Trees of all kinds detailed description.  About trees - classes, families, genera, species.  The largest tree is Chestnut

Trees of all kinds detailed description. About trees - classes, families, genera, species. The largest tree is Chestnut "hundreds of horses"

Trees are a form of woody plants consisting of a root, trunk and crown. In 2015, there were three trillion trees on our planet. Russia ranks first in their number - 640 billion. But every year, due to climate change and deforestation, their number is decreasing.

Tree classification


1. Coniferous (evergreen) - these trees belong to the domain - eukaryotes, the kingdom - plants, the department - conifers. They grow in moderate climate zone because they love in moderation warm climate and adequate hydration. The largest number of species is found in the northern hemisphere. Their sizes can range from dwarf to giant.

AT modern world conifers are woody plants with one trunk and lateral branches located on it. These are araucaria, pine and cypress trees such as spruce, cypress, juniper, sequoia, yew, kauri, fir, cedar, pine and larch. If a plant has cones in which seeds develop, and the leaves look like long needles, then it can be safely called coniferous.





Precisely to coniferous plants include the oldest and tallest trees.

The oldest Methuselah tree

This spiny intermountain pine was discovered in 1953 by botanist Edmund Shulman. The approximate age of the tree is 4846 years. It was planted in 2831 BC. To date, this tree is considered alive and it grows in the Inyo National Forest in California (USA) at an altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.

The tallest tree is Hyperion

The height of this tree is 115m. The trunk diameter is 4.84 m. It grows in the US state of California. Approximate age 700 - 800 years. This tree was discovered in 2006 by Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor.


2. Deciduous (small-leaved and broad-leaved) differ in the shape of the crown, the color of the leaves and the presence of fruits. These include trees such as maple, aspen, linden, ash. Trees are also divided according to the life of the leaves into evergreen and deciduous. Deciduous ones shed their leafy cover closer to winter, and in the spring they again release buds, from which green leaves grow again. Evergreen trees change their leaves gradually at any time of the year.

Types of trees (photos and pictures).





Among deciduous trees there are also famous trees.

The largest tree is the Hundreds of Horses Chestnut.

One of the oldest chestnut trees in the world is known as Castagno dei cento cavalli. It grows on the east coast of Sicily, eight kilometers from the active crater of Mount Etna. The chestnut entered the Guinness Book of Records as the tree with the largest trunk coverage (in 1780, its circumference was 57.9 m). This tree has one root and several trunks above the ground. If you believe the legend, then Giovanna of Aragon, the Queen of Naples, along with a hundred knights, fell into a thunderstorm. All 100 travelers were then able to hide under this tree. Since then, it has been called Chestnut "hundreds of horses".

Chestnut "hundreds of horses". Collection of the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.

Jean Pierre Huel - French painter and engraver (1735 - 1813)

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There are countless species of trees, and all this diversity performs the main function on our planet - it takes care of purifying the air from carbon dioxide. Photos of tree varieties, as well as the names of tree species, are widely presented both in special and educational literature. Here you can not only get acquainted with such information, but also learn many interesting facts about green spaces.

Trees of different species are not so difficult to distinguish from each other if you know what kind of crowns and leaves they have. But if the crowns of trees are sometimes formed by people, then the shape of the leaves in representatives of one species is unchanged. However, in different types of trees, the leaves are so different that scientists have come up with special names for them.

Leaves that have one leaf blade that falls entirely in autumn are called simple. They are solid, like a birch and apple tree, and lobed, like a maple. Compound leaves are ternary, like those of clover and strawberries, or palmate, like those of. Unpaired pinnate leaves are also considered complex, in which several leaves are attached to the petiole, ending with one leaf, like in an acacia, as well as paired pinnate, in which the petiole ends with two leaves.

In the photo of the tree species below, you can see the leaves of both varieties:

What birch? Brief description and features of birch

Speaking about what types of trees there are, it’s worth starting with a birch - a symbol of Russia. Birch is considered one of the most common trees in the Northern Hemisphere. In total there are about 60 species of birch.

The photo of this type of tree (whose name comes from the ancient Indo-European word "bergos", meaning "glow, turn white") clearly shows that the birch bark is indeed white. Many songs, poems and legends are dedicated to this beauty, because she is part of the culture of the Slavs, Scandinavians, Finno-Ugric peoples and North American Indians.

Short description birch: height up to 30-45 m with a girth of the trunk 120-150 cm, but there are also shrubs, and dwarf trees. Feature of the birch White color bark, which it owes to the white resinous substance betulin, which fills the cell cavities. The outer part of the bark - birch bark - peels off easily. But in older trees, the bark on the lower part of the trunk is dark and cracked. A birch lives 100-120 years, but some trees live up to 400!

The flowers of the birch are collected in inflorescences - catkin-shaped thyrsus, which are known to everyone under the name "earrings". The birch fruit is a small, almost imperceptible nut, and its seeds are very light - 1g. there are about 5000 of them.

Speaking about what kind of birch, one description is not enough. It is important to talk about its valuable qualities. Birch has been serving people for a long time. She gives wood, bark, Birch juice, healing buds and leaves. Birch bark is particularly durable due to the resinous substances that it contains. In Rus', 1000 years ago, they wrote and painted on birch bark. Archaeologists have found hundreds of ancient Russian manuscripts in Novgorod and other cities. And today they create beautiful paintings on birch bark.

The birch is photophilous and grows quickly. It overtakes other trees, does not allow them to develop, and even knocks down pine cones with its long and thin branches. However, young spruces get along well with birch trees - after all, they are not afraid of shadows, and the branches of the fir trees are directed downwards, so birch branches “do not scare” them. Birch trees reproduce simply - their extremely light seeds are carried to a distance of about 100 m from the mother tree.

Chestnut tree: what are the fruits of a chestnut tree, interesting facts

Chestnuts adorn the streets of many cities. In spring, they sparkle with white and pink candle-like buds, and closer to autumn they produce glossy brown fruits, beautiful but inedible. However, there is one chestnut with edible fruits, which grows further south. Both trees, although they are called the same, are far from relatives - they belong to different families. And even the leaves have different shapes.

Chestnut belongs to the beech family. Some species, especially the sowing chestnut, have long been cultivated as fruit trees, and their wood is also used. it beautiful tree with a spherical crown planted in parks. Chestnuts are drought sensitive, so they are sometimes planted over beer and wine cellars to get enough moisture.

What kind of fruit the chestnut has is clearly visible in the photo. The fruits of the sowing chestnut and related species are nuts in a prickly peel. They are very difficult to hold. But the nuts themselves are very useful. AT southern countries chestnut fruits are eaten raw, baked and fried, and they are also made into a powder that is added to flour.

Why is the horse chestnut called? The familiar chestnut, known in Europe since the 16th century, is not a chestnut at all. It belongs to the Sapindaceae family, not the Beech family. There are several versions of why it was called horse. According to one of them, horses were fed and treated with flour from its fruits, inedible for humans. According to another version, the color of its fruits resembles the color of a bay horse.

The fruit of the horse chestnut tree is a three-leaved box enclosed in a prickly peel. It opens on the wings. These large shiny fruits are inedible. But the flour obtained from them is used to produce not only individual medical preparations, but also glue, which in the old days was used for book bindings.

Interesting fact about chestnut is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. An amazing copy of the tree, which is already more than 3000 years old, grows on the island of Sicily, on the slope of Mount Etna. It was called the "chestnut of a hundred horses" due to an old legend, according to which more than 600 years ago, a hundred knights, without dismounting from their horses, were able to hide under it from the rain. In 1780, the girth of its trunk was 57.9 m. This chestnut is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most thick tree. True, over time it split, and today it has not one trunk, but several, but they all grow from one common root.

Dragon tree dracaena and his photo

An old Indian legend tells that a dragon once lived on the island of Socotra in the Arabian Sea, who hunted elephants and drank their blood. One day, the dragon was unlucky: an elephant crushed him, and where their blood mixed, a tree grew, which received the name "dracaena", that is, "dragon". Now dracaena is also called "dragon tree". And the origins of the legend can be found in the plant itself. If you cut its trunk, resin comes out from there, which quickly hardens and turns red. This resin is called "dragon's blood".

The Sinnobar dracaena or dragon tree growing on Socotra looks like a giant fancy umbrella. The crown of a young tree is a cap of linear-xiphoid, pointed leaves.

As you can see in the photo of the dracaena (dragon tree), there are additional branches on the trunk, each of which ends in a dense bunch of such leaves.

A relative of the Sinnobar dracaena- dragon dracaena - grows in the Canary Islands. Like all her relatives, she begins to bear fruit only at the age of 30-40, and can grow for centuries. But the dragon tree does not have growth rings and is therefore not easy to identify. real age. Guanches, indigenous people canary islands, considered the dragon tree sacred, and its resin was used for embalming. Today, the sharp, leathery leaves of dracaena are used as brush material.

Which tree sheds bark? Eucalyptus and its homeland

Eucalyptus trees are native to Australia. New Guinea and Indonesia, where there are more than a hundred species. These are both shrubs and tall ones. This is one of the few trees that sheds bark rather than leaves. In autumn, their superficial thin coral-red bark falls off, exposing the lower green layer, which gradually turns red. In some eucalyptus trees, the bark is smooth and comes off in long ribbons, while in others it is covered with scales and remains on the trunk and thick branches. The wood of these trees is also unusual: depending on their type, it can be white, yellow or red.

Relic eucalyptus forests of Australia

The relict eucalyptus forests of Australia are a common sight on the Green Continent. These trees are photophilous and grow in both dry and wet places. They are famous for their wood, bark and gum, a sugary substance that is secreted from the trunk and used to make various medicines.

The Australian tea tree, from which the medicinal oil is extracted, is actually a relative of the eucalyptus and has nothing to do with the Chinese camellia, from the leaves of which tea is made.

As a dwelling, eucalyptus trees were chosen by koalas, or marsupial bears. These animals are not related to real bears. Koalas spend their whole lives on eucalyptus trees, eating leaves, crushing them, chewing them and storing them in their cheek pouches. When they eat, you should not disturb their calmness, otherwise these "bears" can get angry and put their sharp claws and teeth into action.

The rainbow eucalyptus grows wild on many tropical islands. It is interesting for its bark, which not only changes color with age, but in mature trees it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

In the open spaces African savannah mighty baobabs grow. This variety of trees got its scientific name - adansonia palmate - in honor of the French scientist Michel Adanson and thanks to the five- or seven-fingered leaves. The tree is famous for its size - the height of a baobab can reach 40 m, and a thick trunk in diameter is about 10 m. And it is believed that this giant is able to exist for 5000 years. Baobabs grow not only in Africa, but also in Madagascar and Australia.

The trunk of a baobab is capable, like a sponge, of storing water reserves. Its long roots suck up moisture deep underground, allowing the tree to survive dry seasons.

Baobab flowers reach 20 cm in diameter. Moreover, they bloom only one night, and pollinate them the bats. And in the morning the flowers wither, acquiring a putrid smell, and fall off.

Baobab fruits are somewhat similar to pumpkins - they have many seeds, pulp inside and a tough peel on the outside. They are healthy and high in calories. Monkeys love them, which is why the baobab has another name - monkey breadfruit.

During the dry season, baobabs shed their leaves, but in the rainy season they again show off their green crowns. An interesting fact about the baobab is that the inhabitants of Africa not only eat their fruits, but also use the leaves for sourdough and to treat malaria. In addition, fiber is obtained from the bast layer, which is located under the bark, and strong ropes and threads are made. In Senegal there is even a proverb: "Helpless, like an elephant, tied with a rope of baobab." Baobab is considered a sacred tree in Africa.

Huge hollows often form in the trunk of the baobab. In Africa they are used as water reservoirs. And in one Australian town in the hollow of a baobab, which has a trunk with a diameter of 6 m, they set up a prison.

Elephants, unlike monkeys, eat not only the fruits of the baobab. They gather near a tree, break its branches, peel off the bark, leaves, and eat it all. Therefore, it is rare to find a tree with an intact crown - most often it is partially eaten away. No wonder the baobab is also called the elephant diner.

What types of trees are there: Thule

What types of trees are there that are legendary? In many countries, they talk about a tree that unites the entire universe. Its branches are a symbol of the sky, the trunk is the earthly world, and the roots are underworld. One biblical legend speaks of a tree of life that grew in the middle of the Garden of Eden. And today on Earth there are trees about which legends are composed and which are sometimes given the old name - "the tree of life."

The Tule tree is the name of the Mexican taxodium from the cypress family, which grows in the city of Santa Maria del Tule. Its trunk is considered the thickest in the world and has a girth of 36.2 m, and a diameter of 11.62 m. The legend of the local Zapotec Indians says that this tree was planted by the priest of the wind god Ehecatl about 1400 years ago.

On a giant tree trunk, some people notice images of various animals, for which they call him a day of life.

For 300 years, in the Tenere desert, on the border with the Sahara, an acacia, nicknamed the "Tenere tree", grew, and there was nothing around it within a radius of 400 km. She was rightfully considered the loneliest tree on Earth. It was fed by deep underground waters. All travelers took care of this tree. But in 1973, a lone acacia tree was hit by a truck with a drunk driver. The remains of the acacia were transferred to National Museum Niger, and in its place a metal tree was installed.

Long-lived tree: Methuselah pine

The oldest single tree on our planet grows in the US state of California. This is a spiny intermountain pine, which is already about 4900 years old. She even has a name - Methuselah, given in honor of the legendary biblical character who lived for 969 years.

Now, tourists are not allowed near the long-lived pine Methuselah, so that they do not dismantle the tree for souvenirs.

In the desert of Bahrain, an island nation in the Persian Gulf, there is a lone acacia, which the locals also call the "tree of life." They believe that it was in this place that the Garden of Eden was located. Today it remains a mystery how this acacia survives in the sands - after all, there is no water nearby. The most plausible version says that the root system of the tree spreads very widely and feeds from distant sources. The tree of life reaches a height of 9.6 m.

Sequoia tree: photos and interesting facts

The evergreen sequoia tree is considered the national symbol of California. This plant belongs to the cypress family and is sometimes called "mahogany". But the sequoiadendron - a representative of a different genus - was called the "giant sequoia". AT wild nature these trees grow on the Pacific coast North America. Individual sequoia specimens reach a height of more than 100 m. An interesting fact about the sequoia is that these trees are among the highest on Earth, their age is 3500 years.

Fifteen of the evergreen sequoias that have survived to this day have a height of more than 110 m, and the record was set by a sequoia named "Hyperion". Its height, measured in 2006, was 115 m. Scientists believe that any tree, in principle, cannot reach 122-123 m, because gravity will not allow tree sap to rise to such a height.

Sequoiadendron "General Sherman" named after a participant civil war in the USA. This tree is not the tallest (only 83.8 m), but in terms of wood volume it holds the world record - 1487 m3. And the age of this giant is 2300-2700 years.

See other photos of the sequoia tree in the photo gallery below:

Photo gallery

Sequoia National Park, founded in 1890, is famous for its quoyadendron, also known as the "mammoth tree" because of its size and the resemblance of giant branches to mammoth tusks. For millions of years, sequoiadendrons grew throughout the northern hemisphere, but today only 30 groves remain, including in national park. In addition, there is a museum dedicated to history sequoiadendrons. In the trunk of a sequoiadendron, an arch was cut through, through which a person can pass.

Giant trees have always sought to be named after prominent people. scientific name sequoiadendron - "wellingtonia" comes from the name of the English commander in chief, the winner at Waterloo. And the genus of these trees is named after Sequoia (George Hess) (c. 1770 - c. 1843) - the Cherokee Indian leader who invented the Cherokee alphabet and founded the first newspaper in this language.

The function that trees perform cannot be overestimated. A huge number of their species pass incredible volumes of air through themselves every second, purifying it from carbon dioxide and other harmful impurities, being the lungs of our planet. From each other different types trees are quite easy to distinguish if you know what shape the foliage and crown of a particular type of tree.

As of 2015, there were over three trillion trees worldwide. At the same time, Russia occupies the first place in terms of their number. However, due to deforestation and forest fires, the number of trees is steadily declining.

Plant taxonomy

A species in botany is a collection of individuals that have similar characteristics and originated from the seeds of a single plant, the properties of which are inherited. Tree species, in turn, are divided into subspecies, forms and varieties.

Any plant has a name consisting of two words. The first designates its genus, and the second defines its specific name. For example, Norway spruce or European larch.

All plant names have Latin names and are also double. Such names are accepted in all countries and are international. In the first Latin word that always begins with capital letter, the belonging of the plant to a particular genus is indicated, and in the second - belonging to the species. For example, Larix decidua (European larch).

In turn, plant varieties can be divided into groups or breeds. The largest of them:

  1. Deciduous;
  2. Coniferous.

Types of trees in Russia

The abundance and diversity of forests, in addition to Russia, can not boast of all countries. Perhaps only Brazil and Canada are the only closest competitors.

The most famous trees of central Russia have long been sung in songs, poems have been written about them and prose has been written. Birch, aspen, pine, oak, willow and other species have long been included in folklore. It is worth noting that conifers are the most numerous of their species in Russia.

Basic tree names conifers on Russian territory:

  • Fir ordinary;
  • Norway spruce;
  • Cedar pine;
  • European larch.


Fir mainly grows in the European part of Russia. However, it is found in Siberia and the Caucasus. The height of the plant can reach up to 50 meters, with a meter-thick trunk. The lifespan of this powerful evergreen tree ranges from 500 to 700 years.

The common fir has a sharp and well-defined crown cone, and the shiny needles with dark shade decorated with white stripes in stomata with reverse side. The color of the bark of this plant is light gray, but you can find trunks with a reddish tint.

At the age of about 40-50 years, fir begins to bear fruit. Fir cones, bark and needles are widely used in folk medicine for the preparation of various infusions and decoctions.

Norway spruce

In Russia, spruce is a forest-forming species and grows throughout the country. The height of this plant reaches 35 meters, but there are giants up to 50 meters.

The crown of the spruce is in the form of a regular cone, which descends to the very ground. The upper part of the crown is always sharp and never changes its shape.

The needles of spruce are four-sided, flattened, shiny and with a dark green tint, having a needle-like shape. The length of such needles reaches 2-3 centimeters or more.. Near the ground, the trunk diameter of an adult spruce ranges from 80 to 120 cm. Spruce grows throughout its life, sometimes reaching 300 years of age.

Cedar pine

Siberian cedar, or cedar pine, is a plant with a trunk width of up to one and a half meters and a height of up to 45 m. The needles of the cedar pine are trihedral, growing in small bunches. Among the pine family, cedar is one of its most ancient representatives. A tree lives up to 500 - 600 years, and under favorable conditions - up to 800.

In the Urals in the last century, according to some information, it was possible to meet cedar pines with a trunk up to two meters wide. Now it is unrealistic to meet such giants. They have long been gone, not only in the Urals, but even in Siberia.

The trunk is slender, begins to branch at a height of 1.5-2 meters. The bark is in small cracks of a gray or brownish-red hue. The needles are trihedral, collected in bunches of 5 needles. The crown of the cedar has a pyramidal shape of dark green color with a gray tint.

European larch

European larch is the most common species among all the rest of its family. Its height can reach 50 meters, but most often - 25-40 m. The crown of a larch does not always have the shape of a regular cone. The bark is scaly and thin, and in adult trees - with cracks.

The needles of the larch are light green in color, sometimes you can see the colors with a bluish coating. On short shoots, the needles grow in bunches.

The tree grows in the European part of the country and in the Urals, and the maximum age of life reaches 500 years.

The most numerous representatives of hardwoods in Russia:

  • Birch ordinary;
  • Linden small-leaved;
  • Pedunculate oak;
  • Aspen ordinary;
  • Norway maple.

common birch

The famous birch grows in middle lane Russia, and its habitat ranges from hot subtropics to areas with a very harsh climate. An adult tree reaches 40 meters in height and up to one and a half meters in width.

The color of the tree bark is white or pink with a brown tint, sometimes you can find birches with a yellowish-white trunk. Young birch branches are red-brown in color with characteristic dark warts.

Linden small-leaved

This tree grows from the west of Russia to the Urals. The height of the trunk ranges from 20 to 30 meters, and the crown, which has spherical shape giving it a majestic look. The diameter of the crown can reach from 15 to 20 meters. The tree lives up to 600 years.

Linden is known for its useful properties thanks to which its leaves are actively used in cooking. Many recipes traditional medicine based on leaves, bark and even roots of small-leaved linden.

The tree is an excellent honey plant. Its persistent aroma actively attracts bees, and honey is viscous, healing and tasty, with the highest quality.

Pedunculate oak

Tree of the beech family. Another name is common oak. The crown of the tree is broad-pyramidal or spherical with large massive branches.

Young trees have bark gray color, and in adult trees it is dark in color, with large cracks. The height of the tree reaches 50 meters, and the width - up to 2 m. Average duration The life of this plant is 500 years.

Oak leaves are lobed with a characteristic serrated-rounded the edge of a simple shape. By mid-autumn, fruits begin to ripen at the oak - acorns.

Common aspen

The habitat of this plant is places with cold and temperate climate all around Russia. The aspen trunk, which has a wedge-shaped shape, reaches a height of up to 35 meters, with a diameter of 1 meter.

The tree lives only up to 90 years and only in rare cases up to 150. Young trees are distinguished by a greenish-gray smooth bark, while in adults it becomes darker and cracks.

Aspen is very rich in useful properties. Since ancient times, the bark of this tree has been added to food, after being dried and crushed. She relieved fatigue, which was especially important for the taiga residents.

Norway maple

Known for the peculiar shape of the leaves, the plant, reaching 30 meters in height. AT good conditions maple can live up to 200 years. The reddish-gray tint and smooth bark distinguish young trees from older trees, which are darker in color and cracked.

Maple leaves up to 20 cm in diameter with pronounced veins and five lobes, the two lower ones are small and the upper three are large. In autumn, maple becomes especially beautiful when its leaves begin to turn brown, red, yellow.

Maple is most common in the European part of Russia and the Caucasus, in broad-leaved and mixed forests. Maple juice, leaves and shoots are widely used in folk medicine.

Moscow trees

In the parks of the capital, you can even find species that are not typical for the area, some of which were planted and grown on purpose.

Main Botanical Garden Moscow and the arboretum literally abound with many varieties of trees. Among them, the most common are: mountain ash, poplar, chestnut, aspen, pear, apple tree, oak, elm, ash, willow, willow, lilac, yellow locust, white locust, viburnum, wild rose.

While exotic species of plants can be found in the parks of Moscow, species that usually grow in the European part of Russia are planted in the yards and streets of the city. Every year, planned events are held to plant new young seedlings throughout Moscow and the region.

For those who are interested in plants, I think it will be interesting to know what kind of trees there are on our planet. We will talk about various classifications of trees - according to the type of leaves (and this is the main classification of trees), according to their life span and according to other, already non-biological features: according to their value, distribution, and so on. Well, we will begin our short review of trees, of course, with biology.

What are the trees - biological types

The most important classification is in the form of leaves, and on this basis, trees are divided into deciduous and coniferous. More precisely, it is more correct to call deciduous species broad-leaved, since needles are also leaves, only of a very peculiar shape. Coniferous trees are distinguished by hard needle-shaped or scaly leaves, which are called needles or needles. On the coniferous trees cones or juniper berries are formed. This group of trees includes well-known spruce, pine, cedar, fir and larch, as well as southern cypress and sequoia. Deciduous or, more precisely, broad-leaved trees have flat and wide leaves, the thickness of which is much less than the width and length. Leaves of broad-leaved trees most often fall once a year. Also, broad-leaved trees most often bear fruit and flower. What trees are deciduous? This group includes many types of trees - these are oaks, and maples, and beeches, and ash trees, as well as birch, alder, aspen, eucalyptus and many, many others. However, this is far from a complete classification of trees. Trees are also divided according to the life span of the leaves. Here, such types as evergreen and deciduous are distinguished. The latter trees have a certain leaf change cycle, when all the leaves of such a tree lose their green color and then fall off. At the same time, the tree stands without leaves for a certain time ( winter period), and then new leaves grow from the buds on the tree in spring. Evergreen trees, on the other hand, do not have an exact order of leaf change. On these trees, the change of leaves occurs at any time of the year and gradually throughout the entire period of the tree's life.

Separate groups

Coniferous trees are divided into two main groups - pine and cypress. However, these groups are also huge in composition, since there are more than 120 species of pine alone in the world. Pine is used both as a source of fairly valuable wood, and as a raw material for the chemical industry and pharmaceuticals. The fact is that pine wood is very rich in various resins, which have a very beneficial effect on human health. That is why many build houses from pine timber or buy pine furniture. In addition to pine, the pine group also includes spruce, cedar, fir, larch and the not-so-well-known hemlock growing in Japan and the Himalayas, as well as in Canada. As for cypress trees, this species includes creeping or upright branched trees, or shrubs with cruciformly opposed or whorled leaves. Whorled leaves are in groups at the same level. In addition to cypresses, this group includes juniper, which is common in our country, as well as thuja and sequoia.

Other types of trees

What types of trees are there? The biological classification, of course, is the main one, but the division of trees into types is far from exhausted. Trees are also divided according to other characteristics. So, fruit trees are distinguished, to which a person refers to those species whose fruits he can use for food. These are, for example, apple and pear, cherry and apricot, plum and peach. In addition, there are valuable species of wood, the wood of which is used for various industrial purposes. So, valuable species include oak and beech, from which excellent expensive furniture is obtained. Ship breeds are used, as the name implies, in shipbuilding. And of course, one cannot help but recall the division of trees into areas - distribution zones. Mostly northern trees grow in our country, and tropical trees are widespread near the equator, because their range is located near the equator. In principle, there are a lot of such zones and they will be of interest only to an avid amateur. My task was to give a general overview to novice lovers of the flora of our planet. For those wishing to get acquainted with the types of trees in more detail, I recommend that you carefully read here, in which groups of trees are described in a simple and understandable language. This information will also be very useful for children who, getting acquainted with nature, learn to protect and protect it.

The flora of the Earth is huge and diverse: it consists of 350,000 species, and according to some botanists, even of 500,000 species of plants.
The plant kingdom includes algae, fungi, slugs, and seed plants, which are subdivided into gymnosperms and flowering family, and among the latter, herbaceous and woody species are distinguished. It is known that man has already described and systematized almost all the variety of plant species, creating a natural system. flora based on the scientific principles of establishing family ties between certain groups of plants. The modern system of the plant world is subdivided into systematic units subordinate to each other, among which the main unit is the species. Related tree species are grouped into genera, and related genera are grouped into families. This is followed by ever larger associations: orders, classes, departments, and, finally, the highest systematic unit - the kingdom of plants.
tree classification
Usually, woody plants are divided into the following groups according to the nature of the structure of the main stems and height: trees, shrubs, shrubs, semi-shrubs and lianas.


A tree is considered to be a large plant with a perennial woody main stem, usually called a trunk, which grows in height with its top. The rate of growth of trees in height depends on environmental conditions, the geographical area of ​​​​growth and biological features of this type. The tree grows in height inconstantly, growth changes throughout the life of the tree until it stops completely.
The height of the tree is different for different tree species and ranges from several to many tens of meters, and in some cases reaches 120 m or more. This height is reached by evergreen sequoia and giant sequoia, growing on the California coast of North America in mountain forests, and Australian eucalyptus trees. The trees of our forests do not reach such sizes, but many of them grow up to 40-50 m or more. So, common spruce, Sakhalin fir, Siberian larch, etc. reach 40 m or more, oriental spruce, European beech 50 m or more, Schrenk spruce in favorable conditions 85 m, Caucasian fir 65 m. Individual trees of European fir sometimes reach 60 ( 90) m height. European larch and have a height of up to 54 m, summer oak 40-50 m, plane trees of the Caucasus 45-50 m. Such species as birch, aspen, linden, elm, elm, Norway maple, etc., rarely exceed 25-35 m.