Why do our favorite girls cheat?  Why girls cheat on guys

Why do our favorite girls cheat? Why girls cheat on guys

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If there were a female version in nature explanatory dictionary Ozhegov, then, probably, opposite the word "treason" there would have been a weighty, bold such a question mark. And all because the girls with this case really are all damn ambiguous. I have met individuals who - under the influence of free alcohol, hormonal surges, retrograde Jupiter - could flirt to a quick sex in the toilet with some hard-assed bartender, and then not even feel anything like remorse.

“Well, what kind of betrayal is this?! - one of my friends was perplexed, inadvertently saying that on vacation she "accidentally" slept with a local waiter. - So, stupidity, I don't even remember his name. It's the same with a vibrator. Or do you think this is also cheating? My other sisters by gender, on the contrary, grow diplodocus from a fly and walk around with a black face from longing and remorse, despite the fact that there was only a slight flirting. And not even aggravated by any tactility. “What difference does it make that we didn’t sleep together?! - another friend of mine was indignant, who got into the habit of having spicy conversations on "ICQ" with a work colleague. - I had thoughts about him and sex with him. For me, that alone is treason."

In short, there is not and does not seem to be a consensus on what is generally considered treason. The very fact of copulation with a stranger? And what if everything seemed to start, but then the girl slammed on the brakes and, in fact, it didn’t come to penetration? And when, for example, only by hands - is it considered? And kissing for a long time and feelingly - is it nonsense, a matter of life, or is there something to talk about too? And how, in this case, to qualify sex by SMS or frivolous chat conversations, after which at least squeeze your panties? Therefore, I propose to narrow the scope of the discussion and talk about the signs of a romance that has just begun on the side - that is, situations where not only organs that are usually worn in shorts, but also feelings are involved.

I suspect, dear reader, that you yourself have much to say on this subject. And, perhaps, even you have had occasion to poke your friend / brother / colleague / neighbor into irrefutable facts and say the sacramental “Open your eyes!”. But let me say that people tend to show miracles of observation and deduction, if we are talking about someone else. Outsider. Another thing is when everything happens literally in your personal space. And late home with panties in your pocket returns not some abstract person, but your own woman. Here, as far as I could see, "homo sapiens" very often evolve into ostriches - they bury their heads in the sand (read: they stick into work, a TV set or a book) and refuse to believe the obvious to the last.

In case you suddenly have some unpleasant aching feeling from time to time, as if something is not right, I have prepared a cheat sheet that will help you figure out if your premonition is deceiving you or is your girlfriend still? If you recognize your girlfriend in more than three points, you will have to admit: it is regrettable, but she started an affair on the side.

1. She suddenly stopped digging into you.

For some unknown reason, the girl suddenly stopped bitching, throwing scenes of jealousy, paying attention to unremoved trash cans and your barbaric habit of picking your teeth with a screwdriver. You can, of course, assume that it was not in vain that you choked on burnt paper under the chiming clock and Grandfather Frost finally deigned to fulfill your desire. But, rather, the girl’s behavior is explained by the fact that her focus of attention has shifted and she simply stopped paying attention to you. I suspect that you may not be aware: very often a woman nags, harasses you with claims and expresses her dissatisfaction with and without not at all because she is a sadist and hysterical. And because (just please don’t laugh) that she clings to you, loves and doesn’t want to stop loving you one day because of some damned buckets and teeth. It's called "fighting for relationships" in female jargon.

Now, when the romance on the side is just beginning, your girlfriend has not yet had time to break a carload of firewood, get entangled in fake alibis and finally wallow in lies and debauchery. She is not ashamed and elusive, but, on the contrary, cheerful, good and courageous. She finally feels alive and interesting. So at this stage, she simply doesn't care what happens to you - and to you as a couple. Yes, for sure later, when she begins to be tormented by remorse, she will be reincarnated as a real shrew. And, how to drink, she will try to convict you of treason - thereby projecting onto you what is happening to her herself, and trying to find an excuse for her own non-kosher behavior (and the best excuse is usually that you are a slovenly idiot and a womanizer and yourself literally forced her to throw herself into the arms of another). But it will be later. Until then, a blissful calm. And I hope I managed to convince you that it should alert you.

By the way, one of the "classic signs" of betrayal - an increase in thriftiness, when a girl constantly cooks, scrubs and cleans something to remove suspicions and calm the voice of conscience - in my opinion, is not particularly relevant at the stage of the birth of a leftist novel. The girl, I repeat, is now in the clouds. And in this state, we usually have no time for plungers and dumplings. Therefore, most likely, she will shamelessly skimp on her household duties and not hesitate to feed you semi-finished products for dinner.

2. She has new friends

It used to be that she had no one to go to P. S. I love you ”(no matter how you begged her to enjoy the sobbing Butler in the company of girls, and generously spare you from this torture). And now she spends most of the evenings of the week with Nadenkas, Irishkas and Olenkas who have come from nowhere. On the one hand, “I’ll be late, I’m meeting with Olenka, well, you remember, this is the one we met on Pilates” - it can be a banal lie. Not Olenka there, but some mustachioed Lev Venediktovich and a booked hotel room, which, of course, you are not supposed to know.

On the other hand, it really can be new friends. Because the old guard is not a fact that they will praise their comrade for Lev Venediktovich and everything they do there on state-owned sheets. Especially if you and the girl have been together for a long time, her friends managed to come to terms with your candidacy and even began to sympathize with your couple. Instead of giving the traitor the opportunity to savor the details of an unauthorized romance, they can easily condemn her, reason with her and spoil her mood with their high moral: “Are you completely stupid ?! What the hell is Leo, besides Venediktovich?! March home!" But a woman needs somewhere to pour out everything that is sore. For this, new friends are needed, who, on the contrary, usually find it funny to hear about other people's love ups and downs.

It is logical that the traitor will begin to look at your absences with friends and business trips without judgment, as before, but calmly and even with joy. In this situation, it even plays into her hands that you will find something to do without her. Husband in business / classmates / football / Sacred 3 / new spinning - so she is free to do anything and with anyone.

3. She got prettier

A blush, a gleam in the eyes, a pile of new dresses - it's all obvious and simple, like naval pasta. For some reason, dresses are mentioned in every article about infidelity that I have ever read. But, in my opinion, it is more significant when a girl suddenly begins to pay increased attention what's under her dress. No, I'm not saying that we girls begin to do deep hair removal and pedicure, buy vicious lace and pierce the navel to screw in a playful rhinestone, only if we have a lover. But you must admit: the relationship of people who have been together for a long time is to some extent colored by everyday promiscuity. Being a wife or an experienced girlfriend, a girl can sometimes afford to be a la naturel: with prickly legs, stale armpits, peeling nail polish and chintz shorts with peas.

Another thing is if she is in the midst of an affair. Here you have to be fully equipped around the clock. The life of an unfaithful woman is a continuous challenge and impromptu. It is with their husbands that they end up in bed on a predictable schedule, and they run away to their lovers early in the morning, at lunchtime, and instead of an evening Pilates workout. In short, draw conclusions if suddenly your girlfriend starts acting like she works as a lingerie model, who has to look better without clothes than in the most luxurious dress from McQueen.

4. She speaks and behaves differently

One of the main symptoms of the presence of a new gentleman in a woman's life and the fact that everything seems to be serious there is a suddenly changed profile of her interests. And the vocabulary, for no reason at all replenished with new words. A rare girl can just sleep with a man, limiting herself to a mean “Hi. I have an hour and a half." We need a lover, including in order to talk. And in some cases - and mostly for this. Of course, a woman will inevitably absorb, like a sponge, everything that he broadcasts to her there in her free time from bed. In short, you should tense up if a girl suddenly starts talking about the fact that it is better to catch crucian on barley and in windy weather - although you are ready to swear that she used to be as far from the topic of fishing as Nadezhda Kadysheva was from the Miss Universe title.

Traces of someone else's influence sometimes appear in sex, which, by the way, does not always necessarily disappear from your life with a girl with the advent of her lover. Yes, there is an opinion that the unfaithful will by all means evade marital duties. But this does not always happen and not with everyone. So, one of my friends who was on a spree, on the contrary, purposefully began to pay increased erotic attention to her husband in order to lower his vigilance. (“A satisfied man is an incurious man.”)

Another cheating friend behaved similarly with her boyfriend, but without much ulterior motive. “Since I had Vanya (lover. - approx. ed.), I feel such courage and drive,” she explained, “that with Kolya (boyfriend. - approx. aut.) we began to fuck more” . Another thing is that sometimes it is difficult not to transfer the bed preferences of a lover to a permanent partner. And, speaking between us, Kolya, mentioned above, suddenly became interested in the contents of his girlfriend’s phone (and found a lot of interesting things there) not just like that, but also because she took the habit of biting his nipples during foreplay, which he is always on the spirit of did not tolerate. So a sudden change in sexual handwriting can and should also be qualified as an alarming symptom.

5. She is inseparable from the phone/tablet/computer

The girl probably would like to spend everything free time, wrapping her legs around her lover's slender figure, but cannot afford this for obvious reasons. Therefore, she will begin to look for opportunities to maintain communication at least virtually - since there are social networks, instant messengers, Skype and other text messages. From now on and until the sinful connection emits a death rattle, the phone and computer will become her best friends. Whenever you look at her, she will probably stare at the screen, bursting into a Kustodievsky blush every now and then, and to your reasonable question: “Who is it there so late?” mumble something unintelligible about work or another Nadenka, who was allegedly bitten by a raccoon or detained with 300 g of heroin at the Tel Aviv airport.

The main commandment of the cheater - not to leave evidence, get rid of incriminating messages and ruthlessly rub the history of correspondence - a woman very often ignores. Yes, she knows that it's easy to sleep on it. But the vague prospect of being convicted of treason (and every infidel considers himself a genius of conspiracy) is nothing compared to the opportunity to re-read a hundred times a day how they miss her and want her so much that the zipper on her jeans bursts.

Of course, she will do her best to protect her personal life from your sudden invasion: password-protect your phone and computer, enter social networks only from your tablet, hide devices in a closet, and lock the closet with a barn lock - despite the fact that she used to scatter them everywhere . So your completely harmless request to call from her phone or use her computer can easily bring the girl to a heart attack. She would rather eat them right in front of you, explaining her strange behavior by the fact that she does not have enough iron in her body, than allow you to touch them.

  • Arina Vintovkina

Every person in life strives for love. If we take girls into account, then for many, family, relationships become a key goal in life. It's so nice to feel the care, tenderness and affection. It would seem that having met a beloved man, you can enjoy life and have fun. But here everything is not so simple - sometimes harmony collapses due to such an unpleasant phenomenon as female adultery.

Why is this happening? Why does a girl who meets and says she loves suddenly find a replacement for her partner?

Why did the girl change - the main reasons

Unlike men, girls do not cheat because they want relationships on the side, so to speak, new sensations. If a lady went for such extreme step so she had an important reason to do so. For men, it is necessary to know these reasons - in order to avoid such a situation in the next relationship.

5 real reasons why a girl decides to cheat

The man is not attracted

It's no secret to anyone that the candy-bouquet period in a relationship is the most beautiful. Everyone shows all the best that he has - men show:

  • persistence;
  • Attention;
  • generosity;
  • affection and care.

These qualities a woman appreciates in the first place. If she sees interest, if a man seeks her with everyone possible ways- how to stay here. But now the period of courtship is over, the lady is conquered - and men stop making themselves out to be a gallant gentleman. He does not care, does not help take off her coat, does not ask how things are and how she feels.

Moreover, if a man and a woman begin to live together, then the partner becomes a consumer - when the girl provides a life, and he takes it for granted. It is unlikely that such changes will be to your liking. After all, the girl expected that care and affection would remain at the same level. But after the need to pretend to be the best has disappeared, the guy becomes indifferent, dependent, passive.

This state of affairs does not suit the woman, but on the other hand, she feels guilty for the fact that they already seem to be close people and it is impossible to leave the relationship that has already been built and she does not leave. Therefore, if a man appears on the horizon who personifies women's dreams, then betrayal will probably occur.

pathological jealousy

One of the reasons why a girl cheats on a man is his pathological jealousy. Most men are owners. Having received something, they are trying with all their might to convince others of full power. Unfortunately, this also applies to relationships. Having won the girl, such men begin to consider her an inanimate object, which is obliged to obey only his whims and should not communicate with other people.

Sometimes it comes to the point that such jealous people cut off the contacts of their lady with the people around them. So aggressive behavior on the part of a loved one quickly begins to tire.

Constant monitoring, checks, quarrels out of the blue can unbalance anyone. As a result, an understanding comes that if a person in any case is jealous and makes a scandal, then let it be for the cause.

Money plays an important role

Among the reasons why girls sometimes go to the left, there is also such a banal one as money. Modern society promotes the cult of consumption. Everyone wants to buy expensive clothes to emphasize their status. Gadgets, accessories, trips to expensive restaurants, foreign trips - this greatly attracts young girls.

If some earn their living on their own, then many follow a simple path - they are looking for wealthy lovers. As soon as the next boyfriend gets into financial difficulties, they, without hesitation, change him to a more promising one.

Male betrayal

Not on last place There is also the factor that in a relationship there are problems about male infidelity. If a girl comes across a man who adheres to free views, she will be forced to endure his periodic trips to the left. Or he will do the same in revenge, perhaps even with former boyfriends.

She is looking for the ideal

This reason often concerns young girls who, on the one hand, are afraid to be alone, but at the same time they are constantly looking for the most the best option. In this case, the material side may not be in the first place.

Usually such a problem arises with those girls who dreamed of a prince on a white horse for too long.

They idealize the dream, endowing it with all possible virtues. At the same time, having met real person with flaws, they get frustrated.

And when they meet a new person who has some kind of bright trait, they take such a step as cheating on the guy they love.

The psychology of female infidelity

Female adultery is not such a simple factor as it might seem. If one impulse is enough for a man to change, then the girl will think for a very long time and figure out all the pros and cons of this action.

Feelings are at the heart of female infidelity. Usually a lady simply begins to feel love, which pushes her into the arms of a strange man. At the same time, after betrayal, most often a woman experiences a feeling of shame, embarrassment, guilt - in general, a whole range of emotions that do not allow her to live in peace.

You can even say that cheating on a beloved guy for a woman is very long haul, which has been gained through suffering, thought over and weighed several times. This is not a simple satisfaction of physiological needs, but rather a search for spiritual freedom and tranquility.

Why dream that a girl is cheating

Dreams are pleasant and not very, and sometimes you may dream that the girl began to cheat. What to do - run away to figure it out or not pay attention, pick up a dream book or live in peace?

In general, psychology says that sleep is a reflection of inner experiences. What a person sees in a dream is usually associated with the emotions that he experienced the day before. Perhaps you witnessed some emotional scene, watched a movie with a similar plot - and this became the basis for a dream. Then you should not worry and you can safely forget about this dream.

But if before that you caught yourself thinking that your girlfriend began to behave suspiciously, thoughts about another man appeared, then you should probably pay more attention to such a warning from the subconscious.

If we take the interpretation of the dream book, then betrayal by a loved one can be interpreted as a betrayal of friends or problems at work. Assess the situation around you, remember everything that could alert you - perhaps some third-party unpleasant situation became the reason for such a dream, and your beloved has nothing to do with it.

Why men can cheat but girls can't

There is an opinion in society that male adultery, in principle, is not adultery at all, but the maintenance of the status of a polygamous male. Such actions are practically not condemned by other people, and many even show respect for "active conquerors." And vice versa, female infidelity are condemned, condemned, and the traitor herself is rewarded with a huge number of negative epithets.

So why can men cheat and women can't? Disputes in numerous forums do not subside - men prove their right to go to the left without condemnation, women argue about whether it is possible or not to cheat on their soul mate.

There is simply no single solution to this issue, since each person makes a decision based on his own moral attitudes. It is hardly possible to say that treason in itself is normal. When man goes to this step - this indicates that he has problems that he cannot solve.

It would seem - what is easier than breaking off old relationships and freely indulging in new ones. But for the majority, for some reason this path seems wrong, for many it is easier to change a partner, pretending that nothing is happening.

Many men are concerned about one question: Why do women cheat? In many couples, everything goes just fine. There is love, smiles, laughter. What pushes a girl to cheat? What does a guy need to do and how to build a relationship with your beloved so that your girlfriend doesn’t even think about cheating.

Let's start why do women cheat on their husbands?

1. You pay little attention to her. Men are very stormy and busy life by it's nature. Work, friends, parties, cars and much more take all our attention. And sometimes there is very little time left for our woman. It shouldn't be like that. I'm not talking about expensive gifts and various decorations. If you've been in a relationship with your girlfriend for a long time, don't stop surprising her. For women, emotions are very important. beautiful sms, funny gifts, courtship and compliments from the most beloved person will always be very valuable for a girl in love.

2. Don't be henpecked . Taking into account the first point of this article, we must not forget about the second. You need to love, respect and appreciate a girl, but you must not forget about your masculinity. If a woman sees that she can use and control you, then you are a weakling and a rag. With such, it’s good only in one plan that they can be built the way she herself wants. But you won't attract her like a real man, and this is a weighty reason for treason.

3.Not satisfied girl. It may sound strange, but this is one of the reasons why girls cheat on guys. Girls love sex just as much as guys and that's a fact. A man must please his woman in full. If a girl doesn't get it from her boyfriend, she will get it from someone else.

4. Too much attention for her. Girls need to be paid attention, no one argues with that. BUT you need to do it in moderation and not overdo it. Each lady of the fair sex will be pleased to hear the cherished “love” or “miss you”, but you don’t need to say this three times a day. No need to shower her with calls and snot in front of her. Soon she will definitely get used to it and she will get bored with it. A girl may even think that you can’t get away from her, since you are in love like a child and repeat it all the time.

5. Treason out of spite. It happens that the girl herself found out about the betrayal of her boyfriend. She will nag his brains for a long time and remind him of this. But this is not the worst. The thought may arise in her head: “he cheated on me, why can’t I.” And if a worthy guy appears on her horizon, then the feeling of revenge can take its toll. To prevent this from happening, only one thing can be advised: do not change your beloved. If she does not satisfy you in sex, leave her and find another. And if it suits you in all respects, then you should not risk everything for the sake of fleeting pleasure.

These are the main reasons female infidelity . Now you know, why do girls cheat. If there are additions, write in the comments, dear readers. Also don't forget

A man faced with betrayal begins to philosophize why girls cheat on guys. It is useless to ask - a woman will name a thousand reasons, each of which will sound reasonable. Not everyone is ready to put up with the version that a friend cheated because she wanted to. For this reason, we try to learn from our mistakes.

A few common reasons

Why does a girl periodically cheat on her boyfriend? I will list the reasons that traitors name, and I will give them an objective assessment:

  • I fell out of love. Doubtful reason: fell out of love - go away. There is no need to cheat and meet with another person on the side. But logical questions arise: why did she stop loving, what did I do wrong. Digging into female psychology and analyzing each case is a waste of time. It happened, you can't change anything.
  • I wanted to take revenge. The weaker sex is ready to take revenge not only for the betrayal of a partner, but also for any offense (offended, shouted, did not call). And yesterday you were still loved, and today you ruined the relationship. Men tend to believe this, no comment here.
  • Feels unsatisfied. Lack of sex is used as an excuse by men, but women often use this excuse as well. In 90% of cases, partners have no problems in sex, and the thirst for something new and better is just selfishness.
  • Little attention. When a friend wants attention and you don't give it, be sure - she will then use the chance. If you don’t appreciate her by female standards, then in your own eyes she was justified.

So what to do?

There is no need to understand what led to the act of a girlfriend or wife. This knowledge will not bring relief and will not save you from repeating the situation. Accept that there are faithful girls and prone to betrayal. Many husbands are sure that the first ones are gone, but I do not advise you to despair. Share your tips in the comments!