Conversation on the topic of good and evil. Class hour `Good conquers evil`. Role-playing game "Who will be saved"

The job of a primary school teacher

MOU secondary school No. 9, Rtishchevo

Isaeva Ludmila Valerievna


This class is designed for children 8-9 years old. The teacher has always been, is and will be a conductor of moral values, especially such eternal values ​​as kindness, mercy ... My methodological idea is not just to build a dialogue with children, to involve them in a conversation, but with the help of interactive methods (drawing, games, associations, etc.) to make this process vivid, memorable, and therefore more effective.

Class hour on the theme "Good triumphs over evil"

Goals: To form in students an idea of ​​good and evil; kindness, mercy, good and bad deeds.


    Expand the concepts: goodness, good and evil.

    Reflect with students on the most important moral values, kindness, respect, love, the complexity of moral choice.

    Show students the need to purposefully cultivate kindness in themselves, encourage them to do this;

    To teach to recognize the heroes and characters of works of art who have such personality traits as kindness, generosity, responsiveness.

    Form moral categories and value judgments, cultivate a culture of communication.

Conduct form: class hour - reflection.

Event progress

What is the most important thing to talk about today? Try to guess.

The word is serious

The main thing is important.

What it means

Much needed for everyone.

It has care and kindness

Warmth and love.

It has an aspiration

Come to the rescue

again and again.

This quality

Lives in the heart of many

And the pain of others

Doesn't let you forget.

And it's more important

Than face beauty.

Guess what it is?

Heart of KINDNESS.

What is good? What is evil? For many centuries people have been trying to answer these eternal questions. Let's try to reflect on these concepts today.

What do you imagine, what do you remember when you hear the word “kindness”?

Children's answers

Many of you truly understand what kindness is. We can find the exact definition in Ozhegov's Dictionary of the Russian Language:

"Kindness - responsiveness, sympathy, friendly disposition towards people"

A group of children was given the task: to explore the word "good". Let's listen to them.

“We learned that this word is originally Russian. Goodwill has always been valued by the Russian people. We found a huge number of proverbs and sayings about this. There are such expressions in Russian: “Give good” and “Get good”. Do you understand the meaning of these words?

Children's reasoning

Give good - to give consent, permission to something.

Get good - get permission, consent to something.

There are many warm kind words in our speech, in our greetings and wishes.

Truly good, good desires live in the soul of one who knows how to give the strength of his soul to other people.

I suggest you play the game "Say a kind word to me." I give you the ball, and you must pass it to each other, while saying a kind, affectionate word.

Thanks guys! We are convinced that sometimes kind words are very difficult to find!

Try to picture good in the form of a flower.

Children draw with paints "good". Get bright flowers.

What is evil?

Children's answers

Yes, indeed, this is something opposite to good: bad, bad, misfortune, bad weather.

How can this be represented in color?

children draw, mostly black paint. The spots are placed on the board, under them are signs with the words "Envy", "Greed", "Rudeness", "Treachery", "War", "Lie".

You paid attention to the fact that evil always coexists with good. Evil and good live inseparably. Even the poem talks about it.

Good and Evil since ancient times

Leading their ancient, long-standing dispute

Who is awake, not in a dream

Stronger and stronger on the ground?

"Stronger than I" said Evil

"Whoever serves me is lucky

I will thank you very much

I will give earthly blessings

Cars, money, power and power

Let them enjoy life to the fullest!"

Good said: "Maybe

But only I can love

Though not a penny for the soul

For all people the soul is important

I don't give villas, I don't give yachts

But I will save my soul

Friends, family, children and home

And a lot of happiness in that house

I don't know what else to say...

Stay with someone, decide for yourself

Good and Evil since ancient times

Do not leave this dispute.

Let's try to find out what wins on earth - good or evil? Fairy tales will help us with this. After all, one of the main themes of fairy tales of all peoples was the theme of good and evil. There are good and bad characters in fairy tales. Which one usually wins? Who becomes happier, a kind person or one who wants to achieve his goal in an evil way?

Children's answers.

Let's take a quiz and test your guesses.

    An old woman picked a flower from the garden

I gave it to the girl Zhenya.

In a flower, petals there is a magical power

Their girl Zhenya asked for something

What should I say when cutting off the petals?

What is the name of this fairy tale?

    pounded yes pounded

On a plate with a nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And left with a nose.

(Fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane")

    The snow was falling, the clouds were swirling

Pines bent to the ground

Evil people in the dense forest

The orphan was taken away.


Left to freeze.

(Fairy tale "Morozko")

    Now let's talk about another book:

Here is the blue sea, here is the seashore.

The old man went to the sea

He threw the net.

Someone will catch

Will ask for something.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

    Eat an apple, my light.

Thanks for lunch.

The old lady said

She bowed and disappeared.

(A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess")

So, were we right in saying that good triumphs over evil?

Indeed, through fairy tales the human soul is brought up, the best feelings awaken. Reading fairy tales, listening to them, we always worry about good heroes, rejoice for them when their dreams come true and wishes come true.

Yes, everything works out in fairy tales, but not always in life. It is not for nothing that they say that soon a fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. And yet, fairy tales are given to us so that we learn to live correctly, learn goodness, love, beauty, joy. Fairy tales help us to understand that difficulties and failures are temporary, that they are overcome by knowledge, patience, work, faith in victory over evil.

In preparation for our conversation, you read fairy tales about good and evil and prepared to answer the question: “Which character do I want to be like? Why?" Who wants to speak?

Children's answers

The teacher draws the children's attention to the scales on the table.

Why do you think I have these scales on the table?
We will put "evil" on one scale. (tablets with the inscriptions "Envy", "Greed", "Rudeness", "Betrayal", "War", "Lies").

To defeat evil, we must try to outweigh the cup of good. Remember what good deeds you have done, the people around you are doing, and put them drop by drop on the scales with goodness.

Children come one by one to the scales, talk about their good deed and put their drop on the cup (small toys prepared in advance). The picture of "evil" is removed. Soon the scales of good outweigh the scales of evil.

You see, guys, how good conquered evil. So it is in our life: droplets of good, merging, turn into a stream, a stream into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​good. It's good when a person leaves a good mark behind. Let us now also do one common good deed. Let's make a field of Kindness. ( Children attach their flowers) In your opinion, what qualities do you think a person should have who can be said to be kind?

- What a wonderful flower meadow we got with you! It blossomed necessary human qualities. This is disinterestedness, sympathy, gratitude, respect, tenderness, modesty, mercy, compassion, diligence.

Our class is coming to an end. Let's smile at a friend, forget all the bad things and try to be kind.

Let's worship kindness!
Let's live with kindness in mind.

All in blue and starry beauty
The land of good: she gives us bread,
Living water and a tree in bloom.
Under this ever restless sky
Let's fight for kindness.

A man is a man to do good. Although it is sometimes very difficult!

Who stands confidently in the world,
He does not reproach the other in anything,
The good one turns everything for good,
His heart is on fire with courage.

Good people, as always, are not enough,
Good people, as always, are in short supply.
Good people are not always understood
The heart of the good hurts more.
Kind - generously help the sick,
Kind - give warmth and comfort,
The good ones keep pace with the weak.

And no spa-si-bo is expected.

Believe me, there are much more good people on earth than evil ones. Hurry to do good! He will definitely be appreciated! Do good, and it will certainly come back to you!


    Fundamentals of evolutionary pedagogy "Textbook of good knowledge" / L. Baryshnikova / Tomsk, 1998

    Busheleva B.V. Let's talk about education. / M.: Education, 1988.

    Winged wisdom / comp. A.P. Kutsko / - Rostov book publishing house, 1978.


    Psychology: Dictionary. / Under the total. Ed. A.V. Petrovsky, M.G. Yaroshevsky/. - M. Enlightenment, 1990.

    Philosophical Encyclopedia. T. 2. - M .: Education, 1962.

    Encyclopedia. K&M, 2007

    Extracurricular activities. / Moscow "VAKO" 2007, authors-compilers L.N. Yarovaya, O.E. Zhirenko

Class hour about good and evil Grade 6


    Cultivate the desire to do good deeds and beautiful deeds.

    To develop students' ideas about good and evil.

    To promote the development of a culture of dialogue.

Class hour progress

1. Organizational moment:

W. - Let's get acquainted.

2. Introductory conversation:

U. - Guys, today we have gathered here to talk about kindness and good deeds (slide 1)

U. - Kindness ... What does this word mean?

(Explanation of children as they understand this word)

U. - What kind of person can be called kind? (a kind person is one who loves people and is ready to help them in difficult times. A kind person protects nature, loves birds and animals, helps them survive in the winter cold. A kind person tries to be neat, polite and respectful in dealing with comrades and adults.)

W. - And now let's turn to the definition in the explanatory dictionary of Sergei Ozhegov.

Kindness ~ this is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. (Slide 2) He noted the qualities that determine kindness: virtuous, good-natured, benevolent, good-natured, respectable, kind-hearted, conscientious. Probably, a truly kind person has all these qualities. (slide 3)

It seems to me that in your life there were cases when you were offended. (children's answers)

U. - Tell me, what feelings did you experience at the same time? (Pain, bitterness, resentment, annoyance, feeling of loneliness, injustice to you, insecurity.)

- Do you think you were treated fairly? (Children's answers.)

W. - And now tell us, have there been situations in your life when you offended someone yourself? (Children's answers.)

U. - Now put yourself mentally in the place of the offended by you and think: would you want to be treated the same way?

U. - The Gospel of Matthew says: “... in everything, as you want people to do to you, do the same to them.” (slide 4)

Let these golden words determine all your actions in life. Every child wants to be loved and cared for by those around him. But it is not enough just to wish for it. It is necessary to do everything yourself so that your actions do not cause resentment, bitterness, annoyance and a sense of injustice in others.

3. Consider the situation.

U. There are two people. Everyone has ten good friends.

1. One of them every day asks his friends to help him: lend money, food, provide other services. Turning to them, he says that if they are really his friends, they will not refuse him this and, in the end, they are simply obliged to help him. After a while, all his friends turn away from him. They stop calling and visiting him.

2. Another gets up early every day to get everything done. He is devoted to his friends with all his heart, so he often visits them, helping them in any way he can. After a short time, all acquaintances consider him the best friend, trying to be closer to him. They tell others about him, and he becomes everyone's favorite.

Which of these two people would you like to be friends with? (children's answers)

Conclusion of the teacher - All people are very different .... Some are ready to give the last to their friend and just an acquaintance; you can’t interrogate others even for snow in winter.

4. Test execution.

U. - Now we will conduct a test “Am I kind” (slide 5)

Each of you will be able to check What are you like, are you always attentive and kind to others?

U. - let's look at the answer sheet (slide 6)

You are offered questions and an answer sheet, in which you must indicate “yes” or “no” against each question number

U. - and now questions (slide 7)

1. You have money. Could you spend everything you have on gifts for friends or family?
2. A friend shares his problems or troubles with you in a conversation. If the topic is not interesting to you, will you let the interlocutor understand this?
3. Your partner is bad at chess or another game. Will you give in to him so that he does not lose interest in the game?
4. Do you like to say nice things to people to cheer them up?
5. Do you often use bad jokes?
6. Do you have vindictiveness, vindictiveness?
7. Will you keep up a conversation with a friend if this topic does not interest you at all?
8..Do you willingly use your abilities for the benefit of other people?
9. Do you quit the game when it's obvious that you've lost?
10. If you are sure that you are right, will you listen to the other person's arguments?
11. Will you do work at the request of your parents, if it is not part of your duties (to do something for someone from the household, for example)?
12. Will you imitate someone to cheer up your friends?

U. - Now let's see how to calculate the points correctly (slide 8)

One point for each affirmative answer to questions 1, 3, 4, 7, 11 and for every negative answer to questions 2, 5,6,8,9, 10,12.


More than 8 points. You are kind, like others, know how to communicate with people. Do you have a lot of friends. One word of caution: never let anyone take advantage of your kindness.

4 to 8 points. Your kindness is a matter of chance: you are not kind to everyone. For someone you go for everything, but try to be equal with everyone so that there are no offenses against you.

Less than 4 points. You have a hard job ahead of you.

5. Game: Fairy-tale hero - good or evil? (slide 9)

- You all love fairy tales. One of the main themes of Russian folk tales was the theme of good and evil. There are good and bad characters in fairy tales. Now let's play a game. I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are kind, you clap your hands happily, if you are evil, you cover your face with your palms.

Ivan - Tsarevich, Thumbelina, Karabas - Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, Baba - Yaga, Cinderella, Malvina.

W. - What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil?

6. Working with words (slide 10)

And now let's try to replace the words of the first column with words opposite in meaning:

Bad - good
Evil is good
War is peace
Greed - generosity
Rudeness - politeness
Cruelty - kindness
Lies are true
Betrayal - devotion

W. - To defeat evil, it is necessary that there be more good.

In life, droplets of good, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​good. It's good when a person leaves a good mark behind. One wise man remarked: a person lived his life not in vain if he built a house, grew a garden and raised a child.”

U. - It means that not only words should be good, but also deeds.

U. - Think and tell me what good deeds you can do in the classroom, at home, on the street, in transport, in nature? (children's answers)

7. Conversation about polite words. (slide 11)

U. - Think and answer what helps to make our relations warmer, kinder, more sincere in communicating with each other? (children's answers)

U. - Of course, these are kind, warm words. Which? (Children's answers: "good health", "happy day", "be kind", etc.)

U. - Tell me, how can you enhance the beauty and charm of these words? (With a smile, a friendly look.)

Kind words are the flowers of the human soul. And do not be stingy to distribute these flowers to others.

These wonderful words
Everyone is very happy to hear;
Adults and children get better
And everyone is in a hurry to smile.

The game:

Teacher. Let's play a little. I will read a poem, and your task is to finish a kind word that is appropriate in meaning.

Invented by someone simply and wisely -
Say hello when you meet... ("Good morning!")
The old stump will turn green,
When he hears... ("Good afternoon!")
The boy is polite and developed,
He says when he meets... ("Hello!")
Ice block melts
From a good word... ("Thanks!")
When they scold for pranks, We say: ... ("Forgive me please!")
And in France, and in Denmark They say, saying goodbye: ... ("Goodbye!")
To all of you with much love
Wish… (Good health.)

Teacher's conclusion: many warm kind words in our speech. A kind word can cheer us up. Instill confidence in us, warm the soul.

8. Work in pairs

Kindness - this is the most valuable moral quality of the Russian people. How many proverbs and sayings about kindness have been created by Russian folk wisdom! Remember some of them:

You are given cards, there are 2 columns in them, by the beginning of the proverb from the second column you must pick up the continuation, connect with arrows. Who quickly.

U - now let's check (slide 12)

9. Conclusion (slide 13) Training game “The Magic Flower of Kindness”.

Children, stand in a circle, stretch your arms slightly forward with palms up and close your eyes. Imagine what I'm about to tell you now. (You can turn on a beautiful, pleasant melody.)

Draw in your imagination a flower of kindness and good mood. Place it on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. From it emanates an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally place all the goodness and good mood of this flower inside, in your heart.

Feel how good enters you, brings you joy. You have new forces: the forces of health, happiness and joy. You feel how your body is filled with pleasure and joy. How pleasing to your face, how good and joyful it becomes to your soul...

A warm, gentle breeze blows over you. You have a good, soul-warming mood.

Summing up- You are still children, but there are many glorious deeds ahead of you. You will make our planet Earth beautiful. But first you must grow up to be real people - brave, kind, hardworking. After all, doing good is great.

Now open your eyes. Look around. Hold hands. Looking each other in the face, wish something good. (Children do.) I want you to remember what you are feeling right now and take it with you as you leave this room. Warm feelings and good mood will still be with you...

All the best!

Form for answers.


    “Classroom hours on ethical and aesthetic education” 1-4 grades. author O.E. Zhirenko, E.V. Lapina

    “Extracurricular activities in elementary school” Ya.Yu.Martynova

Alena Horny
Conversation "On Good and Evil" with the children of the older group

Target: Introducing children to generally accepted norms of interaction between people.


develop a sense of satisfaction good deeds;

guide children to commit kind acts disinterestedly, the ability to come to the rescue;

cultivate a sense of compassion, understanding and mutual assistance to each other.

The course of the conversation

caregiver: Hello guys! Get up in "Circle of Joy", listen poem:

Invented by someone simply and wisely

Say hello when meeting: « Good morning

Kind morning to the sun and birds!

Kind morning - smiling faces.

And everyone becomes kind, gullible!

Let Kind morning - lasts until the evening!

What are we going to talk about today?

Children: O good.

caregiver: What do you think good? What does it mean to create good?

Children's reasoning.

caregiver: Why do you need good heart and good soul?

Children: To help those who are in trouble.

caregiver: And what kind of heart does an evil person have?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Evil helps people?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Guys, today we will go to the tree kindness. This Tree fills the world good reminds you what to do good. But trouble happened to him. It withered and ceased to bloom because of the bad, evil deeds of people. If we don't revive the Tree, what do you think will happen. What can win? (win over evil).

caregiver: To get to the tree We need to overcome obstacles.

The first obstacle is the swamp.

The game "Cross the Swamp".

Rule explain: you can cross the swamp over bumps. Here are the boards for you.

I distribute three boards to everyone (cardboard, one is missing.

caregiver: What to do?

caregiver: We shared bumps, what's the matter?

Children: Kind.

caregiver: Kind work brings joy.

Together with children repeat the proverb.

caregiver: What words do they say to someone who shares with you?

Children: Polite, good words.

caregiver: Let's thank those who have now committed Kind business - shared a bump.

The children thank each other.

Next hurdle:

caregiver: You need to explain "What is good, what is bad?" (slide pictures showing good and bad deeds).

Children's answers.

Next hurdle: "Heroes of fairy tales".

caregiver: Now you need to remember fairy-tale heroes?

On the table are pictures of the heroes of fairy tales.

caregiver: What heroes can you say that they are kind?

Children: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Aibolit, "Zayushkina's hut"(The rooster kicked out the Fox, "Fly Tsokotukha" (mosquito).

Children explain what actions these heroes did.

caregiver: Is it only kind Are there fairy tale characters?

Children's answers

caregiver: What are the evil fairy tale characters?

Children: Evil stepmother, Wolf, Barmaley, Fox, Spider. Explain what the characters did.

caregiver: Arrange the characters according to their actions, and emoticons will help.

The children put them in boxes with smilies on them. good and bad expression.

caregiver: Good conquers evil, people are not in vain they say: Kindness will save the world.

Together with children repeat proverbs: Good conquers evil, Kindness will save the world.

caregiver: Here we are reached the tree of kindness. (a drawing paper is hanging on a magnetic board - a dry sad tree is drawn on it). The tree is sad, sad, offended, ugly, dry. You can revive it good deeds, good deeds. What kind kind can you do things?

Children's answers: help mom, don’t be naughty, don’t fight, don’t call names, feed birds, take care of babies, etc.

caregiver: Let's talk about our good deeds. If you are doing good deeds, so you have kind heart. Tell me about your good deed, and attach a heart to the tree.

I distribute hearts cut out of paper to children.

Children speak out, attach to a tree kindness heart on a magnet or double-sided tape.

caregiver: you warmed the tree kindness the warmth of their hearts. After all, this Good deed! Now squat down, close your eyes.

I turn on the song of Leopold the Cat "If a you are kind» .

At this time, I change the tree with hearts to a flowering beautiful tree.

caregiver: Open your eyes, look what happened to the tree. We are our own kind they revived the tree with deeds, it blossomed and reminds people what needs to be done good deeds.

Conclusion: Is it good to create good?

Children's answers

caregiver: A good man sows good.

Together with children repeat all the proverbs good.

Today we told you that you need to do only good and good deeds. Let's build a pyramid kindness. I will stretch out my palm, and you all place your palms on mine. Look how tall the pyramid turned out kindness. Let's remember good deeds that we have done today and will throw it high, high, so that they scatter far away and the world becomes kinder.

Related publications:

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Beshuk Svetlana
Summary of conversations with children of senior preschool age. Theme: "Good will not die, but evil will perish"

Conversation with older preschool children

on the topic: « Good will not die and evil will disappear» .

Target: To form in children an idea of good and evil(good always wins evil, about good and bad deeds, the ability to correctly evaluate yourself and others; learn see positive and negative qualities of characters. To educate in children such personality traits as generosity, honesty, justice, the ability to empathize and sympathize with other people

The teacher reads to the children poem:

Be lighter good or evil?

Probably easier for the evil ones.

To be good means to give

Your warmth to others.

To be good means understanding

And relatives and strangers

And sometimes do not know joy

Caring for others.

Of course, it's harder for the good,

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And the evil one is always alone ...

situational conversation.

caregiver: Guys, what do you think, what is good? (children reasoning). One goodness is treasure, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. Such goodness can be seen and even touch it with your hands. Other good you can hear - this is music, sincere poems, tender words. But there is good which cannot be touched, cannot be see, hear, but everyone should have it human: and you, and I, and your parents. it kind heart, kind soul, good words to help those who are in trouble. People like that are talking about kind person". (kind - kindhearted)

caregiver: Where could you hear about good people and good deeds? (Probably most of all in fairy tales)

caregiver: What heroes can you say that they are kind? (Cinderella, Alyonushka, Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Little Boy, Hovroshechka)

caregiver: Is it only kind Are there fairy tale characters? Yes, they are evil.

Let's remember the evil fairy tale characters? (Evil stepmother, Koschey the immortal, Karaba - Barabas, Baba Yaga, geese - swans)

Role gymnastics: using facial expressions and pantomime to portray good fairy tale heroes or evil. (Cinderella, Evil stepmother, Cheburashka, Old woman Shapoklyak, Malvina, Baba Yaga)

caregiver: In fairy tales good evil always wins. It's a pity that life is different.

Listen to the story.

Once upon a time there was a girl, just like you. She was often given a lot of beautiful, bright, expensive toys. But she never shared them with others. children. And when they bothered her, the girl broke them and sent them to the pantry. A hare settled there, with an ear torn off, a car without wheels, a dirty doll with disheveled hair. Once new toys were afraid that they would also end up in the pantry and went looking for a new one. good hostess. And only remained old closed toys in the pantry.

caregiver: Do you think this girl can be called evil? Why?

How do you think she felt when she opened her eyes in the morning and didn't see her favorite new toys?

She got angry, began to scream loudly and demand new toys from her mother. But mom said: “It was necessary to take care of the toys and treat them kindly».

caregiver: What do you think happened next?

Out of resentment for her mother and toys, she decided to hide in the pantry. The girl cried for a long time, but suddenly she saw a box of old broken toys. She was so delighted with him, pressed to her chest a dirty shaggy doll, a hare with a torn off ear, and sat thinking for a long time.

Then the girl went to her room, took out a thread with a needle, sewed on the ear of the hare, combed and washed the doll. And for a long time I played with them.

caregiver: What do you think happened to the girl? (she went from evil to good) . What helped her to become kinder? (care, attention, sympathy)

caregiver: What do you think, good conquered evil? Why do you think so?

Classroom hour

Lesson topic: "Good and evil"

The purpose of the lesson: formation of a moral position in relation to good and evil.

Lesson objectives

in the field of values:

to teach to perform virtuous deeds consciously, voluntarily, daily, disinterestedly, with self-esteem;

in the field of experience :

gain experience in communication activities;

in the field of knowledge:

define good and evil; learn motal norms and norms of behavior; reveal the qualities of a virtuous person;

in the field of skills and abilities:

students will learn to collectively determine the qualities of a virtuous person, will be able to formulate the rules of wisdom, i.e. rules on how to become a virtuous person;

individually find and name the features of virtuous deeds.

Basic terms and concepts: good and evil as basic ethical concepts.

During the classes

1.Organization of students' activities.

Human kindness is amazing

And the smile is amazing!

you smile at each other

And sit down quietly.

2. Message of the topic of the lesson.

- Guys, today in the lesson we will talk about the basic ethical concepts - good and evil.

You will learn:

— What is good.

— What is evil.

— Why one should strive for good and avoid evil.

3. Game moment: collect the proverb.

Good, evil will perish and not die. (Good will not die, but evil will perish.)

Why do you think they say that?

4. Conversation.

- Guys, what do you think, what is good? (children's reasoning).

One good is treasures, books, jewelry, paintings, toys. Such goodness can be seen and even touched. Other good things can be heard - this is music, sincere poems, tender words. But there is such good that cannot be touched, it cannot be seen, heard, but every person should have it: you, and I, and your parents. This is a kind heart, a kind soul, kind words to help those who are in trouble. Such people are called "Good people".

Good, in fact, can be done every second. You can sow good with every look, every touch. And the heart will grow in this exercise of goodness. To think about the good, to send bright thoughts into the world - it seems to me that this is the creation of goodness, which sometimes we find it difficult to express in some of our other actions.

However, it is clear that thought can do the opposite, without even realizing it. Therefore, I would like to pay special attention to such an imperfect side of us as evil.

How do you understand what evil is? What kind of person can be called evil? (Children's answers) (Slide 8)

With such behavior, our thoughts and words acquire a kind of “hooks” or arrows that hurt a person painfully.

Is it easier to be kind or evil?

Probably easier for the evil ones.

To be kind means to give

Your warmth to others.

To be kind means to understand

And relatives and strangers

And sometimes do not know joy

Caring for others.

Of course, it’s harder for the good,

And yet look:

How many friends he has!

And the evil one is always alone ...

- Guys, what do you think, which is easier to be kind or evil? Why?

    Game moment: assemble the puzzle:

M! D



(Help people)

How can you help people? How else can you do good?

Phys. minute.

Here we spread our hands

As if they were surprised.

And each other to the ground

They bowed to the belt!

Bent over, straighten up

Bent over, straightened up.

Down, down, don't be lazy

Bow and smile.

Most people consider themselves to be kind. They sympathize with the offended, cry when they see someone else's misfortune. They want everyone to live in peace and harmony. Only now it is impossible to make efforts to establish peace and harmony, but real kindness is active.

Let's play the game "Do a good deed" (Slide 10)

How could we help them?

- Homeless dogs and cats;

- yellowed from the heat flowers;

- to her grandmother, who carries bags;

- elderly, sick people in public transport;

- a tired mother.

    Parable about good and evil. (Slide 11)

Guys, listen to the parable.

Once upon a time, an old man revealed to his grandson one vital truth:

- In every person there is a struggle, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil: envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies. The other wolf represents goodness: peace, love, hope, truth, kindness and loyalty. The grandson, touched to the depths of his soul by the words of his grandfather, thought, and then asked:

- Which wolf wins at the end? The old man smiled and replied:

- The wolf you feed always wins.

Tell me, what two wolves was the old man talking about? How do you understand the last sentence?


What good deeds can we do?

- Guys, let's do a good deed now, in the lesson.

Turn to your neighbor, smile at him. Tell your classmate good, kind words and wish well.

- Go to the blackboard, write or draw what kindness means to you.

    Summary of the lesson.

What have you learned about good and evil?

How can the world be made better?

Why should we fight evil?

“Children, I think that if we take care of the growth of this even small grain of goodness that is in our heart, it will certainly turn into that sun of goodness that will make our world kinder, and each of us - kinder, more merciful and more generous.

    Homework assignment.

- Guys, I suggest you choose one of the tasks:

1) Write down: how many good deeds you did in a week, describe one in detail;

2) Make rules of goodwill;

3) Talk at home with family members, friends about good and evil. Remember the saints and tell in the next lesson what good deeds they did.