Rare case of pregnancy in women.  Unusual cases of pregnancy and childbirth.  Jenny Montgomery of St. Charles, Illinois

Rare case of pregnancy in women. Unusual cases of pregnancy and childbirth. Jenny Montgomery of St. Charles, Illinois

Ectopic pregnancy.
A young woman, Nkaiz Zwaita, a native of South Africa, recently gave birth to a completely healthy baby girl. The newborn had a weight at birth, neither more nor less - two kilograms eight hundred grams. The improbability of pregnancy was that it did not take place in the uterine cavity, as provided by nature, but in the liver! In the language of doctors, this is an ectopic pregnancy. According to the assumptions of doctors, the embryo attached itself to the wall of the liver, having fallen out of the fallopian tube of the uterus.
By doing without the placenta, the embryo extracted nutrients from the liver.
To date, 14 such cases of ectopic pregnancy are known. Moreover, only four children survived the birth, including Nlakhla.

Childbirth after death.
The longest interval (84 days) between the death of a mother and the birth of her child was recorded in Roanoak, Virginia (USA). The girl was born on July 5, 1983 to a mother who was in a state of clinical death, whose life was artificially supported since April of that year.

Most children
The largest number of children born to one mother, according to official data, is 69. According to reports made in 1782, between 1725 and 1765. The wife of a Russian peasant Fyodor Vasiliev gave birth 27 times, giving birth to twins 16 times, triplets 7 times and 4 twins 4 times. Of these, only 2 children died in infancy.
Of our contemporaries, Leontina Albina (or Alvina) from San Antonio, Chile, who in 1943-81 is considered the most prolific mother. gave birth to 55 children. As a result of the first 5 pregnancies, she gave birth to triplets, and exclusively male.

Giving birth the most times
A record 38 births are said to have been given to Elizabeth Greenhill of Abbots Langley, c. Hertfordshire, UK. She had 39 children - 32 daughters and 7 sons - and died in 1681.

The oldest woman in labor
At the age of 63, on July 18, 1994, Rosanna Dalla Corta from Viterbo, Italy, gave birth to a boy; before that, she had undergone treatment for infertility. Arceli Keh, 63, also gave birth in 1996, according to the University of Southern California.

The heaviest newborn in a singleton pregnancy
The heaviest of the surviving newborns, of which official information is available, weighed 10.2 kg. It was a boy born in 1955 to Carmelina Fedele of Aversa, Italy.
In the UK this century, the highest birth weight (7 kg) was Guy Warwick Carr, born in 1992.

Newborn with the smallest weight in a singleton pregnancy
at the Loyola University Medical Center, Illinois, USA, June 27, 1989, according to official reports, as a result of premature birth, a girl weighing only 281

Longest pregnancy.
In May 1961, in Rangoon, a 54-year-old Burmese woman, after a 25-year pregnancy, had a calcified baby weighing 1.3 kilograms delivered by caesarean section. Her contractions, which began in 1936, did not end in childbirth.

The most premature baby

128 days prematurely, Brenda Gill's son, James Gill, was born on May 20, 1987 in Ottawa, Ontario Ave., Canada. The weight of the newborn was 624 g.

The longest intervals between childbirth in multiple pregnancies
Peggy Lynn from Huntington, pc. Pennsylvania! United States, gave birth to a girl, Hanna, on November 11, 1995, and the second of the twins, Erica, was only 84 days old (February 2, 1996).

A woman managed to perform a caesarean section on herself?
In 2000, Mexican peasant woman Ines Ramirez, having no medical education, performed a caesarean section on herself and gave birth to a healthy child. When the contractions started, her husband was drunk. The nearest midwife was 50 kilometers from the village, which had only one telephone, and it was not close to home. After 12 hours of pain, Inez drank alcohol for anesthesia and made an incision on her stomach with a regular kitchen knife, after which she removed the baby and cut the umbilical cord with scissors. Later, she sent another son for help, and she and her newborn were taken to the hospital.

These stories are hard to believe, but they actually happened. Interesting? Read on!

Hiccups, hiccups, switch to Fedot...

Have you heard the story of the woman who hiccupped all day and night during the last 5 months of her pregnancy? She did not stop hiccuping even during childbirth. I know this story is true because that woman was me.

After five months of suffering from hiccups, my perfectly healthy beautiful daughter was born. And I will remember this story until the end of my days. And in this I am not alone: ​​strange and incredible occurrences are an integral part of many pregnancies. As startling as some of these stories sound, they are based on medical facts that apply to all pregnant women.

In my case of hiccups, the doctors came to the conclusion that it was the result of the production of pregnancy hormones, which in my case were slightly raging.

The main task of the functioning of pregnancy hormones is to relax the muscles and ligaments in order to make it easier for the child to pass through the birth canal.

The hormones that were produced in my body seemed to have a particularly strong effect on the diaphragm, causing it to spasm. In most pregnant women, the side effects of these hormones are back pain and digestive problems such as heartburn and constipation (due to relaxation of the smooth muscle in the abdomen).

After my experience, I caught myself scrolling through tabloid headlines about bizarre pregnancies. I began to wonder: what oddities happen to other women during pregnancy? Maybe this woman really had no idea that she was carrying a child until the 6th month? Is it really realistic to have a baby in an hour, and after 6 hours be ready to go home? What if others had the same wild bouts of hiccups as I had?

These things happen more often than you think. Here are some amazing stories.

Childbirth, which would seem to never end

All labors feel very long, especially when you have your first child. However, some of them are undeniably longer than others. Consider the average duration of labor, which is 6-12 hours for the birth of the first child, 3-6 hours for the birth of subsequent children, and then let's consider the experience of Jenny Montgomery from St. Charles, Illinois, who had labor for 22 hours, and then it took another 7 hours for the baby to be born.

“I went into active labor on Monday at 9 pm, and only by Tuesday evening did my cervix dilate 5 cm”

Jenny Montgomery of St. Charles, Illinois

The next morning, when she arrived at the hospital, she was 10 cm dilated.

And then... nothing happened! So she, her husband, David, and the doctor were just waiting for her to feel the need to push the baby. During the waiting period, she had regular contractions every few minutes for 7 hours. Finally, by noon, she felt it was time to start pushing, and 45 minutes later she gave birth to a healthy large boy - her second son.

Despite such a long duration of labor, Jenny was satisfied. She reasoned philosophically that it seemed that her children simply wanted to stay longer in her womb - her first child was born three weeks later than the expected date. “Believe it or not, I enjoyed the whole process. I didn’t panic, I knew that my labor was progressing, although nothing was happening, and I would like to repeat everything again. ”

The Family That Never Stopped Growing

"I liked having children"

Jennifer Shuart of Michigan

Jennifer Schuart of Michigan State is a mother who gave birth to three children, each of which was born with more weight than the previous one. Jennifer's first child weighed 4 kg, the second - 4.5 kg, the third - 5 kg. This means that her last child weighed more than the average newborn, which weighs approximately 3.7 kg.

However, the significant weight of the third child did not seem to affect the delivery process.

“Three pushes and the child is out. No epidural anesthesia or other medical interventions. When people saw how big my baby was born, they could not believe that I gave birth to him naturally without painkillers. He was just huge. He looked like a monster compared to the other babies in the nursery."

Jennifer Shuart

Of course, it should be understood that the size of a child is relative. Even a baby weighing 3.7 kg would be large for a woman with a narrow pelvis, whose weight is 45 kg. However, any child that weighs more than 4.5 kg is classified as large by doctors.

“No one wants to have a baby who is not yet ready to be born, but I had a patient who was pregnant with two children weighing 4.5 kg, who also had shoulder dystocia (when the child’s shoulder width is too wide for the birth canal ). She was very worried about this and we ended up inducing labor at 37 weeks gestation.”

Gerald Joseph, midwife at the Oxner Clinic in New Orleans

As with most cases of bearing large children (although not in all, for example, Schuart was an exception), this patient suffered from diabetes - one of the most common causes of excessive birth weight.

Thanks to insulin, doctors can now more effectively control diabetes during pregnancy. For this reason, the birth of large children is now a rare occurrence.

fun ride

Molly McKay Zakker and her husband Dave of St. Charles, Illinois, didn't want to spend hours in the hospital waiting for their second child to be born. But they also did not want to be late to the hospital when the active stage of labor begins. So when Molly went into labor, she and her husband called a midwife home to accompany them to the hospital and help them until they arrived. It didn't have to be rushed, as second births usually last between 3 and 6 hours. However, things didn't go as planned. Molly gave birth to her daughter 1 hour and 25 minutes after the onset of labor, just a mile from the hospital. The girl was born in the back seat of a family minibus.

“My water broke when we were on the road for only 7 minutes, and I told my husband and midwife that I could no longer hold the child. The car was driven by a midwife. She parked our minibus and came to me in the back seat. I pushed once and my baby's head came out."

Molly McKay Zucker, Illinois

Despite the non-traditional birth, mother and child were perfectly healthy, they spent the night in the hospital, and the next day they returned home.

Why did Emmy's labor go by so quickly? Experts cannot give an exact answer to this question.

“If I could understand what makes some births so fast, I could retire with a clear conscience”

Siddiqui, gynecologist

However, there are some factors that can affect the length of labor: previous births, an adequate head size for the baby, and intrauterine infections that can induce labor can all speed up the delivery process.

How fast can labor be? Any labor that lasts less than two hours from the start of the active phase (when the cervix dilates 4 cm) is considered very rapid. Doctors warn that such a rapid process of childbirth has a negative side, including an increased risk of rupture of vaginal tissues. However, not always: Emmy needed only three stitches after the birth of the first child and none after the second. “I guess I just have elastic skin,” says the happy mother of two.

Twins born in different years

In most cases, twins meet outside the uterus a few minutes after the first one is born. As soon as the first is born, the second follows him, as a rule, within half an hour. However, twins are more often born prematurely, and sometimes it happens that the time interval between the birth of the first and second twin is several days, and in some cases even several months. Dr. Joseph recalls one incident in his medical practice when, in mid-October 1994, the first twin was born prematurely and weighed less than a kilogram. This baby spent 81 days in intensive care. The second twin was born 14 weeks later in 1995. The second child weighed 2.7 kg, and this baby was healthy enough to go home the day after birth.

“Often in such situations, the following happens: the first child is born naturally ahead of schedule, while the second simply remains in the mother’s womb. Usually women say to themselves in such cases: this child does not want to go out, and the first was born prematurely, so I will be able to find a little more time so that the second one is more prepared for the birth.

Joseph, gynecologist

No one says that this waiting is easy: a woman who has had one twin must be very careful to avoid infection and give birth to a second child when his time comes.

However, this expectation benefits the health of the second child and the family budget, since the birth of a child at term costs the family many times less than the birth and maintenance of a premature baby in intensive care.

The child who came out of nowhere

Anna Rudnik, when she was carrying her second child, asked why her stomach grew so much.

"My belly felt too big for one baby"

Anna Rudnik

But only, lying in the delivery room, she found out the reason.

“As soon as I gave birth, I started having contractions again. The doctor had already begun sewing me up after the episiotomy, but I knew that I felt more than just postpartum contractions. I handed over my first baby to my husband, and the obstetrician began to deliver the second twin.”

Anna Rudnik

A surprise twin is an event that used to be very common, but now, thanks to the advent of ultrasound, it happens extremely rarely. However, while most women undergo routine ultrasounds, some women refuse the procedure. Without an ultrasound, detecting multiple pregnancies becomes a difficult task that doctors try to accomplish by measuring the height of the uterine fundus and analyzing the severity of pregnancy symptoms.

Identifying two heart rhythms can be more difficult than it sounds, as the heartbeat of only one fetus can be heard in different areas of the woman's abdomen. It is for this reason that ultrasound is the most reliable way to find out about a multiple pregnancy. But even with the best high-tech equipment, it's possible to miss a twin hiding behind their sibling.

There are also cases when, on the contrary, two children were found on an early ultrasound, and as a result only one was born. This is because one child dies in the womb and disappears. Vanished twin syndrome is a fairly common phenomenon that was discovered only after the invention of ultrasound.

If the twin had not been found during the ultrasound, the mother would have mistaken slight bleeding for an early symptom of pregnancy, and would not have suspected that she was originally carrying two children.

July 6, 2017 Author admin

19 Real and Funny Pregnancy Stories

It is not so easy to endure and give birth to a new person. Desperate moments women brighten up a sense of humor. the site has collected crazy stories about pregnancy and childbirth, which were shared by the mothers themselves.

Physical training

I tell my husband: “And I read on the Internet that if you put your ear to your stomach, you can hear how the baby’s heart beats!” My husband gave me a frightened look and said heartily: “Please promise me that you will not do this!!!”

solemn moment

I decided to take a bath, I was walking, and then the waters receded, I don’t believe it, but water still pours. She was frightened, sat down on a chair and howled like a beluga. So bitter. Then I run into the room, shake everything, turn on the light, shout to the whole capital: “I am giving birth!” The husband jumps up, grabs a video camera awake, shouts: “So, my Nyutochka is giving birth!” - and starts filming me. Ah, my patience has run out.

Everything you need

In a panic, I began to shove everything that I might need during childbirth and after in the backpack of my husband, who had just returned from a hike. In the emergency room, they were not even surprised, but simply kindly asked, they say, why do I also need a tent in the maternity hospital, there seem to be enough places. I didn't notice that it was neatly tied to the other side of the backpack.

On the way to the maternity hospital

I kept imagining that traffic cops would stop us. I am driving in a bathrobe (so as not to soak everything around) with contractions and waters, my sister is next to the book “Birth”, open on the head of “contractions” in one hand and with a stopwatch in the other, in the back seat is a peacefully snoring husband!

body art

The day of childbirth was scheduled in a week, the weather was fine, and we decided to give up on kebabs with friends. We frolic to fame, muddied a photo shoot, the apotheosis of which was my belly painted with green and brown gouache in the form of a ripe watermelon. In the end, they even decided to arrange a disco, as a result, at the next stage, cotton was heard and the waters receded. Out of fear, my husband grabbed me and quickly dragged me to the hospital ... the midwives were upset. They said that this was the first time in the history of the maternity hospital that a watermelon had come to them to give birth.

Maternity hospital of high culture

We were taken to the maternity ward and placed in a separate room. And there is such silence around ... As if I am alone. I ask: “Why don’t they shout?” They looked at me strangely and said: “We give birth culturally.”

Attention, slippers will fly out now!

Already, the attempts with might and main began, but there were no doctors, and there are no ... and she screamed and growled - all to no avail. Apparently, when they drink tea in the staff room, the ears are completely blocked. In desperation, I took my slippers and threw them at the door of the birthing room. Well, who knew that a fraction of a second before that, the door would open and the long-awaited doctor would appear on the threshold ...

kind doctor

The doctor, with a fierce look, thrust a fist of a terrifying size under my nose and shouted: “Did you see this? And you hurt??? How are you going to give birth? And the child’s head is like this! .. ”- and she drew a circle in the air, at the sight of which my heart stopped beating. God, in my 20s, even I didn’t have such a huge head!

Sister of happiness

From the open box, a frightened girlish exclamation was heard: “Oh, how painful! I don't want to give birth! “, and the calm voice of the doctor admonished in response: “Of course! We will give birth quickly now and will not be again.”


"Breathe!!! I say BREATHE!!! “How?…” “A train!!!” “Choo-choo-choo…”… Then the midwives almost fell down laughing.

Medical feat

My neighbor got wet! The doctor says: “Come on push! The head is almost visible! In response, she grabbed the poor doctor by the causal place and hissed softly: “I won’t ... understand ?!” The doctor turned white at first, then quietly turned pink, then turned green in the color of his dressing gown, but so quietly he says to her: “Bunny, you have to!”

After anesthesia

When I started to move away in the operating room after a cesarean, I open my eyes, everything floats and spins, I look around with a dull look - no one! I think: “Now I’ll shout loudly, I’ll call a doctor or a nurse, at least find out how Lala is.” In fact, instead of a loud cry, as she wanted, there was a hoarse, quiet and slow: “Louyuyuyudiiii!!! Awwwwww, where are you???!!!" Directly above my head I heard the anesthetist's chuckle (my eyes didn't go up), and the same drawn-out answer: "We are here!!!"

medical ethics

I lie in a chair, the doctor sews up. And then someone from the corridor calls her: - Elena Petrovna, where are you? - Here! - WHERE? She (after thinking a little and coughing): At the vagina! It can be seen that she wanted to answer in rhyme, but was too shy.

daddy can

The contractions are long, the woman in labor yells with a good obscenity, she suffers. The husband, on a nervous basis, ran to smoke, when he returned, he didn’t go into the maternity ward, but sat down in the corridor next to the entrance to the box and from there, hearing his wife’s groans, shouted to her: “Hold on, Vera! I'm with you, my dear, hold on, dear!!!" So he morally supported her until the nurse who ran through said to him: “What are you yelling here? Your wife gave birth a long time ago and she was taken to another ward!” And there she gave birth to another ...

And an unknown animal

- Nuuu ... Who is it? - My little frog! - Woman, what are you talking about, you gave birth to a boy!

Guessing for women in labor

After the cesarean, they take me out into the corridor, I look - my husband is standing with his son in his arms - he is so pleased. They took him to him and stopped him. He asks, "How do you feel?" Me: "It's fine, it's just shaking a lot." The husband asks the doctor: “Why is she shaking?” He answers so seriously: “Freezing soon!”

There are women in Russian hospitals

Everything was like a fog. I remember only a stick from an iron bed, which I accidentally broke off and tried to hide.

Valuable find

Then they took me to the postpartum and forgot until the second day. I come from an intelligent family and have always been quiet. She endured it all the way, then she began to whimper, and then she yelled so that the nurse came running. Looks at me: "Who are you?" “I gave birth today at 5 in the morning, I want to go to the toilet, I want to eat ...” She flies away screaming down the corridor: “Mother was found, she didn’t run away! Girls, ***, call the police back, a mother has been found!!!”


A couple of hours after giving birth, I receive an SMS from my husband: “Can you laugh?” . I answer: “It’s even necessary, but what’s the matter?” - I left you, walked around Vaska - And then what? - Traveled by minibus to the center -? - Then I had dinner in a cafe - And what's funny about that? - Then I went down to the subway and ... - And? - And one kind person told me that I was in shoe covers.

Everyone seems to know that a pregnant woman is a rather impulsive person. Capricious, prone to sudden mood swings. For women in position, nausea with toxicosis and extravagant taste preferences are characteristic. What else comes with pregnancy? 10 interesting and unusual facts: it is better to know what to prepare for.

Carrying a baby: 40 weeks or more?

It is believed that the normal bearing of a child lasts for 38 weeks from the moment of conception. This figure may increase or decrease, but a year-long pregnancy was considered a myth until recently.

A certain Beulah Hunter, for some unknown reason, managed to carry her child for 376 days. The fetus developed much more slowly than it usually does - but as a result, a completely healthy girl was born, who is no different from the others. History does not know such cases - but even one is enough to understand that the expected date of birth, which doctors and pregnant women so love to focus on, can be named more than conditionally.

Toilet in the womb

The excretory system of the baby begins to work one of the first in the body - for example, by the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus can emit a liter or more of urine daily. Part is excreted through the mother's kidneys, and the other part is successfully drunk by the child himself.

Amniotic fluid renewal

The fluid in which the baby is in the womb is constantly updated. Even if the fetal bladder is damaged and water leaks, it is possible to carry the baby for the prescribed amount of time, since the amount of fluid will increase to the required amount.

Changing the size of the uterus

From the moment an egg is fertilized, the uterus expands about 500 times - its maximum size of half a good watermelon depends on the size and weight of the child and the mother's physique. One and a half to two months after the baby is born, the uterus gradually shrinks to its normal state. It is similar in size to a peach.

Hormones during pregnancy

Estrogen is a female hormone that is synthesized in the mother's body in incredible quantities during childbearing. In the third trimester, it is produced daily as much as a woman in three years. In total, for the entire pregnancy, the amount of estrogen is equal to how much it will be produced by a woman over decades of life. By the way, it is for this reason that pregnancy is believed to rejuvenate the female body.

Changing the size of a woman

The increase in waist and hips with the growth of the child in the womb is obvious. It is also clear that the breast will increase so that the mother can feed the baby. In addition, foot size and toe thickness often increase. The reason for this is the accumulation of fluid in the body, an increase in the total volume of blood and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bvessels. The ligaments also soften very much - this is necessary for the disclosure of the pelvic bones during childbirth.

crying baby

By the end of the second trimester, the baby already knows how to cry. Usually this is a reaction to external noises or discomfort of the mother - physical or emotional, which is transmitted to the baby. During an ultrasound examination, it can be clearly seen that the child moves characteristically, twitching his arms and legs, wrinkles his nose when he cries, and breathes rapidly.

The appearance of age spots and moles

Almost all women bearing a child face it. There is no relationship with who is expected - a girl or a boy, age spots can appear in any case. Usually, after childbirth, they gradually disappear, most often completely without a trace. The same applies to the hair or pigment path in the center of the mother's abdomen to the navel, so there is absolutely no need to worry.

Child's fingerprints

A unique pattern on the baby's fingertips appears in the second trimester. After that, he will never change again - neither after the birth of the child, nor during his life. But eye color can easily change - almost all children are born with gray-blue eyes.

Taste and smell of food in the womb

During pregnancy, many women try to eat as varied as possible - and it's not just about the vitamins that are necessary for the growth and development of the baby. Already in the womb, the child distinguishes the taste and smell of food, so one can even talk about the formation of his food attachments. As the baby grows, they can change and be completely different from what mom likes to eat.

Blood group of the child and mother

The human body is amazingly arranged. The blood types of mother and baby may not match, they may have different Rh factors, but pregnancy most often proceeds completely safely. Moreover, even in twins and triplets, if they are fraternal, these indicators may not match.

Pregnancy makes a woman truly beautiful. But during pregnancy there are many questions that need to be answered. Especially if it is an unusual pregnancy in every sense, as, for example, in these women .. and men.

Today we will tell you about unusual cases of pregnancy and childbirth.

The woman who gave birth after doctors pronounced her dead

Christine Bolden died after suffering a brain aneurysm, but the baby inside her was still alive for more than a month. After the birth of healthy twin boys, the girl was disconnected from the life support apparatus.

A woman with two wombs was pregnant with two babies

In 2010, a woman named Angie Cromar became pregnant with two babies, but they weren't twins. The girl was born with two wombs and she managed to conceive children in both wombs.

The smallest mother in the world is pregnant for the third time

Stacey Herald risked her life when she decided to get pregnant. But she and her husband (who is of normal height) now have three healthy children.

World's oldest mother gives birth at 70

In 2008, Omkari Panwar became the world's oldest mother to give birth to twins, a boy and a girl by caesarean section. The woman became pregnant through IVF.

The woman gave birth to twins with a total weight of 10 kg

The siblings from North Carolina are among the largest twins ever born: Sean and Abigail weighed 10kg at birth. Both children were healthy.

The world's first pregnant man

Thomas Beaty was born a woman but underwent breast surgery. He and his wife Nancy decided that her husband would become pregnant through artificial insemination. His pregnancy was the first of its kind where a man gave birth in a traditional marriage to a woman.

The woman became pregnant while she was pregnant

Julia Grovenburg became pregnant twice within two weeks. She is one of 11 women ever to get pregnant while pregnant.

Grandmother who gave birth to her grandchildren

When Kim Koseno and her husband realized they couldn't have children, they were heartbroken. However, a solution was found, Kim's mother became a surrogate mother for their children. As a result, triplets were born.

Woman who gave birth within 75 days

In 2012, a Polish girl gave birth to three children with the longest interval between births. Joanna Krzstonek was pregnant with triplets when one of the fetuses was born prematurely and died at the fifth month of pregnancy. The doctors advised the girl to lie in bed with her legs raised above her head during the remainder of the pregnancy. Twins Iga and Ignatius were born at 32 weeks pregnant.