How to keep yourself busy when bored.  In proud loneliness.  What to do at home when there is nothing to do?  Things you can do at home

How to keep yourself busy when bored. In proud loneliness. What to do at home when there is nothing to do? Things you can do at home

Things to do on your own free time? Our site was created to help you find the answer to the question "What to do when you're bored and have free time" . And now we will offer you what we have :)

Walk down the street

  • Where to walk in the winter in the city
  • Active outdoor activities in winter

What to do alone at home without a computer

What can you do at home alone? We have already become so addicted to the Internet that sometimes it seems that if you turn off the computer, the world will collapse. Okay, it won't collapse, but we'll definitely die of boredom. Let's try to offer options for classes for those who are bored. You can find out what awaits you with the help of funny fortune-telling games

Useful activities at home

1. Reading a book Relax on the sofa with a pleasant or useful book. Reading is both useful and interesting. Remember now what you have wanted to read for a long time, but everyone did not find the time (I even keep a list of desired literature in my Evernote account).

2. Wardrobe revision An interesting idea for people who already have a lot of clothes, so many that they start to get confused in it - create a photo catalog of your wardrobe. In any case, it will be very useful to look into your closet or chest of drawers. If it doesn't smell good in there, take it and just throw everything on the floor, and then put things back together.

3. Clean up the apartment Cleaning the house in a certain mood is a very interesting thing. Tell yourself that this is such a game "Clean the house of excess", turn on some nice music and start. If you are too lazy to start, use the following trick: Put only 10 things in place, and then with a high probability this process will drag you out. Remember, any thing picked up and then neatly placed already looks like an interior element - a folded sweater on a chest of drawers looks beautiful (even if it’s not really a place to store it), unlike crumpled T-shirts lying on the sofa.

4. Take care of yourself If you're home alone and have some free time, this is the perfect excuse to finally take care of yourself! Read about the most enjoyable and affordable body care procedures for everyone. Make masks for hands and nails, and if you say that you don’t have any suitable cosmetics, then I will answer you that this is even good! People who try to live right and healthy say: "You only need to spread on your face what you can put in your mouth." That is, everything is edible. Therefore, I am sure that there are many ingredients for homemade masks in the kitchen. In general, the simplest thing a girl can do to cheer up is to wash her hair and paint her nails.

5. Meditate over a cup of tea or coffee If you have followed the recommendations suggested in the paragraph above, then it's time to finally relax with a cup of tea, learn how to brew it correctly and how to do it unusually.

2 459 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about what to do when there is nothing to do. Boredom can cause depression, so do not let yourself get bored even in the most hopeless situation. There is an activity for every occasion.

What to do at home when there is nothing to do?

  • Hobby. Trivially. Trite. Surely you have already thought about it. But nothing will cheer you up and pass the time like a passion for what you love. Now perfect time for favorite things that have long been put off for later.
    - Start drawing a picture by numbers? Yes.
    — Embroider a beautiful picture with a cross? Please!
    - Watch a new movie? Please turn it on!

You can even combine some of your favorite activities together.

  • Useful things. Getting rid of boredom goes well with doing household chores that were constantly put off until later. Sort through the closet, sort photos for printing, clean flowers and window sills, etc.
  • The beauty. Take care of yourself - soak in the bath, make an elaborate facial mask, or invite a manicure specialist or massage therapist to your house.
  • Preparing delicious treats. If you like to cook, then it's time to choose a new recipe and please your family with a gourmet dish. We make a list of products and run to the store!
  • Planning. Make a plan for the next week, year or month. Set goals for yourself and work towards achieving them. If it comes to the end of the year, look at the past 365 days from the outside. We advise you to read:
  • Communication with loved ones. Haven't seen your grandmother for a long time or gossip with a classmate? Give them a call and invite them over. While you wait for the guests, you can bake a cake or a pie.
  • Music and dancing. If you are bored and have nothing to do, then arrange incendiary dances to your favorite songs. This activity is not only pleasant, but also useful for the figure. You can dance while putting things in order in the apartment. And if you have Small child sleeping, then put on your headphones and let's dance!
  • Help. Make time for someone who needs help. It can be family members, relatives or strangers. Sort through things, and donate unwanted clothes in good condition to a charitable foundation. Offer to help an animal shelter.

What to do at work when there is nothing to do?

  • Plan your vacation. Even if you've just come from there. Look on the Internet for new places, calculate how much the trip will cost you. Calculate what you can save on to visit a particular place or visit two cities. Learn about couchsurfing. Make a plan for each day of your stay in a new city.
  • Reading books. For situations where everything is redone, and there is still a lot of time before the end of the working day, keep a book of your favorite writer or genre in stock. Don't want to read? Download an audiobook to your phone.
  • Drawing. If you have sheets and pens with pencils at hand and you have talent, then get creative. When the authorities appear, the accessories can be easily hidden.
  • Entertainment on your smartphone or computer. The Internet is full of different ways to have fun - games, tests, videos, etc. If access to sites is limited at work, then download interesting applications to your phone at home.
  • Crosswords. Buy magazines and newspapers with crosswords, sudoku, charades. Solving puzzles helps pass the time and trains the brain.
  • Charger. Office workers spend a lot of time in a sitting position, and this is bad for their health. Hence laziness, drowsiness and non-working mood. Once every 2 hours, do exercises and warm up - this will relieve boredom and bring the end of the working day closer.

  • Snack. Drinking tea with sweets at work is a very pleasant experience and helps to kill 10-15 minutes of time. It is recommended to make a choice towards healthy and healthy snacks so as not to accumulate a few extra pounds.
  • Trainings. Choose the online training you are interested in and improve yourself. At work, this brings doubly more benefits - you earn money and gain new knowledge.

What to do outside the home when bored?

  • Shopping. Going shopping and getting the things you like or need is for many people. You can wander around shopping malls looking for discounts or bargain shopping. But do not forget to first make a list of essential things, it will take another 10-15 minutes.
  • Cinema. Why not get acquainted with the latest in the film industry? Invite a friend or visit the gym on your own. In any case, there will be many people around, and you will not feel lonely.
  • Walk around the city. Walk along familiar streets, visit sights, take pictures Beautiful places. The lesson will be even more enjoyable when your favorite soundtracks are playing on the headphones.
  • Courses. An ideal activity that allows you to pass not only the current time, but also other boring moments is signing up for courses. Teach foreign language, go to fitness, to the pool, etc.
  • Cafe. You can dispel boredom in a cafe with a pleasant design and live music. Try a new dish or just order a cup of aromatic coffee.
  • Attractions. Why not remember your childhood and go to an amusement park? There are many attractions for adults to help you relax and unwind.

What to do if you are bored on the road?

  • Acquaintance. This option is for you if you are traveling to public transport. Meeting new people is a good way to pass the time on the road.
  • Dream. If you can comfortably sleep in a sitting position, then sleep. You will get a charge of vivacity and will not notice how you arrive at your destination.
  • Creation. Take knitting and embroidery with you on the road. Creative work helps out well on a train or plane.
  • Movie. Download a few movies that you have long wanted to watch and you will not notice how time flies. This is especially true on long trips and flights.
  • Dreams. What could be better than driving, looking out the window at the flickering landscapes and dreaming? The road well helps to rethink current events and calm down.
  • Introduction to the route. If you are planning to visit new town or country, then use the Internet or other resources to find out more about them. Read information about attractions and look for new places of interest.
  • Observations. Secretly consider the people who are in the same transport with you. Imagine how they live and where they go. Carefully eavesdrop on someone else's conversation. Write down what you hear in a notebook and use it as the basis for your story.

What to do at the computer when bored?

  • Earnings. There are many options on the Internet to earn additional income. , website development, etc. Choose your favorite activity. You should not lose sight of this option if you do not have the appropriate skills - if necessary, you can find training materials.
  • Games. Sites with flash games will save you from boredom, and if you are not impressed by their graphics, then download an interesting and exciting client game. There are many paid and free games.
  • Video calling with loved ones. Call and chat via webcam and skype with friends and family. You will experience a lot of positive impressions, especially if they live far away from you.
  • Search for a soul mate. There are many dating sites that help you find a life partner. Fill out the form, and feel free to go in search of him. We advise you to read:
  • entertainment resources. Find something to do by doing an amusing trip over the Internet and by visiting various websites.
resource address What do we have to do?
multator RUCreate a cartoon
mailfuture RUWrite a letter to yourself or another person in the future
hatewall RUThrow out the negative on the "Wall of Hate"
drawi rudraw swfPop the bubbles
wishpush. comMake a wish the balls a neon swirl
www.donothingfor2minutes. comSpend 2 minutes doing nothing
www.biglongnow. comslam the doors
button.dekel ENClick on the magic button to make it all right
natribu. orgSend a bad person to this site
guess. netCreate music
editor.0lik. RUProcess the photo out the best satellite photos like an alchemist

frivolous activities for two bored people

  1. Celebrate a non-circular anniversary of your relationship. Have you been together for 3 months and 11 days? The perfect occasion to celebrate. Although 101 days sounds more interesting :)
  2. Let the guy paint himself.
  3. Take a bath with rubber duckies.
  4. Create a fictitious pedigree for your pet.
  5. Visit the store and completely update your image, and then go to the cafe like that.
  6. Cook each other's favorite dishes from childhood.
  7. Go to the movies and pull up your T-shirt when no one is watching.
  8. Chat with quotes from books, movies, and songs.
  9. Take a catalog of clothes or underwear and add tails and horns to the models.
  10. Build a tent from improvised means and spend the night in it.
  11. Have a pillow fight.
  12. Take a photo of yourself making faces and order a mug with the best image.

Boredom is a condition in which there is a lack of interest and motivation. It must be fought in any convenient way. You can allow yourself to do nothing for a while to put your thoughts in order. But then again return to a fun and eventful life.

Probably, every person at least once in his life wondered what to do if he was bored. After all, most people are so accustomed to active and busy life that just being alone can be real torture. A variety of entertainment will help to cope with boredom - the main thing is to consider your own preferences when choosing an activity to your liking.

Ideas for things to do when you're bored

To diversify your leisure time, you need to think about what you have been planning to do for a long time, but did not have enough time. Below you will find interesting ideas what to do when there is nothing to do.

Entertainment for home

Free time can be spent on personal development. Surely you have long wanted to read something, especially since now you can find a huge amount of interesting literature. Whether you choose a classic or a hit-and-miss bestseller, either way will broaden your horizons.

  • If your home requires general cleaning, then why not do it? If you turn on your favorite music, then this procedure can be made quite pleasant. In addition, you will surely enjoy being in a perfectly clean apartment.
  • It will be great fun, and it’s not at all necessary to be able to do it perfectly. You can use paints, pencils, felt-tip pens. The main thing is that the lesson brings you real pleasure.
  • An excellent option to get rid of boredom is to watch an interesting movie. It is also quite possible to devote this time to needlework. If you know how to sew, then it is quite possible to create a new outfit for yourself and thereby add variety to your wardrobe.
  • Of course, a party will be a great remedy for boredom. If you haven't seen your friends for a long time, then it might be time to call them. Pleasant music and great company will help you get rid of boredom.
  • A good way to pass the time will be computer games. Perhaps this is not the most useful activity, but perfectly distracts from sadness. In this case, it is possible to give preference intellectual game so as not to waste time.
  • If you still want to spend time with benefit, go in for fitness. To do this, you can choose exercises yourself or use video tutorials. Moreover, exercising at home has many advantages.
  • It will also be very useful for girls to take care of their appearance. You can make an effective mask or take a relaxing bath.

What is useful to do on the Internet

To dispel boredom, you can visit news sites, interesting blogs, forums or online publications. If you have any hobbies, you can visit thematic portals - this will help you broaden your horizons.

For many people, there is a situation where there is nothing to do in working time. If you've turned in a report, met with clients, or responded to emails, you can devote some time to personal matters.

  • At this point, you can make a to-do list for the next day or month. It could also be a list of goals. To make it really work, you need to think it through to the smallest detail. Perhaps this will be the first step towards new achievements. You can adjust it all your free time at work - change, specify, supplement. You can be sure that as you achieve your goals, you will be very pleased to circle the completed task.
  • In your free time, you can watch the latest movie theaters or the poster of the concerts of your favorite artists. To do this, you just need a computer with internet. As a result, you can decide in advance which event you want to attend.
  • If you have been planning to make some significant purchase for a long time, you can study all the parameters of a particular product. Even if you plan to buy it in a store, you can make your choice in advance and spend much less time on the purchase.

Video: what to do when there is nothing to do at home

To cope with boredom, you can go through your home library and pick up something interesting to read. It is also quite possible to do an audit of your wardrobe, call friends, draw some kind of picture, watch movies or cook something delicious. More detailed list interesting activities on video:

Many people at work or at home periodically have situations when there is nothing to do. To cope with boredom, it is enough to remember all those things that were planned for a long time, but there was no time for them. You can do a spring cleaning, watch an interesting movie or call old friends. In any case, do not be sad, because each person, if he wants, can come up with a lot of interesting activities.

Man needs rest. This is one of the most enjoyable activities - just lying on the couch and meditating at the ceiling. After hard mental and physical work, such a pastime brings real pleasure.

But all good things wear out sooner or later. Constant idleness is also boring. This happens on vacation, on vacation, when days free from work just turned out. I want to do something for myself. But it's hard to find a suitable job. Work issues are settled, the house is clean, and the photo album has already been reviewed a hundred times.

Good cures for doing nothing

What to do when there is nothing to do? Offer 15 good options leisure activities that will help you occupy yourself and spend your free time productively.

  • Disassemble the mess in the documents. A very useful lesson, because the confusion in the documents is annoying. You can safely start organizing papers: throw away old receipts, sort important documents.
  • Go for a walk. Just like that, for no particular purpose. It is better to choose an unusual route, look into those places where you have never been. So time will fly by unnoticed.
  • Take up drawing. Even non-creative people will like this type of activity. You can draw anything and everything. The main thing is to show imagination.
  • Prepare a culinary masterpiece. This leisure is not only for women. Men can also discover the cook in themselves. You should start with simple sandwiches, and finish with a chocolate fountain.

  • read a book that you put off all the time. Everyone has it. Stands on a bookshelf or stored on a computer. But her hands do not reach. So it's time to get acquainted with the next artistic masterpiece.
  • Workout. Jogging, fitness, Pilates - there are enough options. You can go to the pool and hone your swimming skills.
  • Decorate the room. Create . As an option - make a craft with your own hands, decorate the walls with special stickers, just rearrange the room.
  • Go to Youtube. And that's all. So you can disappear for the whole day. Millions of diverse videos will not let you get bored. You can write comments, put likes and dislikes.
  • Engage in self-education. Learning a foreign language, programming courses, cutting and sewing lessons. There are a lot of options for deepening your knowledge, you need to choose the most suitable one.

  • Master the art of meditation. For this, just rest and doing nothing is needed. In order to learn how to meditate, you need to either sign up for lessons, or study meditation on your own using video lessons.
  • Go to the shooting range. This occupation is very exciting and exciting. Shooting helps you blow off steam and focus on what matters most. And hiking in the shooting gallery relieves stress.
  • Go to the club. A wonderful way to relax. In addition to having a good time, you can also make acquaintance with a handsome representative of the opposite sex.
  • Go shopping. We take a wallet and go to the store for a new piece of clothing or something else. If there is not much money, we just go to the store to look at new clothes. This is also entertainment.
  • Conduct a scientific experiment. Like when a raw egg is dipped into a glass of vinegar, and then it turns out like a rubber one. Such leisure, by the way, is also interesting for adults.

  • Create your own movie. To do this, you need a phone with a camera and a script. You can give yourself leading role. So you can become an aspiring director.

When there's nothing to do, it's time to do those things that keep getting put off. You can pay attention to your hobby, just learn something new and interesting. After all, then an avalanche of work will fall, which will not let you rest.

Surely every person on the planet has repeatedly wondered what to do when bored at home and at the computer or at work. People constantly need new experiences, otherwise despondency and depression will overwhelm, and this will have a bad effect on appearance and health.

A person cannot do without new impressions, as well as without food, water and sleep. This is the guarantee of health. With disharmony, diseases and consequences appear. boredom leads to psychological problems. People who are constantly bored lose confidence and acquire complexes that interfere with a normal life.

What to do when bored at home

Sometimes a person doesn't know what to do. There is time and desire, but nothing comes to mind. This is a manifestation of weekend depression.

If you have free time, this is a reason for joy. Strive to spend time properly and with good impressions.

It is not difficult to keep yourself busy if you know the ways to help get rid of boredom and diversify life by filling it with colors.

  • Think about what activities you like . If you love to read, go to a bookstore and get a book. I advise people who keep up with the times to download a book on the Internet.
  • Start learning a foreign language . A foreign one will come in handy at work or while traveling. Sign up for courses, watch videos and audios, or study English on your own at home.
  • Watch your favorite movie or check out the cinema poster . So you will know what new product will be released on the screen in the near future. If you like music, upload new songs to the player.
  • Clean up the apartment . Organize cabinets, tables and shelves. If the house is clean, rearrange and update the space.
  • Like to cook? Study the cookbook . Find a few good recipes and cook charlotte with apples in the oven. Cooking will help pass the time, cheer you up and drive away boredom.
  • Take care of your health and support physical form ? Make time for sports. The Internet will help, in which there are many video lessons and manuals.
  • Physical exercise will bring pleasure . At home, no one will reproach you for skipping complex movements, preferring light complexes.

Video tips

This is only a small part of the options for combating boredom at home. You don't have to do what I have listed. This is a template to follow to get rid of boredom.

If you are bored at the computer

People use computers all the time. She is present at work and at home. Young people cannot imagine life without a laptop or smartphone. Sometimes even technology does not save you from boredom.

  1. Check your mail . It's about not about getting acquainted with new letters, but about cleaning in the box. Delete unwanted messages and sort contacts.
  2. Change account passwords to increase security . Just be sure to write down the changes in a diary or notebook.
  3. Look for new job . If you don't like your current job, find an alternative. First, decide on the desired position, and then look for vacancies on the Internet.
  4. Send a postcard . Boring? Think of people who recently did something nice for you. Send them a card as a thank you.
  5. Sort photos . Photos are stored on the computer's hard drive. Organize your photo album, add some new images to social networks.
  6. Chat with old friends or classmates . Surely there are several people with whom they have not seen or communicated for a long time.
  7. Clean up your hard drive . Do you have a lot of unnecessary and outdated programs on your computer? Take care of their removal. So free up space and improve the performance of your computer.
  8. Learn Hotkeys . How often do you use programs? Learn keyboard shortcuts to make your work easier and pass the time.
  9. Get creative . Do you like creative work? Create a photo collage. While working, remember a lot of pleasant moments that will cheer you up.
  10. Play games . If you can't find a use for yourself, play some computer games. Special attention I recommend to give options that provide for active communication with the players.

It's my opinion. You can type text, listen to music, surf the Internet, study encyclopedias, or make friends.

Video instructions

There are plenty of options and everyone can get rid of boredom and have fun. Activate your fantasy, tune in to the positive and don't be lazy.

When an adult is bored

A person cannot exist normally without emotions and impressions. Monotonous classes and equally passing days lead to depression. Boredom has a bad effect on self-esteem and gives rise to complexes.

Therefore, people are interested in what to do when an adult is bored. And this is good. If boredom has attacked, declare war on it and fight different ways.

  • Think about desires and dreams . If you have long wanted to learn a foreign language, watch TV shows or use tutorials. This is how you make your dream come true.
  • Develop Other Skills . This will make the pastime interesting, raise the cultural level, contribute to career growth.
  • Get better . Even if you are an expert in a certain field, this does not mean that there is nothing to strive for. There is no limit to development.
  • Read books . If such an activity is not to your liking, go on a journey through the Internet. He will delight you with interesting articles and tips.
  • Visit relatives and friends . Free time is the right time. Speak to your heart's content, relax and unwind.
  • Educational programs . If life is accompanied by difficulties and problems, pay attention to watching thematic TV shows. This is the source of the missing information to solve the problem.
  • Movies. Watching New Year's movies will also help overcome boredom at home. Relaxing in front of the TV screen, give the body the opportunity to rest, which will positively affect performance.
  • Music . The best remedy to set the mood. Listen to your favorite songs, dance, practice exercise or cook. The result of work from music will only improve.
  • Games. Computer games, which are sometimes incredibly useful, help an adult to expel melancholy. Games develop logic and increase the speed of thinking.

If these methods don't work, go for a walk in a park or downtown. If there is a pet in the house, great. She won't let you get bored. Pet and play with your dog, cat or ferret. After that, there will be no trace of boredom.

Find something to do when your child is bored

The house is full of baby supplies, and the child is bored? Video games, books and designers are no longer interested, but children's TV channels and modern cartoons are sickening. How to be?

Before starting the fight against childish boredom, establish the root cause of the appearance. This will help you find a way to solve the problem. So why is the child bored?

  1. Tired of home entertainment, the soul yearns for something new.
  2. He is bored because he has been in four walls for a long time.
  3. The child experiences a lack of communication with friends and parents.

The reasons why children are bored are determined. We will figure out how to act and what to do so that the life of the baby is filled with joy and fun.

  • If the child is tired of books and toys, and nothing interesting is shown on TV, look for a new activity. If your child loves to read, give some bright magazines or educational books.
  • A boy will be interested in cars, and a catalog of cosmetics is suitable for a girl. Such printed edition will take the child for a long time and cheer up.
  • If there is nothing at hand, go for a walk with the child. Combine the exit to the air with an urgent matter. Once in a new atmosphere, the child will receive a lot of emotions and breathe clean air which is good for health.
  • During the walk, focus the child's attention on certain things: ask him to look at the clouds, listen to the birds, or count the cars. Believe me, the child will gladly respond to the request.
  • A lack of parental attention, along with a lack of interesting conversations, is one of the causes of boredom in children. At the same time, they are not interested in gifts, chocolates and goodies. If it is not possible to leave things, involve the child in them.
  • When cleaning the house, give the baby a rag. Let him dust with you. Together with your child, hang clothes, fold toys and cook. In any work there is an occupation for the younger generation.
  • Every child has many questions. If the child is bored, tell him something interesting, answer everything he asks. Try not to let your child get bored.

Don't be afraid to be creative and be patient. Only in this case, boring days will fly by, leaving pleasant impressions.

If you are bored at work

People go to work because it is a source of income. One working day passes quickly and is accompanied by fun, and the other does not bring pleasure.

I also run to work every day, work for hours for the benefit of the company, and sometimes I get bored. Through experimentation and trial, I have developed several effective methods combat boredom.

  1. To cheer up, visit a site with jokes and interesting materials. Such images will cheer you up and make you laugh.
  2. Send some comic pictures to a friend or colleague. Believe me, fighting boredom together is easier. The main thing is that the authorities do not know.
  3. Social networks full of demotivators. Each picture has a black border and a caption. Most of them carry meaning, making a person think.
  4. Like KVN? There are many editions on the Internet. Short but funny videos will not let boredom overcome. Download the video to your phone or watch online.
  5. Applications that offer social networks will help in the fight against boredom. Only the policy of not all companies allows them to be used.
  6. Music is another option. With a compact player, you can get the job done and enjoy your favorite songs. The main thing is that the sound be quieter, otherwise you will not hear a request or command.
  7. For people who cannot imagine life without humor, I advise you to pay attention to jokes about colleagues. I only recommend joking carefully, trying not to touch the pride of the “brother in arms”.
  8. If the above methods are not suitable or you can’t use them, drink a cup of strong tea and have a snack with a bar of chocolate. This tandem will provide a surge of the hormone of happiness.

From now on, there will be no boring working days if you listen to the recommendations and put them into practice. This approach will make life fun and making money enjoyable.

What to do in your free time - a list of ideas

Everyone looks forward to the weekend. However, after the offensive, he doesn't know what to do in his spare time. Why is this happening? During the week, people earn money, and devote weekends to home and family. As a result, instead of resting, they cook, wash and clean.

I will tell you how to spend your free time so that the body and soul fully rest. Keep a diary and write down ideas for the coming weekend. If fantasy leaves much to be desired, use the ideas that I will share.

  • Treat yourself . Go to a massage parlor or hairdresser. If you don’t want to go anywhere, organize a salon at home. Shops offer a wide range of cosmetics for hair and skin care.
  • Watch a movie . The film will make the pastime enjoyable. Sit comfortably on the couch with popcorn, turn on the movie.
  • Do what you love . Crocheting, soap making or fishing. Hobbies will entertain and provide loved ones with gifts.
  • Chat with friends . As an alternative to the above methods, choose to chat with friends. Go with a group to a cafeteria or go to nature. It is never boring in a noisy and cheerful team.
  • Active entertainment . Are there kids? In this case, choose entertainment according to their tastes. Children prefer leisure. Biking or swimming are great options.
  • Solve puzzles and crosswords . Make it a collective hobby by solving problems with your family. Get a family game.
  • Go to the circus or zoo . If the soul wants a holiday, go with your family to a circus or a zoo. Any of these activities will make children happy, and you, seeing their smiles, will get a portion of happiness.

Each person has his own approach to the organization of recreation. Quiet people like a sofa and a TV, while live people prefer mountains and forests. Strive for a change of action, otherwise boredom will prevail.