Ovulation aids.  Stimulation of ovulation.  How to stimulate ovulation with drugs.  Negative effects of ovulation stimulation

Ovulation aids. Stimulation of ovulation. How to stimulate ovulation with drugs. Negative effects of ovulation stimulation

A woman's ovaries have a supply of follicles that she receives at birth. Every month, as a result of the maturation and rupture of the follicle, an egg is released from it. Ready for fertilization, she enters the fallopian tube. It is here that fertilization takes place, after which the egg continues its journey to the uterus. The release of the egg from the follicle (graafian vesicle) is called ovulation.

Lack of ovulation excludes the possibility of conception. In some cases, the release of the egg is provoked by medical methods. Such artificial stimulation allows women to conceive in whom pregnancy does not occur naturally.

What is artificial stimulation of the ovulation process?

The work of the reproductive system of the female body can be activated artificially. Drug exposure leads to the growth and maturation of follicles. Treatment is aimed at strengthening the functioning of the ovaries. At the same time, the production of hormones responsible for the maturation of the follicle, the formation of a healthy egg suitable for fertilization and its release from the follicle increases. In the natural state, several follicles mature in the body at once, but only one of them goes through the process to the end and produces a dominant egg.

The production of the necessary hormones occurs not only in the ovaries, but also in the pituitary gland, which is affected by the hormones of the hypothalamus. Accordingly, drugs that affect any of these organs can be used. Pituitary hormones directly affect the functioning of the ovaries, and hypothalamic hormones act on the pituitary gland, stimulating the production of hormones for the ovaries.

The effectiveness of such treatment is manifested only if the woman does not ovulate. Infertility with other causes is not affected by the procedure. Artificial stimulation of ovulation is not a harmless process at all, it can cause side reactions. In addition, ovulation is not yet a guarantee of pregnancy. In this regard, stimulation is carried out only if there are specific indications for its implementation.

Indications for the procedure

It makes sense to conduct stimulating events if a woman does not ovulate, or it occurs very rarely. The procedure is also prescribed for in vitro fertilization. In this case, it is necessary even when the cycle is not broken, and the follicles mature normally.

They also resort to the procedure when, for one reason or another, it is required to conceive 2 or 3 babies at once. Stimulation leads to the maturation of several follicles at once and their simultaneous ovulation.

If a woman is to have her ovaries removed, artificial stimulation is also often used before the operation. This allows you to get several healthy eggs that can be frozen and later used for fertilization.

Are there any contraindications for ovulation stimulation?

Such a serious effect on the body has a number of contraindications:

  1. Polycystic. At the same time, several follicles mature in the body every month, but they do not break through, and ovulation does not occur. Stimulation can only enhance the process and cause significant harm to the female body.
  2. You can not use the method during menopause. Theoretically, the introduction of hormones can stimulate the formation of an egg, but the pituitary gland and ovaries may not respond to the introduction of drugs. In addition, a late child, conceived at such a mature age, may be born with pathologies.
  3. Hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the components of the drugs.
  4. It does not make sense to stimulate ovulation in case of endometrial diseases, as well. the embryo will still not be able to gain a foothold and develop normally in the uterus.
  5. The procedure is not indicated for tumor diseases of any of the female genital organs, as well as the pituitary gland, hypothalamus and thyroid gland.

How is the procedure?

Before starting ovulation stimulation, a woman needs to undergo a thorough examination. According to its results, the necessity and possibility of carrying out the procedure, possible additional measures are determined. At this stage, diseases that prevent the effective application of the technique are detected. Often, a survey of a man is required, because. with a low quality of sperm for the onset of pregnancy, a woman is prescribed additional procedures.

Preliminary examination (instrumental and laboratory)

A preliminary examination is aimed at identifying the patient's diseases, the possibility of pregnancy after stimulation, and assessing the general condition of the body. Research is divided into instrumental and laboratory.

Instrumental research methods include:

  1. Consultation with a therapist to find out if a woman can give birth. In this case, the doctor prescribes the types of examination that are required for this patient.
  2. An electrocardiogram is mandatory.
  3. Fluorography.
  4. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, chest.
  5. Examination of the fallopian tubes - radiography using a contrast agent, ultrasound with the introduction of saline, laparoscopic examination through punctures in the abdominal wall or perturbation - blowing the fallopian tubes with carbon dioxide. The research method is chosen by the doctor, based on the patient's condition.
  6. Folliculometry - monitoring the work of the ovaries in one or more cycles using ultrasound.

Laboratory research methods include:

  • general clinical blood and urine tests;
  • blood tests for dangerous infectious diseases: HIV, syphilis, hepatitis;
  • analyzes of smears from the cervical canal and vagina;
  • tests for chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, etc.;
  • determination of the content of sex hormones in the blood: FSH, LH, estradiol, prolactin, testosterone.

Scheme selection

There are 3 main schemes for ovulation stimulation:

  1. With the help of Clostilbegit - a dual-use drug. With a lack of estrogen in the body, an estrogenic effect occurs, with its excess, an antiestrogenic effect is observed.
  2. With the help of gonadotropins - hormones produced by the pituitary gland and placenta. The drugs are injected directly into the ovary and induce the growth of multiple follicles.
  3. The combined scheme involves the phased application of both methods with a decrease in the total amount of hormones administered.

Main steps

When choosing the first scheme, drugs to stimulate ovulation, such as Klostilbegit and Clomid, are taken from the 2nd day of the cycle in the form of tablets. The course lasts 5 days, the maturation of the follicles is controlled by ultrasound. Then, in the middle of the cycle, the woman is injected with human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to initiate the removal of the egg from the follicle.

The second ovulation stimulation scheme involves the use of gonadotropins in the form of injections. The injection is made daily at the same time, starting from 2-3 days from the beginning of menstruation. At the same time, due to the effect of the drug, the artificial development of the follicle is similar to the natural one. The process is controlled by ultrasound. At the same time, the state of the endometrium, the uniformity of the growth of follicles are evaluated, the occurrence of cysts is excluded. In the middle of the cycle, hCG is also introduced.

Stimulation according to the third scheme begins with the intake of Clostilbegit, then injections of gonadotropin are made for 5-7 days. To release the egg, hCG is administered, then sexual intercourse is necessary for 2 days. After that, progesterone is prescribed to maintain the functioning of the corpus luteum.

Methods Used

To achieve the desired pregnancy, various methods are used. In addition to using drugs to get pregnant, you can use herbs, vitamins, use folk remedies. All these methods that cause ovulation and make it possible to become pregnant have a different effect.

Tablets can not be prescribed to yourself on your own, and folk remedies are quite applicable at home. In addition, harmful consequences after them occur less frequently.


Stimulation of reproductive activity with medicines can accelerate the onset of pregnancy in an average of 50% of cases. The following are the main drugs used in medical practice:

  1. Clostilbegit is the most effective remedy. Produced in the form of tablets, it has a number of contraindications. For a lifetime, the medicine can be used only in 6 cycles.
  2. Letrozole is an alternative to Clostilbegit if the latter is contraindicated. The action is less long and strong, but the drug does not give side reactions.
  3. Gonal is a very powerful follicle-stimulating hormone. Stimulation of ovulation with Gonal is used when other drugs have not helped. Gonal is available in the form of a powder and a syringe pen. Analogues of Gonal are drugs containing FSH Menogon and Puregon.
  4. Duphaston is an analogue of progesterone produced in the body. Affects the endometrium, contributing to the onset of conception.

Traditional medicine

Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies is quite effective and does not violate the hormonal background. To stimulate the growth of follicles, it is recommended to take an infusion of sage containing phytoestrogens and promoting the maturation of the follicle from 5 to 14 days after the start of menstruation. In the second half of the cycle, the upland uterus will help. The decoction of the herb is rich in progesterone.

Improves follicle growth and decoction of psyllium seeds. Effective for accelerating the onset of pregnancy infusions of rose petals, knotweed herbs.

Despite the high efficiency and relative safety of ovulation stimulation with folk remedies, it is impossible to use them without the consent of a doctor. Any method of stimulation is permissible only after a thorough examination.

Vitamins and special diet

There are other ways to induce pregnancy. By what means can this be done? First of all, by changing the diet, including the necessary foods and vitamins in it.

Certain food groups lead to an intensification of estrogen production. These include: hard cheeses, quail eggs, natural cow's milk (not from the store). For this purpose, apples, carrots, tomatoes and cucumbers, beans, dates and pomegranates are suitable. Pumpkin seeds, linseed oil and wheat germ are also useful. In addition to the stimulating effect, these products will saturate the body with natural vitamins and lead to its recovery.

Effective oils and mud baths

Mud treatment will help bring conception closer if the cause of trouble is an inflammatory process. Mud applications extinguish inflammation, help restore the functions of the female reproductive system. You can buy such a remedy at any pharmacy. Sanatorium treatment in places where mud is mined in its natural form will give an even more tangible result. However, this tool is very strong and has contraindications, so it can only be used in consultation with the gynecologist.

Stimulate the production of hormones baths with essential oils. For them, anise and rose, sage and basil, cypress, as well as fragrant lavender are used.

What are the consequences after the procedure?

Pregnancy after ovulation stimulation does not always occur. In addition, the technique carries serious health risks.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is necessarily used in treatment regimens, has a strictly defined time in the natural cycle. As soon as the result is achieved, the pituitary gland stops its production. However, in the schemes according to which stimulation is carried out, the female body receives FSH for much longer, which leads to stimulation of superovulation. This is done in order for more follicular elements to mature. With IVF, this is necessary in order to select the healthiest cells for conception.

Increasingly, women are turning to the gynecologist with problems with conception. But medicine does not stand still, it is constantly developing, so the desired pregnancy can occur after treatment with special drugs that stimulate ovulation.

Most often, the inability to become pregnant is associated with the absence of ovulation as such or with its irregular course. There may be several reasons for this:

  1. Diseases of the pelvic organs of an infectious and inflammatory nature (salpingoophoritis, ovaries, etc.).
  2. Too little weight of a woman, usually less than 48 kg, at which there is an insufficient production of sex hormones, which leads to a lack of ovulation and amenorrhea.
  3. Hormonal changes in the body due to stress, overweight (when the body mass index is more than 25), with certain thyroid diseases (hypo- or hyperthyroidism), etc.
  4. Long-term use of oral contraceptives. In this case, the body ceases to produce hormones on its own, and it sometimes takes several months to fully restore this ability.
  5. Excessive physical activity can also negatively affect ovulation, especially if it is associated with the use of synthetic sports nutrition supplements. These drugs have a very negative effect on the female reproductive system.

In what cases is stimulation needed and when it is not carried out

It is possible when a couple cannot conceive a child for a year. If the woman's age is 35+, then this period can be reduced to six months. In any case, a thorough diagnosis is necessary (preferably both partners) to identify the true causes of infertility and make a decision on stimulation.
In particular, the following diagnostic studies are carried out:

  1. Collecting a patient's medical history, which takes into account her age, the presence / absence of abortions and pregnancies, miscarriages, chronic diseases, wearing an intrauterine device, etc.
  2. The patency of the fallopian tubes is checked. For this, non-operative and operational methods are used. The first include metrosalpingography (X-ray examination). A variation is ultrasonic metrosalpingography, when the patency of the tubes is examined with the help of a contrast agent and ultrasound equipment. These methods are not universal, they have their drawbacks, such as the harmfulness of radiation and possible errors in the result. For a more accurate diagnosis, an operational study is used, but giving the most reliable results.
  3. The usual ultrasound examination, which can show possible inflammatory, polycystic, various neoplasms and other pathologies of the female reproductive system.
  4. In some cases, ovulatory failures can occur due to hormonal disorders, so donating blood to determine the amount of female sex hormones is a prerequisite. At the same time, it is recommended to conduct studies of the activity of the thyroid gland, since this organ has a direct impact on female fertility.
  5. The spermogram of the partner should also be carried out, since sometimes the reason for the lack of pregnancy may be insufficient mobility and viability of spermatozoa.
  6. Partner compatibility test. If the results are unfavorable, the doctor may suggest artificial insemination.

It should be noted that contraindications to stimulation are inflammatory diseases of the uterus and (or) ovaries, tubes, adjacent organs and systems (urinary, gastrointestinal tract), hormonal fluctuations, the onset of menopause or the preclimatic period.

After diagnostic measures and in the absence of absolute contraindications, the gynecologist decides on the appointment of drugs that stimulate ovulation.

Ovulation Stimulation Methods

Stimulation of ovulation is possible with the help of drug therapy (pharmaceutical preparations), as well as using folk recipes and non-traditional methods of treatment.

Pharmaceutical preparations to stimulate ovulation

Vitamins and trace elements

Stimulation of ovulation is impossible without taking vitamin complexes and beneficial trace elements. True “female” vitamins include E, A, B (folic acid is required), C. Vitamin D is also recommended, especially for women living in areas where sunny days are rare.

Stimulation of follicle maturation with vitamin E

Vitamin A helps follicles and regulates the amount of cervical fluid.
B vitamins are recommended to be taken both at the planning stage of pregnancy and during it, as they not only prolong the luteal phase of the cycle, promote endometrial growth and egg maturation, but also eliminate toxicosis during pregnancy, prevent miscarriages and help healthy development of the fetus.
Vitamin E stimulates maturation, “supports” ovulation itself and increases the production of progesterone, which is especially useful for deficiency of this hormone.
Vitamin C contributes to the normalization of hormonal levels, and also serves as a means of preventing the development of DNA abnormalities in the unborn fetus.
Also, when preparing for pregnancy, it is advisable to monitor the sufficient intake of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body. They are found in highest concentrations in fatty fish, synthetic fish oils, and linseed and olive oils.
The means to stimulate ovulation also include preparations containing selenium, zinc and iron.

Specialized pills that stimulate ovulation.

Clostilbegit is a drug designed to enhance the maturation of follicles. This effect can cause multiple pregnancy. An interesting fact is that the pharmacological action of the drug has not been fully studied, since it was originally developed as a contraceptive. But the effect turned out to be the opposite, so Clostilbegit is currently successfully used to treat infertility, with both partners.
The drug may not be taken independently, but with auxiliary means. The classic pattern is:

  • 5-9 days of the cycle, 1 tablet of Clostilbegit per day (provided that only one remedy is taken);
  • if Puregon is prescribed in parallel, then Klostilbegit begins to be taken from the 3rd day of the cycle and ends on the 7th. From the 8th day of the cycle, they begin to drink Puregon. In this case, constant monitoring by ultrasound is necessary. As soon as the follicle reaches 18 mm in diameter, these drugs are canceled and Pregnyl is prescribed, which supports the maturation of the eggs. After that, there comes a favorable time for conception.

Ovarian stimulation drugs can be taken no more than 5 times in a lifetime to avoid atrophy of the reproductive system.

Gonal-F is a drug produced in the form of a powder for injection and used in the planning of IVF (in vitro fertilization), as well as in case of ineffectiveness of other methods of treatment. The drug is administered subcutaneously, the dosage is determined by the doctor individually. Of the pluses, one can single out its effectiveness, of the minuses - the high cost and complexity of application.

Stimulation of ovulation with folk remedies

Simultaneously with drug therapy or as an independent treatment, traditional medicine methods can be used. The most common of these is phytotherapy (herbal treatment).

  1. Sage - used when the lack of ovulation is associated with a lack of estrogen.
  2. Upland uterus - used for lack of progesterone. Prevents miscarriages.
  3. Red brush - can be used simultaneously with sage or hogweed.
  4. Plantain, rose petals, and aloe are also widely used.

The advantages of herbal medicine are relative safety and low cost, the disadvantages are the duration of treatment. It should be remembered that phytotherapy is still a treatment, and herbs are medicines, so a doctor's consultation is required.
Read more about ovulation stimulation with folk methods.

Alternative therapy

  1. Therapeutic mud also stimulates ovulation, they are recommended in cases where there are diseases of the character. Therapeutic muds relieve inflammation (they are especially effective in chronic diseases), restore impaired reproductive functions.

You can buy such a remedy at a pharmacy, it only needs to be warmed up a little and applied to the stomach at the level of the ovaries. If possible, you can go to a sanatorium specializing in mud therapy, or a suitable resort (for example, Saki).

  1. Stimulation of ovulation with acupuncture is a rather controversial area of ​​medicine, however, there are many cases where the impact on acupuncture points had a positive effect in the treatment of infertility. The complexity of this method lies in the fact that it will take a lot of time to find a professional who specializes in the treatment of female infertility with acupuncture.

All of these methods of restoring ovulatory function are effective. However, they cannot be used randomly. A doctor's consultation is necessary, as well as an extensive and comprehensive diagnosis of both partners.

Pregnancy does not always occur on the first wish. Sometimes a woman is forced to resort to drugs to conceive a child. Let's look at them in more detail.

Pregnancy- this is a special state of the female body, when an embryo is constantly growing and developing in her reproductive organs - fetus. It occurs as a result of the union of the germ cells of a woman and a man in the fallopian tube. As a result of this, a zygote is formed, which consists of 46 chromosomes. As for the sex of the unborn child, it will depend on the set of human sex chromosomes - this is “ XX" or " XY» chromosomes.

The egg cell carries only the X chromosome, and the spermatozoa carry the X or Y chromosome, in the ratio 50 to 50. In such cases, the sex of the unborn child will be determined precisely by the male chromosomes that are in the spermatozoa. In cases of the advantage of the X chromosome, the child will be born a female, and in the case of the Y chromosome, a male.

The normal gestation period for a healthy woman is 9 months (about forty weeks), which is divided into three phases - three trimesters during which certain changes occur in the female body. The fact of the presence of pregnancy is established by a number of specific signs.

In obstetrics, two types of pregnancy are distinguished: pathological and physiological. Any normal pregnancy ends with a birth act, after which a child is born. In cases of multiple pregnancy - several babies.

What are the ways to get pregnant?

To achieve this goal, a wide variety of egg fertilization methods are used, ranging from natural to taking certain pharmacological drugs or artificial insemination. It is about some of these drugs will be discussed.

Some drugs help in conceiving a child

No matter what, women are forbidden to independently select any medicines and means in order to become pregnant. Any information about drugs is provided for reading and general information only. In no case should it be used as a guide to independent action. Every moment of planning and carrying out the conception of a child must be discussed and agreed with a personal gynecologist.

In the event that a girl who wants to become a mother fails to get pregnant naturally (through sexual intercourse with a man), most often the doctor prescribes special drugs to her that are designed to stimulate the fertilization process, as well as for further successful implantation of the fetal egg into the uterus.

Varieties of drugs with which you can get pregnant

Problems due to which a woman cannot become pregnant can be very diverse. Therefore, drugs that help get pregnant are also divided into different types of purpose:

  • drugs follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones (FSH and LH),
  • progesterone and hCG preparations.

Drugs are prescribed depending on the cause of infertility

In general, a normal healthy woman, in order to get pregnant, must be correctly performed three main conditions:

1) implementation of the ovulation process;

2) the sperm of the sexual partner must fertilize the egg;

3) the embryo should be well fixed in the uterus.

Based on this, we can give the designation of the above drugs:

1) FSH and LH drugs help to get pregnant by stimulating the process of ovulation. They are responsible for the growth of follicles on the ovaries;

2) HCG preparations help the largest follicle to maintain its volume and help bring the egg to the sperm, which is obliged to fertilize it;

3) Progesterone necessary to prepare the inner layer of the uterus, to fix the embryo on it. Also, it helps to safely bear the fetus, without harming it.

Who needs the ovulation stimulation process?

If you have long been interested in the question “Why can’t you get pregnant?”, Then you need to contact the clinic for an answer and undergo a special examination. It is desirable if your soulmate does the same. This will help you quickly identify the cause of your problem.

Most likely, the doctor will prescribe you drugs to stimulate ovulation.

Reasons why you need to take them:

  • if your attempts to get pregnant are unsuccessful, throughout the year;
  • if you or your spouse is older than 35-40 years old and you cannot get pregnant within six months.

If you were going to take certain pills that help you get pregnant, get your fallopian tubes checked first. This process will allow you to avoid unwanted ectopic pregnancy.

FSH and LH preparations, the purpose of which is successful ovulation

Under the influence FSH drug on the female ovary, sacs begin to grow rapidly on the surface of the ovary - follicles, in which 1 egg matures. In order to stimulate their growth, most often prescribe such medical preparations:

  • Puregon. It is included in the list of gonadotropic drugs, as it promotes the production of female sex hormones (FSH and LH) by the pituitary gland. Puregon helps the ovaries grow some of the follicles that will be needed when ovulation occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. This drug is also suitable for ovulation stimulation and for natural (natural) and artificial conception in the IVF program.
  • Clostilbegit - these are pills that also help to conceive a child. It improves the production of hormones in the pituitary gland to stimulate the growth of follicles (FSH); and to stimulate the process of ovulation (luteinizing hormone), to release the egg from the follicle, and prolactin - in order to produce milk, in the mammary glands of the expectant mother. Judging by the instructions, these pills should not be taken more than 5 or 6 times in a lifetime. Otherwise, early exhaustion of the ovaries may occur. in such cases, pregnancy will definitely be impossible, because all the woman's eggs will be used up. The maturation of the egg is stimulated due to clostilbegit from the 5th to the 9th day after the start of the menstrual cycle. Take these medicines one at a time once a day. If the results of ultrasound showed that the endometrium is thinner than 8 mm, then this drug should not be used to stimulate the ovulation process. Clostilbegit contributes to a negative effect on the growth of the endometrium. In cases where it is very thin, it will be quite difficult for the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterus and it will be almost impossible to get pregnant.
  • Menogon and others. It compensates for the lack of sex hormones such as FSH and LH. This process, of course, is what increases the concentration of female hormones - estrogens. As a result, the follicles that are located on the ovaries begin to grow intensively. As for the inner layer of the uterus (endometrium), it grows over time and begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy.

Menogon stimulates follicle growth

All gonadotropins that activate the pituitary gland (including puregon and menogon) must be taken on the 2nd day, after the onset of menstrual bleeding. The duration of admission is 10 days. Before you start taking these drugs and the course of treatment with them, you need to adjust with your doctor.

All these medications will help to get pregnant if the cause of infertility is precisely established. But you need to remember that they are selected individually for each woman, depending on her test results and ultrasound.

HCG-type drugs that help get pregnant

In cases where the results ultrasound showed that the follicles have the required size, or have grown to 20–25 mm, then in order to achieve the goal of becoming a mother, the doctor prescribes special injections to the woman HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin. They are also hormonal drugs that will help you get pregnant. hcg it is allowed to enter only a day after taking puregon, menogon, and other similar drugs. Drugs that contain the hormone hCG: "Pregnil", "Profazi", "Horagon", "Gonakor" and others.

Pregnyl contains HCG

Preparations with a hormone hcg given in one shot. Within a day after its introduction, ovulation begins to occur. In order for this drug to help well, it is advisable to have sex the day before the injection and after 24 hours after it.

Products containing progesterone

If you and your doctor are doing everything right, and you have received the necessary treatment with the above drugs, then in the future you will need to start taking drugs that contain progesterone. They help "fix" the pregnancy. The list of such substances includes "Duphaston" and many others progestin tablets. They are appointed only on an individual basis.

How to get pregnant on duphaston?

If we talk about how this drug differs from similar ones, then we can say that Duphaston(dydrogesterone, dufaston) is a hormonal drug that practically does not carry any serious side effects.

Duphaston is a tablet for oral use. Dydrogesterone is the active substance of this drug, and progestogen- analogue of natural progesterone . Duphaston has no androgenic, estrogenic and corticoid effect. It is not able to change thermogenesis, so the presence and course of ovulation can be calculated by monitoring measurements of a woman's basal body temperature.

This hormonal substance does not affect the girl's metabolism. There are practically no side effects, except for rare bleeding. In cases of their occurrence, it is necessary to increase the dose of dydrogesterone. Sometimes, in some women there is an increased sensitivity to such a drug.

Before prescribing and taking it as hormone replacement therapy, the doctor must do some research, and in the future - regular visits to mammography examinations.

Indications and methods of application of duphaston

It is only effective when taken orally. Selectively, it affects the progestin receptors located on the uterine mucosa. Dufaston does not affect the ovulation of the follicle and does not have a masculinizing or virilizing effect.

After ingestion, it is very quickly absorbed into the blood, from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of this drug is observed after two hours. And 72 hours after its single dose, duphaston completely leaves the body.

Before using Duphaston, you must definitely consult a gynecologist. All information about this product is for informational purposes only.

You need to start taking this drug if:

  • examination showed that the woman has a lack of endogenous progesterone - this is luteal phase insufficiency, endometriosis, habitual loss of the fetus or the threat of abortion, premenstrual syndrome or cycle disorders, dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea of ​​secondary origin).
  • replacement hormonal therapy is needed.

Schemes for the purpose of this drug are indicative. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect from dufaston, it is necessary to take into account all the clinical signs of problems and the phase of the menstrual cycle. The one-day dosage of this drug is divided into several doses, with large time intervals.

Methods for taking duphaston, in different cases:

  • with endometriosis it is recommended to use 10 mg of dydrogesterone two or three times a day, starting from the 5th to the 25th day of menstruation or without interruptions.
  • with habitual pregnancy loss and her break - abortion. It can be taken only if there is a visible lack of endogenous progesterone.
  • with infertility progesterone genesis - it is necessary to use 20 mg per day in two doses, starting from the 11th and 25th day of the passing menstrual cycle. A similar course of treatment consists of 3 to 6 months. In the event that a woman still manages to get pregnant, then the course of treatment must also be carried out the same course of treatment that is recommended for habitual loss of pregnancy. The dosage of dydrogesterone is allowed to be adjusted by a very accurate cytological examination of the vaginal epithelium - this is colpocytology.
  • with the usual not bearing, the treatment process begins when planning a pregnancy. In this case, the doctor prescribes 10 mg of the drug, 2 times a day, from the 11-25th day of menstruation. If the conception was successful, then the same therapy is carried out from the 20th week of pregnancy, the nose is gradually reduced. Clarification on the need to adjust the dosage of dydrogesterone is possible only after a colpocytological study.
  • in threatened abortion patients are advised to use 40 mg of dydrogesterone 1 time, as the first dose, and then after 8 hours, 8 mg, for one week. After such a course of treatment, this dosage is gradually reduced. However, with the resumption of signs that predict a possible threat of abortion, you need to increase the dose again. Such a drug is allowed to be used up to the 20th week of pregnancy.
  • with premenstrual syndrome(contorted PMS) - from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle, 10 mg. The duration of therapy is 3-6 months.

All these diagnoses cannot be established independently by prescribing any course of treatment. This should be done only by a qualified specialist, after certain tests and your examination.

Contraindications to the use of hormonal drugs

  • a woman suffers from individual intolerance to such drugs;
  • if the woman suffers from epilepsy.
  • if a female has a serious disease called diabetes mellitus or other problems related to the kidneys and liver.

Folk herbal preparations that help in conceiving a child

Despite the fact that today there are a large number of drugs in order to become a mother, some women prefer to use folk methods using various herbal decoctions and infusions.

  1. A woman and a man should drink four times a day, 2 tbsp. spoons of decoction of psyllium seeds, in the form of heat. In order to prepare it, you need to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of seeds and pour them with one tablespoon of water. It is especially useful and effective in the autumn-winter period.
  2. It is recommended to drink 4 times a day infusion of Adam's root. You need to cook it by taking 2 tbsp. spoons of this plant and pour them with 250 grams of boiling water.
  3. Also, in this case, a very effective natural preparation is a decoction of sage. In order to prepare it, you need 1 tea. pour a spoonful of this plant with a glass of warm water. You need to use it for 11 days, three times a day, 1 tablespoon.

In most cases, modern hormonal therapy according to the above scheme helps women overcome the problem, the name of which is “I can’t get pregnant and give birth.” With the help of modern medicine, the list of those women who have the opportunity to experience the real happiness of being a mother is growing daily.

Preparations for stimulating ovulation are varied. The choice of therapy depends on the problems that cause infertility. To determine the cause, you need to seek help from a specialist. Only after a diagnosis has been made can a treatment be chosen.

Also, many patients resort to home remedies to restore fertility. If funds are used irrationally, the risk of additional complications increases. Due to these factors, you should definitely visit a specialist and undergo a series of examinations.

Important aspects in planning pregnancy are indicators of the health of the reproductive system of men and women. In order for a woman to conceive and bear a healthy child, she needs full ovulation and the correct menstrual cycle.

The cycle of a woman proceeds in several stages. The countdown of each cycle starts from the first day of the next menstruation. From the same day, the work of the hormonal background is activated. The first stage of the menstrual cycle is built by the active work of estrogen. The hormone is involved in the preparatory activities of the body for a possible conception.

A special layer is needed to secure the fetus. It lines the uterine cavity. Immediately after menstruation, this tissue is very thin and dense. Its value does not exceed 5 mm. Gradually, under the influence of the hormone, the layer increases. There is also a change in its structure. The fabric becomes fluffy and porous. The size increases to 13 mm. In such a layer, the cell can gain a foothold.

Estrogen is also involved in the formation of the follicle. This formation serves as a capsule for the maturation of the egg. In each cycle, a woman produces 1 egg. If more cells appear, then the chances of multiple pregnancy increase. The follicular sac is formed under the ovary. Its cavity is filled with luteal fluid and cells. The growth of the bag depends on the amount of follicle-stimulating hormone. This substance is produced in the hypothalamus and provokes the walls of the follicle to active stretching. By the time of ovulation, the bag should be at least 21 mm in size.

From this stage, the ovulatory phase begins. Estrogen gives way to luteinizing hormone. This substance helps the fluid in the follicle to increase volume. A sharp increase in LH contributes to an increase in the follicle by 4-5 mm. The walls of the bag stretch and tear under the pressure of the liquid. The cell leaves the shell. The ovulatory period is coming. From that day on, the family should begin to actively plan.

For conception to occur, a zygote is needed. It is formed by the fusion of the RNA of the spermatozoon and the female germ cell. To do this, the cell must descend into the uterine cavity. The passage is through the fallopian tubes. They serve as a natural barrier to protect a woman from improper fixation of the fetus. The inner layer of the pipe consists of many growths. The villi are contractile. The contraction causes the egg to move quickly into the uterine body.

The day after ovulation, LH is replaced by progesterone. Progesterone serves as a source of nutrition for the fetus. Its main amount is produced in the shell of the bursting bag. The hormone is yellow. Due to this, the formation derived from the hormone is called the corpus luteum. If during the cycle a woman becomes pregnant, the body begins to increase in size. For full bearing, it should not be less than 25 mm. If there was no conception, the body stops producing the hormone. The endometrial tissue is shed. The next menstruation is coming.

Based on these data, the following factors are necessary for conception:

  • the presence of ovulation;
  • growth of LH;
  • formation of a dominant follicle;
  • lush endometrial layer.

If one of these conditions is absent, pregnancy does not occur. To determine which of the factors is violated, a woman needs to consult a doctor. For this reason, before planning, you should visit a reproductive specialist.

How to determine the presence of fertility

Prolonged absence of pregnancy indicates the presence of pathological processes in the body. The first step for a woman is to determine if she is ovulating. Fertility can be determined by a variety of methods. Doctors suggest using the following methods for determining fertility:

Many patients are guided by subjective signs. A woman believes that ovulation can be determined by a change in the structure of cervical mucus and pain in the side. But not always these symptoms can be a sign of ovulation. To accurately establish the ovulatory phase, one of the listed methods should be used.

The most common way is to use special test strips. The surface of the strip is treated with a special composition. It reacts to the presence of LH in the urine of the patient by changing its color. The more hormone the liquid contains, the brighter the test is colored. If the strip is pale or white for a long time, the release of LH does not occur. This is a sign of anovulation.

Modern gynecologists recommend another novelty for self-determination of fertile days. This is a microscope. It helps to determine fertile days by changing the image. The study is carried out on salivary fluid. Approaching ovulation is accompanied by a picture that looks like a clover leaf. If a woman saw a similar image, ovulation will occur in a day. If such an image does not appear, the woman is not fertile.

You can clarify the results of a home study using ultrasound diagnostics. It is carried out by a gynecologist from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. On the screen, the specialist sees a clear image of the ovaries. The main objective of this method is to identify the dominant follicular sac. It is found on the 5th-7th day of the cycle. Next, the growth of the dominant is monitored. On the day of the expected release of the egg, the doctor examines the retrouterine space. The main sign of this process is the presence of free liquid. If the liquid is not detected within 1-2 days, the rupture of the bag has not occurred. The dominant is either blown away, or it develops into a cystic neoplasm. The cyst in most women is excreted with the next menstruation.

Follicle metering allows the doctor to accurately determine whether the patient is ovulating. If it is absent, funds are needed to stimulate ovulation. Selection of drugs is carried out only after a series of diagnostic measures. Before starting the procedure, the causes of infertility should be established.

Causes of pathology

There are various reasons for the disappearance of fertility. The following causes of infertility are distinguished:

  • long-term use of hormonal drugs;
  • changes in hormone levels;
  • various diseases of the reproductive system.

Often, a violation of the ovulatory phase is observed in women who are protected by hormonal drugs. Such drugs cause a decrease in the activity of the ovaries. The paired organ stops producing cells. This phenomenon occurs due to a prolonged blunting of the production of LH and progesterone. The ovaries fall asleep. In this pathology, the appearance of a large number of small formations on the ovary is observed. If a woman has this problem, ovulation stimulation is prescribed.

It is also necessary to stimulate ovulation in the presence of hormonal failure. The ovary ceases to produce a cell when the level of follicle-stimulating hormone is low. This situation is characterized by the absence of a dominant follicular sac. Hormonal failure can also affect the excretion of the cell. The study establishes a low amount of LH. The second phase of the cycle occurs without ovulatory interruption. To restore both phases, specialists stimulate ovulation with hormonal drugs.

Various pathological processes in the reproductive system can also affect the fertility of a woman. A dangerous disease is an oncological lesion of the uterus or ovaries. In oncology, ovulation stimulation is not used. The procedure is prescribed only after the elimination of negative processes in the body.

Ovarian stimulation methods

Physicians use various drugs to stimulate ovulation. Often there are appointments based on Clostilbegit. These ovulation stimulating pills help to form a dominant follicle.

The procedure begins on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle. Initially, the doctor prescribes a small dose of the drug. A woman takes one pill of clostilbegit every day. On the ninth day, the first folliculometry is performed. The doctor must establish the presence of the dominant and its size. Further control is carried out every other day. When the dominant reaches the required size, the doctor prescribes a special hormone responsible for breaking the wall.

This substance is found in the blood of a pregnant woman. Chorionic gonadotropin is available as a dry powder. Each ampoule contains at least 1 thousand units. drug. For the release of the egg, it is necessary to enter from 4 thousand units. substances up to 10 thousand. The dose is determined by the doctor based on the results of the formation of the follicle. What is this stimulation? All administered drugs contribute to the restoration of the hormone responsible for a particular process. Clostilbegit helps to form the follicular sac. HCG increases the tension of the walls of the bag and breaks them.

After the hCG injection, the doctor examines the further behavior of the follicle. If rupture does not occur, further folliculometry is not performed. Ovulation stimulation is carried over to the next cycle. If the cell exit has taken place, stimulation continues.

The increase in the second phase occurs under the influence of progesterone drugs. Progesterone is available in various forms. Many doctors recommend giving preference to the natural analogue of the hormone. This drug does not adversely affect a woman's body weight and does not cause adverse reactions.

A progesterone drug is prescribed for 14 days. If conception does not occur, the pills are canceled.

Stimulation of the ovaries in the next cycle is carried out with an increased dose of Clostilbegit. On this preparation, 4-5 schemes can be carried out. After the absence of conception, this therapy is canceled. Do not use the drug for a longer period. Against the background of a constant stimulating effect, depletion of egg reserves is observed. A woman may have an early menopause. After it, pregnancy does not occur.

What else is done to stimulate ovulation? The least harmful procedure for the ovaries is performed with the preparation of chorionic gonadotropin. To activate the ovaries, it is necessary to start the procedure from the second day after menstruation. The first cycle is administered to a woman every other day, 2 thousand units. drug. on the 12th day it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound diagnosis. The approach of ovulation is determined by the size of the dominant. If it has a diameter of up to 23 mm, it is necessary to increase the dose of hCG. The patient is given 5,000 IU at a time. hormone. After the injection, the Douglas cavity should be examined for the presence of follicular fluid. Its presence indicates a positive outcome of the procedure.

If there is no liquid, the procedure should be repeated. For its implementation, the dose of the drug must be reduced. HCG in this case is administered daily. The study of the ovaries is carried out on the tenth day. The lack of response from the ovaries indicates an incorrect statement of the causes of infertility. The patient is undergoing an additional examination.

You can also activate the work of the ovaries with other drugs. Some vitamin preparations have a stimulating effect. Tocopherol is used to enhance cell production. It is used 1 capsule every other day. This substance causes an increase in estrogen. The conversion of estrogen to FSH is carried out by folic acid. From the fifth day, a woman takes 2 g of the drug twice a day. Additionally, it is necessary to increase the contractility of smooth muscles. Pyridoxine and thiamine are responsible for this function. Vitamins are taken until the 14th day of the cycle. After that, thiamine, pyridoxine is canceled. Tocopherol is prescribed every other day by capsule. Folic acid is reduced to 1 g in a day. The scheme is extended to the next cycle. If pregnancy does not occur, treatment can be continued at the listed doses.

Many couples face such a delicate problem as infertility. To quickly eliminate the disease, future parents should contact a reproductologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examination, which will determine the cause of the pathology. After the diagnosis is made, a treatment method is selected. If the cause of the problem is sluggish ovarian activity, the doctor uses ovulation stimulation. After this procedure, the problem is fixed.

Many women who are desperate to get pregnant and give birth to a child decide to stimulate. It is carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor. Self-use of certain drugs can lead to unpleasant consequences and complications. This article will tell you about how ovarian stimulation works for pregnancy planning in different situations. You will learn about some medications that increase egg growth. You can also find out what ovarian stimulation has for pregnancy planning reviews.

What is the procedure?

Many women who are faced with the problem of conception know that the ovaries are for planning pregnancy. However, there are also representatives of the weaker sex who hear about this manipulation for the first time. What is it?

Stimulation is the effect on the female genital organs, in particular the ovaries, with medications. During the procedure, there is an increase in the release of certain hormones by the pituitary gland. Thus, the doctor can correct the condition of the woman in the direction he needs. Preparations for stimulation - a great variety. Not all of them are used for every woman. Choosing a list of medicines is the prerogative of the doctor. However, this should be done only after the diagnosis.

When is the procedure necessary?

Stimulation of the ovaries for pregnancy planning is always performed under This condition is mandatory even when a woman has a stable cycle and regular maturation of follicles.

Another indication for manipulation is in a woman for six cycles in a row. It is worth recalling that such a situation completely deprives a woman of fertility.

An indication for ovarian stimulation is the desire of a couple to conceive two or more children at once. If the representative of the weaker sex is in such a situation that she needs to remove the ovaries, then the procedure is carried out in order to freeze the cells for their further fertilization.


Stimulation of the ovaries for pregnancy planning is not carried out with polycystic disease. In other words, if your reproductive organs produce a few each month that don't rupture, then the procedure can only make matters worse. In this case, an individual approach is selected for each patient. Sometimes surgery is also required.

Ovarian stimulation is not carried out to plan pregnancy with menopause. Theoretically, while in menopause, a woman can conceive a child with the help of certain hormonal drugs. However, most experts consider such an act frivolous. Indeed, with the age of a woman, the risk of having a child with abnormalities increases. Also, in about half of all cases of stimulation before menopause, the doctor and the patient are defeated, since the pituitary gland and ovaries no longer respond properly to the drugs used.

Carrying out procedures is contraindicated if the representative of the weaker sex has an increased sensitivity to the selected medications. Also, a woman's ovaries are not stimulated if her partner has fertility problems. In such a situation, it is necessary to find a good specialist and first restore the fertility of a man.

Stimulation is not carried out in the presence of problems with the endometrium. After all, even if fertilization occurs, the embryo simply cannot attach itself to the wall of the reproductive organ.

Procedure procedure

How to stimulate the ovaries for pregnancy planning? First, a woman needs to be examined. Ultrasound is the most important of all diagnostic procedures. During the procedure, the specialist examines the ovaries, determines their size and the presence of dominant follicles. The state of the endometrium is also established.

Stimulation of the ovaries involves the use of hormonal agents. Depending on the condition of the woman and her preferences, the preparations may be in the form of capsules for oral use and solutions. The latter are administered intramuscularly, intravenously or subcutaneously. Stimulation is usually carried out from the second or fifth day of the cycle. This month, a woman is assigned from three ultrasound diagnostics, which will help determine, with an accuracy of several hours, the moment the egg is released.


Stimulation of the ovaries for pregnancy planning during IVF is performed by several means at once. First, the patient is given drugs that promote the growth of the follicle. Then the eggs are retrieved, and the woman begins to take the hormones of the second phase. This is necessary to support the development of embryos, which in a few days will fall into the uterine cavity. In the natural cycle with stimulation, everything is somewhat different. First, the doctor grows the follicles, and then ruptures them. Only after this, the future pregnant woman begins the use of hormonal preparations of the second phase.

Among all the drugs used, the following can be noted. "Menopur" and "Menogon" - they regulate the balance of hormonal substances in the body. "Puregon" and "Gonal" - these compounds contribute to the production of follicle-stimulating hormone. "Pregnil", "Ovitrel" - these funds contain chorionic gonadotropin. It acts on mature cells, contributing to their proper opening. Also, these drugs prepare the reproductive organ for the upcoming pregnancy. Serofen and Clomid, as well as the well-known Clostilegite. These medicines have an antiestrogenic effect.

Action algorithm

How is ovarian stimulation performed in stages? It all depends on the chosen technique. In most cases, a woman is prescribed drugs such as "Klostilbegit", which she takes according to an individual scheme. They help reduce estrogen levels and stimulate the growth of follicles.

The final stage of stimulation is the use of drugs such as Duphaston or Utrozhestan. At the same time, the expectant mother is prescribed vitamin complexes containing folic acid in their composition. After receiving the results of the analyzes, the correction scheme can be changed.

An alternative method of stimulation and reviews about it

Most gynecologists and reproductologists report that the use of folk remedies for stimulation can be dangerous. Few people manage to get the desired result from such an intervention. However, almost every representative of the weaker sex can expect complications.

Most women use one drug throughout the entire stimulation with folk recipes. Whereas conventional manipulation involves a multi-phase change of drugs. Reviews of women about this technique are twofold. Some say that they managed to get pregnant, while others scold this principle of intervention.

Stimulation of the ovaries for pregnancy planning folk remedies

What methods can be used for stimulation, so as not to resort to the help of doctors? Here are some recipes.

  • Sage. This herb should be brewed and drunk instead of regular tea from days 5 to 15 of the cycle. Sage is known to suppress prolactin, which often prevents pregnancy.
  • Roses and plantain. The dried fruits of these plants are poured with boiling water in the same proportion. Next, you need to let the broth brew and strain it. Take the composition immediately after the end of menstruation until the middle of the cycle.

It is worth saying that despite many positive reviews, such therapy is not carried out in preparation for in vitro fertilization.

Instead of a conclusion

Now you know how ovarian stimulation is performed if you need to get pregnant. HCG analysis is given 8-14 days after ovulation, which must be confirmed by ultrasound. The results of this study will answer the main question - did you get pregnant.

Remember, if you have problems conceiving, then you should consult a doctor. It is forbidden to use the above-described means on your own, as they can cause unpleasant reactions. In some situations (with hyperstimulation), apoplexy occurs - this is a rupture of the ovary. This pathology requires urgent surgical care. Health to you and good results!