What does Maria Golubkina do today.  Maria Golubkina said that she was marrying the son of Vasily Livanov.  Rumors that Maria Golubkina was in a relationship have been around for a long time, but the actress kept the name of her chosen one a secret for a long time.  In TV show

What does Maria Golubkina do today. Maria Golubkina said that she was marrying the son of Vasily Livanov. Rumors that Maria Golubkina was in a relationship have been around for a long time, but the actress kept the name of her chosen one a secret for a long time. In TV show

Larisa Golubkina became a guest of Yulia Menshova's program "Alone with Everyone".

The other day, 77-year-old Larisa Golubkina became the heroine of a popular program, where she spoke about her reconciliation with her daughter Maria, who was offended by her mother when she learned that at the request of Andrei Mironov, she hid the name of her real father from her.

Larisa Golubkina for the first time for a long time decided to give candid interview about his life in the program "Alone with Everyone". In the studio, the actress said that her father and mother raised her in strictness, forbidding her to dream of an acting career, but she, in defiance of them, auditioned for the role of Shurochka Azarova in The Hussar Ballad.

The fame that fell on Larisa became the reason for her loneliness for many years, the actress chose to "close herself from everyone." Many men tried to achieve her favors, but only Andrei Mironov succeeded. Although he had to ask her hand four times. When Larissa married famous actor She already had little Maria. Andrei adopted the girl and forbade his wife to tell the baby the truth. After family secret opened, the relationship between mother and daughter deteriorated.

In the studio of Yulia Menshova, the actress said that the family crisis is over: “Now our relations are getting better. Even got better. I really want to believe it." Larisa admitted that at that time she could not go against Andrei, because she loved him very much and trusted him in everything. She said that after the death of the actor, nothing had changed in their house, and she still did not allow anyone to enter his office.

Larisa and Maria Golubkina

These two pretty actresses of the same age are often confused. Their names are the same - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina. By the way, they have the same patronymic - both Andreevna. And even more precisely we are talking about the same Andrei, beloved by all Mironov. The girls have similar eyes, there is something in common in facial expressions and gestures. And yet both confess in chorus - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina: “We are not sisters! And not even a gram of common blood. "How so? Indeed, according to the documents, both are the daughters of the great Soviet theater and film actor, Andrei Mironov, who passed away early. But why don't they consider themselves sisters and why do they have different surnames?

Masha and their parents

The first of them, Mironova, was born in last days May 1973. Her parents are an outstanding Soviet actor and his first wife, who also became famous for her role as radio operator Kat from 17 Moments of Spring. By the way, it was little Masha who was the very little one that the radio operator held in her arms. The girl was named after her grandmother, Andrei's mother, the famous actress Maria Mironova. As for the second Masha, she is not the biological daughter of Andrei Mironov. Maria Golubkina was adopted by him at the age of three when he married her mother. Thus, her mother is the famous Russian-Soviet actress Larisa Golubkina, and who is the father? This question is not so easy to answer. At the time when Masha was born, her mother was not legally married, but lived with Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev. It is he who is considered the official father of the girl, although Golubkina chose to give her daughter her last name. However, in some interviews, Shcherbinsky says that he has nothing to do with his daughter. civil wife, and calls Vladimir Dostal, the director of Mosfilm, with whom Larisa was legally married, as Maria's father. However, the real father for the girl was Andrei Mironov, who married her mother when Maria was only 3 years old, and even adopted her. Thus, Andrei Mironov had two daughters of the same age - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina.


The first Masha lived with her father under the same roof until she was 3 years old. However, the love between Gradova and Mironov soon passed, disagreements arose, and Andrei was not indifferent to actress Larisa Golubkina, and then the couple broke up. Masha, of course, stayed with her mother and moved with her to her parents - grandparents. On the contrary, his new wife and daughter, Maria Golubkina, moved to the artist. Andrei Mironov soon became very attached to the girl and decided to adopt her. But the new husband of Ekaterina Gradova (by the way, soon after the divorce she moved away from the acting environment), physicist Igor Timofeev, was practically indifferent to his wife's daughter, he probably understood that he had no chance to compete with the great artist. Since the divorce was quite intelligent, without squabbles and resentments, Catherine was not opposed to father and daughter meeting.

Perhaps it's jealousy?

If Andrei Mironov and Maria Golubkina lived under the same roof, had breakfast and dinner together, spent evenings, all weekends, then Masha Mironova did not see her father very often. Nevertheless, everyone saw in her a lot in common with Andrei. She was similar to him not only externally - the same Blue eyes, the same mouth, the same shade of hair - but also with their manners, sophistication and sense of style. But, unlike him, she was very closed and silent, immersed in herself. The girl did not even think about the profession of an actress, she dreamed of a career as a ballerina, although Gradova did not want to send her to a ballet school, and Masha was content with a dance circle. She, apparently, always felt abandoned by her father. One day Andrew introduced her to stepsister, and the girls, to put it mildly, did not like each other. Until now, the relationship between Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina cannot be called close, let alone sisterly.

New family, new dad

Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina have been married for 13 years. The new wife was an ideal wife, mother, mistress. Mironov was an excellent father to her daughter. Those who did not know the history of their family thought that Maria Golubkina - own daughter Mironov. It’s just that her last name raised questions from everyone: why did Larisa give her daughter her last name, and not her father? The girl loved Andrei very much, they had their own secrets from their mother. Masha went in for equestrian sports, at the same time she was a creative person, she often asked her father for advice on a particular issue, and her mother was the ideal woman for her and served as an example for her in everything.

Masha Mironova: entry into the profession

As already noted, Maria Mironova dreamed of becoming a ballerina as a child. When she was very small, she dressed up in a dress that looked like a tutu, put on a record of classical music and imagined herself or Maya Plisetskaya. However, she failed to become a ballerina, her parents never sent her to a ballet school, but all her childhood she danced in various dance circles, and when she grew up, she honed her skills in clubs. Thanks to this, she had a very graceful gait, excellent plasticity of movements, and the proud posture of a ballerina. At the age of 10, she first appeared in a movie (of course, except for her debut in the series “17 Moments of Spring”). She played the role of proud Becky Thatcher in the beloved children's film about Tom Sawyer. Many Soviet girls would dream of being in her place and being the partner of handsome Tom.


Apparently it was fate, but at the moment when Mironov had a stroke, which took his life, Masha was in the hall and saw everything with her own eyes. She was 14, and this, of course, was the strongest shock for her. Last time she saw her father awake between parts of the play in the dressing room, and he shared with her his plans for a trip to Holland. The next few days after the blow, which the artist spent in the hospital and was in a coma, the daughter did not leave his bed a single step. It was then that the hospital learned that the artist had two daughters - his own - Maria Mironova and daughter Golubkina, also Masha. The second was also very worried about her father, but she probably understood that the place by the bed of Andrei Mironov belonged to his own daughter.

Studying at the Boris Shchukin School

It seems to many that Masha Mironova, after the role, was already one hundred percent sure that she would become an actress. However, it is not. She thought for a long time future profession, and at the last moment I decided to enter the “Pike”. By the way, later she starred in the film “Leading Roles” (2002) directed by Tigran Keosayan about this period of her life. In 1990, Masha became a student of the country's most prestigious theater school. It was here that her father once studied. Her mentor and curator was Yuri Lyubimov. She soon realized that she liked to play on stage. So she became the continuer of the profession of her parents - Andrei Mironov and Ekaterina Gradova.

The beginning of a theatrical career

After “Pike”, she studied at VGIK, and then she entered the service at the Lenkom Theater and quickly became the favorite of Zakharov, who began to trust her with very good roles. In the first year, Maria had an affair with the son of Yuri Yakovlev. By the way, she never finished her studies at the Shchukin School, since, as a first-year student, she started an affair with businessman Igor Udalov, whom she had known since the age of 9. Then there was the wedding and the birth of her son, whom she named Andrei in honor of the famous grandfather. Looking ahead, we can say that the grandson and namesake of Andrei Mironov also continued family tradition. After leaving school, he entered the same "Pike", and after graduation he became an actor in the Vakhtangov Theater.

Masha Golubkina: entry into the profession

Just like the actress Maria Mironova, Golubkina's daughter Masha did not dream of an acting career as a child. She thought that she would become an athlete, because from the age of 11 the girl was passionate about equestrian sports. However, when the decision to become an actress came to her, she decided to enter the Shukinsky school. Thus, both daughters of Andrei - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina - began to study at the same educational institution. Golubkina's daughter, before entering the "Pike", had already managed to act in a big movie - in the film "Adam's Rib". Unlike her sister, she graduated from college in 1995 and immediately got a job at the Satire Theater - the very theater where she went on stage as a child, while earning money. Andrey and Larisa worked here for many years. From 2007 to 2010, Maria Golubkina worked at the Pushkin Drama Theater (Moscow).


The very first role of Maria Mironova in the Lenkom Theater was Franchetta from The Marriage of Figaro. Further, her repertoire expanded greatly and began to include many serious roles. We can say that in this regard she succeeded more than her sister. As for the cinema, here Mironova Maria gave way to the palm. Actress Golubkina Maria, as already noted, first starred at the age of 16, while still a 10th grade schoolgirl. The car's first role after Becky Thatcher was in Pavel Lungin's film The Wedding. It was she who became the performer leading role. By the way, the second Masha also appeared in this picture. Mironova herself chose her partner in the picture: it turned out to be Marat Basharov. The film turned out to be simply wonderful, in particular, because the director assembled a simply unique cast: Andrei Panin, Marat Basharov, Alexander Semchev, and two sisters - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina. The film won a prize. That was a success! However, Masha is most remembered in connection with the film "Oligarch", where she played the role of Platon Makovsky's girlfriend. In the film "State Counselor" her partners were Nikita Mikhalkov himself and Konstantin Khabensky. Further, her list was replenished with roles in such famous films as “Night Watch”, “Death of the Empire”, “Three Musketeers”, etc.

Maria Mironova and Golubkina: sisters or not?

Despite the fact that they were the same age and had known each other since childhood, the girls could not find much sympathy for each other. Today, everyone who knows them says that women treat each other in a civilized, friendly way, but this is not a sisterly relationship. By the way, according to many, they are in many ways similar since childhood: both are serious, unspoiled, erudite. And yet, even as little girls who did not understand anything, they did not want to play together, in the presence of each other they became isolated, Masha Mironova even began to clearly feel sad. Further, life again wished to unite them and arranged so that both chose an acting specialty. As we have already noted, they even had to play in the same pictures. Both have become popular movie actresses, both love to experiment, although Mironova loves refined roles more, and Golubkina agrees to play any role, as long as it suits her perfectly. So, Masha agreed to star in the film “Scam”, where she had to appear in the form of a journalist exposing a swindler-scientist, then there were the series “Jackpot for Cinderella”, “Crazy”, “Revelations”, “Pearls”, etc. Golubkina also starred in mini-series about Sergei Yesenin and the head of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev. In the mid-2000s, she appeared in action films, proving that she could do anything. By the way, "Moscow heat" - teamwork Russian and American filmmakers.

Two Maria Andreevna today

Now they are both in their forties, and both look great. Masha Mironova is a tall blonde, as in her youth, she is slim and elegant, while the second Masha is a brunette, although she often experiments with her hair. Maria Golubkina, on the contrary, tends to be overweight, but tries to always be in shape. She is shorter in stature. Both have very beautiful blue eyes, which makes them look alike, and they also had the happiness of knowing Andrei Mironov better than anyone in the world and being his beloved girls. Masha has a similar idea of ​​​​success: if you want to be successful, don't wait for someone to bring it to you on a silver platter, go and take what you need from life!

Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is a famous Soviet screenwriter who worked in feature films. Also known as operator documentaries and director. It is he famous actress theater and cinema Maria Golubkina. Although she was brought up and raised by her adoptive father - People's Artist of the RSFSR Andrei Mironov. Masha's mother is a popular actress Larisa Golubkina.

Biography of the screenwriter

Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev was born at the very beginning of 1945. Throughout his career, he has worked in State Committee for foreign economic relations. At the same time he was engaged literary activity, and she was closely associated with cinema. At the same time, he has two higher education. Nikolai Sherbinsky-Arseniev graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and the Moscow literary institute named after Gorky.

He has received three international awards for his work. His most famous work is the novel "According to the Law of War". In 1983 it was filmed by director Igor Slabnevich.

It is interesting that Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev is a nobleman by birth. It is reliably known from his pedigree that his grandfather was an admiral Baltic Fleet under Emperor Nicholas II. His other grandfather, on the maternal side, held the high post of vice-governor of Novorossiya.


The cinematic career of Scherbinsky-Arseniev Nikolai Georgievich was mainly formed at Mosfilm. His track record includes about fifty documentary films.

Among his most notable projects is the drama "Somewhere the Oriole is Crying ...", directed by Shcherbinsky-Arseniev as a screenwriter. This is a story about six-month-old Marina, who is taken to Belgium from Russia as a baby. During World War II, she joins the ranks French Resistance, fighting against the Nazi invaders. She commits a daring murder of a high-ranking German officer, for which she is sentenced to death. It is noteworthy that Feature Film based on true events that happened to the daughter of the Russian General Shafrov.

In 1982, the war film by Igor Slabnevich "According to the Laws of War" was released on Soviet screens, which we have already mentioned. It tells about the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In a small Soviet town, a train is preparing to be sent to the front. The main characters are four soldiers who, having gone on leave, were late for the train's departure. During the war, such an act was regarded as desertion. Therefore, the comrades decide to act independently. They make their way to the railway bridge, where they find a group of German saboteurs. Soviet soldiers enter into an unequal battle, at the cost of their lives, saving the bridge and train from death.

In 1984, Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev, whose biography is described in this article, wrote the script for Oleg Viktorov's melodrama "The Road to Yourself". It tells about the young Vienna Sidelnikov, who, secretly from his parents, goes to work on a large Soviet construction site. There he meets with real difficulties, helping him to show character, to understand what he is worth in this life.

The last notable work in the cinema of the hero of our article was the script for the criminal detective Igor Popov "86,400 seconds of the work of the police on duty." The tape is based on real events that took place in 1974, when in Riga criminals robbed collectors, killing the driver.

Relations with Golubkina

Larisa Golubkina is a popular theater and film actress, People's Artist of the RSFSR. She became famous for her roles in Eldar Ryazanov's musical comedy "The Hussar Ballad", the lyrical comedy of the same director "Give me a plaintive book", Naum Birman's comedy musical "Three in a boat, not counting the dog".

In 1969, she met screenwriter Scherbinsky-Arseniev Nikolai Georgievich, with whom they began to live in a civil marriage. In 1973, the couple had a daughter, who was named Maria. True, for the hero of our article, this was not a reason to make Golubkina a marriage proposal. Young people still continued to live unregistered. As a result, in 1974 their union broke up.

Golubkina met soon with whom she officially formalized relations in 1977. They lived together until the death of the actor in the 87th.

Daughter of Shcherbinsky-Arseniev

The personal life of Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arseniev cannot be called successful. Officially, he never formalized the relationship with Golubkina, in fact, he left the family when his daughter was about a year old.

Maria Andreevna Golubkina took the name of the new parent and his patronymic. Officially, she never recognized Shcherbinsky-Arseniev as her father, although this was obvious to everyone around her.

In the mid-90s, Maria Andreevna Golubkina graduated from the Shchukin School, following in the footsteps of her parents. She made her film debut in 1990 in Vyacheslav Krishtofovich's tragicomedy Adam's Rib.

Her most successful film roles were in Pavel Lungin's dramatic comedy The Wedding, Vera Storozheva's comedy melodrama The Frenchman, Igor Zaitsev's biographical television series Yesenin.

Acquaintance with Golubkina

For many years, almost nothing was known about the relationship between Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev and Golubkina, until the screenwriter himself somehow told the journalist the story of their relationship in an interview.

Shcherbinsky assures that he met Larisa Golubkina back in 1968 at an evening in the House of Writers. Exactly December 27th. Such accuracy is easily explained - on that day it was just 30 years since the death of Osip Mandelstam.

Shcherbinsky in those years was a recognized writer, and Golubkina sang on stage. The polyglot and refined erudite immediately won the heart of the actress. He dedicated spiritual poems to her and courted her beautifully. Soon they began to appear together at secular receptions.

Golubkina and Mironov

Moreover, by that time Golubkina was well acquainted with Mironov, and Nikolai knew this. Larisa and Andrei met back in 1963. Golubkina claimed that Mironov was crazy about her, made her an offer several times, but she constantly refused. Finally, in 1971, Mironov, in despair, married

By that time, Golubkina and Shcherbinsky had been living together for several years, it seemed to many around that it was going to the wedding. But Nikolai constantly put off this question.

As their friends remember, family life they did not work out initially. The mother-in-law was unhappy with her daughter-in-law, and Larisa and Nikolai often quarreled over professional issues. Shcherbinsky was convinced that one should act only in high-quality films and did not support when Larisa played for the sake of earning money.

Birth of Mary

In an interview, Shcherbinsky assures that the birth of his daughter was a long-awaited and joyful event for both him and his common-law wife. He himself named the child in honor of his grandmother Maria Konstantinovna. Initially, the girl was registered in his last name, as Shcherbinskaya.

When Masha was only six months old, Nikolai and Larisa broke up.

By the way, Mironov also had a daughter in the same year, and also family life soon went wrong.

"Turn off" from life

If Gradova did not prevent Mironov from seeing his daughter after he divorced her, then Golubkina actually "turned off" Shcherbinsky from her and her daughter's life.

They didn't let him in, even when he came to see Masha. Nikolai is still going through this situation hard. Moreover, Maria Golubkina openly declares that she does not know him and does not recognize him as her father.

This actress has eminent relatives who are directly related to art. She could take advantage of their position and connections, and easily be on top of Olympus. But Maria Golubkina is used to achieving everything in her life on her own, therefore, despite all the difficulties that she had to overcome, today she has become a successful actress, on whose account there are already more than three dozen successful film projects.

Maria Golubkina appeared in the cinema very early, the girl was only 16. The first picture that brought her success was Adam's Rib. Then there were many good successful work, but it was in this film that she learned to work with the director and defend her point of view.

In the same 2017, she was invited by the host to her program "Secret for a Million". In it, the actress spoke frankly about her personal life with the father of her children, and revealed the secret of their stay in London.

In the summer of 2018, the picture "Garden Ring" was released, in which both daughters of A. Mironov, Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina, were involved. The role of the main character went to Mironova, Golubkina in this series became Katya. The partners of the two half-sisters in the film were A. Bely.

Selected filmography

  • 1990 - Adam's Rib
  • 1993 - Detective bureau "Felix"
  • 2000 - Wedding
  • 2001 - Scam
  • 2004 - Personal number
  • 2005 - Brezhnev
  • 2005 - Yesenin
  • 2009 - Country Comedy
  • 2012 - Nightingale the Robber
  • 2016 - Garden Ring

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Having been born into the family of legendary movie stars, Maria Golubkina made people talk about herself, continuing acting dynasty. Having achieved great success in this field, now she can refuse a role that she does not like at all. But for the sake of an interesting project, she is ready to sacrifice a lot, while it is very important for her that a good company develops on the site. Golubkina carefully hides her personal life from the press, however, it is known that after a divorce from ex-husband her heart is still free. She is not at all afraid of loneliness, being the mother of two wonderful children.

Maria was born in 1973 in Moscow. Her father, Nikolai Shcherbinsky, is a director and cameraman, and her mother is famous actress Larisa Golubkina. Soon after her birth, her parents broke up, and her mother married Andrei Mironov, who adopted the baby. Back in childhood future star cinema often visited the theater, and at the age of 16 she played in the film "Adam's Rib", for which she was awarded a film award.

After leaving school, the girl was educated at the Shchukin Theater School, and then got a job at the Satire Theater, where her parents also served. Her film career was also going well. Among the successful works of Golubkina, one can note such projects as "Wedding", "Frenchman", "Come in large numbers here" and many others. Apart from acting career, she hosted a radio show and worked on television, where she was a co-host of the Girls program on the Russia-1 channel.

In the photo, Maria Golubkina with her ex-husband Nikolai Fomenko

After graduating from the theater school, changes took place in Maria's personal life: she married actor and TV presenter Nikolai Fomenko. In 1998, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia, and five years later, son Ivan was born. For more than 10 years, the couple gave the impression of a harmonious and loving couple, however, in 2008 they divorced. As it turned out, there was constant rivalry in the creative couple, which led to quarrels and conflicts.

After parting with her husband, Golubkina carefully guarded her family, also not commenting on her relationship with men. However, having been on the program “My Hero”, she told Tatyana Ustinova that she could not yet meet a worthy man, but this circumstance does not prevent her from sometimes falling in love with married men. Daughter Nastya is now studying in England, coming home only for the holidays. The father, who settled in the neighboring village, is also raising his son, so Ivan sometimes lives with him. Maria respects the opinion and choice of children, thanks to which they themselves decide what to do with them.

In the photo, Maria Golubkina with her children: son Ivan and daughter Nastya

The actress does not like to rest for a long time, preferring to go somewhere for work, where she also finds time to take a little walk. She does not go shopping in order to buy herself something new, as she is absolutely calm about things. Maria is not attracted to expensive trips to a beautician, however, she would not refuse a facial massage from a good specialist. In her country house there are several dogs that the movie star got, rather for herself than for children.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 11.11.2016