Zhdanov about smoking and alcohol.  What is discussed in Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol.  Theory of the extermination of the Russian people

Zhdanov about smoking and alcohol. What is discussed in Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol. Theory of the extermination of the Russian people

Alcoholism is the real problem for everyone. highly developed countries, and not just the Russian trouble, as is commonly believed. This topic is widely discussed not only by the Internet community, but also by other means mass media. Well, let's add our contribution to the common cause of combating the "green serpent". To begin with, let's briefly consider what pathological phenomena occur in the body of an alcoholic. This will allow us to properly assess the harms of excessive drinking. Next for you is a film - Zhdanov's lecture on the dangers of alcohol.

So, in the development of the disease, narcologists distinguish three clear stages. Let's dwell on them in a little more detail.

First stage. Somatic manifestations are practically absent, "on the face" only the appearance of a painful attachment to alcohol.

A person consumes alcohol with an "enviable" regularity, which can be expressed both in daily intake and in episodic. The patient becomes very irritable. The slightest stressful impact leads to a vivid emotional reaction.

Second stage. One of the clear signs of the second stage of alcoholism is a significantly increased tolerance to ethyl alcohol. If earlier a few bottles of beer were enough to get the desired state, now you can’t do without a stronger drink. Self-criticism decreases, the patient does not realize that he is an alcoholic.

At this stage, another formidable sign appears - withdrawal syndrome. It should be clear: withdrawal symptoms and hangovers are not synonymous.

There is a clear demarcation between these two states. This is the dynamics of the patient's well-being over time. With a hangover syndrome, over time, a person gets better.

Abstinence is another matter, when intoxication passes, a person experiences severe physical suffering, time here no longer heals, the longer the patient spends without alcohol, the worse his condition is.

Withdrawal syndrome is often accompanied by hallucinatory manifestations that can terrify a person. In order not to experience such terrible states At this stage, alcoholics go into a binge that can last for several days or even weeks. The alcoholic himself begins to understand the dangers of alcohol, but sees no way out.

Third stage, terminal. It is characterized by a significant lesion, as the central nervous system and other organs, especially the liver. The liver, weakened by the constant intake of alcohol, can no longer effectively process ethyl alcohol. This manifests itself in a decrease in tolerance to drunk alcohol.

To achieve the desired degree of intoxication, a person needs very small doses of alcohol. Damage to the nervous system is irreversible. In advanced stages, patients practically lose the ability to mental activity. Without the immediate intervention of qualified professionals, a favorable outcome is out of the question.

Briefly "go over" the main causes of alcoholism. The disease that is the subject of our consideration is a socially determined pathological condition, in the development of which last role play the above social factors.

The level of well-being, the “quality” of life, the level of the stress component, the microenvironment, all this can provoke alcohol abuse. At the beginning - for the company, and then alone, just to unwind. In this case, subconsciously, a portion of alcohol is perceived as a reward for the suffering.

Such a manner of behavior, over the years, develops into a certain behavioral stereotype, which leads to the development of alcoholism.

Some scientists note the dependence of the appearance of alcoholism in children born from parents of alcoholics. The fact is that under the influence of large doses of ethyl alcohol, changes occur at the gene level, which increases the risk of developing this pathology. It is about this harm of alcohol on the human body that the video with Professor Zhdanov will talk about.

The children of such parents, simply, drink more easily and quickly than children born in prosperous families. Not the last role is played by the psychological factor: if it was possible for parents, then why not? It should be noted that in itself hereditary predisposition is not a "guarantee" of the development of alcoholism.

ethnic factor. The fact is that some peoples drink much faster, as they have an innate, reduced tolerance to alcohol. So, for example, in America, it is almost impossible to buy alcohol in areas where the local population is represented by indigenous people - Indians. There are strict bans on the sale of alcohol. But this is now, but at one time they were simply soldered and soldered to take away the land. And the Indians realized something about the dangers of alcohol too late.

Some conditions that are accompanied by liver damage also contribute to a decrease in resistance to alcohol.

The treatment of alcoholism is usually complex, including both medications and psychotherapy. The key to a successful result is the complete and unconditional rejection of any kind of alcoholic beverages.

In order to adequately assess the damage caused by excessive drinking, you need to understand the degree of its impact on the personality as such. An alcoholic is practically desocialized, he cannot fit into any society, with the exception of a society of his own kind.

If alcohol abuse is massive, endemic, society begins to gradually disappear, cultural values ​​are lost, mental potential gradually fades away.

The presence of an alcoholic in the family is terrible tragedy, and it is not even the patient himself who suffers, but his immediate environment. Families break up and don’t talk about the dangers of alcohol to an alcoholic - as a rule, it doesn’t help, because alcohol is the same drug.

It has been proven that parents of alcoholics often give birth to children with significant mental and physical developmental disabilities, which affects the gene pool as a whole.

economic factor. The disease we are considering, without adequate measures, entails a person's disability, as a result, the number of able-bodied population decreases. The likelihood of accidents directly depends on the participation of persons in a state of intoxication. And this is a significant financial loss.

Drawing a line under the above, it should be noted that alcohol is an enemy that does not forgive a frivolous attitude towards itself. Be careful with him and be healthy! Well, now the promised film. Professor Zhdanov: video - a lecture on the dangers of alcohol - watch it for everyone!

Tatyana, www.site

Alcoholism is a terrible world scourge. In Russia alone, many different crimes occur under the influence of alcohol: from petty hooliganism to robbery and murder. And how many people suffer from various pathologies because of drunkenness?

Various forces are fighting this dangerous disease that destroys the personality and consciousness of a person in Russia: anti-alcohol government programs, private clinics and institutions, etc. Important is the prevention of alcoholism. Among the various figures in the prevention of drunkenness, Professor Zhdanov stands out. Almost all of his works and works tell about alcohol and the harm that it brings to people. His lectures and various programs about the dangers of the "green serpent" are considered causes of drunkenness in Russia and the dangers posed by alcohol.

About the activities of Professor Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is actively involved in social activities, travels a lot around the country with his lectures and programs. He speaks to various segments of the population. Zhdanov began promoting a healthy lifestyle back in the 80s of the twentieth century.

The main goal of the activity of a public professor is aimed at restoring the self-consciousness of the Russian people with the help of a sober lifestyle. This, in his opinion, can contribute to an increase in the birth rate and quality of life.

The first lecture on the dangers of alcohol by Professor Zhdanov, which was called "Lies and Truth about Alcohol", was published in 1983. With this lecture on alcohol, the professor traveled around many big cities USSR.

In 1986, Zhdanov's famous report on the dangers of alcoholic products was published. For this work and for his great contribution to strengthening national health, the professor was awarded state awards: the award of the European Academy of Natural Sciences named after Erlich and the medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences named after Mechnikov.

In 1988, Zhdanov began to conduct courses based on the method of the physiologist G. Shichko. These lessons were first distributed on audio and video cassettes, then on disks, and later on the Internet.

In 2008, V. G. Zhdanov was elected chairman of the "Union of Struggle for Universal National Sobriety", and in 2009 he participates in television project The first channel "Common cause". This program addressed the acute problems associated with alcoholism: an increase in mortality, a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in crime among people who abuse alcohol, as well as an increase in the total number of children born to people who use alcohol.

Zhdanov's activities are supported not only by public organizations, but also by religious services.

The materials, facts, arguments, reasoning and video of Zhdanov-professor about alcohol, about the dangers of alcohol-containing products are shocking. Many people, after getting acquainted with the lessons and lectures, significantly limit the amount of alcohol they use, and some even refuse to drink alcohol.

However, there are also people who find discrepancies in the facts of Zhdanov with official statistics. But in any case, activity professor leaves no one indifferent.

What is the professor talking about?

Zhdanov's audience consists of people representing all segments of the population, different ages and all kinds of professions. The professor in his lectures tries to convey to the audience what danger and risk the use of alcohol-containing products brings. Zhdanov's speech is simple and understandable, it does not contain concepts and formulations that are difficult to perceive. The professor is accessible and easily operates with statistical data.

Zhdanov's activities are not limited to conversations and lectures. He takes off documentaries which are broadcast on television and used for educational purposes in schools. Purposeful work with schools is carried out by the professor due to the exacerbation of teenage alcoholism, which is steadily growing.

Stages of alcohol addiction according to Zhdanov

Zhdanov distinguishes three stages of dependence on alcoholic products:

Problems also occur in intellectual abilities, however, an alcoholic, ignoring all the accumulated problems, steadily continues to increase consumed alcohol. This is a consequence of the fact that the drinker at this stage cannot reach the level of intoxication and euphoria that was easily achieved at the first stage.

At the last stage, alcoholism can be cured only with the direct intervention of trained physicians. Thanks to them, you can reduce the negative impact of alcohol.

The main causes of alcohol addiction

Zhdanov draws attention to 5 main reasons, pushing a person into the "embrace of the green serpent":

  1. Life below the poverty line.
  2. Surrounding social environment.
  3. Folk traditions and customs.
  4. Long term stress.
  5. Decrease in the level and quality of life.

Speaking of national traditions, Zhdanov notes that although no holiday in our country is complete without alcohol, people can have a good time, relax and have fun without it. And the presence of alcohol on the festive tables often causes scandals and fights.

In his lectures, the professor encourages people break free from outdated traditions imposing the use of alcohol during celebrations.

The theory of "Russian Cross" by Professor Zhdanov

Talking about negative impact alcohol, academician Zhdanov puts forward an interesting hypothesis, according to which drinks containing alcohol are used specifically to eradicate the Russian-speaking population and exterminate the culture of the Slavs. As evidence, the professor refers to the statistics of births and deaths of the population. In philosophy and sociology, this theory became known as the "Russian Cross".

V. G. Zhdanov cites data according to which eight out of twelve citizens constantly drink alcohol in our country, and the total amount of alcohol consumed fluctuates between 2.5 billion and 3 billion liters. Of all those who take alcoholic products, approximately 80% are already in the first stage of addiction.

According to the academician, with the help of alcohol, some people deliberately, step by step, slowly erase ancient traditions and rituals from the memory of the Russian people. Moreover, alcohol does this much more effectively than epidemics, diseases and wars.

Zhdanov claims that the same number of people die every 10-12 years from alcoholism in Russia as died in the Great Patriotic War. It is also important that smoking while drinking contributes to the formation alcohol addiction.

Teenage alcoholism

a separate topic for studying Professor Zhdanov highlights adolescent alcohol addiction. He talks about the fact that the body of adolescents, still very young and not formed, is exposed to alcohol faster than an adult. The immunity of children and adolescents, which is not yet well established, cannot fully resist the action of ethyl alcohol toxins.

According to Zhdanov, the main reasons contributing to the formation of addiction in children are:

  1. The desire to be like adults or seem like adults to others.
  2. An example of parents who drink alcohol.
  3. Advertising of alcoholic products, imposed on TV screens, where the main characters are attractive and successful young people.

Young people unconsciously try to imitate the habits and mannerisms of older friends, and also try to look older in their eyes. If they see that their older comrades and parents drink alcohol-containing drinks, then they get the idea that drinking alcohol is a sign of adult behavior, to follow.

The worst thing about drinking alcohol childhood is that the disease progresses very quickly. This is due to the fact that the child's liver skips a large number of poisons and toxins. She still cannot fight enough and bring everything out in time. toxic substances from the body.

The peculiarity of child alcoholism is such that a small dose of alcohol can cause addiction and rapidly growing alcoholism in a teenager.

According to the professor, parents and the unfavorable social environment are primarily to blame for the increase in the number of adolescents suffering from alcohol addiction. Zhdanov notes that very often parents themselves teach their children to alcohol by pouring them alcohol during the holidays.

In order to correct the current situation, Zhdanov recommends a global anti-alcohol program, with the involvement of all media, restrictions on trade and a complete ban on alcohol consumption.

The essence of Zhdanov's theories

The main, fundamental idea of ​​Zhdanov's policy is the idea of ​​all-Russian national sobriety. All the aspirations of the professor are aimed at reaching this goal. Awaken in the subconscious of a person the confidence that the first enemy of his mental and physical health is alcohol - this is the main task of the professor, his lectures, lessons, films and educational materials.

The works and works of Professor Zhdanov about the dangers of alcohol make people think and realize all the harmfulness of alcohol.

Zhdanov addresses his parents, considering it important that they early stages identified and sent for treatment addicted to alcohol adolescents. After all, addiction to alcohol at the age of 10 to 16 is dangerous because during this period there is a formation of personality, a worldview and personal beliefs are formed. Only in this way, according to the professor, it is possible to reduce mortality, raise a healthy, sober and morally stable generation of young people and save the Russian people from self-destruction.

It is not at all necessary to be a specialist in narcology in order to understand all the harm caused to the human body by excessive alcohol consumption. But the trouble is that almost everyone knows about it and only a few try to protect themselves from excessive consumption of strong drinks. Meanwhile, this problem is beginning to take on a truly national scale. If earlier, a person drinking somewhere in the park evoked negative emotions in passers-by, today they no longer pay attention to it. Alcohol overwhelmed everyone, making no exceptions for women or teenagers.

Today, no one is outraged when a high school student walks down the street with a bottle of beer or a can of some low-alcohol energy drink. No matter how scary it may sound, but the majority of the nation really becomes an inveterate drunkard and degenerates. Complete connivance on the part of the government, no effective campaigning on the part of the Ministry of Health, complete indifference to this problem of teachers in schools contribute to the development of this addiction.

If the relevant authorities worked more actively in this direction, carried out work among the population, organized the necessary lectures on the dangers of alcohol, in educational institutions, many would reconsider their attitude to alcohol.

What is alcohol really?

Alcohol is very terrible blow in almost all human organs. Heart, liver, brain, nervous and reproductive system receive irreparable damage. However, everything is in order. How does alcohol affect the human body? What causes that very state of imaginary pleasure and relaxation? Why, after a couple of glasses of drinking, all pressing problems are forgotten? Is alcohol really as bad as doctors say?

In fact, drinking alcohol in any amount only aggravates the process and harms a person.

It is known from chemistry lessons that alcohol is an excellent solvent. You can verify this by leaving a piece of lard in a glass of vodka or cognac overnight. Alcohol and its derivatives in the form of drinks get through digestive system into human blood. As a result, red blood cells, which are involved in the transport of oxygen throughout the body, lose their fatty lubrication, alcohol completely dissolves it.

The cells of the body do not have the ability to slip past each other, as a result, they stick together, resembling a bunch of grapes. A small amount of clumped red blood cells does not pose a threat to the human venous or arterial system. Problems begin in the capillaries that feed the human brain with blood. Only one erythrocyte can pass the size of the capillaries. Several agglutinated red blood cells clog the capillary ducts, as a result of which the neurons do not receive enough oxygen and naturally die. The cause of alcoholic euphoria and relaxation of a person is due to the death of tens and hundreds of thousands of neurons. This example alone is enough of the damage that alcohol does to the human body.

Alcohol leads to clogging of blood vessels, an aneurysm is formed, the walls of blood vessels begin to deform, they tear under blood pressure, as a result, blood flows freely into the medulla, the result of this process is a hemorrhagic stroke. Mortality from this disease is 80-90%.

The well-known disease cirrhosis of the liver in most cases occurs precisely from alcohol abuse. According to statistics, alcohol shortens a person's life by 5-15 years.

The effect of alcohol on adolescence

The teenage body gets used to alcohol 7 times faster than the established adult.

Alcohol for teenagers is not even a problem, it's a disaster. The developing and fragile organism of a schoolchild is not able to resist harmful effects from the outside, since it is at this age that global processes take place that turn a child into an adult.

Drinking alcoholic beverages, the student, out of his stupidity or at the desire to imitate adults, without realizing it, literally kills his body. The liver of a teenager has a capacity an order of magnitude higher than that of an adult, its structure is not strong enough to safely process all alcohol derivatives. It is enough for a schoolchild to consume a small amount of alcohol to earn a liver disease for life. In addition to the liver, the nervous system, respiratory organs are at risk, brain activity decreases, and immunity drops sharply. There is a high probability that such a teenager will soon turn into a drunken alcoholic.

How to protect yourself from alcohol addiction

There is an exit!

A healthy lifestyle is the main rule in order not to fall under alcohol addiction. A person should lead a varied life. Do sports every day, enrich your life with cultural events as often as possible. As for schoolchildren, avoid companies where the topic of communication is limited to parties and going to nightclubs.

The Internet is literally full of various educational materials about the dangers of alcohol. Among all this set, one can single out lectures on the dangers of alcohol by Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov. It is unnecessary to list all his merits in this area, it is enough to say that he spent most of his life fighting this disease. In all his materials, he urges people to get rid of the massive use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

Zhdanov's lecture materials are presented in a form understandable to the average layman, they contain facts that lead the listener to a state bordering on horror, from how dangerous alcohol can be. Zhdanov's most famous works are a lecture entitled "The Path to Sobriety". In this work, Zhdanov considers the problem of alcohol from a global and individual point of view. He calls alcohol the number one drug, which, in addition to the body, also cripples the soul of a person.

Vladimir Georgievich is the author of the famous anti-alcohol report, first presented to the public in 1986. He was awarded the RANS medal. I.I. Mechnikov and EAEN named after Paul Erlich for their great contribution to improving the health of the population.

"Alcohol terror against Russia" is another notable work Professor Zhdanov. The main theme of this lecture is to warn the people of Russia about the hidden danger that exists in alcohol. Undeniable facts are given about its negative impact on a person. inner circle and on society as a whole.

Based on the materials of Professor Zhdanov, several films were shot. One of them called "Children's Alcoholism" shows terrible life juvenile alcoholics. It provides real numbers of adolescents suffering from alcohol addiction.

Many people, having read Zhdanov's lectures and watched his films, seriously thought about their attitude to alcohol, and perhaps forever said goodbye to the desire to drink alcohol.

Alcoholism is a disease that kills not only the patient himself. From the actions of an alcoholic, his relatives, as well as strangers around him, suffer. How many murders, fatal accidents and other crimes have been committed and continue to be committed by people under the influence of alcohol? According to statistics, the majority of robberies, petty crimes and murders were committed on the basis of strong intoxication.

Many specialists are now engaged in the prevention and treatment of alcoholism. But the greatest contribution to the fight against this problem contributed by Professor Vladimir Zhdanov. This man developed his own effective method against the alcoholization of the population. Professor Zhdanov lectures all over the country on the dangers of alcohol; shoots interesting TV shows that reveal the secrets of alcohol corporations; engaged in active social activities.

Who is Professor Zhdanov?

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov - famous public figure, president of the international association of psychoanalysts, founder and chairman of the Union for the struggle for popular sobriety.

Zhdanov was born in 1949 in the family of a military doctor. He graduated from school in 1966 with a gold medal. In the period from 1967 to 1972 he studied at the Novosibirsk state university at the Faculty of Physics. And in 1980 he received the degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences.

In 1983, Vladimir Georgievich got acquainted with the report of Academician F. G. Uglov, which highlighted the consequences of drinking alcohol by Soviet people. Zhdanov decided to convey this information to the maximum possible number of people. And in the same year he established public organization"International Academy of Sobriety", then the very first lecture "Lies and truth about alcohol" is brought to the public. With this work, Vladimir Georgievich traveled to most major cities of the USSR.

In 1986, a new lecture on the dangers of alcohol saw the light. The method for combating alcoholism developed by Zhdanov is based on the method of Gennady Shichko. Zhdanov's lessons are beginning to become more and more popular. First, they diverge throughout the country on audio cassettes, then on video cassettes, disks, and now on the Internet. Zhdanov's lecture on the dangers of alcohol was such a success that the professor received two state awards at once:

  • EAEN award. Erlich.
  • Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Mechnikov.

In 1997, Vladimir Georgievich defended his diploma in the specialty "Practical Psychology". Second higher education he receives at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. After that, Zhdanov was invited to the post of professor at the Siberian Humanitarian and Ecological Institute, where he worked for about 5 years.

Since 2007 lives in Moscow. Works at the International Slavic Academy, where he heads the Department of Practical Psychology.

Educational and social activities of the professor

Academician Zhdanov is a member of numerous organizations whose main activities are related to the promotion of sobriety and a healthy lifestyle. This is not only the "International Academy of Sobriety" created by the professor, but also the organization "Sober Russia" and the "Union of Struggle for People's Sobriety".

Vladimir Georgievich creates video lectures, writes books and articles about the dangers of alcohol, drugs and tobacco. In addition, he often appears on television. He is one of the creators of the TV project "Common Cause". Due to the fact that the program was shown on the First Public Channel, most of the country's population watched it.

Zhdanov often takes part in various talk shows dedicated to a sober lifestyle. In these broadcasts he raises the biggest dangers associated with alcoholism:

  • Increasing crime rate.
  • Decline in fertility.
  • The rise in mortality.
  • An increase in the number of sick children born to alcoholic parents.

Zhdanov and his activities are supported by many Orthodox parishes. For example, the priest of the Sretensky Monastery, Father Tikhon, who took part in the filming of the program "Common Cause", said that he became interested in promoting sobriety only thanks to Zhdanov's lectures.

At his seminars, Zhdanov talks about the dangers and dangers of alcohol. What the professor is talking about is clear to every person, regardless of his education and occupation. Vladimir Georgievich specifically avoids the use of complex scientific and medical terms.

The academician says that alcohol is harmful in any quantities, and there is no safe minimum dose and cannot be. Zhdanov is firmly convinced that all toxic substances, which have an impact on human consciousness, such as ethanol, heroin, nicotine and others, have been specifically developed with the aim of reducing the population. Especially Slavic.

Zhdanov practically equates alcohol to a weapon mass destruction, which prepares the state in order to destroy civilians. Many of the professor's lectures were political in nature, and therefore banned in many countries.

According to statistics, Zhdanov's lectures have a beneficial effect on society. Many people who attended the lectures of the professor, forever abandoned the use of alcohol. And the vast majority of those, who listened to his course on the Internet, significantly reduced the intake of alcohol.

Despite the successes of Academician Zhdanov in the fight against the alcohol addiction of the population, he and his method are often criticized and openly opposed. Surprisingly, the people who were supposed to support him most criticized and tried to convict Zhdanov of a lie: narcologists, representatives of the state apparatus, and scientists.

The persecution to which Vladimir Georgievich is often subjected can only be explained by the effectiveness of his method. Alcoholic giants are not interested in losing their consumers, so they do not skimp on generous payments to Zhdanov's opponents. On the Internet, you can find entire articles ridiculing the professor and accusing him of creating a teetotaler sect. However, none of these articles cannot make arguments in favor of alcohol consumption and confirm the safety of the effects of ethanol on the human body.

The main causes of alcoholism and its stages

Zhdanov believes that the main causes that cause alcoholism are:

  1. The social environment.
  2. Traditions.
  3. Decrease in the level and quality of life.
  4. Prolonged stress.
  5. Poverty.

The professor gives an example of the fact that in Russia it is impossible to imagine a single holiday without alcohol. New Year, wedding, birthday and even school graduation is always accompanied by the use of champagne, vodka or wine. At the same time, people in a sober state able to have a great time and have fun. Whereas under the influence of alcohol, companions often begin to quarrel and fight.

Each lecture contains information about the stages of alcoholism that an alcoholic goes through. There are only three of them:

In his lectures, Zhdanov says that the damage that alcohol causes to the central nervous system in the third stage of alcoholism cannot be cured, since they are irreversible. A person is no longer able to realize and control his actions and actions. For the sake of drinking, an alcoholic is ready to commit robbery and even murder. In addition to the brain and liver, which are most affected by ethanol, the kidneys, heart, and gastrointestinal tract are damaged.

What is the main danger of child alcoholism

A separate place in Zhdanov's lectures is given to problem . The professor draws attention to the fact that the throughput of a child's liver is several times higher than that of an adult, so it cannot completely process alcohol.

Reasons why teenagers start drinking alcohol:

  1. Desire to imitate elders.
  2. parent example.
  3. Advertising alcohol in the media, as well as in popular films.

The liver is far from the only organ in a child that will suffer from alcohol. Respiratory organs, central nervous system suffer, immunity falls. Brain activity begins to decline rapidly. If an adult needs an average of 7 to 12 years to turn into a chronic alcoholic, then a child will overcome this path in just 3 years.

Vladimir Georgievich also blames his parents for teenage alcoholism. Very often, adults not only drink in front of their children, but also pour champagne for teenagers at celebrations. The child does not realize the danger and continues to drink already in the circle of peers.

Vladimir Zhdanov also says that people in power are guilty of mass alcoholism. Alcohol production brings huge profits, and officials, bribed by booze producers, turn a blind eye to the colossal harm that this business brings.

Proof can be found in alcohol advertisements, which cost huge sums to create and star in many films. popular stars. These videos are shown on central TV channels, and teenagers form the opinion that alcohol is an indispensable component of the life of beautiful, successful, self-confident and rich people.

The theory of extermination of the Russian people with alcohol

The professor has a lecture called "Alcohol terror against Russia." The main thesis of this lecture is that alcohol is effective remedy destruction of the Russian people and it has already been launched.

It is too expensive and dangerous to go to war against Russia which no one has yet been able to conquer. It is much easier to destroy the people smoothly and quietly, launching weapons such as alcohol. The population itself is dying from disease, dementia, degradation and debauchery. And the enemies not only achieve their goal of destroying the peoples of Russia, but also receive colossal profits from this.

Only a person who has not bothered to get acquainted with the mortality statistics in Russia for last years. About 2 million people die every year in Russia for various reasons. Of these, almost 700,000 deaths are due to alcohol. And this means that in 12 years of peaceful life, Russia loses as many people due to alcohol as the military losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War. The number is really scary..

Since 1991, Russia has lost more than 20 million people in peacetime. This is despite the fact that a steady population growth in the USSR was observed even in the 20-30s of the last century, during the period of social cataclysms and wars. The professor's conclusions suggest themselves: the nation is dying out not because of wars, but because of the abundance of alcohol available. Alcoholic drinks are now available even to children. It is rare that a 14-year-old teenager is unfamiliar with the taste of any alcohol. It is not necessary to expect healthy children from such a generation.

Attention, only TODAY!

It is a mistake to assume that it is in Russia that the most drinking population on the planet. Addiction to the green snake is a problem in many advanced economies. The Germans, the French, the British drink no less than the Russians, and alcoholism in the UK, Germany or France is as serious a problem as in Russia. For this reason, both in domestic and foreign media, on Internet resources, there are very heated discussions on the topic of combating the "green snake". Both amateurs and people suffering from this disease, as well as specialists with a big name, take part in these disputes. Among domestic fighters for sobriety, one of the most famous activists is Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov. As a professor at the Siberian Humanitarian-Ecological Institute and president of the international association of psychoanalysts, he presents the public with very descriptive lecture material that helps to overcome alcohol cravings and embark on the path of sobriety and a healthy lifestyle.

Professor Zhdanov on the dangers of alcohol created lectures that are based on the materials of his famous report made in 1986. The main point of these lectures is that the peoples of the former Soviet Union deliberately harassed with alcohol and tobacco in order to make them more manageable by aggressive international structures whose aspirations do not bring anything good for the population of countries such as Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The phenomenon of Zhdanov's lectures is that they are so simple and understandable that people immediately react to them, regardless of age. Both the schoolboy and the pensioner, who have watched at least one lecture, feel a passionate desire to start healthy lifestyle life. There is no place for boring scientific terms in these lectures, but this does not mean that they are unscientific. This is the skill of the professor - he managed to make fascinating and visual documentary videos from boring scientific material for specialists. Their availability and the presence of colorful images made Zhdanov's lectures very popular, interesting and informative.

Data on the effective destruction of our people

The activities of Vladimir Georgievich are sometimes compared with heroism, since it is precisely this that allows people to recognize the harsh reality associated with the use of alcohol. And this reality is very scary. About 2 million people die in Russia every year, and a third of these deaths are directly or indirectly related to alcoholism. That is, every year the country loses from half a million to 700 thousand of its citizens due to their addiction to the "green serpent". This means that in 12 years of peaceful life, Russia loses as many people as the irretrievable military losses of the entire Soviet Union in the Great Patriotic War - the most terrible war in the history of mankind and Russian state. During the 10 years of the war in Afghanistan, the USSR lost 50 times fewer dead than it dies in Russia from alcoholism in a year. From nuclear bombings Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 died 3-4 times less people than annually passes away in the Russian Federation from addiction to alcohol.

Vladimir Georgievich comes to the simplest conclusion that the Russian people are much easier to exterminate through alcohol than as a result of armed conflicts or social cataclysms of the times of 1917-1937. It was during this period that a revolution took place on the territory of Russia, Civil War, the famine of the early 20s and 30s, repression and the struggle for power. During this time, up to 10 million people died throughout the USSR. But these gloomy years have done less harm than the addiction to alcohol in his native country over the past 25 years.

Since 1991, our country has lost more than 20 million people, and this is in peacetime, and in the 20-30s of the last century, a steady increase in population was observed. The conclusion that Professor Zhdanov makes suggests itself. The nation is dying not from military clashes and social cataclysms, but from the abundance of alcohol and its availability to the general population. Alcoholic drinks are available even to children, which is reflected in the existence of child alcoholism in Russian Federation. Minor children at the age of 14 are mostly familiar with the taste of any alcoholic beverage. It is not necessary to expect healthy offspring from such a generation.

Why does child alcoholism appear and what does it lead to?

Zhdanov's lectures on the dangers of alcohol draw attention to the fact that parents themselves create a favorable situation for the emergence of child alcoholism, provoking and encouraging their children to get acquainted with wine, champagne, and beer. It happens on a birthday or in new year holidays. The inhibitory barriers in the child are not enough to confidently refuse the further use of such a dangerous liquid, and he continues to use it more often on weekdays. An unformed and weak body is more susceptible to the negative and destructive effects of alcohol. As a result, by the age of majority, such children are degraded personalities. There is no support and hope for the nation, since this “support” is lying under the fence in a state of intoxication or poisoning. To think soberly, to work physically and mentally with high returns, demonstrating competitive labor productivity (compared to representatives of the population of other countries), domestic youth in their mass cannot. And this is a great tragedy!

It is precisely this kind of information that Professor Zhdanov places in lectures, in which alcohol is the greatest evil. They are full of terrible facts in abundance, they make the blood freeze in the veins of all listeners. The lecture material draws attention to the fact that all this is possible not without the connivance of those in power. It is difficult to disagree with this statement - it is enough to think about the facts cited by Vladimir Georgievich. For example, expensive advertising of alcoholic beverages, which is full of many TV channels of domestic television, where young people are filmed, dismantling the combination of success and youth with alcohol consumption, could not have seen the light without the patronage of government officials. And this is not surprising. The alcoholic beverage industry is very profitable and is therefore of interest to many stakeholders in or aspiring to power.

Lectures by Professor Zhdanov on alcohol and the harm of alcohol

Each lecture on the dangers of alcohol does not open up new knowledge, does not declare sensations. All that he uses is not a secret with seven seals. He makes this knowledge more accessible and interesting for the main Russian layman, sharpening problems where he considers it necessary. Addiction specialists are familiar with all such information and use it in their daily activities. This knowledge is opened by Professor Zhdanov for most of the population. A disease such as alcoholism manifests itself in three stages, of which in the first there are no somatic manifestations, but only an increased (or painful) attachment to alcoholic beverages is noted. At this stage, the patient regularly lays behind the collar, while such regularity can be both daily and episodic. He manifests severe irritability, any stress is displayed by the manifestation of strong emotions.

At the second stage, the need for strong alcoholic beverages increases with a simultaneous decrease in self-criticism, and it becomes difficult for an alcoholic to realize that he is an alcoholic. The patient has an abstinence syndrome, which may slightly resemble a hangover, but is very different from it. In the latter case, the patient gets better after the hangover passes. With withdrawal syndrome, on the contrary, the state of health worsens, and the patient begins to feel worse on physical level. The longer alcohol does not enter the body at this stage, the more the patient's condition worsens. There are hallucinations that encourage the patient to go on a binge that lasts for weeks. In the second stage, the alcoholic is aware of the perniciousness of his actions, but cannot do anything about it.

In the third stage, there is significant damage to the central nervous system, many internal organs. In this case, damage to the central nervous system is irreversible. The natural chemical plant suffers the most human body- liver. It has a devastating effect on the regular use of a small amount of alcoholic beverages. If the amount of these drinks is increased, the liver is destroyed faster, "pleasant" with cirrhosis in the short term. At this stage, the patient does not need large doses of alcohol to reach the desired degree of intoxication. The mental activity of patients is at zero, and it is physically impossible for such a patient to overcome it. To return the situation in a favorable direction, to reduce the harm of alcohol, a doctor and qualified medical intervention are required.

What causes of alcoholism does Professor Zhdanov consider?

In his lectures on the dangers of alcohol, Zhdanov puts several causes of this disease at the forefront. This is the level of poverty, and increased stress, and the "quality" of life. A huge role is played by the environment of patients, established traditions. In our country, almost any holiday is unthinkable without alcoholic beverages on the table. Try to hold a wedding or birthday, anniversary without vodka and champagne? Such a proposal will leave many in a daze, but there is nothing wrong with it. Sober people spend time together, joke, dance, wish the heroes of the occasion many years of life and good health. On the contrary, it looks illogical to wish for good health with a glass or a glass of liquid that takes away this health. But do fights and showdowns between two drunken subjects at a holiday look logical? However, this behavior does not surprise the majority of the population of our country. This is the root of the problem. Habits and stereotypes need to be changed.

The fight against alcoholism as a recipe for the prosperity of the Russian people

Indeed, changing the attitudes of our people, their attitude to alcohol consumption will allow the country to reach a qualitatively new level. A generation will appear that is able to work, think, and defend their country much more productively, both with weapons in their hands and in information war which has been waged for many years both against the Russian state and against its people. It is more difficult to manipulate a sober, thinking people, therefore it is more difficult to make coups in such a state, destroy its economy, and eliminate its elite.

Bringing a country to prosperity, making its nation monolithic, strong and healthy is a difficult task. And like any difficult task, it does not have simple solution but requires an integrated approach. To achieve this goal, a number of other problems need to be solved along the way. One of them is to reduce the level of alcohol consumption in Russia.

Professor Zhdanov's lectures convince us that the solution of this problem is the foundation for the prosperity of the country, and it is this task that requires joint efforts both on the part of those in power and on the part of the entire Russian people.

Thanks for the feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone managed to save her husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying up, I don’t know what to do ((I thought of getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their markup brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through the pharmacy network and Retail Stores to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can not influence him in any way ((