Atmospheric pressure during rain.  What happens in the body when the weather changes.  Medicines to lower blood pressure in menopause

Atmospheric pressure during rain. What happens in the body when the weather changes. Medicines to lower blood pressure in menopause

The fact that the biosphere is influenced by various anthropogenic and natural processes has long been known fact. In particular, taking place in earth's atmosphere meteorological changes have a significant impact on the human body. For example, weather changes can cause headache, increase blood pressure, mental deviations, mental discomfort, etc. Tectonic, seismic, and cosmic processes have a similar effect on the human body. Quite often, deterioration of the condition occurs against the background of magnetic storms, and extremely high solar activity. As a rule, meteorologically dependent people suffer, and those who have a pathology of the cardiovascular system.

However, bad weather has a negative impact on the healthy person. Constant rain can cause anxiety, stress, and even depression. The fact that this is exactly the case is also evidenced by the fact that at such a time people begin to actively purchase sedatives in pharmacies. And the reason is simple. AT rainy weather a person is forced to stay indoors at all times. He practically does not go out into the fresh air. As a result - oxygen starvation, stress, anxiety, depression.

The most interesting thing is that weather-dependent people feel the approach of rain long before it falls. This is expressed in conditions such as: migraine, high blood pressure, asthma attacks, hormonal disruptions, anxiety, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Doctors say that such conditions do not pose a particular danger, although they drastically worsen the quality of life. In an ordinary person, before the rain, a protective mechanism is activated, which can be expressed in the same drowsiness. The weather dependent does not have such protection. His body reacts to a change in the weather by worsening his condition. Why this happens is not known for certain. Scientists cannot answer this question. Well, if so, then you just need to calm down, and try not to pay attention to everything that happens.

And yet, the cause of the same migraine is not difficult to explain. This is due to sharp fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which cause similar changes in the vessels. They also begin to shrink. And if in a healthy person this process is painless, then in a suffering heart - vascular diseases everything is somewhat different. The walls of its vessels have long lost their elasticity, and cannot instantly respond to meteorological changes. In anticipation of rain, oxygen starvation sets in, and the brain gives a command to dilate blood vessels. However, they cannot fulfill it, which leads to a violation of the blood circulation process. Here is the reason for your headache. You can correct the situation with the help of drugs, but for this you need to undergo an examination and consult a doctor. The easiest way to get rid of a migraine is to get out into the fresh air to make up for the lack of oxygen in the body.

Sometimes meteorological dependence manifests itself in the form of shortness of breath, heart pain, angina pectoris. This is due to the increased humidity of the air, which slows down the speed of blood movement in the vessels and disrupts its clotting. Such conditions can be stopped only by walking in the fresh air and taking vasodilators.

People suffering from rheumatism and joint diseases react strongly to rainy weather. In anticipation of rain, their bones begin to ache. Such people are jokingly called living barometers. The cause of these states, paradoxically, is also related to changes in atmospheric pressure. In this case, the pressure in the joints increases in a person, which leads to pain. Painkillers, swimming in the pool, sauna can help in this case.

Weather changes are also felt by asthmatics. At this time, they cannot do without an inhaler and drugs that relieve suffocation syndrome. To alleviate the condition, you need to diversify your diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, fish and lean meat. Salty, smoked and spicy should be discarded.

For most people, weather changes can cause nervous breakdowns. They become irritable and aggressive. To all this, dizziness, sweating, weakness can be added. You can buy these states with medicines called adaptogens. This is the same tincture of hawthorn, or eleutherococcus. Well, insomnia will help to cope with an infusion of sedative herbs, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Warm relaxing baths with the addition of coniferous extract and sea salt perfectly soothe the nerves.

In general, on such days you need to rest more, if possible, walk in the fresh air, avoid strong physical activity, do not consume alcohol, give up tobacco, eat more vegetables and fruits, do not be nervous. Good mood and positive emotions will help you cope with weather dependence. You must understand that nature has no bad weather and every weather is a blessing!

Atmospheric pressure refers to the pressure of atmospheric air on the surface of the Earth and objects located on it. The degree of pressure corresponds to the weight of atmospheric air with a base of a certain area and configuration.

The basic unit for measuring atmospheric pressure in the SI system is the Pascal (Pa). In addition to Pascals, other units of measurement are also used:

  • Bar (1 Ba=100000 Pa);
  • millimeter mercury column(1 mm Hg = 133.3 Pa);
  • kilogram of force per square centimeter (1 kgf / cm 2 \u003d 98066 Pa);
  • technical atmosphere (1 at = 98066 Pa).

The above units of measurement are used for technical purposes, with the exception of millimeters of mercury, which is used for weather forecasts.

The barometer is the main instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure. Devices are divided into two types - liquid and mechanical. The design of the first is based on a flask filled with mercury and immersed with an open end in a vessel with water. The water in the vessel transmits the pressure of the column of atmospheric air to mercury. Its height acts as an indicator of pressure.

Mechanical barometers are more compact. The principle of their operation lies in the deformation of a metal plate under the influence of atmospheric pressure. The deformable plate presses on the spring, and that, in turn, sets in motion the arrow of the device.

Effect of atmospheric pressure on the weather

Atmosphere pressure and its effect on the state of the weather varies according to place and time. It varies depending on the altitude above sea level. Moreover, there are dynamic changes associated with the movement of areas of high (anticyclones) and low pressure(cyclones).

Changes in the weather associated with barometric pressure occur due to movement air masses between areas with different pressures. The movement of air masses form a wind, the speed of which depends on the pressure difference in local areas, their scale and distance from each other. In addition, the movement of air masses leads to a change in temperature.

Standard atmospheric pressure is 101325 Pa, 760 mm Hg. Art. or 1.01325 bar. However, a person can easily tolerate a wide range of pressure. For example, in the city of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico with a population of almost 9 million people, the average atmospheric pressure is 570 mm Hg. Art.

Thus, the value of the standard pressure is determined exactly. A comfortable pressure has a significant range. This value is quite individual and completely depends on the conditions in which a particular person was born and lived. Thus, a sudden movement from an area with relatively high pressure to an area of ​​lower pressure can affect the work circulatory system. However, with prolonged acclimatization Negative influence comes to naught.

High and low atmospheric pressure

In zones high pressure the weather is calm, the sky is cloudless, and the wind is moderate. High atmospheric pressure in summer leads to heat and droughts. In low pressure zones, the weather is predominantly cloudy with wind and precipitation. Thanks to such zones, cool cloudy weather with rain sets in in summer, and snowfalls occur in winter. The high pressure difference in the two areas is one of the factors leading to the formation of hurricanes and storm winds.

“Oh, how many wonderful discoveries we have
Prepare enlightenment spirit
And an experience, son of difficult mistakes,
And a genius, a friend of paradoxes...”
A. S. Pushkin


It was not in vain that I took the lines of the great Russian poet A. S. Pushkin as an epithet, because the study of most sciences is impossible without setting up experiments.
From the textbook The world”I learned about the multitude amazing phenomena nature. I wanted to make layouts natural phenomena and experiment with them. Having become interested, I got acquainted with these phenomena from the literature in more detail. Decided to experiment on my own. I had to show creativity and ingenuity.

I chose two natural phenomena:
* Atmosphere pressure.
* Atmospheric precipitation (rain).

Around our the globe is the atmosphere. The atmosphere is a mixture of various gases, mainly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). The atmosphere presses on the Earth's surface. But the influence (pressure) of the atmosphere cannot be seen with the eyes. We can only feel it when our state of health changes. And how is it not easy for a person to understand and study what cannot be seen. A barometer can help with this. It measures atmospheric pressure. But modern barometers are very complex and show digital changes in the atmosphere. I designed the layout of the simplest barometer. It allows you to see the effect of atmospheric pressure on the membrane of the device and makes this phenomenon from invisible, quite real (visible).

More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered with water. Of the total amount of water, 1% is in the atmosphere, 97% in the oceans, and the rest in rivers, lakes and glaciers. Under influence solar heat water evaporates and rises into the air. Air contains this invisible water vapor. The amount of water vapor in the air is characterized by an indicator of humidity. As the water vapor rises, it cools and collects into tiny water droplets to form clouds. When the drops are large enough, they fall out as precipitation (rain or snow). The higher the humidity, the greater the likelihood of cloud formation and precipitation. This means that by establishing empirically, an increase in humidity in the atmosphere, we will be able to predict rainfall. I've put together a rain detector based on the effect of humidity in the atmosphere.

Setting up experiments is a very exciting activity. All the experiments I conducted are simple and are carried out with the implementation of safety precautions, which is important for those who conduct experiments at home, especially for the first time. I describe the preliminary preparation and stages of execution, which allows me to carefully handle objects in the future and properly organize my work plan. In addition to the studied natural phenomena, in these experiments you can simultaneously get acquainted with the laws of physics (electricity) and acquire technical skills (soldering, assembling an electrical circuit, working with a screwdriver). It is always useful to a man.

Thus, the studied information material and conducted on its basis own experiences formed the basis of this work, defining its purpose, objectives and conclusions.


Setting up experiments to study the phenomena of the surrounding nature.


* Conduct observations of natural phenomena selected for experiments (changes in weather, precipitation);
* Develop and conduct experiments;
* Take a picture of the results;
* Give recommendations on setting up experiments.


Model of my barometer (Experiment No. 1).

experience material: jar, balloon, straw from juice, adhesive tape and cardboard.

I cut off the balloon and pulled it over the jar. The result is a stretched membrane. Secured the ball on the neck with an elastic band. I made an arrow out of a juice tube, sharpening its end. I fixed one end of it with tape in the middle of the ball covering the jar. The arrow must be strictly horizontal. I put a piece of cardboard next to the jar so that the outer end of the arrow barely touched it, and marked the position of its tip in red (atmospheric pressure at the beginning of the experiment). Draw a scale along this line. I glued this piece of cardboard with duct tape to the jar and followed the position of the arrow.

With an increase in atmospheric pressure, the surface of the ball seemed to be pressed into the vessel and the arrow rose up the scale.

When the atmospheric pressure dropped, the air from the can pressed on the surface of the ball from the inside, tending upwards, and lifted the ball.

The arrow went down the scale. You will not see the exact indicators of atmospheric pressure on such a barometer, since the membrane of a stretched ball is not thin and sensitive enough. The tube descends and rises by only one division, but the rise and fall of atmospheric pressure can be seen very clearly. These results matched the weather announcements in the local newspaper.

Observations have shown: With an increase in atmospheric pressure, the weather was clear and sunny. With a decrease in pressure - cloudy, sometimes rainy.

My next experience is devoted to the study precipitation(rain). The clouds have gathered. It's going to rain soon. How to find out about it in time? The rain gauge will help me.

Construction of the “Rain Determinant” model (Experiment No. 2).

experience material: clothespin, electric wire (about 2m, so that the wire reaches the window), 2 “finger” batteries, a flashlight bulb, 2 screws, lump sugar.

I screwed 2 screws into the clothespin with different parties. I attached (soldered) the stripped ends of the wire to them. I fixed a piece of sugar between the ends of the clothespin so that the electrical circuit would not close.

I assembled the “rain detector” electrical circuit: I connected the wire from the clothespin with a battery and a light bulb in series.

He put the clothespin with a piece of sugar out the window into the street. With increased air humidity (humidity is the amount of water in the atmosphere), which happens before rain, sugar gradually absorbs water, crumbles and breaks. The contacts close and the light turns on.

According to my observations, after about 30 minutes. it started to rain.


1. Atmospheric pressure, rain are phenomena subject to clear laws of nature that can be observed and studied.
2. The experiments carried out make it possible to better understand these laws.
3. Photographs and models of experiments confirm this study.
4. Recommendations for setting up experiments, I will help you conduct them yourself.

Based on the results obtained in the course of the work, a set of recommendations for novice experimenters has been developed:

* all substances and materials used must be accessible and safe for health;
* when setting up the “barometer model” experiment, it is necessary to use a large container with a wide neck to create a thinner and more sensitive membrane
ball when pulled and more air in the jar for better visibility of the experience; the tube should be as thin and light as possible;
* when setting up the “rain detector” experiment, you need to use a 3V battery or two 1.5V batteries; instead of a light bulb, you can use an electric bell (or a small transistor that runs on batteries and turns on a musical wave), collect the electrical circuit in series, it is better to solder the stripped ends of the wire, for the strength of the contacts.


It is not difficult to conduct these experiments, but it is interesting. They are safe, simple and useful. My barometer warns my grandmother about changes in atmospheric pressure, and she takes her medicine on time. The rain won't surprise me. New research ahead!


* Children's encyclopedia "I want to know everything" // M. "Planet of Childhood" - 2003. - P. 260–261.
* New schoolchild encyclopedia //– M. Makhaon.– 2009.– P. 128 – 129.

Dashevsky Gleb
Lyceum, 3rd grade
MOU-Lyceum (Physics and Mathematics), Vladikavkaz

Why does blood pressure rise after eating? Some people with an increase in blood pressure (BP) do not think about how food intake and the activity of the cardiovascular system are connected. If a similar symptom regularly asserts itself, then you should listen to it and adjust the diet.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the force with which blood flow acts on the walls of the vessels of the entire circulatory system. It is determined not only by the volume of blood passing through the vessels, but also by the speed of its movement, viscosity and many related indicators.

Blood pressure tends to fluctuate throughout the day. When the body is in a state of sleep, wakefulness, in the stage of physical exertion and overstrain, change of scenery, sexual arousal, eating, emptying the intestines and bladder, blood pressure can change. Each person has his own individual mechanism for regulating pressure, leading him to the proper level. The norm of pressure for each organism is different. Due to anatomical features, lifestyle, nutrition, the presence of bad habits Blood pressure is kept at a certain level, which is an individual norm for each person.

Causes and symptoms of increased blood pressure

There are many reasons for fluctuations in blood pressure:

  • hormonal changes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • smoking and alcohol abuse;
  • mobility nervous system;
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased physical activity;
  • stress;
  • disruption of the digestive system;
  • kidney failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart diseases.

At the moments when the pressure rises, a person observes symptoms in himself, the intensity of which is determined by the level of hypertension:

  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head and neck;
  • noise in ears;
  • increased sweating;
  • chills;
  • insomnia;
  • redness of the face and neck;
  • numbness of the limbs;
  • pulsation in the crown;
  • puffiness;
  • nausea;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • fatigue;
  • increase in heart rate;
  • shortness of breath

Unfortunately, many people are used to not taking situations seriously when their pressure rises. Sometimes it is this attitude to the first symptoms that leads a person to persistent arterial hypertension. The disease has the ability to progress over time and lead to severe complications.

What causes high blood pressure after eating?

Why does blood pressure rise after eating? During and after meals, some people experience high blood pressure. A number of factors contribute to this:

  1. Lots of spices in food. They influence water balance in the body, retaining fluid and causing a feeling of thirst.
  2. Alcohol. Ethanol has the ability to expand the walls of blood vessels, but as soon as this happens, they immediately spasm and blood viscosity increases.
  3. Tea or coffee at the end of the meal. Tonic drinks contain tannin and caffeine, which increases the heart rate.
  4. High oxygen consumption for processing incoming food.
  5. Too high-calorie food. It is hard and long absorbed in the process of splitting fats, affecting blood viscosity and heart rate.
  6. Lack of fiber in the diet. It retains liquid in its fibers, which facilitates the process of digestion of "heavy" food.
  7. "harmful" products. Animal fats and oil ingredients can increase the level of fat in the blood, inhibiting its movement through the vessels.
  8. Large volumes of liquid. All fluids consumed at the time of eating long time lingers in the body, changing the water balance.
  9. Abuse of sweets. Sugar-containing foods cause hormonal changes, and carbonated drinks with sugar also harm the body.
  10. Binge eating. Large portions are reflected in the work of all internal organs. After acceptance a large number food pressure is exerted on internal organs, especially on the inferior vena cava, located in the abdominal cavity.
  11. Lots of salt in the food. Table salt changes the sodium-potassium balance in the body, retains fluid.
  12. Eating at the wrong time. Late dinners or snacks at night fill the stomach with food that it begins to digest while the body is getting ready for sleep.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the increase in blood pressure after eating depends on the quality and volume of food consumed.

What to do?

People who are prone to high blood pressure need to regulate their diet and meal times on their own. You can not eat during the day chaotically, on the go, dry food, before going to bed.

Nutrition should be fractional, i.e. you can eat in small portions up to 5-6 times during daylight hours; their volume can be reduced to 200-300 grams of products. Overeating, accompanying the meal with television programs and computer games. You need to include low cholesterol foods in your menu. Try to eat more fiber, fortified foods. Food rich in animal protein should be “diluted” with natural juices and vegetable dishes, which will facilitate easy digestibility.

Hypertensive patients should give up alcohol and smoking. Consumption of tonic drinks - tea, cocoa and coffee - should be limited, or at least not taken in the evening, when the pressure tends to rise.

You should also give preference to foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which will help neutralize excess cholesterol in the blood.

The intestines must be emptied in a timely manner. Congestion in the large intestine leads to an increase in pressure, since it is this part of the body that is essentially the "depot" of blood. Slags and toxins formed during the processing of hard-to-digest food and the presence of stagnant processes in the system gastrointestinal tract also cause an increase in blood pressure. If the act of defecation has not occurred for a long time, and the person continues to eat, then blood pressure tends to increase.

Hypertension and menopause

Hormonal changes have a negative effect on various organs, as a result, a woman's water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. With menopause, there may be fluid retention in the tissues, as a result of which blood pressure rises.

Causes of high blood pressure during menopause

There are various causes of hypertension during menopause:

  • The presence of chronic diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Pathologies of the organs of the reproductive system.
  • late pregnancy.

In some cases, blood pressure rises due to the presence of a benign tumor in the region of the adrenal glands. The appearance of hypertension provokes long-term stress.

Symptoms of arterial hypertension in menopause

Signs of hypertension during menopause may appear several years after the cessation of menstruation. In the representatives of the weaker sex with high blood pressure heart rate often increases, so a woman needs to take drugs that improve the state of the cardiovascular system.

With a sharp increase in blood pressure during menopause, a woman may experience severe pain in the head, impaired visual clarity. AT this case must be called immediately ambulance. These symptoms are often observed in hypertensive crisis.

Hypertension with early menopause

For some women, menopause occurs several years earlier than for other women. During treatment oncological disease use potent drugs, conduct chemotherapy. As a result, ovarian function is inhibited, menopause occurs quite early.
There are other reasons for early menopause:

  • The presence of autoimmune diseases. With these diseases, the woman's body perceives her own ovaries as a foreign element, as a result, their functions are steadily fading away.
  • medical manipulations.

In order to cope with problems such as hypertension and early menopause, hormone replacement therapy is carried out. It allows you to normalize blood pressure, prevents atherosclerosis, increases skin elasticity, eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. But these drugs should be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Medicines to lower blood pressure in menopause

Treatment of hypertension in menopause involves taking medications. Often, the doctor prescribes medications containing hormones (estrogens and progestins) to the patient. They saturate the body of a woman with the necessary substances, eliminate the symptoms of hypertension. But hormonal drugs have an impressive list of contraindications; not all women are allowed to use them. Their use often causes side effects.

For hypertension during menopause, the attending physician may prescribe medications consisting of herbal ingredients to the patient. Such drugs improve the functioning of the organs of the cardiovascular system, can lower blood pressure. Remens helps to get rid of tension and nervousness. In women using this drug, blood pressure gradually normalizes, the frequency of hot flashes decreases.

Hypertension in menopause can also be treated with sedative medicines containing valerian or motherwort. They are endowed with sedative properties, eliminate vascular spasm. But with a severe form of hypertension, these pills are often useless.

Unloading day on a lemon from high blood pressure

It is possible to treat hypertension that occurs with menopause with the help of folk remedies. Once a week, women can arrange such an unusual unloading day for themselves:

  • Two medium-sized lemons should be passed through a meat grinder, before that, all seeds are removed from the fruit.
  • 0.2 kg of powdered sugar is added to the resulting mass.
  • The mixture is kept in a place protected from light for at least a week. It needs to be shaken periodically. After seven days, the product is ready for use.
  • During the day, only this dish is allowed.

Many women have an increased appetite during menopause, so not all representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will agree to eat one lemon flavored with powdered sugar all day. You can also try this recipe:

  • The lemon is rubbed on a grater along with the peel.
  • Add to the mixture 5 grams of finely chopped rose hips, 10 grams of cranberries and 200 grams of honey.
  • All components must be thoroughly mixed.

Foods to lower blood pressure during menopause

The wisdom of old people is inexhaustible. Many sources mention useful properties garlic. It is used in the preparation of various decoctions and tinctures. With high blood pressure in women during menopause, it is recommended to eat two cloves of a vegetable daily.

Dairy products should also be present in the diet of the fair sex. They are rich in nutrients such as calcium and potassium. Quite often, the appearance of arterial hypertension is associated with a deficiency in the body of a woman of magnesium and calcium. Magnesium is found in the following foods:

  • Spinach.
  • Bran from wheat.
  • Nuts.
  • Bread made from wholemeal flour.
  • Muesli.
  • Oatmeal.

You can start the morning with such an invigorating drink: 10 grams of honey and five drops are added to 200 ml of tea. apple cider vinegar. This remedy helps lower blood cholesterol levels, lowers blood pressure.

How to prevent the occurrence of hypertension in menopause?

Experts advise limiting salt intake and quitting smoking. A woman needs to monitor the level of calcium in the body, this substance has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system. During menopause, the fair sex is recommended to attend procedures that help relax muscles, to give up alcohol. In order to reduce the likelihood of hypertension in menopause, you need to take vitamin and mineral complexes, perform simple physical exercises.

Hypertension in menopause often occurs in obese women, so the fair sex, having excess weight blood pressure should be measured regularly. They should control the content of glucose in the blood, drink decoctions and infusions. medicinal herbs endowed with diuretic properties.

Scientists have proven that the weather has a very strong effect on health. With a sudden change weather conditions many people experience:

  1. The blood pressure rises
  2. A strong heartbeat begins;
  3. There is insomnia and a bad mood;
  4. Fatigue, depression, laziness.

People suffering from weather sensitivity should take their health more seriously. Sometimes the usual increase air temperature can not only increase upper blood pressure, but also cause a heart attack.

A sharp increase or decrease in degrees outside can lead to the development of complications for those who suffer from chronic diseases. The weather forecast for such people should become daily monitoring. It is necessary to monitor the air temperature, jumps in atmospheric pressure, wind speed. It is very important to prepare for the changing weather!

Symptoms of meteosensitivity in hypertension

How does the weather affect blood pressure? In hypertensive patients with changes in weather conditions, severe headaches appear. Sometimes there are cases of severe dizziness and fainting.

Starting from the second stage of hypertension, symptoms may appear:

  • heart pain;
  • High blood pressure;
  • shortness of breath and nausea;
  • Depression and stress.

In patients who suffer from a disorder of the nervous system, it often happens! To a greater extent, such cases are diagnosed in the spring.

Heart attack and stroke are more common in hypertensive patients and heart patients during the passage of a weather front or on a full moon. At this time, the vascular tone changes in people, the blood begins to clot more intensively, blood clots form. On such days, you need to keep yourself in good shape, give up alcohol, drink decoctions medicinal herbs, eat healthy foods.

Magnetic storms are another enemy of hypertensive patients. During this period, 70% of people diagnosed with hypertonic disease, blood pressure changes, drowsiness appears, vision worsens, heart hurts.

Doctors advise with magnetosensitivity to eat fish, milk, peas and lentils.

Prevention of meteopathies

If a person is sensitive to changes in weather conditions, then you should remember simple recommendations:

  1. You can't overwork in early spring and late autumn.
  2. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day.
  3. Finding several hours a day in the fresh air away from the city and highways.
  4. You need to lead an active lifestyle. Morning exercises, evening jogs or walks, swimming in the pool on weekends.
  5. Daily shower with cool water.

Spring and autumn are the best occasions to go to a sanatorium or resort vacation. For hypertensive patients it is useful to go closer to the mountains.

Table: scheme of medical assessment of weather conditions

Estimated indicators,


I type (favorable)

II (moderately favorable)

III (unfavorable)

day to day
atmospheric pressure drop, hPa

with a gradient
falls in 3 hours

up to 5 hPa (up to
4 mm Hg) no more than 1.0

5-10 hPa (4-8 mm
Hg) 2-3 (1.5-2)

>10 hPa (>8 mmHg)

diurnal difference
average daily air temperature,

humidity, %

Travel speed
air, m/s

up to 5 m/s


Cloudiness, points

5-8 points

8-10 points

Precipitation, mm/day

Weight fluctuations
oxygen content in the air, g / m 3

g/m 3

Chromosomal flashes
on the sun, points


up to 1 point

2 points and

geomagnetic field,

ion unipolarity, q,

Total index for
meteorological and heliophysical

50 or more

Healthy Herbs for Weather Sensitive People

Phytotherapeutists in the period of a sharp change in weather advise drinking decoctions or adding medicinal plants to tea:

  • To normalize blood pressure in hypertension: arnica, mistletoe, cudweed, sedge, chokeberry, periwinkle.
  • For quick falling asleep and in cases of emotional excitement: valerian, motherwort, lemon balm, oregano.
  • Diuretics: birch, mountaineer, lingonberry, cranberry, St. John's wort.
  • To reduce intracranial pressure: cornflower, birch, blueberry, knotweed.

It is important to monitor your BP throughout the day! Strong jumps can cause a stroke or heart attack, so you should not postpone the fight against the disease.


Article author Ivanova Svetlana Anatolyevna, therapist

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