Weight stands still what to do reviews.  Weight stands still - we leave the vicious circle

Weight stands still what to do reviews. Weight stands still - we leave the vicious circle

1. Mismatch between calorie intake and calorie consumption. The first exceeds the second. If you are not an expert in matters and physical activity, it will not be easy for you to understand this. But you can. Keep a diary, scrupulously write down in it everything you eat during the day. Do not forget to fix even light snacks, which are considered ridiculous for food. Meanwhile, 100 grams of harmless nuts or seeds contain 500 kcal, which is a quarter (!) daily allowance calories.
Entries in the diary will help you see with your own eyes your mistakes and flaws in the diet, the process of saturation will become controlled and conscious, i.e. you will begin to think not only about what you eat, but also about why you eat it.
If you go to the gym, then ask the trainer what exercises burn how many calories. By the way, most modern exercise machines are equipped with sensors that record parameters during training - time, speed, load, etc., including the number of calories burned. All indicators are also recorded in the diary. At the end of each day, calculate, compare, evaluate, and adjust your diet and workouts for the following day accordingly.

2. Fat is consumed (burned), but muscle mass increases. That is, your volumes are decreasing, which makes you infinitely happy, but the weight stands still, and you don’t like it. Fat is lost, but muscle mass grows with a passion for exercising on power simulators and tone tables. The latter are generally very fond of women, because training on them is so pleasant! No need to strain and bring yourself to exhaustion and hatred for simulators, everything is done easily and naturally, in the absence of stress on cardiovascular system and spine. In order for both fat and muscle mass to be consumed evenly, it is necessary to alternate active and strenuous workouts with massage and calm exercises.
AT gym don't ignore cardio machines - these are great burners. Treadmill, stepper, exercise bike - this is what you need.
By the way, think about whether the weight indicator is so important to you. After all, if the volumes are melting, the waist becomes an aspen, and the hips are slender, is this not what you are trying to achieve? In addition, strong trained muscles are great. And the weight ... God bless him, let him stay, unless, of course, you are an athlete and are not eager to achieve world records. Think.

3. Uniformity of methods. Perhaps you lost weight in the early days of playing sports, but suddenly everything stopped. The weight is stuck at one point. First, keep in mind that maybe you have reached your normal weight (taking into account height and age), and your smart body has figured it out. And, secondly, analyze the content of your diet and the complex of physical activity. Probably something needs to be changed. For example, a calorie intake pattern (say, 1000 kcal one day, and 1900 kcal the next, and so alternate), the number of meals (not 4, but 6), the ratio of nutrients (for example, reduce carbohydrates and increase proteins).
Changes should also apply to physical activity. Re-prioritize the gym, let your trainer pick for you new complex exercises. The fact is that our muscles get used to the same loads, so the effect observed at the beginning can significantly decrease.

By the way, take a closer look at whether you stand on the scales correctly. Ironically, sometimes it is the wrong weighing that is the reason for the “non-decreasing” weight. Weigh yourself on the same scale and at the same time. Better in the morning on an empty stomach after a toilet and without. The balance must be placed on a flat, solid surface. Placed on a carpet or rug, they "lie".

Each healthy man keeps track of your weight. It takes a lot of effort to get in shape. And after some time, plumb lines disappear. For weeks on end, the scale needle does not move one iota, as if someone has magnetized it. And instead of euphoria from the loss of excess body fat comes disappointment.

So, don't despair! You are just one of those people who have been hit by the "plateau" effect. A common occurrence in which a person follows a diet, is actively involved in sports, but the weight is no longer reduced.

The human body is a complex structure that works like a well-oiled mechanism, but often has failures and individual characteristics. In order to deal with all sorts of reasons for stopping the dropping of extra pounds, you need to exclude the most obvious factors. It would seem that this is understandable, but one should play it safe.

  1. Correctness of scales. Simple mechanisms tend to break or distort data. Therefore, it is necessary to choose one scale that stands on level ground. And measure the parameters at the same time, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. In this way, common errors in data acquisition can be avoided.
  2. Food. Diet does not mean that you will lose weight all the time. Not everyone is suitable for a diet prescribed by someone, with a fixed calorie content. The preparation of the menu should be based on your individual need for trace elements and vitamins. To do this, you need to build on your weight and height, physical activity. You can start a diaryin which you write down all the foods you eat. So you can understand on which days the volumes increase, and what was the reason. Total control allows you to see all the nuances that are invisible at first glance.
    People often tend to underestimate the amount of food they eat. And if at first the rejection of a bun for dinner will be enough for a little weight loss, then in the long run you will have to reconsider your diet early.
  3. premenstrual cycle. Of course, this applies to weight stagnation lasting 1-2 weeks. The female body tends to swell these days: the chest, legs swell, as well as slight nervousness and an increased feeling of hunger. If during this period you observe the established diet and physical activity, then at the end of the cycle the weight will return to normal, and the arrows of the scales will crawl down.

Cause and effect

It is known that the numbers that are shown on the arrows of the scales include not only fat, but also bones, muscles, the weight of our organs, the food and liquid eaten. Human beings are generally 80% water. And this means that even a loss of 1-3 kg per day does not have the proper meaning. Of these, a maximum of 200g of fat can go. Accordingly, when gaining such a number of kilograms, a similar situation. The proportion of real fat gain is minimal. But if this has been observed for a week or more, it is worth investigating.

If you have ruled out the possibility of incorrect weighing, busting with consumed calories and cyclic changes in the body, the reason lies deeper.

To sort it out, below is a list of possible reasons for your unpleasant weight stagnation:

Video “Why are you not losing weight? What slows down weight loss?

How can you help the body quickly deal with hated kilograms?

This section is suitable for those who have revised their behavior and eliminated the possible causes of weight stagnation. You can wake up your body, shake it up and ensure that all systems are rebooted! This will speed up the dormant metabolism.

How to move everything off the ground? Use the swing in nutrition. This does not mean uncontrolled eating of everything. But the alternation of days with high and low calories. Let's say 1 day - 1000 kcal, 2 - 1200 kcal, 3 - 800 kcal, 4 - 1500 kcal and so on. This will not allow the metabolism to relax and adapt, a constant tone will be maintained. And try new dishes, change your routine taste preferences!

Changing workouts also helps. If you're into strength training or cardio only, this is for you. It's easier. But it's easy - it's not for losing weight! This is not how volumes go. Change the type of activity for a while or radically change the training program. Arrange an explosion to your muscles!

Massage can influence the activation of metabolism. It not only relaxes the body, but also improves blood circulation in the tissues. Which has a positive effect on weight loss.

Change your daily routine. Why not? Get up instead of the usual 10 at 6 in the morning and vice versa. Shift your active activity to another time of day.

Visit a bath or sauna. Opening pores helps release oil. It also restarts many systems.

Good plumb lines and a harmonious figure for you!

Click on the item and get detailed information on what to do.

In most cases, stopping weight loss is not a disease or a sentence. This is a natural reaction of adaptation.

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Why #1. Too low calories

Eating 1200 kcal a day for the fifth or sixth week? And then the 900? Do you also unload only 500-600 kcal every Thursday? We are glad for you that the plateau has come. Your body is working properly!

What's happening? You began to feed the body less. The first stress has passed, and the rational body begins to adapt to the new strict framework, assuming that now it’s the only way to survive - on the unfortunate 1000 conditional kilocalories per day.

“Well… You won’t starve me so easily! I will save and slow down, ”the body decides, and ... Hello, plateau! How do you annoy me! - for the tenth day you think.

What to do?

Increase your calories. At least +20% to learned low figure. Was it 1200? Make 1500, but not at the expense of sugar, but with meat, fish, buckwheat, steam and fresh vegetables, olive oil.

By the way, about oil. Have you reduced both carbohydrates and fats while following a low-carb diet? Fortunately, the plateau is so far the only minus of your weight loss.


On a long minimum of fats in the diet (when their number per day is below 30 grams, as for a person of any gender, build and age), you are at great risk to health and beauty. Once in the hospital, losing your hair, ruining your skin, strangling your immune system and reproductive health, you will not be in shape.

If you're on a low carb diet, don't be strict with calories! And never combine two constraints. Or carbohydrates or fats.

With an increase in calorie content, it is not superfluous to add a vitamin-mineral complex preparation by age and gender, or at least a set of antioxidants - vitamins A, C, E, zinc, selenium. Weight loss and plateaus are direct stressors. The body needs to be nourished and energized.

Another solution to the issue is to do calorie zigzags for 1-2 weeks so that the “SOS! Saving every calorie!” did not turn on for a long time. The plateau can end in just 2-3 days if you sharply reduce calories from the usual mark, and then increase them.

For example, it was X kcal. Done (X minus 40%) on day 1, raised to X on day 2 and raised again to (X plus 40%) on day 3. Make several such cycles.

At the same time, we do not lean on sweets! Proteins, complex carbohydrates with fiber (bran, psyllium), vegetables, fruits without high GI.

But not only excessively low calorie content can stop weight loss.

Let's take a look at others possible reasons, not forgetting that often their harmful combination leads to a long plateau.

Feel free to recognize yourself in the situations described! Only those who do nothing do not make mistakes. And you do and you will definitely succeed if you delve into the necessary details.

Why #2. Too intense cardio

Aerobics! Running from voluminous priests and folds on the stomach! “Today I jumped for an hour and a half in the gym, and then walked home with a brisk step for another 50 minutes!”

We do not argue, these are great physical achievements, especially for a person a couple of months ago who hardly walked 1 stop to the metro. However, it is precisely such aerobic super-efforts that can cause a stop in losing weight.

The bottom line is that aerobic exercise contributes to the burning of not only excess fat, but also some muscle destruction. And lost muscles are a minus in further fat burning, because it is muscle tissue that spends the most energy.

In fact, you are burning up your main weight loss laboratory - those irreplaceable muscles that, even at rest, expend more energy than any other tissue in the body.

What to do?

Include athletic gymnastics in physical education. Or completely abandon intensive aerobics for a while. Leave light walks for the sake of mood and oxygen (we walk in the park and between houses, away from the main roads). And in the hall, refer to the services of simulators.

If you are afraid of iron (Nonsense! But more on that next time), pay attention to home workouts with body weights. There are many options available!

  • The plank is straight, side and reverse, starting from 15 seconds of continuous standing, on the palms and on the elbows, with the separation of one arm or leg - there are many variations. Only from the bar can you make a difficult strength training.
  • As well as push-ups from the floor, swinging the press from the floor on the back, straight lunges and curtsies and other common exercises that are performed unusually - in super slow mode. What does it mean? For 10 seconds forward force, for 7-10 seconds return to the starting position.

Read about affordable athletic gymnastics in the article

Why #3. Too little water or avoiding salt

Such restrictions, whether accidental or purposeful, work by a similar mechanism during extreme calorie reduction. The body begins to retain water that it does not receive.

In addition, with insufficient water intake or the inability to retain fluid adequately to the needs of metabolism, it is more difficult for the body to remove residual fat burning products.

You increase intoxication from the inside, which in itself worsens the well-being and performance of all systems and organs. There is no tone, there will be no efficient processes. The liver is overstressed, which, when losing weight, works for two. It's hard on the kidneys. Bowel cleansing suffers. Working hard endocrine system and brain.

What to do?

Give your body what you have drastically limited during the period of additional stress!

  • Drink the body at the rate of 20-30 mg per 1 kg of body weight, in portions of 100-200 ml between meals and 20 minutes before meals.
  • Add salt to food at the rate of up to 5 grams of salt per day (= from all foods). It's not a full teaspoon.

Why #4. Too little movement

All moral forces go on a diet? Hate fitness? Not even walking at a moderate pace in the schedule? Charging in the morning - no, but again they refused a steam cutlet?

Alas, the situation when the weight stands still is guaranteed. You are in a vicious circle. Low calorie content - stress - adaptation of the body "What if you now have to starve for life?" - low power consumption. And what is especially sad - with the progressive loss muscle mass. What is not used is consumed along with fat!

By not loading the muscles, you lose them! And the doctor won't help. Preserving muscle tissue for burning fat is a top priority when losing weight, under your own responsibility.

Physical education options that are available to everyone:

  • Walking 40-60 minutes a day;
  • Bodyflex and Oxysize;
  • Squats and lunges, plank;
  • Stairs instead of an elevator;
  • All the tips from Why #2.

Why #5. Too long on the same diet

Analyze your menu. Please note that the most popular systems in last years(Dukan and others protein diets) offer a constant change in diet. Strictly protein phase with a minimum of carbohydrates, relaxed and very extended.

This takes into account the invariable postulate of nutrition science: no diet works equally effectively in the first and third weeks. The most significant results are achieved in 2, maximum 4 weeks of a continuous eating style. Next, you need to change at least the composition of the products, and even the mode of their intake during the day.

What to do?

  • Change your diet. Go to the next stage or return to the previous one. Leave the diet for a fundamentally different one. Was it Japanese? Go to PP ( proper nutrition). Was it PP? Do 7 days of low carb diet.
  • Change the mode of eating, for example, make meals more fractional - up to 5-6 times a day in small portions the size of 1-1.5 palms. Do not be afraid! Frequent (at least 4 times a day!) meals increase fat burning.

Eat after six!

Say goodbye to the habit of "not eating after six." Think for yourself: at 18:00 dinner ... And already at 8:00 breakfast. A daily hungry interval, after which a healthy body may well switch to economy mode. And most importantly, even without such a fright, the gallbladder and liver suffer - the main helpers of safe weight loss.

Why #6. Too intense or repetitive workouts

Are you barely crawling home from the gym? Constantly tormented by krepatura? Have you begun to sleep badly - do you fall asleep for a long time, or sleep anxiously, or do not get enough sleep for 8 hours? Are you unable to perform seemingly familiar movements again? These are all symptoms of overtraining. Relax and sleep well!

A change in training regimen and just a small percentage of super-effort is the key to the right stimulus for the body, which is already overstressed by active fat burning.

  • At home, change the types of exercises, follow the technique and squeeze the muscles for quality, and not for the sake of building repetitions. Here again, the super-slow mode of movement execution comes to the rescue (see "Why # 2").
  • In the hall, ask questions to the coach. In group classes - do not stick to 1 type for more than 1 month and go to different trainers.

Why #7. Objective health barriers

First, premenstrual syndrome. Weight can not only stand still, but also jump by 1-3 kg. Don't worry, it's fluid retention. Give time until the first days of the cycle, when weight loss starts to roll off new force due to a favorable hormonal background.

Secondly, possible diseases acquired during the time of fat loss. Listen for unusual signs and do not try to attribute any ailment to weight loss.

Marked fatigue? Showered hair, pale and dry skin? Leg cramps? Incomprehensible chilliness? Thinking retardation? Lack of well-being after a good night's sleep? Following friend after friend SARS? Consult a doctor!

A sick body will not lose weight properly. And ailments in the initial stages are easier to cure. Health will make it possible to bring weight loss to its logical conclusion - normal weight and a slender figure.

1) A plateau week is not a reason to quit losing weight.

With one significant “but!”: if you still need to continue to lose weight. Recalculate your body mass index. Perhaps you have already come into the normal range, and your intelligent body will not move on without harm to health. Tell him "Thank you!", And do athletics, honing the contours of the body.

If you still need to lose weight, carefully reread the article and conduct a frank introspection.

2) Throw away the scales!

Make the controller a centimeter. With sufficient physical activity, the weight can remain the same, and the volumes go away. By the way, it is beneficial to take a centimeter as an assistant from the very beginning, because we are losing weight for the sake of a figure, and not for an abstract number on the scales.

3) Forget about the goal "To lose weight by all means!".

It's profitable to visualize beautiful figure, remembering the goal. But you don’t have to try on the desired swimsuit 2 times a day. Create an image in your mind: “I am slim. I'm on the beach. The swimsuit fits perfectly,” and let it go, trusting life.

And direct your inquisitive mind and sober calculation to the errors described in the article, which are easy to fix by showing patience for another 1-2 weeks. Don't be discouraged! With the right behavior, the plateau rarely lasts longer than 1 month.

Now you know the main reasons why weight stands still when losing weight, and what to do to continue. successful way to the desired shape.

Learn important! You will succeed!

Thank you for the article (4)

You have thoroughly prepared and decided to lose weight as correctly as possible. We developed a nutrition system for ourselves, planned physical activities and even started a diary for fixing the results. But now the euphoria from the first dropped kilograms has passed, and the process has stopped. Weight stands still, what to do? The first thought is to tighten the diet, but take your time, this is a dead end move. As a result, you will still fail, and the kilograms will return with an increase. In this case, you need to wait a bit. But several weeks pass, and the arrow of the scales still does not move, the weight stands still. What to do in this case, we will decide together.

plateau effect

That is what this unpleasant phenomenon is called. Every nutritionist knows that there comes a time when the weight stands still. What to do? First of all, don't panic. If you do everything right, then the calm period will pass, and the kilograms will begin to melt again. The main reason for this phenomenon is a slowdown in metabolism. Sometimes this happens in the first week, and sometimes after a few weeks or even months. And all because, in an effort to get results faster, you try to eat as little as possible, in response, the body does not reduce weight, but energy consumption. As a result, it slows down, and the weight stands still. What to do? You don’t need to eat as little as possible, you need to eat right and eat healthy food.

Let's look at the process of losing weight soberly

Orienting ourselves to weight loss, we try to subordinate all processes to one rule - every day the scales should show at least a little less. In order to see at least a momentary result, a person refuses liquids, avoids large meals, even if they are vegetables, low-calorie and very healthy food. And in parallel, he also sits in the sauna, drinks diuretics and laxatives. It should be noted that it will come very quickly, and then the positive dynamics will stop. Frustration, relapse, weight gain - this is the cycle that so many go through. In the best case, a person will turn to a specialist and ask what to do if the weight stands still. The reasons that the doctor will voice, we will list a little later.

Our body is a complex system

Every second a huge number of biochemical processes take place in the body, each of which requires "fuel", energy. Breathing, heartbeats, maintenance muscle tone and body temperature, cell division - all this requires a constant supply of resources. The body can get energy from two sources - external (food) and internal (fat stores). Theoretically, if you reduce your food intake, the body should begin to empty its pantries. But there is a very important psychological component. If you perceive it as violence against yourself, and every day is like torture, then the alarmed body will protect the reserves by any means, the very first of which is to reduce energy expenditure. To prevent this from happening, you need a good psychological attitude. You are not on a diet, your lifestyle is just changing. You do not deprive the unfortunate body of the last chocolate bar, but change it for a full-fledged and healthy breakfast or dinner.

Cases from life

We will clearly demonstrate to you why weight stands still when losing weight. Imagine a person who for a long time did not want to notice the accumulated fat. At one fine moment, he “woke up” and resolutely set to work. And in the most radical way, with the help of a hunger strike. At first, the weight decreased quickly, about 3 kg per week, and then stopped. There was a strong weakness, and now a person can feel normal only while lying in bed. The last week of fasting - and the result is minus 400 g. And of these, only 150 g of fat, the rest is the most important protein, that is, cells of the liver, muscles, and blood.

Let's do some simple calculations. In a week, 150 g of fat was dropped, which is only about 1500 kcal. That is, it took only about 200 kcal per day. Normally, our body spends about 1700 kcal per day just to maintain all processes without taking into account external physical activity. That is, the metabolism slowed down ten times.

Refusal to lose weight

After the described stress, a person may decide to abandon the idea of ​​​​losing weight and start eating as before. But turn on full force not soon, which means that normal nutrition will serve as a source of new extra pounds. It should be borne in mind that any violence against oneself is remembered by the body for a long time. If after some time you try again to enter a strict regimen of food restriction, then the slowdown in metabolism will occur even faster, and it will take even longer to recover when you return to normal nutrition.

Reasons why the weight stands still

First and most main reason- Reduced calorie intake. The fewer calories you take in, the more likely it is that your consumption will decrease as well. But there is one caveat: with a moderate, comfortable reduction in the caloric content of the diet, the rate of metabolic processes, on the contrary, increases. No overeating means no sleepiness. The better your sleep will be, and in the morning you will be full of strength and energy. This is the most common answer to the question of why sometimes the weight is on the spot on a diet. At the same time, a smooth and gradual decrease in the calorie content of the diet, on the contrary, leads to an increase in the activity of hormones that have a fat-splitting effect.

The second reason, surprisingly, is the violation of the ratio of fats and carbohydrates. If there are few carbohydrates (and energy is the easiest to get from them), then the economy mode is turned on. Therefore (cereals) should always be in the diet. In general, this rule refers to the lack of any important element, be it amino acids, vitamins, minerals or omega-3s. Therefore, it is very important that the diet is balanced.

Finally, last reason are too serious physical exertion. A person limits his diet and begins to train hard, but after a week he notices that he has practically not lost weight. But intense physical activity does not increase the breakdown of fat, but more often vice versa. They spend energy that the body draws from carbohydrates, fats cannot be broken down so quickly.

How not to fall into the trap

First of all, you do not need to focus on weight loss. It often happens that the volumes go away, and the weight stands still. This indicates a loss of fluid, which is quickly compensated. You need to come up with a clear strategy that isn't too complicated or heavy, and stick to it. Do not resort to diets, the process of losing weight should not be reduced to a week of self-torture. Sleep well and enjoy. Eat right, the diet should be enough protein and complex carbohydrates. Refuse is worth only from sweet and fat. Don't tire yourself out with heavy workouts, regular walking is a sufficient remedy.

If you are already experiencing the plateau effect

Do not try to set yourself a regime even more severe than it was. As you can see, this path does not lead to good results. After a couple of weeks, the “crackdown” will stop working and the weight will stop again. And when you return to your usual diet, you will very quickly pick up the lost kilograms again. Try to take a few steps back. Add a small list of products to the diet, review the nutrition system. You need to make it as comfortable as possible, because this is not a diet, but new look life. Give yourself time to walk, at least a few stops after work, get enough sleep, and soon you will see how the weight slowly but surely begins to decrease.

When losing weight, the weight stopped, what should I do? At first everything went well and your scales pleased you with new results every morning. However, gradually the achievements began to become more modest and one day the weight just stopped. This phenomenon is called the "plateau effect". You continue to exhaust yourself with diets and exercises, and the scale arrow remains in place. What to do if the weight has stopped in the process of losing weight, and you have not reached the desired harmony?

Why did the weight stop?

1. Losing Water Instead of Burning Fat Is a Rookie Mistake .

Most common cause stopping weight while losing weight is the wrong approach to the very process of losing weight.

Many people who lose weight start not only eating less, but also drinking less, while exhausting themselves with physical exercises, going to dry steam rooms, using thermal belts and body wraps for weight loss, taking laxatives and diuretics.

The results of the first week of such "quick weight loss" can be simply amazing. Some manage to get rid of 10 to 15 kilograms in one week, but, alas, not fat, of course, but water at the cellular level.

Dehydration sets in and the weight stops. Moreover, as soon as losing weight begins to drink enough fluids and stops taking diuretics and laxatives, the weight immediately returns.

2. Too strict diet- the error of the maximalists.

If the weight stopped when losing weight, most likely, you made one of the most common mistakes of losing weight - you chose a too rigid diet.

The desire to lose weight quickly leads to the fact that the body goes into energy saving mode. The balance of calories entering the body with food and expended for daily activities is evened out. The body reduces internal costs: the growth of hair, nails, skin regeneration processes and internal organs. The safety margin of the system is depleted and immunity decreases, lethargy, apathy, and lack of will set in. Breakdowns into gluttony begin to occur, because the body does not receive many of the substances it needs. But, for starters, the weight just stops.

3. Repeated diet is the most common mistake of losing weight.

There is such a way to gain weight for those who are underweight. A person is prescribed a rather strict diet, with which he loses 2-3 kg of body weight per week. Then he returns to a normal diet for about a month. Then, for a week, he goes on a diet again, but the weight no longer decreases, but remains at the same level, because the body, frightened after the last diet, stops giving back the reserves it has made and quickly goes into saving mode. Further, a month or two of normal nutrition follows again, and then, another diet week, as a result of which a person not only does not lose weight, but, quite the contrary, begins to gain weight. After leaving such a diet, most people with insufficient body weight manage to gain 10-15 missing kilograms and completely get rid of the problem, since there is a complete restructuring of the body.

This is how most weight loss dieters try to lose weight.

4. Wasting muscle mass instead of fat is the mistake of perfectionists.

Many people who lose weight at the same time as strict diets begin to actively engage in physical exercises. This, as a rule, causes a deficiency in the body of energy and various amino acids, which it begins to receive from its own muscle tissue. As a result, there is a loss of muscle mass and its subsequent replacement with connective tissue, which is easily filled with water and fat deposits. This method of losing weight, contrary to the expectations of those who are losing weight, leads, instead of losing weight, only to sagging and sagging skin, stretch marks and cellulite. The weight stops and the structure of the body deteriorates, despite active sports.

What to do if the weight stopped while losing weight?

1. You should drink more fluids.

For normal life, a person needs 30 gr. water per day for every kilogram of body weight. When losing weight, to flush out toxins and half-life products from the body, you should drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of pure water.

You should not use weight loss drugs that contain diuretic and laxative components, since such weight loss is self-deception.

2. It is necessary to review the diet.

If the weight has stopped during weight loss, you should reconsider the diet that you use in order to reduce its rigidity. The slower the process of losing weight, the more lasting results can be achieved. The optimal weight loss rate is 2-3 kg per month. Only with such a smooth weight loss, the body will not fall into hysterics and store every extra calorie.

3. If repeated diets don't work.

If you have repeatedly lost weight with the help of diets, and then gained weight again, then you should stop using diets. In this case, you just need to do feasible physical exercises and calculate your diet in such a way that the number of calories received from food per day is 100-200 kilocalories less than your energy consumption.

4. Physical exercise.

The body needs 1.5 grams per day. protein per kilogram of body weight. With active sports, the need for protein increases, since sports are not intended for weight loss and weight loss, but quite the opposite, for pumping up muscles and increasing muscle mass. Therefore, after training, complete animal proteins must be included in the food in the amount you need.

Choosing physical activity for weight loss, preference should be given to light exercise for cardio and problem areas body.

By the way, swimming perfectly burns fat and in general any contact with water, which is at least a few degrees colder than body temperature.