What can man give to nature?  Composition on the theme “Nature Nature gives a person everything

What can man give to nature? Composition on the theme “Nature Nature gives a person everything

"Environmental Protection" - Game "Name the rule". How to protect water. Traveler. How to protect the air How to protect the soil. Negative and positive influence of man on nature. What can you do to protect nature. How to protect animals. Butterflies. What nature gives to man. O. Driz. How to protect plants. Protect the environment.

"Environmental Organizations" - WWF. International organizations. VOOP. Arctic Council. Center environmental policy and culture. Leading role. Green World. REC. Children's environmental organizations. Fund wildlife in Russia. ADDITIONAL Friends of the Baltic. Greenpeace. IUCN. MZK. International organizations of the UN system. UNEP. St. Petersburg Ecological Union.

"Fundamentals of Conservation" - Breaks in tree ranges different types. Strategy. Comparison of potencies and positions of systems. The main reason for the decline in biodiversity. Favorable consequences of the reserved regime. Consequences of environment-transforming human impacts on the forest belt. Adverse consequences of the reserved regime.

"Stimulation of environmental activities" - Selection of the most effective SIPs. Air pollution from mobile sources. Ecological Fund. Financing scheme. Hazard Class. The total mass of emissions. The amount of pollution. Stages of development of the payment mechanism. Production quota system. Emission of pollutants. Bubble principle. Air pollution.

"Respect for nature" - Bottle. Vitamin C. There is a huge house on earth. You love juice. organic waste. Waste from plastic packaging. Nature. logging industry. Waste paper recycling. Vitamin B. Can we litter less. Food waste. The problem of cullet processing. Wood waste. Glass waste. Fruits and vegetables.

"Protection of flora and fauna" - Environmental pollution. Protection of Nature. Ecological culture and ethics. Zoos. Gene banks. Poaching. Urbanization and road construction. biological resources. Biodiversity. Reserves. Red Book. Biodiversity organic world. Formed competencies. Protection of flora and fauna.

There are 15 presentations in total in the topic

The universe is one. A person, thanks to the ability to think, is aware of the responsibility for the world and himself as a part of this whole. What has nature given to man and how is he responsible for the state of the world around him?

Nature as a natural habitat

Nature - habitat habitat that is independent of human activity.

This is a set of ecosystems, each of which is determined by the features of the relief, terrain, climate, flora and fauna, rainfall and other natural indicators of the state of the habitat.

Man is a part of nature, its product. Thanks to the ability to think and to actively influence the environment, the role of man in nature is not limited to his place in the ecological system. Impact on environment transforms natural factors to the needs of mankind and changes its natural balance, which often leads to a threat and real facts of the occurrence of a cataclysm.

The role of man in nature

Man has an active influence on nature in different forms life:

  • Development natural resources. Allows a person to solve issues of energy supply, life support at the expense of raw materials.
  • Development of new territories. Development of the infrastructure of cities and settlements and expansion of the zone of human presence on different continents.
  • Development of production. The processing of raw materials and the problems of waste disposal have a significant impact on the ecology of the surrounding world.

In the process of using energy, territories of everything that nature gives modern man, the negative prognosis from the consequences of active human influence is not always sufficiently calculated. In this case, a number of problems arise that threaten nature.

modern world

All the wealth of the surrounding world that nature gave to man was mercilessly used in the history of the development of human civilization. Especially actively this process is carried out today, using industrial production technologies.

As a result of the consumer attitude to the resources of nature, ecologists of our time designate the following problems of a global scale.

  • Surface pollution and landscape change. affects the state climatic zones, provokes disturbances in the balance of the system, the disappearance of animal species.
  • Destruction of the ozone layer. It entails exceeding the permissible levels of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Changes in the state of the world's oceans. This system is a universal regulator natural phenomena. Creates a threat of imbalance in the ecosystem of the world's oceans.
  • Reducing the resource of minerals. It entails a shortage of raw materials, on the extraction of which the life support systems of mankind depend, provokes a change in the structure of the earth's crust.
  • Extermination of plant and animal species. Leads to an imbalance in the ecosystem.
  • Reduction of forests. Creates a threat to the state of the atmosphere.

All problems are interconnected and ultimately lead to the threat of self-destruction of mankind.

Ways to restore the harmony of nature and man

The consequences of the consumer's attitude to nature do not cause optimism. In this case, you need to look at a person again from the position of a rational principle in nature.

The natural way to solve problems is to return everything that nature has given to man. Is this possible in the present situation?

First of all, it is necessary to change the nature of interaction with nature and move from the immoderate consumer-technocratic use of its resources to rational interaction.

  1. Array recovery forest plantations. Through the implementation government programs it is possible to completely restore the park of green spaces.
  2. Recovery Now a program is being developed to solve the problem at the level of interstate integration.
  3. The energy supply of mankind should be carried out through new methods and the development of new sources of energy (nuclear, solar).
  4. Combining efforts at the global level and creating principles for the rational use of natural resources.

Environmental perspective

Difficult to overestimate because it is a condition and a possibility of its existence. Therefore, the only expedient solution to all problems is to change the self-consciousness of a person.

Solving the problem at the global level means not only uniting the world communities at the state level. The most important factor advocates the introduction of disciplines in the system of preschool and school education in order to form a worldview for active participation in the conservation of natural resources. Only with a large-scale approach is it possible not only to save, but also to compensate for everything that nature has given to man.

From this short article you will learn what nature gives to modern man and how to use these priceless gifts.

What can a person without nature

In fact, if there were no nature, a person would have nothing - he simply could not live on earth. After all, what does nature give to man? Almost everything. Nature feeds and clothes us - we take all food and clothes from nature. Fruits, vegetables, grains, meats and milk are all-natural staples. You can object: well, everything is not so simple about clothes, and isn’t a person creating different drinks? So what about nature? However, think carefully: what are these clothes made of? Again from natural materials but subjected to chemical and physical treatment. In the same way, without natural materials, it would be impossible to create electricity - where then to get the raw materials? Without minerals, it is impossible to develop much-needed modern humanity industrial materials, fuel, gas. Without various substances found in nature, the chemistry so praised today would simply be impossible.

And nature also gave us the house in which we live, the air we breathe, and finally - life itself. Everything that a person has received, everything without exception, is from nature. And in this sense, it is quite possible to call it with a capital letter - Nature. What does nature give to man? Everything for a long and happy life, in fact, without nature there would be neither you, my dear readers, nor me. Another question is how we use it.

On the attitude towards natural resources

And man spends natural gifts too wastefully. He does not protect them at all and exploits them mercilessly. What does this threaten us with? The simplest example: all reservoirs will be polluted - there will be no fish left. There will be no fish - there will be nothing for the birds to eat, and so on along the chain it will reach a person. Yes, and without good fish, a person cannot, and it is impossible to provide even a relatively small part of the population with artificially grown fish. But a person cannot eat artificial products all his life - sooner or later this will lead to serious genetic abnormalities, sick children will be born who themselves will be unable to give birth to healthy offspring, and will they be able to give birth at all? And it all starts with the fact that we do not care about our breadwinner - nature.

In fact, not much needs to be done - to develop good waste recycling technologies so as not to throw them into rivers, lakes, or bury them in the ground. The most important thing is that such technologies are real and it is quite possible to start implementing them now. Residents of many European countries They have already understood this and are protecting their natural resources. For example, the Finns, if they cut down a forest, they plant twice as much. After all, something can happen to young shoots, so this decision is very wise. What are they doing with us? They just cut it down and don't plant new trees.

Russia - richest country, we have a huge amount of natural reserves, but they need to be maintained, otherwise they may run out very soon. Take care of nature, start small - do not litter, do not pollute our forests. If everyone thinks at least a little about nature, we will preserve and increase our wealth.

We depend on nature for more than just our physical survival. We also need nature to show us the way back home, the way out of the prison of our own mind.

We have forgotten what stones, plants, animals continue to remember. We forgot how we should be - how we should be calm, be ourselves, how to be where life flows - Here and Now.

As soon as you direct your attention to something natural, to something that began to exist without human intervention, you enter into a state of unity with the Existing, in which all nature exists. Putting your attention on a stone, tree, or animal does not mean thinking about it at all - just perceive it, keeping it within your awareness.

Then something from his essence is instilled in you. You begin to feel how calm it is, and when you feel it, the same calmness arises within you. You feel how deeply its roots go into Existence - it is in full agreement with what it is and where it is. Realizing this, you also come to a place within yourself where there is deep peace.

Walking or relaxing in nature, honor this realm with your full presence in it. Stay calm. Look. Listen. See how whole each creature, each plant. Unlike people, they never bifurcate, do not split. They don't live through their mental self-image, so they don't need to defend or inflate it. They don't even care about it at all. This is the deer. This is the pale yellow daffodil.

In nature, everything exists not just in complete unity with itself, everything is in complete unity with everything else. No one isolates himself from the integral structure, claiming a separate existence like "I" and the rest of the universe.

The contemplation of nature can free you from this "I", the main troublemaker.

Bring your awareness to the subtle sounds of nature - the rustling of leaves in the wind, the falling raindrops, the buzzing of insects, the first birdsong at dawn. Give yourself entirely to listening. Behind the sounds there is something much more - a holiness that cannot be comprehended by thought.

If you perceive nature only through reason, through thoughts, through thinking, then you cannot feel its liveliness, its vitality and givenness. You see only the form and you are not aware of the life inside this form - and this holy sacrament. Thought reduces nature to the level of a commodity, an object of consumption. She uses it in pursuit of profit or for the purpose of obtaining knowledge, or for any other utilitarian purposes. An ancient forest becomes lumber, a bird becomes a scientific program, a mountain becomes an object that must be pierced with adits or conquered.

When you perceive and realize nature, let there be gaps without thought, without mind. When you approach nature in this way, it will respond to you and participate in the evolution of both human and planetary consciousness.

Houseplants at your house - have you ever looked at them for real? Have you allowed such a familiar and at the same time mysterious creature, which we call a plant, to teach you its secrets? Have you noticed how deeply calm it is? What field of silence surrounds it? The moment you become aware of the emanation of calm and peace emanating from this plant, it becomes your teacher.

Watch any animal, flower or tree and see how it abides in Being. It is itself. It has incredible dignity, innocence and holiness. But in order for you to see this, you have to go far beyond your mental habit of naming and labeling. The moment you look beyond mental labels, you feel an inexpressible dimension of nature that cannot be grasped through thought or sense perception. This is harmony, the holiness of which is lowered and impregnated not only with all nature as a whole, but which is also inside you.

The air you breathe is nature, as is the breathing process itself.

Bring your attention to your breathing and realize that you are not doing it. This is the breath of nature. If you had to remember that you must breathe, you would soon die, and if you tried to stop your breathing, then nature would win.

By becoming aware of your breath and keeping your attention on it, you reconnect with nature in the most intimate and powerful way. This action is healing and deeply inspiring. It causes a shift in your consciousness from the conceptual world of thoughts to the inner realm of unconditional consciousness.

You need nature as a teacher to help you reconnect with Being. But not only you need nature, she needs you too.

You are not separate from nature. We are all part of the One Life manifesting itself in the myriad forms of the entire universe, in forms that are all intimately intertwined and fully interconnected. When you understand this holiness, beauty, unthinkable silence and dignity in which a flower or a tree exists, then you add something to both the flower and the tree. Through your understanding, your awareness, nature also comes to know itself. She comes to the knowledge of her own beauty and holiness - through you!

Nature exists in a primordial and pure stillness that preceded the appearance of thought. And the tree, and the flower, and the bird, and the stone are not aware of their own beauty and holiness. When people become quiet, they go beyond thought. In the silence behind thought, another dimension is added - the dimension of knowledge and awareness.

Nature can bring you peace and tranquility. This is her gift to you. When you perceive nature and connect with it in this field of silence, then your awareness begins to permeate this field. This is your gift to nature.