What is the weather and water temperature in Bulgaria for months?  When is the best time to relax in Bulgaria Temperature on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria

What is the weather and water temperature in Bulgaria for months? When is the best time to relax in Bulgaria Temperature on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria

Weather in Bulgaria

In short, then holidays in Bulgaria.

Question what is the weather like in bulgaria climate in Bulgaria

What is the climate in Bulgaria?

Weather in Bulgaria in summer

Summer in Bulgaria

Summer in Bulgaria holidays in Bulgaria

Bulgarian Black Sea and really charming.

Medium air temperature water temperature Golden Sands, Dunes, Albena and Sunny Beach, air temperature temperatures in Bulgaria

Brief information

  • On the

Weather conditions in winter

air temperature Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.



average temperature



number of rainy days

sea ​​temperature






Water and air temperature in Bulgaria

What is the temperature, weather and climate in Bulgaria? Weather in Bulgaria in May, June, July, August, September and October. Average air and water temperature during the summer months.

In short, then weather and temperature in Bulgaria just amazing. Hot, but not very stuffy summers and many sunny days from mid-April to late October. Friendly warm sea and pleasant stable weather throughout holiday season- you can safely count on it during your holidays in Bulgaria.

Question what is the weather like in bulgaria the locals answer: "Six months is summer, the rest is winter." Although, of course, climate in Bulgaria is clearly defined seasons and seasons.

What is the climate in Bulgaria?

Most of the territory of Bulgaria is dominated by a temperate continental climate, dry. However, on the coast, the climate is characterized as subtropical, humid, and in the mountains it all depends on how high above sea level you are. In areas that fall under the influence of the Black Sea, the climate is usually compared with the Mediterranean, which creates excellent prerequisites for sea tourism.

In the mountainous regions of Bulgaria, precipitation, most often snow, breaks all records, which, combined with the cold mountain climate, creates ideal conditions for winter sports.

Weather in Bulgaria in summer

Sun, sun and more sun. Summer in Bulgaria full of warm and sunny days. During long hot summer days The sun shines for at least ten hours a day. Thanks to this number sunlight, guests of Bulgaria are guaranteed a natural, golden tan. On the beach, the sun is already high from the early morning, and you will never be too hot, thanks to the cooling sea breeze.

Water and air temperature on the beaches of Bulgaria

Summer in Bulgaria- this is perfect time for a varied holiday: you can just indulge in laziness and bask in the sun, or even spend your holidays in Bulgaria more or less active. Water sports, right on the beach, is another proof of this.

Hot days, of course, contribute to a more passive rest, however, if you manage to find a minute, be sure to arrange a tour for yourself - after all Bulgarian Black Sea and really charming.

Medium air temperature in the summer months in Bulgaria it rarely drops below +28°С, and water temperature in the Black Sea is at +23°C - 25°C. In the summer, in the most popular such as Golden Sands, Dunes, Albena and Sunny Beach, air temperature often exceeds +30°C. Especially in the second half of July. And yet, summer temperatures in Bulgaria are optimal for a beach holiday, especially when compared with the incredible heat and stuffiness on the beaches of the Adriatic and the Mediterranean.

Brief information

  • From South to North, Bulgaria's Black Sea coast stretches for 378 km, of which 130 km are beaches with white and golden sand;
  • In May and October, the sun shines for more than 240 hours, and in July and August sundial more than three hundred;
  • On the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria a humid subtropical climate prevails.

Temperature in the Bulgarian mountains.Weather conditions in winter

Frosty winters, together with heavy snowfalls (usually up to 1200 mm) in the mountainous regions of Bulgaria, contribute to the development of numerous types of skiing and infrastructure. In mountain towns and winter resorts, the average air temperature in January it stays at -6°C. The most popular winter ski resorts in Bulgaria include: Bansko, Pamporovo and Borovets.

Weather in Sofia, Bulgaria: summer and winter

Are you going on a tourist or business trip to the Bulgarian capital Sofia? Remember that in the summer you need to take long-sleeve summer clothes with you, and in the winter you need a warm coat or jacket. According to statistics, the average air temperature and average rainfall in the capital in winter (in January) is -2 °C and 42 mm of precipitation, and in summer (in July) +22 °C and 60 mm, respectively.

Temperature statistics in Bulgaria. Weather station in Burgas


average temperature



number of rainy days

Number of hours of sunshine per day

sea ​​temperature






Average annual air temperature in Bulgaria

Based on data from meteorological station in Burgas, we can conclude that the average annual temperature in Bulgaria is 13.4°C, with a maximum average temperature of +23°C throughout the year, and a minimum of +3°C.

Weather in Bulgaria in May

Based on statistics temperatures in Bulgaria, average air temperature on the south coast in May fluctuates from +11°С to +23°С. Evenings and nights are much cooler and temperature drops to +11°С. May is one of the rainiest "summer" months in Bulgaria and on average, rainy days there are about 8, including fine drizzle. The sun is already high enough to provide the necessary warmth and 8 hours of sunshine. The sea begins to warm up and usually by the end of May you can safely swim in all, with a water temperature of + 20 ° C.

Weather in Bulgaria in June

June weather in Bulgaria is characterized by long warm days and the sun is already shining for 9 hours during the day. The average air temperature on the coast usually exceeds +22°C, but the nights are still much cooler. June is the month when Black Sea heats up to a pleasant +21°C - the ideal temperature for swimming. Medium air temperature at night does not fall below +15.1°C, and precipitation is much less frequent, usually from 6 to 9 days a month.

Weather in Bulgaria in July

July- this is one of best months for holidays in Bulgaria. At least as far as the weather is concerned. Medium temperature usually +22.9°С, and the maximum exceeds +30°С. Only the night will save you from the heat, when temperature drops to 18°C. However, this is not always the case. Nights can also get quite muggy, especially between July 15th and 25th. If it rains in July, it often happens only at night. And when you wake up, there will be no trace of night precipitation. The sun in July shines 10 hours a day, and the sea heats up to a temperature of +24 +27°C.

Weather in Bulgaria in August

According to the Bulgarian Statistical Institute, most tourists come to Black Sea coast in August. Medium air temperature is +23°C, with a maximum of +30.4°C and a minimum of +17.5°C. Precipitation is a rather rare occurrence in August and, for example, in 2013 it rained only 4 times, and even then at night. The sun is still very high and stays there for 10 hours a day. The water temperature is ideal for swimming and exceeds July, at the same time being +25 +27.2°C.

Weather in Bulgaria in September

Holidays in Bulgaria will certainly remain in your memory if you spend it in September. The days are quite long and sunny, however, without the heat of July and August. Black Sea it takes a long time to cool down, so the swimming season is still in full swing. Water temperature exceeds +22°С, and the air temperature is about +24°С. Precipitation falls no more than 4 times a month, and night temperature about the same as in May, i.e. +15°C. Maximum temperature in September it does not exceed +25°C, and the minimum is stable +12 +14°C. It is worth noting that weather in september in bulgaria, in most cases just fabulous: it is very warm and it rarely rains.

Weather in Bulgaria in October

Weather in Bulgaria in October worth mentioning separately. Strange, but almost no one suspects that in Bulgaria, this month, you can safely relax on the beach! Officially, the "summer" season in Bulgaria continues until October 15th. And I must confess weather contribute to this: average air temperature not less than +15.5°С, while the maximum during the day reaches +23°С. It gets a little chilly in the evening and at night, so don't forget to bring a light jacket for the evening promenade and warm pajamas for sleeping (because most hotels and apartments don't have heating). Sea water temperature does not exceed + 19 ° C, so it is better to limit yourself to sunbathing. The benefit of sunshine is more than enough. In October, there are usually no more than six days of precipitation, including a small drizzle.

Climate in Bulgaria

Bulgaria, despite its proximity to Russia, is quite a colorful country with many features of culture and traditions. It has always attracted thousands of tourists every year. Price policy hotel complexes is very democratic, the locals are tolerant and friendly, and the weather at any time of the year allows you to have a great rest. In winter, ski centers open in Bulgaria, and in summer vacationers are expected magnificent beaches on the long Black Sea coast. The country can be proud of its kilometers of wide beaches with soft sand. Total length sandy coast exceeds 100 kilometers!

The weather in most of Bulgaria has a lot in common with climatic conditions countries Central Europe. Four seasons have their own distinct characteristics: warm summers, cold winters. Although certain adjustments are made to this certainty by the features of the country's relief and its proximity to the sea.

From the north, the country is under the influence of the Alps. These mountains stand in the way of the wet air masses coming from the west, and turn into an efficient capacitor. The Stara Planina mountain range in the south of the Balkan Peninsula separates the south of Bulgaria from the cold northern air masses. This mountain range is located in the central part of the country and serves as a natural barrier, influencing the climate in Bulgaria as a whole. In its northern and central parts, the Alps and the Balkan massifs concentrate a lot of moisture here, the average annual rainfall is much higher than in the south, and winters are colder. The climate has all the signs of a continental one. The Danube Plain also has a significant influence on the movement of cold air masses in this region, along which severe cooling often descends from the north. Another one to the south mountain system. The Rhodope mountain range has its own function. Together with the Black Sea, it creates in southern Bulgaria subtropical zone with signs of a Mediterranean climate. Summers are very hot here, and snow is rare in winter.

Features of the annual seasons in Bulgaria

Spring in Bulgaria is rather short. In March, almost the entire territory is still cold, in the north there is snow, and the temperature does not exceed +6 degrees. Warming comes quickly, the air warms up to +19. In April, the country is a green riot and flowering. Many flowers bloom in a matter of days, trees join them, filling the warm wind of spring with aromas. This season is very beautiful in Bulgaria!

Summer comes in mid-May in southern Bulgaria and a little later in the north. Already in May, the temperature rises to +22 degrees during the day, and by the beginning of June, the sea warms up. The average water temperature near the main Bulgarian resorts is +20-21 degrees. At the beginning of summer, it often rains on the coast of Bulgaria. The most suitable period for beach holiday- from July to August. Absence of sweltering summer heat and relatively cool nights very characteristic of the Bulgarian summer. The water warms up well, everyone will like comfortable +25 degrees. Do not forget that the summer time in Bulgaria is a very favorable moment for traveling to its mountainous regions: meadows and pastures surrounded by high mountain ranges are incredibly beautiful. Trips are not tiring, as the temperature in the mountains rarely reaches +30.

Autumn is characterized by long breaks between rains. In September, the swimming season does not end, the sea cools by a maximum of 1-2 degrees. The flow of tourists is significantly reduced. At this time, tourists come to the country, preferring the warm sea with a relatively low temperature. environment. In October-November, they again come to the country rain clouds, wind and dampness. Average daily temperatures do not exceed +12. In such weather, there are still sunny days in the south of Bulgaria, but the imminent arrival of winter is already noticeable.

With the advent of December, Bulgaria opens its doors to ski lovers. The country boasts several state-of-the-art winter resorts, starting with the first snow in early December. AT winter period air temperature in mountainous areas drops to -3. It snows very often. In the southern regions, you can enjoy your holiday in the snow-capped mountains until February. In the north, snow stays on the mountain slopes until the beginning of April. In the coastal area winter season has a number of features: the fallen snow melts very quickly, the temperature is usually 3-4 degrees higher than in the rest of the country, a large number of precipitation in December.

Usually we are with you in our articles about the weather in Bulgaria at different resorts we say somehow in passing, we decided to correct this injustice, because the weather at the resort is an important thing. The weather can make your holiday unforgettable or turn it into a real hell. Therefore, one should carefully and seriously treat not only the choice of a resort, but also the weather, which is in this resort in this moment there is.

How to find out the weather at the resort where you are going to go? There is nothing difficult if you modern man and you have a computer and the Internet at home, you can easily get the information you need. You should not trust those sites where the weather forecast is given for 30 days, there are such sites on the net. You can see a more or less adequate picture if you look at 7-10 days, even a forecast for 14 days can already give serious errors. Therefore, it is best to find out the weather just before leaving for the resort, and then you can be at least a little sure that your vacation will not be spoiled.

So, we figured out how to find out the weather, and now let's talk in more detail at which resorts what kind of weather can await you. Holidays in Bulgaria all year round, so it would be nice to know the weather for the whole year and at all resorts, but we won’t write about all the resorts - it’s very long, we’ll make it easier, we will divide all the resorts in Bulgaria according to the seasons, we will decide where it is better to relax in one or another period of time and talk about the weather. Of course, when talking about the weather, we will definitely mention the temperature in Bulgaria at the time when you are going to relax at some resort.

Temperature in Bulgaria by months: spring

So, since it is the height of spring in the yard, let's talk about it with you. In the spring in Bulgaria, you can relax at once for everyone, both on the sea and on.

The fact is that Bulgaria, despite its small size, is located in such a way that the weather here is very different. If it is already quite warm on the Black Sea coast in spring and the most daring tourists try to open the swimming season in May, on the other hand, the weather in the mountains is still absolutely winter and snow lies until the end of April.

Therefore, if you had no snow in the region in winter and New Year had to meet in the rain, you have a chance even in the spring to get into a real winter fairy tale In Bulgaria. True, at this time the fairy tale already looks a little faded, the temperature in the ski resorts begins to tend to positive, the snow is slowly melting, but it’s still snow, and if you can’t go skiing, then you have the opportunity to play enough snowballs and build different snow castles will be. So, in March, at the ski resorts in Bulgaria, the temperature is still winter, here it may well be -2-4 degrees during the day, and at night the temperature can drop to -5-6 degrees.

Temperature in April it is already starting to rise and during the day it is usually positive 0-+2, at night the temperature can drop to -2 degrees. If you decide to go to a ski resort in May, then you will not find snow there at all, the temperature during the day will be positive, at night it can drop to 0 or -1 degrees, but the snow is already completely melting at this time. That's why everything ski resorts Bulgaria in May begin to rebuild for completely different tourists.

Hiking enthusiasts, climbers and other orcs begin to appear here, you are not mistaken, it is orcs and other fabulous evil spirits. Various Tolkienists and reenactors like to come here to hold their games. If you are lovers of hiking and unity with nature, then in May we do not recommend you go to the ski resorts in Bulgaria, the temperature in Bulgaria at these resorts is not very pleasant for living in tents.

If anyone thinks that it is comfortable to spend the night in a tent at -1 degrees, then he is clearly not a tourist. If you want to really relax and enjoy nature to the fullest, then it is better to come here in late May or early June, then the weather here will be most favorable for hiking or cycling. In general, the temperature in May in Bulgaria is already beginning to resemble summer.

If you decide to go relax on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria in May, then you made the right choice, the weather here is really good. Everything begins to bloom, the air warms up to a pleasant 20+ degrees, and the evenings are quiet and calm, the air is transparent and clean, in short, it’s the most for walking.

Since we are talking about the Black Sea coast, let's now talk about what you can do in the spring. So, March and April are not suitable for relaxing by the sea at all, there may be disgusting weather, in March there may still be frosts at night, it often rains. In April, it becomes more comfortable near the sea, the temperature rises above +12 degrees, the sun shows up more often and you can already safely walk on the street.

If you like to relax in the spring, then May is best for a holiday in Bulgaria, as we have already said, the temperature in May in Bulgaria becomes almost summer and during the day you can not only walk along the embankment, but even sunbathe. In early May in Bulgaria, of course, you can’t lie on the beach yet, but in mid-May or the end you can sunbathe without any problems.

Beach holidays in May in Bulgaria not yet available, so if you like to splash in the warm sea, you should not go here in the spring. In addition, coastal cafes and restaurants are still closed in May, so it is quite difficult to find a place where you can have a bite and admire the sea at this time. What can you do in the spring in Bulgaria, you can go shopping, just walk around the city where you are staying. The temperature in May in Bulgaria is very comfortable, so you can travel to various attractions. This time of the year is especially suitable for sightseeing, because there are not very many tourists here at this time of the year, and you can see the sights without the fuss and crowds of people.

Temperature in Bulgaria by months: summer

In summer, you can also relax at all. If you prefer just admiring nature and hiking, then it is best for you to go to the mountain bases of Bulgaria, where all conditions will be prepared for you. You can take all the necessary equipment for your walks if you don’t have your own. Here you can take backpacks, tents, sleeping bags and go hiking in the mountains, if you are an inexperienced tourist in this regard, then in any hotel and at any base you will be offered the services of an experienced guide who will show you the best routes, tell you different interesting stories and of course show the most beautiful places.

If hiking is not very interesting for you, then you can rent a bike and go for a bike ride. So you can see much more than walking. In short, even summer in Bulgaria in the mountains there is something to do, but the main attention of tourists in the summer is, of course, attracted by the seaside resorts of Bulgaria.

In June, the tourist season officially opens in Bulgaria, all entertainment facilities are already in full swing, you can swim in the sea without any problems, although the water is still not very warm. In early June, the water temperature in Bulgaria does not exceed +21 degrees. Therefore, not everyone can swim in such water, and even more so, you should not go to Bulgaria with children in early June. If you are planning a trip with the whole family, then it is better to postpone it until mid-July or at the end of the month. By this time, the water warms up to +23 degrees and it is much more comfortable to swim in it.

It is worth remembering that June in Bulgaria it can be chilly in the evenings, so be sure to take warm clothes with you for evening walks and an umbrella. Unfortunately, it rains a lot this month, so it's quite possible to get wet.

July is considered one of the hottest months of the Bulgarian summer and it is not surprising, because the air temperature here can reach +30 in some resorts, and the water temperature in Bulgaria by this time already rises to +25-27 degrees. This month is great for beach holidays and for children's beach holidays. The seashore in Bulgarian resorts is gentle, near the coast it is rather shallow and the water warms up perfectly, so children can sit in the water for hours and not get out of the sea.

This month is really hot, but the sea breeze saves from the oppressive heat, which brings the long-awaited coolness in the evening, so it is comfortable to walk in the evenings. It almost never rains and, well, it can pass small thunderstorm and that's just a few minutes.

Almost no different from July, this month is great for a beach holiday, it is the hottest, the temperature in Bulgaria in August often exceeds 30 degrees Celsius. Going on excursions this month is not very comfortable, the fact is that if the heat is not very felt near the sea, a light breeze from the sea still saves you from the heat.

But if you go somewhere from the sea to the ruins of the castle, standing in the middle of the steppe, the risk of getting a sunstroke increases greatly, and you will not get pleasure from such an excursion. August smoothly turns into September and here the real velvet season begins. beach tourists begin to go home, students go to study and life in seaside resorts slowly begins to fade.

And this is a great moment for those people who like to relax without too much noise. in Bulgaria is revealed at 100%, there is no longer that summer heat, the temperature in Bulgaria becomes more comfortable, there is no rain yet, and the sea no longer looks like boiled milk, but begins to refresh. You can still lie on the beach and bask in the sun, but only until mid-September, by the end of the month the weather is already starting to change, it is still warm during the day, but it can be cool at night, so the water is slowly cooling down.


In October beach season it is already completely closed and you can only sunbathe on the beaches sometimes, during the day it is still warm and the air sometimes warms up to +20 degrees, but it is best in October in Bulgaria to just walk and enjoy the views of falling asleep nature, visit the sights. And in November, the first ski resorts begin to operate.

The seaside resorts fade into the background, the first snow falls in the mountains, and the first lovers of winter sports and recreation begin to come to Bulgaria. The temperature this month is not quite yet, but it is already quite cool, during the day the thermometer shows 0-1 degrees with a minus, and at night the temperature can drop to -2 degrees. November smoothly flows into December and this month the real winter tourist season begins. new year holidays All hotel rooms are full and must be booked in advance.

The thickness of the snow cover can reach several meters by this time and it is very comfortable to ride here. in mountain resorts it rarely drops below -7 degrees, so skiing here is comfortable and you can spend the whole day on the street, but in the evening you can sit in cozy restaurants that are located on the territory of those hotels that you have chosen for your vacation.

In general, as you can see, vacation in Bulgaria you can do it without problems at any time of the year, only your entertainment will be different, the weather will make some adjustments to them. And of course you need to choose the right resort. If you need to know the weather in Bulgaria, the water temperature, it is best to use the Internet. There you can find the temperature of water and air in Bulgaria by months, and at the same time find out what the weather will be like in the coming days in a particular city. Remember that if you come on vacation and the weather is really bad, then no one has yet canceled the thermal springs, which are many in Bulgaria, so you can swim in hot water in Bulgaria even in the most severe winterJ.

Bulgaria is an amazing country that awaits tourists all year round. The climate of Bulgaria is temperate continental, so every season is distinct. Of course, for lovers of the sea, sun and beaches, the climate of Bulgaria is most interesting in summer. But we are going to rest not only to the sea and the sun, because such a vacation quickly becomes boring and monotonous. We strongly recommend that you study the climate of Bulgaria by months and decide in which month to go to this wonderful country.


January in Bulgaria can rightfully be considered the coldest month, but compared to Russia, the winters here are milder, so the country attracts tourists to ski resorts. Of course, only the most seasoned person will dare to swim in cold water, so you should forget about a beach holiday. But January is great for excursions.


The climate of Bulgaria in February boasts abundant snowfall. The locals do not really like this weather, which cannot be said about those who came to ski. As for the temperature, it rarely drops below -7 degrees. The wind is blowing, although not strong, but vacationers should still take windproof clothes with them. At the end of February, the temperature rises to +10 degrees and the first thaws begin.


If you want to go to Bulgaria to enjoy the awakening of nature, then it is best to do it in March. Although March weather is often unpredictable: it can suddenly snow or rain. March - last month skiing for skiers. The country seems to come to life, everything around blooms, the first streams run. it great time for walks and inspiration.


April is the very month when it is especially good in Bulgaria. The snow has already melted, the winds are increasingly rare, and the intoxicating aromas of plants can make you dizzy. There are very few tourists this month: ski season has already ended, and the beach has not yet begun, so if you want to explore all the sights in peace and tranquility, go to Bulgaria in April.


In this warm and beautiful month, there are not many tourists in Bulgaria yet, but the weather is changeable. Flowers are blooming, the first cherries are ripening. There are almost no daredevils ready to enter the water, but there are already many sunbathers on the beaches. The temperature in the evening is significantly lower than the daytime value, so you should take warmer clothes if you are going to Bulgaria in May.


The climate in June in Bulgaria is quite favorable for a beach holiday, but it is better to plan a trip for the second half of the month, as it is still raining. The holiday season is open, but there is no influx of tourists yet. The air temperature is stable at around +25 degrees.


A great month for swimming and sunbathing. The temperature reaches +35 degrees, and you can completely forget about the rains. If you feel uncomfortable with this high temperature, then we advise you to choose the northern regions for recreation.


The climate of Bulgaria in August boasts heat. This is indeed the most warm month. There is practically no wind, it happens only on the coasts, so vacationers spend most of their time there.


This month is considered the peak velvet season. The weather is simply magnificent - there is no sweltering heat, the sea is warm and gentle, the sun is already baking not so much, there is no rain yet. If you have not rested in Bulgaria this month, then it is worth correcting this omission as soon as possible. It is better to go in the first half of the month, at the end of September Bulgaria can meet you with rain and cold weather.


The climate of Bulgaria in October can be called truly autumnal. The onset of this bright time of the year is already fully felt. There are fewer and fewer tourists, so this is a great time to admire the beauties of the country. The water temperature is about +17 degrees, but it is hardly suitable for swimming, as the wind is getting colder.


This month, the rainy season begins, it gets colder, the water in the sea cools down so much that there are not even those who want to just walk along the coast. This month has the lowest influx of tourists, but this is not at all surprising, because the weather has already turned bad, and the ski resorts have not yet opened. But if the rain is not a hindrance for you, you can go to Bulgaria in November to explore the sights.


At the beginning of December, the beginning of winter is not felt at all. Even though snow falls, it melts just as quickly. There are constant showers, so you definitely can’t do without an umbrella. At the end of the month, ski slopes open, tourists begin to arrive to celebrate the New Year here.

There are tourists in Bulgaria almost all year round, and this is not only because of the climate. The country is very diverse culturally: there is always something to see and do for everyone. When choosing a month for a trip, be guided by your own interests and hobbies, and then your vacation will definitely be bright and memorable!

The unique weather conditions in Bulgaria are due to the fact that one part of the country is famous for continental climate, and the other - the Mediterranean. Due to this, both summer and winter resorts of the country are very popular.

If we talk about Bulgarian, then in winter time of the year, it is warmest on the Black Sea coast and in the southern part of the country.

And in the summer it gets really hot on the sea beaches.

The fact is that the climate of Bulgaria is approaching the Mediterranean, and therefore here you can observe clear boundaries between the seasons.

The hottest months are July and August when the temperature rises to 30 degrees.

In general, across the country mean annual temperature is at +13..15 degrees. Most of the rain falls in June, and with the advent of autumn, a drought begins.

In summer, a great holiday on the coast, and in winter - in the mountains

bathing season in the wonderful seaside resorts of Bulgaria begins in mid-May and usually lasts until October. At this time, very mild and comfortable weather conditions are observed.

Precipitation rates depend on the landscape of the area. such that there are plains and mountainous regions.

In the Danube and Thracian valleys, as well as in the valleys of the Maritsa and Tundzha rivers, an average of about 500 mm of precipitation falls annually.

And if we take the average mountainous areas, then in the Pirin, Balkan, Rila and Rhodope massifs this norm is twice as high - about 1000 mm per year.

During the summer season, Bulgarian beaches are considered among the best on the planet. Within six months, from May to October, the climate of Bulgaria varies by months as follows.

Starting from 20 degrees in May, in June the air warms up to 25.

It gets hottest in July and August, and by the end of September the air temperature is again at around +20.

In winter, you can ski in Bulgaria - the snow cover in the mountainous area does not subside for more than six months. At the same time, the local rest is much cheaper than in Austria, France or Switzerland.

What is the climate in Bulgaria by the sea?

Bulgarians are annually awarded the international award "Blue Flag" - for the cleanliness of the environment.

There is a hospitable local population and many tourist complexes with developed infrastructure. Favorable climate Bulgarian coast goes well with a safe and gently sloping seabed.

Despite the large number (more than a hundred), it is advisable to book places in advance, since the number of people who want to spend their holidays here is quite large.

All resort complexes can be divided into mountain, sea and balneological. In addition, the country has national and natural parks, as well as about 90 protected areas.

The peak of the holiday season falls on July-September. You can swim in October, although the water is already colder.

But many vacationers have already left by this time, and you can feel more free. In addition, prices in local restaurants and hotels begin to fall in September.