A wooden gun that shoots rubber bands drawing.  How to make a pistol out of wood: ideas.  Sawing process technology

A wooden gun that shoots rubber bands drawing. How to make a pistol out of wood: ideas. Sawing process technology

Today, toy stores offer such a large and colorful selection that parents clutch their heads and children salivate. Unfortunately, the economic situation and your own opportunities do not always allow you to have enough income to please your own child. a good gift. Hands and head to help us! Some of the toys can always be made by yourself. Many craftsmen cut cars, horses, anything from wood and sell it.

Wood is a very convenient material, with a minimum skill in handling it and the necessary tools, you can do a lot. For girls, you can cut dolls, furniture, dishes from it, and for boys - a typewriter, a gun, a sword. The question of how to make weapons out of wood is of great interest to them!

Wooden weapon options

You can actually do a lot, most importantly, why do you need a specific thing? For a child who will play in the yard, for the use of weapons for their intended purpose, for role playing, for hunting or maybe for a suit? Homemade weapons made of wood will take the form and look that you wish.

If the main purpose is a game, then the main thing in this case is strength. All paint and thin fragile parts will come off in a few days, if not immediately. When military field training is held in schools, and schoolchildren are given wooden Kalashnikov assault rifles for them, then 50% of the guys tear off stores on the first or second day. But these machines are made in a stream, not really caring about beauty, painting in one color and trying to make them stronger. Ask how to make a weapon out of wood that won't break? No way, the thing will remain intact only if you do not use your product.

For roleplayers, the situation is much more complicated, they need weapons that are both beautiful and durable, so they often use other materials. If, nevertheless, a tree, then they make two swords or knives, one is beautiful, the second is durable.

Material selection and processing

The choice of material depends on how long it takes to process. Birch is a very strong and unyielding tree, it is good to make a club out of it, without special processing the product will be heavy. Aspen, poplar, pine are softer, it is easy and pleasant to work with them. Oak is rare in many regions of Russia, but if you decide to make a weapon with your own hands from wood, then better material unlikely to find. It is easier to process than birch, lighter in weight and stronger than pine, and retains its quality very well over time.

Wood for products should be free of knots, wood holes, rot, with a single direction of fibers, without distortion. It is necessary to dry it, it is best in a dry room or under a canopy. It is necessary that the tree dries evenly without direct impact sun rays otherwise it will start to crack and warp.

Creation of a club

The simplest weapon made of wood is a club or a stick. What could be simpler, break off a branch - and you're done. But if suddenly you decide to take this issue seriously, you want to make a durable, lightweight, comfortable product, then the question “how” arises before you. It is not easy to make weapons out of wood according to all the rules.

For a club, a young tree of suitable size is chosen. They cut down closer to the root, as the fibers begin to intertwine at the butt, making the material even more durable. Then carefully, so as not to damage the upper layers, remove the bark, cut off the knots, give desired shape handle, if necessary, soak the workpiece in water or special brines for a day. Then the drying begins, a fire is made, and on the smoke, protecting the future club from flames, they are dried. As soon as the tree has turned black, the blackness is removed with fine sand or hard grass. This is repeated six times, the surface is smooth and dry. Even if birch was chosen, the final product will be light and strong. This tree does not rot.

By the same principle, our ancestors made strong arrows and spears without steel tips.

Shield and sword

How to make weapons from wood for role-playing games and historical reenactments? If for beauty and entourage, then it is very convenient to cut out the shape with a jigsaw from plywood, smooth the edge, varnish, paint, insert decorations. With good paint, without taking the thing in hand, it will be difficult to determine what material it is made of. For combat, it is worth making weapons from thick durable wood, with a comfortable handle, so that the vibration from the impact is less transferred to the hand, otherwise you can damage the brush or simply drop the object during the first hard collision.

The shield turns out great from plywood, but for combat it is better to use iron-bound or steel options with a shock-absorbing lining. During reconstructions, they usually show a wall fight, in which it is extremely difficult to deliver a strong blow to the shield. A good and durable one is needed for an individual fight, for all other cases it is suitable from plywood.

Models of firearms

No matter how you want, but make homemade firearms from a tree that will shoot is impossible. Unless for one or two shots, and it’s not a fact that the weapon will not burst during an explosion of gunpowder.

All self-propelled schemes are reduced to one algorithm. The tree is a frame to which the trunk is attached, trigger mechanism with a striker, sometimes a store is added. Uncomfortable, short-lived, but cheap and cheerful.

hunting weapon

Remember, as a child, they ran around the yards with slingshots? If you have not run, be sure to try it, you will like it. Modern elastic materials give such striking power to a small metal ball or pebble that, with proper skill, you can knock down targets from thirty steps. But the frame of a slingshot can be easily made of wood.

Drawings of weapons made of wood for hunting are quite common. So, they make crossbows and bows. A wooden frame is not so difficult to make, sleight of hand and no magic. But there is an important detail that is necessary to make weapon lethal and effective at long distances. For this you need shoulders, flexible and strong, as well as a bowstring. There are old technologies for making shoulders, but nowadays it is too laborious and difficult to implement at home. Easier to apply modern materials type of plastic.

It is best to make the main frame out of wood, and the shoulders out of flexible non-rotting plastic, the synthetic cord will go to the bowstring. A little decoration and paint, and you get a completely entourage and effective bow.

Sometimes in the relationship between father and child there comes a moment when all the games and entertainment are almost running out. You have to puzzle over the search for new forms of leisure in order to captivate your child as much as possible and not let him get bored. In such cases, the Internet or special printed editions, which contains a huge database of games for every taste and taking into account age characteristics.

How to make a pistol out of wood

One of the proven ways to captivate a child can be military sports games, both outdoors and within the house or apartment. Moreover, the most interesting game will be if all necessary equipment and make your own ammunition.

The key element in this type games is a weapon, and in particular all kinds of pistols and machine guns. You can use weapons bought in a store, but it will be most exciting and interesting to make a pistol out of wood with your own hands. This activity will be able to interest the child and contribute to the development of new skills and abilities. At the stage of preparation for the game, the question may arise of how to make a pistol out of wood. You don't need to have any supernatural powers to do this. The whole process will not seem too complicated.

Necessary materials

To do this, you will need some tools and materials that can be easily found at home or in the country: a board made of soft wood, a ruler, a pencil or pen, a planer, a hacksaw, a file, a vise or clamps, a wood burning machine, sandpaper and varnish. This will be quite enough to make a homemade pistol made of wood.

Some stages in the process of making a toy may be within the power of a child. Direct participation in the process of manufacturing a pistol will not let him get bored.

Also an important and desirable point in the manufacture makeshift weapons is a drawing of a pistol made of wood. You can easily find it on the Internet or draw it yourself, taking into account all the wishes for the future product.

Making a gun

On the initial stage you should take the existing board and select an area on it without knots, holes and damage. Optimal Thickness wood material should be 30-40 mm. It is desirable that the wood is sufficiently dried, which will facilitate its grinding at the final stage. Using a hacksaw, you need to cut out the necessary workpiece and carefully process its surface with a planer and sandpaper. The thickness of the board should be the same throughout the thickness.

Drawing selection

Having decided on the model and parameters of the pistol, you need to make its drawing or modify the existing one, taking into account all the nuances and wishes. It is possible to use illustrations or photographs of the weapons you like, to maximize the recreation of the smallest details. You can turn to specialized forums where they can tell you how to make a wooden pistol as similar to the original as possible.

The next step will be this: you should transfer the image of the previously made drawing to the existing workpiece while maintaining all the parameters and dimensions and taking into account all the smallest details and features of the future pistol. In order to make it convenient to cut a wooden blank, it can be fixed in a desktop vise or clamps can be used. This will greatly facilitate the process of making a pistol. It is not necessary to cut out the details strictly according to the applied contour, but with a margin for finishing.

Workpiece processing

Using a file, sandpaper and a knife, it is necessary to give the product all the features inherent in a weapon, highlight all the necessary and distinctive design details, designate the key elements of a real pistol: trigger, front sight, butt. At the final stage of processing the workpiece, a layout should be obtained that exactly resembles a real pistol and corresponds to the image in the drawing. The greater the similarity, the more pleasant it will be to hold such an object in your hands.

The final stage

Using sandpaper of varying degrees of roughness, all irregularities and roughness should be removed, all sharp corners should be polished.

The presence of a grinding machine or machine can speed up the process of final processing of the workpiece. Some details can be highlighted using a wood burning device. At the final stage, to give a more aesthetic finished look, the toy should be covered with several layers of dark varnish and allowed to dry well. To give shine and gloss, the product can be polished with wax.

By doing this work with your child, you will not only contribute to rapprochement, but also teach him how to make a gun out of wood. In the process of processing wood material, you can acquire some skills that earlier child did not possess. And, without a doubt, it is very nice to have something made with your own hands.

All photos from the article

Very often, the production of dummies of weapons or toys for children is required, and plywood as a material is excellent for these purposes. AT this review we will talk about some types of products and figure out how to make them with your own hands. There are simpler, and there are more complex models, but with a certain perseverance, you can master any of the options described below.

What do you need to work

In order to manufacture certain products, it is necessary to have at hand the required materials and tools. Of course, the list can vary significantly, we will list only the most basic components that are almost always at hand anyway:

Plywood For work, you can use various waste, the main thing is that their size is sufficient for a particular design. It is important to choose the optimal thickness for a particular design, sometimes reliability is very important, especially if the products will be subjected to high loads.
Tool First of all, these are cutting tools, you can use both ordinary hacksaws and power tools. Often it is required to make recesses on the surface; for this, chisels and carpentry knives are used.

Grinding is done with ordinary sandpaper, it is better to use options with different grits to achieve the best result.

Protective compounds Plywood consists of wood, which is best protected from moisture. Also, to make the products more similar to the originals, they are painted in black or steel color, the main thing is to choose a wear-resistant paint that fits well on wood.
Glue In order to fasten and fix individual elements, special compounds are used, it can be either ordinary PVA glue or epoxy resin. For the most durable connections, high-strength modern compositions based on bakelite are used.

It is better to use quality plywood, rather than materials of the third and fourth grades, as they both look worse and have lower strength values.

Some types of products and their features

We note right away that not all products are legal, since plywood brass knuckles are a weapon that can cause injury, and you may be held accountable for wearing it. We will talk only about those options that can be done without any restrictions.


This option is suitable for those who like to collect 3D models or want to make an unusual and interesting gift for their child.

Consider the example of a pistol:

  • First you need to find all the necessary schemes. As you know, such products consist of many constituent parts, therefore it is very important to find a very high-quality drawing, which will consist of patterns of all the required elements. The more detailed it is, the better the final result will be;

  • Next, using carbon paper, you need to transfer the outlines of all elements to plywood, do this carefully with a pen or a sharp pointer. The lines can be made more distinct with a pencil, it is important to achieve their good visibility;
  • Cutting is best done with or with a stationary fixture., the jigsaw is suitable for rough processing and it is inconvenient to work with it when cutting small elements. Try to do everything as carefully as possible;

In order to avoid damage to the ends and their cracking during sawing, it is best to treat the surface with a mixture of PVA glue and water in a ratio of 1: 2.

  • Notches are easiest to do like this: first, a hole is drilled in size equal to the width of the groove, after which cutting is performed with a jigsaw;
  • The last step is grinding the ends so that they are even and do not scratch during assembly.

Pistol- this is one of the favorite toys of children, but the problem is that most purchased toys - break after a very a short time. Today, we want to show how to make a do-it-yourself pistol out of wood, which will be very difficult to break. It can be used not only as a toy, but also in martial arts training, because it is often taught there how to behave with dangerous people, in the hands of which a gun.

How to make a pistol at home?

To make a gun, we will have to work a lot on it, but we need very few materials. We only need a piece of wood, 20x12 centimeters in size, 2.5 centimeters thick, and do not forget about the layout that needs to be printed on a sheet of paper. Let's start making our gun!

1. First of all, the model of the gun needs to be transferred to the tree so that we can see further what needs to be cut and where.

2. When the layout is drawn, we see that the extra parts can be cut off. Using a jigsaw, cut them off.

3. In our case, an electric jigsaw was used, but you can even use a regular one.

5. After grinding, we clamp the gun into a tesk, and with the help of a spiral saw, we cut out a hole where the trigger should be.

7. Do not forget also to finally shape the trigger, for this you can use a rasp.

8. You can also make notches on the barrel, such as your own is on a real gun.

9. With a chisel we can cut out smaller details.

10. Finally, the entire gun needs to be sanded with fine sandpaper, and then polished with a zero.

How to make a pistol out of wood you can find out not only out of love to shoot at those around you with bullets from rubber bands. In fact, boys are very fond of such truly masculine crafts as cars, soldiers. And in the process of sawing and bringing a wooden pistol to working condition, a small master, under strict guidance, will master all the main stages of implementation, see and learn how to handle complex tools used in woodworking.

How to make a pistol out of wood master class

There are several videos on the net about how to make a pistol out of wood. Master Class this one is quite complicated, so it will be simply impossible for the baby to cope alone, and even very dangerous. Think about what the main stages of the entire complex technological process are not entirely you can safely entrust to him. Maybe it will be grinding, maybe working with a chisel, or maybe tracing the contour of the future pistol will be sufficient participation.

When working with wood, you must follow the simplest safety rules. And this applies not only to children, but also to adults. Wear thick gloves, as wooden splinters are extremely unpleasant, they are difficult to remove, and the wound can bother you for a long time afterwards. In order to prevent this when working with an unpolished board, you need reliable protection hand skin. The second obligatory moment is a protective mask or goggles. If splinters that get under the skin are unpleasant, then pieces of wood that get into the eyes can lead to very serious consequences. It is better to play it safe and buy each participant in the production of his own pair of goggles. At the same time, you will look like real professionals in this semi-game execution process.

The production of wooden pistols as a type of children's creativity already has a considerable history in the sense of the past years. What material will be as accessible and at the same time as easy to process, relative to metal or plastic? The boys, who always wanted and will want to repeat after adults, made pistols for themselves from plywood, from school rulers, from boards, carried their toys with them for street games in the war, took care of them. Previously, wooden and homemade toys were more likely to be associated with the low income of the family, which could not afford to buy beautiful plastic toys in the store. Today, when a huge number of plastic pistols are sold in the store, but no parent can be absolutely sure of the safety of both the material (toxic or not, what additives are present in the plastic) and the reliability of the design itself (brittleness of plastic, small parts). And wooden toys in our time are environmentally friendly, and, like everything environmentally friendly, they are fashionable and highly valued. Especially handmade ones.

Photo how to make a gun out of wood

Let us briefly review the main steps and photo how to make a gun out of wood. In fact, if your dad is not fond of locksmithing, then you probably won’t have the entire set of tools you need for either at home or in the country. Therefore, further we will analyze also more simple ways production of quite worthy combat units. By the way, a great compromise for dads is to take their son to a small locksmith shop, where they ask permission to make a toy with their son. At the same time, you will show your son what tools there are, and the time spent working together, as advertising teaches us, is simply priceless.

For crafts, we take not lacquered and untreated chemicals board. A thickness of 2-2.5 centimeters will be enough to create a high-quality pistol. On the Internet, find a picture of a life-size small pistol, print and cut out the blank. Attach to the board and carefully circle the outline. This is best done with a ballpoint pen or indelible fine marker, as the lines should not be smeared or erased in the future, which can lead to incorrect cutting. It is best to cut such a thick board with a band saw, which will help to form a smooth and neat edge. Using a grinder, process the barrel, handle, give them the necessary rounded shape. Clamp the semi-finished product in a vise and cut the trigger. For this it will be convenient to use a spiral saw. We make all the relief recesses with a cutter, bring the trigger to the ideal shape with a rasp. All small details, such as notches or a pattern on the handle, are cut with a chisel. The gun is almost ready, but its surface must be properly processed, because it is designed for delicate children's hands. The entire surface is carefully sanded. First, we go through with sandpaper, smoothing out the protrusions and irregularities, and with the help of zero paper we polish it completely.

The finished gun can be varnished, which is used specifically for working with wood, and you can also use paint for working with wood, it will create a protective film on the surface of the craft, which is necessary for its long and faithful service to its little owner. A little secret - before applying paint to the surface of a wooden toy, you need to treat it initially with a special primer. So the adhesion of paint and wood will be maximum and the risk of paint chipping during the game, and, therefore, further damage to wood, will be minimal.

How to make a pistol out of wood: ideas

A thick board allows us to make a pistol that is closest in shape to the present. If the whole complex technological process with an abundance of tools and stages scares you, you can still learn how to make a pistol out of wood. Ideas in this case, emphasis will be placed on materials that are easier to handle.

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