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barbarian(real name Alena Vladimirovna Susova, in girlhood - Tutanova; genus. July 30, 1973 in the city of Balashikha, Moscow region) - Russian singer. Honored Artist of Russia (2010). Performs songs in Europop, ethno-pop and folk styles. The artist has six studio albums on her account: "Barbara", "Closer", "Dreams", "Above Love", "Legends of Autumn" and "Lyon".

Biography and creative path

Elena Vladimirovna Tutanova was born on July 30, 1973 in Balashikha in a family of engineers. She graduated from a music school with a degree in accordion.

Intending to enter the Institute of Light Industry, Varvara simultaneously worked as a soloist in a musical ensemble. Thanks to this experience, a month before entering the university, I prepared a program for entering a musical institution. Varvara graduated from the Gnesins Russian Academy of Music. One of the teachers of the course was the director of the sensational "Threepenny Opera" Matvey Osherovsky.

Later she graduated from GITIS in absentia with a degree in musical theater artist. Since 1991, she has been a member of the troupe of the State Theater of Variety Performances. She began her career in the group of Lev Leshchenko, working as a backing vocalist in his team.

After leaving the theater, Elena began solo career under the pseudonym "Barbara".

In 2000, Varvara received the Grand Prix of the Kinotavr competition in the Kinodiva special project. In June 2001, the debut album of the singer "Barbara" was released on the label "NOX Music". Work on the album continued throughout 2000. The song "Butterfly" becomes the main single from the disc. Work on the second album began in July at the Brothers Grimm studio. The composition “Heart, don’t cry” was recorded, the video and the song were aired in September.

In the winter of 2002, Varvara received an offer from Norn Bjorn, founder of the Swedish studio Cosmo, to record several compositions with the Swedish Symphony Orchestra. The first song recorded in collaboration with the Swedes was the song "This is behind", in the style of modern r'n'b. Varvara decided to continue recording the rest of the songs for the future album in Russia. And already in February, the song "I'm Alive" started on the air of "Our Radio". In June, the radio stations premiered the song "One-on", the video for which was filmed based on the story of Ray Bradbury "All Summer in One Day". At the end of 2002, Varvara performed with this song in the final of the Song of the Year festival.

In March 2003, the Ars-Records company released Varvara's second album, Closer, in the style of pop-rock. The album was released on April 3rd. Most of the compositions were recorded at the Brothers Grimm studio. In support of the record, a single was released, as well as a video, "Closer". Album received a large number of positive reviews from critics who compared it even with the extreme works of Madonna, and was also awarded the Silver Disc award.

Work on the new album began in 2003 with the song "Dreams", which marked the beginning of a new, ethnic direction in the singer's music. In September, on the island of Valaam, a video was filmed for this composition, which became a romantic saga about a foreign girl. In December, Varvara presented the composition at the Song of the Year festival. In 2004, Varvara became the only performer in history who brought Russia first place in the song contest international club fans of "Eurovision" under the name "OGAE". According to the voting results European countries in 2004, her single "Dreams" won, thanks to which in 2005 it was held in Moscow. They worked on the next video "Snow Melted" in March 2004. In the fall of 2004, the radio stations aired the song "Flying, but singing", with which the singer performed in the final of the "Song of the Year" festival. A colorful clip of the same name, filmed in Morocco, appears on music TV channels. In February 2005, with this composition, Varvara made it to the final of the national selection for the Eurovision 2005 contest. On October 18, Varvara's third studio album "Dreams" was released. Three tracks from the album hit the top 20 of the Russian radio chart, including the single "Letala, yes sang" reached the 8th position, in the annual - up to the 55th. In January 2006, a video for the song “Let me go, river” was released, in the filming of which, as in the recording of the album, the Chukotka ensemble took part. The song gets to the 15th position of the Russian radio chart and takes the 45th line in the general annual. With an English version called "We" ll Be There ", Varvara participates in the closed qualifying round of the Eurovision Song Contest 2006, but in the final she loses to Dima Bilan. In the same year, Varvara works with Ruslana on a joint duet "Two Ways". At the end of 2006, the 79th line of the annual radio chart was taken by the song " Beautiful life”, and Varvara entered the list of the 30 most rotated performers on radio stations in Russia.

The real name of the famous ethno-performer Varvara is Elena Tutanova. Now the singer bears the name of her second husband - Susova.

Elena Tutanova was born in Balashikha near Moscow in July 1973. The family called their daughter Alena. When the girl was 4 years old, the grandfather for the first time put his granddaughter behind musical instrument, which turned out to be a bulky accordion. Noticing that the baby has both a hearing and a voice, grandfather took Elena to a music school. It cannot be said that Tutanova immediately liked it there. But the girl did not want to upset her relatives, who looked with hope at the first successes of her daughter, so Alena continued to attend classes regularly.

In middle school, the future singer dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. Elena showed the ability to sew and model clothes, and the girl herself had a “model” height and external data necessary for a modeling career. Therefore, Elena decided that after graduating from school she would enter the Institute of Light Industry. But over time, visits to a music school and vocal lessons imperceptibly carried away the young singer, and the girl completely forgot about sewing. Music completely captivated Elena.

In the graduating class future star Varvara finally made up her mind and after receiving the certificate went to Gnesinka. The applicant entered on the first attempt, overcoming a considerable competition. The received red diploma from the famous music school spurred the girl to continue her education. Later, Elena entered GITIS at the correspondence department. She chose the specialty "musical theater artist".


Barbara's creative biography began after graduating from Gnesinka in 1993. Like many popular performers, she began her career on the stages of various restaurants. She sang songs in Russian and English. Soon the 20-year-old singer signed a contract and left to work in the United Arab Emirates. At the same time, Elena Tutanova thought about a creative pseudonym. He suggested the idea - the singer chose the name of her own grandmother, who was called a native Russian name.

Returning home, Varvara got a job in the theater of variety performances, which she led. Soon Elena became the backing vocalist of the famous singer. But the girl did not want to stop there. And Varvara went, as she herself says, into "free swimming." The singer wanted to make her own career. The performer was confident in her abilities and dreamed of an intellectual Euro-pop genre. This is a colorful and original style, in which trendy melodies and ethnic music are organically intertwined.

Barbara's solo career developed successfully. In 2001, the performer, together with the NOX Music company, recorded her debut disc, which she called Barbara. The authors of most of the songs on this album were young creators, whose names did not mean anything to the listeners. The only exception was Kim Breitburg, an author who wrote several compositions for. The recording of the disc involved musicians united in a group called "Barbara".

The compositions of the debut disc, despite the obvious unformattedness (it was difficult for DJs to determine the style in which they were performed), had considerable success. The hits “Barbarian”, “Butterfly”, “On the Edge” and “Fly into the Light” got into the rotation.

In 2002, Varvara unexpectedly received an offer from the founder of the famous Swedish studio Cosmo. The studio is known for releasing a number of CDs and the A-ha band. The head of "Cosmo" suggested Varvara to record several songs with the Swedish Symphony Orchestra. This is how the hit "It's Behind" was born, performed in the style of the trendy "R" n "B".

The singer loves to travel the world and learn new musical styles. AT United Arab Emirates, where Varvara likes to relax with her family, the singer was offered to record an album on Arabic. But the artist beckons and Northern Europe, severe sagas and Celtic legends. Perhaps that is why in the composition "Two Sides of the Moon" from the second album "Closer", released in 2003, Norman notes are clearly felt.

In 2004, Varvara participated in the competition of the international "OGAE" - a club of fans of "Eurovision". The single "Dreams" from the third album of the same name brought the Russian performer first place. In the early 2000s, the performer became the laureate of the Song of the Year contest three times.

During the period of her performing career, Varvara recorded 6 albums. In addition to those named, the artist has discs “Above Love”, “Legends of Autumn” and “Len”. The last album was recorded in 2015. It included the tracks "The fast river spilled", "Vanka walked", "Kupalinka". The singer constantly tours in Russia and far beyond the borders of her homeland. The artist participates in many festivals and festive concerts.

The singer Varvara has official clips, which are located on YouTube video hosting. These are videos for the songs “Pipe”, “Let me go, river”, “The snow melted”, “Flew, but sang”, “One”, “Closer”, “Who seeks, he will find”.

The singer performs not only with the musicians of her own band, but also with other performers. Varvara's ensemble with a duet of accordionists "LyubAnya" enjoys popularity among fans, to the accompaniment of which the artist sang the song "Ah, soul." Varvara also performed with the concert program "Two Ways", in which the joint compositions "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik", "Porushka, Paranya" were performed. Together with the ensemble, she released the song “But I won’t get married.”

In 2010, the singer was awarded the title of "Honored Artist of Russia", and a year later, Varvara received the award "for creative embodiment ideas of friendship between the peoples of Belarus and Russia.

Personal life

The original singer Varvara took place as a wife and mother of many children. True, Barbara's personal life did not develop immediately. The first early marriage quickly fell apart. From him, the singer had a son, Yaroslav. The forced separation from the boy Elena Tutanova experienced hard. The singer had to leave for the United Arab Emirates at the age of 20 to provide for her small family.

But life got better after meeting with famous businessman Mikhail Susov. Now they have a strong family, in which, in addition to the eldest son Yaroslav, who married in 2013, two more sons were brought up from the first marriage of Mikhail Susov. The couple has common child- daughter Varvara, who has already taken her first steps as a singer.

Now the Susovs spend most of their time at their country dacha, which is located 500 km from Moscow. There, Varvara and her husband run their own household. There are 12 chickens and cows on the farm. The spouses themselves make cheese on the sourdough brought by Mikhail from Switzerland, prepare berries for the winter, and bake bread.

Barbara now

In 2017, the artist delighted the admirers of her talent new song, which received the laconic name "Autumn". The premiere of the track took place on the air of "Road Radio". Varvara also received an invitation from the creators of the international music festival "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk, where she headed the jury of the children's competition.

In December, a concert of pop stars took place, where, in addition to Varvara, others performed. The festive concert was broadcast on new year's eve 2018 on Channel One. The singer posted the announcement of the performance on her own page in " Instagram”, where, in addition to photos from performances, the artist also uploads family pictures.


  • 2001 - "Barbara"
  • 2003 - "Closer"
  • 2005 - "Dreams"
  • 2008 - "Above Love"
  • 2013 - "Legends of Autumn"
  • 2015 - "Len"
Varvara Vizbor - Russian singer, granddaughter of the sixties bard Yuri Vizbor. Favorite genres– jazz and lounge, but she also likes to remake songs written by her grandfather, adding personality and new sound to them. Together with rapper L'One, she recorded the song "Echo of Love" from the soundtrack to the second season of the series "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

Childhood and youth

A native Muscovite, Varvara Sergeevna Vizbor, was born on February 18, 1986 in a creative, intelligent family. Varvara's grandfather is the famous bard poet Yuri Vizbor, and her grandmother is the talented poetess and writer Ariadna Yakusheva.

Unfortunately, the girl was born a year after the death of her grandfather, but she met his work in early childhood. Parents bought a compilation disc, which contained his song "Night Road", which from the first chords sunk into Varya's soul. How surprised she was when her mother said that this was grandfather's song!

I was very surprised, because in our family there was no cult of grandfather - for us he was an ordinary person, dad and grandfather, a family member.

From childhood, the girl was surrounded by a creative atmosphere, which could not but affect her worldview and future fate. Representatives of the metropolitan bohemia often gathered in the house, sang, played music, read poetry and staged impromptu performances. Her parents instilled in her a good attitude towards people and the ability to communicate freely with the most different people, and from her grandmother Varya inherited a sense of humor and an optimistic attitude towards life.

The girl's parents, Tatyana Vizbor and Sergey Lobikov, also people of creative professions, immediately discerned the artistic and musical ability daughter and took her to theater studio. Having become a first grader, Varvara enrolled in the Red Carnation school choir, in which she sang until graduation.

She studied at the middle free time I preferred to spend not for textbooks, but at choir rehearsals or in a children's theater. With their brother Yuri, they often arranged home concerts: Yura played, and Varya performed songs from the repertoire of her beloved Alla Pugacheva. Also, the girl was engaged in drawing and macrame.

Varvara and Yuri Vizbor - You are my breath.

After leaving school, Varya tried to enter VGIK, but did not pass the competition. Failure did not cool the ardor of an ambitious girl, and on the advice of Alexei Batalov, a year later she applied to the Shchukin school. This time, her efforts were rewarded: Varvara became a student at a prestigious theater university, which she successfully graduated in 2007.


At first she wanted to take up teaching, she entered the magistracy, but soon she got bored with the stage and the audience and got a job at the School of Modern Play theater.

The atmosphere at the School of Modern Drama was depressing to me. I had to somehow declare myself, become punchy, dodgy ... But they say that I am in character in my grandfather, but he was neither punchy nor dodgy.

After serving in it for two years, Vizbor moved to the Moscow Theater of Miniatures (Teatrium on Serpukhovka), where she was finally able to fully realize herself as an actress. But still there was an internal feeling of dissatisfaction, which disappeared when she took the microphone and began to sing. Varvara intuitively felt that being a singer was her true calling, and since 2013 she decided to devote herself entirely to her singing career.

Even in her student years, she began performing in clubs, where she met talented jazz musicians Sergey Khutas and Evgeny Borets. Soon the guys organized their own group “Vizbor V.S. Khutas”, which lasted five years. The group's repertoire consisted of original arrangements, whimsically combining elements of jazz, blues, traditional Russian motifs and sacred music.

Evening Urgant. Varvara Vizbor - And the winter will be big.

In 2015, their debut album "Strawberry" was released. Subsequent collections "Magic Fruit", "Mitten" and "Polyphony" Varvara recorded already under own name. They included both original works created by contemporary authors, as well as songs by her legendary grandparents in a new arrangement.

Varvara Vizbor - Lucy

In the summer of 2016, Vizbor performed at the large jazz festival Usadba Jazz.

Varvarva Vizbor and the show "Voice"

One of the songs of Yuri Vizbor - "Winter" - she chose to perform at "blind auditions" in the fourth season of the show "Voice" (2015). Oddly enough, despite the soulful performance and impeccable vocals, none of the four mentors turned to her. Polina Gagarina admitted that she wanted to turn around, but the song "somehow quickly ended." “Very nice, but there is only one song, and what will happen next? What else you can show us is not clear, ”said Alexander Gradsky. Basta and Grigory Leps also remained indifferent to Varvara's performance.

The girl was, to put it mildly, upset. But unexpectedly, she received support from the audience of the "Voice" from different parts of the country. The situation that developed at the blind auditions caused bewilderment and discontent, because the audience was completely delighted with Varvara's number. The singer was very upset by the failure, however, the love and support of the fans of her talent, the number of which increased sharply after participating in the Voice, gave the artist the strength to believe in herself again.

Personal life of Varvara Vizbor

Barbara carefully guards her personal space and hides information about her privacy. It is known that she is happily married to her beloved man, whom she sees as the father of her future children.

L'One feat. Varvara Vizbor - Yakutyanochka

The singer also took part in the All Colors of Jazz ceremony, which took place on October 31, 2017 in Moscow.