gone with the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell, and her favorite films are "Catch Me If You Can" with Ivan Urgant invited to his show. on the air" Evening Urgant» Polina Popova spoke about her impressions of the competition and shared details from her life.

MOSCOW, April 16 - RIA Novosti. Twenty-one-year-old Polina Popova from Yekaterinburg won the title of Miss Russia 2017. The winner represented the Sverdlovsk region. Popova has been leading a modeling career for six years, but before that she had not participated in any beauty contest.

Without husbands and bad habits

For the title of the main beauty of Russia fought 50 girls from different parts countries. According to the terms of the competition, all participants in the final stage were taller than 173 centimeters, older than 18 but younger than 23, had no tattoos, bad habits, published photos and videos of an erotic nature, husbands, children and criminal liability.

The 25th anniversary ceremony of the finals of the national competition was held in the concert hall of Barvikha Luxury Village. The event was hosted by radio DJ Maxim Privalov and TV presenter Victoria Lopyreva, who won the title of Miss Russia in 2003. The contestants were evaluated by the world champion and six-time European champion in rhythmic gymnastics Laysan Utyasheva, laureates of previous years - Oksana Fedorova (2001), Sofia Nikitchuk (2015) and Ksenia Sukhinova (2007), designer Igor Chapurin and photographer Jonathan Becker.

The winner was presented with a crown of white gold adorned with diamonds and pearls worth a million dollars, a bank card for three million rubles and a car. Polina Popova also got the opportunity to represent Russia at the international Miss World and Miss Universe contests, according to the contest website.

Muscovite Ksenia Aleksandrova became the vice-miss, and Albina Akhtyamova, a resident of Bashkiria, became the second vice-miss. The girls received grants from the organizers to study at any higher educational institution in the world.

In a special nomination People's Choice", the winner of which is determined by the voting of users of the Woman.ru Internet portal, Lidia Molodtsova from Novosibirsk excelled. 3619 people voted for the girl.

Chinese trace

Polina Popova was born in Yekaterinburg. The girl lives in the Urals all her life, but often travels and works as a model in other countries, as evidenced by the stories of her friends and photos of Popova herself on Instagram. The girl is fluent in English and is learning Chinese. He loves to play tennis and cook.

"Pauline for a long time worked in Guangzhou, studied Chinese and was going to enter a university in China. With me, she went to interviews at institutes," Daria Sayapina, who worked with the Popova model in China in 2013-2014, told the local online publication E1.ru.

In an interview with Izvestia after winning the competition, Polina Popova confirmed that she wanted to enter a university in the Celestial Empire, but now her plans have changed, and she intends to study in Russia.

“I studied Chinese because I wanted to get an education in China. I am sure that in the future I will continue to study Chinese and really improve my knowledge,” Miss Russia 2017 said.

The girl has not yet decided on whom and in what Russian university she will study. The model plans to solve the housing issue "in the very near future" on its own. According to Popova, she makes good money on modeling and is not going to spend the prize money.

"I don't plan to spend this money. I have my own savings, because I made good money in Asia and Europe, working as a model. I recently returned from America. I make really good money, I even have acquisitions that I earned from my work ", - said the girl.

"Ural Great"

In total, three girls from the Ural region performed at the competition. In addition to Popova, who represented the Sverdlovsk region, these are Elizaveta Anikhovskaya (Yekaterinburg) and Elizaveta Savicheva (the city of Berezovsky).

For the third year in a row, the title "Miss Russia" goes to the Urals Federal District: Polina Popova received an award from the hands of the winner of last year's contest, Yana Dobrovolskaya, who represented Tyumen, and before her beautiful girl countries recognized a native of Yekaterinburg, Sofia Nikitchuk.

"The whole Urals should be noted. Because last year the beautiful Yana Dobrovolskaya won - she represented Tyumen. The fact that the Urals are known and celebrated is very nice," Popova said.

19:48 / 17 Apr. 2017

Does she have a boyfriend and how many languages ​​does the 21-year-old model know.

On April 15, the 25th anniversary ceremony of the Miss Russia contest took place in Moscow. The winner was 21-year-old Polina Popova from Yekaterinburg.

The hosts of the ceremony were DJ Love Radio Maxim Privalov and fashion model, winner of the title "Miss Russia 2003" Victoria Lopyreva.

The jury included: Laysan Utyasheva, Oksana Fedorova, designer Igor Chapurin, Ksenia Sukhinova (Miss Russia 2007, Miss World 2008) and legendary portrait photographer Jonathan Becker.

AT intellectual competition The presenters asked the participants what qualities a modern girl should have. Polina's answer was short: " Kind heart and a beautiful smile.

After the announcement of the results, the winner hastened to thank the audience and fans for their support.

I love you Russia! Thank you everyone. My victory is you! Happy holiday to all Orthodox! On the day of a bright, good Easter, from the bottom of my heart I wish to love and certainly be loved, to dream of the secret and with all my heart strive for miracles, not to live a day without faith and hope, always be under reliable protection wings of his angel, - wrote the girl in the microblog.

  • "Miss Russia" is the most famous and prestigious national beauty contest, supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. Traditionally, the winner of Miss Russia 2017 receives an exclusive white gold crown adorned with diamonds and pearls, a cash prize - a bank card in the exclusive design of Miss Russia - worth 3,000,000 rubles, new model car Hyundai Solaris, as well as a chance to represent Russia at the international competitions "Miss World" and "Miss Universe".

Top 5 beauties who glorified Yekaterinburg

Victoria Lopyreva

"Miss Russia - 2003", the ambassador of the 2018 World Cup, the ex-wife of football player Fedor Smolov, lived in Yekaterinburg during his contract with FC Ural.

Daria Dementieva

The title of "Miss Yekaterinburg - 2006" received at the age of 16. She worked on the Moscow TV channel "360". She was a witness in the Loshagin case: allegedly, on the morning after the murder, she came to the loft to Dmitry Loshagin and was going to go with him to the Crimea.

Irina Antonenko

Graduate of school number 156, "Miss Ekaterinburg - 2009", "Miss Russia - 2010", top 15 "Miss Universe", actress, model.

Anna Lesun

"Miss Ekaterinburg - 2012", the "face" of the presentation of Yekaterinburg in the application for EXPO-2020, was the face of the shopping center "Alatyr", a participant in "Miss Russia". Lived in the USA, acted in films, owns three foreign languages: Spanish, English and Japanese.

Sofia Nikitchuk

"Miss Yekaterinburg - 2014", "Miss Russia 2015", 1st Vice Miss World - 2015, actress, model.


About Polina Popova.

"Miss Russia-2017" Polina Popova

The other day, connoisseurs of female beauty found out who received the title of "Miss Russia". He went to a 21-year-old native Sverdlovsk region Polina Popova. The girl plays the piano, is fond of tennis and skiing. She also has behind modeling career and travel around the world. As a reward, the blonde received not only a crown worth a million dollars and compliments, but also three million rubles, as well as a car, which also turned out to be a little less than the prize amount. The ceremony of handing over the keys to the car was held today in one of the city's car dealerships.

Polina shone in a floor-length dress with a slit emphasizing the beauty of her legs, smiling with pleasure, signing autographs and answering questions. She was quite sweet and didn't even seem to fully realize that she was officially the most beautiful girl of the year.

WomanHit. tu talked heart to heart with the beauty and learned a lot of interesting things from her.

- Polina, it is known that the Miss World and Miss Universe contests are waiting for you. Are you not afraid to participate in competitions of this magnitude?

- Become a graduate Chinese?

— No, I wanted to study for myself. Well, maybe I'll go to a university in Russia. And what, a good idea. Thank you (smiles).

Where do you keep the million dollar crown?

- In the safe. But it's not in my house, of course. I see her for the second time in my life. The first one is in competition. Because this is such an official event, they brought it to me.

You seem to be a very positive and almost perfect girl. Admit it, do you have any shortcomings?

You need to ask my relatives. I would not call myself an ideal person. There is something in me that can be corrected, but I try to fight it.

- Polina, millions of fans want to know who is the person who managed to win your heart?

“I don’t want to talk about my personal life. But I can say that in men I do not accept such a quality as greed, but I love a sense of humor.

You will soon be able to leave in a brand new car. Do you have a driving license?

- I have rights. I drive for a long time. I went to a regular driving school. I decided not to resort to the services of relatives - mom, dad, brother. I was afraid, although everything in my family is driving. I just said that I would go to specially trained people so that they would not yell at me if something happened (laughs). Passed the first time, despite the fact that it was winter. Although I have always been afraid of the circuit. But what I was more afraid of, it turned out better.

- You yourself are from Yekaterinburg. But now, as we understand it, will you continue to live in the capital?

- Of course. Throughout the year I will travel a lot and live in Moscow. In fact, "Miss Russia" is also a job. Right now, everything is not yet fully finalized, but I will have employment history, where the official position is written: "Miss Russia". Imagine this is a dream job!

Recall that 50 girls from different parts of the country took part in the Miss Russia 2017 beauty contest. They all had to meet the requirements of the competition: to have a height of at least 173 centimeters and be between the ages of 18 and 23 years. Also, do not have photos of erotic content, a criminal record, not be married and not have children.