June 13 is favorable for wearing new things.  Auspicious days for shopping: types of purchases, planning serious financial investments, compiling a lunar shopping calendar, reviews and expert advice

June 13 is favorable for wearing new things. Auspicious days for shopping: types of purchases, planning serious financial investments, compiling a lunar shopping calendar, reviews and expert advice

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In our business, shopping is already commonplace. Every person almost every day buys jewelry, cosmetics, clothes or shoes. This is how we want to emphasize our individuality, as well as maintain health from colds. Only here is a quality thing that is right for us, it is quite difficult to choose. There are great chances to purchase defective goods, face scammers and thereby overpay for the item.

It is interesting!

Do good shopping and those problems can be avoided by a person who is familiar with astrology and understands which days it is allowed to make purchases with profit.

Buy jewelry or clothes in general sense better during the rising moon or on the day of the new moon. But on the rest of the days with acquisitions, problems may arise.

For any person, modern astrology offers invaluable information about the most favorable periods for buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics or jewelry in 2017. This can be seen in the table below. And if you coordinate your shopping day with these astrology numbers, then you can be sure that the savings will be well spent. Not a single penny will be paid here. And the product that you buy will not fall apart in the first days.

Auspicious days:

January - 5, 7-8, 14-15, 20, 29

February - 1, 7-8, 17, 19, 26

March - 2-3, 6, 11, 16-18, 25

April - 2, 5, 7, 10-11, 16, 22-24

May - 7-8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 17-18

June - 5, 8-9, 14, 18, 25

July - 4-5, 8, 15, 20, 23-24, 29

August - 1, 5, 7-8, 16-18, 24

September - 1, 5-7, 10, 16-17, 23-24

October - 3, 7, 9, 16-19, 25, 29

November - 2-3, 11-12, 19, 22-25

December - 3-4, 6, 10-12, 18, 27

Bad days:

January - 4, 6, 10-12, 17-19, 23-24

February - 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 18, 22-23

March - 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30

April - 1, 3, 6, 9, 13-14, 17-18, 26

May - 2-5, 9, 13, 16, 19, 21-25, 30

June - 2-3, 7, 10-13, 19, 21-22, 26

July - 1, 3, 6, 9-13, 17-19, 21, 26

August - 3, 6, 10-14, 19-21, 28

September - 2, 4, 8, 12-14, 19-21, 28

October - 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26

November - 1, 5, 8-10, 14-18, 21, 27

December - 2, 5, 7-9, 14, 19, 21-26, 29

Which zodiac sign which buyer:

Usually Aries visit shops suddenly. And for this reason, going to the store rarely brings something good. Aries cannot help but buy a thing that they will not need later.

As for the Taurus, then unlike the rest of the signs of the zodiac, they rarely go shopping. So if they went, they stock up for the future. Taurus never buy knick-knacks. Before purchasing a product, they think rationally. And if they do not find any use for this thing, then they will simply put it aside and move on.

Geminis love shopping.. And there is nowhere to go from this. Even if you went exclusively for bread, you can return home with a lot of purchases. And not only food. With Gemini it is very convenient to walk together for the company. If you want to buy clothes or shoes, then people of this sign will always tell you and find the best option of all.

Speaking of Cancers, then such people can hardly restrain themselves from buying especially “necessary” things. It is contraindicated for Cancers to go shopping alone. There should be a person nearby who can keep you from unplanned acquisitions.

Lions are simple. People of this sign take only what is well advertised. And it's hard to convince them otherwise.

Virgo should be called quite economical. Only now they always like to buy something interesting. And the most favorite place are sales. It is in such places that you will find this zodiac sign.

And here is Wesam making any purchases is very difficult. After all, they often doubt the choice. So it’s better for them to take their friend with them, so that he looks from the side and lulls Libra’s incredulity.

With Scorpions shopping is difficult. And all because they are picky during such trips. They do not like to listen to the advice of others. They always think that their opinion is the most correct.

Despite their demands on store staff, Sagittarius can buy most of the offered goods. Therefore, in this regard, they should be more careful, otherwise there is a chance to fall for scammers.

Capricorns have always valued quality above all else.. They can stand near the shelves for a long time and ask about the guarantees of all goods. Sometimes this infuriates those who came with Capricorn. So know the measure.

Usually Aquarians are lost in front of the variety of goods. So before going to the store, they need to make a list. It is also fraught with the fact that sellers are able to force Aquarians to buy anything, even those things that are meaningless.

Pisces is the only sign of the zodiac who is able to spend hours wandering around the shops. And later they even forget about why they came here at all. In such situation best advice it will be that before the campaign to set a specific goal. Pisces must understand that they have come for a specific item.

Shopping according to the lunar calendar

How to successfully make purchases by "consulting" with the Moon.

Have you ever noticed that the same things have different term services? Sometimes they do not fail for years, and sometimes they become unusable within two to three months.

The same thing happens with food, which, it would seem, can be stored for a very long time, but for some reason immediately deteriorate.

In fact, there is nothing strange about this. It all depends on what sign of the zodiac the Moon was in on the day you made the purchase.

So if you continue to take this into account, then there will be much fewer unsuccessful acquisitions. Consider what and when is best to buy according to the lunar calendar.

Moon in Aries

With the Moon in Aries, the most successful will be the acquisition of sports and hunting equipment, piercing and cutting objects (knives, forks, skewers, needles, scissors, etc.) and carpentry tools. In addition, this is a good time to buy computer equipment, a car, as well as toys that will immediately attract your attention, and small souvenirs for colleagues and not very close friends.

As for clothes and shoes, when the Moon is in Aries, it is better to refrain from acquiring them - the service life will be very short, and you are unlikely to be comfortable in these things.

Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus is a great time to buy things that you plan to use for more than one year: upholstered furniture, cabinets and chests of drawers, bed linen, pots and pans, daily services, tools for minor repairs, etc.

In addition, you can buy comfortable clothes for sleeping and trips to nature, a fur coat, a coat, accessories and jewelry made of genuine leather or silver, nourishing products for the skin of the face, body, hands and head.

Moon in Gemini

The Moon in Gemini is conducive to the purchase of stationery and any office consumables (for example, printer cartridges), computer applications and training programs, newspapers and magazines, books on entertainment topics. In addition, on such days it is recommended to buy trinkets that are pleasing to the eye and cheer up.

It will be successful to buy sports and light shoes, a bicycle, a segway, a car (but only if you regularly change cars). In addition, the Moon in Gemini is the perfect time to purchase a mobile or landline phone.

Moon in Cancer

With the Moon in Cancer, it will be successful to buy a suburban area and a house, as well as those finishing materials that create a mood in the room and give a feeling of comfort (for example, wall and ceiling panels, wallpaper, carpet, etc.). In addition, it is on these days that it is worth buying antiques and, in general, any non-new things.

In addition, it is recommended to make food stocks. Buy any groceries (pasta, sugar, salt, cereals, vegetable oil), meat, vegetable and fish canned food, carbonated drinks and packaged juices, in general, everything that is stored for a long time.

It makes sense to buy clothes only if you are only interested in the comfort of things, and not their originality and fashion. From cosmetics it is best to purchase foams and bath salts, moisturizing shampoos and gels.

Moon in Leo

With the Moon in Leo, it is recommended to buy any gifts and luxury items - Jewelry from precious metals and with natural stones (only not ornamental), expensive evening dresses, exclusive shoes and accessories, ceremonial services, etc.

In addition, this is a great time to purchase decorative cosmetics and prime-class products for special occasions (for example, caviar, elite alcohol, chocolate). As for expensive equipment and newfangled devices, it is better to postpone their purchase for another day.

Moon in Virgo

The moon in Virgo is a great time to purchase any items that are somehow related to cleaning and maintaining household. It is on these days that it is worth buying kitchen furniture and utensils, household appliances and chemicals, mops, buckets, napkins for removing dust and polishing furniture.

In addition, with the Moon in Virgo, it will be good to buy things for a business wardrobe (suits, blouses and shirts, ties and neckerchiefs), as well as any cosmetics for cleansing and toning the skin, shampoos, nourishing creams and hair dyes.

Moon in Libra

Moon in Libra - the most best moment for the purchase of decorative cosmetics, perfumes, aromatic oils, air fresheners, ozonizers. It will be a good idea to buy gifts for a love partner, as well as any finishing materials that must be perfectly combined with each other in color.

In addition, you can go for new outfits - you will accurately choose exactly the clothes that fit you perfectly.

Moon in Scorpio

In addition, this is a good time to purchase drugs for insect control, any intensive cleaning products, organic fertilizers, as well as - medicinal herbs for the preparation of their own therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to purchase everything related to travel: suitcases and bags, vouchers, travel equipment, guides and phrasebooks, sports and travel clothes. In addition, this is the best time to buy a pet (especially dogs), horses and cattle.

You can buy a diary - it will actually help you plan your time correctly and not be late, and a notebook in which you will keep travel notes(they will be very interesting).

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is the best moment to buy real estate (especially urban), undeveloped land, a car and any equipment that requires reliability in the first place. In addition, purchase jewelry with ornamental stones, simple and unpretentious clothing made from leather and natural fabrics, and practical shoes.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Aquarius is a great time to acquire any innovative developments (just not in the field of cosmetics), technical innovations and trendy gadgets. In addition, buying clothes will be successful, however, provided that you are going to completely change your wardrobe and are set up for bold experiments.

In addition, with the Moon in Aquarius, it is recommended to buy discs with new films, theater tickets, just published books, lottery tickets. You can also buy an apartment, especially if it has a non-standard layout or is located in some unusual place.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces is most conducive to acquiring everything that has to do with sentimentality and romance - touching figurines and pink curtains, CDs with romantic comedies and melodramas, themed postcards, music collections intended for the sound design of dates, etc.

In addition, it is recommended to buy medical preparations, children's books, nourishing and moisturizing creams, clothes for a specific occasion that you plan to wear only once or twice. It will also be successful to purchase works of art to decorate the interior, as well as things that create comfort in the house - blankets, sofa cushions, bedside lamps.

By making purchases according to the lunar calendar, you kind of insure yourself against unnecessary expenses and additional expenses. Things acquired at the right time will serve you faithfully for as long as necessary, and will not cause anxiety, but will bring only benefit or pleasure.

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you buy successful things that you use for a long time and that you like, and sometimes you even wonder: “why did you buy this?”. The fact is that purchases must be made correctly according to the Feng Shui horoscope. Each day is dedicated to a certain type of shopping. In one, you can buy interior items, in another, household appliances, etc. It is also easy to pick up good gifts for loved ones using the Feng Shui horoscope of the planets.

Each day of the week is ruled by a planet. And depending on what you want to buy or how you spend your money, you need to schedule a shopping trip on a specific day of the week.

So what day is the best time to buy?


Monday is ruled by the Moon. On this day, it is good to buy things for the home and interior. True, it is better not to buy things with a long service life on this day, since the moon is very changeable. Which means you'll get tired of them soon.

Also, the Moon will help you if you are going on a date or a party. The outfit bought today will look very good on you, and may even attract the bride or groom.

Monday is good for shopping for those who are looking for new experiences, or want to rethink their lives. Also, shopping on Monday helps to calm down and think about everything.

If you buy a good thing on Monday, then it can become a talisman for you that will help you calm down and gather your thoughts on for a long time.


Tuesday is ruled by the masculine planet Mars. So men's purchases will be successful: clothes for men, metal items, tools, sporting goods, goods for tourism and active rest etc. Best Gifts for men, you can choose on this day. Tuesday is good for those who do not like to go shopping and choose for a long time. Today, going to the store will take you very little time. As if Mars is leading you by the hand through the store to the right shelf, and you choose what you need.

When shopping on Tuesday, you will not spend a lot of money, but buy everything you need and modest.


The environment is ruled by the planet Mercury. He favors people who are easy and direct about life. If you lack precisely these qualities, or you want to have a fun and carefree evening shopping, thereby raising your spirits, go shopping on Wednesday. On this day, it is good to buy souvenirs for yourself and loved ones, trinkets, gifts and toys for children. Mercury also helps in acquiring new knowledge, so you will really like the book bought on Wednesday.

You should not buy complex household and electrical appliances, shoes and everything that can break on this day. They will be short lived. You should not buy expensive things today, as Mercury will not stop you from buying unnecessary items, but, on the contrary, will help you waste money.

If you want to cheer yourself up or rejuvenate yourself and your body, buy yourself an inexpensive trinket on Wednesday, put it in a prominent place at home. Let her be your talisman, uplifting in Hard time. Also, the talisman bought on Wednesday will help you find mutual language with children and youth.


Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. This planet will help you in choosing a new image or in changing the interior of the apartment. But remember that on Thursday you will not be able to buy one successful little thing, you will buy a bunch of things. For example, a set of napkins for the kitchen and a tablecloth, a coat with a hat, scarf and boots, etc. So stock up on money, because if you buy only one thing, you will be unhappy with it or regret that you did not buy something.


Friday is ruled by Venus. Successful will be the purchase of lingerie, cosmetics, jewelry, in general, everything feminine and feminine. Girls will be able to find things and jewelry on this day to emphasize their attractiveness and sexuality for men. Gifts for girls and women bought today will be successful.

On this day, girls tend to spend a lot of money, so don't let them go shopping alone on Friday. Things bought today will make you attractive, sexy and give you confidence.


Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn. It will help you find practical items that you need in Everyday life: furniture, Appliances, dishes, simple clothes, etc. Good luck with real estate transactions today. But it is better not to buy luxury items, jewelry, things for the interior on this day. Even if you choose a good thing, you will spend a lot of time and effort searching for it. Saturn will help you choose a gift for your parents, grandparents, and all those who are higher in rank and position than you, for example, for a boss.

Go shopping on a Saturday if you want to recharge your batteries, make up with someone from the older generation or get along with your bosses. Saturn will help you with this.


The sun rules Sunday. Therefore, on this day it is better to buy expensive gifts and luxury items. The sun will help you choose the right thing. The sun feeds our creative potential, so if you could not pick up a gift for someone, then on Sunday you will be enlightened, you will buy a successful and original thing.

If you have unrequited feelings for someone, go shopping on a Sunday. The sun will help you pick up a talisman in the conquest of the object of sighing. But do not forget to think about this person when choosing and buying a talisman.

Make purchases based on the shopping horoscope and luck will not leave you

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The cost of a product is affected by its quality, value for the buyer and brand. But how not to miscalculate with payment and purchase the right thing with maximum benefit at the lowest price?

To calculate the most, you can use several methods. What? Find out from this article.

Brief terms

  • Moon calendar. Based on full cycle satellite of the earth.
  • A lunar day, otherwise a day, is a unit of measurement in this calendar. This is the time interval between two sunrises of the night heavenly body. The exception is the first and last days, which depend on the new moon.
  • Guardian planet. According to ancient astrologers, each day of the week has its own patron planet. It influences and gives it certain properties. Note that ancient astrologers considered the moon and sun to be planets.
  • Characteristics of the lunar day. This is the influence that he is able to have on any human activity. One day, for example, may be favorable for buying an apartment, but not suitable for romantic confessions.

Shopping according to the lunar calendar

Traditionally, the days in the lunar calendar are divided according to the degree of influence: positive, neutral, negative. However, this is only a convention. A negative day may be good for another activity.

Each lunar day has its own characteristics and influence on the things you purchase. On one day you can buy something with maximum benefit, and on the other you will only spend money.

To determine the influence of the satellite, the lunar calendar of favorable days for shopping is used.

The influence of the lunar day

  1. Don't make big purchases. Avoid loans.
  2. Buy only essential items. Do not spend money on small trifles, this will lead to loss of money.
  3. Give up any purchases, this day is unfavorable for shopping. If you still decide to buy something, then carefully examine the product.
  4. Keep yourself in control and do not allow yourself to make spontaneous purchases.
  5. Good day for big acquisitions. Carefully review what you want to buy.
  6. Get everything for study and creativity.
  7. Buy printed editions and everything related to music and esotericism.
  8. Suitable for buying antiques and second hand.
  9. Suitable for throwing out unnecessary.
  10. On this day, "family" purchases will be successful: household appliances, real estate, things for children.
  11. Favorable for purchases of things related to fire. The exception is fire protection systems.
  12. Buy what will accelerate your spiritual growth.
  13. Buy something stylish or go to a beauty salon.
  14. Day of the dream come true: buy what you have long wanted.
  15. Buy what you have no doubts about.
  16. Bad day for shopping. It is better to find out the opinion of experts about the desired product.
  17. A good day for any purchases that will bring pleasure to you or your loved ones.
  18. You can buy a mirror or put in new windows.
  19. A good time to purchase pets and their accessories. Be careful with food.
  20. Time to purchase sports equipment. It is also an auspicious day for buying a car, bicycle or motorcycle.
  21. A good day to stock up on travel gear.
  22. Favorable for any acquisitions.
  23. Refrain from shopping on this day. An exception may be sports equipment.
  24. Buy whatever you want, especially if you've been saving money for something for a long time.
  25. Acquisitions related to water will pay for themselves.
  26. An extremely unfavorable day for any purchases. Better throw out something old.
  27. Buy whatever you want, but be mindful of the price. Don't buy anything too expensive.
  28. Good day for any shopping.
  29. Buy only the essentials.
  30. The day is favorable for buying gifts for loved ones.

Which day of the week to choose?

  1. Monday. The influence of the moon. The most successful will be purchases for the home: household items, dishes, cleaning products. Do not make large acquisitions and take loans.
  2. Tuesday. Influence of Mars. Day of "male" purchases: weapons, sports equipment, metal items and kitchen utensils.
  3. Wednesday. Influence of Mercury. good day for cash investments, shopping campaigns and contracts. Buy vehicles, household appliances and real estate on Wednesday.
  4. Thursday. Influence of Jupiter. The greatest value will bring acquisitions for creativity and study, an auspicious day for buying televisions and computers. Do not buy trinkets on this day, it will be a waste.
  5. Friday. Influence of Venus. Buy cosmetics, clothes and jewelry, as well as gifts and souvenirs.
  6. Saturday. Influence of Saturn. Better not to buy at all.
  7. Sunday. Influence of the Sun. Buy interior items and decorations, as well as items for needlework.

Auspicious days to buy real estate

Buying real estate requires a lot of money. Who wants to lose their hard-earned money because the moon is wrong? If you want to protect yourself, then you should find out which lunar days are favorable for buying an apartment or house:

Excellent Good Fine Badly Terrible
Lunar days 2, 8, 20, 21, 25 10, 14, 17, 24, 28 6, 7, 13, 16, 27, 30 1, 4, 9, 11, 15, 18, 23 3, 5, 12, 19, 22, 26, 29
Expected Impact The purchased property will exceed all your expectations, there is a high probability of discounts and pleasant surprises. You will be satisfied with the perfect deal. Everything will go exactly as you planned. The purchased property is fully consistent with its description. It is highly likely that you will not like the acquired property so much that you will sell it. The deal will bring only losses. You will not even notice how you become a victim of deception and get something completely different from what you would like.

Characteristics of days for cash investments

If you do not want to lose your investment, then orienting according to the lunar calendar can become an additional security guarantee. Thanks to the knowledge of the characteristics of the days lunar month you can protect yourself. Carefully study the calendar and determine the most favorable days for buying shares or concluding contracts.

Characteristic lunar days for cash investments:

Great fit Well fit Normal fit Poor fit Absolutely not suitable
Lunar days 14, 20 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28 7, 8, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30 1, 9, 11, 18 3, 5, 12, 15, 29
Expected Impact High probability of making big profits and unexpected pleasant results. Things will go "like clockwork", you will receive additional profit. Everything will go just as you would expect. There will be no unexpected luck, no obstacles. Fate will put you "spokes in the wheel." Loss of money, unexpected expenses, unpleasant incidents. You will definitely lose your invested money and incur losses. Perhaps your partner will try to deceive you.

Is it worth it to pay attention to the auspiciousness of days?

The above data certainly deserves your attention. However, experts astrologers advise not to rely too much on them.

The fact is that each person is individual, and the information provided is considered generalized. To accurately understand which days for shopping are favorable for a particular person, a lot of astrological calculations are needed.

Remember your own individuality and observe the world around you. Draw personal patterns of lunar days. Only in this way will you be able to determine the best time for acquisitions.

Good day for any purchases. Especially for things that are associated with the holiday.
Mercury retrograde - bad period for shopping. Later, they may disappoint or reveal hidden defects.
Unfavorable period for shopping. The exception is pest control products.

If, despite all the warnings, you are still drawn to purchases then you better do it. It can be both favorable and teach you the right lesson. In the first place should be your intuition, and then the advice of our lunar calendar. After all, there may be all sorts of exceptions, such as a personal star map or the grace of God ...

17 lunar day, Shopping

Good day for any purchases. It is especially good for buying toys, prank toys, flowers, wine and cognac. Those. for what brings joy and is associated with the holiday.
The main thing is to purchase goods with joy and high spirits. Otherwise, the purchase will not bring you joy. This is also a good time to buy vouchers and tickets for recreation and travel.

Moon in Scorpio

The Moon in Scorpio is an unfavorable period for shopping. Everything purchased can be defective or quickly become unusable.
The only thing you can buy these days is pest control products. Any traps, aerosols, powders. They will be effective. This also includes fertilizers that are destructive, other than those based on bacteria.
During this period, it is good to get rid of old furniture, furnishings - a period of destruction before creation.

Saturday, Shopping

Saturday is a very serious, unhurried and practical day. It is good for acquiring real estate, things, items that should last a long time. For example, furniture, household appliances, dishes, etc.
On this day, it is also good to choose a gift for parents and grandparents, or for superiors.
However, do not forget that Saturn is the planet of Karma. Therefore, if you have karmic outcomes on the horizon, then be prepared for the fact that the purchased things will benefit you.

To make a shopping trip not only pleasant, but also useful, it is advisable to make a shopping list in advance. With the help of the monthly lunar calendar, you can purchase everything you need, while avoiding unforeseen waste.

Sometimes the energy of the night star can push us to make unplanned purchases, which can lead to serious waste. According to astrology, large purchases are best made during the growing moon. This way you can save more money, a new product will serve you for a long time. The advice of astrologers will help you understand which days you should give up shopping in order to avoid unexpected expenses. Site site experts offer you a lunar calendar with which you can save money, and possibly increase your wealth.

12 June: Moon in Capricorn is not the best auspicious time for high value purchases. These days, payment delays are likely, as well as financial losses, so any waste can affect your financial situation.

3, 4, 5 June: the positive influence of Aquarius will help you save money, which means that purchases during this period do not threaten you with large cash outlays. Despite this, on June 3, astrologers advise you to give up shopping and stay at home in order to avoid being deceived by scammers and financial loss.

June 6, 7: under the influence of the zodiac Pisces, you can not only save money, but also increase your wealth by investing in trusted banks. During this period, even minor expenses should be excluded, otherwise you risk spending more than you planned.

June 8, 9: The union of the Moon and the impulsive Aries can push you to useless purchases. These days it is not recommended to visit shops and establishments where you can spend a lot of money.

June 10, 11: Moon in Taurus perfect time for shopping. If this month you planned to purchase an expensive product, it is advisable to do it during this period. First of all, this applies to those who wish to purchase new household appliances, gadgets and other electrical appliances.

June 12, 13: These days the Moon will be in the constellation of Gemini. Under the influence of this Zodiac Sign, you should abandon any waste and instead focus on improving your financial situation. During this period, it is recommended to conclude transactions, invest in securities, play on the stock exchange.

June 14, 15: Moon in Cancer - the least right time for shopping. The inattention of this Zodiac Sign can lead you to large monetary losses. However, if you planned to go shopping, choose more reliable shopping centers and boutiques, where the likelihood of encountering scammers is much less.

June 16, 17: during this period, astrologers recommend that you eliminate any waste. The influence of the zodiac Leo can deprive you of self-control, which is why you risk spending all your deferred finances. First of all, you should give up visiting expensive entertainment venues, and instead spend time in a cozy place where you do not have to spend a lot of money.

June 18, 19, 20: The moon will move into the constellation Virgo, which will allow you to finally relax and spend money on yourself. At this time, it is best to visit a beauty salon, visit cosmetic procedures or use the services of a massage therapist. In this case, you will spend money not only with pleasure, but also with benefit.

June 21, 22: The influence of the zodiac Libra will help you make a shopping list correctly, including only the essentials. During this period, it is best to purchase household utensils and household appliances - they will serve you for a long time.

June 23, 24: Scorpio is a true connoisseur of beautiful and expensive things. This time is most favorable for the purchase of antiques and other exquisite interior items.

June 25, 26, 27: Moon in Sagittarius - not the most best time for expensive purchases. During this period, astrologers recommend giving up shopping, and instead set aside money for a more necessary purchase.

June 28, 29: during the stay of the Moon in Capricorn, you can save money or spend it on leisure. If you want to spend these days with benefit, visit museums, theaters or go to an exhibition. In this case, you will not regret the money spent.

30 June: On the last day of the month, the Moon will move into the constellation Aquarius. Under the auspices of this constellation, you will be able to purchase goods with the maximum benefit. Try to be more attentive and pay attention to discounts and great deals. In this case, you can buy any item you like at a low price.

AT modern world many sellers have learned to psychologically influence buyers, which is why we often buy useless things at an unjustified price. To save money and avoid major financial losses, learn how to resist suggestions and avoid buying unnecessary products. We wish you happiness and success,and don't forget to press the buttons and