Why did Churchill's wife talk about the Soviet Red Cross all the time.  Churchill's Women: Clementine.  proposal winston churchill family personal life

Why did Churchill's wife talk about the Soviet Red Cross all the time. Churchill's Women: Clementine. proposal winston churchill family personal life

This marriage was not predicted more than a year- they said that Churchill was not made for family life. But Union of Winston Churchill and Clementine Hozier lasted 57 years! One of the most prominent politicians of the 20th century, Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill was often lost in the presence of ladies, did not know how to look after him beautifully, was clumsy and timid. Three times he received refusals in response to a marriage proposal, and only Clementine finally agreed and never regretted it later.

Churchill understood the reasons for his failure with the opposite sex: "I often miss those little signs of attention that make friendship so warm and cordial." By the time he met his future wife, 29-year-old Winston had already received several rejections from women - they did not see him as a worthy man or a promising politician. But Clementine saw behind the baggy appearance a strong character and a sharp mind.

Clementine Hosier came from a noble Scottish family, Airlie, she was a beauty, fluent in French and German was interested in politics. She was repeatedly made marriage proposals, but she refused all applicants. Churchill did not dare to confess for a long time, but when it finally happened, he heard an affirmative answer.

In his autobiography, Churchill wrote: "My marriage was the happiest and most joyful event of my whole life." He had a complex character: he was reputed to be cynical and proud, grumbled when he came home from work, always and everywhere smoked, dropped ashes on carpets, fell asleep with an outstanding cigar, was addicted to drinking and gambling, spent nights in casinos. But Clementine did not try to change him - her husband seemed ideal to her.

Roy Jenkins wrote: "It is simply phenomenal that Winston and Clementine - these offspring of windy ladies - created one of the most famous marriage unions in world history, known both for their happiness and their fidelity." One day in the mid 1950s. at the Churchills' dinner party in their country house guests and hosts played the game "Who would you like to be if you didn't become who you are?". When the turn came to the owner of the house, he said: "If I did not become what I am, I would gladly become ... the second husband of Mrs. Churchill."

Clementine supported her husband in everything, was a true friend for him, he consulted with her even when he made political decisions. Churchill was not involved in the upbringing of children - he believed that it was easier to manage the nation, although he willingly played his own game with them. free time.

For 57 years of marriage, they wrote each other 1700 letters, postcards and notes. 40 years after the wedding, Churchill admitted: “My dear, in all the years that we have been together, I have caught myself many times thinking that I love you too much, so much that it seems impossible to love more.” He later wrote: “My dear Clemmy, in your last letter you wrote a few words that have become very dear to me. They have enriched my life. I will always be indebted to you. You gave me unearthly pleasure from life. And if love exists, then know that we have it the most real.

On August 15, 1908, the forthcoming marriage of the famous politician Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill and the maiden Clementine Ogilvie Hozier was reported on the front pages of British newspapers. The upper world was skeptical about this news. Everyone predicted a quick divorce, since, according to the general opinion, the groom was clearly not suitable for family life. But heaven wanted otherwise. The young managed to build one of the most famous marriages in the world, having lived in love and fidelity for fifty-seven years.

Clouded childhood

The future Baroness Clementine Churchill was born on April 1, 1885 in a poor but very noble family of a retired British army officer G.M. Hozier and his wife, Lady Blanche Ogilvie. Her childhood was not joyful, the reason for this was the problems that interfered with the happiness of her parents.

The fact is that rumor attributed many love affairs to her mother, and evil tongues even claimed that Colonel Hozier was not the real father of her children. So it was or not, it is not known, but unable to withstand the pangs of jealousy, he divorced his wife and officially abandoned the children, leaving old family without a livelihood.

Taking care of daily bread

Of course, he also received a severe moral injury. eldest daughter, the future wife of English Prime Minister Clementine Churchill. The memory of this did not leave her for the rest of her life. Having received an excellent education in childhood and being fluent in several foreign languages, she, the heiress of an ancient aristocratic family, was forced to give French lessons for a piece of bread.

Picky Bride

The first meeting of Clementine with her future husband took place in 1908 at a party with her aunt and, undoubtedly, was nothing more than a providence of God, since both he and she were among the guests quite by accident, having completely different plans for that evening. But everything turned out just the way the heavens wanted.

The news of the wedding surprised many. It should be noted that Clementine, despite her poverty, was a very choosy bride and, at her twenty-three years old, managed to refuse three enviable seekers of her hand. As for the groom, it was said that in life he was only interested in politics, well, perhaps, whiskey, Havana cigars, horses and roulette. It is unlikely that with such inclinations one can expect anything worthwhile in the future family life.

Marriage celebrations and subsequent weekdays

The marriage took place in September 1908 in London at St. Margaret's Church. It became a real event in social life and was widely covered in the press. In addition to the usual information in such cases, containing a list of high-ranking guests and details of the ceremony, all the newspapers noted the extraordinary charm of the bride, dressed in a white satin dress with a flowing veil and adorned with jewels (a gift from the groom). The bride and groom, dressed in the latest fashion of that time, were not ignored either.

It should be noted that at first the young husband did not deceive the general bad forecasts. It is known that spending time free from politics in a casino, he a short time managed to lose several times and return again own state. In addition, despite his addiction to alcohol, he learned to fly an airplane and wrote several books. To top it off, he turned out to be an incredible gourmet, capable of munching on kilo-sized meals and sitting for hours wrapped in cigar smoke. With all this, against her will, the charming Clementine Churchill faced, whose photo of those years is presented at the beginning of the article.

Saving life wisdom

But the marriage did not break up. The fact is that she was not only beautiful, but also an intelligent woman. Long before the wedding, there was a rumor about her as an unusually strict and reasonable girl, capable of soberly and balancedly assessing problems. In marriage, these qualities were manifested in their entirety.

She did not try to remake her husband, and even more so somehow put pressure on him, but unconditionally accepted what fate sent her. She achieved her goal exclusively with tenderness and affection (learn, young brides). It took effect. Over time, Clementine became an indispensable friend and ally of Winston, who in her presence turned from a stubborn and uncompromising politician into a meek young man. At the same time, she managed to adapt herself in everything to him.

For example, one of his features was the inability and unwillingness to listen to the interlocutor. This deficiency developed so much that at times Winston physically ceased to hear the one with whom he communicated. The wise woman found a wonderful way out: if you don't want to listen, read, and she bombarded him with her messages.

Later, one thousand seven hundred of them were published by daughter Marie, the last of all the children that Churchill gave her husband Clementine. Biography - a book containing many interesting facts from the life of the mother, was published after her death.

A Union Fortified by Spiritual Ties

From the memoirs of people close to them, it is known that Clementine Churchill, remaining in the shadows, always knew how to be there when her husband needed it. Over the long years spent together, their spiritual union has invariably strengthened, despite all the hardships that they had to endure, and there were many of them.

Even being on the verge of ruin as a result of certain crises, the spouses did not question their marriage union. Surprisingly, very windy in former years Winston, having become a husband, completely abandoned his former habits and never cheated on his wife, who paid him mutual fidelity. In his memoirs, written at the end of his life, he frankly said that of all the luck that fate so generously bestowed on him, the union with Clementine was undoubtedly the main one.

They had five children: son Randolph and daughters Diana, Sarah, Mary, and Marigold, who died at the age of three. By the way, it was she who was Winston's favorite child, and her death caused him a deep moral trauma, which required great mental strength to overcome.

Ally in the fight against common evil

Since the beginning of World War II, Clementine Churchill headed the Red Cross Fund for Aid to Russia, which she created, which provided invaluable assistance to our country. Thanks to her, eight thousand pounds sterling was collected, which was used to purchase and send food, medicine, clothes and invalid prostheses to Moscow.

In the spring of 1945, Clementine visited the USSR, where she celebrated Victory Day. Having visited a number of cities, among which were Leningrad, Odessa, Stalingrad, Rostov-on-Don and Yalta, she, while in Moscow, read out on the radio an address from her husband Winston Churchill to our people. For outstanding service to Soviet Union Stalin awarded her the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and presented Golden ring embellished with a large diamond.

Protracted visit

Clementine Churchill spent a month and a half in the USSR that year. It is very likely that, in addition to personal interest in the country to which she provided assistance, the reason for such a long journey was her husband's instruction to see as much as possible and, upon returning, to retell his impressions to him.

This, of course, was not about espionage - others were engaged in this, but the subjective opinion that Clementine could make was important to him. subsequently wrote and published a six-volume work on the history of the war, and it is likely that, in order to avoid mistakes, he instructed his wife to personally see and describe to him the consequences of the world massacre where they were most palpable.

Last years of marriage

It is known that, being an unusually witty man, Churchill became the author of many expressions and witticisms that became winged in his homeland and did not sink into oblivion due to the fact that Clementine saved them in her notes and collected by her, today they have found independent life and are often used by people who are not even aware of their authorship.

She willingly shared her art of creating long and lasting marital relationships with young women who were just about to build a family. For many of them, Clementine Churchill was the undisputed authority on this issue. "How not to get bored with a husband for half a century" - this was the theme of her repeated speeches to various female audiences, in particular to students of the famous Oxford University. In them, the thought of the perniciousness of attempts to impose one's opinion on a husband was always a common thread, but at the same time, recommendations were given on how to lead him with patience and gentleness to the realization of his own wrong.

Clementine's dying will

After the death of her husband, which followed on January 24, 1965, Clementine Churchill, whose biography throughout her life is associated with the highest state policy, was awarded the honor of becoming a member and the title of a life peer with the title of Baroness Spencer-Churchill-Chartwell. My amazing life she completed in 1977, at the age of ninety-two.

Having outlived her husband by twelve years, last years she devoted her life to publishing memoirs, in which she described long haul passed by them together. She often repeated that life had lost all meaning for her, and she wanted to get to her Winston as soon as possible. After death last will, which was expressed by Clementine Churchill, was performed - she was buried in the Woodstock cemetery in Oxfordshire next to her husband. There they found the last refuge and their children.

Alexander Genis: After triumphing in the Democratic primary in New York state, where Hillary Clinton beat rival Benny Sandres by almost 16 percent, her victory in the fight for the nomination became more than likely. And this is all the more interesting because among the candidates in the current election campaign, she is a unique contender. Hillary Clinton is fighting to return to the White House, where she has already lived for eight years as First Lady. In today's issue of the Book Review, its presenter Marina Efimova will introduce the audience to the First Lady of another country and another era.

Marina Efimova: In many books written about Winston Churchill, historians and biographers usually ignored his wife. Clementine Hozier, with whom Churchill lived for 57 years, if she appeared in these books, then in passing - as a devoted life partner. Clementine's only biography was written by her daughter Mary Soames, but who would believe a portrait created by her daughter? And finally, a complete, documented biography by noted political journalist Sonia Parnell. The book is called Clementine. The Life of Mrs Winston Churchill. Reviewer Miranda Simur writes in The Telegraph:

Speaker: “Prime Minister Asquith called the young Clementine Churchill “deafeningly dull.” His wife, known for her categoricalness, considered Clementine "a callous and impudent young lady with no sense of humor." To Admiral Beaty - Churchill's colleague in the Admiralty - Clementine, on the contrary, seemed "a kind and amiable fool." Inattentive historians represented her as "a quiet mouse, almost servilely devoted to her husband."

Marina Efimova: The new biography paints a portrait of a very different woman. Churchill devoted her to all matters, including the most secret ones; she was her husband's adviser in all decisions - even military ones, and she was one of the few people who knew how to resist Churchill.

The famous sister-in-law of the Churchills Pamela Harriman recalled: "Only Clementine could say no to Winston, and she said it often, often, often." This biography showed us a woman of rare charm, a diplomat who softened Churchill's relations with Stalin, with Roosevelt, with de Gaulle, with the royal house, and sometimes with her own people - in a word, a woman without whom Churchill's career could not have taken place. The book opened our eyes.

Tall, beautiful, regal, Clementine was not of impeccable birth enough to become the wife of the future Prime Minister, a descendant of the ancient aristocracy, the grandson of the Earl of Marlborough:

Speaker: “The titled father of Clementine was not very interested in procreation, and her future mother - sexy, bored and lonely Lady Blanche - was looking for solace on the side. At the wedding with Churchill, Clementine was not led to the crown by her father, but by Lord Redsdale - an uncle who cared for her not so much as a relative, but as a father.

Marina Efimova: This did not stop the young Churchill, shocked by the beauty and intelligence of Clementine. After the first meeting, he wrote to her: "What a pleasure it is to meet a girl of such intelligence and intelligence." And after 50 years (!) of marriage, he wrote:

Speaker: “Marrying a smart, strong, but also complex woman is my most brilliant achievement. What could be more magnificent than union with a being incapable of a vile thought?

Marina Efimova: Reviewer Emma Mason titled her History Extra article "Six Unexpected Qualities of Clementine Churchill." One of the first the author calls the absence of aristocratic arrogance. As a child, Clementine knew both grief of loss (her beloved sister died), and lack of care (her windy mother forgot to feed her children), and poverty. And during the Second World War, the royal Clementine led 9 workers' canteens, and during the days of the bombing, she volunteered to put out incendiary bombs on the roofs.

The second "unexpected" property of Clementine was spiritual courage and independence. She was a convinced liberal and angrily condemned the Conservative Party, the leader of which was her beloved husband. Mason writes:

Speaker: “Their quarrels were epic. In Downing Street, Clementine's fits of rage became legendary. Churchill said: "In moments of rage, she looks like a jaguar jumping at you from a tree." And it was he who often asked for peace. Churchill wanted to please his wife, especially when he felt she was right. He called her jokingly: “The one whose team is the law!”

Marina Efimova: In William Manchester's The Last Lion, the famous American historian describes the whirlwind of ideas that swirled in Churchill's head, often confusing his colleagues and subordinates. And, judging by Parnell's biography, only Clementine dared to resist his impossible demands. No wonder Churchill's chief of staff, General Ismay, wrote in his memoirs: "Without Clementine, the history of Winston Churchill - and the whole world - would have been different."

"Clementine was Churchill's secret weapon," writes reviewer Miranda Simur. And further:

Speaker: “A political career required patience and diplomacy, and Churchill was not strong in either. Fortunately, his wife turned out to be a genius of diplomacy: she clarified misunderstandings; corrected the situation after his erroneous decisions or secular “fo pa”. She gave him advice on how to behave in difficult political circumstances. After the disaster in the Dardanelles, in which Churchill was blamed as the initiator of the attack on Gallipoli, Clementine advised him to go to the front and thus force society to forgive his tragic mistake. This was a very risky move, but it saved Churchill's reputation.

Marina Efimova: Clementine put up with the difference between her and her husband political views, but considered herself his political conscience. She urged him to social reforms when he was minister, and women's empowerment.

Biographer Parnell, describing Clementine with obvious sympathy, does not hide the shortcomings that are attributed to her. For example, many considered her a cold mother and this partly explained the fact that four of the five Churchill children had an unfortunate fate. Only youngest daughter Mary was lucky - it was she who wrote the biography of her mother. But even she admitted: “For the mother, the needs and interests of the father were always in the first place. And on the second. And on the third. Pamela's daughter-in-law, the wife of the Churchills' son Randolph, alluded to Clementine's questionable actions during the war. Reviewer Simur writes:

Speaker: “Clementine (together with Churchill) allegedly participated in the pimping of the seductive and cheerful Pamela with influential Americans in London: the journalist Morrow and the diplomat Harriman, in order to obtain the necessary information. True, Pamela herself was a skilled manipulator, and her apparently self-justifying memories are the least convincing source of information in Parnell's book.

Marina Efimova: The Churchills' marriage was stormy. The happiest for Clementine were early years when the young Churchill - then a liberal - often went against his class and even his family. Clementine of those years is remembered as athletic, cheerful and laughable. And her laugh was "ringing - in contrast to the quiet chuckles of Churchill."

Birth of five children; the death of a three-year-old daughter; the demanding selfishness of the ever-busy Churchill; his frequent absences and constant lack of money diminished the happiness in Clementine's life. (By the way, few people know that for years Churchill's main source of income was his literary earnings).

The period between the wars was emotionally the most difficult for Clementine. She was twice going to leave her husband and even started a short romance. Churchill, apparently, never cheated on his wife.

The second war brought them together again and united them unusually. Churchill once told Roosevelt that he never hides anything from his wife. Roosevelt was so impressed that he even wrote this confession in his diary.

Churchill died in 1965. At the funeral, Clementine placed flowers on the coffin and her granddaughter heard her say softly, "I'll be with you soon." But she lived another 13 years and during that time she buried three of her five children.

Churchill Winston

(born in 1874 - died in 1965)

English prime minister who found happiness with one woman.

It is possible to relate differently to the successes and failures of an outstanding personality. But, as you know, only time puts everything in its place. Sir Winston Churchill earned a reputation during his lifetime as one of the most famous people XX century., However, over the years, his fame as a great statesman multiplied a hundredfold. He was not only a smart and subtle politician - you never know England had worthy prime ministers! This man was far ahead of his time than any of his predecessors. Not everyone, for example, knows that Churchill was a tank designer, one of the first to realize the importance of aviation, back in the 1930s. showed interest in missiles. On his orders, the pilots began to scatter aluminum foil to confuse the German radar. He expressed the idea of ​​creating a pipeline under the Atlantic Ocean, invented a navigation device for pilots. He was also the highest paid journalist of his time, an outstanding artist, laureate Nobel Prize in literature, a man who won two world wars.

Churchill's personal life was just as unique. He lived with his wife Clementine for 57 years and even at ninety he still called her "pussy". He loved her always - both in times of ups and in days of falls. And Clementine appreciated this love like no other woman, always remaining faithful and devoted to her "pug", as she affectionately called her husband.

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born into an aristocratic English family, Lord Randolph Churchill, the second son of the Duke of Marlborough and a black-eyed beauty, daughter of American millionaire Jenny Jerome. Young Winston studied at one of the most expensive and fashionable closed educational institutions of the English kingdom - at St. George's School. Studied, though, it doesn't matter. He constantly received bad grades and, as a result, another portion of the rods, despite his noble origin. Mastering the sciences continued at the Brighton school, and upon reaching the age of majority, Winston entered the Sandhurst military school only on the third attempt, preferring salons, clubs or the university. By the way, not many young men even from aristocratic families managed to get into this school.

In February 1895, Second Lieutenant Winston Churchill was assigned to the 4th Hussars, one of the most brilliant in the British Army. The young officer knew how to please the girls, although he himself did not experience serious love addictions. With the exception of one case, when he was overtaken, as they say, by love at first sight. In November 1896, 22-year-old Winston fell in love with Pamela Plowden, the daughter of a high-ranking official. This young lady was seven months older than her suitor. Independent, slender, attractive, she turned the heads of all young military men. Churchill persuaded her to ride around the city and received an invitation to dinner. A brief romance ended with an engagement.

However, a military career was much more important for an ambitious officer than wooing a bride. And here Winston showed incredible perseverance and desire to take a worthy place in English society. For starters, he took part in the Boer War as a war correspondent. There he was captured, but fled, showing miracles of courage and ingenuity during his escape. Churchill returned to his homeland a real hero. In addition, Winston was waiting for literary success. In 1898, his first book, Malakanskaya field army”, and a year later a second documentary narrative appeared called “River War”. Both books were appreciated by the reading public, and the first editions were sold out instantly.

Successfully formed and political career, which began with the election of 25-year-old Churchill as a member of parliament. But in his personal life, for Winston, who dreamed of marrying, everything was not going well so far. In 1902, Pamela Plowden, to whom he was officially engaged, married Earl Victor Lytton. Having informed Churchill of her intention, Pamela invited him to remain good friends. The ex-fiance endured his defeat stoically.

The next step is a marriage proposal to the charming and talented English actress Miss Ethel Barrymore. And although Ethel had tender feelings for the contender for her hand, she did not dare to enter the dangerous political stage with Winston.

And finally, another denial. This time, Churchill was rejected by Muriel Wilson, the heiress of a wealthy shipowner. There were rumors about another possible alliance of Winston - with the daughter of the Prime Minister of the Transvaal, Louis Botha, 19-year-old Helen. But the matter did not go beyond rumors.

Actually, there is nothing mysterious in all the love failures of Churchill. For one reason only - he was never a tireless conqueror of women's hearts. As if anticipating his fate as a great politician, he wanted one thing - stability and constancy. Churchill found them with a woman whom Providence itself had probably prepared for him and whose charm he could not resist from the moment they first met. It was 23-year-old Clementine Hozier, whose mother, Lady Blanche, came from the family of the Earls of Airlie. Before that, the young people had already met, and at first Churchill did not make a special impression on Clementine because, for some reason, when communicating with women, he was embarrassed for some reason and, apparently, to hide his embarrassment, behaved quite boastfully. But Clementine's mother saw in Winston, a promising politician and talented writer, a profitable match for her daughter. But the main thing is that the 33-year-old Churchill himself had long believed that at his age it was time to settle down, have a family, especially since by that time he had already held the post of Minister of Trade.

During the following meetings, Winston showed much greater wit and resourcefulness in conversations with the graceful blonde, and finally made the impression he had hoped for. In August 1908, Churchill proposed to Clementine Hozier, and a month later they were married. The ceremony took place at the parish church of the Westminster House of Commons in St Margaret. And the wedding reception was held in a beautiful building in Portland Place, provided to the bride by her aunt Lady St. Helier. Among the gifts was a cane from King Edward VII, engraved in gold: "To my youngest minister." The Times newspaper appreciated the bride's wedding attire, but the men's fashion magazine did not treat the groom so favorably, noting that an unsuccessfully tailored suit made him look like a “dressed-up coachman”.

However, Winston paid little attention to the small injections of the press. He enjoyed his honeymoon in Venice. It was then that the happy newlywed wrote the phrase that later became famous: “I find love making a serious and delightfully enjoyable thing.” Moreover, he reported this not to anyone, but to his own mother-in-law.

Clementine returned to England already pregnant. And, like all young wives, she began to equip family life. Winston was delighted with the energy of his young wife, but at the same time he was somewhat embarrassed by the meticulous prudence of Clementine, who began to keep a strict record of all expenses. family budget. Being a bachelor, Churchill did not deny himself anything. Another thing now, when it was necessary to support a family. And since Churchill, unlike most other British politicians, did not have a large personal fortune, he had to be content with ministerial salaries and literary fees. True, with all the savings, food expenses were not limited. Winston was a gourmet and would never refuse delicacies. The champagne and brandy that were obligatory served during the meal had to be of the best brands, and therefore they were very expensive. Clementine complained to her friends that she was losing her appetite, estimating the cost of their feasts.

The newlyweds had to adapt to each other not only in financial matters. By temperament, Churchill was an "owl", used to going to bed late and getting up late. Clementine, on the other hand, was a "lark". And all her attempts to establish a normal regime for her husband failed. Therefore, the couple had breakfast separately, and a year later they decided to have separate bedrooms. And since Churchill quite often stayed late at work, his wife made it a habit to leave notes for him, from which he found out whether his spouse was waiting for him in the bedroom today or he would have to sleep alone.

Her husband's frequent absences on official business sometimes aroused Clementine's suspicions of infidelity. Winston, who was much more interested in politics than in women, was naturally offended. He could not understand what caused his wife's doubts. And once again he convinced Clementine to believe him, repeating that he would never love any other woman.

Indeed, Clementine always remained for Churchill the one and only. Thoughts of having an affair with other women simply never crossed his mind. Although sometimes he sometimes flirted with pretty girls. Yes, there were fans too. Like Maxine Elliont, the wealthy American actress whose castle in Cannes was open to all celebrities. Often the Churchills also visited there. Maxine Elliont took Winston so seriously that she even earned herself the scathing remarks of respectable society. Although he saw in her nothing more than just a friend. What really fascinated Churchill was the casino. With the same cigar in his mouth and a glass of cognac in his hand, he played with pleasure until late at night. And he was proud of his gambling winnings no less than his political successes.

By the way, Churchill's absolute fidelity to his wife throughout his life has never been questioned by any of his biographers and memoirists. In general, he treated women a little condescendingly. And he never missed an opportunity to respond with causticity to causticity. So, one day he found himself at the same table next to an elderly lady who loudly told him: “You are so unpleasant that if I were your wife, I would pour poison into your glass of wine.” For what

Churchill answered just as loudly: "Madame, you are so terrible that if I were your husband, I would certainly drink this poison."

As for Clementine, she adored her pug. And of course, she did not think about treason, even causing bewilderment among some of her friends with her fidelity. One of them, in a private conversation, explicitly stated to Clementine that if she wanted to promote her husband's career, she should get herself a rich and influential lover. When Clementine, indignant, answered with a sharp refusal, her interlocutor exclaimed: “My dear! You are too selfish."

In July 1909, Clementine gave birth to her first daughter, who was named Diana. Then the son Randolph was born and three more daughters - Sarah, Marigold and Mary.

Despite the abundance of family responsibilities, Lady Churchill found time for social activities. In particular, during the First World War, she ran canteens at several London military factories and was even awarded a government award for this.

Churchill's political career also developed rapidly at that time, which, in addition to increasing worries, brought good dividends. Having become the first Lord of the Admiralty, Winston received at his disposal a luxurious yacht, inferior in size and decoration only to the royal one. The thrifty Clementine was also pleased that the stock of fine wines and provisions was constantly replenished on the yacht at the expense of the treasury, and she, as a hospitable hostess, could properly receive friends and acquaintances without spending her own money.

By the way, Churchill showed himself to be a brilliant lawyer. In 1911, he masterfully conducted a lawsuit that put an end to rumors that King George V, before his marriage to Princess May of Teck, had secretly married the daughter of an admiral in Malta, that is, he was a bigamist. These accusations were published in the Parisian newspaper Liberator. Their author, a certain Edward F. Milius, sent copies of the article to all MPs, after which Churchill, with the consent of George V, began a process against Milius, during which he proved that neither the king nor his intended bride were in Malta at the specified time. The journalist was found guilty and sentenced to a year in prison, and Churchill earned the king's personal thanks.

However, there were also enough problems. Some suffragettes have ruffled Churchill's nerves! He was a favorite target for them, as he opposed a law that widened the circle of voters, including giving women the right to vote. Militant ladies pursued him throughout the country. And although Churchill took their attacks with humor, they sometimes went too far. So, once at the station in Briston, a certain Teresa Garnett rushed at him with a whip. One of the blows landed on Winston's face. Then threats to Churchill's relatives rained down. It even went so far that the police uncovered a plot to kidnap Randolph's son. I had to hire security for nannies and children.

Clementine was also very worried about Churchill's dangerous passion for aviation. He could not resist the temptation and learned to fly an airplane, taking to the air sometimes ten times a day. It cannot be said that he had a natural talent as a pilot. Therefore, young pilots who did not want to risk their careers had to fly with an inexperienced aviator who had a slow reaction time. To their understandable restraint were added the pleas of Clementine and the persuasion of friends who appealed to the prudence of a desperate pilot. But the stubborn Churchill gave up only when he survived several serious accidents and miraculously survived. Only after that did he woefully admit that the air element was not for him.

She made her own adjustments to a happy family life and the First World War. In 1915 Churchill was blamed for the failure military operation in the Dardanelles. After retiring, he went to the active army. The King's personal adviser, First Lord of the Admiralty, a member of His Majesty's Government became a simple major and was assigned to the 2nd Battalion of the Guards Grenade Launchers. For almost two years (namely, Churchill was at the front for so long), the loving wife literally went crazy with anxiety for her husband.

In general, this couple adequately endured both the joys and sorrows that fell to their lot. The year 1921 became especially difficult for them. The couple had to endure three terrible losses. In April, Clementine's brother, Bill Hozier, who walked her down the aisle during the wedding, died. For an unknown reason, he committed suicide. On June 29, Winston's mother, Jenny, died under tragic circumstances, whom he literally idolized, calling "the fairy, emitting light like a star." Going down the stairs in shoes on a very high heels She slipped and broke her leg at the ankle. Gangrene set in and the leg had to be amputated above the knee. When things were already on the mend, the wound suddenly opened, and Jenny died from loss of blood. And finally, in August, the three-year-old youngest daughter, Marigold, everyone's favorite, died.

The grief of loss brightened up the birth in September 1922 of daughter Mary. Of course, she could not replace dear Marigold, but her appearance brought great joy to the family. Life gradually returned to normal. In 1924 Churchill again returned to Parliament and headed the Ministry of Finance. And that was the beginning of his ascent. He left and returned more than once, gradually becoming that Churchill, without whom no history textbook can ever do - a tough, cunning, intelligent politician, whose genius England owes for the fact that she paid so little for participation in World War II, in comparison with other countries, the price (Churchill became prime minister in 1940).

Over the next 30 years, the figure of Churchill was more significant for England than even the figures of monarchs and members of the royal family. And since top models and pop stars did not yet exist at that time, it is not surprising that the Churchill couple were the most famous couple in England. At the same time, Clementine could not be called a trendsetter. She dressed, however, always tastefully and elegantly. But she tried to spend as little money on toilets as possible, so she sewed clothes for herself in simple ateliers, only occasionally allowing ordering toilets from famous couturiers. Nevertheless, she nevertheless made her contribution to fashion: it was in imitation of her that the English women began to wear turbans made of colored scarves. Clementine never abused the services of beauty salons, doing only permanent waving there. But her recipe for strengthening hair did not seem worthy of application to anyone: she periodically washed her hair with pure gasoline, assuring that it was extremely useful.

Over the years, the marital bond became stronger and stronger. They could no longer imagine life without each other, despite the fact that they often rested separately. Churchill liked the south of France, Italy, Monte Carlo. He was fond of hunting, playing polo, he devoted all his free time to painting. Krementina preferred English resorts. She considered visiting museums, exhibitions, theaters to be a real vacation, which Churchill could not stand. She was a good athlete, fond of tennis, which she played until her advanced years.

The only cloud in their clear family sky appeared in 1935, when the sensitive Clementine, traveling on the Rosaura yacht along the islands of Indonesia, was carried away by the charming art dealer Terence Philip. But this connection quickly ceased, at least the omniscient press, no matter how hard they tried, could not find out the juicy details.

The fact that life exists outside of politics, Churchill realized when he acquired the ancient estate of Chartwell. Built during the time of Henry VII, the house offered a magnificent view worthy of an artist's brush. However, there was a lot of work to be done: the beams were eaten away by worms, everything around was overgrown. With his usual excitement, Winston set to work on the arrangement of Chartwell. He cut down and burned the thickets, cleaned the pond, laid the bricks himself. He was full of grandiose plans, and if there was any daredevil who was ready to stay with them for the weekend, Winston immediately included him in the "special team" for the "liquidation" of the bush. Clementine, who perfectly understood what a huge job it was to turn Chartwell into a cozy nest, courageously performed the most thankless work. Although, of course, I would prefer to spend Sundays playing tennis. Yes, and the children also had a hand in the revival of the house.

Years later, the completely restored Chartwell opened its doors to the public. And so far, on open days, the flow of visitors does not dry out. They come to see the famous builder at work, the black swans and other birds swimming in Churchill's own pond, and his favorite goldfish swimming in the pool.

In April 1955, after the whole of England solemnly celebrated Churchill's 80th birthday, the great politician resigned from the post of prime minister. On this occasion, on April 5, a magnificent reception was arranged at the residence of the head of government. Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh arrived for dinner. The queen appeared in a magnificent dress, sparkling with beautiful diamonds. Churchill put on all his awards. At the end of the reception, gallant as always, Churchill went out to hold the door of the royal car. The next morning he is last time assembled the cabinet, drank tea with members of his team, and left for Chartwell. His tenure in power ended in the best English tradition.

Selfless and patient Clementine was happy - her husband now belonged only to her. But she rejoiced prematurely. Five years later, her husband announced that he did not intend to give up politics and expected to be re-elected to the House of Commons. And although Sir Winston spent more time in the south of France, he was nevertheless put forward as a candidate. Clementine lamented - it was already the fifteenth election, she had had enough! But Churchill did not part with politics until his death. He last attended a meeting of the House of Commons on July 28, 1964, already seriously ill. Clementine did not let her husband go to the farewell ceremony with the parliamentarians, because she understood that she would cause him too strong feelings.

In the last years of his life, Churchill was ill a lot, and sometimes Clementine did not leave his bed for days. The last time the British saw this wonderful couple was on November 30, 1964. The smiling spouses looked out of the window of the house at the crowd that had gathered to greet their idol.

Winston Churchill died on January 24, 1965. After his death, Clementine quietly lived out her life in London. Queen Elizabeth II granted her a life peerage, and Baroness Spencer-Churchill of Chartwell occasionally visited the House of Lords. True, she did not take part in the voting, because due to her deafness she could not follow the debate.

Clementine lived to see the day when all of England in November 1974 celebrated the 100th anniversary of Churchill's birth. On that day, she visited her husband’s grave and quietly said: “I hope I don’t have long to wait to meet you ...”

Clementine survived her husband by twelve years, dying at the age of 92.

This was such an amazing couple. In an even more romantic form, she appeared before the prim British, when time and humanity nominated Winston Churchill to the ranks of the greatest politicians of the 20th century. A worthy place in history was found for his, if not the only, but such a beautiful and unchanging love.

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Chapter 14. Winston Churchill - the founder of Israel In 1921, as already mentioned, Winston Churchill was appointed Minister for the Colonies, he held this post for twenty months. At the same time - since January 1919 - Winston was in the positions of Minister of War and Minister of

The timid young man nevertheless uttered the cherished words and received a “yes” in response. His name was Winston Churchill. In a couple of years, he will be idolized by the whole of Great Britain and respected by the whole world ...

failure in women

CHURCHILL went down in history as one of the outstanding politicians of the 20th century, the permanent prime minister of foggy Albion. But very little is known about his personal life. Born into an aristocratic family, Winston received all the privileges due to his origin. However, this did not at all make his childhood and youth happy. School years, which he spent in a boarding school, became for him the most unpleasant and joyless time. Just enrolled in military service to Sandhurst Academy, Winston finally felt he belonged.

Churchill's male upbringing and character did not contribute to his success with women. It is not surprising that Winston did not have much experience in love affairs. All the acquaintances of the future prime minister noted that in dealing with the ladies he was clumsy and clumsy. This domineering strong man lost in the presence of girls, often could not utter a word. In addition, the young aristocrat had another drawback: he did not like to dance. But in those days, dancing was considered almost the only way to get acquainted with a lady from high society. Winston had problems not only with the tender sex, but also with people from his environment. Churchill himself admitted that he was too restrained. “I often miss those little signs of attention that make friendship so warm and cordial,” he said. One of Winston's first serious hobbies was Lady Pamela Plowden.

India… A girl in a light dress. She looked up at the sky with her head thrown back, clouds reflected in her pupils. The young daughter of the English resident Pamela struck him with her beauty. And for the first time in his life he decided on courtship, even timid ones. But ... the girl rejected the feelings of the future politician.

Those who did not grieve that Winston "resigned" were his friends. They thought that Miss Plowden would not have made a good match for him. In society, she has developed a reputation as a capricious and fickle young lady. But can a man in love hear the voice of reason? Of course, he did not agree with his friends. In one of the letters to relatives there are such words: "This is exactly the woman with whom I could live happily ever after."

He was older than her, she was good...

...YEARS passed, and Winston still did not want to part with a bachelor life. Apparently, the emotional wound due to Miss Plowden's refusal played its part. Churchill shifted all his attention to his career. But one day, fate gave him a surprise, deciding to bring him to the charmer Clementine Hozier. Winston met her at a London ball at Crewe House. Clementine was the daughter of one of Winston's mother's friends. When the girl was introduced to Churchill, he behaved extremely stiffly - he barely looked at her and did not utter a word. He didn't even invite me to dance. Then Clementine accepted an invitation to dance another gentleman. This ended the first meeting between Winston and Clemmie. But they parted ways to meet again. Four years later.

Churchill and Lady Hosier crossed paths at the dinner of Mrs. Helier, Clementine's aunt. Winston would not have made it to the party if not for his secretary, Eddie Marsh. He literally pulled Churchill out of the bath and persuaded him to go to dinner. Clementine, by the way, was also not going anywhere, because she did not have a suitable outfit. In addition, she could not find her ball gloves for a long time ... And yet the stars in the sky were formed in favor of this pair.

The second meeting of the future spouses was much better than the first. Churchill by that time had already become a fairly well-known politician and had learned courtesy. For five months, he sought the location of the girl. Until finally, on August 11, 1908, a touching scene took place in the gazebo of Blaineham Park - Churchill made a marriage proposal.

Best of the day

The young couple decided to schedule a wedding for September.

Their wedding was a big social event in London. Churchill and Clementine said "yes" to each other at St. Margaret's, Westminster. In a secular get-together, then for a long time they remembered the beautiful dress of the bride. White satin fell at her feet in large folds. She was charming. Winston presented the chosen one with diamond earrings, which she wore on her wedding day. Many recalled that even at his wedding, Winston was loyal to politics. Before the ceremony, when he saw Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd George, he took him aside and began to discuss with heat some serious issues that could not be postponed.

Among other differences, Winston and Clementine shared the difference in age. When they got married, he was 33 years old, and she was 24. And yet, neither age nor discrepancy in character prevented them from living happily. After all, it was a love marriage.

The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Italy. And after returning from abroad, they settled in a mansion on Accton Street in London. This house became the family residence of the Churchills. Winston's bachelor apartment, of course, was not suitable for family housing. But he had to give up not only the old apartment, but also the old way of life. This turned out to be the most difficult.

"Rabbit", "Kitten ..."

CHURCHILL and Clementine were completely different people. This couple confirmed the old truth that opposites attract. In society, everyone recognized that Clementine was a girl gifted not only with exceptional beauty, but also with an extraordinary mind. Therefore, she was forgiven for being too exacting and strict. She was distinguished by prudence, soberly assessed the problems. But her chosen one, on the contrary, was very windy. He never tried to build grandiose plans for the future, prescribing every step. Winston believed that he was already guaranteed victory. Such confidence infuriated Clemmie. The wife also hated Churchill's favorite game - roulette. Every time her husband went to the gambling table, she got upset.

Children are the fruit of this love. Diana was born first in 1909. Two years later, Randolph was born, then Sarah, Marigold. Mary was the youngest. Each child in the family was given an affectionate nickname. For example, Diana was a Kitten, Randolph was a Rabbit. Spouses and each other came up with touching names. Winston's wife sometimes addressed - Mr. Pug, and he affectionately called her Cat.

Clementine was the only person who could handle Churchill's violent temper. Over the years, he became more and more quick-tempered, fell into prolonged depression. But in her presence he was transformed. great politician felt that in the person of Clemmy he found not only his wife, but also a true friend, colleague. Everyone knew about the special spiritual connection of the spouses. During World War II, Churchill lay ill in Cairo, emotionally exhausted, and the British command did not find a better solution than to send Clementine to England. Everyone was sure that only she could help him. Like an angel from heaven, she descended from the RAF plane and immediately rushed to the aid of her husband. When US President Roosevelt heard the news of Clementine's arrival in Cairo, he sent Churchill the following telegram: "Greetings to Clemmie! I calmed down when I learned that your commander is now with you.

Churchill lived a long and bright life. His wife was with him until the last day. And in sorrow and in joy. She always showed a keen interest in what her husband was doing. Clemmy even participated in the creation of Churchill's memoirs, but not as a writer, but as a critic. After reading the first volume, she criticized Winston for the abundance of unnecessary details and details he introduced into the text. And although Churchill resisted for a long time, he nevertheless agreed that his writings needed editorial correction. And today, only thanks to Clementine, we have the memoirs of the great politician in the form in which they are published.

Mrs. Churchill, to the last, defended her husband from other people's attacks and bullying. When, in honor of his 80th birthday, Winston was presented with a nightmarish portrait by Graham Sutherland, she destroyed the painting herself. After all, according to her, Sutherland portrayed her husband as a "swollen cruel monster." She also refused Salvador Dali, who also wanted to capture Churchill on canvas.

On January 30, 1965, Churchill left his Clementine. He died at the age of 90, having managed to celebrate the golden anniversary of the wedding.