Ksenia Sukhinova today.  Ksenia Sukhinova about Dima Bilan, beauty contests and parting.  Training of a young beauty

Ksenia Sukhinova today. Ksenia Sukhinova about Dima Bilan, beauty contests and parting. Training of a young beauty

Ksenia Vladimirovna Sukhinova is a Tyumen beauty who won the Miss World status in 2008.

Childhood and youth

Ksenia Sukhinova was born on August 26, 1987 in Nizhnevartovsk, in a family of oil workers, later she moved with her parents to Tyumen. Father, Vladimir Gavrilovich, was an operator of technological installations, and mother, Natalya Alexandrovna, worked as a metrologist at an oilfield service company.

The family did not experience financial difficulties, so Ksyusha grew up in comfort and prosperity. At the same time, parents early childhood tried to instill in their daughters that it is necessary to make a lot of work and efforts in order to achieve high results in life.

A girl from a young age was engaged in gymnastics, swimming, athletics and even received the first category in biathlon. In parallel, she went to ballroom dancing and ballet school. At the same time, she managed to study well and brought home only fives and fours.

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Ksenia decided to continue family dynasty and entered the Tyumen Oil and Gas University at the Faculty of Management and Informatics. In her first year, the girl succumbed to the persuasion of the head of the student Fashion Theater "Atelier" Viktor Garabazhiy and applied for participation in the Miss Oil and Gas contest. Unexpectedly for herself, she took second place and, inspired by success, decided to become a model.

Modeling career

In fairness, it should be noted that Ksenia has to succeed in modeling business had all the necessary information. Nature generously rewarded the girl tall, slim figure and spectacular appearance, and the title of "Vice-Miss Neftegaz" opened up new opportunities for her.

Sukhinova became a participant in several more regional competitions, and at one of them she caught the eye of representatives of the POINT MANAGEMENT agency, who immediately signed a contract with her. Some time later, Ksenia was already defiling on the catwalk in Milan and preparing for shows in Paris.

However, the invitation to take part in Miss Russia 2007 changed her plans. The girl returned to Moscow and began to prepare for the competition. On the eve of the new year 2008, she received the coveted crown from the hands of last year's winner Tatyana Kotova and was declared the most beautiful girl in Russia.

The grueling preparations for Miss World began, which was to be held a year later in South Africa. During this time, Ksenia had to bring her appearance to perfection, prepare dresses and swimwear and learn English in order to adequately represent the country at the most prestigious beauty contest in the world.

Colossal efforts were not wasted, and in December 2008 Sukhinova in a luxurious blue dress from Yudashkin accepted congratulations on the victory. She became the second Russian woman in history to win the Miss World (the first was Yulia Kurochkina in 1992).

In 2008, Ksenia Sukhinova became Miss World

As it should be according to the regulations, Ksyusha spent the whole next year on charity work, traveling around thirty countries, and then began to cooperate with Yudashkin's fashion house. At the same time, she worked in New York and Europe, became the face of the Moscow Eurovision Song Contest, starred in clips from Dima Bilan.

Personal life of Ksenia Sukhinova

After winning the Miss Russia, Ksenia began an affair with the "canning king" Sergei Govyadin, who was twenty-two years older than her. Since then, every appearance of a beauty and a millionaire has become an occasion for gossip.

The audience discussed their gilded mansion in the suburbs, luxurious gifts with which Sergei generously showered his beloved, performance

Ksenia Sukhinova is a girl who is the personification of real Russian beauty. Her sky-blue eyes, silky blond hair and perfect figure will not leave any man indifferent, and will also make any woman envy and imitate.

The girl gained great popularity after winning the two largest beauty contests: “Miss Russia” and “Miss World”, as a result of which her photos began to decorate the famous glosses, and Ksenia was invited to become the face of an incredible song contest Eurovision in 2009. Despite such success, the model still remains a kind and sweet girl who loves and appreciates her family and devoted friends.

early years

The fair-haired beauty was born on August 26, 1987 in the small town of Nizhnevartovsk, Russia. The girl has always been a beloved and desired child, especially warm relationship she supported with her mother. In an interview, Natalya Sukhinova admitted that she always tried to become not only an excellent mother for her daughter, but also a best friend. As you can see, the woman did it perfectly. All her life, Ksenia's parents worked at an oil company, her mother worked as a metrologist, and her father worked as an operator of technological installations.

Mom always wanted to raise not just a kind and sociable daughter, but, above all, a healthy one, so at the age of 4 she sent the baby to a rhythmic gymnastics circle. Having matured a little, Ksenia was sent to the first sports competitions in her life, in which she managed to win. Parents were always very happy with both small and big achievements of their beloved daughter, but after the triumphant, and most importantly the first victory, they realized that an incredible future awaited her.

After such success young beauty started dreaming bigger sports achievements, the top of which was “gold” on Olympic Games, but, unfortunately, these dreams had to be forgotten due to a serious injury. No matter how the girl was asked to part with her thoughts about sports, she could not do it, and almost immediately after the failure in gymnastics, Ksenia began to go in for swimming, and later biathlon. Easily combining sports and studies, the girl managed to remain an excellent student and at the same time earn a rank in her favorite sports.

Following the example of her parents, the girl at the end high school decided to apply to the oil and gas university and move to live in Tyumen for the duration of her studies. There she received a degree in engineering in management and technological informatics, as she considers this profession to be in demand and highly paid. Most likely, she would have worked by profession and followed in the footsteps of her parents, if one day at the choreography class she was not noticed by the director of the local fashion theater, who invited the beauty to try her hand at the modeling industry.

Modeling career


  • Growth- 178 cm;
  • The weight- 50 kg;
  • Options- 90-60-90 cm.

Until that moment, Ksenia did not consider herself a beauty and was not very popular with boys, so she did not understand why the director noticed her, which is why for a long time did not agree to the offer. But having agreed, she was immediately sent to the university beauty contest, in which she managed to take the second place of honor, and at the Miss Tyumen-2005 contest, the girl won a long-awaited victory.

During her performance at the design competition “Russian Silhouette”, the model was appreciated by the heads of the capital agency Point and offered to conclude a long-term contract with them. However, studying at the university was not stopped, because thanks to her hard work, the girl managed to successfully complete the year, and the very next day she was in Milan and defiled at Fashion Week.

After that, Ksenia began to be invited to take part in various fundraising campaigns for those in need, for example, there are photos in which the girl rewards donors who participated in the campaign, and also attended the Avon march “Together against breast cancer” and many other social projects.

Participation in the Miss World contest

In parallel with various events, the model manages to prepare for the popular and very important Miss World contest. How did she manage to combine studies, sports, dancing, catwalk lessons and of English language unknown, but it took her only one year to prepare for the competition. On December 13, 2008, the most important event in the life of the beauty began - the Miss World contest. In the same year, the organizers introduced a system of audience voting, as a result of which Ksenia got into the semifinals, and then into the long-awaited final of the competition.

  • Not only parents and distant relatives worried about the girl, but the whole of Russia. It is very easy to imagine their joyful emotions after they learned about her victory in such a large-scale competition.

By the way, in the entire history of the competition, Ksenia Sukhinova became the second Russian woman to win the competition and receive the diamond crown. The famous Russian designer Valentin Yudashkin helped her win the victory, who sewed a beautiful piece especially for her. green dress. Immediately, her photos began to appear on the pages and covers of the best publications, and her popularity increased to world proportions.

After winning the Miss World contest, the queen is contractually required to participate in charitable and social projects organized around the world. Of course, this is not an easy task, a busy schedule, continuous photos and very little time for rest and recuperation, but the hardworking Ksenia proudly overcame the difficult conditions of the competition. However, her duties did not end there.

After Miss World visited more than 20 countries in a year, the contest management decided to extend the contract with the model for another year. It was the first such case in the 58-year history of the competition. This decision is fully justified, because this year Ksenia collected more than $ 25 million, which were transferred to a charitable foundation.

Life after the competition

In 2009, the girl was offered to become the face of the famous Eurovision Song Contest. During the filming, the beauty changed 42 looks and made make-up artists and hairdressers sweat, who had to embody the features of the girls of the participating countries in the model. For the duration of the song contest, photos with Ksenia adorned the central streets of Moscow, and videos were broadcast before the start of each participant's performance.

After daytime walks around the hot city in the evening, while talking, you really want to skip a glass of wine. Although I'm not a drinker, I know something about you;)) 😜 Turkey is not a very wine-producing country. Here, of course, there are more cultural and religious factors ... although here in Ingushetia, for the first time since Soviet times, vineyards have been planted. Previously, there were quite a few of them, but then they were cut down on command "from above", as in many other regions of the country, and now the industry is being revived, moreover, with the participation of regional authorities. Maybe in Turkey, where I am now, there are regions where they make a wonderful drink, but I don’t know about it))

Taking pictures in Dolmabahce Palace was not allowed, so here is my photo against the backdrop of a picturesque view of the palace complex. It took 11 years to build it, and it took more than 50 tons of gold and silver to finish it, they lived well Ottoman sultans))

Children of today never cease to amaze and delight me. Generation of technology, gadgets and social networks with big heart. They say that every generation is better than the previous one and our children will be better than us (according to the laws of samsara)) So, a talented schoolboy lives in Ufa, who developed a tactile geographical map Russia for the visually impaired? it is made on a 3D printer in the form of a puzzle so that children with vision problems can learn geography from it. Small man is not afraid of experiments and helps his friends and unfamiliar children using modern technologies and knowledge. And successfully self-fulfilling. And we, adults, are often only capable of sending SMS to a short number to credit a small amount to charitable foundations and lament that we are not allowed to work. There is a lot to think about and...

In Novorossiysk, doctors saved the life of a guy after a 14-minute cardiac arrest. Restored breathing and normalized blood pressure. And all this thanks to a passer-by who did not remain indifferent to the man lying on the street. young man... Well, and the skill and professionalism of doctors, of course. Let's honestly answer ourselves the question: “would I go up to a lying guy?” Or I would walk by thinking that he is drunk, stoned and other people will take care of him, and I have BUSINESS, I'm in a hurry. How often can our daily worries be more important than someone else's life? How heartless and callous, insensitive and selfish we have become - what is not a question for Holy Week.

Friends, what do you think about the issue of conducting common business with relatives and friends. There is an opinion that this will lead to a break family ties: sharing of profits, delimitation of the area of ​​responsibility, etc., but what about the pluses? Is there nothing positive? Maybe we just call the wrong ones friends? Or everything is not so bad and we need to look for positive examples around us in order to change our idea about it. I found at least one - in Rostov there is a bartender who makes tiki glasses from clay and has a small production of his own. And on early stages it was his family and relatives who helped him develop his business, they helped to fill the molds and fire the products for the first large order. Until now, everything is fine with a person: both in business and in the family. Came to success, take over the world)

Yes, Ksenia Sukhanova (30) - "Miss Russia" -2007, "Miss World" -2008, a successful model and just one of the most beautiful girls in our country, but she is still embarrassed when she receives compliments. PEOPLETALK Ksyusha told how she managed not to become arrogant, how she worked with Dima Bilan (35) and whether they are intriguing at beauty contests.

I've never experienced being scheming behind your back at a beauty pageant - none of the three I've entered have had that happen. Maybe there is simply no time left for “intrigues” (laughs).

The funniest thing I've ever read about myself on the Internet is that my parents - oil tycoons. This version appeared when it became known that I, a girl from Nizhnevartovsk, won the Miss World contest. Let me remind you once again that my parents are people of the most ordinary professions: my mother is a metrologist engineer, my father is an operator of technological installations.

The strangest and funniest story that happened to me is related to the Mister World contest in 2010. He then took place in Korea, and I did not have a visa. I understood that they might not let me into the country, but there was only a day before the competition, so there was no time to do the documents. At the border, of course, I was informed that they would not let me in without a visa. But after I said that I was a member of the jury of an international competition, the security officers “googled” me and let me into the country.

The most valuable gift that they gave me was my 25th birthday (Ksenia celebrated it five years ago in a luxurious villa in Antibes - I took care of the gift former lover Ksenia is a millionaire Sergey Govyadin, with whom they broke up in 2015. The audience was entertained by Seal (54), Flo Rida, Sophie Alice Bextor (38), LMFAO and (43), and even Stefano Gabbana was invited as invited guests, - Note. ed.).

Filming of Dima Bilan's video for the song "Hold" in Lisbon was wonderful - it is easy and fun to work with him. But there were also not the most pleasant moments - in the scene near the ocean, it was actually terribly cold. There was such a wild piercing wind along the shore that 10 people (the whole film crew) tried to get into my tiny Smart to hide from the cold. Unfortunately, only 3 people entered the car, the rest had to hide behind everything that was nearby.

I've never been drunk in my life. Even if she once drank alcohol, she always controlled herself.

I don't feel famous. I have never been approached by crowds of fans asking for an autograph.

After I was awarded the Miss World title, I had the opportunity to travel around the world for charity, to see how people live and understand how and how to help them.

If I could go back to my childhood and say just one thing to little Ksyusha, I would say: “Dare!”.

My perfect man: strong, self-sufficient and humorous.

March 30, 2014, 20:42

Born in Nizhnevartovsk in the family of Vladimir Gavrilovich and Natalia Alexandrovna Sukhinov. Then she moved with her parents to Tyumen. His father worked as an operator of technological installations, his mother worked in the metrological service of an oilfield service company. Since childhood, she was fond of rhythmic gymnastics, swimming, badminton, skiing She loved to dance and rollerblade. From the age of 12, she began to seriously engage in biathlon. After school, she entered the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University at the Faculty of Technical Cybernetics.
I came to the first beauty contest - "Miss University" at the initiative of my mother. Despite the fact that she is the owner of ideal parameters for a model with a height of 178 cm and a weight of 50 kg, she did not become the winner of her first beauty contest.
In 2005, she took part in the Tyumen beauty contest and won first place.
Two years later, she won the Miss Russia contest.
In 2008, she became the owner of the Miss World title in Johannesburg (South Africa).

After winning the competition, she continued to live in Tyumen for quite a long time. She graduated from the university and received a diploma in the field of management and informatics in technical systems.
She lived abroad for several years, but often came to Russia. She traveled a lot and participated in charity events. I've been to Vietnam, Africa.
Worked in Paris and New York. Photographed for covers fashion magazines, such as "Glamour". Collaborated with photographers such as Patrick Demarchelier.

Receives invitations to take part in prestigious projects related to the Miss Russia beauty contest.
In 2009, she became the face of the international song contest Eurovision, held in Moscow.
In 2010, she was a member of the jury at the Miss World beauty contest in Sanya (China).

Civil marriage. Sergei Govyadin - Patrick Demarchelier's photoset (albeit for a hundred thousand dollars) looks like a gift from the heart, not from the wallet.

Here's another little photo I found

All the newspapers wrote about Xenia's twenty-fifth birthday

A chic birthday celebration was arranged by Miss World 2008 Ksenia Sukhinova on the Cote d'Azur. The gift of Sergei Govyadin, Ksyusha's boyfriend, turned out to match the scope of the holiday - Madonna sang in honor of the world beauty.

Ksenia Sukhinova celebrated her 25th birthday in a villa in Antibes. The celebration was led by Ivan Urgant, and in addition to Madonna, the guests were pleased with their performances by Alena Apina, Sophie Ellis-Bextor and the British singer Seal.

Businessman Sergey Govyadin has been dating Ksenia Sukhinova for several years. As one of the partners of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, he can well afford to please his girlfriend with Madonna's live hits.

Here is what secular columnist Bozena Rynska wrote about this birthday

.... the trouble came from where they did not expect: Western stars began to turn up their noses from the smell of rollback money. At the end of August, a powerful wave was heard on the Cote d'Azur that Madonna herself would perform at the twenty-fifth anniversary of Miss World 2008 Ksenia Sukhinova: allegedly, this gift was going to be made to her beloved by Mrs. Sukhinova's boyfriend, Sergey Govyadin.

Even the inhabitants of Monaco and the Cote d'Azur invited to the party froze in anticipation: it will - it won't. The rumor sounded plausible: Madonna at that time was on the Cote d'Azur, giving a concert in Nice. Shortly before the concert, the singer settled high above Nice, in a reconstructed castle owned by Hollywood producer Ion Pesotsky. And the intrigued public was looking forward to the birthday of Mrs. Sukhinova.

The twenty-fifth birthday of the former Miss World was celebrated in a villa in Antibes. There were about fifty people invited: fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, Senator Andrei Molchanov with his wife Elizaveta, ex-Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin with his wife Irina (she came in a short white dress), CEO CJSC Gazprom Invest Yug Andrey Goncharenko, deputy Ildar Samiev with his wife, socialite Alena Soboleva, banker Boris Davletyarov, jeweler Jacobs Arabo, Igor and Olga Krutye, federal inspector administration of the presidential envoy to the southern federal district Igor Renich. Some of the guests came with their superyachts and parked them near the Cape d'Antibes.

Behind the stage erected for one evening, a meadow in flowers opened. The host was invited by the most expensive - Ivan Urgant. But in the beginning, not quite Madonna came out to the guests - Alena Apina. The guests, however, waited and trembled. The evening flew by. The birthday girl managed to change her dress twice. The degree of the cultural program rose: the star Sophie Alice Bexter appeared on the stage. Behind her, to the delight of the audience, is the singer Sil. As it turned out, he was the main trump card of the program.

Sergei built a chic mansion for his beloved

And then Sergei Govyadin looked on the terrace - my friends immediately perked up and told that the construction of a country estate of four thousand meters had finally been completed, which the businessman had prepared specifically to make a cozy nest with Ksenia Sukhinova (the couple has been dating for more than two years). This was followed by a story about how Ksenia gave her lover a rare Rolls-Royce, bought with her own savings. In general, these two are simply obliged to please us in the near future with the news of an imminent wedding.

Natalya Sukhinova always believed in the success of her daughter, but did not even imagine that someday she would become famous model. A sports future, perhaps a fast-paced business career (Ksenia has a higher technical education and a diploma from the State Oil and Gas University), but the podium ...

Natalya Alexandrovna has something to be proud of - Miss Russia 2007 and Miss World 2008 Ksenia Sukhinova are her daughter.

“When Xenia decided to take part in her first beauty contest dedicated to the International women's day"March 8", she was 17 years old and she lived in Tyumen, and I was in Nizhnevartovsk. My daughter called me on the phone and said that there would be a beauty contest at the university. I replied: "Well, you can go and try your hand." Something like parting words gave her.

I absolutely do not welcome the participation of little girls in beauty contests, children should be protected from this. Yes, and the beauty contests themselves in our country are covered from some strange angle.

In general, we have never been ill with anything like this, we have not dreamed. Ksenia is my sports girl, who started to make up only in her second year, was actively involved in biathlon and never dreamed of a modeling career. But at the university where Ksenia studied, there was a fashion school, the director noticed a high, beautiful girl and invited her.

What happened as a result - it turned out purely by chance. But I'm very happy about it.

I never had any fears associated with the fact that my daughter became a star, a model - only pride. I attended competitions in Moscow and Johannesburg, where all the feelings were mixed, but most importantly, there was tremendous joy and pride in her.”

Natalia, how to achieve the perfect balance: to remain a friend for your daughter and at the same time make her a strong and self-confident person - a winner?

You need to spend a lot of time with your child, talk with him, communicate. When Xenia was 17 years old, she went to her grandmother in Tyumen, and I stayed in Nizhnevartovsk. I really missed! There was a child, and now he left and you won’t hug, you won’t kiss at any moment, you won’t talk - it’s hard to survive. I called her every day, took business trips as far as possible, went to her, and she to me. You can’t “lose” each other, you need to be constantly in touch, listen, hear, talk, love. It is these warm relationships that allow the child to then be self-confident.

Does Ksenia have the qualities of a champion?

Of course! She was into biathlon. He raised her well, because this is a rather tough sport. Ksenia is a leader by nature, she must always be the first, the best, she always counts on victory, on the best result. In addition to biathlon, she still managed to do rhythmic gymnastics and study for one fours and fives. Of course, she wanted to please me too, it's wonderful when a child has a lot of medals, diplomas, has his own small victories.

Were you a strict mom?

When Ksenia was a teenager, she had to be strict - there is no other way with teenagers. And when she was little, I just convinced, directed in the right direction. There is already too much cruelty in this world, so I found a balance: I was not a dictator, but I was not a mumble.

You a good relationship With civil husband Xenia Sergey? Did you immediately agree with her choice?

Ksyusha was already Miss Russia and Miss World when Sergey began courting her. At first, I was wary of him, as, in general, of all my daughter's acquaintances, but I began to get accustomed to Sergey. When Ksenia handed over the Miss World crown in Johannesburg, we were in South Africa with Sergey and lived in one hotel, and Ksenia, as a participant in the ceremony, in another. One day, after dinner, Sergei and I were sitting in the hall, there was a piano nearby and he sat down at it and began to play a piece from Tchaikovsky's The Seasons cycle, and he played wonderfully! I was amazed: a man with such a brutal appearance was not at all associated with classical music! The fact that he can play the piano was a big surprise for me.

And quite recently, Ksenia and I were in Greece on the set, and our trip coincided with my birthday. And here we are, after the tour, returning to the hotel, and there Sergey! Decided to surprise us. In the evening we went to a restaurant and imagine a beautiful atmosphere, an aria performed by Placido Domingo sounds and our Sergey starts to sing along. And he sang so beautifully, professionally, that the whole audience applauded him, the waiters, guests, everyone shouted: “Bravo!” and "Bis!"

In general, Sergey is not only an excellent musician, but also a very charming and witty person, it is pleasant and comfortable to be with him in any company, he has some incredible charisma.

Sergey and Ksenia have been together for almost 5 years and I think that they complement each other perfectly, a very beautiful couple.

Sergey doesn't mind modeling career Xenia?

No you! He supports her and certainly does not interfere.

Please remember the happiest moment you had with your daughter?

I think it was when we came to enroll in the institute and called our last name, we ended up on the lists. There was a difficult specialty, mostly only boys entered this faculty. Such a competition, high passing score! And she passed! We were very happy.

And, of course, the Miss World contest was incredible: delight, joy, pride and, at the same time, excitement. Such a burden of responsibility fell on the shoulders of my daughter. These are the unforgettable moments of happiness Ksenia gave me.