Why pepper seedlings are low.  Causes of poor pepper growth.  Incorrect lighting and temperature conditions

Why pepper seedlings are low. Causes of poor pepper growth. Incorrect lighting and temperature conditions

When the territory of the dacha does not allow you to set up a vast garden, or you just want to see more greenery on the site, the zealous owners break vertical flower beds.

What are vertical flower beds

Usually flower beds in the garden are located on the ground, however, the owner of a suburban area may be an ardent admirer of lawns, or, quite acceptable, the main part of the land allotment is divided into a vegetable garden. In any case, there is almost no space left for decorative planting, and, therefore, vertical flower beds must be built. Almost any materials or old, unnecessary things can be used for this purpose: used car cameras, bags, polyethylene, chain-link mesh, burst hoses. In other words, a vertically oriented flower garden always has some kind of structure at the base, sometimes quite complex.

Volumetric flower beds are similar to screens, arches, paintings, columns, towers, pyramids. They also sometimes cover an entire wall, being a hinged structure. Interestingly, vertical plantings are found not only on the territory of the site, under open sky, but also become part of the design of the premises. also in rare cases wall beds are not suspended, but an integral part of the building, so that the walls are always covered with vegetation. But we are primarily interested not in architectural delights, but in the simplest structures that you can do with your own hands.

Column and tower beds

This type of landscaping occupies a relatively small area and at the same time becomes a natural decoration of a garden or house territory. The simplest option– container landing. In many stores that sell a variety of gardening equipment, you can also find containers stacked one on top of the other like a tower.

But it is not at all necessary to pay money for something that can be obtained in another way. It's enough to take a few car tires, fold them into a column, connect them, breaking through with three equidistant metal rods and fill them with soil. After that, it remains only to cut small holes in the sides of your container and plant the seeds of creeping plants there.

Very convenient to grow instead of flowers berry crops, for example, strawberries or wild strawberries - vertical planting will provide more fruits per square meter.

In general, such a column can be made from a pair of metal barrels stacked on top of each other, making small horizontal slots and bending the bottom of each outward. Also, the basis for a tower flower bed can be an ordinary large-section plastic pipe with holes or a stack of wooden boxes with cuts. It is easy to make a design of flower pots strung on a metal rod with drainage holes and tilted in different directions.

Here's another easy option. We take a piece of large-mesh metal mesh, with a side of a meter and a half, and twist it into a cylinder, tying it with a thin copper wire. Then we cover the frame from the inside with thick polyethylene, bend the upper edge of the latter outward and, after stitching it with the same wire, at the same time attach it to the grid. We install the cylinder in a flowerpot, pour the earth (in three steps, moistening so that the soil sits down), make cuts in the film and plant flowers.

A very beautiful flower bed made of a thick hose filled with earth, twisted in a spiral around a column. Having strengthened the turns with the help of clamps, we pass a thin tube inside, you can assemble one of several systems used for droppers, most importantly, pierce in transparent walls many small holes regular needle. The tube will play the role of drainage irrigation, water should be regularly run through it. We fill the hose with earth, cut holes in the upper part and plant seeds or seedlings.

Original hanging flower beds with your own hands

If strong canopies, gazebos and alleys of arches are installed on the territory of the site, the gaps between their supports can be filled with hanging flower beds. In this case, it is allowed to use everything that can become a container of soil. In particular, the easiest way is to turn an ordinary plastic bag into the basis for a flower garden. We pour earth into it, wrap it with a flexible wire mesh or an old hammock. We tie the winding above and below the bag, then with the help of a chain or cable we hang it to the transverse beam between the supports or on two stretch marks to the tops of the pillars. Another option is to make an envelope from a medium mesh, lay out with polyethylene, then fill in the ground and hang it up. The seeds are planted in holes.

However, such solutions require adaptation, without which it will be difficult to water the hanging flower garden. Before you build hanging flower beds with your own hands, you need to think about an irrigation system (artificial watering of the earth). After all, an almost completely closed plastic bag (with the exception of slots-pockets) is waterproof. Therefore, it is advisable to bring a plastic water pipe inside in advance, making holes in it and melting the lower part so that a narrow gap remains. Fitting a funnel on top, we get an effective irrigation system. It is possible, by gradually heating, to bend the pipe into a spiral or a snake in order to cover more volume for irrigation.

An original solution could be a transport flight used as a landing container, or, in other words, a wooden pallet. It is enough to put it on a long edge, upholster the side and top sides with plastic wrap, and turn it over, getting a flat box with a slot at the top and gaps between the boards of the front plane. Having tilted at an angle to the ground, so that the lining is below, we fill up the soil, then we plant seedlings or seeds in the cracks, the irrigation system can be made according to the principle described above.

How to make a vertical flower bed with your own hands - interesting ideas

Indoors, screens are used quite often, but in the yard, temporary partitions are rarely used, with the exception of individual cases, such as small open-air cafes. But even in the courtyard of a country house you can come up with interesting option mobile screen-flower bed. The simplest solution is to take two slate sheets and a hewn log that fits into the wave of the roofing material. We stuff thick wide boards (about 10x3 centimeters) on the ends of the logs, which will play the role of racks, in their lower part we horizontally pin the bars, which will give stability to the whole structure. Now we seal the sidewalls with thick polyethylene, cut out in the shape of slate waves, punch holes in the last one and plant seedlings.

But another idea on how to make a vertical flower bed with your own hands, one that can become a worthy decoration not only for landscape, but also for apartment design, is a flower bed-picture. To do this, you need to take plastic boxes, the low sides and bottom of which are one piece, without slots and gaps. Soil is poured inside. From above, with the help of metal corners wound onto the walls, or in another way, a plastic fine-meshed grate is pressed. Next, plants of creeping varieties are planted, so that some simple image comes out, even if it is geometric shapes. Watering is carried out after removing the box from the wall.

There are a lot of useful minerals and vitamins in pepper, so every gardener seeks to grow this plant in his summer cottage. But waiting for the harvest does not always give a good result, and for this reason gardeners are wondering, "Why do peppers sometimes grow poorly?". There are many answers to this question. To get delicious fruits at home, you must first grow seedlings, but it also happens that it does not grow well. This suggests that the gardener made a mistake. To avoid such incidents, the basic rules for growing peppers are followed.

To grow strong seedlings of pepper, you need to follow the rules

Selecting and planting seeds

In nature, there are many varieties of peppers, and each behaves differently. For some species, factors such as suitable soil, fertilizer and a certain climate are very important. When choosing seeds of one type or another, gardeners pay attention to:

  • what is the soil in the proposed place for growing peppers;
  • what types of fertilizer are preferred for the selected type;
  • landing time;
  • what climate conditions should be in order for the seedlings to grow well;
  • when the selected species is ripe.

Two or three species can be planted on one site at the same time, the main thing is that their requirements in terms of care and the timing of fruit production are the same. If there is no experience in gardening, then it would be best to follow the instructions. Seed companies good quality, always published on the packaging detailed guide. Some will ask, “Why do firms provide detailed instructions? The answer is simple, so that you can safely choose the type of variety you are interested in without fear that the seedlings will develop poorly.

If all factors are met when choosing pepper seeds, then in the next step proceed to direct planting. Before planting, the seeds must be prepared. It should be remembered that they cannot be stored for a long time. If the seeds were bought a long time ago, then they must be checked for quality. Can be discarded using 3% saline solution.

Pepper seeds before planting should be checked for germination

To carry out a rejection, you need to dilute 30 grams of rock salt in 1 liter of water. After that, the seeds are filled with a solution and soaked for 10 minutes. Those that emerge are unsuitable for sowing. Why is culling necessary? Because the old seeds will not be able to sprout, and if they sprout, then even fertilizer will not help to get good fruits. You can also carry out the process of hardening the seeds. They will need to be placed in a 2% solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. Then they are soaked in melt water for 48 hours. During this time, the water should be changed every 5 hours. Also for hardening, you can use a solution of juice squeezed from aloe.

The seeds that remain at the bottom of the container with the solution are thoroughly washed and dried. This procedure is carried out before direct landing. If the seeds lie for a long time after culling in saline, then the peppers will develop poorly.

In order for the seeds to swell faster, they must be washed with running water and left on polyethylene, which should be put in a warm place for one day.

If the peppers do not grow well, then most likely the gardener did not comply with certain factors:

  • wrong choice of place for planting seedlings;
  • an unsuitable growing method for this variety has been chosen;
  • pepper variety is not suitable for climatic conditions at their summer cottage.

Therefore, in order to avoid poor-quality seedlings, and as a result, the pepper will develop poorly, one should approach the selection of seeds with special responsibility.

Seedlings will grow well if the variety of pepper matches climatic conditions site

How to grow pepper seedlings

After good pepper seeds have been selected, they are planted in any container filled with soil in which seedlings will grow. The soil is purchased at a specialized store or made independently. This will require peat, turf, old sawdust and humus in a ratio of 4: 2: 1: 1 parts. The resulting consistency is poured with a solution of potassium permanganate.

After placing the seeds in the furrows, the soil should be sprayed once every two days. It is to spray, not to fill with water. If this procedure is not followed, then the risk that the seeds will germinate poorly will increase several times. If seedlings do not grow well on initial stage development, this indicates a lack of light for the plant, which will lead to rotting of the pepper roots. It is the lack of light that is main reason that seedlings are not growing well.

Also, in addition to abundant watering, seedlings must be protected from drafts. It is not necessary to feed the pepper at this stage. Why else do peppers grow poorly? One of the reasons may be the contact of the leaves with each other during growth.

Pepper seedlings should be placed in a bright, draft-protected place.

Why seedlings grow poorly, reasons

All the reasons for the poor growth of seedlings lie in the erroneous actions that gardeners take. If the seedlings began to grow poorly, then this may be due to:

  • The mixture used for the soil has the wrong composition. Before you buy soil in the store, you should carefully study what it consists of. The attached instructions always contain information about which vegetable crops suitable for growing in this soil. If there is soil from your own plot available, then the land in which flowers and other vegetables used to grow is not suitable for planting peppers.
  • Careless selection of seeds. This factor is a key reason why peppers do not grow.
  • Wrong timing for sowing. These dates must be set with particular accuracy, because if you plant pepper early, then an ovary is formed in the container with soil, which will not allow the plant to grow normally. If this ovary is removed, the pepper will weaken and may not survive planting in open ground.
  • Inappropriate temperature setting. One of the common mistakes gardeners make is placing a container with seedlings on a battery. Due to this, the soil heats up very quickly, which will adversely affect the development of seedlings. The earth dries up, and the sprouts begin to die from the high temperature.
  • Lack of light. To improve the growth of seedlings, it will need a sufficient amount of light. Lack of light will play a negative role in the development of pepper. Therefore, additional light sources are used to illuminate the seedlings at night.
  • The desire to feed the sprouts as often as possible. Before planting a plant in the ground, the gardener must feed the seedlings several times. But if you feed the seedlings more than twice, then the pepper may die.
  • Excessive watering. Seeds are very fond of moisture. It stimulates their growth and development. But do not forget that the seedlings only need to be sprayed. In case of excessive watering, the seedlings will be washed out of the soil or simply damaged. Compliance with the irrigation regime will reduce the likelihood of plant death, since the roots of peppers do not tolerate drought.

Seedlings should be planted in soil with a temperature of at least +15 degrees

Another reason is that this plant does not grow well due to unprepared open ground. For a good harvest, before planting seedlings, the earth should warm up to at least 15 degrees and it is advisable to pour it with warm water. Watering with warm water is carried out not only at the time of transplanting seedlings, but throughout the development of the plant. This must be done to avoid frostbite of the pepper roots.

Seedlings should be fertilized with organic minerals in small quantities. Often gardeners try to feed sprouts at the initial stage of growth 4 times, but this is not worth doing, as excessive fertilizer will lead to undesirable consequences.

Even the smallest mistake of a gardener can lead to the death of the crop, so if the seedlings do not grow, then you should remember all the recommendations. Compliance with the rules of planting and care will lead to the fact that the seedlings will grow healthy and strong, from which tasty and healthy peppers will form in the future.

A good harvest brings a lot of joy for both a professional farmer and a simple summer resident. Using modern technologies it turned not so much into hard work as into an additional hobby. Especially when it comes to growing peppers in a greenhouse or garden, which grows quickly and produces a crop of juicy and sweet vegetables. But there are times when, at the stage of preparation, seedlings begin to grow poorly and future harvest may not live up to expectations. Why does this happen and what to do?

A problem with the growth or height of pepper seedlings often appears as a result of a commonplace deviations from optimal growing conditions plants.

Bad land on landing

The productivity and growth rate of peppers directly depends on where they are planted in open ground. Wrongly selected soil for sowing will result in slow or no growth at all.

Before the start of the season, you need to analyze and select a zone with maximum fertility or fertilize it in a timely manner and, as a result, take soil from those areas.

If there is a clean field nearby where plants have not been grown for a long time, a swamp or a forest, then you are very lucky. By spring, the moles begin to dig tunnels and clean earth is thrown to the surface in the process, and it is the most suitable for flowers and seedlings.

Land thrown by moles is the most suitable for seedlings

A store-bought soil mixture can also damage the plant. Before buying, you should study the composition of such products and choose only the one that is suitable for peppers. Soil mixtures are considered the most dangerous, saturated with a huge amount of synthetic fertilizers, this harms the plant, its fertility and the health of those who will eat such peppers.

Lack of seed preparation

Pepper seeds have some features in storage and preparation for planting. If they are not used during 3-4 years, then they become unusable and any attempts at cultivation will fail. Therefore, these deadlines must be adhered to and check the date on the package before buying and sowing.

For the maximum percentage of germinated sprouts, experienced farmers carry out a procedure for selecting suitable seeds from missing seeds. Before planting, pepper seeds are processed 3% salt solution in clean water.

They are immersed in a solution for 10 minutes, as a result of which unsuitable seeds float. The seeds that remained at the bottom of the container with the solution are washed in clean water and dried.

Considered a common mistake lack of seed treatment with water and antifungal agents. This affects the growth rate, the number of sprouts and the presence of fungal infections.

The secret is that dry seeds are washed under warm water, placed in a room with a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. Allow them to absorb moisture, spray with a fungicide solution and leave them there until sprouts appear.

Wrong time for picking and landing in open ground

An important omission in the cultivation of peppers can be attributed to banal ignorance of the characteristics of varieties.

The result will be a discrepancy between age and size by the time of landing. Many in this case may not realize that the problem of poor growth does not exist, and the seedling was sown at the wrong time before planting.

There are three types of varieties:

  • Early- sowing two months before planting.
  • Medium- for three months.
  • Late- in 75 days.

It also happens the other way around, when a seedling outgrows, and transplanting such plants leads to the loss of part of the crop.

Incorrect lighting and temperature conditions

Error in temperature setting or insufficient lighting, lead to slow growth and, in the worst case, to the death of a young plant.

Deviations from normal conditions most often occur due to a lack of knowledge about cultivation technology, an improperly constructed site, or a simple omission of farmers. Average optimum temperature within 25 to 27 degrees Celsius. Lowering to 15 degrees Celsius will slow down growth, and increasing it will dry out the sprouts.

The lack of light leads to abnormal growth and stretching upwards of the stems in the direction of the sun, they become thin and weak, and in the future this lead to poor harvest or the pepper may stop growing.

It would be wrong to install containers on a cold window sill, a hot battery and in a darkened area of ​​the room. But this problem is easily solved by choosing a suitable place or installing a lamp. Therefore, a properly equipped and selected room will allow you to grow seedlings more efficiently.

Watering and feeding regimen

Watering and feeding peppers during the period of growing seedlings does not take much time, but mistakes in this process lead to many troubles. According to technology, for normal growth, only two dressings and maintaining soil moisture through spraying sprouts with drops of warm water.

Abundant moisture leads to thickening of the stem and the appearance of cracks on it.

It is not necessary to pour water into the soil, this will lead to leaching of seedlings from the soil or damage to them. Adding too much water will turn the soil into mere mud, causing the roots to rot. Drying out the soil will cause the plant to dry out and die.

Top dressing takes place with special nutrients or growth stimulants diluted in warm water, which in small doses are added to the ground.

Folk methods of helping weak seedlings of pepper

Often, to improve growth, natural top dressing from fermented solution of yeast and granulated sugar. It saturates the soil beneficial substances and favorably affects seedlings.

Take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of yeast, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and diluted in water in proportions of 1:10. Weak sprouts on the third day will get stronger and begin to grow at a normal pace at home until picking.

An additional effect will infusion of sleeping tea leaves on water held for 5 days. It is prepared with 1 glass of tea leaves and 3 liters of boiled water.

Bird droppings - a source of potassium for pepper seedlings

To saturate the soil with potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen, bird droppings. It is diluted in warm water 1: 2 and insisted for 3 days, after which the open soil is watered 1 time before planting.

Used to balance pH and control pests. ashes from the fire.

Potassium and phosphorus in its composition have a beneficial effect on pepper sprouts. It is added at the stage of soil preparation in a small amount.

Additionally, in case of potassium deficiency, use chopped banana peel that is added to the soil. With a lack of calcium, use in small quantities eggshell powder.

Suitable for disinfection decoction of onion peel diluted with water. 20 g of dry husk insist 3 days on 5 liters of water and irrigate the soil.

Growing pepper seedlings at first glance seems laborious and takes a lot of time, but knowing the characteristics of the plant and all the nuances of the technology, working with it will bring a lot of pleasure and many tasty fruits in the future.

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​Weather. I have the same. All seedlings have stopped growing.

She doesn't like the weather. .​

Fill the hole a little more than halfway so that the bulk of the roots are closed. Water generously (about 1/3 bucket per hole. When the water is absorbed, fill the rest of the hole with loose soil. Label the variety immediately.​

2 weeks after the first feeding.

Pour the soil well in advance in a bowl, wait for the excess water to drain into the pan. Pepper develops slowly, so it is better to dive into small pots (100-150 ml). In them, seedlings quickly develop an earthen clod, so the earth does not turn sour when watered and the roots are less susceptible to rot.

Spread the seeds with tweezers at a distance of 1.5-2 cm. You do not need to sow thicker: pepper shoots will shade each other and stretch.

How to prepare pepper seeds for sowing
Growing pepper seedlings has its own characteristics. With errors in watering, sharp fluctuations in temperature or an unsuccessful transplant, the stems of plants coarsen, their potential yield decreases. How to grow pepper seedlings correctly?

And from pests, peppers should not only not grow, but at least somehow overdo it. you would have noticed.​

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I have 2 containers, in one the garden soil is hard, heavy, in the other it is purchased, that's where the garden grows very slowly, but planted earlier than in the purchased one, and smaller in size.

That's what I was thinking today too. I always planted tomatoes in the greenhouse at the beginning of May. And this year .... Tomatoes are not ready for planting, the greenhouse is full of snow .. Apparently we will plant later ..​

Mulch plantings with peat. If required, tie the bushes to the support. If at night the temperature drops below +13...+14°C, cover the plants along the arcs with a non-woven covering material.​

Fertilizers are applied in liquid form. Very convenient to use ready-made fertilizers for seedlings: Agricola, Krepysh, Fertika Lux, Mortar.​
When picking, take the seedlings by the "ears" so as not to damage the stem. The hole in the pot should be such that the roots are located in it freely, without bends. Cover with soil and compact lightly. The root neck can be slightly deepened, but not more than 0.5 cm.

Fill with soil mixture on top with a layer of 1-1.5 cm. Compact a little. Pepper crops should be watered carefully, making sure that the seeds do not wash out on the soil surface. Put labels with the name of varieties. To prevent moisture from evaporating too quickly, place the crops in a greenhouse or in a bag. The temperature must be maintained at + 25 ° C.

Inspect the seeds, remove any frail and damaged ones. Treat selected pepper seeds against fungal infections. Soak them, placing them in a gauze bag, in a solution of any fungicide (Maxim, Fitosporin-M, Vitaros) according to the instructions. You can get by with soaking the seeds in a thick pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. After potassium permanganate, rinse them thoroughly right in the bags. Good results are obtained by soaking pepper seeds for 12 hours in Epin (1-2 drops per 100 ml of water). After that, spread the seeds between two layers of a damp, clean cloth, cover so that the moisture does not evaporate quickly, and place in warm place(+25°С). After 7-14 days, the seeds will hatch. Do not miss this moment, because the roots of peppers are very fragile, they painfully endure the slightest damage. You can learn more about dressing and soaking seeds, treating them with stimulants by reading the article Preparing pepper seeds for sowing.​

Baikal is beneficial bacteria. if it is a fake or it is expired, then it is completely useless. and if you do not have ready-made organic matter, then you need to feed it with ash and chemistry. the best complex fertilizer for peppers.

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Seedling at home. How to grow seedlings of pepper, tomatoes and cabbage in the apartment. Why seedlings do not grow well or do not grow at all at home. Seedlings of cabbage in the house. How to grow tomatoes and peppers at home, in an apartment. What to do if the tomatoes in the apartment have overgrown or grow poorly. Seedling tomato at home.

  • Fertilize, raise the temperature. enhance lighting.​
  • Read also:

At the end of spring, when part of the seedlings of other crops migrate to hardening, and space on the windowsill becomes free, pepper seedlings must be transferred to pots with a volume of 0.8-1 l. With careful transshipment with the preservation of an earthy coma, seedlings do not stop growing. The composition of the soil can be used the same as for sowing and picking, but it is not necessary to sift it: the lumpy structure better passes air to the roots. To a bucket of earth mix, add 1 tablespoon of double superphosphate and 0.5 cup wood ash or 3 tablespoons of special fertilizer for peppers and tomatoes "Signor tomato".
Water carefully, holding the seedling, until the water is completely saturated. Top up the soil if it has settled too much after watering.​
With the emergence of seedlings (usually this happens on day 5-7), put the crops in a bright place with a temperature of + 15-17 ° C. Water moderately with warm water, make sure that water does not accumulate in the pan. So that the seedlings do not lean towards the light, turn the bowl with seedlings relative to the window or illuminate them with a phytolamp.

How to prepare soil for pepper

If you allow the lignification of the stem of the pepper, it begins to grow worse in thickness (and subsequently, with abundant watering, it can crack). Such plants no longer produce a bountiful harvest, as their ovaries receive less nutrition.

But if no more than 2 weeks have passed since planting, then you worry too early.

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✔ Cabbage

​Subscribe to the channel "Video for summer residents" at the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOL... Lena, I have the same thing (Donetsk) . He probably felt the shift of the earth's axis and got scared), however, like the rest of the seedlings this year too.

Planting pepper seeds for seedlings in peat tablets


Pepper seedlings have not grown for 2 weeks! Growth stopped in the cotyledon phase. What is the reason and what to do?

Vladimir Babin

2 weeks before planting, start hardening seedlings in the fresh air. When hardening, keep in mind that at first it must be shaded from straight lines. sun rays and protect from drafts.

sergey besedin

Set the seedlings on the windowsill, shading it for the first time from direct sunlight. Make sure that the soil in the pots does not cool below + 15 ° C. At temperatures below + 13 ° C, seedling growth stops.

Tatiana Tsivilskaya

How to dive pepper
While the seeds germinate, prepare the soil for sowing. You can use the finished mixture for sowing peppers by adding washed sand to it after sifting (about 0.5 parts per 3 parts of soil). Experienced gardeners usually they themselves prepare a mixture for sowing.


In addition, peppers are not sufficiently resistant to root rot. If you pick it, like other seedling vegetables, at the stage of two true leaves with deepening to the cotyledons, it stops growing, gets sick for a long time and may die from a fungal infection.


Rassau needs to be fertilized
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Did you by any chance live in Artyomovsk?

sss aa

​Go to main article about pepper​

Seedling at home. How to grow seedlings of pepper, tomatoes and cabbage in the apartment. Why is growing bad Video

When and how to plant pepper in the ground
How to feed pepper seedlings
To reduce the risk of damage to plants by root rot, pepper dive at the stage of two true leaves without deepening or deepening no more than 0.5 cm. Another method is recommended in reference books: dive seedlings at the stage of cotyledons, when they are easier to tolerate picking. In this case, they can be deepened to cotyledon leaves. The second method of pepper picking is more suitable for professional greenhouses, where immediately after germination the temperature is reduced, the plants are provided with good lighting, and the seedlings form a short, dense subcotyledon knee. At home, shoots are obtained in any case more elongated, so it is better to dive them in the first way.
Soil mixture for sowing pepper: mix thoroughly 2 parts of humus (it can be replaced with well-rotted compost), 2 parts of peat and 1 part of well-washed sand. Sift this mixture and steam for an hour in a double boiler to protect seedlings from fungal diseases and weeds.
​To get good harvest pepper in conditions short summer, it has to be sown early enough and until the planting itself, the seedlings should be provided with uniform development without stress and a sharp change in conditions. In that main feature successful technology for growing pepper seedlings.​
Baikal is not top dressing! feed complex fertilizer, for example Sudarushka, Ryazanochka for peppers, Agricola and the like. And if you feed it with an infusion of grass or mullein, they will generally trample on growing.

What to do if the seedlings do not grow.
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​Sometimes plants standing on the window are oppressed by drafts, but I think that you have a problem with the roots. The soil may be very compacted and the roots suffocate, or, on the contrary, it is too loose and there are many air pockets in it. Maybe the earth is waterlogged and cold, the roots could rot (is there any plaque on the surface of the earth). And if the roots are badly damaged, then there is practically nothing you can do, the plants will wither. But still there is hope to correct something by raising the temperature of the soil. I would not fertilize until the plants are actively growing, because a sick plant is not fertilized, it will be a blow to it.

It grows, you just don’t notice it, you look at it regularly and it just seems to you, everything is fine, don’t worry, everything goes quietly Help plants to better adapt in unsuitable development conditions for them, growth stimulants will help to grow actively and produce crops: Epin, Silk, Novosil, humic preparations and a number of others. Under their influence, hormones will be produced in plant cells. Have a good mood» , which are formed in vivo only in very good weather. As a result, the plants will delight you with a larger and tastier harvest.​
At the stage of formation of the first buds, seedlings can be planted in the ground if the average daily temperature has been set at +15 ... + 17 ° С.
Before planting in the ground, pepper must be fed at least two times:
3-4 weeks after germination, seedlings have 1-2 true leaves.
Sowing pepper seeds for seedlings
When to sow pepper seedlings?
Seedlings with Baikal must be constantly fed, so that the result would be, since this is a biological product and once it will not help in any way, if you are a supporter of natural, then potassium humate will help you, it just helps to increase green mass and budding and fruit set
Are you worried too early? peppers are much worse than tomatoes tolerate transplantation. how long ago did you transplant them?

I have pepper seedlings in a polycarbonate greenhouse and do not bloom and do not grow. Why? The seedling was very good.


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The same thing happened to me this year. Peppers sat with cotyledons for 3 weeks. Replaced the earth - began to grow. Changes began to occur already on the second day after transplantation. Maybe your business is in the soil?
The weather is like this
Peppers do not tolerate cold heavy soils at all, therefore, if clay soil is in your area, then add peat and humus to it. Dig well to the depth of the shovel bayonet, level it so that there is no slope. Make holes at a distance of 50 cm (between rows 60 cm). The hole for planting pepper should be of such depth that when planting the root neck is at the level of the soil surface. Pour 1 tablespoon of a complete mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium into the hole, mix well so that the fertilizer is evenly distributed. Carefully remove the plant from the pot, being careful not to disturb the earthen ball. This is not difficult to do if the plant has mastered the earthen ball in a pot well.

Peppers don't grow. Read what to do if the seedlings have stopped growing - causes and treatment. How can I help you?

Pepper seedlings grow and develop in the presence of complex conditions: pre-treatment of seeds, seedlings and planting sites necessary for the development of conditions, quality care. Let's figure it out in order.

Conditions for the development of pepper seedlings - light, warmth, moisture, - are created due to the microclimate, for example, home germination or greenhouse conditions, as well as conditions environment, that is climatic features, weather, weather in a particular month.

Why pepper seedlings stopped growing:

  • Planted in acidic soil.
  • Little light (at home or the landing site is unsuccessful).
  • Lack of trace elements in the soil.
  • Check soil moisture.

Pepper is a light-loving crop, so one of the reasons why seedlings stop growing is a lack of light. Considering the problematic state, it is on lack of lighting the first suspicion immediately falls, although the reasons must also be looked for in the choice of the landing site - both the location zone and the composition.

Where to plant pepper : eastern or southeastern zone with the possibility of shading. Intense, direct light is detrimental and dangerous to the health of seedlings.

What to do: change landing zone. Create a flooded sunlight landing zone.

The composition of the earth is important. For example, if you plant a pepper on acidic soil that does not suit him specifically, then the seedlings will not be able to consume trace elements and minerals, using them for development. That is, the water-physical properties are normal, but the pH is not suitable.

What to do: add chalk, dolomite flour, or deoxidize in a different way. Introduce ring nitrate into the ground with plantings (1 tsp per 3 liters of water 2-3 times in a few weeks).

Additional feeding of pepper in the soil:

  • AVA fertilizer 1 tsp. for 3 liters.
  • 15-20 grams of the mineral complex.
  • 2 tsp "Uniflor-Buton" for 5 liters of water.

At the first stages of development of pepper seedlings, do not add organic matter, as it damages the young, sometimes diseased root system. Start top dressing, firstly, after the restoration of seedlings, and secondly, after development - at the beginning of flowering and before fruiting - in order to use the substances received to lay the ovaries.

soil moisture : watering affects the condition of the pepper no less than the above criteria. If pepper seedlings have stopped growing, then there is little moisture in the soil. Another option is also possible, but the seedlings, in addition to dulling development, begin to rot.

What to do: saturate with moisture and continue regular and moderate top dressing as it develops, or dry the ground, add ashes, absorb excess moisture by mulching with steamed sand, and then repeat measured care.

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