Ecology and health: how to protect yourself from exposure to harmful impurities in the air? Analysis of harmful air impurities. Types of climate technology

In the village of Nikolsky, on a holiday, the people went to mass. The cowgirl, the headman and the groom remained in the manor's yard. The cowgirl went to the well for water. The well was right in the yard. She pulled out a bucket, but did not hold it. The bucket broke off, hit the wall of the well and tore off the rope. The cowgirl returned to the hut and said to the elder:

- Alexander! get down, father, into the well - I missed the tub. – Alexander said:

- You missed it, you get it. “The cowgirl said that she would probably climb herself, only that he would let her down.

The elder laughed at her and said:

- Well, let's go. You are now on an empty stomach, so I will keep; and after dinner and do not keep.

The headman tied a stick to a rope, and the woman sat on it, took hold of the rope and began to climb down into the well, and the headman began to lower her by the wheel. The well was only six arshins deep, and there was only one arshin of water. The headman lowered the wheel slowly and kept asking: “More, or what?” The cowgirl shouted from there: “Just a little more!”

Suddenly the headman felt that the rope had loosened; he called to the cowgirl, but she did not answer. The headman looked into the well and saw that the woman was lying in the water with her head and upside down. The headman began to shout and call the people; but no one was there. Only one groom came. The headman told him to hold the wheel, and he pulled out the rope, sat on a stick and climbed into the well.

As soon as the groom lowered the headman to the water, the same thing happened to the headman. He threw the rope and fell headfirst onto the woman. The groom began to shout, then he ran to the church for the people. Mass departed, and the people went out of the church. All the men and women ran to the well. Everyone crowded around the well, and everyone shouted his own, but no one knew what to do. The young carpenter Ivan made his way through the crowd to the well, grabbed a rope, sat on a stick and ordered himself to be let down. Ivan only tied himself to the rope with a sash. Two people lowered it, while the others all looked into the well, what would happen to Ivan. As soon as he began to reach the water, he threw the rope with his hands and the annual would have fallen, but the sash held him. Everyone shouted: "Drag him back!" - and Ivan was pulled out.

He hung like a dead man on a sash, his head also hung and beat against the edges of the well. The face was blue? Crimson. He was taken out, removed from the rope and laid on the ground. They thought he was dead; but he suddenly breathed heavily, began to perhat and came to life.

Then they wanted to climb more, but one old peasant said that it was impossible to climb, because there was bad air in the well, and that this bad air killed people. Then the peasants ran after the hooks and began to drag out the elder and the woman. The elder's wife and mother were wailing at the well, others calmed them down, and the peasants hooked hooks in the well and tried to drag the dead out. Once or twice they dragged the elder to half the well by his dress; but he was heavy, the dress broke through, and he fell off. Finally, they grabbed him by two hooks and pulled him out. Then they pulled out the cowgirl. Both were already completely dead and did not come to life.

Later, when they began to inspect the well, they found out that for sure - there was bad air at the bottom of the well.

Air in the house: Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is necessary for life, it stimulates the work of various body systems, the activity of the brain, heart, lungs, etc. The normal concentration of CO2 in the air should not exceed 0.1%. The air in the house oversaturated with carbon dioxide can adversely affect a person’s well-being, up to death. We ourselves are the source of carbon dioxide. When we breathe in oxygen, it is transported through the body through the blood, and as a result chemical reactions when interacting with food, it turns into carbon dioxide and released into the atmosphere through the lungs. In unventilated rooms, its concentration can exceed the norm, and then you can feel symptoms such as headache, fatigue, shortness of breath, cough, and many others.
Carbon dioxide is also one of the products of combustion. natural gas, as a rule, used in everyday life when cooking and in the kitchen, its concentration is higher than in any other places in the dwelling, so it is very important to make sure that the ventilation system is working.

Air in the house: Toxins
So air in the house can be dangerous because it concentrates substances such as formaldehyde, radon and benzene.
Formaldehyde is a toxic carcinogen that is released from plastic, fibrous materials, it has a very negative effect on the respiratory organs, skin, eyes, and reproductive organs, often in residential premises the concentration of formaldehyde exceeds the permissible norm (10 μg per cubic meter) Benzene is found mainly in paints and solvents, motorists are particularly exposed to benzene because it is often added to motor fuel. May cause dizziness headache, and at higher doses, nausea, but if a person is constantly exposed to the action of this substance, then this can cause and. Radon often accumulates in rooms built of stone or brick, appearing from the earth's crust, it is more concentrated in the lower floors of the building and basements, and can cause lung cancer. Wooden houses are considered the safest in terms of radon accumulation.
In order to improve the quality air in the house, it is recommended to ventilate the premises as often as possible, as well as cabinets and various closed kitchen drawers, carry out wet cleaning or use air purifiers, and of course keep houseplants which absorb carbon dioxide instead of filling the air with oxygen and some of them neutralize radiation from household appliances.

In November, residents of many districts of Moscow repeatedly felt the appearance of unpleasant smells of burning, sulfur or hydrogen sulfide in the atmosphere. The causes of air pollution were identified as emissions from the Moscow refinery, planned burning of wood, pest control, and an anticyclone that prevented the dispersion of harmful substances.

Air pollution is a major threat to human health. A huge amount of tiny toxic particles settle in our lungs, which lead to chronic diseases, impair immunity, cause allergic and asthmatic diseases. To avoid negative impact harmful factors, you need to understand the depth of the problem and its consequences. We will talk about all this in our article.

How harmful impurities affect the health of Muscovites

According to statistics, 3-3.5 thousand Muscovites die every year from harmful impurities in the air. The reason is the exacerbation of chronic diseases that occur against the background of an unpleasant environmental situation, as well as an increase in the number oncological diseases, the "mechanism" of which is also triggered by harmful substances inhaled by the residents of the capital.

The air in Moscow is characterized by an increased content of benziprene, formaldehyde, phenol, nitrogen dioxide and other

Benziprene is a strong carcinogen that can lead to leukemia and congenital deformities . The mechanism of action is due to the penetration of substance molecules into DNA molecules.

Formaldehyde has an irritating and general toxic effect. At high concentrations, it affects the central nervous system, vision and upper respiratory tract.

Nitrogen dioxide leads to respiratory failure, contributes to the development of bronchopulmonary diseases. Dioxins emitted by diesel vehicles are classified as strong poisons, which suppress the immune system, can lead to the development of cancer and mutation of the offspring.

The main factors of metropolitan air pollution: what, where, when

Twenty years ago, the main "pollutants" of the air were industrial emissions. Over time, many enterprises began to close and move outside the city. It would seem that the situation in the capital should have changed for the better. But, alas, along with a decrease in the number of industrial facilities, the number of cars in the capital has increased. On the this moment, they are the main sources of air pollution that Muscovites breathe.

We all know that exhaust gases are very harmful. But the main harm of road transport is not in this. For the human body, the smallest dust, which is formed by tires rubbing against asphalt, is a great danger. This dust passes through natural protection respiratory tract, irritating and carcinogenic.

According to World Organization healthcare, small particles(less than 10 microns) are classified as priority pollutants. By the way, the air in the capital is most polluted in summer: it is during this period of the year that the concentration of harmful substances in it reaches critical levels. This is due to intense heat, fumes from hot asphalt, smoke and smog caused by peat and forest fires.

The most dangerous component of smoke is carbon monoxide. Dissolving in the air, it is almost invisible. Carbon monoxide, if ingested, can cause injury nervous system blocking the natural circulation of oxygen in the blood.

Where in Moscow to breathe well

6. Pay attention to broccoli

If you eat half a cup of steamed broccoli florets for 5-10 minutes every day, you can protect the body from harmful effects polluted air. The fact is that this vegetable contains a special substance - glucoraphanin, which, when cut or chewed, turns into sulforaphane - a compound that enhances the body's ability to remove from cells toxic substances. So the residents of the capital should diversify their business by choosing this particular vegetable as a side dish.

7. Cleanse your body

Periodically cleanse the body using medicinal herbs, soft medical preparations capable of removing toxins, poisons, decay products and heavy metals. By the way, rose hips and syrup from them, which are sold in almost every pharmacy, have a good antioxidant effect. The drink that can be prepared from them contains vitamin C, rutin, vitamins B6, P, K, helps to accelerate blood regeneration, and also normalizes redox processes.

By adhering to all the above recommendations, Moscow residents will be able to significantly reduce the harm from the effects of air pollution on their bodies. In order to completely cleanse themselves of them by inhaling a “cocktail” of chemical impurities every day, Muscovites will need a course of detox procedures in the ecological conditions of a resort in the Swiss Alps.

Dry air is also bad for skin health. When you stay in such a room for a long time, the skin becomes like rubber. Insufficient air humidification can harm not only furniture, but also flowers.

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events video air pollution ventilation interviews with top officials maternal and child health reviews success story Tion stuffiness Tion in projects Dry air is especially harmful for children, people with respiratory diseases and the elderly.

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The main danger for health is copier technology. The thing is that during the operation of scanners and printers, the maximum concentration of harmful fluoropolymers in the air of office premises increases.

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The air we breathe in the office can seriously harm our health. However, the other day, doctors managed to establish another enemy of our health, lurking in the atmosphere of the office.

Office air is bad for health

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We believe that the air in the city contains a lot of gases and metals that adversely affect living organisms. Most likely, these impurities should not be present in the composition of the air at all or in much smaller quantities.

Literature review

A large number of harmful impurities and gases has an effect on environment and human health is strong negative impact. The main compounds polluting the atmosphere are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde, benzo(a)pyrene, soot, acrolein, lead, and more than 50 hydrocarbons, most of which are highly toxic. Here are the characteristics and effects on the human body of only some of them.

D to prevent negative consequences exposure to pollutants, it is necessary to know their limiting levels at which normal life and functioning of the body is possible. The main value of environmental regulation of the content of harmful chemical compounds in the components natural environment, in particular in atmospheric air, is MPC - maximum permissible concentration. MPCs for air pollutants are set by law or recommended by competent authorities.


During the experiment, we answered the following questions:
1. What harmful impurities are present in the air of the city of Krasnoyarsk?
2. What concentration of impurities is not dangerous for people?
3. What harm does the body different kinds impurities in the air?

experiment results

  • impurities present in the air of the city of Krasnoyarsk:

Carbon monoxide A gas that is colorless and odorless.
sulphur dioxide is a colorless gas with a pungent odour.
Lead - cumulative poison. It gradually accumulates in the human body, since the rate of its excretion is very low.
hydrocarbons - are emitted into the atmosphere in the form of droplets and vapors.
Harmful impurities in the air exhaust gases and industrial waste is not at all as harmless as it seems. Saturated with the most powerful carcinogens (benzpyrene, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, phenol, etc..)

  • the concentration of impurities is not dangerous for people
carbon monoxide3.0 mg/m3
sulfur dioxide0.05 µg/m3
lead0.0003 mg/m3
hydrocarbons1.0 mg/m3
benzpyrene0.1 mcg/100m3
nitrogen dioxide0.04 mg/m3
formaldehyde0.003 mg/m3
phenol0.003 mg/m3
complete table given

  • harm to the body impurities in the air
Carbon monoxide- one of the factors that cause heart attacks.
sulphur dioxideleads to the development of chronic rhinitis, inflammation of the ear canal and Eustachian tube, chronic bronchitis, mainly with asthmatic components.

Leadreduces the rate of formation of red blood cells in the bone marrow; it also blocks hemoglobin synthesis. Children have a threshold level that is half that of adults and are much more susceptible to lead poisoning.
hydrocarbonseven in very low concentrations, the action of hydrocarbons leads to functional disorders of the nervous system, neurasthenia, vegetative neurosis, irascibility and irritability - up to severe dizziness with sudden head movements.


As a result of the study, we found that the air in cities contains very a large number of impurities that are harmful to our health. Many impurities do not cause harm if contained in small quantities, but most of them exceed the permissible limits and are also harmful to living organisms.

