Vole water rat: description with photos and videos, what it looks like, where it lives, what it eats.  Water rat fight.  How to get rid of a water rat - from professional to folk methods of struggle

Vole water rat: description with photos and videos, what it looks like, where it lives, what it eats. Water rat fight. How to get rid of a water rat - from professional to folk methods of struggle

There are guinea pigs and water rats. There is no such animal as the sea rat. This is written in each of the encyclopedic publications devoted to the animal world and printed in printing houses, that is, they are completely official and accurate sources of knowledge that are trustworthy.

Moreover, at the beginning of the last century, this phrase meant rodents that live on merchant and military ships. Of course, on modern ships rats are nonsense, so this phrase has lost its primary meaning. buy sea rats and get better at colloquial speech called water rodents.

Water rat

Like guinea pigs, rodents are not directly related to the water itself. Water rat- This is a large vole that likes to settle close to water bodies. You can meet her everywhere - from the Far Eastern coasts to Kaliningrad and, in principle, the entire European part of the mainland.

The sea rat, or, more correctly, the water rat, and the muskrat, which is often called the same, are completely different animals. Although these animals have their similarities. The water rat belongs to the Khomyakov family. Outwardly, it resembles a mixture of the same animals. Her tail is fluffy, with a small brush at the very tip, and her muzzle is short and rounded.

In Latin, the animal is called - Arvicola amphibius, and in Russian a water rat or a vole.

Sizes of water rats

A water or sea rat, a photo of which is not particularly difficult to find in any reference book on zoology, is a very large animal.

The weight of one individual varies from 120 to 330 grams. In length, the sea rat can reach 250 millimeters. The smallest rodents grow up to 120 millimeters. The length of the tail is two thirds of the body, occasionally - half. The brush at its tip grows up to half a centimeter.

In its size, the sea rat is second only to muskrats, being the largest voles currently living on earth. The animals are well tamed and feel quite comfortable as pets.

Where do they live?

The sea or water rat got its name for a reason. Animals live near water bodies. Near the swamps to meet them is a rarity. Rodents prefer rivers or lakes, happy to arrange minks near clean ponds formed on the site of developed quarries.

During the flood, the animals migrate to drier places. After the water drops to normal levels, they return to their burrows. However, the distribution of human habitats and its economic activity, made some adjustments to the lifestyle of water voles.

This animal can often be found on summer cottages, farm or state farm fields, in gardens. Unlike mice, water rats do not settle indoors. This means that in the underground, in the attic, in the pantry or in the barn, a rodent cannot be found. Animals live in burrows outside of human structures. In hot weather, animals do not use their dwellings, but settle next to them in original grass nests.

Rodents live in flocks, in large colonies, forming both linear and mosaic settlements. Therefore, if on garden plot a person encounters one water rat, this means that there are still many of them very close.

Are they fertile?

Although the animals form large colonies or settlements, they themselves live in pairs. Lovingness within the framework of "marriage" is quite large. During the season, the offspring in each of the families of rodents reaches the mark of 70 individuals.

Of course, a water rat does not give birth to seventy cubs at one time. This is the total number, but during the season there are from 4 to 6 litters, their number is directly dependent on the climate and nutritional adequacy. Water rats breed without any calendar restrictions, throughout the warm season. Accordingly, the further south a colony of these animals lives, the higher its number.

What do they eat?

Reflecting on who is better - a guinea pig or a water rat as pet, it is impossible not to take into account the diet of animals.

In nature, the menu of the water rat is dominated by:

  • juicy roots and herbs;
  • young shoots of shrubs;
  • fry and small fish;
  • freshwater shellfish, including crayfish and snails;
  • large insects and their larvae, worms.

This means that water rats are not vegetarians at all. In their daily diet, in addition to succulent plant foods, for example, vegetables and fruits, or grains from ready-made mixtures, animal protein must also be present. Without this component, the metabolism inside the body of a rat will not be completely complete, it will be disturbed. And this will definitely affect her health and will be noticeable externally.

What do they say about them?

What they say about these animals can be divided into three large sections. The first of them will be devoted to people's opinions about these animals as pets and their comparison with other rodents. Water rats are most often compared to guinea pigs. Of course, they liken them to hamsters, and ordinary voles, and house mice. In most statements of those who live with these little animals, there is a mention that the rat cannot stand loneliness and they should be kept in pairs.

The second section includes questions - what is the name of the sea rat, what does it eat, does it make sense to have such an animal at home and where they are sold. As a rule, people who see beautiful pictures rodents. The animals are really unusually photogenic and love attention, so they look great in the pictures.

The third section should include the opinions of people who perceive these lovely creatures solely as pests. Accordingly, such opinions are left by summer residents, farmers, gardeners, and, in principle, all those who grow something on the land near water vole settlements.

As for the advice to those who are thinking about the issue, it is worth getting a water rat at home or choosing a more familiar animal, for example, a hamster or guinea pig, then their content in various reviews is reduced to a few points.

The first nuance is, of course, food. For full growth and development, good health, this animal requires a diet that is as close to natural as possible. Accordingly, it is impossible to grow a beautiful fluffy miracle with a long tail, pouring the finished grain mixture into his bowl and cutting off a piece of sausage as a source of animal protein. Feeding a pet is the most important thing to pay attention to for those who have not yet made a final decision on whether to get such a rodent or not.

The second nuance that people write about in reviews is the sociality of water rats. Animals do not feel comfortable being alone. They look terrible, eat poorly and sleep most of the day. Such animals have dull eyes, haggard muzzles and fur lacking a healthy sheen. Sometimes they begin to go bald, and the tail is the first to lose hairs.

Many stop from the decision to acquire such a pet, just his sociality. After all, not every person is ready to endlessly attach the numerous offspring of a pair of water rats. But this issue is easily resolved. In their advice, experienced rodent owners often write that individuals of the opposite sex are not needed for a normal life. Water rats perfectly perceive relatives of the same gender and feel very comfortable in their society.

The water vole belongs to the hamster family. It got its name because it settles near water sources - near rivers, lakes and ponds. During floods, this animal avoids rivers, preferring to live in meadows and vegetable gardens.

This rodent lives on almost the entire territory of Russia - the exception is Far East, regions of the Far North and Eastern Siberia. In Eurasia, distributed to the coast mediterranean sea. For home improvement, it actively digs holes, thereby damaging gardens and orchards.

The length of the body with a tail is up to 25 centimeters, the tail can occupy more than half of this length. The rodent has a massive body and a short, blunt muzzle. The fur is so thick and dense that the ears are barely visible underneath. The water vole has a gray-brown color. The tail of the animal is covered with short and hard hair.

The water vole feeds on succulent shoots of plants, tree bark, earthworms, and garden crops - a large colony of these rodents can destroy the entire crop, as these rodents eat a huge amount of food. They also destroy trees, as they completely eat the bark at the very base of the tree. These rodents, causing enormous damage to agricultural land, are being fought. Poisons are not very popular as they can harm plants. In large meadows, ultrasonic rodent repellers are often used, all kinds of traps are placed. People who own private small gardens often use rat-catchers to fight.

Video: Video about nature: water rat

We catch: water rat or water vole(Arvicola terrestris).

A few more cute vole photos at the end.

Arvicola terrestris Linnaeus, 1758
Order Rodents - Rodentia
Family Hamsters - Cricetidae

Status. Category 3 - Vulnerable on the territory of Moscow species with a reduced population.

Spreading. In the Moscow region - widespread, common in most districts. she's kind. Within the boundaries of Moscow in 1985-2000. the water vole was registered in 28 natural and natural-anthropogenic territories, including the middle part of the city - the Sokolniki camp, GBS and LOD (1). In 2001-2010 its habitat is established in Losiny Ostrov, Izmailovsky forest, on Kosinsky Black (1) and Holy (2) lakes, in Maryinskaya (3) and Brateevskaya floodplains (1), the valley of the Yazvenka river (1, 3), near Saburovsky Bay. , south of Znamensky-Sadkov (1), in the Setun river valley in 2003 (4), Mnevnikovskaya (1, 3) and Krylatskaya floodplains, Serebryany Bor, ++ +Tushinskaya Chasha (1), Skhodnya river valley in Kurkino (5.6), in the Filinsky swamp, Dolgoprudnensky V-BK, in the floodplains of the Altufevskaya river and the Chermyanka river (1). In all these territories, as a rule, it lives in local areas.

Number. In general, the population of the species in the city is quite significant, but in some areas it is not numerous, and in some areas only single individuals are noted. Relatively large groups exist only on the Kosinsky Black and Holy lakes, in the valley of the Yazvenka river, the Mnevnikovskaya floodplain and the valley of the Skhodnya river .

habitation features. In Moscow lives mainly on natural areas, where there are swampy and shrubby river floodplains, oxbow lakes and other reservoirs with well-developed coastal vegetation, including old drainage ditches. In the warm season, it lives near the water, where it arranges holes on dry banks, and on low and swampy ones it builds ground spherical nests from grass or settles in the cavities of rotten trunks. fallen trees; solitary individuals or broods are usually found.

Does not withstand pollution of water bodies by storm drains and bank protection. As in natural conditions feeds on various near-aquatic plants - succulent bases of leaves and stems of forest reeds, cattail, reeds, etc. It can tolerate active recreational use of coastal zones if swampy areas with near-water vegetation remain within them.

In the autumn-winter period, in small groups, up to 8-10 ind., lives in swampy areas of river floodplains, where under the snow it feeds on green seedlings and rhizomes of reeds, eats tender bark and branches of willow and aspen. In autumn and spring, it can make significant migrations and even crosses built-up areas along watercourses with natural banks. It is an indicator of slightly polluted rivers and reservoirs with well-developed near-water vegetation.

negative factors. Pollution of small rivers by storm drains. Park improvement of river floodplains, accompanied by the strengthening of the banks and the destruction of near-water vegetation. Unordered recreational use of coastal zones and the resulting degradation of near-water vegetation. Deficiency in the natural areas of Moscow of swampy areas suitable for wintering water voles with the necessary reserves of plant food.

Conservation Measures Taken. The main habitats of the species are located in protected areas - in the NP "Losiny Ostrov", P-IP "Izmailovo", "Kosinsky", "Tsaritsyno" (PPR "Valley of the Yazvenka River"), "Moskvoretsky", "Tushinsky" (PPR "Tushinskaya Bowl), PP Skhodni River Valley in Kurkino, PP Silver Forest. It is planned to form the Federal Law “Brateevskaya floodplain” and “Long ponds”, the forestry zone “Valley of the Chermyanka river”, the establishment of the PPR “Filinskoye swamp” and “Kosinsky lakes”,

ZU "Saburovsky Bay" and several ZU in the habitats of the species in the Mnevnikovskaya and Krylatskaya floodplains. Change the state of a view. After 1985, the distribution and abundance of the water vole, both in individual natural areas and in the city as a whole, decreased significantly. In 2001-2010 this trend has continued. At least 4 times earlier famous places habitats, the water vole has reliably disappeared. The species is listed in the Red Book of Moscow with KR 3.

Necessary measures for the conservation of the species. Priority creation of the Federal Law "Maryinskaya Poyma", "Brateevskaya Poyma" and "Long Ponds", PP "Filinskoye Bolot" and "Kosinsky Lakes", the establishment of planned zoning facilities in known habitats of the species. Development and implementation effective measures to reduce the level of pollution of small rivers and floodplain water bodies flowing through protected areas. Preservation during the improvement of river valleys of oxbow lakes, near-water vegetation and the allocation of landfills in places suitable for wintering and summer habitation of water voles. ordering recreational use coastal zones in places of stationary habitat of the species.

Sources of information. 1. Data from B.L. Samoilov. 2. V.I.Bulavintsev, b.s. 3. Data by G.V. Morozova. 4. Inventory of natural objects.., 2003. 5. Data of O.O. Tolstenkov. 6. Reconnaissance survey.., 2004. Authors: B.L. Samoilov, G.V. Morozova.

The water vole is a harmful rodent.

Per a short time voles can turn large areas garden plantings in the wastelands. And with this, voles lead many gardeners to despair, as they are rodents with a big appetite.

Water voles are also called water or earth rats. They are larger than other mice, reaching 12 to 25 cm in length. Their head is large and wide, the muzzle is blunt. Water voles weigh an average of 90-120 g and consume 85-100 g of food daily.

As for food. Water voles are considered pests, as they eat almost any vegetation. For days on end, water voles, sitting in their underground burrows, gnaw on the roots, bulbs and tubers of plants. They leave their shelters only under the cover of darkness and then eat the aerial parts of plants: flowers, vegetables and fruits. I especially like flower bulbs, roots of fruit bushes and roses, carrots, parsnips and Jerusalem artichokes.

Female water voles give birth six to eight times a year. Each litter of water voles can have from two to six cubs, which in turn reach sexual maturity and start breeding in the same year. Thus, one female can give birth to more than 50 offspring per year.

Unfortunately, the presence of water voles in most cases is discovered only when your garden has already been damaged. On lawn and hard ground, water voles, while digging their burrows, leave soil emissions - small earthen mounds, lower and flatter than molehills. In loosened soil and around the roots of shrubs, voles shove the ground, so their presence is not always immediately noticeable. If shrubs, such as roses, or young fruit trees begin to hurt or wither, we immediately check whether they have a solid earthen support under them. Often, all thin roots are already gnawed by pests, and a tree or shrub can be pulled out of the ground without much effort. If small land plants disappear, it means that voles have worked on them. Often, pests drag plants into their burrows, whose roots they have already gnawed, as they say, they eat plants "with all the giblets." This can happen overnight with tulips, poppies, lettuce, or many other plants.

You need to be able to scare them away. Empty bottles buried in the ground at an angle. Voles do not like the sounds that fly out of the neck when the wind flies into it. Hardened lava pebbles can be purchased at specialty stores, the strong smell of which keeps voles at bay. Also, odor-sensitive animals can be scared away by kerosene-soaked sponges placed in their burrows. Elder or thuja leaves, as well as garlic cloves, repel voles with their pungent smell, they must be placed in their burrows. Grouse and other plants repel voles with their smell. We plant them in the garden, along fences or between flowers and vegetables. You can also protect plants from voles with wire mesh. Voles cause the greatest harm to beds located on hillocks, as well as bulbous and tuberous plants. We wrap the bed, as well as bulbs and tubers, with wire mesh before planting. For tulip bulbs and other spring-blooming bulbous plants, special plastic baskets can be purchased. If you have voles in your garden, then succulent lily bulbs should be planted wrapped in wire mesh. Before we break the bed on the hill, we stretch the wire mesh under it, and then we fill it with earth.

We use traps when we are sure. That they won't get moles. Available for sale various models. Since voles are sensitive to odors, we set traps with gloves worn by the ground. If voles eat a bait made on the basis of coumarin, then their blood clotting process slows down, and the mice die painlessly. We lay out the bait, first of all, in spring and autumn, when the voles are not distracted by the abundance of other food. Moles do not eat this bait.

Do not confuse the main thing: moles under protection cannot be killed. They dug oval-shaped passages. Broad, with hanging roots. The molehills are cone-shaped. Ground emissions of water voles are flat and low.

Here are some plants that protect the entire garden from voles:

The hazel grouse is a bulbous plant with yellow or orange flowers that blooms from March to May. Exudes a strong garlic odor that repels voles. Good for framing.

Black root is a borage plant with hairy leaves, most often with blue flowers, blooms from June to September, exudes a smell that repels voles, looks good with herbaceous perennials, with summer flowers.

Garlic - exudes a smell that repels voles, helps in the fight against fungal diseases, we plant it in mixed crops, between vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, roses, tulips, under fruit trees.

Sweet clover is a biennial species of clover, a good green fertilizer that conducts nitrogen into the soil, a favorite plant of bees, voles avoid those areas where sweet clover is planted.

Euphorbia chiny is a hardy herbaceous perennial that exudes an odor that repels voles, green plants reach 1-1.3 meters in height, best planted along fences or beds.

Blackcurrant is a strong fruit shrub, the berries of which contain vitamin C, bears fruit from June to August, and is also suitable for regions with a harsh climate. Voles avoid those areas where currants are planted.

Elderberry is an unpretentious sprawling wild-growing shrub with black berries, it begins to bear fruit in August, we put this plant in holes dug by voles or fill it with manure fertilizer.

Thuja is an evergreen, very poisonous shrub, many varieties, often used as a hedge. The branches of this plant, placed in holes dug by voles, will drive these rodents away.

It seems to me that if flowerbeds and beds are decorated with plants that are afraid of voles, then we will not have to resort to all sorts of poisons and chemicals. I am for natural struggle, even if we are talking about pests. Good luck to you.

water vole

The water vole (Arvicola terrestris), due to the similarity in size, its body length is 14-22 cm, is often erroneously called the water rat. It differs from rats in its more clumsy, short-legged body, broad muzzle, shorter, thickly furred tail, and inconspicuous ears that are barely visible from the fur. Its color is brownish-brown, with a reddish tinge, sometimes almost black; the belly is lighter.

The skin belongs to a low-value type of fur, it is used mainly for the manufacture of winter hats. The animal can be a dangerous carrier of tularemia. It occurs from the western borders of Russia to the Baikal region, everywhere and almost evenly. During the warm season makes 2-4 broods of 6-8 cubs. In summer, it usually lives in damp places near water - along the banks of streams, ponds, ditches and other bodies of water, often in floodplains, sometimes on the outskirts of lowland and transitional swamps (not on sphagnum). Settles in hummocks, hollows of fallen trees and stumps. Conducts semi-aquatic, mainly night image life, swims often and a lot, dives well.

The water vole is herbivorous, feeding on the stems of sedge, cattail, reeds, reeds, and other plants. At the end of summer, it moves to more elevated areas of land, very often to gardens and orchards, where it digs complex wintering holes for itself; to distinguish which, from mole, can be at the entrance. It is always on the side of a hill of dug earth, and not in the center, like with moles. At this time, the water vole begins to eat vegetables, root crops, seeds of various crops, especially unripe ones. Makes large stocks for the winter.

In winter, it gnaws the roots and root collars of fruit trees, severely damaging them. Therefore, it is one of the very serious pests of the garden and vegetable garden. Main natural enemies her are - ermine, mink, ferret, otter, owls.

It's hard to fight her. Most effective biological method- infection of a water vole, as one of the species of rodents, with bacteria of mouse and rat typhus. Preparations based on it are produced by several companies under different names sold in gardening stores. To do this, the bait infected with bacteria, in small pieces, is laid out directly in the holes of the water vole; or in boxes with holes for the penetration of rodents. It is impossible to lay them out in an open place on the soil, since the culture of bacteria of this disease is also dangerous for rabbits and birds.

Another way to fight is the use of baits poisoned with zinc phosphide. To do this, the poison is best placed in a cavity cut inside the roots cut in half. After that, the halves are fastened with sharp wooden knitting needles, and they are laid in the holes of the animal.

Protection of the root necks of fruit tree trunks can be done by tying them up for the winter; but root systems cannot be protected! They remain defenseless. Therefore, in the spring, it is imperative to check whether fruit trees are staggering, the latter will indicate a rather severe damage to their root systems by water voles. Such trees must be tied to stakes, thereby protecting them from swinging, so that their root system can recover as quickly as possible. And also carry out a stronger than usual pruning of branches to create a better balance of the above and below ground parts of the tree.

Vladimir Starostin , dendrologist, Ph.D. Sciences


Photo: fotoham.ru

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