Nikolai Baskov: Finding your woman is a great success for a man.  And yet what

Nikolai Baskov: Finding your woman is a great success for a man. And yet what "hooked" you in each other

Nikolai Baskov is a Russian pop and opera singer (tenor), film actor, TV presenter, teacher, professor. People's Artist of Ukraine, Master of Arts of Moldova. People's Artist of Russia. Ten-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award.

M. MITROFANOVA: I welcome Nikolai Baskov to the studio.

N. BASKOV: Rita, good evening.

M. MITROFANOVA: I found the time, thank you very much. I'll read it to our listeners now, it's just hard to even remember. Russian pop and opera singer (tenor), film actor, TV presenter, teacher, professor. I specifically say this word “professor” with respect, because I recently received a second higher education. People's Artist of Russia and ten-time winner of the Golden Gramophone award. Kohl, well, what can I say, by the age of 40, in my opinion, it's cool.


M. MITROFANOVA: Yes? You think?

N.BASKOV: Well, in part, of course, we all always want something even more, something we do not have time to do.

M.MITROFANOVA: Are you sure? You were sitting right in the garden on this little chair, with your legs in your socks, in Czechs chatting.

N. BASKOV: You know, you understand how life runs forward after 30 and you think that maybe you didn’t manage to do something, maybe you should have taken some other path somewhere or something else implement. And then you realize that you can't do everything. On the other hand, you understand that 40 years is the most wonderful age when you are already an accomplished, mature person, and you know what you need, how you need it. And I hope that after 40 it will be some kind of new discovery for me of myself, a new artist, a new Baskov, some new, maybe, image and some new direction.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, you know, we cannot hide from our listeners for so long that October 15 is your birthday, your 40th birthday. And for men, this is really a big date, so impressive. Although people associated with art, creativity, music, well, do not really age. Well, I'm even on my own, I'm already 50 soon, and I'm still running.

N.BASKOV: Enough, don't scare me.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, what am I getting at. Very much, I called it very familiarly to you in the text message "mess" pre-holiday, festive, but you have a huge, big, solid concert coming up in the State Kremlin Palace. What I wanted to tell the listeners, personal information, is that before this interview today I called Kolya, and he did not pick up the phone. And suddenly, after a few minutes, he writes: I'll call you back, I'm at a rehearsal. I mean, I was shocked that it was a sign of courtesy and maybe you didn't even know it was my number, of course.

N.BASKOV: No, why not.

M. MITROFANOVA: Did you know I was recorded with you?

N.BASKOV: Of course.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, in general, I was so pleased. So I'll honestly say that you found this second to send me a message that you're busy. Tell me what are you cooking and what will it be? So that we all go crazy here.

N.BASKOV: Well, "Vesti" on "Rossiya" has already told about this, gave me three whole minutes in the program of Sergei Brylev, which was unexpected for me. Because it really...

M. MITROFANOVA: Did he even smile at the end?

N.BASKOV: He smiled and said that, like, maybe I'll go. The concert is truly incredible in its scale, because it is a theatrical performance. This is done by the director whom I have been waiting for a long time, this is Alexei Sechenov, this is the Universiade, this is the MUZ-TV Prize, this business card Olympiad, the person who embodied all my ideas and dreams. That is, the transforming stage, and unique 300 costumes tailored for extras, and reincarnation in different images, worlds are changing, this is the unknown Galaxy, these are Chinese emperors, and the Sun King.

M. MITROFANOVA: What about some kind of general storyline?

N.BASKOV: The storyline is the main mask that leads me through the whole show, and it represents different states of the human soul. When he is successful, he is a winner, he is a romantic, he is a holiday, and, at the same time, he is a person in his own right. I decided to frame all the songs that were chosen for this concert in some specific action. An action that is more like ... Since the concert will have everything - both classics, pop music, and operetta, that is, everything related to what I can talk about with myself, what I can show the viewer. All this is unique in terms of achievements modern technologies. I fly out there, and fly away, and leave, and in one of the scenes there are almost 60 people on stage. I mean, it's truly a grandiose performance.

M. MITROFANOVA: How many hours have you planned?

N. BASKOV: Two parts, 1 hour 10 - the first, 1 hour 10 - the second.

M. MITROFANOVA: And how many songs? How did you choose the classical part? So I just subscribed to you on Instagram, and, of course, the last strong impression on me is your appearance with superstars Netrebko and her husband.

N. BASKOV: Yusif Eyvazov. Yes, they pulled me out, I'm friends with them. I was sitting at a concert and suddenly they me, at the end of the hall, and the hall began to applaud: “Come out, come out!”. Well, I went out without singing, nothing, I sang.

M. MITROFANOVA: It was simply written in the comments: “Nikolai, what a pity that you rarely pay attention to the classics.” What part did you give in the concert?

N.BASKOV: This will also be a chapter.

M. MITROFANOVA: What kind of arias?

N.BASKOV: There will be "In Memory of Caruso", there will be Albinoni's Adagio, there will be Mister X's aria, and a fragment of the second act of Puccini's opera "Turandot" will be made in modern processing. That is, I will sing Calaf's famous aria "Nesun Dorma".

M. MITROFANOVA: Oh, Nesun Dorma, and everyone is getting goosebumps. Yes, these are great words. Do not try to repeat this at home and in karaoke, because only professionals can perform it, and the highest level. Kohl, introducing another chapter of your concerto, let's talk about it, and then an accessible minimum about your life. Because, in principle, now all the media can wipe their noses, in fact, the stars themselves spread their travels and adventures about themselves, so it’s already “pale”, it is available everywhere.

N.BASKOV: Well, yes, if people follow you, then they are interested in what you do, what lifestyle you lead. Therefore, yes, the media is gradually getting harder and harder.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, speaking of the musical side, we want, of course, to put your song on the air, and what would you choose and in what part of the program will this song be?

N.BASKOV: Well, you know that I am a holiday person, I love the audience very much, I love performing, and for me the most important thing is that I really enjoy it myself. I, since this song is now spinning everywhere, it is very popular, it is probably the song “Hug You”. I want to hug every listener that we now have at Mayak.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, well, this song is on the air. Well, well, here is such a number performed by Nikolai Baskov, this is the song "I will hug you." Kohl, and I specially marked such a thing for myself after you answered me by SMS. Do you know the word “vanity” at all, do you know your attitude to this phenomenon? Is it a human defect or feature, or is it congenital? There are just different people.

N.BASKOV: No, it seems to me that vanity is completely absent in our country, because we say ...

M. MITROFANOVA: In humans?

N.BASKOV: Well, show business, we have no show, no business, this is purely a story of survival, it seems to me that in our conditions, we are not Western stars. We try to fumble around in some of our possibilities, which we want to somehow throw out, and, most likely, we do this, first of all, within the framework of the possibilities for ourselves, in order to get some, probably, pleasure from it. Because after a while, you know, it happens that I sit at home, get all my work, concerts or something else, and I understand that what happiness, that after all I did it at the age of 20, I did it in 30 years old, this is 35, because you look at some things and think, probably, this recklessness, precisely because of your youth, could play in this direction, now I would not allow myself this and would not repeat it. What about vanity? No, it seems to me, well, what kind of vanity is that? Vanity in our country can only be the principle of some kind of bad taste.

M. MITROFANOVA: Good, great point in the middle of a conversation. Kolya Baskov nevertheless found time to come to us at Mayak.

N.BASKOV: How I like that you call me Kolya.

M. MITROFANOVA: Yes? Isn't that stressing you out?

N.BASKOV: I'm not here.

M. MITROFANOVA: After all, you are 40.

N.BASKOV: But look how I look.

M. MITROFANOVA: Yes, that's the point. This familiarity, I knowingly asked about vanity in the previous part, about, perhaps, arrogance. It finds such a thing on you, you know, just the word "stardom" I'm afraid to even use it already. I know you in real life and you get on very well with me.

N. BASKOV: Not for me at all. No, it doesn't suit me at all. I am more amazed at the people I meet on my way, who really sometimes, due to unrevealed self-sufficiency, try to somehow show arrogance towards other people. Sometimes this happens to artists too.

M. MITROFANOVA: Does money make it possible to behave like this?

N. BASKOV: Well, maybe they give it to other people, but it seems to me that the most important thing in our life is health, over the years you begin to understand this, moreover, with so many planes, moving, lack of sleep, filming, interviews, and you have to support yourself physical form beautiful. Indeed, our profession is a profession for wear and tear, and here the viewer does not care what state you are in, what is happening at home or inside you, you must always correspond to a certain halo of some kind or some representation of the artist. Therefore, it seems to me that...

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, you put yourself in such conditions. A man-holiday is just not given like that, you know ...

N.BASKOV: I enjoy it, why, I enjoy it. For me, humor and positive is the most important thing in life, I never set any goals for myself. I do everything as it goes with the flow, you know, and I don’t pay attention to what they can say about me, someone doesn’t like something or someone brings some kind of criticism to my work, or something else. I always say this: "Do something yourself."

M. MITROFANOVA: I absolutely agree with this. And, most importantly, perhaps, speaking about some kind of happiness and the fact that you have taken place as a professional, that you are always doing your favorite thing, and you started it from childhood. I don't know, the current generation is, of course, different. So what do you think of him? What border are you from? Here you are already an adult guy, 40 years old.

N.BASKOV: Do you know what I like about the current generation?

M. MITROFANOVA: Where do we count it from, which ones? Who is 20 now?

N.BASKOV: Well, yes, let's imagine that they are 20. We still have these inclinations that we somehow think about the future, we somehow try to coordinate ourselves, build some plans. And it seems to me that today's youth, they do not think about any consequences at all.


N.BASKOV: And not pensions, no, they just live the way they want to live today, recklessly. Someone was lucky, someone had parents. You know, there is such a joke when a very rich person goes in a taxi and he says: "That's so much." He gives him exactly the counter. He says: "But your son leaves me 100 dollars for tea." He says, "Well, my son is the son of a millionaire, and I am a poor relative."

M. MITROFANOVA: Very similar to the truth. Well, we are kind of sad about it. It is always characteristic of adults to build them a little, to try to educate them. We have people around us who help us. Here you have, for example, dressers, PR people, well, people around you just give advice, assistants.

N.BASKOV: I would say that this is my body. An organism that functions with me, and how I would like them all to function, like healthy organs that ...

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, do you chase them?

N.BASKOV: No, you know, I just love them. It all depends on how they treat me, and how they feel the measure of their responsibility. In any case, these are people, and they either have to love their job or not love it.

M. MITROFANOVA: And they should also love you, because these are human relationships, and you are a creative person.

N.BASKOV: Well, I think that they work with me, first of all, not only because they get a salary, they work because they like working with me.

M. MITROFANOVA: This is important in show business, in the very one over which we always tease and put such air quotes. I recently didn’t even hand over money at a meeting, or didn’t come to a parent meeting at school, and I write: “I sucked show business.” And all my mothers answered me: “Understood.” It was funny. That is, they are sympathetic to this, what is real with us, if it sucks ...

N. BASKOV: crazy house, I consider. Because text messages come: “What do you have on December 20?”, “What do you have in March 2017?” Here it all begins, and you no longer understand, I say: "I'll call the director back, I'll look." Somehow we already live in some way, sat down in high-speed train, probably, and we rush without stops.

M. MITROFANOVA: Listen, tell me, if we make a musical pause, can we try to put in your performance in the recording of “Nesun Dorma”? How will you react to this?

N.BASKOV: Yes, I have it in the archives, it should be mandatory.

M. MITROFANOVA: This is literally one and a half to two minutes maximum, but this is a great work that takes us to those worlds, and, on the other hand, people have not changed and passions are still seething. Kolya is about to turn 40, how do you approach this holiday? And tell me, can I make the first toast to my parents right now?

N.BASKOV: You know, a man does not celebrate 40 years, as they say.

M. MITROFANOVA: Let Bondarchuk not celebrate.

N.BASKOV: But they say that on this day you can definitely congratulate your mother. Of course, for me, my parents are my dearest people, my guardian angels, I love my parents madly. Despite the fact that they are so worried that even when they come to my concert, they sit somewhere far away so as not to feel their involvement in what ...

M. MITROFANOVA: You are the son of a millionaire, and they are poor relatives.

N.BASKOV: Yes. Happens on stage. Parents, they say, are not chosen, and I thank God that I have such parents, who for me, first of all, are very understanding, very deep people, and, most importantly, they support me in everything, and in those right deeds, and not in the right turns of my fate. But, probably, this is the most important thing, because over the years you understand how much later you yourself look differently at certain things or actions. And I am pleased that my parents are some kind of internal concern for me. I always want to take care of someone. Apart from the people around me. And caring for my parents causes some pleasure in me that, probably, that's exactly what I have done so that I can really bring joy to my parents.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, do they tell you this somehow? Well, mother, of course, can kiss you to the calluses.

N.BASKOV: You know, this is customary with us. My father hugs me, my mother hugs me, it’s like it’s been accepted in my family since childhood, because my mother always told me when we lived, for example, I remember at school, and I didn’t have something there, the same a knapsack, like someone else’s, it was my mother who always told me: “Son, I love you so much that you can’t imagine, no one loves you like that. And maybe you don't need this satchel as much as you need my love.

M. MITROFANOVA: That is, she tried to Hard time especially.

N. BASKOV: Take spiritual qualities.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, do you communicate with them?

N.BASKOV: What are you, of course, yes. It happens that, of course, we do not always see each other, but they either escort me to the airport or meet me at the airport. For example, right now, when we were in Sochi " New wave”, “Humorina”, filmed the channel “Russia”, and my parents went with me to see me on stage. We went to lunch and dinner together, well, that is, such family weeks.

M. MITROFANOVA: That's just the point, I became so sentimental when I became a mother. It used to be rock, there rock, but now I can directly imagine how your mother sits and looks, this is my son. It seems to me that she cries periodically because of happiness, well, maybe I don’t know, it seems to me that way, I would do it.

N. BASKOV: It happens that, yes, it sometimes bursts into tears when it starts to penetrate into the details of my creative life. It happens that she likes some songs, and I sing other songs, and she takes it all so very close to her heart.

M. MITROFANOVA: You know, such a question, well, I don’t know how to backfill. I recently prepared a program about Sophia Loren, and she has two sons. And, imagine, these guys, handsome, well, your age is somewhere.

N.BASKOV: One of them is a conductor.

M. MITROFANOVA: Yes, but the second one is bald. So, can you imagine, they say: "And my mother is Sophia Loren." So it's generally a concrete slab falling on you. I just lead to idols. Do you have such people? Here you have, like Nikolai Baskov, an honored artist ...

N. BASKOV: People's.

M. MITROFANOVA: People's Artist, I'm sorry, I know it's important, there's a big difference. And you, like Kolya Baskov, like common man Earth, is there such a thing?

N. BASKOV: We all have idols, Rit, and we are equal. Well, since after all I have already lived a certain number of years and indeed all my tastes and priorities have changed. It's one thing, I looked at some stars at 15, 20, 25, and now, truly, every fate of any artist is unique. And the artist's way, it's incredible. Therefore, in my youth, I really had such idols as Mario Lanza, Maria Callas, and Pavarotti, and Montserrat Caballe, with whom I, with Pavarotti and Caballe, managed to communicate. And, of course, this is Pugacheva, this is Rotaru, this same my eternal rival, as they say, Philip Kirkorov, on whose songs I partly grew up. No, these are all people who do not follow an easy path, not an easy path, and they deserve admiration and respect.

M. MITROFANOVA: Absolutely. You know, can I tell you a microbe, too? Recently I was browsing the Instagram network, it's addictive, yes, and then I posted a photo of myself with my child, well, daughter, and Kristina Orbakaite "liked" it. And it's written right there. You know, I had it right: what are you talking about, Christina is subscribed to my Instagram. That feeling, well, I felt so good. And my husband says to me: “Yes, she is the same person as you.”

N.BASKOV: Yes, we are all such people.

M. MITROFANOVA: Yes, yes. And therefore, for people who, by the way, consider themselves simple, who are not on stage, not in show business, it seems to me that they should never consider themselves to be somehow different.

N. BASKOV: We are artists only on the stage, when we go out to dominate the public, as speakers do it or as others. And as soon as you left the stage, nothing, people are the same as everyone else.

M. MITROFANOVA: And just about our funds with you mass media and these Instagram, where you post what is happening to you, your friends or Kolya Tsiskaridze, or girls, or this pretty girl, very pretty.

N. BASKOV: Sophie? Yes.

M. MITROFANOVA: And there you can see what is happening to you. And the captions you make are very ironic, funny. How free are you in this? Does it fetter you or, on the contrary, do you control what to do there?

N.BASKOV: No, I like it, I different photos I post it and just watch how, well, people are interested, maybe, to follow my movement, my thoughts. In general, I am glad that technology has stepped forward so much lately that we are becoming more accessible. Of course, sometimes some comments are offended, which, you don’t know these people, and they will write something to you there. And sometimes, you know, they write some kind of crap, and you come in and think, but I’ll look at the Instagram of this person who wrote to me, look and think: Lord, how in general ... I remember one guy once wrote to me: “What- then your face will soon crack. I go to him on Instagram, and he is 140 kilograms in general. Well, I wrote to him: "Yours is not yet."

M. MITROFANOVA: Imagine, and then he went nuts that you answered him, paid attention. Well, of course, there are a lot of spiteful critics.

N.BASKOV: Oh, no, I wrote: "It's up to yours to grow and grow."

M. MITROFANOVA: Yes, indeed. As for human feelings, here we recalled the ancient Turandot, when she lived, hell, when, but people do not change, the same passions, envy, anger, hatred. Tell me that you generally do not tolerate categorically around you and people? I understand, working in show business, especially in the domestic, well, you can’t take off these masks, you have to be diplomatic.

N.BASKOV: I don't like greedy people very much and, you know, I don't like slippery people. Here are slippery people, I don’t understand these people, I can never communicate when I feel that a person is doing all this because of something, somehow, for some reason. Maybe even such a quality as betrayal I do not like in people. I like people who openly express their thoughts and their emotions. If they don't like me, they don't like me, and if they like me, they love me.

M. MITROFANOVA: That is, you treat people and want the same attitude, this is an equation.


M. MITROFANOVA: Treat people the way you want them to treat you. But is it difficult for you in general in these open spaces?

N.BASKOV: It is difficult, because you never really know the true face of people in relation to you.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, it's because you, this scene, these outfits, masks, all this, that is, it is not clear who, what, what wants from you.

N. BASKOV: No, well, it’s just that most often such kind of legends are created, people start talking to you and start telling some fables, all this is overgrown with some, you know, huge flakes of rumors or something else. Sometimes you are amazed that you seem to be sitting with a person, talking to him, communicating as if openly, and then you find out that he starts talking about you somewhere and with what epithets.

M. MITROFANOVA: Have there been cases when you, well, not only expressed your opinion like this, but directly, you know, maybe gave advice? After all, there is a rule, if you are not asked, you do not give advice. But what about, after all, there are some friends, you want good for someone.

N.BASKOV: You know, I am from the category of those people when, for example, they tell me some thing about someone, I am not shy, I call and want to ask if this is really true or not . Because it often turns out that because we listen to what others tell us, we completely forget that it may not actually be true. Therefore, I try to find out any situation always. I don't like to be in conflict with people, I always like to resolve some moments that can burden the relationship.

M. MITROFANOVA: How do you relax? Right now is your most, well, such a very stressful time. What is really for you?

N.BASKOV: Two things - this is a dream.

M. MITROFANOVA: So. Do you snore?

N.BASKOV: No, it seems to be. Nobody complained. In fact, I love solo vacations. I like to go away for 5-7 days somewhere by the sea or the ocean to be alone, read books, watch some series, and just lie in my room, not go anywhere and just feel completely freed from everything.

M. MITROFANOVA: By the way, you remember the books well. And in my eyes, you know, I recently read an interview with Tanya Drubich, she says that Pushkin, well, it’s her, in her words, Pushkin, when he was shot, our great poet, he lies, he already realized that ... in general , lies in his office, where he was brought after the duel, and says to the books: "Farewell, friends." I just imagined it. Imagine how much he appreciated books. So you have some time?

N.BASKOV: Yes. Well, no, sometimes you have to, you know, re-read a lot. Because I remember school curriculum when you read something, and now, you even perceive Anna Karenina in a different way, even those feelings and those moments, they are different.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, how are the others? You can’t cheat on your husband, you will fall under a steam locomotive.

N.BASKOV: No, sometimes you understand why she cheated.

M. MITROFANOVA: Well, okay, yes, we are really growing up, but we are not getting old, we are not decrepit for nothing. I even want to note the excellent form of Colin, because I just had an attack, and I went in for sports. But let's tell the truth that, well, it's true, it's sometimes useful to do push-ups a couple of times, to pull yourself up.

N.BASKOV: Muscle tone is the mood for the whole day.

M. MITROFANOVA: Absolutely.

N. BASKOV: And then, when a person looks great, and when he comes in, picks up some clothes for himself, most often you know what is most interesting when you are in good weight, then I noticed, no matter what level of clothes and what quality. When you look good, you can put it on, don't understand what, but it looks great.

M. MITROFANOVA: I absolutely agree with you. Here are some who say, especially corpulent women, they say: "Let them love me for who I am." Do you think this happens in real life?

N.BASKOV: No, well, it happens that they love the way they are, but isn't it nice for a person? Here I am now, having overcome minus 12 kilograms, dropping, I understand how much I wake up with a different feeling of myself.

M. MITROFANOVA: I understand, I am minus 4.

M. MITROFANOVA: I keep the wrong word.

N.BASKOV: By the way, we talked about colleagues, maybe we will listen, you know, I have, of course, both friends and singers with whom I sing together. Here Valeria will also take part in my concert, we are very friends with her family, I adore this singer, I adore her human qualities, I adore her as a professional. I was lucky that I sang a duet with many in a creative tandem, and now, if there is an opportunity to listen to the song "Keeping Love".

M. MITROFANOVA: Song, the creative union of the singer Valeria and Nikolai Baskov "Keeping Love". Will you represent the same number in the Kremlin?

N. BASKOV: Yes, what are you talking about, Valeria has ordered such a dress, she will have a train of 5 meters. She will descend like the Queen of the Night.

M. MITROFANOVA: You know, she is one of those rare women who, the older, the more beautiful, and more well-groomed, and better. But there aren't many of them, to be honest.

N.BASKOV: Listen, one of my favorite singers Sofia Rotaru is celebrating her 70th birthday next year. I saw her quite recently, and I can say that this woman still, I think, evokes feelings of desire.

M. MITROFANOVA: Does it excite you? Cool. Tell me, please, who else will take part in your concert from your friends, colleagues?

N. BASKOV: Natalie, Taisiya Povaliy, there will be a “special guest”, I won’t say now who, and a new name. In November, I open my production center, such a girl, I hope she will have a career, with a very unusual beautiful voice, we recorded a duet with her, Alina August. And, of course, now my muse is Sophie, with whom we recorded a duet, and a person who creatively supports me in everything, who is next to me.

M. MITROFANOVA: So you will represent which chapter of duets?

N.BASKOV: No, there will be a duet in each chapter, because in each chapter I need a muse, I need a woman, a girl for whom I perform my feats.

M. MITROFANOVA: Kohl, well, since we are already on a friendly wave. So I criticize the singer Natalie all the time, as they say. Well, a little bit of lyrics, of course, well, how do you like it ... Well, she good girl, woman? Tell me, how is the person? Because I understand if good man, but sings, in principle, not a very thoughtful song, then I accept it, because you are my friend, and you will say: “She is beautiful.” Tell me, how do I choose, or is it not even necessary to do this?

N.BASKOV: For every musician, artist there is a listener. If Natalie currently has a record of 120 million views on YouTube of the song “And you are so beautiful with a beard”, then someone needs it. Therefore, let's take into account the opinion of those who love it.

M. MITROFANOVA: The answer is exhaustive. Are you sure you're not tense?

N.BASKOV: No, what are you talking about.

M. MITROFANOVA: Kohl, what would you like in the near future besides this holiday, so that it goes well, so that everyone is satisfied, happy? Well, something to stir up, invent, implement?

N.BASKOV: Oh, you know, life itself offers some options and some combination of circumstances. I just wanted not only in my life, but we in general, so that we would be healthy. Health is the most important thing, and so that the soul does not get sick. When the soul does not hurt, the body does not hurt either.

M. MITROFANOVA: Neither subtract nor add here. With all my heart, on behalf of our radio station, from people who love you, listen or not listen, but respect, I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday.

N.BASKOV: Thank you, dear.

M. MITROFANOVA: I wish you that same health. You yourself know what to do, you are now an adult guy, responsible and very nice. Good luck to you and see you on the air.

N.BASKOV: Thank you. And all love.

M. MITROFANOVA: Thank you, dear.

He admitted that for a month in January he rests all alone.

Instagram Nikolai Baskov

There are often reports in the press about luxurious gifts that fans give you. Apartments in Moscow, a mansion in Spain, apartments in Turkey, luxury cars. Is it true?

True, even a few years ago I was presented with a star named after me. I am very pleased with the attention, I am very grateful to these people. But I will not comment on the gifts, I would not like to discuss this topic. I myself love to make gifts, cheer people up, give them joy. The main gifts to my closest people - parents.

Last year, for example, I gave mom and dad a tour to Europe. For them it was real. romantic trip. In fact, I would really like to meet a woman and live with her for at least as many years as my parents. And so that after many years of life I would want to go on a romantic trip with her. It seems to me that finding your woman is a great success for a man.

Of course, I give gifts not only to my parents, but also to those people who surround me. After all, I have friends, my team. And although we no longer believe in Santa Claus, we still hope that New Year will bring happiness. In general, I really love this period of time - from December 31 to January 7, fabulous Christmas days, when we make wishes, we expect that next year will be better than last.

Concerts, meetings with fans, people's love. What are the disadvantages of your profession?

That I don't see my parents much. But we have a tradition in our family: if I return home, they always go to meet me at the airport. Even if I find myself there for an hour or two, this also happens, because often I get to Moscow only for a connection. Mom and dad still come to stay with me at least this time. I don’t even celebrate the New Year at home, because on this night I always work.

What do you give yourself for the New Year?

November and December are the most difficult months of the year for all artists, there are a lot of concerts, filming. A real marathon, so I have already developed such a tradition on January 1 to fly away to rest. I give myself a whole month of "doing nothing". Resting, recovering, preparing for new job. On my holidays, I always travel alone. This year I want to go to the Caribbean, where there is a wonderful climate, Nice weather, clean beach and warm sea.

You are 37 years old, you are not married. What's stopping you from finding your perfect match?

In this sense, I am a fatalist. No need to specifically look for anyone, fate itself will bring you together. You can walk down the street and meet the girl of your dreams. And if it's yours, then you will feel immediately, at first sight.

Are you jealous?

I am very jealous, like all men. And you seem to know that this is an unhealthy feeling, but you can’t do anything with yourself, you are jealous. We are all the same. I would say that love is generally a huge job. And if you are lucky and you have found your woman, then mutual love is a great work of a woman and a man.

Love is work, but hate?

I can't say I've never experienced this feeling. Feelings of mercy and kindness are closer to me. For example, I admire what a good deed is now doing. As part of her Volochkova program for children, Nastya gives dozens of free concerts. She is still recording a new album. I believe that a person needs to be realized. Nastya is now at such a stage, her heart asks, her soul sings. After all, in ballet she did everything. If you go outside and ask the name of the most famous ballerina, everyone will answer: "Volochkova".

This week the singer will celebrate his birthday - he will be 41 years old. Now the artist is touring the country with the new show "Game". And on his birthday, he also performs - in Baku. Woman`s Day found out how Nikolai managed to lose weight in such a short time, get younger and who will sing at his future wedding with Victoria Lopyreva.

"It's time to grow up, but I don't feel like I'm 41"

Nikolai, on October 15 you will be 41 years old ...

Yes. 31 would be better (laughs).

On his Instagram, Baskov posted a photo before and after losing weight and wrote: “If you set a goal and gradually go towards it, then you will definitely achieve it !!!”

You could say it's been half a lifetime. How do you feel about your age?

For me - a quarter of my life, I'm going to die at 120! I haven't celebrated 40 years, by the way. According to numerology, when the number "0" is present in the year, it means emptiness and the formation of something new. My mother is very dear and important person in my life - she said that 40 years is a big internal restructuring. And yes, I have an internal struggle with myself, a feeling that I, as an artist, need a reboot. Almost all 17 years that I've been on stage, I've been associated with a holiday person who performs cheerful, light songs. Therefore, I want to move away from a huge number of all kinds of TV shows, programs, in the future to filter my appearances in concerts, because some kind of internal has accumulated ... not fatigue, no. But I need time to jump into something further exciting.

Maybe it's time to grow up. But I can't grow up, I always feel like I'm a young kid who just started his career. I don’t understand at all how 17 years have passed ... I don’t feel that I’m 41. As for my soul, I’m probably 26-27 years old. And, thank God, lately I don’t look 41 years old. Recently met with classmates (laughs) ... They asked me what I drink for youth.

Tell us a secret, what do you drink for youth? How did you manage to get into such great shape in such a short time?

I have a personal trainer who takes care of me physical training. He is also a nutritionist and massage therapist, in a word, a person who corrects me. It is difficult for the body to withstand our ecology and stress regime. Therefore, I participate in the program of the Academy of Gerontology in St. Petersburg. Thanks to the sanctions, our science does not stand still. Petersburg scientists have achieved certain successes. Their innovation is a complex of preparations that I have tested on myself: these are capsules with a solution of natural vitamins, amino acids and peptides. And a cream on the same basis. I liked the result: fatigue quickly disappears, energy appears. I even decided to release a special set of tools based on these three components, it will be called "Star Energy" - Energy star. You will see it soon on my Instagram. The cost will be normal, as it is manufactured abroad.

I continue to cooperate with the Academy of Gerontology - many people apply there influential people, politicians, they make droppers, take drugs, but they hide it.

“Vika told me: “I won’t sing”

Nikolai, your fiancee Victoria Lopyreva recently sang at the New Wave contest. Do you give her voice lessons?

Well, no, she will not sing, it was a pure fan. Although I like the way Vika sings, I generally always like it when the girls who are next to me are engaged in creativity. Vika told me categorically: “I won’t sing! I am an ambassador for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a presenter, TV presenter, model, so no. You will sing."

On the "New Wave" Victoria sang with other singers

A few years ago, I know Victoria asked you to perform at her wedding...

No, she wanted me to host her wedding. And on those dates when she called and called me, I was busy. In general, you know, everything is so unpredictable, I can honestly tell you! Sometimes you don't know what awaits you around the corner... It's so interesting to live. At the same time, live without paying attention to anything - neither to sharp comments, nor to discussions of your plans. When my mother explained in Malakhov’s program “Live” why the date of our marriage with Vika was being postponed, the headlines in the media were very funny! I am already very resistant to this pressure. But I can say: live as you want. This is your life, no one will give you the next day. Let them discuss you, believe or not, and you do what feels good to you. We have such a destiny public people, we bring into the life of each person a topic for conversation.

Nikolai Baskov and Victoria Lopyreva in the program "Live" at Malakhov admitted that the wedding was postponed

"Some don't understand why I'm on stage - in a dress"

Tell us about your show, with which you are now traveling around the cities.

This is not just a show, but a theatrical costume performance. About 2 million euros were spent on it: these are 4 trucks of scenery, 72 people serve the show, all costumes are exclusive, sewn in one copy according to the sketches of two wonderful fashion designers - Valentin Yudashkin and Vladimir Seredin. I know that it took about 80 thousand rhinestones to create them. Some were made in France in the same atelier that makes costumes for the TV series Game of Thrones. One of the costumes - Prince Calaf from the opera "Turandot" - is about two meters, weighs almost 40 kilograms. And technically equipped so that during the song, fans and muzzles of dragons with burning eyes leave it.

And in the song "The Wanderer" there is a gladiator fight in the background. One day I was so staring at how they fight, and I forgot that I have to sing. Opening his mouth, he stood, thinking: I wonder if he will hit him with a sword or not (laughs).

The show "Game" is not just a collection of songs, but a certain story. One of the outstanding directors, Alexei Sechin, who made the Olympics and the Universiade, worked on it. I told him that I want to play in different eras. Variants of the name were different - "Time travel", "Fiction". We decided to keep historical facts from my creative biography– certain songs in certain images. For example, the image of the Emperor, in which I received the Golden Gramophone in 2012. The show features music of various genres: popular, classical, operetta, and buffoonery.

The show is so expensive that it does not cover the costs, it is not profitable. But as an artist, I created such a brainchild that will leave its mark. This is something I can be proud of today. It left no one indifferent. Maxim Fadeev wrote after my concert that he had never seen anything grander. There was a standing ovation in the Kremlin in the middle of the concert. It was indicative for me how my girlfriends dragged their husbands to this show. They resisted: “No, the Basques are ... Okay, we’ll serve the first squad and leave.” But no (slams his fist on the table) - the Basques won! The people stayed until the end.

The costume of Prince Calaf from the opera "Turandot" weighs 40 kilos!

The main character of the show is the Mask. What does he mean to you?

The show is called "The Game" because we all play, put on masks. So you come to an interview - and put on a mask of a journalist, come home - put on a mask or loving wife, or bitches. All people play, we are probably most natural when we are left alone with ourselves.

The mask is a manifestation of my inner self. The first part of the show is brilliance and pomposity. The second part is romance, the third is real theater (operetta and opera). The fourth part - the triumph of strength and power - the Roman Empire. The fifth part is a natural blond, a person in love with himself. And the sixth block is the mask of triumph, in which I go out to the audience at the end.

Our people are very caustic for comments and, without going into the reasons why I appear on the throne in a bright suit, and I have an imperial crown on my head, they believe that the Basque completely went with his head - he put on a dress. They do not understand that this is a fragment from Puccini's Turandot, where Prince Calaf sings his famous aria. And the imperial costume in China is just a long dress. And only understanding people wrote that "it was amazing to plunge into the atmosphere of the opera."

July 06, 2016 Nikolai and Sophie are well together, but they are in no hurry to go to the registry office.

It's almost the middle of summer, and the Basques haven't really swum yet. Work! In October, he ordered to wait for big concerts in the Kremlin, so now he rehearses from dawn to dusk. And another 40 years is coming soon - it’s not customary to celebrate, but it’s impossible not to think about these special numbers for a man ...

"I feel like I'm 23"

— Nikolai, summer is in the yard. Are you going on vacation?

“There will be no vacation this year. Unless I will break out for a few days - I have global concerts coming up. The Kremlin will host my show, which is called "The Game". All forces are thrown there, it is necessary to rehearse! The show will be solid, bright. Yes, and September is dense: both the festival of humor in Sochi, and the New Wave in the same place. And also the children's "New Wave" in Yalta in August. The dates are all booked. Plus, my project on television in a new format - "Saturday Night" - will also take a lot of shooting days.

- And I saw a photo on your Instagram - you have a healthy fish in your hands. Are you a fisherman?

Yes, I love fishing. And different extreme views rest too. And he used to go skiing. But it's all spontaneous when friends call: "Let's go diving with us!" If you have two or three free days, why not get distracted from everything that surrounds you?

- On the poster of your new show, you take off your mask. What is he, the new Nicholas?

- And you will find out at the concert. In the show, I try on the masks of different heroes - people who believe in love, are disappointed in it, fight for it, sacrifice themselves. Each of us uses masks in life depending on the situation. Probably, we are natural only at home when we fall asleep in our own bed. And when we wake up.

At upcoming concerts, the artist promises to show his real self

- You used to always celebrate your anniversaries with pomp. And this time, I heard that on the eve of your 40th birthday, you plan to run away from everyone. Do you support superstition?

- It's a frontier. Both physical and psychological. Like most men, I don't want to celebrate 40 years. Most likely, I will go somewhere for a few days, just to be alone, to spend this time alone with myself. Without a mask.

Do you take this figure calmly or with some horror?

“It’s not calm, but I can’t change anything. It remains only to go forward. There is no way back. I feel myself on the strength of 23. Wrinkles, however, give out a little.

"I needed a break"

- What is the most important event in life for you - that's right, the peak of happiness?

- If I were offered to repeat the path that I went to my age, I would not agree. I would choose whichever is next. It is impossible to say at the age of 40 about your main achievements, because you take a different approach to actions, relationships, reconsider life situations, behavior in them. Yes, 40 years is a lot of baggage. And I want to scatter half of this baggage in my 40s and take only the most positive with me. And leave everything unnecessary.

— You seem so airy, successful. Is there a lot of unnecessary accumulated?

- Yes, there is not a single person on earth easy and happy fate! I have not met such people. Maybe that's why my show is called The Game. It is much more pleasant to play happy, even if it is given through difficulties.

With the most dear people: father Viktor Vladimirovich and mother Elena
Nikolaevna in childhood and now

- Have you ever experienced a feeling of boredom from the fact that everything has already been and there is nothing to wish for?

I haven't toured in seven years! At 22 I entered the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre, at 24 I gave my first concerts in the Rossiya Concert Hall, I had a busy tour schedule. And then I realized that I needed a break to prepare for something else to say to the viewer. I needed a break. And now, thank God, it is technologically possible to show the show that you want. Not just an artist standing on stage. Forces, money, a lot of directorial work have been invested in the "Game". And there is no boredom. So many ideas! It would be enough, most importantly, for all health.

- Many years ago you had a legendary interview with Rolling Stone magazine, when you agreed to drink alcohol during the conversation. Are you still capable of such hooliganism?

— I would say that it was not hooliganism.

Maybe a performance?

- Youthful stupidity. From me, as from any artist, you can expect anything - the artist is always unpredictable.

- Since childhood, you have been living in the world of spotlights, bouquets from fans. You probably don’t touch life at all?

“Actually, I am a very simple person. For example, I pack my own bags because I want to know what kind of things I take. I have no right to demand responsibility from people for what is purely my personal: clothes, food, something else. Yes, on stage I seem inaccessible, pompous, pretentious. Let me be perceived that way! But I am happy that when people recognize me personally, they say: “My God, you are a completely different person.” And after meeting with me, many treat me differently. They fall in love, they want to be friends, to be around more often. I am very cheerful in companies, I like to create an atmosphere. I like to enjoy life and I want people around me to rejoice.

I'm delaying my marriage so as not to stumble upon the rake again. For me, my marriage has become an open wound.

- When everyone wants to be friends, isn't it tiring?

- Any artist has such a problem: even close friends expect a holiday and fireworks from him. It's laid down by fate. I understand that I have no right to look tired and tortured. People want solar energy. And, if I can give it, I go to meetings, holidays. But if I feel that the batteries are dead, I'd better stay at home and stay alone or with people close to me.

Do you know the feeling of being alone in a crowd?

- Of course. If the artist does not sometimes feel lonely and stay alone with himself, then he will not be able to go out to people, crave meeting them. We must be hungry for fellowship.

- Have you ever had to go out to the public when you don’t feel like it at all?

- It often happens. You can lie in the dressing room without strength. But, as soon as you cross the wings, after 5 - 7 minutes an extraordinary resource is turned on. Forget about everything! Many times I saw very big stars - they stood backstage, and I thought: “Wow, how tired, he can hardly stand ...” And young women or men fluttered onto the stage! Although many were over 80.

- They say that everything in your show business is built on hypocrisy. The race for leadership, the battle for the ethers ...

- Somehow they took me away from the shooting, I woke up in the hospital and came to my senses for a month. I had peritonitis appendicitis. At that moment, I realized that nothing had changed in my life, nothing had escaped anywhere. And there is nothing more important than health. Therefore, all this swarming ... It's just the ambitions of a creative person. If the artist does not have them, then there will be no artist. It's like a sport, you need to approach it calmly. There is a winner, and there is a silver or bronze medalist. Why envy another person? Everyone has their own destiny.

- You often act in films. Doesn't it bother you that you are usually called for roles that intersect with your stage image?

- I love it. Of course, any artist wants to play Hamlet. But that means I have a self-sufficient bright image, since they want to exploit it.

"I do not renounce marriage"

The singer prefers to be happy today and not think about what will happen tomorrow

Last years you appear everywhere with Sophia. And more than once they said that you have a guest marriage - see each other often, but live separately. Do you admit that someday it will flow into the usual one - with a registry office, a wedding?

- Now we will pass my forty-year milestone, and then life will show. Under 40 I like mine.

- Well, yes, usually men like them, but women do not.

- You know, marriage has become so obsolete ... This stamp in the passport ... No one will give a guarantee. Look how many couples get married suddenly! And how many people get divorced after 15-20 years of marriage?! The last thing that shocked -. No one thought that they would get divorced! Therefore, using the example of many of my acquaintances and friends, I understand that you need to be happy today and not think about what will happen tomorrow.

You grew up in a complete, traditional family. How did you manage to persuade your parents to take it easy that you have a guest marriage? Or are they accustomed to the quirks of an artist son?

- They just had enough of my first marriage at 7.5 years. I had him. It had its pros and cons. The only thing I can say is no need to rush into young age marry. Still, it leaves a certain imprint on a person. Maybe someone can happy marriage and people together all their lives. But for me, my marriage has become an open wound. Therefore, maybe I'm delaying the moment of marriage so as not to stumble on a rake again. But I don't hesitate. You can get married at any time. How to get divorced.

- Would you like to have children in the near future?

- I really want children, I think about it. In the near future, in any case, I will have them. I think within a year or two for sure.

- What helps you to bounce back when your strength runs out and you don’t know what to do next? Locking up with a bottle of vodka, call Montserrat Caballe?

— I have a confessor. The man has known me for many years. A close person with whom, if it's hard for me, I just fly, for example, to Jerusalem. When I am in the Holy Land, I have something to talk about with God. This is the moment that gives me the opportunity to re-energize.

- So you are churched?

- When I was expelled from GITIS, I really wanted to enter the Gnessin Academy. Between the conservatory and the Gnesinka there was a little church. Grandmothers were sitting there begging for alms. I passed by, gave it to one grandmother, and she told me: “Son, go to church. Ask for what you want and it will come true." "Whom to ask?" - "Yes, here at Nicholas the Wonderworker." And I began to go every day before entering the church and ask the Savior and Nicholas the Wonderworker to take me to the Gnessin Academy. And, as soon as I did, I realized that faith became an integral part of my life, because I realized that the Lord hears me.

Do you know prayers, do you keep fasts?

— I like to read the Psalter very much, I always observe Holy Week. I fly to Corfu (an island in Greece, famous for its monasteries. - Auth.). I love to celebrate Easter there. Listen, the soul also needs food - spiritual! I love listening to akathists (special church hymns to the glory of the Savior, the Mother of God and the saints. - Auth.). I turn on my headphones when I'm on a plane. It gives me peace and strength.

Private bussiness

Born on October 15, 1976 in Balashikha near Moscow in the family of a military man and a teacher. From the 3rd to the 7th grade he studied in Novosibirsk. From the age of 11 he performed on the stage of the Children's Musical Theater of the Young Actor. Graduated from the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music in the class of chamber and opera singing, postgraduate studies at the Moscow Conservatory, Faculty of Management of Moscow State University. He was a soloist of the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, a student of Montserrat Caballe. Winner of many awards, TV presenter. People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 2001 - 2008 he was married to Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of his producer. A son was born in marriage, by mutual agreement, the Basques do not maintain relations with him. AT different years Nikolai had affairs with Oksana Fedorova, Anastasia Volochkova. Since 2014, the artist has been dating singer Sophie Kalcheva.

"The game". show Nikolay Baskov.
State Kremlin Palace
October 7 - 8

The famous Russian singer was at the epicenter of a grandiose scandal

Sensational information appeared in the press that Nikolai Baskov was divorcing his wife Svetlana, the daughter of Russian tycoon Boris Shpigel. And then, like a bolt from the blue, there was an interview with former producer Nikolai Rashid Dairabaev about the allegedly homosexual inclinations of the singer. He gave it in response to Baskov's scandalously frank interview with the Rolling Stones music publication, in which the singer claimed that his former producer blue. In general, it started

Basque does not comment. They say he moved from his wife's apartment to a hotel, and the other day he completely flew to Spain. Svetlana, whose advertising agency until recently, she was engaged in the promotion of her husband, does not agree to an interview. "FACTS" managed to contact by phone only one of the participants in the scandal, Rashid, a well-known Russian producer who worked with the group Tender May”, Igor Sarukhanov, Vika Tsyganova. According to rumors, after all the showdowns, he had a hypertensive crisis.

“Kolya was a good guy until his head was blown off by money”

How are you, Rashid Yakubzhanovich?

Thanks, it's better now. Now I am in a sanatorium, undergoing rehabilitation.

A lot of information about Nikolai Baskov appeared in the Russian press in connection with his divorce and your scandalous interview. There was even a version of a planned PR campaign.

Oh no. At least it's not a publicity stunt on my part.

They say that in this way you decided to promote a new singer following in the footsteps of Baskov - the current soloist of the Moscow operetta Maxim Katyrev.

Unlike Baskov, Maxim is slim and tall.

Nikolai also built.

Yes, Kolya is short! Maxim is tall and handsome. Baritone. He sang at the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theatre.

And now, then, also on the stage?

He will work at the intersection of genres - between classics and variety art.

Do you remember good things about Kolya Baskov now?

I am not an evil person. Of course, I will never forget how Kolya, when we just started working together, came to my house with groceries and said: “Can I fry something for you?” It made me very happy. We ate, drank a bottle of wine and sang a duet

I wonder what?

- "What are you standing, swaying, thin mountain ash?" Yes, that's bullshit. Of course, I have a hearing, but I can't sing like a Basque. I did not receive any special education. Kolya is a star! I realized it the moment I saw it for the first time. It was May 9, 1999 in Moscow, at the Theater Soviet army. Boris Spiegel and I came to the creative evening of the composer Alexander Morozov, in which Nikolai also took part. At the request of the Chairman of the State Duma, Gennady Seleznev, they had to watch his speech and make a verdict. And then Nikolai appeared on the stage in a white suit. He was so strangely dressed that I couldn't help laughing. But he sang pretty well. After the concert, we met, and I began to work with Baskov. He was a good guy at first, until he was blown away by money.

It's called star fever.

Exactly. It began with the recording of his first album - in 2000. And away we go! With the burden of glory, he could not cope.

“Baskov has always felt femininity”

- For four years you were his producer and, they say, broke up because of the TV project "Dom".

Kolya became the host of this program, which had just launched on television. Without saying a word to me! And then he brought a fee of 10 thousand dollars. I say: “Kolya, what’s the matter? What is the transmission? He explained that the members build a house and then someone gets it as a prize. At the same time, the camera works 24 hours a day in the non-stop mode! I say: “You shouldn’t act there! You don’t need everyone to see how you eat, sleep, go to the toilet. What were we fighting for then? What is the Bolshoi Theater if you will lead this obscene thing?!” He says, "Out of the $300,000 I was given for the transfer, I only get ten." I told him: “I don’t care! We have a contract under which I have 20 percent of any financial offer. You acted, for example, as a janitor, received a million - please unfasten me 20 percent. Because I did not come to the finished star! I made it myself!

Not without the help of one of the most influential businessmen in Russia, Boris Shpigel.

Yes, thanks to the finances of Boris Isaakovich. This, roughly speaking, is the person who invested money in Kolya, believed in his talent. I did everything else! Boris Isaakovich is a respected person, a pharmaceutical magnate. He absolutely does not care about Baskov's creative problems.

But after all, he also received interest from Nikolai's performances?

But how! First. Until the Basques began to put pressure on my “corn”. This happened after his wedding with Sveta Spiegel. He says: “Rashid, please go and talk to Boris Isaakovich. You are friends!” I came: "Boris Isaakovich, you have only daughter, to which Kolya is married. Well, why do you need these 40 percent? Your business is much more serious » The first time he sent me, dear mother, obscenity! Four days passed, Boris Isaakovich called me: “Well, he says, you are right, as always. Let him take 80 percent, and 20 percent is yours. And - go ahead, happy to you "

Did he agree because of his daughter?

Of course, mostly because of Svetlana.

Did he like Baskov's union with his only child?

Because Baskov already in those years slipped notes of homosexuality. Do you understand me? It felt feminine.

A lot of people have noticed it, but

And I didn't hesitate to talk about it. And Boris Isaakovich as well. I begged: “Well, what are you doing? Don't agree to their marriage!"

He could not influence the daughter?

Sveta threw tantrums! She said that she was in love with Kolya, he was in love with her, and I just envy their happiness! This was also the indirect reason for my resignation. Families began to “nag” me with different parties: Baskov, more correctly Baskov, and Spiegel. Everyone except Boris Isaakovich! He was always on my side because he is a wise man. I said: “Guys, I have been living for so many years, do you really think I don’t see who and what he is?” I traveled half the world, I was a director " Tender May”, Igor Sarukhanov and Vika Tsyganova. He went on tour with everyone, from Alla Pugacheva to Montserrat Caballe and Joseph Kobzon.

That is, during the tour, you saw the habits of everyone.

That's it! Together with Kolya Baskov, we went to gay clubs in Riga and St. Petersburg

Did you read scandalous interview, which Baskov gave to the Rolling Stones magazine, which says about your gay orientation?

This was the beginning of the current scandal. I have been silent for four years! I did not want to tell the details of Baskov's personal life. But after the publication of the article in the magazine, respected people with whom I started working began to call me and refuse to cooperate. I signed a contract with an Erenby team from Mogilev, and one and a half million dollars fell into my account for their promotion!

Quite a few

But the mother of one of the boys threw a tantrum when she read an article in the Rolling Stones about my homosexual tendencies. She began to say, they say, where is the guarantee that I will not start pestering her son? I replied: “From Baskov’s side, this is a slander! I have NEVER touched it! God forbid! Crazy, right? But no one listened to me, and I lost money. Colossal! Of course, I got really pissed off. And when my response interview was published in the press, Baskov's entourage began to call on the phone and threaten me Nothing, I will endure any threat - I brave man. I raised Baskov, and I will destroy him. This bastard!

Maybe you shouldn't freak out like that? Kolya, giving an interview, was very drunk.

It doesn't justify it! And then, I know Baskov. He won't allow himself to get drunk to the point of recklessness so that a respected magazine like The Rolling Stones will talk nonsense! After all, the publication is read by a solid audience. Kolya perfectly understood to whom and what he was giving. I decided to get into a rock and roll party in order to lure this viewer to myself.

I was surprised that his wife Sveta was also present at this interview!

She loves him dearly!

Think so far?

Yes, no matter what. Kolya is her first man, whom she fell in love with at the age of 18. In addition, the father of her long-awaited child. Becoming a father, Baskov accomplished a great feat for his part! To be completely honest.

Basque - homosexual?

Absolutely right. I have irrefutable facts about which only the former environment of the singer is aware: backing vocals, security. After all, he fired everyone who knew something unseemly about him. A terrible intriguer. He came to me for a salary, took, say, 30 thousand dollars and said: “If my mother asks, I received only five!” For the other twenty-five, he had his own box office.

“Montserrat Caballe’s“ balls ”came out on her forehead when she heard what soundtrack Nikolai was singing to”

What was the ultimate desire of Kolya Baskov?

World fame! He wanted to sing at the center of world musical culture in New York - the Metropolitan Opera and Covent Garden in London. Boris Isaakovich even sent Kolya and me to Rome. Russian Ambassador to Italy Nikolai Spassky agreed with Etteri Volontiri, a well-known Italian producer, who took us to the La Scala Theater and introduced us to one of the leading tenors. Baskov asked: "How much do you get for a game?" - "About 10 thousand dollars." - “And for this you have been singing here for so many years ?!” On this note, we parted ways with the tenor. And when they left the theater, Kolya said: “God! Why the hell do I need this? I'd rather sing and dance and get 10 thousand dollars for a couple of songs with a soundtrack in the concert hall "Russia" than I'll tear my voice. Let it go to hell!” And immediately went to the stage.

Nevertheless, Montserrat Caballe herself fell in love with him.

It's completely different! Montserrat loved him like a child. She is 74 years old, and Kolya is handsome, young. In 2000, Montserrat came to St. Petersburg, where she gave a concert at the Ice Palace. But the tickets didn't sell very well. The director of the Ice Palace called me and asked: “Old man, we don’t have a collection, and Basque is very popular now. It is impossible for him to come and speak in the first part? I say: “Of course, but on the condition that he will sing in the first part, Caballe in the second, and then they will perform one composition in a duet. It is necessary for our image." We were paid for the road, the hotel and were given 10 thousand dollars of the fee! At the time, very good. Tickets sold out within three days.

So, you stood at the origins of the Montserrat-Basque duet?

Absolutely! True, Montserrat's "balls" crawled out on her forehead when she heard what soundtrack the Basques were singing to. It was a complete out! Boris Isaakovich asked her to take care of Kolya, offered her money. Montserrat is very offended. But then she spoke in the Kremlin and nevertheless agreed: “Let Kolya come to me, we will study” We flew to her in Barcelona all together - me, Boris Isaakovich, Kolya, Sveta.

Is it true that Baskov and Kirkorov have a long-standing conflict?

They constantly quarrel, then reconcile. They have their own Madrid there. They wish each other health, but in fact, I think this is a lie. Because if one of them died creatively, the other would be very happy about it.

What do you think, what actually caused Baskov's divorce from his wife?

I think this is Sveta's decision. She "left" him, finally plucking up the courage. Alas, after the break with Kolya, I do not communicate with the Spiegel family. Only with Boris Isaakovich, and that is extremely rare. Kolya walks over corpses all his life, using people in one way or another. After all, he so hoped to receive the title of People's Artist of Russia by the 30th anniversary! But they didn't. It’s not the same with us as it is with you, in Ukraine - once, and the Basque people became Why does he need Sveta now? Rumors that he was a homosexual stopped after the birth of a child. There was a wife, now he is himself. Kolya wants to spend money, relax, travel freely and eventually get rid of Boris Isaakovich's guards and people. Don't hide anything. He is now unbound! Buy yourself Vacation home and walk, empress! Forward! As for concerts, he hasn't had a producer for a long time. He sets his own prices. He became insolent terribly, although he won’t even pronounce the word “meow” live.

Why haven't you been singing for a long time?

What do you! All just records

P.S. At any time we are ready to give Nikolai Baskov the opportunity to express his opinion on this scandalous situation.