Ivan Zhidkov: “I am no longer capable of love follies.  Ivan Zhidkov: about relations with a new darling - Now you have a warm relationship with your parents

Ivan Zhidkov: “I am no longer capable of love follies. Ivan Zhidkov: about relations with a new darling - Now you have a warm relationship with your parents

Similar in many ways. He is resourceful, decisive, with a sense of humor. I hope that these qualities are also present in me. When, due to circumstances, Maxim ends up in the village, he undergoes an internal transformation, which radically changes him. Unlike Maxim, I have a very mediocre computer skills, but I actively use the Internet, maintain pages in in social networks. And from time to time I watch our series - you know, I like this story.

What did you have to learn for this role?

— I learned how to operate a chainsaw. And, probably, for the first time, shooting didn’t exhaust me, but gave me strength. While working, we lived in Karelia, in the city of Olonets. Most of the story was filmed in an almost abandoned village. The hut where Maxim lives is real, but deserted. In addition to the film crew, locality several ancient grandmothers live. In such places, the most valuable thing is energy, serenity and fresh air. What we so lack in the metropolis.

Have you ever been betrayed like your hero?

- Not without it. I think everyone in life had moments when he was let down or deceived. I saw everything: meanness, and betrayal, and decency, and nobility. I am not a vindictive person and quite loyal to people. Someone said: “Giving a chance to a person who betrayed you is the same as giving a second bullet to someone who didn’t hit you the first time ...” My hero tries to resist human meanness, he fights. I prefer to avoid people who have deceived me.

- That is, you will not defend the truth with your fists?

- As a child, I often fought to prove: whoever is stronger is right. In the fifth grade, my dad took me to the boxing section. But even then I realized: it’s not worth dissolving your hands for no reason. The exception is indeed extreme situation. In fact, I only seem harmless on the outside. I can take care of myself. But I try to be careful not to get into trouble and not risk my life. My character is not perfect: I am quick-tempered, it is difficult for me to focus on one thing. But I'm working on myself.

Why did you leave the Tabakerka Theatre? Don't like restrictions?

- I was disgusted by a certain conventionality and regime. And the fact that I owe something to someone is dependent on something. Freedom is very important to me.

"Prince of Siberia". Photo: frame from the series

- When you went into the acting profession, did you think about her addiction?

- Of course not. It so happened that I became an actor thanks to my dad. He once said: “Wan, there are tests for a commercial for the Telescope store, go ...” They took me, I starred in an advertisement. And then dad advised me to try my hand at the theater institute. I went to the preparatory courses of the Yekaterinburg Theater Institute (we lived then in Yekaterinburg), and then entered the Moscow Art Theater School.

You have recently lost a lot of weight. What did you start with?

- At some point, I thought about how I want to see myself: groomed and fat or fit and healthy? Chose the second. I gave up alcohol, reduced the amount of sweets, resumed regular boxing, started running. These are all simple-looking, basic things, but the result was not long in coming - I lost 12 kg. By the way, I also introduce my daughter to an active lifestyle: for example, during a walk, Masha (she is five years old) roller-skates, and I insure her from behind.

- After the divorce (with actress Tatyana Arntgolts. - Approx. "TN") did you become a Sunday dad?

- I'm a dad who lives separately. I try to see my daughter as often as possible, I dream of going to the sea this summer with her. By the way, I'm going to go to Masha for a matinee. My daughter has a major Kindergarten: there she goes in for swimming, tennis. Masha already knows how to read. And recently I bought her a 3D pen. Such a newfangled thing with which you can create three-dimensional images. Turns out it's not that easy! Let's study together!

What kind of daughter would you like to see?

I want her to be strong. Life is a struggle where only the strong survive. I explain to her that complaining and sneaking around is bad. I also learn to keep secrets. So, categorically forbids Masha chewing gum, and I always buy it for my daughter. (Smiling.) This is our little secret with Masha. But in general I am a responsible dad!

- And what about personal life? Are you thinking about family?

- I am well aware that the family is a lot of work. Our family with Tanya fell apart, but we stayed in good relations. I do not regret anything and I am grateful to Tanya for what we had. And today the most important thing is that I have Masha. I live by the motto: don't give up, look to the future with positivity and be honest. Now I don't know if I want new family. Until I'm ready to create something new.

Photo: press service of the STS TV channel, from the personal archive of Ivan Zhidkov


Ivan Alekseevich Zhidkov was born on August 28, 1983 in Sverdlovsk (later Ekaterinbuog). He was only child in the family, his parents went into business after the collapse of the USSR. Because of this, they moved to Kaliningrad for several years, but later returned to Yekaterinburg. Ivan did not study well at school, so the chances of entering the Ural Polytechnic Institute seemed low.

Zhikov was brought into the acting profession by a chance: a handsome teenager was invited to star in a commercial for a computer store. When it came time to prepare for admission to a university, Ivan's father, remembering his son's successful experience, advised him to try himself at the theater institute. Ivan went to preparatory courses and soon realized that he could enter the acting department. Then he had the idea to leave hometown and conquer the capital.

After leaving school in 2000 Ivan Zhidkov moved to Moscow, where he entered the Moscow Art Theater School for a course Evgeny Kamenkovich.

The creative path of Ivan Zhidkov

Even before graduation in 2004, the legendary Oleg Tabakov drew attention to the young actor. So Ivan Zhidkov ended up in the Snuffbox, where he made his debut on stage in the role of Peter in the play The Last. A little later, Tabakov invited him to the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater for the role of Dmitry in Yu. Until 2007, Ivan managed to play a missionary in the Tabakov Theater in Sunday Super, Kennessy in Biloxi Blues, Syracusers in Overstocked Barrel and Nikolka Turbin in The White Guard on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater.

In 2007, for the sake of filming, he left the theater. Since then, he began to periodically participate in non-repertory performances: “Don't Wake the Sleeping Dog”, “Five Evenings”, “Territory of Love”. However, he did not plan to return to the repertory theater.

On the big screen Ivan Zhidkov debuted back in 2003 in Pyotr Todorovsky's film " In the constellation Bull". In 2005, he starred in several popular TV series: “Soldiers-4”, “ Vanyukhin's children"," Lethal force 6 ". In 2006, he attracted attention in the military action movie " storm gate", and then got into the melodramatic series" Love is like love».

my first leading role played in the drama of Pavel Sanaev "Kilometer Zero". She was followed by title roles in the series about hackers " Net and comedy Smile of God, or Purely Odessa History". In 2009 he played notable roles in the action movie "Rules of theft" and in the fantasy adventure "Black Lightning".

Ivan Zhidkov about his character Max in Black Lightning: “He is just naive, stupid and sincerely believes that his values ​​are correct. But it turns out that these are the wrong values, and as a result, the girl still chooses another person, and Maxim is left with nothing. And it even seems to me that I feel sorry for him at the end.

In 2010, Ivan Zhidkov starred in the first Russian 3D film "Dark World", in which he got one of the main roles - a botanist student Kostya. In 2011, several series with the participation of Ivan went on air at once: “ In love and unarmed”,“ Made in the USSR ”,“ My dear daughter ”,“ Let them talk". In addition, he starred in the action movie by Valery Todorovsky " Return to A».

For his role in the film Storm Gates, Ivan Zhidkov was awarded a medal Ministry of Defense of Russia "For the unification of military commonwealth". The role of Turbine in the Moscow Art Theater brought him the Moscow Debuts award. In 2008, he received a prize for the best male supporting role at the festival "Constellation" ("Zero Kilometer") and a prize for the best male role at the festival in Gatchina ("Smile of God, or Pure Odessa Story").

In 2012, Ivan played the main role in the drama film with Natalia Rudova and Dmitry Shevchenko " night violet", The melodramatic series "Cornflowers" with Elena Shilova and Pyotr Barancheev, the projects "Swallow's Nests about" with Tatyana Arntgolts and Yuri Stoyanov, "Give me Sunday" with Ksenia Knyazeva and Yulia Rutberg, as well as the detective-criminal TV movie "Outdoor surveillance", where he played an outdoor police officer Lyamina. In 2013, Zhidkov, in addition to filming in a number of TV series, including "The Way to a Man's Heart", " cornflowers"," For the sake of you", Appeared in the image of Ivan Karasev in a comedy film Petra Gladilina with Elena Arosyeva, Kamil Larin, Tatyana Yakovenko and Ivan Kokorin "Packed". This film won the Audience Choice Award at the Humor Festival in Gabrov, Bulgaria.

In 2014, the artist's filmography grew again with several works. The audience saw the actor in the main cast of the melodramatic series “Gyulchatay. For love" - ​​continued feature film“Gyulchatay”, where he also played Sasha Solodovnikov, projects “Love Blooms in Spring” with Daria Egorova, “Brotherly Ties” with Lyubov Bakhankova, “Prince of Siberia” with Alina Lanina. After Zhidkov's demand in the profession led him to the set of the melodrama with Margarita Adaeva "Second Marriage" (2015), a successful action-packed crime mini-series "Run! "(2016), projects" Remedy for Separation "and" Sonata for Faith", a dramatic picture with Vladimir Epifantsev and Igor Mirkurbanov" My revolution "(2016), etc.

In 2016, Ivan Zhidkov, after a six-year break, returned to the theater stage, joining the entreprise production of The Wheel of Fortune, where he was busy with Stanislav Bondarenko and Glafira Tarkhanova.

In 2017, the premiere of the melodramatic tape "Heart Failure" with the participation of Zhidkov took place on the Russia 1 channel, he also appeared in the TV series "Someone else's happiness", "I never cry". Then he joined the cast of the detective drama Caspian 24 (2018) with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Leonid Agutin, received a role in a serial medical drama from the director of Fashion Models and Commissar Elena Nikolaeva- "Lancet".

Personal life of Ivan Zhidkov

In 2006, Ivan had an affair with an actress Ekaterina Semenova but after a year life together they broke up.

March 2007 Ivan Zhidkov kept company with his friend, who met his good friend, actress Tatyana Arntgolts (“Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine”, “Marriage by will”, “Snipers: Love at gunpoint”), at the airport. The romance between Ivan and Tatyana developed rapidly, which was facilitated by the joint work in the series " Love is like love».

Ivan Zhidkov about meeting Tanya Arntgolts: “Three minutes after we met at the airport, I thought: “Oh! Why don't you marry, Vanya! .

In the 90s, Ivan and Tanya lived for seven years in Kaliningrad in neighboring houses, and later in Moscow - in neighboring hostels, had mutual friends, but met in person only 10 years later. A year later, Ivan and Tatiana got married. The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Maldives when Tanya was already pregnant with their first child. On September 15, 2009, the young couple had a daughter, Maria. In the summer of 2013, the couple divorced, maintaining friendly communication.

Starting from 2016 Ivan Zhidkov stopped hiding his relationship with Lilia Solovieva. In the summer of 2017, it became known that the couple should have a child. On October 18, 2017, Ivan announced the good news on social networks: Lilia gave birth to his son, whom the couple decided to call Stepan.

Many now know Russian actor Ivan Zhidkov. Biography, the personal life of this talented person is interesting to fans. To date, he can safely be called one of the most popular artists in Russia, he is removed from many famous Russian directors.

According to Zhidkov himself, the best paintings with his participation are Storm Gates, Kilometer Zero and Black Lightning, although other works are very memorable.

Ivan Zhidkov: biography, family, childhood

On August 28, 1983, in Sverdlovsk, present-day Yekaterinburg, a baby was born, who was named Vanya. Parents could not get enough of their son, he was their only child. After the collapse Soviet Union the head of the family, Aleksey Zhidkov, went into business, his wife helped him in everything, as a result of their work, the family lived in abundance. Due to commercial activities, they had to move to Kaliningrad, but after a while the Zhidkovs returned to Yekaterinburg again.

The biography of Ivan Zhidkov tells that acting data was seen in him back in early childhood. It was then that the little boy Vanya, whose family was in no way connected with the world of art, was offered to star in a commercial for a computer store. Parents already noticed the artistry of their son and advised him to enter the theater school after graduation, but Ivan wanted to become a businessman like his father.

It is not known how the fate of the guy would have developed if it were not for the triples in the certificate, he did not study well, so he did not enter the economic university of Yekaterinburg. Having listened to the opinion of his parents, Ivan goes to Moscow and successfully passes exams at the Moscow Art Theater School for the acting department.

theater stage

The biography of Ivan Zhidkov is very interesting, because from the very beginning the fate of the actor was destined for the guy. While still a student, Oleg Tabakov himself managed to discern his talent, and he offered young Ivan the debut role of Peter in the play "The Last".

In 2004, a young handsome artist graduated from the Moscow Art Theater and ended up in the Tabakerka, where he worked until 2007. Then Zhidkov decided to change the theater stage to the film set and never regretted it. From time to time he plays in private performances, but he does not think about a serious return to the world of theater, the cinema turned out to be closer to the actor.

Film actor career

Now it has become famous actor Ivan Zhidkov, his biography shows that even his first film roles were very successful and gave him an excellent start in his career as a film actor.

His film debut was In the Constellation of the Bull, in which he starred in 2003, during his student years. After this work, there were roles in such popular TV series as "Children of Vanyukhin", "Soldiers-4", "Deadly Force-6". In 2006, the film Storm Gates was released, after participating in this sensational action movie, Ivan Zhidkov became a prominent person in cinema. The actor played the first major role in the film "Zero Kilometer", after which he was regularly offered to play the heroes of the first plan. Zhidkov likes to act in short series and multi-part films, but he does not want to take part in "long-playing" projects.

Ivan Zhidkov: biography, personal life

In 2006, aspiring actor Ivan Zhidkov met Katya Semenova, who was also already a theater and film actress then. A flame of love flared up between young people. They began to live together, but love did not last long, a year later the couple broke up, without having time to register their relationship.

The biography of Ivan Zhidkov shows that almost immediately after breaking up with Catherine, at the end of 2007, Ivan Zhidkov accidentally met actress Tatyana Arntgolts. As the actor himself recalls, after a few minutes of dating, he was sure that he would marry beautiful girl. In addition, Ivan and Tatyana began joint work in the series "Love is Love." The romance between them developed very quickly, after a year of romantic courtship, the couple got married and went to the Maldives to spend their honeymoon.

During the honeymoon, the young wife was already in position; on September 15, 2009, Tatyana gave birth to Ivan's daughter Masha.

It would seem so beautiful famous couple can not part, but it did not work out as planned. Love passed, at first Arntgolts and Zhidkov simply stopped living together, and on January 31, 2014 they officially filed for divorce. On the day of the divorce, both actors were on the set, as this procedure was a mere formality for them.

Masha stayed with her mother, but when Tatyana is busy filming, the girl stays with her dad, the benefit of the apartment former spouses located close to each other. If both parents are busy, then Ivan's mother from Yekaterinburg comes to the rescue, or Masha goes to another grandparents - to Kaliningrad, where Tanya's parents live. The girl does not suffer because of the divorce of her father and mother, as they have maintained friendly relations and do not harbor resentment against each other.

Interesting facts from the life of Ivan Zhidkov

Biography of Ivan Zhidkov, like everyone else famous person, very interesting, especially for fans of his talent. Some interesting facts from the life of this famous actor are now in front of you:

  • At the age of 12, Vanya looked younger than his years, others believed that he was still small, and he was 8-9 years old. The girls did not pay attention to him at all, now it is very difficult to believe it, looking at the stately handsome man.
  • The actor's favorite book is Stendhal, Red and Black.
  • Zhidkov's favorite writer is Jack London.
  • Favorite movie - "Diamond Arm".
  • Favorite actor - Yevgeny Mironov.
  • For filming in the film "The Smile of God, or Purely Odessa History" Ivan Zhidkov left work in the theater in 2007.
  • Ivan and Tanya Arntgolts in the nineties lived in Kaliningrad in neighboring houses, after some time in the capital, the future spouses lived in neighboring hostels, they had a lot of mutual friends, but they met only after ten years.

In his interview, OK! a year ago famous actor Ivan Zhidkov said he was not ready for a new novel, and now...

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

He met Lily quite by accident when he discovered a new social network for himself: he saw a pretty girl, wrote - and she answered ...

Circumstances developed in such a way that we had to conduct a photo session for this material twice. For the second time, we were looking for a window in the actor’s schedule for a long time: Ivan is now actively acting in films, often at night, and it was not easy for him to find time. Therefore, the first thing I wanted to ask the actor is how he reacts to emergency situations.

Ivan, doesn't it annoy you when things don't go according to plan?

An unexpected question. ( Smiling.) I try to remove all irritants from my life. Irritation is senseless self-destruction. Although I was on my way to a meeting with you and realized that I was late, because I was stuck in a traffic jam and I couldn’t do anything. You probably think that I am to blame, but I thought that everyone who was with me on the road was to blame. These things sometimes piss me off, but still I quickly calm down. Especially since I was very lucky with the parking space. ( Smiling.) As for our re-shoot, that's part of my job. And I love work.

Are you always so calm and self-possessed at work?

It is completely pointless to waste your nerve cells here. It happens with filming: you arrive at the site early in the morning, and you are called to the frame only in the evening. But I get paid for the whole day of shooting, so I just do my job. I consider myself a very unpretentious artist. For example, I know that on all Russian movie sets very poorly fed - almost once a day, and even then in such a way that it is better not to eat. There are always people outraged about this. I never say anything, but I take care of my food myself: I order food from a cafe or bring it with me from home. And I've been living like this for five or six years. The point is that there is always something in life that can be annoying, but sometimes it's just pointless to pay attention to it. negative emotions completely unproductive. If you want to correct some situation, then it is better to correct it with deeds, and not with shouts - I think so.

You said you bring food from home. Are you preparing yourself?

I used to cook myself, but then I realized that it takes a lot of time. Now there are so many high-quality and inexpensive catering services that ... In general, as far as food is concerned, a lot has changed in our city: you can eat in cafes and restaurants for absolutely reasonable money. I also often use delivery services - both regular food and sports nutrition. But I always eat well. I think it's important.

And, apparently, you are actively involved in sports.

I am engaged. Naturally, this is not a professional sport. It would be more correct to say - physical education. ( smiling.) Every morning I run, I often go to gym.

You have shootings, sports, your girlfriend, communication with your daughter ... How do you allocate your time?

I have a really busy schedule right now. The point is to systematize all these things. For example, my “waking up” in the morning takes about an hour. I get up, drink a glass of water with honey, do push-ups, put on a tracksuit, run three kilometers, douse ice water, do yoga, and then eat porridge. This is what I do every day.

In any season and in any weather?

The weather has never bothered me. If only the hurricane didn’t blow it away, otherwise it doesn’t matter at all. ( Smiling.) Not that this is a principled position, it's just how I live. I listen to my body, and if I understand that it’s better not to do something, then I don’t do it. I just want to live well. With age, to look good, you have to do something. You know, if you don’t take care of yourself at thirty-two, then you can be at all ... ( Shows what you can be.) When you do something systematically, it gives a sustainable result. And most importantly, it brings me pleasure.

But you are not one of the fans - propagandists of a healthy lifestyle?

(smiling.) First, I'm not perfect. Five years ago, I led a completely different lifestyle. Secondly, everyone is responsible for himself. Everyone has their own life and their own choice. In general, the best propaganda is a silent example. The results of some of your actions can become a motivation for others.

It seems to me that others are more likely to say something along the lines of: “Oh, you are lucky with nature ...”

They often say this to me: “Oh, you are lucky, eat like crazy.” And I usually answer this like this: “Yes, I was lucky with nature.” ( smiling.)

Does your girlfriend Lily also go to the gym?

Now she has become more involved in sports, otherwise she is ashamed, you see. And it is right. So why does she need a gym? She is still small, she is only twenty-three.

Somehow you said it like a father. Are you bringing up?

(laughing.) No, I don't educate. But for the first time I have a relationship with a girl who is much younger than me. Usually the girls were older.

What is Lily doing?

Lily is a student. And in general, she, in my opinion, is in search of herself.

But she's not an actress?

No. Her mother is a businesswoman, and she invites Lily to do business too. But Lilya is not interested in this, but she is interested in communicating with people. Perhaps it will take her to this side.

How did you meet?

Saying "accidentally" is an understatement. I registered on the Periscope network and sat studying how it works, poking at different links and watching broadcasts different people. And then I see: a pretty girl. Well, he wrote to her: "Hi, I'm Vanya." She answered, we talked, met - and now. ( Smiling.)

Did she recognize you then?

Oh, I don't even remember. I don't think I knew. Only later, when I opened Instagram, I realized.

Have you, as a divorced person, reconsidered your views on relationships with girls?

I’m here, you know what I was thinking about ... About the fact that times have changed a lot with us. Are you looking at any happy family and you think: “Lord, they love each other so much, wow!” Then some time passes, and these same people already hate each other fiercely. That is, love is something transient. With the advent of social networks and smartphones, a real revolution has occurred in the field of communications.

Is this good or bad?

It's just a fact. And the relationship between a man and a woman has also changed a lot. We, the children of the Soviets, are dragging along the trail of the attitudes of that time. I look at my acquaintances and as an example I can’t cite a single Soviet strong family. In our acting circles, in my opinion, there are none at all. Time has changed, needs and the very concept of the family have changed. A story in the spirit of “they got married and went through life together” is already the exception rather than the rule, and some incredible rarity. I think my family was still... ( Thinking.) Tanya and I (actress Tatyana Arntgolts. - Note. OK!) married with the same attitude as our parents: together for life. But this time, this profession, this life...

...and your publicity?

And this too. Everything played its part. We parted peacefully. But now I doubt the need for a family in the sense in which we used to think about it. What function, following tradition, does a woman perform in a family? She cooks, takes care of the children, her appearance and so on. Now no one has been cooking food for a long time, and there’s nothing to say about sex - it’s generally like buying a can of cola. That is, the functions of a woman as a wife are reduced to zero. they are compensated by quite affordable services. And it's the same for women. Everything is equal: women earn on a par with men. Therefore, when people in a couple begin to get used to each other or they have difficulties, they think: “Why fight this? It's better to disperse and find others."

How is your relationship with Lily?

We have an honest relationship: Lilya knows that I don’t see myself in the registry office, with diapers and so on. I see myself as self-sufficient a free man who can be in a relationship with a woman and be responsible for them - this is another format. Marriage is a stamp, and a stamp is a tough formality that, apart from a headache, gives nothing to anyone.

Don't you think that this is somehow very Moscow-like and that everything is different in the regions?

I agree with you. When you live in Moscow and see all this, you think: “Probably, this is how the whole country lives.” But you come to other cities and you understand that the country lives in a different way, although the echoes of metropolitan life reach there too. Now I'm talking about Moscow and others big cities a world where the wonders of civilization and progress rages.

What a bleak picture. You have a daughter, after all. Are you scared for her?

(Shrugs.) I must love my daughter. I have to help my daughter. Everything else is her life. I know families in which a "boy" of my age cannot even take a step without his mother. What is this? Parents who take on too much responsibility for their child are doing the child a disservice. Because it's his life, not theirs. Parents must educate, invest correct settings and always support. And then the child must live by his own mind.

Ivan, do Lilya and Masha already know each other?

Yes, of course, I introduced them. Everything is fine here: Masha is an insanely sociable, cheerful comrade. She is now six and a half years old, and she already has a pronounced artistic character. Starting next year, she will go to a music school, because she has an excellent ear. It is still difficult to talk about her voice, it will still change, but I think she also has a predisposition to vocals.

And if she wants to become an actress, will you mind?

She herself says: “Dad, I want to be an actress” - she is very interested in this. And I will respect any of her choices, the child must make it himself. Everyone needs to do their own thing, everyone needs to find themselves. The most great luck in life when it works. Now it seems to me that acting or another creative profession is Mashkin's future. And if she chooses him, I will only be glad.

But what about the common fear about a silent phone?

AT acting profession everyone is afraid of a silent phone, and in another area, probably, there is some kind of fad ... There is no such profession that would allow you to be in chocolate. We all live in the same conditions.

You are now in full swing filming. Tell us where we will see you?

Not a single day of rest! Here we are now talking to you, and this is my "dump" day. I'm doing a movie called Karpman's Triangle and I'm glad I got a role in it. ( smiling.) I play a dodik who is brought to white heat, and in the end he takes a sawn-off shotgun and turns into a predator. Plus, I will soon go to Kyiv to shoot a new romantic comedy.

Are you playing in the theater yet?

I have not played in the theater for a long time ... Recently I began to play in an enterprise, and I like it so much! I travel around the country, meet with the audience, and, you know, some people love me very much. ( smiling.)

Wow, and recently one actor in our conversation with him scolded entreprises ...

What is an enterprise? This is a commercial show. And some commercial performance is good, and some not so good. It's just that some people refer to entreprises as the easy way earn, and then an incomprehensible product is made. I faced this - I had to leave. In general, the entreprise, in my opinion, is the most beautiful format in which everything can be done very efficiently and with dignity.

You seem to take things lightly. Did they never give up?

It was like that. I will soon be thirty-three years old. I started early enough adulthood: at the age of sixteen he left his father's house and began to live on his own. And of course, there were thoughts that it might be better to change profession and do something else. But in the end I realized that I was doing what I had to do. It's my business, I can do it. And I get it.

Style: Ekaterina Troshko

Makeup: Natalya Kuzmina, Irina Grishina

Hairstyles: Danila Mileev/Kérastase, Natalya Ekimova/Goldwell

More than a year has passed since the dissolution of the marriage of Ivan and Tatyana. And if reporters stubbornly attribute an affair with Arntgolts to his colleague Grigory Antipenko, then Zhidkov admits that he is still alone. Recently, journalists tried to bring him together with actress Ekaterina Semenova, but Ivan denied this information. " I'm just friends with Katya, I don't meet anyone", - assured the publication OK! Zhidkov.


After the divorce, the actor continues to communicate with ex-wife. "We remained on good terms with Tanya, we often see each other, we common child. As for the reasons ... Masha, my daughter, recently asked me: "Dad, why did you and your mother part?" I say: "Mash, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered." And I think it's trite, but... it's true. Just apparently our relationship was programmed for a not very long period - six years", suggested Ivan.

According to Zhidkov, parting with Arntgolts was inevitable. “It seems to me that when something goes wrong, neither the child nor the stamp in the passport will hold. And better for the child live in a family where they don’t quarrel, even if it is incomplete, than in one where mom and dad are formally together, but there is no mutual understanding, "Ivan reasoned.

Recall that the actors divorced at the beginning of last year. The initiator of the gap was Tatyana: it was she who filed for divorce. Prior to this, the couple was considered exemplary, so the message of their separation sounded like a bolt from the blue. It turned out that the relationship ended six months before the court officially recognized it.

“We had something to share, but we agreed on everything in advance,” Ivan told StarHit. “Our common apartment remained with Tanya, she lives there with her daughter Masha. The apartment where I live is not far, so I see my daughter every week. She stays with me if Tanya is on the set.".