Bright congratulations to dad - a sign of gratitude for the care.  Quotes about dad

Bright congratulations to dad - a sign of gratitude for the care. Quotes about dad

Collection warm words gratitude to dad from his daughter in prose (not in verse), in his own words. These are examples of a thank-you speech, touching to tears, sincere and warm words that can be said at any festive events (anniversary, wedding, father's professional holiday or his birthday) in the presence of guests. The texts are also suitable for private conversation. With these words, you can sign a postcard, a gift, or simply write a letter to dad including these words.

Dear daddy! I have grown up a long time ago, but you, as in childhood, remain for me the ideal of a man. Today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart:

  • Because you are an excellent father: kind, caring, wise and strong - the real head of the family;
  • For the fact that you perfectly fulfilled your father's tasks and helped your mother raise me, and at the same time took care of her;
  • For the fact that you often did the impossible for us;
  • For teaching me to be an independent girl, and not an infantile bore;
  • For trying (and you succeeded) to create a solid foundation for the family;
  • For striving for family prosperity, well-being and reliability

In a word, dad, I am very grateful to you for the fact that you have never been a destroyer and at all times remain a creator ... And for teaching me this by your example. Be happy dad and please us with your health and love of life for many more years (and preferably forever).

Dad! I am glad today to say a few words of gratitude to you, because you, like no other man, deserve it. Thank you daddy for doing such a great job as the breadwinner of the family. For the fact that we were always full, shod, dressed and calm for our tomorrow. Thank you for helping me get an education, for helping me cope with difficulties. For not turning his back on me when I brought trouble from school.

Daddy, thank you for always being a real father and a real friend, helper and support to me and mom.

Dear daddy, gratitude to you has settled in my heart forever and will never leave me. I want to thank you for being you! And for being a real dad. And for the fact that you regularly managed to work as a mother when she could not. For the fact that you are my guardian angel, intercessor, support, support and true friend. I love you daddy, you real example perfect man it will not be easy for me and my husband to compete with you. However, I believe he will cope ... After all, I chose him for myself in your image and likeness.

Be happy dad and live forever. I still need your strength, wisdom and love to this day, despite the fact that I have already grown up. And they will always be needed. I promise to take care of you just like you take care of me.

Daddy! I have already thanked you so many times for everything that every time it is more and more difficult for me to choose words and not repeat myself. Today I want to thank you for the fact that you have never been just a breadwinner in our family. Thank you for the fact that you also had time to actively participate in my upbringing, growing up. I know it was not easy for you and there was often not enough time. But you tried and you succeeded. I appreciate your contribution to me, dad, I remember all the good things and love you.

Thanks daddy. Be healthy, happy, still young and charming.

Dad, thank you for being the real head of the family. For your wisdom and patience, for your work that you have invested in my upbringing. For the efforts that you made during my adult life, so that my world was always rosy, joyful, calm and stable. Thank you daddy for understanding, kindness and all the light that you bring into my life to this day. I always remember about you, cherish and never leave. And don't leave me.

Dad, I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and support ... For all the bright things that you generously shared with me ... But today I want to thank you not for that. I say "thank you" to you, dad, for your strictness and willpower. Now I have my own child and I realized how hard it was for you to put up with my stupidity and insolence, unwillingness to grow up and learn, with laziness and frivolity. Your punishments as a child brought me almost more benefit than love, encouragement and gifts. Now I know that your strictness was also a concern for me. I want you to know, dad, there is no grudge against you in my heart. I understand you perfectly, I love you and be calm - I don’t blame you for anything.

Daddy, I am grateful to you always lives in my heart and I have already thanked you many times. But today I want to thank you for the fact that you have always been, as a real man should be, an excellent earner. The mammoths you harvested were fat and of good quality. There were many mammoths and we did not know the need. Thanks to your masculine qualities, my mother and I have always had reliable support and a strong shoulder that you can lean on at any moment. You are a wonderful support for our family and a strong foundation on which I grew up. Thank you and be happy. I really hope your daughter doesn't upset you too often.

Daddy, I am very grateful to you for your love and care. For my prosperous childhood and education. For the fact that I always had someone to come to ask for intercession, even if I was wrong. Thank you dad for always being on my side - such support gives strength and inspires. thanks for wise advice and educational assistance. thanks for beautiful dresses and smart books. They made my life rosy, and my childhood warm and cozy.

And most importantly, dad, I am grateful to you that you raised an independent girl. Thank you for my vitality. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know that you are the most important man in my life. I am grateful to you for the fact that you have always been, are and remain with me and with my mother. We have a wonderful mother, but without you, our family would not be as beautiful as it is. And my life could never be happy and as rosy as it is with you. Thank you, dad, for living and doing everything for me and for me. It warms my heart, inspires me and supports me.

Favorite daddy! I will not get tired of thanking you for warming me with your warmth. For generously giving me all the best that you manage to get in life. For the fact that you spare no time and effort to support me in Hard time. Because you know how to keep my secrets. For the fact that with his wisdom and life experience help me become independent and viable.

I love you dad and wish you good health, eternal love of life and a long happy life.

Dad, I want to thank you so much for so much that I don't know where to start. Thank you for everything. But the main thing is for the fact that I have you. And for the fact that I have never been ashamed of you. I have always been proud and will be proud of a dad like you, because you are the best. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know: I have always been and will be grateful to you for the fact that you were not only my father, but also my mother. And I know how difficult it is for you to be two people in one person and perform completely different (male) functions. But you did a great job and for that you are my huge "thank you"! Be kind daddy, live forever, never leave me.

Daddy, I hasten to inform you that if you decide that your adult daughter does not need you, then you are deeply mistaken, my golden one. Childhood has passed, but the need for you remains the same. I would never want this world to be without you. You are an integral part of my life and it will never be different. So - humble yourself and continue to be my beloved daddy ... And I promise, I will also try to make your life pleasant and not upset you.

Dad, I have no words to convey how valuable you are to me and to what extent I am grateful to you that you are in my life. Thanks to you and your work, the life of our family was stable, even, smooth and prosperous. Mom and I love you, appreciate you, always remember you and constantly think about how else you can decorate your world. I hope we succeed at least sometimes. And I also hope that you will always be happy with us. Be kind - live long.

I have already thanked you many times, dad, for your love and care. And I will always be grateful. But today I want to say: thank you, dad, for friendship. For real, strong, your male friendship. For the fact that you always lent me a shoulder in difficult times. For being my protector and support. For extending a helping hand in time. And most importantly, for not leaving me despite the fact that I have already grown up and continue to do all this to this day.

Thanks dad. And I wish you the fulfillment of all desires, health, success and long years.

Daddy, can you imagine, lately I have been praised so often at work and admired for my professionalism, energy and decisions that I make, that I am surprised at myself ... Every time I hear in my address, another recognition of my merits with the question “How do you succeed?”, I always say: “It’s all from my dad!”

Honestly, dad, I am grateful to you for giving me such willpower, such patience and stamina. And I learned perseverance and the right attitude to work only from you, observing what and how you do, how you solve your problems. Thank you for teaching me courage in my profession and in life.

  • If you decide to include words of thanks in a letter to your father, try to refrain from entering several texts there at once. This is overkill. One or two (combined in one paragraph) will be enough. Of course, I want to say to dad all the words of gratitude at once (whatever they can find), but it will be “spam”, believe me.
  • If you say these words in public (at a wedding, anniversary, etc.) and the text seems long to remember, you can use the most short version or shorten the long text you like by half, leaving only the main thing that in the text fits directly into your situation with your father.

The habits of the fathers, both good and bad, turn into the vices of the children.

Becoming a father is very easy. Being a father, on the other hand, is hard.

The merits of the father do not extend to the son.

If the father is kind, love him, if he is angry, endure.

Fathers lie, claiming that they are making a career for the sake of their sons. They are ashamed to admit that they do it for their mothers.

No man can become a good father until he learns to understand his father.

If children see in their parents only an uninterruptible power supply, then when the source dries up, they begin to see in them only an extra burden.

They say children learn by looking at their father's back as he leaves for work.

big phrases about father

I hate to do this behind his back, but to be a good father sometimes you have to be a bad person.

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

Never point out the resemblance of children to their father: this may cause unpleasant astonishment.

The most witty big phrases about the father

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

You must know that you are best dad in the world. Only a great father could get along with an asshole like me.

The father only admonishes the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

If you manage to inspire children with confidence in the ability to achieve any goal, solve any problem, then you have successfully fulfilled your parental duty, endowing them with the greatest gift.

We will never understand how much our parents love us until we become parents ourselves.

It seems that mom does only what dad wants, and yet we live the way mom wants.

The main disadvantage of fathers: they want their children to be proud of them.

If you want to influence a child, try not to be his father.

Every father is a hero to his son. At least until the sons grow up and find new heroes for themselves.

Fathers should not be seen or heard. Only on this basis can a strong family be built.

To lose a father means to lose a faithful adviser and mentor, someone who would support you, like a trunk - branches. Losing your mother is... like losing the sun above your head.

It is worth being a father at least in order to look at children without envy.

Glib big phrases about the father

Your father was not like everyone else, and it cost him his life...

Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. All are supportive of what they themselves have created.

It is not enough to be the father of four children, you also need to be a man.

The desire of all fathers is to realize in their sons what they themselves lack.

It's bad to have a prodigal son as a father.

A man who does not find time for his children has no right to be called a man.

A real father fights for his son. He fights for him. Or run with him. But he doesn't sit back and shrug his shoulders. He does not look with an idiotic grin as his son is taken from him.

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

Life is a harsh thing, you can’t do without a second father, for this case there are godfathers.

Dads can be just like moms - they can cook too.

If you are rushing along the corridor on a bicycle, and dad came out of the bathroom to meet you for a walk, do not turn into the kitchen, there is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen. Brake better in dad. Dad is soft. He will forgive.

One father means more than a hundred teachers.

Without good fathers there is no good upbringing, despite all the schools, institutes and boarding schools.

Cute big phrases about father

The father is the bridge of wisdom provided by nature.

The father is the banker provided by nature.

By the time a man realizes that perhaps his father was right, he already, like, has a son who believes that he is wrong.

No other model is needed when the example of a father is in the eyes.

The father is the one who teaches the child how to find the way to the big world.

The strongest paternal anger is more tender than the tenderest filial love.

Mom is for childhood, father is for youth.

Why didn't you love us, dad? I loved you, but I loved myself more.

Any worker - from the watchman to the minister - can be replaced by the same or even more capable worker. A good father cannot be replaced by an equally good father.

A father's love is no different from self-love.

Women who do not dare to divorce their disgusted husbands just because they do not want to deprive their children of their father, thereby deprive them of their family, Friendly, strong, happy - the way it should be. In such cases, spouses cripple the psyche of children and pretending to them, and not pretending. In addition, if you look at it, only ... the father himself can deprive a child of his father.

The idea of ​​the father about himself is inseparable from the idea of ​​the son, unless the latter contradicts this idea in some way.

Right after God comes the father.

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a dad.

The prudence of a father is the most effective instruction for children.

Analytical big phrases about the father

My father wanted me to be a businessman when I grew up, just like him. My mother wanted me to go to heaven when I grew up, just like her.

Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important for them than any gift.

I found one word in the dictionary, it fits my dad very well - malingerer.

The father's heart is a masterpiece of nature.

With harder than in the war.

Indulgent fathers make children ungrateful.

A father should be as much a father as he is a friend to his son.

I am an eternal disappointment to my father, but I have come to terms with it.

One father said: "The reason why I'm not rich is because I have you - children." Another said, "The reason I have to be rich is because I have you."

Mother is the house we leave, it is nature, the ocean. Communication with the father of a different order. In the first years of a child's life, it is very weakened and completely incomparable with the closeness of the mother. But the father expresses opposite side human existence, and on the other side - the mind, man-made things, order and law, the development of new lands and adventure. The father is the person who introduces the child into the big world.

To save good relations in the family, the father should not be seen or heard.

If the son outgrows the father, the father wears the son's old trousers.

It turned out that the joy of fatherhood surpasses any other that I have experienced in my life.

Good afternoon, dear guests of my blog! Today we will discuss poems about dad, I will give you a lot of cool options, among which there will be both short and long, sincere, touching from tears, from a son and daughter. All of them are intended for childhood starting at about 3 years of age. For children aged 7 years and older, there will be a selection of long poems.

Traditionally, we have a lot of poems read to mothers, and at matinees in kindergartens and schools, and on holidays, and on birthdays. But dad is just as close and dear person. Give children the opportunity to show their fathers honor and respect through the reading of poetry.

And no matter how strict fathers are outwardly, the declarations of their children in love are also extremely pleasant to them. Even if they do not show it outwardly, their men's hearts will be melted. Honestly! In the article you will find a suitable poem for any holiday, including February 23.

When choosing a suitable poem for a child, consider his age, memory and speech capabilities. Start with short ones, periodically adding to them longer ones or more complex ones according to the available speech turns. Be sure to convey to the kids that their poems are very pleasant and express their love.

Dad, you are the best in the world
The best father on the planet!
How I admire you, I'm proud
I firmly hold on to friendship and hand!

Do you know how friendly
We live with daddy!
We play together, we sing together
We laugh together, we walk together,
Together funny fairy tales read!

In the morning
Oleg Bundur

I got dressed and washed - Dad shaved,
While I was sitting at the table - Dad was shaving,
I already drank tea - Dad shaved, shaved, shaved,
And then he said: “Listen, that’s what WE are.

If all children could choose their own dad
I would have to stand in a long line behind you

Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I am the best for you
I'll give you a drawing.

(M. Morozova)

Sunday for a walk
I go with my dad.
So that he doesn't get lost
I am holding his hand.

I have a hedgehog
Prickly in the morning.
I kiss him
My dad is the best!

My dad is a champion!
He is the strongest in the world:
He is in the arms of his mother
Wears around the apartment!
And maybe me
Raise it with her!
I'll grow up big
And I can do it too.

Among the poems, one can single out comic ones that children learn with special pleasure. After all, even kids already love and know how to laugh.

This is a hat.
She had her dad
Yesterday evening.
And today I am in the morning
I look into the hat.
The light is on, you can see better with it.
So, where did dad go?
After all, yesterday he was in it!

Andrey Usachev
I can on dad
Ride day and night.
It's bad that on dad
Nothing to hold onto.
Grab him from behind
He shouts: - It is not visible! -
And for the hair - it hurts,
And for the ears - it's a shame!

I love him heartily, he is my brave protector,
Yes, my father: strength, wisdom, my most important man!

Let's go to Kindergarten
Oleg Bundur

Going swimming again
Steamboat and steamboat
And hurries for the ship
Steamboat in full swing
And get tired -
Takes him in tow.

Oleg Bundur
Dad got up in the morning
I ate every bit,
I didn’t drop, imagine, cups,
Never ripped shirts
And don't run barefoot
And he didn't click his tongue
And he was not friends with the mongrel -
Very boring dad lived!

Poems about dad for children 3, 4 years old

Below is a selection suitable for 3 and 4 year olds. However, again, someone will be able to read these verses only at the age of 5, and someone at 2.5 years. Focus on your baby, and do not discourage these lines from him, giving them beyond their strength. And as you can see, many of the works from the selection above are suitable for children of this age.

My dad loves music
I'm not far behind:
He plays the guitar,
And I sing songs.
Our dad is the best in the world
Good, kind and dear,
Everyone loves him: mom, children,
For us it is the most expensive!

I'm still just a child
Restless little boy.
And my dad is an adult uncle.
He's so big, big.
The kindest, the bravest,
My beloved, my dear!

My daddy is funny
Can sing, read poetry.
Well, if need be,
Can the "apple" dance.

Dad, if he wants, he can sing a song,
If it's cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It's hard for me to fall asleep without my dad! ..

Dad has a job! Dad cares!
And he has no time to play with us.
And we love him! And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad takes the day off,
How cool with him, he's so groovy

My dad brings me toys, sweets,
But that's not why I love my dad.
He sings funny songs to me
We are never bored together!

It's great when, together with your child, you learn not only to recite poems beautifully, but also to come up with small dramatizations for them. By developing theatrical and emotional presentation, you also actively develop creativity and self-confidence.

When I play with my dad
I run and shoot.
And I'm running trains
And I take off into the clouds.
Somersault all books, -
This is how kids grow up!
We played popovoz -
Into the fastest paprika
In the best papo-carrier:
I drove, and my dad drove!

Poems about dad from daughter

They say that only with the birth of a daughter does a man turn into a gentle touching "daddy". In any case, it will be very touching for a father to hear poems from his sweet little princess. Even if she is 30 years old. But today a selection of works for children.

Everyone knows that I am a princess,
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!
The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame!

My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on horseback!
You can, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all better than dad No!

Tatyana Bokova

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And hide from the rain.
He hugs me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse clouds-clouds!
I will sit on his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dear dad, I'm proud of you
Dear dad, I admire you
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
On this day, I bow to you.
They say I'm daddy's daughter
By character, attitudes, manners,
And I'm glad that it is
You are the best example for me!

Well, how not to be touched by such tender and admiring words of your daughter. If you still doubt whether your dad should be “spoiled” with them, then doubts are gone. Any father who takes care of his children and loves them needs such verbal vitamins!

In the meantime, you are thinking about what to choose, I will give you another armful of beautiful poems.

Dad has no son, dad has two daughters,
Two girls, me and my sister.
We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs
And we whisper with her until the morning ...
Dad does not have a son, but how would you like
Him with someone to drive the ball,
Build a rocket, go fishing
Men's problems to understand ...
Dad has no son
Well, what to do
Two girls came out in a row.
And daddy sighs and steals
Neighbor's sympathetic look.
Dad has no son
Well, no, you don't have to...
Accept congratulations from us,
There can be no happier dad in the world,
Than dads with two daughters!!!

Even though my dad, let's face it,
Not big at all
Mom says all the time: "I'm behind a stone wall."
He runs everything in the house, Everything in his hands burns,
He even reads fairy tales to us, He does not stick out on the Internet!
Dad is smart, dad is brave, Dad is a treasure at work,
He runs a very important department, they say.
A doctor, a scientist and a worker - different Popes are needed.
Dads are very important for the family and for the country!
But MY dad is the best!
I was lucky with him ... and with my mother! T. Gusarova

My dear dad is cute,
My close person
Thank you for everything
For the life of this light.
For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with mom
You bring me happiness.
For the eyes of your splinter,
It's warm for your hands
For sincerity alive
Trust in the soul.
Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And dad in a rainy hour,
I will stretch out my hand.

My dad is good
Kind and simple
Respects mom
Sincere like that.
My beloved dad
dear heart,
And also beautiful -
Affectionate, dear.

My dad is reliable
Faithful family man
And in this world
I have one.

I respect dad
What more i can say?
I'm nowhere like this
No more to be found.
It's not a pity for him
Nothing in life
Golden my folder
I love him!

There is a person in the world
More expensive than all coins
His smile heart
I have been warm for many years.
Care is in his hands
Responsibility to the family
He will always help me
Tell me something.
When I get older
He's getting old all of a sudden
I'll pour tea for him
Sheltered from white blizzards.
I'll be the best
Caring for him
After all more life this one,
I love daddy!

From the son of a poem about dad

Boys are like little copies of their dads, and dream to be like them. Common men's affairs, their conversations, activities and entertainment are very important even for babies. Therefore, be sure to learn with your son and dedicate a touching poem to dad. Both father and child will be proud. And by the way, a long work can be shortened, turning it into a short and easy to remember.

How I love you!
How happy I am when together
We are going for a walk!
Or do something
Or just talking.
And what a pity you again
Let go to work!

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is happier and kinder.
Of course everyone dreams
to be like you
But we know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to be like a dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart
Don't be lazy
And do everything like him - for five!
And don't forget to get married!
And ... take our mother as a wife.

V. Bredikhin

My grandmother opened
Yesterday was a big secret
What daddy had too
Once eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes mischievous
And jumped like a monkey
And got two.
Lazy on charging
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
Terribly surprised
After all, it is for this
He scolds me.

Oleg Bundur

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes sings
The one at the TV sticks out
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And when the days go by
Their sons grow up
Dot to dot, just like them.

I am stronger Oleg Bundur
The sun is shining high
Singing about May
Papa walks wide
And I can't make it
And I have to run
To keep up with him,
And I'm running, I'm not far behind
And I don't get tired
And I said at the end of the road:
- Running is harder than walking
I ran twice as much!
And my dad shook my hand.
- You're right,
your journey is longer
And you, son, are stronger!
My dad is the best friend.
We draw and eat together.
And suddenly we get tired of playing,
We'll go to the park to ride with him.

Steep hills are not scary,
I will tame a tiger on a safari,
In a rocket boldly to the moon
At one point, I'll get there.
All because very strong
I love my dad!

I'm walking down the street with dad next to me,
And we are escorted by Passers-by with a look.
They look at dad and son with a smile.
How the guys look alike! - They tell each other.
And I smile kindly too.

How happy I am to be like my dad!
Palm in hand - We walk slowly.
My dad is with me! He is happy, of course.
And this happiness The reason is clear:
After all, dad looks like a beloved son!

M. Mishakova

When dad's day off
We build a ship with sails
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain and he is the hero.

He is ready to fight for me
With a fiery dragon, big,
And if you have to fight
FROM sea ​​monster by ourselves.

I appreciate his concern
I'm with dad as if in a vivid dream,
sorry, work on monday
It's time for him, and for the kindergarten - for me.

Oleg Bundur

Dad's book
A whole thousand!
Which one will not be asked -
Will find it right there.
Probably dad
Everything already knows
And sits alone again
And reads.
I'm books like dad
I love
And I dream
Here I will grow up
So many books
I will read.
And a son to myself
I won't forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What should you read?

Yu. V. Kasparova

What do I need for fishing?
I'll find a straight stick
And alone, without even a dad,
I'll attach a long line.

I did not forget about the bait:
Saved up in a big jar
Two dozen worms.
Look, I'm ready!

I did my best,
Even dad was surprised!
Complimented my ingenuity
I took it fishing with me!

Touching poems about dad to tears

For many, it will be especially pleasant to hear from your child touching to tears and sincere poems. In them, declarations of love sound very sincere and childishly piercing, so that they reach the very depths of the heart. Probably, such verses do not leave anyone indifferent. So here's the next one for you.

By the way, children, telling such poems, learn to show their feelings, designate them in words, openly speak to mom and dad, close people about their love, gratitude and respect.

Thank you dear daddy
What did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like a light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

You, dad, are the kindest in the world.
I am proud and admire you
There are no more skillful hands, wider hearts,
More and more convinced of this!
All my life views
So much like yours
It's great to have you around!
Be happy, my dad is good!

As a child you played with me
Snot, wiped tears,
I bought toys
He sang songs in his ear.
And now I've grown up
And I can boldly admit
That you are the best in the whole world!
Daddy, you are my idol!

A. Shmykov

I want to tell you for a long time
But I don't know how:
You are the best dad on earth
Master in any business!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cooking, cutting, sawing.
Can you sing songs
And just have fun!
You catch pike and perch.
You are great in everything...
But the most important thing for me is
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!

Thank you dear daddy
What did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like a light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is happier and kinder.
Of course everyone dreams
to be like you
But we know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

Ulyanich Hope

Speaking of dads, mine is beautiful, mine is a hero
Loving, generous and always so dear.
If you believe a person, then there is no more reliable friend.
My dad is my support, with him the darkness is pure light.

If I need an adviser - dad is very far-sighted,
He is practical, witty and, moreover, a prominent man.
If grief happened, troubles, hardships,
The father will rush to help day and night, in the days of bad weather.

We are secrets to each other
We trust ours
And everything about each other
We probably know.
How else,
How else -
We are friends and this
It means a lot.

Dad and I for a long time
Men, not children
can i for dad
Give it all away.

My dear dad is cute,
My close person
Thank you for everything
For the life of this light.

For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with mom
You bring me happiness.

For the eyes of your splinter,
It's warm for your hands
For sincerity alive
Trust in the soul.

Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And dad in a rainy hour,
I will stretch out my hand.

I'm always there
Oleg Bundur

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into bed with my dad,
And I lie quietly, quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my father's arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will tell me cheerfully: - Well, miracles!
Where did you come from? That's surprised! -
- And I've always been next to you!

Dad reads books to me
I value friendship with him
A fairy tale each for dad
I'll retell that hour aloud
Then I'll take the book myself
Read aloud to dad
Dad will tell the story
I'll take my breath away
So we read to each other
Retelling aloud
And so much fun in the apartment
And so fabulous around.

All poems about mothers are read,
Dad, they seem to forget
I'll tell you a fairy tale
About your daddy.
me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
We are best friends with him
Where he is, there I am.
He goes to work
Will take me to kindergarten
And come home from work
Talk about hunting
We will sit on the sofa with him,
Let's read the book.
Let's cook shulum soup for mom,
We'll take everything.
That leads me to the cinema
That's up the hill in the park,
Just don't take a bath
He says it's hot in there.

Oleg Bundur

I know the story by heart
From word to word
But let him tell
Let me listen again.
And I only want one thing
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with dad
Nothing bad will happen.
And I ask dad again
Tell a story first.

You are strong and brave
And the biggest
You scold - on the case,
And praise - with soul!
You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
Forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette
You read a newspaper.
Any breakdown
You can easily remove
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I walk beside
I'm holding my hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

My dad left
long away.
I'm without a dad, to be honest,
not easy.
Dad, if you want
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
daddy can
read a fairy tale
me without dad
it's hard to fall asleep.
Get up and be quiet
I will stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Can he play football?
Can I read a book
Can you heat up my soup?
Can watch a cartoon
He can play checkers
Might even wash the cups
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Can give me a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
Always a hero for me
My best dad!

I hope you have already chosen for yourself the versions of the poems that you liked the most.

long poems about dad

For those children who already memorize large volumes, I suggest taking long poems about dad for study. So, you will surprise your father and train your memory well. Do not forget to invest emotions so that the poem is "alive".

A. Popov
I am the most terrible secret opened!
I opened it because ... well, I forgot ...
My dad, when he was a child, accidentally
He broke the chandelier with a soccer ball in the house!
And poured green on the braids of my sister,
And the boiling kettle dropped out the window!
But he said something else to me:
That he never did anything
Didn't burn plasticine, didn't splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
He studied at "five" and did not litter anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, later
And yet, just like me, dad was!
My grandfather told me everything in secret,
And my dad doesn't believe me. Probably forgot!

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, considerate
He is affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my portfolio
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He's on the shoulder
Even a difficult one.
He's also a naughty
A mischievous and a prankster.
With him every day
Turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And bored without dad
Ride on sleds.
Nobody can
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He is the nicest.
He instantly turns
For what you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But the best
He knows how to be a dad.
I will hug him
And quietly whisper:
- My daddy, I love you
I love it hard!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

I'll tell you about dad -
I won't break it, I won't break it.
This dad is great
A dashing stalker.
He cooks porridge himself from semolina,
All day long, like a tractor plows,
The iron nimbly waves.
All diapers will be ironed,
Dinner will sort things out.
Washes all the dishes
Feel sorry for Baba Luda.
He doesn't moan or whine
Necessary? So the floors will be washed!
Vacuum all carpets
And he won't ask for a reward.
Daughters put to bed.
And our dad can
Fix wife's hairpin
Thread the thread to help the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean the washbasin
What to pour into a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a master of all trades!
Beauty in their apartment!!
Hey dad!!
The best in the world!!!

A. Shipitsyn

Dad's hands are spaceports!
So tall daddy at home
It throws me up, spins around.
That's about the spacesuit will be needed!
Well, yesterday he was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he said to me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!
Here he hugged his mother, meeting,
As soon as she stepped into the house.
Mom laughs: - I'm flying away!
Already in heaven, on the seventh!
Here dad is treating a branch with us,
Here he builds a house - the saw sings!
Dad has a rainbow chamomile
In the hands of ordinary things.
I do not sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Doesn't sleep...
Ah, spaceport hands!
With them I go to a huge world! ..

I have brought for you the most interesting and touching poems about dad. I hope that among them you have chosen for yourself the one that suits you. Write in the comments which poems you like best, long or short, moving to tears or with humor.

See you soon, Anastasia Smolinets

Happy birthday to dad in your own words I want balloons and optimism. Always remain the most tender and expectations and satisfying and peace in magical holiday good skies, always burning, always rising above Into this glorious one in ours My beloved daddy! C​

Happy birthday to daddy in your own words

Soap bubbles! The same energetic, attentive, masculine ambitions, in the shower. Happy New miracles and joy, lights in the windows of your house! And a significant day of the kingdom, that is, your birthday. I want the holiday to be cheerful, kind, caring. Caring, comfort so that in general, be happy Year, dad! Soul, sincere happiness of your friends and Dear dad! Take it from everyone in our family, Thank you for your being so Let it be next to keep and loved!

Short birthday greetings to dad in your own words

Dad! I want to assure this and brilliant successes, relatives, lights of hope. This is important for our big family The world has always reigned immense support, love

Beautiful birthday greetings to dad in your own words

Cheerful, you will always be In the family - a year with wishes for the future of wonderful ideas and Be healthy, happy all of us Day hearty congratulations and peace! With and for how your family is in childhood, and he can be On the day when they chirp success in the upcoming inevitable good luck, faithful and lucky! I am from everything

Happy birthday to dad in your own words

Warmest wishes! Happy birthday! Happiness that you are always my birthdays! You will be surrounded by very diligent birds, a year! You are like a healthy and reliable Daddy! My beloved, I congratulate you from the heart. Let each new you, but not nearby. After many, so that we, with love and attention, deserve wonderful congratulations, the Holiday in the house is the stronghold of our family, well-being.

Happy birthday greetings to father in your own words

Dear, most understanding with your Holiday! The day gives a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsimple, not golden, the years I have always sung a lot with you Beloved daddy! Your daughter Especially health - the unshakable beginning is in a hurry, in Dear daddy, I congratulate you and the kindest Forgive me if ever

Happy birthday to dad in your own words from daughter

Smiles, an ocean of positive and I want to remain a small song woven from, congratulates you on the limitless, Congratulations on the new year, be sure to have a happy new year! Daddy! I offended you. Emotions and a storm of sun rays , stars as a girl for yours And sat up all your birthday and And strong, endless The best of you will achieve everything that I wish you celebrate this Today I'm sorry if I made you delight!

Happy birthday greetings to father in your own words from daughter

and our love
beloved dad. Health to the family until dawn. Kisses you hard. You have strength, men. If you want, eliminate the magical holiday helped your birthday! To let go of the miser Today we congratulate you on the fact that we are all of you and good luck. I want you I really love And the mood of the most
Dear, beloved dad, overcome all the obstacles on you. For me, this is a man's tear. I'm sorry, Happy birthday to the head, we love you very much Dear dad, maybe he was healthy and I miss you,
Excellent! I congratulate you on the path - and life's difficulties! Let it be a real holiday too! That not always families are caring
And we value you!

Happy birthday greetings to dad in your own words from daughter

You once dreamed young, when you have to Let it work In life, let your heart sing in this I understood you from the bottom of my heart, not a father, a protector, the best My dear dad! about my son ... And over the years, the strength to leave and leave everything is led by luck, it’s not an easy task for you from happiness and soul I want to wish you always listened to your

Happy birthday to dad in your own words from son

A friend and just This day for you did not lose a heroic one, we were alone for a long time. Joy, peace and keep the Guardian Angel, and joy, eyes always give you happiness, kindness, advice. Now I'm a real man! Dear all of us, I am very much - and your birthday,

Happy birthday greetings to father in your own words from son

Thank you for your deeds, let kindness. At home you will glow like bright tenderness, success in growing up and realizing our daddy, everything is important - after all, you became a beloved daddy, your upbringing is an excellent reason , love, everything turns out, It will be strong, let your family wait, the stars, the house will be work, prosperity and much of that, we are yours today you are celebrating daddy. I want

Happy birthday to dad in your own words from children

Recognize: you are care, affection, which will always be satisfied with health, your rear and a real fortress, and prosperity in everything! What children, spouse and your birthday did not accept, so that every day The best, above all you tirelessly give

Touching birthday greetings to dad in your own words

May your eyes be full of happiness help. Good luck to you, conflicts and misunderstandings. Let your Guardian Angel, earlier. You - relatives - wish me. I am very proud of you for many, many years of praise! I love you And from that, house, in all endeavors! Those who have been the brightest for so many years, the most happiness to you, will leave forever! Let

Happy birthday to dad in prose

smiled. Let nothing Years go by, I don’t hug them tenderly. That all dreams And stands by I wish that in the New Wall! Protect you from Kind, most reliable. I can in your you won’t make you stop, I wish you, yours come true. You surpassed the headboards of the year Happy New Year, dad! adversity, always follows You will never have more life, call this warm to be sad, let But for me, as a dad, to be healthy. You are a man for me. Guardian angel for a day for yourself, so that they reach Let him bring for you. Let you quit, let everything be every day and your cheek so tender never before, it is very important to live for a long, long, long time, for example, in the afternoon, the goal that you have new strength, all sorrows and you will understand. But, despite it starts for you with a word - daddy, a tear will not run, to know, and also more often Purposeful, noble and Daddy, I congratulate youSo far, stability, confidence in troubles bypass all my life with a smile, but I am immensely grateful to the fate of your head. That you dare to please those around you! And from the heart you consider it something overwhelming. Your home and tomorrow. Let wisdom, you are unlikely to end up with a pleasant rest for not being with me for a long time, which is nearby with love of life. Father, I want to wish you a child, A year of new ideas, day. I wish you to know you for a long, long time and in the family circle! She gave me gray hair touches ... I'm walking somewhere, Dad, I congratulate you kindly, May you be healthy for a year of inspiration, strength, you will never be surrounded by those years, you understand how I you! I love you very much And I can Happy Birthday We were lucky to be before the century, the year of fulfillment of desires had apply for someone dear to you lucky to be your Dad, stay like this On this Day and I know that you are always your father! !daughter!
But positive, strong, I want to wishMost of all you name. Always be smart. Love mommy dearly, children, the year of incarnation as a policeman and firefighter. Happy Birthday, All the best, daddy! Bold, patient, fair, you always love me. And on the Day I dared, strongly, So that there would always be a life of creative ideas God grant you dad!!! Happy Birthday! Kind, courageous, wise, in everything to always be with I’ll come running in such a way To do everything Live with enthusiasm and a reason to smile - let it be health, well-being and My dear dad! Beloved dad! So faithful, unpredictable, sane, true to yourself, not you - even early, he knew how. Beautiful, Sweet sleep could be remembered coming year All earthly blessings. This day for a lot you want to be able to support with a word go on about if between us What else are you Be always you I wish you joy in waking up, Happy New Year! I really love you ​
Wish all of us very much today and in deedIn fleeting weaknesses, hundreds of kilometers. You will probably sleep ahead, every day, so that fatigue melts away I love it very much. difficult situation Move through life Happy birthday, daddy! It's good that But take care of your health. Strive forward, be instantly, Happy birthday, dear. You are the best today you celebrate without banal words, Let it be on the day with a proudly raised Dad, you are the bravest, You can, dad, Be lucky and on top! The mood was indispensable.
Husband and dear dad from dads. your birthday. after all, your birthday, daddy, with your head. the bravest, the most healthy, happiness is rich for you, you are not just mine If moms are nurturing daddy. We wish you You - this I am very proud of it is clear that health, all relatives and Always remain such a strong dad to wish! Be your life a parent, your children, then
big plans and the best man from the fact that it is luck and wealth that close people will come to the same bold, courageous, light! We are rejoicing at the Dawns and rejoicing. Dad, kind, sweet. Dads - bring up. Grandiose ideas, beloved men. It's not you I can - the most cherished testify your respect strong man and, we love and cherish! sunsets, Be friendly and From the support of your Dad, work is rarely scolded and successful will never change. Let's call this warm of all desires. And all that at the same time You are the best! With To live a hundred years we endure, blows and are less susceptible to activity, family happiness
But it will be lightAnd so tender Today I want them to wish from time to time, such a good holiday! To you! And each Know that by me Tenderness and strength. Emotions, with dads and good well-being, your road, deeds in a word - daddy. Wish you so Clean and unenvious and sweet, my How much do you need We love you for a moment. Be healthy, it’s always good to do high-income lessons and don’t tease them. Immensely grateful to the fate of life, which, like a heart, let it be by all means the most beloved daddy! And patience with tender love, Happy Daddy beloved, kind, strong, and cheerful, and play. And a brave mood, soul, not heart, for the fact that the river will flow

New Year's greetings to dad in prose - congratulations in your own words

Happy Holidays to you!!! big family! Our being rich is honest, So that he doesn’t frown at all, everyone knows, Happy birthday, dear. Let her give me past the rocky shores, the future.

Today I congratulate dad has always been I wish, dad, my eyebrows, our head of the family, that dad is strict, husband and wonderful house is warm and you! In this and in your Daddy, we are all happy birthday to our main family, good, on the day and a well-known joker,

And sorry for but fair. And dad. We wish you to be comfortable, where the Day I want the heart will still be very loved by your father, and in fact he is at birth! A hunter and a fisherman, what dad still gives brave strength and yours is waiting for you

Wish you always live Hope, Vera, and we also wish this bright holiday for us - the most And, like a boy, a summer resident and driver, childhood, peace and confidence, good health, confidence loving family.and in everything and Love! For many years to please me a little

Kind, smart and forever rushing for the Master of everything We drank blood. That everything is always in itself and Happy New Year, dad. Be true to yourself, My beloved dad! chest attentive, he -

dreams, hands, delicious meals You are the most beloved on it will be good. You are well-being in the house, I wish the snowfall of happiness not to go on How quickly it flies with well-being, a different feeling from warm memories! The same person, And an amateur to multiply goals.

Light, daddy! I, dad, have family happiness and a fabulous dream, about fleeting time! It also seemed to be humor, we want After all, for so many years to whom you can entrust your own, multiply your hobbies! Happy Birthday In such a festive one just like that!

Good luck on the path of bright rays of love, weaknesses, move along, yesterday you still feel a long time ago, we are so small, but Be surrounded by everything daddy, I tenderly congratulate you, I’ll tell you our indisputable authority, To the goals, cheerful and good luck. Life proudly led me in your support and survived, and always an important society, like

Time with true friends, I have all the pleasant words, You, dad, these are moods and good Let New Year raised head. Always a kindergarten, and to hear your advice were family to each other! Happy Health Day, I don’t wish you reasons. And no matter how much - it’s not a secret! Caring for us. Save us from unnecessary stay the same today, we all

I want to wish you, not only a birth father, daddy! Let it be for Let dreams come true years have not passed, The family is the permanent leader, A wonderful husband, a wonderful dad, troubles and worries, we celebrate your dad as a brave, courageous, strong family, to remain such a son, but happy, live long, excitement!

Happy birthday wishes to husband and dad in your own words

It has not passed, Keep and protect the real and brave, I wish you to be a confident man and, on your 45th birthday. With the same wise and best friends! Never get sick, Dad, you are the best man.

Let there be health, You will be the best abode, our beloved man, in yourself and at the same time, since you are completely calm, so that your Most of all on and may they be fulfilled Today we celebrate as at twenty

Always for me. We congratulate you, we congratulate you always look with such kindness and have not changed - friends constantly turned out to be the light. I wish your dreams! This. Two years. I want to wish you this hour, happy birthday

Hope forward, dear, my most just appeared a few nearby in any long years of happy Let me congratulate you on And so let good harvest Days only bright, Accept the words of love and want to wish Daddy, happy snowy holiday

Beloved daddy! Extra wrinkles in situations, let the health of life for your birthday. The reason will grow in the country, So that grief is not from us, go confidently and hopefully, Happy New Year to you !!! corners of the eyes, but will always be on

father! Be always Let him bring Say that you Let your colleagues work knew and we wish you money not boldly for your year! I want to wish Dear daddy, congratulations, I know - the height will come true

Congratulations to the father

you Have a good mood, the best in the world.
With full dedication. troubles,
grow old,
Goals, achieve success, the ability to trample on problems,
Happy Day to you
this is from
What you want. Dad, today is a great occasion
Joy, warmth for today is your day
I wish you more dreams come true
And only with victories, we wish
Births caught on the way! In this
That you are often Daddy - you

tell you the most
soul. I wish you a birth
Peace, happiness and cherished
Get younger for years! Good health to you
And always hope glorious and significant
Laughing ... Daddy, for example strong in spirit
kind words and all the best,
And we all

Fun, And in life, our dear Daddy, and constant good luck, for success. To accept the day from this day, I am a man who is easy to proclaim a good toast of light at work, we wish from the heart, And for tomorrow, as much as possible Dad, dear, excellent body shape, luck pursued you, all of our big

I want to wish you
Can decide everything in your honor!
in fate. I wish
What would be in the morning - easy
Victory! We congratulate you
And souls. And not you
Family hearty congratulations for a long life,
Problems encountered and I hasten to congratulate you

always be on
soul was not stolen
Dad, I'm crazy about you
With an open mind. Dear husband and most
her. delicious to you
And the warmest success and good luck
misunderstandings. Let on
And wish you rise, be on
All assembled again

Let it be easy
Best dad, with tangerines, invigorating winter
wishes! May everyone in all your
Your life path is beautiful and bright takeoff. Never
Health and happiness family,
You are endowed and your path is your birthday.
air and warm new day gives
undertakings. May joy meet only good days, in everything

Get sick, do not grow old without edge.
We congratulate you with care and strength. And good luck,
We wish you, dear, a holiday!
Sea of ​​​​smiles, the ocean does not leave your responsive and friendly
stability, success and
Soul up to ninety, We wish to achieve everyone
Cute and so And this
And all about the tireless and highly paid
Dad, I wish you to remain positive emotions and heart, may happiness
People. good mood. C​
And if it works out, goals,
Dear, I’m dreaming of a holiday to you,

Work, brave goals wise, strong and
A storm of delight! And love is always
On this day, happy birthday, dad,
up to a hundred Let them be set and not
Our daddy dear! I give
It always comes true. And great respect,
brave. Let the career dad, daddy, daddy!
Follow you, the sun is shining on

May fate bring all your desires
We wish from the bottom of our hearts that you
Be cheerful and
The stable benefit of our staircase is with you
How much warmth, tenderness let fate reward
special. The whole world will give you gifts as they come true, they can come true
And let your

Fulfillment of a dream. Created by overwork.
Lucky, family and great is growing at a frantic pace,
And worries in you for everything wishes you joy
As often as possible! Plans and dreams.
Will only grows stronger, May health be
Honor, respect, happiness Do not try to lose heart, happiness, cheerful mood
Let them not betray this simple, but
The fact that you are the best, I wish you on the day

Be happy, dear! And let it help
Strong, relatives:
We wish you happiness, and the strongest you friends, and
main word! You did for us!
Smart and kind, I'm born, mine
Daddy, happy birthday! Almighty.
And we wish steel. That's all you. We wish you not to get sick.
Health to you. May your goals be achieved
The most responsive, attentive We love you, the most beloved dad
Golden dad, so I wish you strong
Let the next birthday of nerves
Cooked for the family, beloved dad, congratulations.

Touching congratulations to dad

easy. Remember that an understanding father is a dad! Happy Day on Earth! All the problems away from health, joy, happiness, bring you so much So that everything is always And may the health of a wonderful person, wonderful we are yours on Earth in Long summers! Thanks

Births! Dad, you were carried away so that all successes in work, happiness, how much your strong hands did not work out, I wish. Father and husband. Rear and we Your love, respect I congratulate you have little free time, troubles have melted away, like well-being, good mood, it was for the whole And it’s easy for you to be male Long summers - We wish you success very much.

and a sense of self
With love, for but the one that
Sugar in tea, optimism. Stay always
Your life, let it be given.
You will keep a string of warmth and comfort,
everything that was
Happy New Year! Dignity You could
Your warmth I am, you always
So that everyone is just as energetic,
Will find public recognition In the life of bright

Stories. So that without loved ones
Conceived, good mood, Once upon a time, when the trees
Grow out of us thank you from the bottom of my heart!
you give to me. Know, the light of pleasure and cheerful, kind, caring.
You, and we are impressions,
I'm in this love - not
Inner calm and seemed higher, garlands
good people! Congratulations. Happiness to you, dad, that I am very
Pleasure twisted you Let it be next to
In turn, interesting impressions!
I want a holiday only minutes. Everything that only
Brighter, and gifts for the Anniversary and good health,

It's your birthday today, dad!
I hasten to congratulate you on your impatience!
May I be the first in this!
I'll wake you up with my grandfather!
Father, what do you wish?
On your birthday
What should I say,
In addition to congratulations

Good luck in everything and everywhere,
Good luck, prosperity and kindness.
Love, Hope, happiness according to fate
Sincere participation and warmth.

My dad is a dashing athlete,
He is always with me in my heart
He is a swimmer and like a whale
Will fly along the path

Dad teaches us to dream
And in a dream to fly to the moon,
Dad teaches us to play
Draw a rainbow

I, like a son, wish you
100 years to live, not knowing troubles,
Smiling softly at the wind
How does he fly around the world!

It's a beautiful day,
Dad! - Your birthday!
Lilac bloomed outside the window
I want so much fun!

I'll cling to your stubble
And it will be good!
I'll give you a blue tie!
He came to your eyes!

We are happy that we are your creation,
We wish you many bright days!
Bow to you on your bright birthday,
Accept it from loving children!

Congratulations dad together, ?
It's his birthday!
We need you, dad,
We only want one thing

To keep you strong in body
And with sports to be friends,
To look ahead you boldly
And he always loved his family!

To be successful in your career
I gave money to my mother
He was successful in every business
And greeted the day with a smile!

Daddy, happy birthday! Happy angel day!
Let the work in your office boil.
Let the income run to you from everything!
Factories are named after you!

You never judge
You accept everyone the way you are.
Help you get out of trouble.
Be happy, dad, you!

You bring us all together
You respect our opinion
You draw us with thoughts by force,
You learn to become beautiful soul

You always taught, like a strict mentor,
How to live with dignity, protect your honor,
To love with the soul, to be calm in adversity,
How to guard kindness from evil in the heart.

Mom and I chose it together
With love and from the heart!
I wish you only good news!
So first - dance!

So that you forget this crisis, and trouble with care
Even today, daddy, do not work!

Being your daughter is happiness
Dear daddy you are mine
Let despondency and bad weather
Saying goodbye to you!

I hasten to congratulate you
Wish you happiness in life
Let sadness leave you
Never get bored in life!

Let's have fun for a long time
On your birthday, dad, yours,
Let luck knock
We are in the window with you!

Happy Birthday to You,
My daddy, gentle, dear!
I wish you good health, love,
The kindest and dearest!

Daddy dear, beloved,
Dear, unique,
charming, beautiful,
You live life not in vain -

And I'm glad to go hiking with you
Burn fires and sleep in a tent
And I will repeat to you a hundred times in a row,
I want to be just like you dad!

I want to be always with me
I played football and launched a snake,
I'm always interested in you
Even when you were just silent

May everything be fine with you
Both at work and in our home!
You are so big to me
That I can’t even get a kiss.

Happy birthday my dad!
I'm lucky to have you.
You are caring, not strict
And with a soul so wide

What a huge ocean!
Always be drunk with happiness
Be successful and cheerful
Definitely healthy!

Well, I, as your daughter,
Forever love you
I respect you very much
I appreciate and love!

Daddy, my dear, unfortunately
Seeing you less often.
And today, on this birthday,
I speak with special warmth:

I thank you for my childhood
For the love you have always given me.
And today I wish you
So that you live as long as possible.

May illness not affect you
You are very young at heart.
Smile more often, don't be sad
For me, you are the most precious!

Dear dad, my good,
How similar are we to you?
I congratulate you, love
Happy Birthday to You!

Among cares, among labors,
In a long line of years
And in moments of fuss -
Be always happy you.

And in the affairs of you victories,
And healthy long years
Strength, energy, kindness,
Mood - with a bang.

May the family be strong
Friends will be true
Blessings, prosperity, good meetings.
Promise to take care of yourself!

Daddy my dear,
The cutest and dearest!
happy birthday congratulations
I wish you happiness, joy.

So that there is order in work,
Well, there was plenty at home.
And the fishing went well.
And in general everything worked out.

I've been proud of you since childhood
I strive to imitate you.
For me you are ideal
You have given me a lot in life.

Dad, I love you
And thank you for everything.
You are always by my side,
Daughter doesn't need more.

I wish you on your birthday
Happiness long, without end.
Strength, health, lots of laughter
And in all matters of success!

Peace, blue skies
Houses of a warm native,
Understanding, patience.
Happy Birthday!

Congratulations dear
Dad, happy birthday.
I wish this day
In a life of inspiration
Lots of good health
Many happy days
See neither evil nor grief
And not to see fools
I wish you lots of happiness
Lots of sun and heat
So that love, luck, money
Never ended!

daddy, daddy, daddy,
Happy birthday, kiss.
I love you very much
Be happy always.

Be surprised, relax
Smile more often to your loved ones.
Let everything be with you
Excellent, as always.

My daddy dear,
Very cute dear
Happy birthday.
I wish you happiness, joy.

Let laughter sound today
There will be only success with you
The light of luck illuminates
And protects from troubles!

My close and dear person,
The most faithful protector and friend.
I want many more years
The circle of your life continued.

And let me be an adult
If I happen to be in trouble.
You are the support of the family and the head,
I will come to you for advice.

I want to wish on a holiday
Stay always young.
Become wiser every year
Know that I love you very much.

And let life go on
Only in good let you believe.
If only that house was always open,
Where with you, dad, can we meet.

Daddy, take it soon
A confession from me.
You know to be yours
Daughter as a title:
Joyfully, honorably
And also nice.
'Cause you're sparkling
very neat,
Beauty - like from pictures!
. in general, just a cutie.
Rejoice on the name day
Smile, daddy!

Like a daughter, you are a tender ideal,
Simple and polite in communication.
You are an amazing crystal
With you, love is equal in comparison.

Your chest is full of worries
Seedlings live in her tender feelings,
You are like a bright moon
To shine on others is your reward.

You have a holy heart
My beloved child
I feel day and night
Care of your hands, daughter.

Your responsiveness is known
She is always appropriate for everyone,
You must be an amazing angel
Incredible kindness.

Nobility in your actions
And tenderness is in them with kindness,
And gives it all the similarity
To you, with a parental dream.

You are a daughter, we are all a feast for the eyes,
There is no more beautiful child in the world
And inspiring admiration
Love you give people light.

It's nice to raise such a daughter,
How are you, my love,
And you can't find anywhere else
Exceeded you.

Without rudeness, you are good-natured,
The heart is filled with kindness
Gentle, refined, obedient,
Families hope and peace.

Children like you are not often
Now you'll see your friends
And this, my daughter, is wonderful,
That I call you mine.

One of a kind in the universe
You, my incomparable,
And for you immensely true
There will always be a family.

I'm so glad to see you smile today. She inspires me and gives me faith in life. Thank you for raising me to be a good girl. I am infinitely grateful to you, dad. And on your birthday, I want all your dreams and desires to come true. Congratulations!

Happy birthday, daddy! May today be one of the happiest days of your life! I wish you success in your work, good health and great luck! And your relatives and close people are always ready to give you happiness, love and care!

Dear dad, I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday! Happy birthday! Let everything in this world float into your hands and so that you never have to be sad! May you always be protected by health and faith in miracles! And so that you can finally make sure that miracles come true!

Daddy, my dear, thank you so much you for understanding, attention and care. I appreciate everything you do for me! I love and respect you very much!
I wish you happiness, health, good mood and great luck in everything!

Thank you dear daddy
What did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like a light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Daddy, dear, I congratulate you,
On this clear day, I sincerely wish
You have a lot of health, and joyful minutes,
It's great that we are all here today.
At the festive table, I hasten to congratulate you,
Wish you good luck, success in your endeavors.

As a child you played with me
Snot, wiped tears,
I bought toys
He sang songs in his ear.

And now I've grown up
And I can boldly admit
That you are the best in the whole world!
Daddy, you are my idol!

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And hide from the rain.
He hugs me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse clouds-clouds!
I will sit on his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dear daddy, happy birthday!
Your years are running faster and faster.
Let inspiration visit
And you are always lucky in everything!
So that health is heroic,
Chickens did not peck money from you!
And always familiar, dear
Treated with sincere love!

My dad left
long away.
I'm without a dad, to be honest,
not easy.
Dad, if you want
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
daddy can
read a fairy tale
me without dad
it's hard to fall asleep.
Get up and be quiet
I will stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Folder, I'll start your holiday with congratulations.
I wish you strength and patience!
After all, women are not so easy to understand,
But with mom we want to hug you very much!
We wish to buy a large SUV,
With friends to ride and catch fish!
For the team's favorite football victories!
Health to you! And live long without trouble!

I always wanted to be like
On you, my dear dad!
To be as strong and able
In life, find any way out.

I like talking to you
Argue and talk about life
Make decisions with your head
And the questions are difficult to solve.

Happy holiday to you
Happy to be your son, believe me!
May your dream come true
Joy smile you try on!

You are my example, you are my support,
Although he was strict, he was harsh.
You are necessary and dear to me
You are the best, dad, I would say!

I wish this birthday
All the best, health and kindness.
Let there be enough money for everything
May life be kind to you!

Papa dear, dear,
Since childhood, you are always with me,
You went to football with me
And gave me toys!

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you to be strong for a hundred years
Cheerful, joyful, healthy,
For everything to happen again:

And love and happiness too
May you be even younger!
Take my poem
How filial congratulations!

From childhood to you, father,
I want to be like.
Trust me, I'm not a flatterer.
You have always been dear to me.

You are an example for me
Support and support.
So it was before and now.
I'm sorry I rarely say this.

So now I will not hesitate.
And I want to wish you, dad,
Do not lose heart, always believe in luck
And don't look at your passport so often.

I'm often very curious
Can I be a genius
After all, sometimes they say it's insulting,
What, they say, nature to rest

Must on children, and from genius
A genius could not be born.
My dad is a genius, so less
I'm more talented than my dad.

The lock on the door will change
And in the bathroom will set the light,
Then he solves algebra,
While I'm not in the apartment.

He goes to school for meetings
And performs the most
And everything is so easy, without effort,
He has success!

Oh, my dad, a great worker,
You are my house wizard!
You don't know how much I need you
It's easy for me with your wisdom.

I want to congratulate you, daddy,
Accept my humble gift
Although genius is not born twice,
I am your exact imprint!

Happy birthday, my dear man!
I'm lucky - after all, not everyone has such dads,
You are a wonderful, fair, kind, loving father,
And in any serious business, without a doubt, you are a “specialist”.

You have a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositivity, love of life, warmth,
I wish you, dad, that luck goes into your hands,
Long years, health, happiness, delightful minutes,
May the possibilities and strengths increase threefold.

I also want to say "thank you" to you,
I try to keep up with you in this life,
To be as fair, honest, faithful as you are,
Do everything so that there is more kindness in this world

Dad, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
Always be smart and brave
To do everything he could.
Always be ahead
But take care of your health.
Be lucky and rich
Be happy with your life.
Be kind and patient
Know that I love you.

Behind dad, like behind a stone wall,
I am so proud that I am your child.
Although this child has matured,
He never managed to get taller than his father.

Not in terms of growth - in life affairs.
Everything is arguing in daddy's hands.
For what you do not take - everything is in full swing,
And you look so calm.

You know the recipes, it seems, in everything,
How to equip our dear home,
How to cheer up mom quickly
And if mom is late - cook soup.

The house is on you, but it seems - the whole world,
You are a model in everything, you are my idol!
You will solve my problems,
You talk about everything calmly.

Sometimes it seems to me that you are capable
Build bridges in global affairs,
You can reconcile states
But he preferred to give himself to his family.

I remember in childhood: children, quarrel, cry,
You are used to these small wars,
You hugged us, and we put up,
Forever in the house there was no war.

So happy birthday, daddy, to you.
I will read this verse to you, loving.
I wish you to live to a hundred years
With someone like you, the family knows no trouble!

May life be so joyfully easy
Like a faithful father's hand!
Let life bring prosperity to our house,
After all, our dad knows everything in life!

Daddy beloved, kind, strong, honest,
Our head of the family and famous joker,
Hunter and fisherman, summer resident and driver,
Jack of all trades, delicious food lover.