My family: how do relatives of financiers earn.  Sergey Sarkisov: famous businessman Sergey Sarkisov instagram black prince

My family: how do relatives of financiers earn. Sergey Sarkisov: famous businessman Sergey Sarkisov instagram black prince

You know, I like this Sergey Sarkisov Jr. more and more - the 19-year-old son of the oligarch Sarkisov!

It was you at his age who only dreamed of beauties from gloss, and Seryozha went to hell!

Having reached the age of majority, the guy, having fulfilled the dream of any teenager, to try Stifler's mom. Natasha was also pleased, her groovy dance broke all the Internet.

Why not be pretty? And they took it to the sea, and, I think, not for free! But Seryozha, as it turned out, was not going to stop on a short-term affair with a milf!

Do you know Timati's girlfriend? Well, everyone knows her!

So, Nastya Reshetova - a woman is also a fire!

Reshetova, who is spread rot in the Yunusov family, is taken out to rest to the heap with ex-wife, someone else's child and mother, Andrei Malakhov's magazine StarHit caught with Sergei Sarkisov - in vain, perhaps, such beauty should disappear ?!

Photo: StarHit

I am against treason, but Timati's horns are not treason, but a vital necessity. I am sure that he offends Nastenka with money, but the years go by, and the woman is not getting any younger.

On vacation with Rudova, no one paid any attention to Reshetova. Natashka was sent home when Sergei had played enough of daughter-mothers, and Nastya remained. In general, I think that Reshetova is a great option for Seryozha, because she is no stranger to group cohabitation.

Photo: Social networks

Timur Yunusov, a roommate of Reshetova, has long taught the girl to be present in a relationship with a third - his ex-wife. To Sergei Sarkisov, it seems to me that this option is just right.

You can call Rudova again. And if you're tired, we have a lot of escorts. And it’s good for Nastya - Timati took revenge, and the heir to Reso-guarantee, I think, will not offend her with money.

Of course, all this news is from the "their manners" series. But nevertheless, I am very happy for Sergei Jr. and Reshetova. This is how you should live, well done guy!

And what kind of pussy would you advise Sergey to order next time? Shishkov? Or for a change of someone else? Whom?

The star of the series "Tatyana's Day" was suspected of having an affair with the youngest son of the oligarch Sergei Sarkisov. More recently, a MGIMO student met with singer Nastya Kudri. Now he spends time in Nice with Natalia Rudova.

One of the most popular girls on Instagram, as a rule, generously shares the details of her own life with her fans. The only exception is the amorous affairs of the 35-year-old actress.

Despite the fact that Natalya Rudova does not like to talk about novels, she is constantly credited with relationships with colleagues and the mighty of the world of this, among whom was the musician Timati, in whose video the actress starred a few years ago.

And recently, the artist was spotted on vacation with the son of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov. Young heir It is not the first time that the head of the RESO-Garantia company gets into the lenses along with star beauties. Not so long ago, for example, a dark-haired womanizer had a relationship with the daughter of the oligarch Igor Kudryashkin, singer Nastya Kudri.

Soon the relationship between Nastya and Sergey Sarkisov Jr. came to naught, and now he seems to have decided to bask in the rays of Natalia Rudova's star glory. At least the couple spends time together in Nice, and on rare joint shots you can see that they look very happy.

The influential father of a 19-year-old student has been at the top of the Forbes ranking for more than eight years, and his fortune totals more than one billion dollars.

Sarkisov Jr. fully enjoys all the benefits that his father can give him - the "black prince", as he calls himself, studies at MGIMO, moves around Moscow in a sky-blue Bentley, and spends winter holidays in Courchevel with friends.

The young man has repeatedly admitted that a serious relationship does not suit him - for the next ten years he plans to deal exclusively with business. For the last two years, Sergey has been working in his father's company, going from an ordinary sales manager to the head of his own projects.

The now famous oligarch Sergei Sarkisov was born into the family of a prominent politician May 18, 1959. From a young age, he learned the value of money by working as porters at a railway station, and then doing technical translations and developing design layouts. Initially, he wanted to follow in his father's footsteps and make diplomatic career However, his interests changed dramatically in one moment. Perhaps because of this, the businessman is now one of the richest people in his country. The son of Sergei Sarkisov plans to continue to help his father and develop the family business.

In the photo: The youngest son of Sergei Sarkisov Sergei

The son of Sergei Sarkisov (photo)

Billionaire Sergey Sarkisov is legally married to Rusudan Makhashvili. Wife is a doctor by profession this moment holds office CEO"Medilux-TM" and owns the well-known dental clinic "Good Doctor". Sarkisov's wife is an example of the fact that you can not only be a wonderful wife, mother of many children, but also make a successful career. The couple has five children together.

In the photo: Sergey Sarkisov with his sons Nikolai and Sergey

Sergey Sarkisov and his sons from the very beginning planned to deal exclusively with family business, move and develop it. At the same time, the son, Nikolai, wanted to follow in the footsteps of his mother and become a doctor. Senior Sarkisov was born in 1987, successfully graduated from one of the leading medical schools named after Sechenov, specializing in surgery. But upon reaching the age of 24, the young man realized that this was not what he would like to do for the rest of his life. The guy went to the Hollywood film school, received the profession of director and, upon returning to his homeland, showed his fellow countrymen his mystical series called "Moon". Nikolai's sister, Iya Sarkisova, did not make a dizzying career and preferred to become the keeper of the hearth, marrying her beloved Mikhail Makharadze.

In the photo: Sergey Sarkisov with his wife, son Nikolai and daughter Iya

Younger son The couple, Sergey Sarkisov (younger), was born in 1998. The guy went to his father, is interested in finance and international activities. Now he is a student at MGIMO, where he is studying at the Faculty of International Economic Relations. A photo of the son of Sergei Sarkisov can be found in in social networks on the Internet, where Sergei often finds himself in the company of young beautiful girls. There's a guy posting last news from your life. With whom the son of the oligarch is now dating remains unknown.

In the photo: Sergey Sarkisov with his son on vacation

Not so long ago, the Sarkisov family was replenished with two more wonderful kids. The wife gave the businessman twin boys, who were named Alexander and Mikhail. Parents try to give them maximum free time, surround them with care and love.

One of the most popular girls on Instagram, as a rule, generously shares the details of her own life with her fans. The only exception is the amorous affairs of the 35-year-old actress. Despite the fact that Natalya Rudova does not like to talk about novels, she is constantly credited with relationships with colleagues and the powers that be, among whom was the musician Timati, in whose video the actress starred several years ago.

And recently, the artist was spotted on vacation with the son of billionaire Sergei Sarkisov. The young heir to the head of the RESO-Garantia company is not the first time he gets into the lenses along with star beauties. Not so long ago, for example, a dark-haired womanizer had a relationship with the daughter of the oligarch Igor Kudryashkin, singer Nastya Kudri.

Soon the relationship between Nastya and Sergey Sarkisov Jr. came to naught, and now he seems to have decided to bask in the rays of Natalia Rudova's star glory. At least the couple spends time together in Nice, and on rare joint shots you can see that they look very happy.

The influential father of a 19-year-old student has been at the top of the Forbes ranking for more than eight years, and his fortune totals more than one billion dollars. Sarkisov Jr. fully enjoys all the benefits that his father can give him - the "black prince", as he calls himself, studies at MGIMO, moves around Moscow in a sky-blue Bentley, and spends winter holidays in Courchevel with friends.

The young man has repeatedly admitted that a serious relationship does not suit him - for the next ten years he plans to deal exclusively with business. For the last two years, Sergey has been working in his father's company, going from an ordinary sales manager to the head of his own projects.

By the way, while it remains a mystery whether the father will be pleased big difference at the age of the son and his possible passion.

"Black Prince"(as he calls himself) Moscow moving on sky blue Bentley hanging out with the singer T-killah(27), soccer player Dmitry Tarasov(30) and YurKissom(19) (one of the most eligible suitors of 2016 according to Tatler, the son of an oligarch, ex-soloist " earthlings» and producer Vladimir Kiselev(64)). On the 18th anniversary of the "prince" (he was celebrated in sixty on the 62nd floor of one of the towers " Moscow City"") sang (26), Valery Syutkin(59) and Quest Pistols Show, and the heirs of high-profile names and great fortunes sat at the tables.

Jumper, Zara, trousers, Strellson, Boots, Porta 9

Sergei Sarkisov(18) - son of co-owner and chairman of the board of directors " RESO-Guarantees"(Russian insurance company with a collection of about 80 billion rubles a year) Sergei Sarkisov(57).

True, Sarkisov was born not in Moscow, but in Barcelona where his father worked then, and three years later he moved to Georgia- mother's home Rusudan Makhashvili(president of the network medical centers MedSwiss). “I had the most ordinary, happy childhood - most of the time I spent with my grandparents in Tbilisi". There Sergey learned the Georgian language, which he now speaks fluently.

Left: Suit, Daniel Hechter; T-shirt, Massimo Dutti; sneakers, Adidas. Right: Jacket, GUESS; jumper, Zara; Jeans, Massimo Dutti

Sarkisov took all the best from his parents: “Mom taught me to see only the positive in everything, and my dad taught me how to run a business, present myself correctly and always try to be ahead of time - to be ahead of the rest and give all my best in achieving my goals.”

Serezha also got good external data from his parents - he is unusually handsome: thick black hair, languid eyebrows and an almost devilish look. It is not surprising that the girls hang themselves on him directly in clusters. Recall at least Sarkisov's romance with the most enviable blonde of the journalism faculty of Moscow State University, the daughter of a millionaire Igor Kudryashkin(19)! True, a few months later the couple broke up, and Seryozha himself said: “ Serious relationship I've never had one, and I haven't had a chance to meet "the one" yet. Yes, and I don’t plan to start a family yet, and for the next ten years I will only be engaged in business - I want to achieve maximum heights in the business for which he undertook. For the last two years he has been working in his father's company RESO: "During this time I managed to make my way from an ordinary sales manager to my own projects with large clients."

He studied first in England at a private school for boys. Sunningdale, then - in the Moscow general education 1239 'And next year I'm going file documents in MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. After school, I decided to first learn the basics of business in practice, and then go to university.”