When the Balzac age.  When it comes

When the Balzac age. When the "Balzac age" comes. Modern women of the "Balzac age"

Many ladies consider the Balzac age not the most pleasant stage of their lives. Youth has already passed, ahead of wrinkles and old age. Still, there are positive aspects of this period, because life does not end there. An adult woman is very smart, neat and purposeful, and she understands the world much better.

What is Balzac age?

Adult women of Balzac age change a lot. They cannot yet be called old, but they can be wise. This definition became common after the publication of Balzac's novel, The Thirty-Year-Old Woman. And most importantly, what is the age of Balzac? It is generally accepted that this is an age interval between 30 and 40 years. A distinctive feature of such women is confidence and freedom of choice, which allows them to be both calm housewives and incredible courtesans.

Balzac age - psychology

Psychologists believe that the concept of "Balzac age" changes over time. During the life of the writer around 1800, a woman over 30 had to be married and had no right to a new love. Starting in 1950, this expression began to be attributed to ladies from forty years old, and now only from forty-five. Experts say that during this period, women begin to take care of themselves more, react less to conflicts and give freedom to their men.

Some people use the concept of "Balzac age" in order to offend. Respond to this calmly, excluding conflict situations. Nowadays, thirty-year-old ladies only choose a life partner and prepare for motherhood and do not even look their age. In psychology, this state refers to the concept of going from one extreme to another, someone offends, and someone is proud.

Balzac age in men

It would seem that such a feminine concept is not associated with the stronger sex, but it is not. When the Balzac age comes in men, big changes take place with them. The most important disadvantage is the decrease and thus the male activity. As a rule, this time comes after forty years, closer to fifty. The ongoing changes negatively affect the body and a person appears visible.

Many do not know what Balzac's age means in men, but it can be seen in behavior. They become irritable and depressive, sexual activity decreases significantly. The good news is that there are now many drugs that help restore testosterone levels. At this age, men often leave their wives for younger mistresses, proving to themselves and others that he is still capable of much.

Balzac age in a woman

Unlike the strong half of humanity, the ladies of the Balzac age are less depressive. They already have a good life experience and direct their opportunities in the right direction. There are those who suffer from lost beauty and become depressed, but there are few of them. It is easier for the weak half of humanity to rebuild and accept age-related changes.

Now it is not even necessary to know what the Balzac age is in women. The younger generation is not very fond of the classics and the expression partly takes on an offensive character. There is still a share of sarcasm in it, because this is a small hint of the approach of old age. But, with age, the long-awaited freedom comes, the children have grown up, there are no grandchildren yet, and the lady devotes herself completely to herself.

Love in the Balzac age

Knowing when the Balzac age begins, many people think that love relationships are no longer relevant. This common mistake has created stereotypes, but adults have feelings too. They are more attentive with the choice of a partner, do not follow the first emotions and carefully weigh each candidate. Real feelings during this period in most cases remain until the end of days, and many claim to have found their own.

Many people sometimes have a question, "Balzac's age" - how old is it? In fact, this is a rather vague concept, because this time for everyone comes in different ways. In a common sense, this is the age from 30 to 40 years. In most cases, this term is applied exclusively to women, and even in an ironic sense. "Balzac age", so they say about a lady who can no longer be called young, but has not yet reached "wise" years. At this age, hopes for a romantic relationship have not yet disappeared; a woman still longs for love and tenderness with great force. It is a pity that now she has a huge life experience, a store of knowledge, from which there is no escape. Now she is well versed in men and will not believe their flattering words. And sometimes you really want to forget everything and surrender to the will of the current. This term became popular after the story was printed " thirty year old woman by the popular French writer Honore de Balzac.

"The novel of Balzac is located separately" thirty year old woman". Although in fact this work can hardly be called a novel. It is a series of separate scenes that are scattered throughout the book like a mosaic. When you read it, you understand that the author never intended to combine them under one plot. And this is true , it turns out, the book is collected from separate stories.The first of them was published in 1831 in a small-circulation newspaper, Caricature.
This story is called "Napoleon's Last Parade". The plot is quite simple, but the author's mastery of his language is striking. The young lady asks her father to go with her to the parade, which was held in the Tuileries, because she fell in love with the young colonel. Balzac rips the covers off the lives of the French townspeople of that time. Shows their way of life and customs, what they dreamed about and what they aspired to.
A month passes and in the next story called "Two Meetings" Honore shows how the wife of a general lives. Some exalted ladies prefer to believe that this is the same handsome colonel from the previous story. She hates her husband, so she got herself a lover, and her daughter, looking at her mommy, runs away with some strange man who claims to be a pirate. After a while, she realizes that he is not a "Parisian pirate", but a real Byronian corsair"

"Unfortunately, this story turned out to be very weak, in the spirit of Balzac's first "black" novels.
A few months later, the newspaper publishes his next work, "Date." Which is a five-part novella. In this story, the plot is revealed and we understand that indeed in the second part the general's wife is the same girl who ran to the Tuileries parade. Her husband is no longer sweet, and she fell in love with the stiff Englishman A. Grenville.
After some time, these stories were processed, supplemented and combined. Now they are published under the common name for all short stories "The Same Story". And only 11 years later, in 1842, Honore de Balzac finally completed his work completely.
According to connoisseurs of this author's work, this work looks the least complete, all its chapters are almost unrelated to each other. However, there are ideal moments in this story ... "

("Prometheus or the Life of Balzac" by André Maurois)

“It seems to me that I already have a Balzac age, Anna Ivanovna thought shockedly, looking at herself in the mirror. She began to recall those sad thirty-year-old women who at this age fell into melancholy”
("Near gentlemen" Mamin-Sibiryak)

In our time, the threshold of the Balzac age, in contrast to the 19th century, has noticeably shifted. After all, all this time, medicine has not stood still, new preparations and means for skin rejuvenation have been invented, special diets have been invented, etc. Now 40 and even 50 years can rightly be considered Balzac's age. All this is purely individual, this age depends on how you lived before, whether you had bad habits. In general, it is difficult to imagine the definition of Balzac's age and a woman who lays sleepers on a railway.

What is the age of greatest attraction for men

The older a woman becomes, the more she reacts to minor reminders of age. Many ladies try to avoid such questions, and some simply laugh it off, saying that they are "twenty-five again." Where does the persistent expression originate - "lady of Balzac's age" how the phrase spread and how old the modern Balzac woman is, we will consider further.

Where did the expression "Balzac age" come from?

Honoré de Balzac published in 1842 "Thirty year old woman". The novel tells about the wonderful feeling of "forbidden love", which is in parallel opposed to life in a legal marriage. The work caused a heated discussion in society.

Today, few people dare to call a thirty-year-old woman old. Research over the past few years suggests that at this age a woman more attractive, and proper care of appearance allows her to look irresistible at a more mature age.

In the Balzac Age the woman was powerless and her life was spent in a constant life - caring for children, cooking in the kitchen, attending church. And only a successful marriage could bring happiness to a woman. At 18–19 years old - it was at this age that the girl was promising for marriage. At age 20 and older, the chances of getting married were greatly reduced. And what about a thirty-year-old lady? In those days, they said that at this age it was already too late to get married, but it seemed to be too early to die.

But even married women often family life was unhappy. The main factor of marriage was financial, so they got married “by convenience”. Without the right to express her own opinion, the wife became a weak-willed creature, controlled by the hand of her husband. A married lady of thirty was considered an old woman. Yes, she shone at the balls, wore expensive outfits, but at the same time she should not have attracted the attention of other men. Excellent upbringing, intellect, a broad outlook, the best education - all this should have been present in a wife. Whereas the husband did not pay due attention to sexual life, did not care about the emotional and wife's state of mind. Such was the fate of the heroine of Balzac's novel.

Thus, the Balzac age comes after thirty. It was women like these that attracted Balzac. He believed that during this period she fully matured bodily and spiritually, and was ready for marriage. But according to the canons of bourgeois society, the girl began to grow old earlier in marriage with her husband, therefore, under fear revelations often led a double life.

Modern interpretation

Still the Balzac age t is how much? If more than 200 years ago, girls got married at the age of 13-19, and by the age of thirty they became adult ladies who gave birth to many children, then by the age of 35 they were already turning into old women.

Our contemporaries believe that at 40, life is just beginning. As a result of psychological surveys of women aged 40–50, it was found that at this age, ladies feel more confident, freer and carefree, and most importantly, they achieve their goals, take risks and enjoy it. Such ease is explained by the fact that the children have already grown up, the mother-in-law has come to terms with her presence, her husband is nearby and everything is stable at work. But women also learned to take care of themselves, and this more than just appearance but also health care and attention to sexual life. So, Balzac's age is how much?

It is not surprising that modern ladies of the Balzac age, as well as thirty-year-olds, catch the admiring glances of others.

How to respond to the question "How old are you?"

First you need to figure out if the questioner really wanted to offend you with something? If the answer is yes, then you should not communicate with such a person. It should be shown with all appearance that you did not understand the hint and did not see any taunt in it.

A man who is trying to somehow humiliate and offend a woman with this expression exposes himself in an ugly light. The best position against fear of numbers from 40 to 50 is confidence in your attractiveness. It is at this age for the ladies it is very important to look neat, be tastefully dressed and discreet. With the right approach, a woman becomes confident in the face of various questions about age.

Unfortunately, many ladies are afraid of the Balzac age, and here you can identify several ways:

  • give up on everything, saying that you can’t get anywhere, age takes its toll;
  • but you can, on the contrary, breathe new life and believe in yourself;
  • or just live “in the clouds” and be surprised that you are already 45.

We know that happiness never comes just like that. Ladies from 40 to 50 should never lose heart. There are a number of rules based on life experience of women and advice from psychologists. In order to feel always young you need:

  1. Love yourself, to love not only advantages, but also disadvantages.
  2. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Unhealthy food and bad habits should be abandoned.
  3. Dress with taste, fashionable, stylish and attractive.
  4. Don't be careless hair, makeup, manicure.
  5. Should be implemented at least one dream(start a new business, say yes to a man, travel).
  6. Workout, visit the gym, ride a bike, skate, ski.
  7. Read not only on the Internet, but also in classical literature.
  8. Find a hobby that will soothe and soothe.

Acting in this direction, any woman will gain confidence and protection from embarrassment in front of ridicule about age. You need to learn to present yourself with confidence and dignity at any age, then any criticism will be indifferent.


The inspiring story of a woman of "Balzac age" is in our video.

Balzac age is not a certain number of years, because even at 40 you can look 32. It all depends on the specific case and the specific woman. But one thing can be said for sure - women of Balzac age are especially beautiful and are at the peak of their sexual attractiveness.

Since the period in which Honore de Balzac lived, a lot has changed, including tastes and priorities. And today the bar has shifted a little, and women of Balzac age are now ladies aged 40 to 50 years. Probably, there have been some serious changes in the lives of ladies, which have affected sexual longevity.

How did it happen that female sexuality began to last until almost 50 years old?

1. Personal hygiene. Since the time of Balzac, living conditions have improved, and women have begun to pay more attention to their own hygiene. In addition to cleansers, various perfumes and eau de parfum appeared, as well as anti-aging agents.

2. Women have become less likely to give birth. This fact plays a very important role, because a body worn out by childbirth ages much faster.

3. Women began to play sports. A lot of fitness clubs, yoga and Pilates clubs, sports sections - all this keeps a woman's body in perfect shape and slows down aging.

4. Fashion has changed. Various styles for mature women have appeared in the fashion industry, which make them younger and give sex appeal.

5. There is a variety of hairstyles. Now every self-respecting woman can choose her own individual style and hairstyle, which will add charm, elegance and youth. Stylists in our time work wonders and can make a mature woman more attractive, prettier and more interesting for a male than a young lady. Medium length hair, layered haircuts, curls, Asian straights, short vamps are just a small part of what exists to give women a spectacular look!

6. Women began to earn their own money. This is perhaps the most significant reason, because a woman's personal income opens up tremendous opportunities. A woman with money pays more attention to herself, visits beauty salons and various psychological trainings that are useful for self-awareness, and also travels more and learns the world, which makes her simply irresistible.

Balzac's age is the maturity of the soul, first of all. Physically, this age has no limit, it can start at 30 and end at 50, or even at 55 years old.

It is worth recognizing that a woman of Balzac age in our time is the dream of most morally mature men, because she is realized in life, interesting to others, exudes confidence, strength and energy. Such features simply cannot leave indifferent any of the representatives of the stronger sex. So, if you met a woman of Balzac age, you are very lucky. Take care of her, appreciate the time spent together, absorb the wisdom that she can give you. And the best thing is to never let such a woman go and make her a marriage proposal in time, because if such a woman is with you, then on her part it is conscious and for a long time, but she does not want to waste time with you. A Balzac woman is a lady with a high level of intelligence and development, and, as you know, smart women are less prone to treason, and marriage with them is a gift for every man!

Many of the wording itself is not entirely clear, the Balzac age for women is how old it is, why is this age period called that, when and where did this name come from? Is it appropriate to use it or is it a subtle hint that a woman is in adulthood?

In the article we will answer what age is considered Balzac, what is the meaning of this phrase, and when it is appropriate to use the phrase "Lady of Balzac's age."

History of the origin of the term

Where did the expression come from? It all started with the famous novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman". In 1842, the novel by Honore de Balzac made a splash in the literary world. The novel raised the idea of ​​love without obligation. This feeling was opposed to the decent behavior of a married lady. The central narrative was about the relationship of a married woman with her lover.

Honore de Balzac (1799 - 1850)

In the 19th century, a thirty-year-old woman was called a "matrona", which means not a delicate "old woman". Her main duties were considered: taking care of the house, children, caring for her spouse. There was no talk of secular or entertainment events. This means that the lady could visit them, but she could not afford to dance some of the dances. The woman refused many entertainments and flirting with members of the opposite sex. Why do many ladies prefer to just stay at home.

Many ladies in their thirties have been attracted to men, but a wife is not allowed to have a relationship with anyone other than her lawful husband.

Hence the expression - a woman of Balzac's age.

Maturity is a new page in life

The main dilemma for a girl entering the Balzac age is how to remain attractive. Many ladies at the age of 30 begin to feel competition in the face of young girls. They feel uncomfortable when they are around them. It is not uncommon for men to cheat on their wives with young partners.

Women of Balzac age already have a decent life experience. They are free from complexes and antics. At this age, a woman is completely liberated. It is not limited to youthful chastity and stiffness in behavior. No wonder they say that at this age there comes the peak of a woman's sexual activity. The answer to the question - Balzac's age is how many years, numbers from thirty to forty are called.

Women have thoughts of becoming “free” and separating themselves from men and obligations to anyone. In the modern world, there is a popular term "Self-made woman". It translates as "a woman who made herself." This period often passes under this slogan. Women in their 30s to 40s and beyond tend to be optimistic and energetic. They are ready to reach new heights and succeed.

Behavioral patterns of women at the onset of maturity

Everyone has a different attitude to this period. Some meet the cherished thirty years with dignity and readiness. First of all, they begin to take care of children and grandchildren. Ladies devote more time to themselves and their hobbies. Engage in self-development. They do things that they never had time for before. They give importance to many little things.

Others are trying to adapt to a new social role in society. For them, this means leaving their comfort zone and accepting “new rules of the game”. A woman learns to accept the signs of aging and learn to hide them.

The third option is the most radical. These women flatly refuse to accept the fact that old age is coming. They go to extremes: they use a huge amount of cosmetics, do plastic surgery, regularly visit a beautician, start doing dubious facial exercises. Ladies do not understand that the onset of these changes is inevitable, but they cling to their youth to the end and not by the most reasonable methods.

The attitude of society towards middle-aged women

The image of the Balzac lady is actively used in popular culture. An example is the series "Sex and the City", based on the novel by Candace Bushnell. It features four friends who are trying to arrange a personal life. Heroines in their thirties. They say that this series makes women understand that in adulthood everything is just beginning. If you did not have time to "jump on the train" - this does not mean that he left completely. This is one of the main ideas of the picture. The series to this day remains popular among the female half.

How should a woman behave during this period?

  • Go in for sports. Fitness, swimming, running - it doesn't matter. Most importantly, watch your body and constantly keep yourself in good shape.
  • Take care of your appearance. If you have not used cosmetics before, it's time to learn. No one is talking about tons of powder, but a slight blush will help you feel more confident, and elegantly lined eyes with a pencil will completely divert the gaze of men from young ladies in your favor.
  • Find a new hobby. No need to think that at thirty it's too late to start a new hobby. During this period of life, new opportunities for self-development open up for you. The views are formed and you know exactly what you want.
  • Peace of mind. By this age, a woman knows how to listen to herself. A great opportunity to start helping other people instead of emotional experiences and constant reflection.