What harm do computer games do?  Are computer games really that bad?

What harm do computer games do? Are computer games really that bad?

The first computer games were born back in the early 90s, and since then, disputes about their influence on the human psyche and behavior have not faded everywhere. In our time, when the popularity of computer games has reached incredible proportions, the question of their harm is even more relevant than before. Not only children and teenagers like to spend their leisure time playing computer games, but also quite adult people, sometimes even of a very respectable age. And if earlier caring parents were absolutely sure that the harm from computer games for their children is inevitable, today the generation that grew up on computer games casts doubt on this. And the truth is, because, contrary to expectations, most of them did not grow up mentally retarded or maniacs, but, on the contrary, are ordinary people fundamentally different from the others. But does this mean that all computer games are absolutely harmless and are a wonderful form of recreation? And is there any benefit from computer games? In this article you will find answers to these questions, but first, let's talk about what games are today.

Briefly about computer games

It is worth noting that since its inception, computer games have managed to seriously evolve: game worlds have become much larger and more detailed, the plots have become more intricate, and the physics have become dozens of times more realistic than before. But the graphics in games have especially stepped forward, the videos in the latest gaming innovations can be easily confused with movie scenes.

Computer games are divided into many genres, it is they who partially determine whether a computer game will be harmless or will contribute to the development of certain negative qualities in a person who is fond of it. One of the most popular genres of computer games today is the shooter. In fact, the main goal of this game is to exterminate opponents, whether they are alien monsters, soldiers of the enemy army or other characters. Action games are also very popular. This genre is close to the shooter, but is distinguished by the predominance of the plot component. In addition, many people like to play strategy, sports and logic games. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention role-playing games, most of which have an online mode. In such games, a person is invited to fully get used to the role of his character, contacting during the gameplay with other characters.

Harm from computer games

Although the “horror stories” about the dangers of computer games that are common in our time are greatly exaggerated, we have to agree that some games really have the ability to Negative influence on those who participate. In addition, even positive games can be harmful under certain conditions. So, let's look at the harm that computer games can bring.

  • Deterioration of well-being. When playing computer games, a person spends quite a long time in front of the computer screen, which negatively affects the condition of the spine, blood circulation and, of course, vision. In addition, if you lead sedentary image life, sitting all day playing games, this often leads to problems with being overweight.
  • Increased aggressiveness. Passion for games in which violence predominates often produces certain reactions in a person, the consequences of which can also manifest themselves outside the game. After computer shooters, in which all emerging problems are quickly solved by a skillful shot at the enemy, a collision with serious difficulties in real life can cause considerable irritation to an avid gamer. Indeed, to successfully solve life's problems, qualities such as patience, poise and the ability to get along with others are necessary, which is unlikely to be taught. cruel games.
  • Game addiction. Even the most harmless and simple computer game can captivate in earnest, let alone strategies and MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games). There are cases when, carried away by the "pumping" of their character in the virtual game world, the players forgot about sleep and food. The main danger of gambling addiction lies in the fact that it comes unnoticed - at first, computer games for a person remain only an innocent hobby, but over time, he can no longer live without them. And then the game takes up more and more time in his life, intended for more important things.
  • social isolation. Excessive passion for computer games also often leads to a deterioration in the player's relationship with other people: relatives, friends, relatives. After all, the time that used to take communication with real, living people now belongs to virtual characters from the game. In the end, a person can be left completely alone in a game world invented by someone, far from reality.
  • Material damage. Some fans of online multiplayer games not only refuse to communicate with other people, have a good rest and many other joys of life for them, but even spend a considerable part of their earned money on them. Donat - that is, the purchase of in-game bonuses, items, skills, and the like for real money, sometimes seriously affects the state of the gamer's wallet.

The benefits of computer games

Despite all the above consequences, which sometimes leads to a passion for computer games, some of them can bring considerable benefits. Below is some evidence that the benefits of computer games are not a myth at all.

  • Reaction improvement. Research scientists have found that games in which you need to perform certain actions in time (for example, turn a car) contribute to the development of fine motor skills and visual attention.
  • Intellectual development. Some types of games, such as strategy games, teach good planning. In order to win in them, it is not enough just to press the button in time - you need to think through all the options and achieve your goals step by step. In addition, playing economic strategies, you can learn the basic basics of doing own business. Logic games help develop ingenuity and mathematical abilities.
  • Replenishment of baggage of knowledge. A large proportion of computer games are based on real historical events. By playing such games, you can significantly deepen your knowledge of world history. Or take, for example, simple racing simulators. In some of them game process implies not only the banal taxiing of a car, but also the replacement various kinds body and engine parts. Thus, the player can gradually learn to understand the components of the car, find out how certain parts affect the engine performance and develop an interest in self-repairing a car.
  • Removal of stress. Do not underestimate the role of computer games in such an important matter as stress relief after have a hard day. When failures literally rain down, and others tirelessly cause trouble, it is important to be able to distract yourself and just relax. And immersion in the virtual world is one of the simplest and most effective ways to temporarily abstract from external problems.


As you can see, the impact of computer games cannot be unambiguously assessed. They can bring both benefit and harm, it all depends on what games to play and how much time to devote to this activity. If treated correctly, computer games can become a source of valuable knowledge and useful skills, as well as a way to have a good time. The main thing is not to let them take up too much space in your life.

By the way, not only excessive passion for computer games causes serious concern. No less problem is the dependence on the Internet. You can learn how to deal with Internet addiction from.

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From the TV screen, parents can often hear that computer games are useless and harmful, computer toys take up a lot of precious time, distract from study and communication with peers. But it always seemed to me that it was terribly interesting that it develops memory, takes free time. I decided to look into this issue. I started my research by studying theory; learned the history of the computer and computer games. I read the opinions of experts about the dangers and benefits of computer games. I conducted a survey among my classmates to find out their opinion about the benefits and harms of computer games. As a result, I have developed recommendations for children on working with a computer and on choosing games to use them with developmental benefits, as well as tips for parents. The question of the dangers of computers and computer games for children is discussed very often. Some especially fearful parents for this reason immediately forbid their children to play, sometimes only causing even greater interest of boys and girls in computer games. There is another extreme: parents do not look at what exactly their son or daughter is playing. Having learned these Interesting Facts I decided to learn more about computer games.


I want to know whether computer games take time, affect health, distract from study or benefit.


To date, with chronic diseases, including with a sharp deterioration in vision, there are more and more schoolchildren. This is because students spend too much time at the computer. The influence of the computer on the child's body is the most urgent problem of our time.


Find out whether computer games bring benefit or harm to the student.


    learn the history of the computer;

    find out what a computer game is;

    find out what types of computer games exist;

    find out the opinion of experts about the benefits and harms of computer games in the development of children;

    find out which games children play more and what they think about the dangers and benefits of computer games;


Playing computer games is harmful to children.

Research methods:

    literature study




The history of the computer

The word "computer" means "computer", that is, a device for computing. Many thousands of years ago, counting sticks, pebbles were used for counting... More than 1500 years ago, abacus began to be used to facilitate calculations. The first real calculating machine appeared only in 1642. It was invented by the French mathematician Pascal.

The idea of ​​creating a computer came from two physicists from the US state of Iowa. They were John Vincent Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. They were engaged in the creation of a computer from 1937 to 1942. This was the very first computer. The computer was named after the ABC scientists (Atanasoff Berri Computer).

What is a computer game?

Computer game- this is computer program, with which you can organize a game with partners. In this case, the game itself can act as a partner.

The first primitive computer games were developed in the 1950s.

Creating computer games is not child's play at all. In a large firm, the game is not created by one or two people. The development team should include a game designer, programmers, artists, and even composers.

Types of computer games, their harm and benefit.

All children love to play. But ordinary games are not always interesting or it happens that there is no one to play with them. But computer games can be played alone or with friends. There are a lot of game genres in computer games. It:

- Quests- "walkers - walkers. The meaning in such games is to solve mysteries.

- 3 Dgames- there is no plot in them, it seems that the player sees "from the eyes" of the character.

- Strategies- here the player controls large quantity troops.

- Simulators- these games create a model of a car, an airplane, etc.

- Action - games consisting mainly of action scenes.

- Adventures- games that have a literary plot.

- Puzzle - games consisting of solving various logic problems

- mixed - For example, the widely known game "Tetris".

- fun - games mainly aimed at children.

- Educational- games that include elements of learning.

- RPG (Role-playing game) - in these games, the heroes have certain skills that can later be improved.

I think that today there is not a single child who does not play computer games. Children spend a lot of time at computers. Naturally, parents are very worried about this. Because computer games, according to adults, have a bad effect on the health of the child.

In my opinion, racing games, rpg games, and shooting games are the worst influences, they are addictive games. It is very difficult to break away from such games, the plot in them is non-stop. There is no information in them, and there are a lot of bloody scenes. This disrupts the child's psyche, he becomes agitated and aggressive. In addition, constant sitting at the computer can cause Negative consequences: vision will deteriorate, there will be problems with excess weight and the musculoskeletal system, numbness of the hands.

But there are other games that can have an interesting and useful plot that makes the brain work actively. It's Strategies , Puzzles, Adventures, etc. Such games develop thinking, imagination, develop reaction, train the ability to get out of unusual situations, give you the opportunity to test yourself in the role of generals, detective, farmer, etc. Such games do not require heightened attention, speed, eye strain. They are measured and designed for a long pastime. They can be interrupted at any time.

There are a number of educational computer games for the little ones. They will teach the baby letters and numbers, introduce the world of animals and plants, have a beneficial effect on the development of the emotional sphere, contribute to the development of hand motor skills, visual memory, musical ear.

For younger students, a lot of educational games have been developed that will help deepen their knowledge in a particular area, teach them how to act in various situations, and contribute to the formation of perseverance, concentration, and attentiveness.

With the help of computer games, you can unobtrusively teach a child foreign languages, improve his knowledge of a particular subject, develop “limping” qualities and abilities. Of course, the computer should not become the only source of development - books that develop board games, constructors, puzzles and, of course, parental attention and affection as an integral companion of all activities.

What the experts say

During the study, I met with a doctor from our school and a psychologist. According to these experts, computer games can cause negative emotions, affect the consciousness of the individual (in the game a child can be successful and feel like a hero, but in life this may not be), the psyche is disturbed, aggression towards other people appears, the child can talk in his sleep.

According to experts, the most main danger, which is represented by computer games, is the emergence of gambling addiction. This is a real deviation of the psyche, requiring the help of a qualified doctor and the support of relatives and friends. Particularly noticeable is the harm of computer games for children, among whom a special risk group is teenagers, whose fragile psyche in a matter of days succumbs to the negative influence of games. In addition, children, unlike adults, do not know the measure and have a worse sense of time - it seems to them that they spent only a few minutes at the computer, while several hours have already passed.

At the same time, computer games develop memory, attention, thinking, speed of reaction.

The child needs to live in real time, set a goal in life. Games should be devoted to a certain time allotted for the game (no more than an hour, for example, from 9 to 10 in the morning). Children need to keep track of the time of the game. And parents encourage the child for the implementation of the time regimen.

Needs to be done hygiene requirements: take a break during the game, exercise for the eyes, keep the distance of the eyes from the monitor (up to 70 cm), monitor the tilt of the monitor and the screen lighting. Wipe the keyboard and monitor, put cacti and shungite in front of the screen. Ventilate the room, sit in a chair with a high back. If these requirements are met, computer games will be more useful for children.


Poll classmates

After I was convinced that not all computer games are useful for children, I decided to find out what my classmates think about the benefits and harms of computer games and what games they play. I distributed questionnaires (Appendix 1) with questions to the students of the 2nd grade of my school. A total of 86 people participated in the survey. Questionnaires were processed by me and I saw the attitude of my peers to computer games.

Here are the poll results.

Every day - 16 people.

Not every day - 66 people.

I do not play - 4 people.

Less than 1 hour - 47 people

1-2 hours - 23 people

More than 2 hours - 16 people.

Useful - 17 people.

Harmful - 72 people.

Don't know - 2 people

4. In your opinion, what are the benefits and harms of computer games?


    impairs vision;

    you receive radiation

    memory worsens;


    discord in the family


    thinking improves,


    the mood rises.

    learn a lot of new things

5. Do you play computer games with your parents' permission?

Yes - 55 people.

No - 14 people

Not always - 17 people.

6. Parents ask what games do you play?

Yes - 52 people

No - 34 people.

7. What games do you like to play the most?

The most common answers:

    shooting games;





Poll conclusion:

    My classmates understand that it is often forbidden to play computer games. Most children play for less than one hour per session.

    Almost everyone realizes that playing computer games for a long time and in aggressive games is harmful.

    They see all the health problems due to sitting in front of a computer screen for a long time.

    64% of my classmates play computer games with their parents' permission.

    60% of the parents of my classmates are interested in what their children play.


Questions about the dangers and benefits of computer games for children are questions to which there are no unambiguous answers. One thing is clear - everything is good in moderation. Computer games can be harmful if a child sits at them all day long, without looking off for anything else, spoiling his posture, vision and nervous system. With a reasonable approach, the benefits of children's computer games can be obvious: after all, some games are The best way relax, others develop reaction speed in children and logical thinking, third - make it possible to throw out the accumulated energy. And joint games of children, via the Internet or local network develop communication skills. Investigating the problem of the impact of a computer on human health, it becomes obvious that "communication" with a computer requires a rigid setting of working hours and the development of sanitary and hygienic rules to reduce and prevent such impacts.

    Offer your child only high-quality products that correspond to his age and individual capabilities.

    Before inviting a child to play new game, view all the tasks yourself, evaluate them in terms of interests, skills, knowledge of your son or daughter.

    To ensure control and personal communication, participate in the game with your child.

    Observe age and psychological and pedagogical restrictions in the use of computer games.

In order for the game to have a truly educational effect, the participation of an adult is necessary, which explains, comments on the tasks for the child, and supports his motivation. In addition, as in any game, a child must have a partner, a friend, and not only a virtual, but a real close person.

In addition, only by being present at the game, you can really assess how the child is overexcited and tired during the game. It is undesirable to use computer games before 5-6 years of age. It is undesirable to use games - "rpg" with a monotonous game task, without activating intellectual and creativity child.

Thus, my hypothesis was not confirmed. We found out that it is not always possible to consider that computer games are harmful. Even medical workers and psychologists talk about it.

Attachment 1


1. How often do you play computer games?

Every day.

Not every day.

I don't play

2. How many hours continuously do you play computer games?

Less than 1 hour

1-2 hours

Over 2 hours

3. Do you think it is useful to play computer games?



Computer games have been around for a long time modern man and took almost the first place among all types of recreation. And this can be explained: virtual reality has the ability to attract with its unlimited possibilities, and the developers never cease to delight game lovers with new products. However, many are concerned about the question of what are the benefits and harms of computer games for humans: are they dangerous to health or not.

The reason for the passion for computer games

Sometimes a person, unable to tear himself away from the screen, does not notice how slowly he is drawn into the gameplay. The benefits of switching to a pleasant, exciting activity and the opportunity to relax turn into a detrimental addiction. And there is a reason for this: being carried away by any computer game, we automatically take on the image of a game character, as if putting on his mask. And then there is the ability to directly influence the game world, adjusting the entire virtual reality for itself.

A kind of illusion of power and omnipotence arises in the head of a computer player: it is he who gets the properties to subjugate the installed world, establish his own rules there and achieve all the goals set. And a person, having acquired such greatness and superiority in the computer world, gradually ceases to need the real world. There is simply no need for this - after all, in physical reality it is no longer possible to manipulate others so easily. In reality, already in the mask of an ordinary person, the player loses his power. That is why computer gamers, being in physical world so waiting to return to their own universe.

Psychological studies have shown that often people who are dissatisfied with life, suffering from loneliness or a lack of purpose in life, often fall into the harm of gambling addiction. Thanks to the properties of the virtual space, they acquire all the opportunities that they are deprived of in real life. Due to the achievement of certain goals and objectives in the game, the self-esteem of such people tends to increase, a person receives artificial self-affirmation.

It is believed that with the help of computer games, we tend to run away from our real problems, and the deeper the problems, the stronger desire forget about reality the deeper the immersion in the world of the game. That is why, before treating a harmful gambling addiction, it is necessary to understand: what useful motives are replaced by activity in a fictional world? From what problems of reality did the person try to escape in this way?

What are the benefits of computer games

Many believe that modern computer games are of absolutely no benefit, having a negative impact on both our mind and physical condition. However, it should be noted that computer games have a number of advantages and health benefits:

Develop memory, attention and logic

In 2009, scientists conducted a study of the benefits and harms of the effects of computer games on abilities, the main object of which was the well-known video game by Japanese developers "Mario", where, according to the conditions, the player needs to "jump" from platform to platform, collecting coins and other prizes. A group of subjects were asked to devote a certain amount of time to Mario every day. A few days later, the researchers summed up: it turned out that platform games (this is the genre of games that Mario belongs to) develop useful abilities for orienting a person in space, stimulate memory, develop logic and strategic planning.

Data from another experiment showed that Tetris-type puzzles also have the benefit of helping to get rid of unpleasant thoughts, difficult memories, as well as healing post-traumatic disorders and reducing cravings for overeating.

Improve vision

It is far from a secret that spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen leads to the deterioration of vision. However, the opposite has also been proven: some computer games have beneficial properties for our eyes.

During the experiment, scientists from the University of Rochester concluded that first-person shooter computer games (a type of action games, the so-called shooters, in which the player associates himself with the hero) are useful. For example, the well-known computer game "Call of Duty" improves the ability to distinguish the smallest details of things and objects: for example, subtle shades gray color. Such a useful skill can be especially useful for drivers in foggy weather.

Computer-generated first-person shooters also have the benefit of stimulating the anterior cingulate cortex, parietal, and frontal lobes. It is these areas that are responsible for our attention and ability to multitask.

At the same time, it is important to know the measure in such useful “brain training” so as not to encounter the opposite effect. The optimal time, which does not give harm to the negative impact, is considered to be playing time up to 6 hours a week.

Relieve stress

Computer games can also be beneficial for the mental state of a person, helping to get rid of stress, depression, calm nerves and cheer up.

This was proven by scientists at Oxford University: in the course of research, it was found that the beneficial properties of passion for video games are manifested in the reduction of traumatic memories and difficult experiences that our consciousness contains.

For 20 minutes, a group of subjects were shown materials that provoked a violent emotional reaction. The figurative range included car crashes, various kinds touching or tragic scenes. After that, half of the subjects were asked to play 10 minutes of Tetris, in contrast to the control group of participants.

The results showed that the emotional reaction of people who played Tetris turned out to be more balanced than that of the control group - their memory was freed from most of the negative experiences received in the first part of the experiment.

There are a number of computer games created for a wide range of users - they differ quite a lot. simple terms and colorful, pleasing to the eye interface. If a player encounters a certain difficulty, the game will definitely help and tell you what to do next. Such applications are developed with the benefit of filling leisure time or, for example, the time that a person spends in public transport- only half an hour of play a day has a useful property, distracting, eliminating anxiety, bad thoughts, alleviating the harm of depressive states, raising a positive emotional background.

Why are computer games harmful?

However, despite all the above advantages, computer games have both pluses and minuses. The abuse of video games can cause serious harm to the physical and mental health person.

Aggressiveness and anger

“Excessive passion for video games can cause aggression in us,” such a conclusion was made by Malte Elson and Christopher Ferguson, psychologists at the University of Westphalia. Wilhelm. During the study, which lasted for 25 years, scientists found:

  • the manifestation of aggressiveness in humans directly depends on stressful environmental factors;
  • people with a high tolerance threshold for cruelty (in other words, those who have ever been or are being subjected to violence from the environment) tend to show their aggression more often in the presence of the slightest stress factors;
  • people who experience minimal violence are less likely to show aggression.

Thus, computer video games act as a kind of causative agent of an aggressive state. The person who is predisposed to aggressive behavior and cruelty, will behave embittered, copying the behavior of his hero in a computer game. That is why computer games are a high danger for teenagers, whose emotional condition literally changes every minute.

It is interesting to note that people who are prone to aggression in real life most often choose exactly those computer games where scenes of cruelty and violence dominate.

Interesting! Men are more prone to aggression and angry behavior as a result of playing the game than women.

The researchers also found that people who prefer to play computer games in a company are less prone to aggressive behavior than those who play alone.

gambling addiction

It is believed that among all types of computer games, it is precisely network games. Initially, the player only associates himself with the hero on the screen, but soon the person completely dissolves in his character, gradually moving away from the real world into the virtual one. A person transfers his entire physical life to cyberspace: here he falls in love, and makes friends, and builds a family. At the same time, relationships in a computer game become much brighter than in real life.

In the psychology of computer game addiction, the following important aspects are distinguished:

  • loss of track of time;
  • a constant feeling of something new;
  • partial or complete change of consciousness;
  • feeling of omnipotence of virtual power;
  • emergence of antisocial tendencies.

The player is so much addicted to the process of a computer game that he is completely lost in the sense of time and real space. Over time, his brain gradually ceases to distinguish between the real and virtual worlds. There are many cases when people addicted to a computer video game did not leave the game world for several days, without rest, food and sleep.

Due to constant updates from developers (new features, interface, graphics), gamers can play the same computer game for decades, while it does not bother them at all: rather, on the contrary, they always strive to be in their world as soon as possible to evaluate its new features.

There is a distortion of consciousness, because of which the real world begins to be realized with great difficulty. The attention of a person is scattered, memory worsens, the process of thinking slows down.

At some point, a gamer begins to feel that he can achieve whatever he wants: as a result, his ideal self-esteem and self-confidence increase significantly. However, only in an ideal, virtual world.

A person addicted to a computer game gradually turns into a "social invalid". Gamers stop going to work and school, going out to crowded places, meeting friends and relatives.

Important! As a result of gambling, a person may develop a fear of open spaces and crowds of people.

tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome, or carpal tunnel syndrome, is a neurological disorder caused by a pinched median nerve. Often it occurs due to continuous monotonous movements of the hands or fingers. The movements themselves can be quite simple: finger clicks on a computer mouse button or on the keyboard. At first glance, nothing serious, but even such light, but frequent body movements can have negative consequences.

Tunnel syndrome develops due to constant tension of the hands. It is the “working” hand of the player, right or left, that is most at risk. As a result of a pinched nerve, severe pain occurs in the hand, and soon the nerve simply begins to atrophy - this is accompanied by a loss of sensation in the fingers.

People who play computer games are most susceptible to this disorder, because almost every video game requires a load on the hands.


Buried into the monitor screen, a person can remain in the same place for a long time, practically without moving the body. The consequence of this may be the development of the most common disease of the rectum - hemorrhoids. This disease is characterized by the expansion of the veins of the lower rectum. The reason for everything is the stagnation of blood in the veins due to a sedentary lifestyle. The dilated veins themselves bulge into the lumen of the rectum, and sometimes sag from the anus.

In especially severe cases of hemorrhoids, thrombosis may develop, which is accompanied by severe pain and bleeding.

To avoid this disease, every half an hour sitting at the computer must be diluted with elementary activity - you can get up from your seat, walk around the apartment, or do light exercise.

back problems

Like hemorrhoids, back problems are caused by sitting too long. The range of such diseases is quite wide: this includes osteochondrosis, scoliosis, arthrosis and many others.

The most popular osteochondrosis - it occurs in 9 out of 10 adults over the age of 20 years.

Moreover, during computer games, the muscles of the neck and upper back also suffer from a continuous sitting position, becoming weaker: after all, their load is reduced. What can not be said about the lower back - the load on it in the case doubles. In order not to face back problems, during a computer game, it is necessary to stretch your back from time to time, alternating being in front of the screen with light gymnastics or physical activity.

Visual impairment

Visual impairment due to a long time spent in front of a computer monitor is most susceptible to people aged 18 to 45 years.

Symptoms of this can be discomfort and fatigue of the eyes, redness, dryness of the cornea, tearing, blurred vision and decreased visual acuity.

Due to prolonged monitoring of a computer monitor, “dry eyes” can occur, which ophthalmologists identify as one of the most dangerous diseases. Its symptoms include burning and cutting around the eye, a feeling that something has got there. Most "dry eye" is observed in people wearing contact lenses.

The reason is in blinking: in a normal state, a person blinks an average of twenty times per minute, but during a long, uninterrupted look at a glowing computer screen, the blinking frequency decreases three times. The eye gradually “dries up”, its sharpness decreases over time, and soon vision runs the risk of completely disappearing.

Every hour it is necessary to arrange a rest for the eyes, while doing simple, but at the same time invaluably useful exercises:

  1. Move your eyes from left to right, top to bottom.
  2. Rotate the pupils clockwise and counterclockwise alternately.
  3. Put your index finger at eye level and focus on it. Then quickly look at another object at a distance - and look at the finger again.

Repeat each exercise for 2-3 minutes.

More information about the impact of computer games on human health - in the video:

Computer games for children: benefit or harm

To the question about the benefits and harms of computer games for children, a definite answer has not yet been found, because opinions differ greatly. Someone thinks that there is no need for children to get involved in such nonsense - reading books and doing homework will be more useful than spoiling their eyesight behind the monitor screen. Others are sure that computer games develop the child, bring him pleasure - then what's the trouble?

It all depends on the type of computer game that the child is fond of.

  • "Shooter": such games often contain scenes of violence and murder. Playing one of them, the child literally perceives everything that happens on the screen, where he shoots his enemies point-blank. As a result, the sight of blood and corpses become quite familiar to him, and he himself unwittingly begins to transfer all the aggression from the game to the real world. That is why child psychologists strongly recommend protecting the child from bloodthirsty computer games, replacing them with developing ones.
  • Educational computer games, in turn, can be very useful for child development: with their help, you can train the memory and attention of the child, motor skills of hands and eyes, develop imaginative thinking and imagination. There is a variety of educational computer games designed for different characters and ages of the child. For example, an active and mobile kid is recommended to be given fast and dynamic games, while a quiet and calm child will be happy to complete a computer quest, where it is proposed to solve a certain problem.

At what age can you play computer games

Games for a child are an environment for his development. For this reason, it is possible to allow a child to sit down at a computer game not earlier than 4 years, when the foundation of his psyche begins to be laid. It is from this age that the child is able to see the connections between the computer mouse and what is happening on the screen, to begin to build logical chains and look for solutions to problems.

At the same time, in childhood It is very important to limit the child's time spent at the computer - no more than 1 hour a day.

The right choice of computer games

Every parent needs to know how to choose the right computer game for their baby, which will not harm his psyche. It is from the correct choice of a computer game that the development of such important factors like the perception of color, quantity, shape, etc.

To date, a lot of research is being carried out in the world on the impact of computer games on the development of the psyche of children. Based on their results, developers create many games for a child of any age. High-quality computer video games are available both on the Internet and in special game stores. With their help, the baby can learn to count, draw, read, quickly memorize the necessary information.

When choosing a computer game, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the child, since games for boys and girls and for children of different age categories differ significantly. For girls, the most interesting games will be, for example, cooking, beauty and fashion games, while boys are often interested in racing and sports games.

Cognitive educational computer games are suitable for younger children.


The benefits and harms of computer games still continue to be the subject of study around the world. In the course of research, it was proved that computer video games still have useful properties: they can help develop logic, thinking, memory, and even improve vision under certain conditions. However, it is worth remembering the high risk of addiction to computer games and the need to control the time spent on an exciting activity.

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As you know, there has always been a lot of controversy and disagreement around computer games. Most often, these disputes are about whether games are harmful or useful. Some say that they are certainly harmful and then they find cases that can demonstrate this, others say no and oppose their cases to the first. Well, let's see if computer games are harmful to health or not?

First, let's deal with the games themselves, what they are and then draw a conclusion.

What is a game? This is, to put it bluntly, entertainment. This entertainment can be of many genres and with different age ratings. Games are now sold on every corner and there are no problems in order to get any of them.

Different genres of games

Game genres, for those who do not know, this is the main direction of the game. For example: Race - where the whole point of the game is to drive a car in order to overtake rivals and come first, Shooter, Action - this is a shooter with a view, most often from the first person, where the goal is the storyline of the game, extermination of enemies firearms and not only.

Of course, if we compare these two genres in terms of cruelty, then the first is completely harmless, but the second often includes violent scenes, where sometimes blood flows like a tap.

But on the other hand, in films, isn't it? Previously, only in horror, it was possible to see this, but now not only.

For the most part, this is just a legal washing away of responsibility by the developers from their own hands, so that later the parents do not go to court when a 7-year-old boy who played Manhunt crushed his grandmother into cabbage. Of course, these are all jokes, it usually doesn’t come to this, but still it is undesirable for children under 10 to play games +21.

Ratings are determined by the severity of the game, with the most violent games legally reserved for players aged 21 and over. These games can have violence in the most different forms, obscene language and so on. And then the ratings, along with the cruelty in the game, go down for players from 6 years old.

Why are games sometimes guilty of violence?

As you know, sometimes it is because of the games that a person does some kind of negative action in relation to the environment or any individual. Several similar cases were in the US, when it was recognized that the perpetrator had overplayed GTA IV. Only people with a weak psyche, imaginary and impressionable, to whom the films of the Ministry of Health would be banned from viewing, can be subject to this.

Are games harmful?

Violent games can be harmful only for those who obviously have a weak psyche and are highly susceptible to the received information. Such people, as it was written above, and cruel films will harm. If you do not belong to them, the danger from gaming cruelty does not represent anything for you.

Races, for example, are not harmful at all, but on the contrary, they develop a reaction and attentiveness.

The only harm that the game can cause is just to temporarily addict you to yourself, to captivate, to tighten. Most often these are online games, they were created just to become a gamer's habit.

It should also be noted the load on the eyesight. If you take a 10 minute break every hour, you will compensate for this load.

Well, and one more harmfulness, when a gamer, having played too much, forgets to eat on time. Don't bring it to this - it's better to bring food to the computer and eat right at the game.

Benefits of games

Computer games have many positive properties. Shooters will significantly increase your reaction and attentiveness. Some games are specifically designed to improve thinking, logic, memory and they really help with this.

Which reign in society and which are quite far from reality. Now consider 7 useful properties computer games:

1. Increase self-esteem, make a person more self-confident and purposeful.

A few years ago, Mark Griffiths, a scientist at Trent University in Nottingham, set out to find out what benefits games could bring. The scientist conducted a study during which it was possible to find out that games develop self-confidence. According to the scientist, "when you win the game, you feel good - and this raises your self-esteem."

Robin Rosenberg, a scientist at Stanford University in California, came to the same conclusion. Research results have shown that games in which people play the role of superheroes help to be more useful to society in real life.

2. Gamers improve their English language skills through games.

World of Warcraft, Call of Duty and other similar action games and shooters contribute to the popularization of the English language. For example, one study in Sweden showed that young people who play computer games communicate online in English (written or spoken) for about 10-12 hours a week. Moreover, games often use colloquial language with expressions and words that are not found in either general school or university programs.

3. Computer games are a source of new knowledge.

Poll of the creators of the popular WOT games(popularly - "tanchiki"), showed that the players became more interested in military history, including tank building, thanks to which they began to visit museums and thematic exhibitions more often. And, importantly, not alone, but together with their spouses and children.

Another WOT player under the nickname Swordman writes: “And I personally have sadness: when you watch old war films, you immediately notice that instead of German tanks ours only in a square body kit made of painted wood. I didn’t notice before, but now you can see everything at once even by the skating rinks.”

4. Games improve coordination and memory, develop logical thinking.

The best proof of this is the fact that some schools in Europe use computer games (like Minecraft) to develop motor skills and logical thinking in children, and many surgeons prefer to play shooters to train coordination.

On the WOT forum, one of the players (under the nickname Asasinhope) wrote that his passion for games even saved his life: “I bounced off a car whose tire was torn off, I think purely because of the reaction that I acquired in shooters.”

5. Thanks to games, you can meet new people and even find your soul mate.

It's not true that avid gamers are people out of touch with real life. On the contrary, they are more socially active than many non-players. For example, research by the Entertainment Computer Manufacturers of America showed that the majority of gamers regularly play sports, read the latest news in newspapers or online, engage in creative work, and regularly visit movies, theaters, and museums. Agree, it does not look like social isolation at all.

On the “tankers” forum, which is already well known to us, a player under the name AmberMind writes: “Based on personal experience, - in online game you can really meet very responsive people who will come to the rescue in Hard time. This is great! By the way, there are examples when dating in games led to the creation happy families, is also sufficient.

6. Shooters and action games are a great way to throw out negativity and aggression.

Studies prove that games help patients to distract from pain, and with the accumulation of aggression and negativity in real life, this a great opportunity throw it out virtually.

And here is an example from life. Mrtimoxa, an avid tanker, writes: “I play after work. a couple of hours - and all the aggression accumulated during the day goes away. I found a friend in a random house, it turned out we live in neighboring areas, now we periodically go bowling.”

7. Computer games develop creative potential and fantasy.

Performing various tasks, finding possible ways problem solving, a person develops his creative thinking and the ability to think outside the box.

TotalDespair, a WOT player, believes that “strategic and tactical games develop global thinking, you pay more attention to small things. For people of creative professions, games are sometimes a source of inspiration, like music, books, films. Also, in my case, team game(in the realities of WoT, I mean a platoon) - this is another reason to chat with friends with whom it is not always geographically possible to maintain regular communication.