Modern English in modern society.  The role of foreign languages ​​in modern society

Modern English in modern society. The role of foreign languages ​​in modern society

Topic (essay) in English on the topic "English in life / English in the life"

Why is it so important to learn foreign languages?

I think, nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third it`s just a hobby. People want to know languages, to write to their pen-friends or to communicate with people from different countries, to meet more people and make new friends. Also, they want to read books of famous writers in original, to read newspapers and magazines. It helps them to know more about different events, people`s life, customs and traditions.

Nowadays, English has become an international language. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. As for me, I learn English from 7 years of age. This language helps me very much, to speak free with people from all over the world, make new friends and participate in international contests.

I like one proverb of Johann Goethe:" He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not know anything about his own." I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, a little Italian and Spanish. And I`m very proud of it, because languages-it`s my second life. Also, I would like to learn Germany, French and Serbian, but this year I dedicate myself to learning Italian. You know, dream from my childhood - to be an an interpreter and I`m sure, I get it.

Personally, I think that to know foreign languages ​​today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. So let`s to learn foreign languages ​​and discover with them many interesting things in our life!


I think nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages ​​because they need them for work, others travel abroad, and others just as a hobby. People want to know languages, write to pen pals or communicate with people from different countries, meet more new people and make friends. In addition, they want to read books by famous writers in the original, read newspapers and magazines. This helps them learn more about different events, people's lives, customs and traditions.

Learning foreign languages ​​broadens our horizons, people become more educated. In my opinion, languages ​​are especially important for those who work in various fields of science and technology, politics. A foreign language helps you learn your native language better. People who know many languages ​​are polyglots. We know some names of polyglots: German professor Schlimmann, famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.

Nowadays, English has become an international language. About 300 million people speak it as their mother tongue. As for me, I have been learning English since I was 7 years old. This language helps me a lot, speaking fluently with people from all over the world, making new friends and taking part in international competitions.

I like one proverb of Johann Goethe: "He who does not know foreign languages ​​does not know anything about his native language." I speak Ukrainian, Russian, English, some Italian and Spanish. And I'm very proud of it, because languages ​​are my second life. Also, I would like to learn German, French and Serbian, but this year I dedicate myself to learning Italian. You know, my childhood dream was to be a translator and I'm sure I will be.

Personally, I think that knowing foreign languages ​​today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Therefore, let's learn foreign languages ​​and discover many interesting things in our life with them!

Kuznetsova Milena

In English Translating to Russian language
The Role Of The English Language In The Modern World The role of English in the modern world

Half a century ago English was just one of the international languages, accepted in the world. As the time passed, the role of English in the society has significantly increased. Nearly every adult in the world dreams to learn the basics of spoken and written English. On top of that, they want their children to know conversational English well. There are many reasons for that. First of all, wherever we travel people know this language. Whether it’s a European country or Asian and African, everywhere people will understand you if you explain what you are looking for in English. Secondly, nearly all businesses in the world are done in English today. Basically every field requires the knowledge of this language. The students know that English plays a great role in education and their future career. The professionals know that if they learn English at least to intermediate level, they can get a significant pay raise and rapid career development. Thirdly, a lot of books and periodicals are written in English. Most Internet sites and pages are composed in English. And, it goes without saying that all computer programs and applications use the English language. From the very start of computers’ introduction in the society English was used as the basic language. Many famous films and songs are also in English. This list can continue endlessly, but the most important thing is that everyone in modern society understands how important English is today.

Half a century ago, English was just one of the international languages ​​accepted in the world. Over time, the role of the English language in society has increased significantly. Almost every adult in the world dreams of learning the basics of spoken and written English. In addition, they want their children to have a good command of spoken English. There are many reasons for this. First, wherever we go, people know this language. Whether European country or Asian and African, everywhere people will understand you if you explain what you are looking for in English. Secondly, almost all world business is conducted today in English. In principle, every field requires knowledge of this language. Students know that English plays a big role in education and their future careers. Specialists know that if they can speak English at least at an intermediate level, they can get a significant salary increase and rapid advance up the career ladder. Thirdly, many books and periodicals are written in English. Most of the Internet pages and websites are written in English. Well, it goes without saying that all computer programs and applications use English. From the very beginning of the introduction of computers into society, English has been used as the main language. Many famous movies and songs also in English. This list is endless, but the most important thing is that everything in modern society understand how important English is today.

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There are many countries in the world, and even more languages ​​spoken by their inhabitants. And in this case, we are not talking about a hundred or two, but about several thousand. How can the population of the Earth understand each other? But this purpose is served by international languages, which allow all of us to communicate with each other, regardless of nationality and place of residence. One of them is English. Moreover, English is the language of international communication for all mankind.

The Importance of English in the Modern World hard to overestimate. After all, one cannot but reckon with the choice of more than 1 billion people who use it. And if for half of them it is native, then about 600 million chose it as a foreign language. Of course, the range of distribution of the English language in the modern world is so great that this language cannot be identical in different areas. Despite its diverse variants and the presence of specific features for each nationality, English remains the most popular language in our country. the globe. What role does English play in our lives today?

The Importance of English in the Modern World

In general, political, economic, scientific, sport life all over the world "flows" in English. English is designated as the official and working language of the United Nations. All sorts of summits and meetings of heads of state, the signing of laws and decrees, negotiations and debates - all this is held in English. International trade, the operation of the banking system, the activities of the transport system on land, at sea and in the air are carried out in English. This language is a living communication tool for academicians, doctors of sciences, scientists around the world. After all, international conferences, the study of world experience and the exchange of information of scientific minds takes place only with the use of the English language. Yes, what is there to say - Olympic Games and all sorts of competitions between countries have chosen English as the official language.

The importance of the English language in the modern world is so great that its knowledge is not a privilege and luxury. Once upon a time, computers, as well as mobile phones, could only be afforded by people of a certain social class. Now these things are essential. The same can be said about English. It is taught by everyone and everywhere: in schools, universities, courses. And in our digital age, anyone can do it without leaving home. It is understood that any educated person is simply obliged to speak English, since it is he who is his key to further self-education and self-improvement. That is why there are now so many organizations offering to teach you English. However, do not think that this is so easy to do. Learning any language is a long process that requires certain costs, both mental and financial.

Still, learning English is worth it. Do you want not to feel like a black sheep, but to freely communicate with people different nationalities? Do you want to become a student of a foreign university? Want to prestigious job with career advancement? Or maybe you want to work abroad? One tip - learn English. After all, over time, you will still understand that 75% of the world's correspondence is carried out in English, 80% of information on computers is also stored in this language, and most international documents, articles, literary works, instructions are written in English. And we have not yet taken into account the film industry and the musical Olympus. American-made films have firmly entered our lives, and any pop artist considers it prestigious to sing at least one

Lozbyakova Anastasia. School №3, Rtishchevo, Saratov region, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Why do I study English.

The role of the English language in the life of people

People in Russia study some foreign languages: French, German, Spain, Italian and some others. But the most popular is, of course, English. Why so? I think that there are some reasons for its popularity. First, children learn it at school; they study it further at the universities and institutes because it is easier to learn than any other language. Second, it sounds very pleasant and sweet. Third, English is used in world media. This language is needed when we travel abroad because we have to communicate with people of different nationalities. English is an international language it is spoken in more than 120 countries, it is a working language of the United Nations. Besides, many people want to use it for a future career. Now English is a language of communication for people of various professions. I can name only some of them: politicians, sportsmen, pilots and air traffic controllers, scientists, etc.

As for me, English attracts me because it is used everywhere: on the labels of different goods, in different instructions to them. Nowadays there are many borrowings from English in the Russian language. And we cannot understand the meanings of these words without knowing this language. Every modern person should try to learn English. There are so many beautiful English books which are worth reading in original. Besides, a lot of songs, films and other cultural things are written in English and we can understand them without translation if we try to do the best. Our contacts with the people of the world become more and more wider. Nowadays there is a practice of specialists exchange in different spheres of life. It is one more reason for learning English. I express my own opinion and I think that many people can support me.

People in Russia learn many foreign languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian and several others. But the most popular, of course, is English. Why is that? I think there are several reasons for its popularity. First, children learn it at school, then they learn it at universities and institutes because it is easier to learn than any other language. Secondly, it sounds very pleasant and cute. Thirdly, English is the language of the mass media of the world. This language is needed when we travel abroad, because we have to communicate with people of different nationalities. English is an international language spoken in more than 120 countries and is the working language of the United Nations. In addition, many people are studying it for future careers. Now English is the means of communication between people. different professions. I can name only a few of them: politicians, athletes, pilots and air traffic controllers, scientists, and so on.

As for me, English attracts me because it is used everywhere: on the labels of various products, in the instructions for them. Today in Russian there are a lot of borrowings from English. And we will not be able to understand the meaning of these words without knowing English. Every modern person should try to learn the language. There are so many excellent English books worth reading in the original. In addition, many songs, films and other cultural assets are written in English, and we can understand them without translation if we succeed in learning the language. Our contacts with people from other countries are becoming wider. Today, the exchange of specialists in various spheres of life is practiced. This is another reason to study English. I expressed my point of view, and I think that many people will support me.