Son of Cindy Crawford Presley.  Presley Walker.  Son of Cynthia Ann Crawford.  Gerber and King came to the event from Marc Jacobs together

Son of Cindy Crawford Presley. Presley Walker. Son of Cynthia Ann Crawford. Gerber and King came to the event from Marc Jacobs together

Many girls sigh about the 17-year-old handsome Presley Gerber, because the guy is not only incredibly handsome, but also a member of a very respectable family. Why not enviable groom? And while many secretly sighed about Presley, he began to build a relationship with his colleague - 17-year-old model Kaylie King.

Gerber and King came to the event from Marc Jacobs together

Yesterday famous brand Marc Jacobs presented a new perfume called Daisy. Many famous people gathered at the party on this occasion, but all the attention of the guests and journalists was riveted to Kaya Garber, Presley's sister, who became the face of this perfume. Despite all this, the 17-year-old boy only took a few shots with the star of the evening, and spent the rest of the time with Kaylie.

Photographers noticed that in addition to just talking and constantly smiling at each other, young people from time to time hug and hold hands. This only fueled speculation that Presley had an affair with Kaylie, because the couple, quite by accident, were caught hugging by the paparazzi when they left the New York Met Gala-2017 event. It is not yet known what they think about this relationship. famous parents Gerbera, but the guy is clearly not trying to hide his romance with King.

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  • While Kaia Gerber in a red bikini cuts through the beach in Miami, a scandal erupted on the network
  • Cindy Crawford's kids Kaya and Presley Gerber step on the runway together for the first time

Kaylie is also a well-known personality in the fashion world.

17-year-old King is not as popular and in demand as a model as Presley, but this does not mean that she does not have a single cover. The girl could be seen in such famous glosses as Harper's Bazaar, Numero, Elle and many others. It is difficult to say how her career will develop further, but it is known for sure that those models that are in relationships with stars very quickly begin to climb fashionable Olympus.

0 January 18, 2016, 04:19 PM

16-year-old Presley Gerber - the son of a supermodel - recently appeared in a fashion shoot for CR Men's Book. The young man is already stepping on the heels of his sister Kaya, who is successful. The children of Crawford and her husband, former fashion model Randy Gerber, obviously have great prospects in model industry... Kaya and Presley inherited impressive external data from their parents, which became their passport to the fashion world.

If about Kaye Gerber we, then not much is known about her brother Presley. It is possible that the young man will further develop his talents in modeling business- at least, he takes the first steps quite confidently.

Relationship with sister

On his Instagram page, Presley regularly publishes photos with his sister, 13-year-old Kaya, with whom the young man has a very warm relationship. Cindy Crawford has something to be proud of, because her children are truly friendly, and this is always a pleasure for a mother.

Kaia and Presley have already participated in several photo shoots together - including for CR Fashion Book and Vogue magazines.


Presley Gerber has long been interested in photography. The young man began by taking artistic pictures of his sister, who acts as his model and muse. Cindy Crawford's children even started a separate Instagram account called @kbyp, which contains footage of Kaia Gerber taken by her brother Presley.

Of course, it's too early to compare the footage with the work of Mario Testino or Patrick Demarchelier, but Presley's ambition is commendable. The young man still has a lot of time ahead, during which he can succeed in this art and visit not only in front of the camera lens.

Kaiai Gerber by Presley Gerber

Model career

Presley did not rush into the modeling business, but fashion editors immediately noted the potential in a teenager. Gerber owes his first independent shooting to Karin Roitfeld, who is crazy about Crawford's children.

I've known Cindy for a very long time. Her children have beauty and fashion in their blood. Presley even became the owner of the same mole as his mother,

Roitfeld said in an interview.

Kaya has already signed a contract with the famous modeling agency IMG, but Presley is not in a hurry to spend free time to pose for the camera.

Gerber Presley in CR Men's Book magazine

Kaia and Presley Gerber for CR Fashion Book


Presley is a very active young man. On his Instagram page, the 16-year-old teenager often posts photos where he is preparing to conquer the waves on the surf and water skiing.

Instagram photo

Every week HELLO.RU talks about what clothes celebrity children wear. Last time we got acquainted with the style of the son of the singer Shakira and the defender of the Spanish football club "Barcelona" Gerard Piqué - Sasha, and today the hero of our column is Presley Walker - the son of businessman Randy Gerber and supermodel Cindy Crawford, who celebrates her 50th birthday on February 20.

click on photo to view gallery:

Click on the photo to view the gallery Cindy Crawford first became a mother at the age of 33: the son of supermodel and her husband Randy Gerber - Presley Walker - was born on July 2, 1999. Despite the biased attitude of some doctors to home births, Cindy gave birth to her first child just like that - in her own mansion in Los Angeles, under the supervision of a midwife and a nurse.

I asked Randy why he wants to name his son after Elvis Presley, to which he said: "Elvis had the last name Presley. And for our son, Presley is the name,"

The boy's grandmother Ellen Peckman told about unusual name grandson. Cindy also liked the name Presley, because she herself is not indifferent to Elvis's music. In addition to music, Crawford has always loved sports, so after giving birth, she released video tutorials for young mothers, with the help of which she brought herself into shape. The passion for an active lifestyle was later transferred to Presley: when the boy grew up, he became interested in surfing, skateboarding, and also became a member of the Malibu Youth Water Polo water polo team.

One year old Presley Gerber

Randy Gerber and Presley

Presley and Kaia Gerber

We live in Malibu, and for people who have never been here, the name "Malibu" seems impressive. It's actually a simple little town that allows kids to do a lot of outdoor activities. My son, for example, hardly gets out of the water,

Crawford said in an interview. But sports achivments- far from everything that Presley can be proud of: the young man inherited from his parents a bright appearance that can conquer not only girlish hearts, but also world podiums. True, the mother of a blond handsome man claims that her son is not too happy with such a hype around his appearance:

Presley grows up as an ordinary boy. He really doesn't like it when people pay attention to him.

Everything changed when Presley turned 16: first, the young man starred with his family for Vogue magazine, then joined his sister Kaya in a photo shoot for the CR Fashion Book gloss, founded by Karine Roitfeld, and recently made his debut in the CR Men's Book solo photo project. Needless to say, now the leading publications dream of seeing Presley on their pages, and modeling agencies compete for the right to engage the guy in their ranks? Presley.

Cindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford and Rande Gerber with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son PresleyCindy Crawford with son Presley and daughter Kaya
Cindy Crawford and Rande Gerber with son Presley and daughter Kaya

AT early childhood Presley, like all active boys, did not get out of sweatshirts, wide jeans, shorts below the knee and t-shirts with prints. In all this, it was convenient for him to run and play - in other words, to indulge in simple childish joys. When Presley grew up a little, the number of jeans and T-shirts in his wardrobe only increased, but some things that were fashionable among teenagers were added to the arsenal - for example, caps with neon patterns or skateboarding shoes. He did not refuse them even during rare appearances on the red carpet: Cindy began taking children to social events quite early, but she always chose either cartoon premieres or children's parties - events that were interesting for Presley and Kaye.

When Presley crossed the threshold of 14+, his style became less and less like that of a simple teenager from Malibu. No, he did not hit the pursuit of brands, he just began to give preference to more restrained images. Wide-leg jeans gave way to skinny trousers, and checkered sneakers gave way to high-top Converse. In wardrobe young man more shirts appeared - plain and checkered, leather jackets, coats and even classic suits. Love for conciseness was also manifested in the works of Presley: the young man became seriously interested in photography, choosing his sister Kaya as the main muse. The guy dedicated a separate Instagram account to her - @kbyp, where he publishes his author's pictures. Looking at his photo, we can say with confidence: Presley has every chance to compete with Brooklyn Beckham, who recently shot a campaign for Burberry, and begin his ascent to the Olympus of fashion photography. He has the genes for this extremely worthy.

The daughter of Alla Pugacheva and the children of Philip Kirkorov became the stars of the fashion show. Which other celebrity children successfully conquer the catwalks?

On March 20, Alesya Kafelnikova became the heroine of the “Let them talk” program, where she admitted that she used drugs, was in prolonged depression and suffered from anorexia. Now the girl is trying with all her might to get out: she wants to get an education in the field of stock trading, as well as continue her modeling career. In addition, not so long ago she was in the movies.

Sofia Kiperman, daughter of Vera Brezhneva

For the first time on the big podium eldest daughter Vera Brezhneva came out in 2016, and then made her debut in Russia at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week, where she became a guest star of the Bella Potemkina show. Having received a lot of rave reviews and compliments, Sonya decided to continue her development in the fashion industry. For several years she has been studying fashion shows, posing skills, the basics of etiquette and psychology.

The girl also dreams of acting career. A few years ago, Kiperman even appeared in the popular TV series The Vampire Diaries. In an interview, 17-year-old Sonya always emphasizes that she does not use her “official position” star mom and prefers to achieve everything in life itself. This is eloquently evidenced by the fact that for some time the girl worked in one of the Kyiv pastry shops and even at McDonald's.

Lily-Rose Depp, daughter of Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis

The daughter of American actor Johnny Depp and French singer Vanessa Paradis inherited her bright beauty from her mother and charisma from her father. At 18, Lily-Rose has statuses in her track record official ambassador fashion house Chanel and the muse of Karl Lagerfeld, as well as photo shoots for such world-famous glossy publications as Gala, Grazia, Vogue. In August last year, the model took part.

In some frames, the young daughter of star parents appeared completely naked. “I'm eighteen and I'm ready to raise the stakes,” Lily retorted then. Together with a dizzying career in the fashion business, the girl is doing well in the cinema. In 2017, she was even nominated for two honorary awards - "Lumiere" and "Cesar" - as the most promising actress for her role as young Isadora Duncan in the film "Dancer".

Brooklyn and Romeo Beckham, sons of David and Victoria Beckham

The older the sons of David and Victoria Beckham the more girlish hearts they break. In all sorts of ratings of "most stylish" and "sexiest" 19-year-old Brooklyn is already quietly giving odds to his famous dad. Now the young man is studying in one of best schools design by Parsons Private Art and Design School in New York and . Modeling is more of a hobby for him. More precisely, a well-paid hobby. We dare to assume that for participation in advertising campaign Reserved and several other brands, he received a tidy sum.

The Beckhams' middle son, Romeo, is following in his brother's footsteps. At the age of 10, he became the face of the largest fashion brand Burberry and starred in a lookbook new collection. The smiling and charming guy immediately began to predict a great fashion future: he manages to pose in front of the camera very naturally and professionally. Romeo himself has not yet decided on the choice. He equally likes high fashion and tennis.

Iris Law, daughter of Jude Law and Sadie Frost

Charming Iris was born in the marriage of Jude Law to actress Sadie Frost. She made her debut as a model girl at an unconscious age: at the age of 2, she appeared with her parents in Vogue magazine. Now 17-year-old Iris is signing successful contracts with the leaders of the global fashion market. The first beauty became interested in Miu Miu. And now in her portfolio and the promotional campaign of the Illustrated People brand. However, without patronage still not done. Iris' godmother is supermodel Kate Moss. They say that it was with her filing that Lowe's daughter got into the fashion world.

Kaia Gerber and Presley Gerber, daughter and son of Cindy Crawford

The very case when the daughter completely inherited the grace, beauty and aristocratic bearing of her supermodel mom. Today, 16-year-old Kaia Gerber is one of the most sought-after models in the world. Leading brands dream of collaborating with her, because in addition to the angelic charm of youth and feet from the ears, Kaya is the brightest personification of the continuity of generations.

By the way, Cindy Crawford tried to stop her daughter's rapid career development until she came of age. But she still could not refuse the offer of Donatella Versace herself. In 2012, Kaya became the face of the Versace Young collection. Recall also that the eldest son of Cindy Crawford, Presley, also achieved considerable success in the modeling business. Not so long ago, together with his sister, they took part in a joint promotional photo shoot for Calvin Klein – Our Family (“Our Family”).