Seduction of a married girl.  Is it possible to fall in love with an experienced woman and how?  From words to deeds

Seduction of a married girl. Is it possible to fall in love with an experienced woman and how? From words to deeds

Everyone is different and that's great. Some people think that it is impossible not to love cats. Others love dogs and don't understand how you can sympathize with naughty cats. Still others are indifferent to both those and other animals. The purpose of this article is not to find out which of them is right. And in order to figure out what people who love cats are, outlining the portrait of a typical ardent cat owner.

They are arrogant, fearless, do not know how to obey and never grovel before a person or other creature. I really love cats, but they really are - affectionate and hardy, thoroughbred and yard, short-haired and fluffy, they all show independence to one degree or another. All of them daily prove that man is not the crown of nature, not the master and not the head of the situation. So why do people love cats, why are we so attracted to waywardness, independence and stubbornness?

Psychologists, astrologers and other specialists are adherents of a certain division of all mankind into groups: by hair color, by type nervous system, by date of birth, by zodiac sign, etc. Of course, there is also a characteristic of people who love cats. How else? After all, the choice of a four-legged friend largely depends on the worldview, habits and qualities of a single person. It is believed that a typical cat person is a straightforward, frank, sometimes even excessive person, confidently moving towards his goal and having a heightened sense of justice.

Read also: Man and cat: friends or not?

Cat and independence

"Of all God's creations, there is only one from which it is impossible to make a slave even with the help of a whip - this is a cat."

Mark Twain

Ardent dog lovers consider the independence of cats main reason their dislike for these animals. The dog is simple and understandable. She must obey, she must consider the person the master, carry out commands and act, obeying not instincts, but a wave of her hand or a demanding tone. It’s a paradox, but, according to cat lovers, it’s impossible not to love cats precisely because of the wayward nature of the mustachioed touchy. The cat does not know how to obey, and for this they love her. A wayward, independent and stubborn cat cannot be broken, you can only negotiate with it by concluding a pact on the conditions of living together. In fact, under the same roof with cat lovers is not a slave, which they consider dogs, but a true friend, companion, faithful comrade.

Another reason why people love cats for their independence is the closeness of these animals to nature. Even a cat that never leaves the house behaves like a real predator, hunting improvised prey or fighting off an impudent person who thought to cut her claws. As V. Hugo said, God created a cat so that a person could have a tiger that can be stroked. And we take advantage of wonderful opportunities to touch wild nature, to have a piece of the jungle at home and observe the habits of a real, albeit small, tiger cub.

cat and curiosity

No, we are not talking about the famous feline curiosity, but about the curiosity of a human explorer, a person who looks at the world from the position “I want to know everything!”. The characterization of people who love cats as an object of study is very simple, but at the same time very interesting. These are people-observers who do not disregard even mere trifles: “It is strange, the birch turns yellow on the left side, and the maple standing next to it - on the right. ... Why ?!”. Watching the behavior and habits of cats is endlessly interesting. It is much easier to explain this or that decision of a dog, because these animals are very similar to people. But the cat is our opposite. And the more you study it, the more questions arise - a godsend for an inquisitive mind!

Read also: Why do cats love valerian?

The cat and the hearth

The cat as a symbol of the hearth is not new. However, this image is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. A cat, cozy and fluffy, curled up on a comfortable sofa, purring with pleasure, licking a fur coat, lapping milk, basking in the sun or near the fireplace ... This is warmth, calmness, reliability, habitual way of life.

If a man loves cats, he certainly appreciates women's care, pays attention to cleanliness in the house, is grateful for the rich borscht and the newspaper carefully left on the dressing table. This is a man for whom the generally accepted image of a mother and life partner is of decisive importance. He does not take the fulfillment of women's duties for granted, but is sincerely grateful to his wife for creating a cozy atmosphere. On the other hand, if a woman loves cats, she appreciates peace and order, trying to surround herself and loved ones with care and warmth. However, like cats, sometimes she becomes cheerful, eccentric, unpredictable - such people will never be bored with each other.

He, she and the cat

Psychologists believe that if a man loves cats - he really loves, and does not just consider it possible to have this animal at home - he treats women as equal beings, does not show rudeness, does not consider the attitude correct: “Your place is in the kitchen, your day - March 8". If a guy loves cats since adolescence, he will look for a companion, reminiscent of the character of these independent creatures - independent, intelligent, proud, a little bitchy and self-confident.

Cats have been popular throughout the ages. More from Ancient Greece rock carvings of these domestic animals that live today on all continents of the planet have come down to us. But today they have become not just human friends, but a real fetish.

Especially if we are talking about the internet and cats getting more "likes" than all other discussion topics combined. Meanwhile, experts are sounding the alarm and claim that those seen in living with cats and excessive love for pets can begin to be suspected of mental illness. Cats as the main, if not the only one, are a social disease. It's not about the animals themselves, it's about social roles with which they are endowed.

Animals are useful

A well-known statement, spread among the general population, says: people who live with pets live longer than everyone else. And numerous studies show that owners of cats, dogs, hamsters, piglets and other domestic animals experience less stress. These people have lower blood pressure and a lower risk of depression because they have someone to cuddle, talk to, and pet. And for lonely people, this helps to find the meaning of life - because they have someone to take care of, who to cook for and who to clean the toilet for. This is especially noticeable in older people. But what to do when a cat or a dog becomes the meaning of the life of a young girl or a person? AT last years It has become very fashionable to have small, pocket-sized Chihuahuas. They are taken everywhere, sleep with them, and the death or loss of a pet is experienced for years. And such a pet, as a rule, is closer than relatives.

east news

The animal is no longer a friend, but the second half

A friend of a professor lived alone for many years after her divorce from her husband. She made good money, drove her own car, and was very fond of animals. After her daughter grew up, she had no one to take care of, and she settled two dogs in her three-room apartment. One breed of papillon butterfly found on the street and named Tuzik, and picked up the second with broken paws, went out and called Bim. The male was a mixture of a sheepdog and a mongrel. Neighbors joked about her love for dogs: "She needs a dog!" And the woman lived for many years herself, surrounded by four-legged friends, earning food for them, taking them to a doctor, who cost her a lot, and combing them out during molting.

It happens that a man lives with a cat or a cat. And this animal becomes his second half. He eats with her, sleeps, talks.

- When I began to live with my future husband, he had been living on his own for three years. More precisely, with a cat. And when I moved things to him, she began to behave very badly. Under him, she was a good girl, rubbing against her legs and purring. As soon as he stepped over the threshold, an orgy began: she spoiled wherever possible, scattered things and scratched me. Even when we went to bed, she came and lay down exclusively on his chest, because she saw that I love to put my head there! It was a real rival. As a result, I survived it - I gave it to my girlfriend, - one of my acquaintances shares her memories.

My neighbor loved her dog very much. At the same time, she had two daughters, but the dog was still more important to her. More than once I heard her say to her daughter: "Look, so that nothing happens to Barbie, she is so fragile and tender." The neighbor never forgot to feed the dog, although she could forget about the children. How many times I saw her, I always got the impression that this dog is more important to her than the rest of the family. She obviously has some psychological problems, - says my colleague Ivan. In his opinion, today many people are trying to solve their inner loneliness by acquiring animals.

Cat that replaces friendssurrogate

Psychologists say that people who live with cats satisfy their emotional needs in the most shameless way - zoophilic, i.e. the most selfish of all. By attributing invented feelings and emotions to a dumb animal, their owners often solve their own emotional problems, minimizing the risks of real communication. Communicating with people can be unsafe - they can hurt your ego, they can hurt, or even destroy your self-esteem. It's easier with cats. But this is declared as caring for cats, and there is a monstrous substitution of concepts in this. If a man only cares about a cat, it means that he is emotionally immature, dependent and does not realize the need for any changes. If a woman cares about a cat more than anyone else, then she wants to preserve her phobias, or she has an emotional catastrophe and she cannot get out of it. When a woman says: "The man did not love my cat, so this man went out, if only the cat was in order!" - this should be alarming.

A cat that replaces friends, attachments, sensory impressions is a kind of surrogate. And if you analyze the degree of satisfaction with your emotional needs, needs for communication, understanding, relationships between family members - the cat may signal that the search for psychological security has taken you, perhaps too far.

For help in disclosing the topic, we thank the psychologist, a member of the Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists Alevtina Shevchenko.

Surely among your acquaintances there are people who are different special love specifically for cats. Maybe you yourself are a fan of these fluffy fidgets. Our article is devoted to an overview of interesting psychological facts about cats, having learned which, you will better understand the behavior of a pet and learn more about your character. Enjoy reading!

Everyone has their own hobbies: someone likes to spend time watching TV shows, someone prefers leisure or knitting, and some people love to caress cats, play with them, talk as if with a person. Therefore, all cat lovers have common features character, and psychological science gives an explanation for this. The cat symbolizes both independence and devotion, character and strength and affection, grace and fragility. People love cats because they either have certain cat traits or desire to have those traits.

Surely, in recent years, you have noticed that the number of communities of cat lovers has increased on the Internet. There have been a lot funny pictures and videos dedicated to your favorite pets. This is explained by the fact that the cat symbolizes home comfort, happiness and peace. Recently, people have been focused on living comfortably and happily, a lot of effort and resources are spent on this. And if there is also a cat in the house, contented, well-fed, affectionate, then life is a success.

Cats are loved because these animals are very fond of tactile contacts: they can be stroked, scratched behind the ear, caressed, fall asleep with them. In this way modern people relieve stress and make up for the lack of love and tenderness.

Interesting fact! Very often you can see that young couples in love who begin to live together, first of all, have a cat in the house, and only after years of children. This is explained by the fact that the cat does not require much attention and young people subconsciously perceive the cat as a child. After a while, people are convinced of the strength of their union and decide to have a baby.

Why do women love cats so much?

Exquisite female tattoos depicting a graceful slender cat are very popular. It is obvious that for modern women the cat is the embodiment of female nature, beauty and sexuality, grace and grace. Such women make it clear that they are not only beautiful, but also daring and vindictive, able to show “claws” when the opportunity arises. Projecting their own, truly feminine character traits onto a cat, the fair sex loves to buy shiny jewelry and tickets to specialized exhibitions for cats. Thus, women assert themselves and increase self-esteem.

Idea! Therefore, if you communicate with a woman who loves cats very much, ask her a few questions about the nature of her pet. A woman will be happy to talk about her favorite, and you will know that much of the above is present in the character of the woman herself.

Sympathies of the feline family: what kind of people do cats like and why?

Cats love to be treated with attention and care. Pay attention to street cats, how they crave communication and affection, how they rub against the legs of a random passerby who called out to the animal. Domestic cats receive a lot of attention every day, so they are more selective in their contacts.

You have probably heard the expression “animals are like their owners”. Often a cat chooses one member of the family, whom it considers its true owner, even if other people treat it well. Psychologists say that a cat will prefer that person who gives the animal his love and care, but does not require reciprocal manifestations of feelings, does not force the animal to caress, play, sit on his lap. Each cat has its own temperament, character and preferences, so she chooses the person who is most similar to herself.

Cats don't like rough, unkind people. However, if a cat lives in a family where it is not sufficiently cared for, it will still seek to communicate in most cases - such is its nature. Cats know how to forgive their owners. Some breeds, such as the Siamese, have a special temperament: proud, independent, aloof. Such animals rarely seek to communicate with people and do not like tactile contacts, even if the owner is kind and affectionate. This does not mean that the animal does not like you, it's just that his psyche is arranged in this way.

Advice! Therefore, when choosing a kitten for a family, you should carefully look at its character. If the cat is purebred, you need to study the features of this species in order to avoid disappointment.

How to tell if a cat loves you

Cats have a unique language that they use to "talk" to humans. Each owner must learn to understand the mood of his pet so that their bond is strong and mutual. To express sympathy and love, cats have a whole arsenal of facial expressions and gestures:

  1. Purring.
  2. Licking.
  3. The desire to spend all the time together.
  4. Falling asleep on your knees and in the same bed.
  5. Demonstration of the belly and tail.
  6. "Butting", rubbing against hands and feet.
  7. Sharpening claws on furniture.
  8. "Massage" with claws and trampling on the body.
  9. Surprises and gifts.

How to make friends with a cat?

The easiest way to make friends with a cat is at an early age, because the kitten perceives as a mother the person who feeds, caresses and caresses him. Over time, the owner and the kitten "grind" to each other, they have joint fun and traditions. If an already adult cat for some reason dislikes a person, she will not want to spend time with him and refuse to accept his attention. In such cases, you can try to make friends with the cat, although this process is lengthy and will require patience from you.

  1. Try to create the most comfortable conditions for the animal: a cozy bed, good food, occasional treats, interesting toys.
  2. Do not perform actions that the animal may perceive as an act of aggression: do not scream, do not make sharp gestures with your hands, do not create noise and nervous atmosphere in the house, do not throw the cat during games.
  3. Cats can remember insults for a long time and sometimes take revenge on the owner, so treat the animal with respect: do not disturb it during sleep, do not take away food, do not scream, and in no case beat.
  4. Study the specialized literature on the topic of feline sign language. In this way, you will begin to understand what mood the cat is in and what she wanted you to get from you. For example, if you see an animal flattening its ears and retracting its head, it is best to leave it alone. And if the cat is staring at you, blinking and walking toward you, it's time to stroke it.

When the cat understands that you are not a threat to her and are friendly, over time she will begin to trust you.

Advice! If you are unable to make friends with a cat, despite all efforts, try to contact a zoopsychologist or, for example, find in social networks thematic groups cat lovers. Experienced breeders will not refuse you useful advice.

Nanny cats

Cats love to sleep in the crib with babies because they smell like mother's milk. It is possible that cats also like soft and cozy children's bed. Of course, you should not allow a cat to be in bed with a baby: it is not hygienic. In addition, the animal may inadvertently scratch the child.

When the baby grows up, there is no need to limit him in communicating with a soft fluffy lump. Young children love cats because they are interested in an animal that is active, likes to play and jump. Some children love to caress cats, subconsciously perceiving them as a mother - gentle and affectionate. Young children may not always be able to clearly understand and explain their feelings of frustration, resentment, or fatigue. But those children who have a fluffy pet in the house endure stress much easier. You can stroke a cat and listen to its purring, after which you will feel calm and peaceful.

Some cats are very reverent and caring towards young children, show their love to them in every possible way and try to spend a lot of time together. Parents with early age should teach the child to communicate properly with the cat, then this friendship will bring a lot of positive emotions for all family members.

The nature and temperament of cats

The temperament of a cat is a set of animal reactions to external stimuli. This is an innate quality that practically does not change over the course of life. The character of a cat can be changed by forming certain habits in it. However, many similarities can be found in the behavior of cats.

Researchers from the UK conducted a survey of more than 200 cat owners, as a result of which they were able to identify the typology of cat characters:

Type ofImageDescription
Ideal for living in a family, in the company of people. She strives to spend as much time as possible with the owners and is actively interested in their affairs.
She loves to play with her owners or with toys. This is the same type of cats that suddenly attack the owners from around the corner, listen to all suspicious sounds, actively play and jump. The ideal place to live for such an animal would be Vacation home or countryside
Shows an active interest in the representatives of his kind. Such animals will be very happy if another animal appears in the apartment.
Does not like tactile contacts, does not play with owners and does not communicate with other animals. She only makes contact when she wants to.
It is characterized by an exploratory disposition, with interest studies the surrounding objects, people and animals. He loves to explore and sniff new things, meet new people and animals.

Relationships between cats and dogs

The saying “like a cat with a dog” has long been known to all of us is not always true. Indeed, these animals are not the most in the best way get along with each other, this can be especially clearly seen in the relationship of street cats and dogs. At home, you can keep a cat and a dog at the same time, if you properly educate them. Real friendship between these animals is unlikely to succeed (although there are exceptions), but cohabitation is quite possible. It is desirable that each animal has a place in which it could retire and rest.

The relationship between a cat and a dog most often does not add up due to the difference in characters and temperaments, as well as in body language. With the help of the table, you can visually assess how big the difference in the behavior of these animals is.

Differences in sign language between cats and dogs

Sign language
Tail held highFriendliness, calmness, confidenceAnxiety, alertness
tail waggingOutrage, indignationDelight, joy
closed mouthNormal conditiontension
Dropped earsAnxiety, dissatisfactionJoy, obedience
Body tilt to the sideThe desire to appear more aggressive and stronger than the enemyIndicator of victory in a conflict situation
supine positionAn indicator of trust in a personDesire for affection from the owner
Back bendSelf defense, gesture used while huntingPlayful mood

Bioenergetics of man and cat

Communication with a cat is a great way not only to relieve stress and improve mood, but also the ability to alleviate the symptoms of many diseases. Cats have a unique energy and hypersensitivity, they can independently determine the area of ​​the human body that needs treatment. Cat therapy is carried out with the help of purring, soft “massage” with claws, warming the diseased part of the body with warm wool.

Cats are best at helping people suffering from high blood pressure. blood pressure, insomnia and neurological diseases, colds, bone and joint diseases, cardiovascular diseases. Cats can recover energy balance person, as well as to clean the space of the dwelling from bad energy.

Some cats feel places in the apartment that are unfavorable in terms of bioenergetics. Perhaps you yourself have noticed that none of the family members, for whatever reason, wants to sit in a far chair in the hall, and always chooses another place to relax. Nevertheless, the cat always chooses exactly this chair and lies in it in the “sphinx” position, stretching out its front paws and tucking its hind legs. Thus, the cat cleanses our house of bad energy, making it cozy and comfortable for all households.

On a note! The cat is one of the most ancient inhabitants of the human dwelling. Do not deny yourself communication with a small fluffy lump, this animal will give you a lot of joy and happy moments spent together.

Video - Why people love cats so much

Do cats love people? Love is an abstract term, of course, but it is quite possible that cats and people understand it in approximately the same way.

How do cats show love to humans?

Yes, just like people. Signs of a cat's love for a person, first of all, are expressed tactilely. A cat that is not indifferent to you will trample you with its paws, associating exclusively with you those positive emotions that the kitten experiences when it “tramples”, that is, it massages the mother’s stomach, stimulating the mammary glands.

Cats also like to rub their muzzle against the owner, thereby not only showing their tenderness, but also marking with their smell. Also, if a cat loves you, she will probably lick you and sleep with you - it is quite possible that on her head.

An important indicator of love is the fact that a cat allows unpleasant procedures to be carried out on itself, such as grooming. Of course, no one will allow a stranger to disassemble the tangle. Of course, both the cat's purring and the moments when a devoted furry animal meets its owner are all unwise, but obvious signs of a cat's love for its owner.

There are quite a few examples of how cats show love for a person, and after talking with an “inveterate” cat lover, you will get the impression that there is no more responsive and loving animal.

There is no doubt that cats feel the love of a person. Of course! As well as his indifference or rudeness. Therefore, even if the cat expresses his feelings at the wrong time, still try to be gentle with her.

Lucky people in life: what kind of people do cats like?

On the one hand, cat love, like any other, may seem irrational. Probably every cat lover has a couple of completely inexplicable stories about cat sympathies. When, for example, the hostess feeds the cat and pays more attention to him, but he still sleeps only with the owner, who disappears at work. Here the cat loves a person, and that's all, just a mystic.

It often happens that a kitten, literally in the first weeks of life, from the whole family chooses a person to his liking and only then devotes his whole life to him, as they say, "the soul's wonderful impulses."

But still, mysticism does not play in what kind of people cats love. leading role. Cat sympathies, to a large extent, are associated with certain human behavior. For example, adult cats are attracted (or at least not annoyed) by people with a moderate timbre of voice, a balanced, restrained character, and calm behavior. Who knows, maybe the cat will like you already by lying in front of the TV for a long time? ..

A good way to make friends with a cat is not to stare at it, but to catch its eye and blink a few times. An unblinking gaze for animals is a sign of a challenge, a threat, and it is unlikely that you will thus fall into the number of people that cats and cats love. And when you blink, you demonstrate your loyalty, peaceful intentions.

If a person loves cats ...

If cats love a person, then it’s not such a lost soul! Animals, of course, are not psychics, but they are unlikely to show their best feelings in front of some ungrateful egoist.

Cat owners are usually characterized as sympathetic, maybe sometimes sentimental people with a high sense of responsibility, disposed towards family life, caring for loved ones.

Sometimes sincere love of a cat is more difficult to earn than human sympathy - if you succeeded, you are the right person, it is quite possible to deal with you!

Igor Kaverin

What canned food is best for cats?

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