Postcard for March 8 pencil drawing light.  The best gift for every woman is flowers

Postcard for March 8 pencil drawing light. The best gift for every woman is flowers

International Women's Day is one of the brightest holidays: on this day we strive to please our beloved women with attention and care, arrange surprises and give gifts. And it is difficult to find a more touching gift than a card made by the loving hands of a child. On the eve of March 8, we have collected all kinds of postcards that a child can handle on his own or with the participation of adults.

Children are little creators. Even for a two-year-old baby, creating a postcard will be an extremely exciting and rewarding activity. At the age of 2 to 4 years, it is safer and easiest for children to work with paints, so pictures are usually drawn in kindergarten on March 8th.

It is not easy for kids to manage with a brush and colored pencils, but creativity gives vent to imagination: you can draw with cotton swabs, crumpled paper and just with your hands.

For example, to create a postcard with peonies, you only need two sheets of paper, a saucer, water and paints. Pour some water into the container and add the desired paint. On a dense sheet, draw stems and leaves with a finger or a brush. Then we crumple the second sheet, dip it in a saucer and leave traces on paper, forming a flower. And now, a bouquet of peonies is ready.

And you can make a bouquet of bright handprints.

Very beautiful drawings are obtained if you draw by poking with cotton swabs. The sticks can be collected in bunches by tying them with a rubber band or tape, dipped in paint and leaving traces that look like small inflorescences. In this way, you can depict mimosa, wild flowers, twigs of cherry or lilac.

Applications for March 8 in kindergarten, step-by-step postcard-application.

In the older group of kindergarten, a child can make an application postcard. In the work, you can use colored paper, plasticine, shreds of fabric, buttons, ribbons, straw, cereals, eggshells, cotton wool and many others.

The application “Vase with three-dimensional flowers” ​​turns out to be very beautiful. According to the description and templates below, you can create a unique postcard to your taste.

We will need: colored cardboard for the background, colored paper, glue, scissors, beads, satin ribbon or other decorations.

We make five templates of different sizes from hard cardboard. You can choose from the ready-made vase and flower templates at the end of this tutorial or draw them yourself. Next, select a sheet of colored paper, outline the blanks and cut them out. For one flower, we should get five different blanks.

Now we need to carefully bend the petals to the center.

Then we open the petals, forming cups.

We collect the flower: we smear the blanks with glue and put the smaller cup into the larger one. In this case, the petals should be arranged asymmetrically in relation to each other so that the flower looks more realistic.

We collect the remaining flowers. Then we cut out a vase from paper of a different color and begin to build a composition. It is better not to rush and first arrange all the elements on the background sheet of cardboard without glue. After we determine the place of each flower, you can glue, starting with a vase. If desired, the vase can be decorated with a satin ribbon or a mosaic of colored paper, and beads of the same tone can be glued into the cups of flowers. And here we have a cute postcard application.

You can use templates with different number of petals and vase shape.

Postcards for March 8 in elementary school, do-it-yourself step-by-step drawing, master class.

The most common option among children's postcards is still a picture postcard. And rightly so: they do not require special materials to create, they are easier to design and, in their own way, are charming.

To create such a postcard, we need: paper, watercolors, brush, scissors. It is better to use thick watercolor paper or whatman paper.

We fold the sheet in half and begin to draw blades of grass with light lines. Closer to the edge we draw flowers, in our case, these are cornflowers, but you can choose other field plants, for example, poppies.

Inside, we also draw grass, and then cut off the edge from the front side with a smooth line, repeating the outlines of the flowers. And so, we got an unusual and very tender postcard.

Beautiful do-it-yourself postcard for March 8:

With the advent of the Internet, finding sources of inspiration has become easier. We have collected many wonderful ideas for creating a postcard for March 8 for mom, grandmother, teacher or sister.

Scrapbooking technique.

In the technique of quilling.

Postcards 3D.

Using buttons, beads, ribbons and more.

for mom, 10 options

You can express your love for your mother with a card with flowers in the shape of a heart ...

Or draw her favorite flowers.

Mom's favorite flowers can also be depicted on an application card.

Original postcards.

Despite the fact that it seems complicated, such a card is very easy to make. You can use special paper or just choose a scrapbooking background from the Internet and print it out. In order for the handbag to be stable and solid, it is better to stick the printed background on thin cardboard. We print or draw a template, cut a blank on it, bend it, glue it and proceed to the most interesting thing - decoration. To do this, you can use ribbons, lace, beads, buttons, rhinestones, fabric flowers, sparkles, and more.

Bag template and background for scrapbooking.

for grandmother, 10 options

When our grandmothers themselves were children, postcards for March 8 were mostly drawn or made from improvised means. Today there is a huge selection of various materials for needlework and painting. For example, we can surprise grandmother with such postcards.

Postcards in vintage style look very cute and original, but they are more difficult to perform, so it’s better to make them with your mother.

If there is little time left to create a gift, you can make a bright origami card. For example, here is a bouquet of tulips: simple and elegant.

Origami tulip patterns.

March 8 is also a holiday of spring, because so often on postcards you can see spring primroses or mimosa twigs. Give your grandmother a mimosa appliqué made of napkins or please her with flowers blooming on the windowsill.

for the teacher10 options

Teachers receive March 8 postcards from their students every year, so impressing them is a bit harder. But if you give free rein to the imagination and diligently get down to business, this is what can happen.

Application with a bouquet of flowers in mixed media.

If you master the quilling technique, you can make such unusual postcards with your own hands.

You can make several of these flower clearings and decorate the nursery.

Volumetric postcard for March 8, master class

A three-dimensional postcard for March 8 is a cute gift that you can easily make with your own hands. We invite you to make a nice three-dimensional postcard "Blossoming Tree".

We will need: a thick sheet of colored A4 double-sided paper, colored paper, pencil, glue, scissors.

Print out the tree and petal template. We choose the colors of paper for the crown, it is desirable that we get 3-4 shades that are in harmony with each other. We begin to draw the petals: we bend a sheet of colored paper and apply the template with a dotted line to the fold, circle and cut it out. Thus, we need to prepare a large number of blanks (7-8 petals per flower + petals for decoration). Cut out a tree trunk from a brown leaf. We fold the base sheet in half, glue the tree trunk in the center of the sheet and begin to form the crown, without glue yet.

After we have a harmonious composition in front of us, we begin to glue the petals at the bottom. The card is ready, in addition, you can darken the hearts of the flowers with pencils to match, outline the bark on the tree with a black pen, write wishes on the inside of the petals, or add other touches to your taste.

A handmade postcard is the warmth of your hands, care and attention embodied on paper. Do not worry if something comes out a little crooked, the main thing in such a gift is your time and efforts. Approach the process of creation with imagination, imagine how happy your gift will be, and do not be afraid to create: remember that there is a wonderful world and necessary, sincere words in your head.

Video: drawing mom

Video: postcard to mom

Video: postcard to the teacher

It would seem, what to choose? The eighth day of March in our country is the holiday of women, which means we need something nice for women. And here there is a place for reflection, because the topic for a postcard can be:

  • flowers (bouquets and individual flowers);
  • plant motifs (leaves, twigs, blades of grass and other flora);
  • beautiful abstraction (spots, splashes, swirls and doodles);
  • family motives (a stylized image of the whole family, the relationship between mother and child);
  • motherhood (a happy mother in different life or comical situations);
  • femininity (any images associated with femininity - self-care, outfits);
  • culinary themes (charming confectionery can cheer up many women);
  • animals.

My daughter also suggested using all kinds of insects as a theme for postcards, but, in my opinion, it can be either butterflies or dragonflies - all other insects do not seem pretty to me.

Each kid wants to take part in the preparations for the holiday and, of course, prepare a gift for his mother, grandmother or beloved sister. In addition to touching crafts, a child can create a cute drawing - on their own or with the help of adults. We offer you a drawing lesson of a funny animal that will perfectly decorate a postcard with a warm wish. The lesson is quite easy, and even a preschooler can handle it - the main thing is accuracy and a responsible approach to business.

To draw a picture for March 8, it will take quite a bit - just stock up on basic stationery - simple pencils, a sketchbook, an eraser. You can add felt-tip pens, paints, colored pencils to this set. So, if you have everything ready, then you can start drawing a cute picture for March 8th.

We will draw a simple but insanely cute animal in a few easy steps. It all starts very easily - just draw a neat circle. It does not have to be perfectly even, but it’s better to try anyway, then the drawing will be beautiful.

In the center of this circle, draw two elongated ovals. These will be the eyes of our animal. In the center we draw pupils with white spots - highlights.

Above the eyes of our character for the postcard, you will need to draw eyebrows with a house - do it as shown in the picture below.

Between the eyes, a little lower - draw a triangular nose, and below - the mouth with such a figure.

A little lower we draw a line that will depict the language of our animal. On the back of his head, you can draw several lines - this will be wool.

On the sides of the character's head, we will draw two large ears like this.

In the middle of the ears you need to draw straight lines as shown below.

Under the head you need to draw a semicircular line, which will be the chest of our animal. We draw carefully so that each line is smooth and even.

A little lower we draw two more small semicircles-paws.

We draw the lower part so that it looks like cat paws with fingers.

Two ovals are drawn on the sides of the legs.