I dreamed that a car hit a stranger.  Why dream that a car hit

I dreamed that a car hit a stranger. Why dream that a car hit

A dream in which a car knocks you down usually represents the most important incidents or news related to your work activities. The work on which you have been working for a very long time can be complicated, and the time to complete it can increase due to an outsider. As the 21st century dream book says: hit by a car - to welcome news from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

When in a dream the incident was prevented, and you got out of the car without injury, this dream prophesies happy events and a secure future.

An additional explanation is given by the dream book of the 21st century: if you were hit by a car in a dream, try not to go anywhere in the near future and not get involved in sports. This dream can be a sign of trouble that can be prevented if you carefully monitor your own well-being and do not play with fire. There is a high probability of falling ill with a dangerous disease, therefore, after such a dream, it is better to prematurely prevent it.

If in a dream a car hit your relative or acquaintance, in reality surround this person with love and care, which he lacks for a given period of time. Maybe very soon he will need serious support from you personally.

Why dream that you were hit by a car in other dream books

From the explanation of the disaster Women's dream book: a similar plot in a dream - to the nearest worries for relatives, a danger to children is likely. When, in the event of an incident, you did not see the blood, you will be able to overcome the troubles.

Why dream that you were hit by a car, according to the Erotic Dream Book? If you yourself have this car, and accidentally knocked down an attractive person of the opposite sex, then soon a welcome date awaits you. This vision often prophesies a passionate and loving relationship.

Getting hurt from a car and being healthy after that is for the upcoming love affair. Especially if the vehicle was driven by a person of the opposite sex.

Why dream when you were hit by a car according to a psychoanalytic dream book: where you were injured can mean a lot of things - based on situations and impressions at the end of sleep.

One of the explanations is the danger threatening the dreamer, which he is not aware of. An inner intuitive feeling and the ability to foresee the moves of the enemy will help prevent problems. There is a possibility, attentiveness and interest in details will make it possible to deal with troubles and a hanging threat.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 02/18/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeping person. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of congestion, ...

Dream interpretation hit by a car

You woke up from a fright, the dream caused a lot of emotions and left a heavy impression. In a dream, you were a participant in a traffic accident or observed its consequences. We saw a wounded adult or child, a dead cat or dog. The interpretation of sleep largely depends on what role you played in the dream - the victim or the culprit.

In a dream, a car knocks you down - for someone you are an obstacle in a career, professional growth. Do you remember the face of the driver? Perhaps he is your secret rival.

Behind the wheel

The experiences of a person, his internal stress associated with driving a car, can manifest itself in a dream. Almost crushed a cat, ran into a passerby, felt like an unwitting killer.

Create an accident in a dream as a driver

  • The driver hits a person and sees the other person's attractive face. Excitement and emotions are overwhelming - expect a meeting in reality that will turn your life upside down, fill it with passion and love.
  • A stranger was shot down - you have chosen the wrong path to achieve your goal, you need to stop and rethink your life priorities.
  • It is a dream that you are knocking a person to death - you are a purposeful, confident person, no obstacles will prevent you from achieving your goal.
  • Why dream that they shot down a large animal, for example, a cow? Wait for unexpected profits, knocked down a cat - you will deal with the load of accumulated problems without much effort.
  • An unmarried man dreamed that he ran into a young girl - expect changes on the personal front. Remember her face, because perhaps this is your destiny.
  • It is a dream that you are driving a car without brakes and creating a dangerous situation on the road - you have set an overly fast pace of life and you can keep everyone and everything under your control.

car accident victim

Why dream that a car hit a man? Is the victim a stranger, someone close to you, or did you suffer yourself? Depending on this interpretation of dreams are very different.

As a victim

Being hit by a car in a dream

You fell under the wheels of a car and are dying - an influential patron will help you solve your problems, up to global change in your life.

Caught under a car - for someone you have become a real hindrance, you should reconsider your professional priorities or even change jobs.

In a dream, there were no serious injuries - in reality your fears are in vain, but a preventive examination by a doctor will not hurt you.

You were almost hit by a car, at the last moment you managed to dodge from under the wheels - try also deftly to avoid the blow of fate in reality.

Another man

In a nightmare, people were injured in an accident. Perhaps they are familiar to you, you saw a loved one, daughter, mother, old man or child. If a car was hit:

  • Mom or father - you are worried about them, about their health.
  • Husband or wife - pay more attention to your spouse, your help and support is simply necessary.
  • Your child is an experience about the choice that the grown-up daughter made. Do not overestimate the requirements for her chosen one and try to suppress jealousy in yourself. If the daughter was seriously injured, then your ill-wishers will win a temporary victory over you.
  • Someone else's child - to problems and difficulties in his personal life. Why see a child in the blood - to causeless anxiety that you will project onto your relatives.
  • A good friend or friend - there is no real threat to their health, but the help of friends will not interfere with them.
  • The child was almost shot down - a conflict is brewing between his parents.
  • A passerby was run over by a car and he died - a well-established business will stall, unpleasant news will not be long in coming.


Often domestic and wild animals die under the wheels of cars. Their death can be interpreted in different ways depending on the dream scenario.


Dream about an accident with animals

Why did you dream that someone hit a cat? The problem that caused you a lot of inconvenience will be unexpectedly resolved. The one who killed the cat in a dream will be your deliverer from gossip and intrigue.


It seemed that the dog was dying - your friend needs help and support. Did the dog survive? Thanks to you, a friend will cope with his problems. You see a dead dog on the roadway - because of omissions and trifles, you can lose a friend.

cow or elk

A large dead animal symbolizes your financial difficulties, uncertainty about your future.

Other interpretations

Often, the meaning of sleep can come down to the fact that you saw a story about an accident on the news and took someone else's tragedy to heart. A crushed cat or dog was spotted on the side of the road. However, if the dream was not provoked by your emotions, there are many various interpretations Why such a dream is dreaming.

  • Erotic dream book. Hit by a car - to a vivid love affair, with long-term consequences.
  • Psychological dream book. Your concern is related to work, be more attentive to formal legal norms, think about the expediency of a business trip. It is a dream that your daughter suffered in an accident - she does not need excessive guardianship. She prevents her from establishing a personal life, better try to come to terms with her choice.

Freud's dream interpretation interprets the dream in which you were hit by a car as a desire for sexual intercourse. If you suffered at the same time, you are implicitly worried about the health of your reproductive organs. Multiple traumas - an unreasonable fear of death has settled in your subconscious.

To knock down a person in a car in a dream is an unfavorable sign. The dream interpretation promises complications at work, in relationships, in business. But sometimes a vision portends a new acquaintance. Details and impressions will help to correctly interpret what the plot is dreaming of.

You'll need someone's help

To knock down a person in a car in a dream often means: a situation will come when the dreamer needs the protection of someone who is stronger. You may need the intercession of a high-ranking person.

Did you dream of seeing a car knocking someone down? The sleeper will need the help of a friend.

Why dream that a car knocks down a dreamer's loved one? The dream interpretation suggests: this is a night reflection of concern about him.

Complications at work, serious problems

Seeing someone close in a dream who is unlucky - you should pay more attention to your own health. The state of health may soon worsen.

Did you dream of a car hitting a pedestrian? The dream book warns: unexpectedly, circumstances will arise that affect work issues. Complications are possible, so it is better to prepare for them.

If a passerby was shot down to death, a situation will arise, the consequences of which will be irreversible and will have a very bad effect on the dreamer.

To see how a car that knocked down a passerby left the scene of the accident in a dream - great difficulties lie ahead. It will be very difficult to overcome them, you will have to fight only on your own.

Business failures, conflicts

The car that hit someone stopped and the driver helped the victim? It is hoped that the difficulties can be solved thanks to someone's help.

Did you dream that you ran into your friend? The dream interpretation warns: in reality, business failures are possible - deception by a partner or disruption of an important deal.

Did you seriously hurt your friend in a dream with a car? There will be a conflict with him, the consequences of which are difficult to predict. Try to find a compromise.

Who was that?

Remember who was hit:

  • a woman - troubles due to gossip, slander;
  • a man - according to the dream book, you go to the goal, even if it interferes with someone;
  • a child is a lie of a person dear to you, about whom you would never have thought of such a thing;
  • a friend - troubles will affect, although they, in theory, should not have hurt.

Miller's dream book: a threat to relatives

Why dream of hitting a person in a car? In reality, the dreamer's relatives will be in great danger. Probably the sleeper himself can cause their problems.

More respect for others

Another interpretation of the dream is about how the sleeper hits: he does not reckon with anyone, goes ahead to achieve his plans. It is necessary to moderate one's own ambitions, to respect relatives and acquaintances more.

Dreams in which transport is present in one way or another are among the most common. Moreover, driving is often a dream for those who do not even know how to drive. What can such dreams mean?

Correctly deciphered dreams open before us the mysterious veil of the future, warn, instruct, encourage. It is only important to correctly interpret what you see, to remember even seemingly insignificant trifles.

Dreams in which transport is present can be explained very simply: a car from a dream always denotes the sleeper himself, and the road along which she travels is his life. However, details are extremely important here.

Why dream of driving your car, driving in a dream?

So in a dream you are driving your car on a straight, level road. Nothing bothers you, does not alarm you, you confidently drive a car.

At the same time, you like the car itself, it suits you in everything. The weather is good, and the terrain you are driving on is free of obstacles, piled up with buildings.

This is a great dream, which means that everything is fine in your life: life, work and personal life are arranged the way you wanted. No one interferes with you, does not interfere with the implementation of plans and dreams. Feel free to continue moving in the chosen direction.

Driving in a dream is a favorable course of life

If in a dream you understand that your auto tire problems or flat tires and this prevents you from driving- in life you are far from reality, live in your dreams, communicate little with relatives. Perhaps it's time to build relationships with loved ones. Don't miss the good moment.

If your the car in a dream has an unsightly appearance- you should be careful in business, troubles and failures are possible. Misted, dirty, cloudy car windows through which you can hardly see the road - you do not want to notice the obvious, you lose sight of important details.

If you drive an ugly car in a dream, be careful in life.

Why dream of a truck, fire truck, ambulance?

See in a dream truck- you are overburdened in life. Having taken on too much, you clearly did not calculate your strength.

Fire engine, seen in a dream, promises the beginning of a new important major project in life. Do not underestimate the importance of the upcoming business, approach it with all responsibility. Perhaps your fate will depend on its outcome.

Fire truck in a dream - to new major projects in life

Do not expect anything good if you have appeared in your dream ambulance. Pay attention to how close this car passed from you. The closer and more clearly you saw the ambulance in a dream, the more difficult it will be for you in life. Trouble and illness can lie in wait for you at every turn.

« Ambulance"in a dream portends problems in life

Why dream of a car in the water, a sinking car?

Your the car was in a dream in the water? In life, your affairs will stall, stop. Forces will leave you, or serious obstacles will arise on the way that will prevent you from moving on. At the same time, your emotional condition will wish for the best.

Depression, anger, depression due to unexpected downtime in business will flood at once. You will want to be alone for a while. And it will do you good.

What is the dream of a man, a child, people, a dog in a car?

If in a dream you are not alone in your car, then in reality someone is taking an active part in your life.

Dog in the car means friends in close circle. You can safely count on their help.

I dreamed of a dog in a car - expect to see a friend soon

But if the dog in the car is angry, trying to bite you b - be careful, ill-wishers will soon appear in your life. If a the dog in the car bites you and blood appears- "spokes in the wheels" you will be inserted by relatives.

Sleeping child in a car, means new events. Small boy in the car promises trouble, girl- amazing unexpected events.

In a dream you saw men the one who sits in the car? Remember the details of this dream. If a man angry and annoyed- Possible disagreements with superiors. benevolent man dreams in a car before the appearance of a serious patron in life.

If a girl or an unmarried woman dreams that she is going to car with a man- in life, she will soon be made an offer of marriage.

Why dream of washing a car?

To the one who is strenuously in a dream washes the car, you should put things in order in reality. If you have unfinished projects or things that have been postponed “for later” - urgently deal with them.

Washing a car in a dream - to the need to put things in order

Why dream of hitting a person in a car?

You woke up in a cold sweat, and your heart sank anxiously from an accident that happened in a dream, in which you hit a man with a car?

You didn't have this dream by accident. You should stop or slow down the current business and think it over carefully. Perhaps this will save you from making a serious mistake.

If the dream did not leave a heavy residue or feelings of guilt, you calmly remember it - expect pleasant changes. And miraculously change your life for the better a previously unfamiliar person.

If in a dream you hit a person, stop and think about what is happening in your life.

Why dream of a burnt or burning car, a fire?

If in a dream your the car is on fire and you are trying to put it out- coming soon auspicious time to build a career. The work done will give a good result, or you will be noticed at work.

Extinguish a car in a dream - good luck in your career

The dream in which the car is on fire, and you calmly watch the fire and do nothing, warns of the possibility of making a mistake. Most likely you will miss valuable advice experienced knowledgeable person. Health deterioration is also possible, be careful.

Remember the car was on fire inside or outside? In the first case, the dream portends emotional experiences, in the second - financial difficulties.

Burnt to the ground the car dreams of problems. It doesn’t matter if it’s your car or not, you will have problems.

Why dream of sitting in a car?

If in a dream you are sitting as a passenger in the car that moves along the road - your life will change soon. These changes will occur due to an unexpected event, an accident.

If the car in which you were in a dream stood motionless- think about your behavior. Most likely, it is it that prevents you from achieving what you want in life.

Sitting in a car in a dream - to a change in life

What is the dream of a car that had an accident without victims?

If the car in which you were driving in a dream got into an accident, but there are no victims of the incident - in reality you will be disappointed in life and people. Perhaps what you have always dreamed of will cease to interest you.

If you dreamed of a car that had an accident without victims, expect disappointments in life and people.

Why dream of a broken car?

If in a dream you see your car is broken, in life you are waiting for difficulties.

If you are trying drive a broken car- your plans cannot be realized, and your dreams are not destined to come true.

If a many broken cars- troubles, replacing one another, will haunt you for a long time.

If you saw that glass and mirrors in the car are broken, you need to be careful. Possible losses, accidents, losses.

Why dream that they stole a car, lose a car?

Car theft in a dream portends trouble in reality. Moreover, problems will arise precisely in the area that is most important to you now. If you are in love - quarrel with your chosen one or get rejected, build a career - stumble, make the wrong decision.

For those who are about to make a major purchase, a car theft dream portends a failed deal or unexpected obstacles.

If in a dream your car was stolen - expect trouble

However, this dream may not carry secret meaning, but only to reflect the fears and worries of the car owner about his theft. As the saying goes: "What you are afraid of, you will dream about."

In a dream you left your car somewhere and don't remember where exactly? You are waiting for nervous shocks.

Why dream of a red, white, black, blue, green, yellow car?

Remember what color the car from your dream is:

  • red- prophesies love and passion in relationships with the opposite sex, unless it swept past you in a dream. If a red car races, you will soon take a risk that will be justified by winning, luck, and income. If the red car is very large or heavy, you have put too much on your shoulders in life. Breakdown, flaw, pollution of a red car in a dream means failure in business
  • white- a speedy recovery for patients, the approach of the "white streak", good luck. But only if white car new and clean. If something is wrong with the car in a dream, it may, on the contrary, lead to a period of disappointment and sorrow, scandals and disagreements in the family are likely
  • black- sadness, illness, the onset of the "black" streak
  • blue(blue) - melancholy, depression, apathy
  • green- predicts good luck
  • yellow- luck in business, increase in income, well-being. It also warns of the likelihood of deterioration in the health of family members.

If you dreamed of a green car - expect good luck

Why dream of buying a car, a new car?

Buying a new car pleasant not only in reality, but also in a dream. And the dream itself promises the onset of a favorable period in life. Soon your dreams will come true, you will be lucky in the lottery or you will receive a profitable job offer.

If in a dream you buy a used car, in reality, you will have to abandon your plans, solve unexpected problems or be treated.

Buying an expensive vintage car reminds you of an unforgotten old love. Perhaps you are still looking forward to rekindling your relationship with your former partner. One way or another, your past may soon remind you of itself, and you will be glad of this.

Why dream of a long road by car?

If in a dream you drive far in your car which means that in life there will soon come a period of experiences and unrest. Whether they will be pleasant or not depends on the details of the dream.

Remember your feelings from the trip, the color of the car, the condition of the road you were driving on. If there were obstacles on your way or you got lost- in reality, unpleasant misunderstandings, delays in the implementation of plans are possible.

Why dream of someone else's car?

alien car- someone else's life. In a dream you took someone's car- in reality you will get into your own business. If a you are driving in someone else's car as a passenger- Soon you will have to work as a subordinate.

What is the dream of the former car for?

You are pulled into the past. Something or someone does not allow you to live in peace today and now. You constantly remember, compare. It's time to sort yourself out and, if the past doesn't mean that much to you, try to let it go.

If in your life you recently sold a car and now you dream about it, do not take such dreams to heart. It's just that your subconscious has not yet let go of your recent past.

Why dream of an expensive car?

If you bought a car that was too expensive for which you did not have enough money- your dreams and desires are not realized.

If in a dream you had enough money to buy an expensive car, you will have pleasant changes in life and, first of all, they will concern your financial condition.

Lots of expensive cars in a dream warns that soon you will have to visit an unusual, new situation or environment, perhaps feel "out of your element".

Why dream of riding in a car with the dead, the dead?

An ambiguous dream that has various interpretations. If a you rode with a dead person in silence, in life you may be in danger, be careful.

If you were talking uh, remember exactly what the dead man was talking about. If a he asked for something maybe just remembering it is enough.

If a from a trip with the deceased in a dream you have a pleasant feeling- in reality, everything will turn out well for you, your plans will come true.

Some dream books promise unexpected luck, a win or a find to those who see themselves in a car with a dead person.

Riding in a car with a dead person in a dream - in life you are in danger

Why dream that they gave a car?

For unmarried girl this dream is a sign. Should take a look at close circle. There you will certainly find a secret admirer, and not the worst.

For those who are bound by marriage, a dream promises a win or good luck in the event that the gift in a dream was to your liking. If in a dream you didn’t need a car, but they gave it to you anyway- in life they will impose something on you that will not be easy to get rid of.

Why dream of speed in a car?

Sleep speed e - the rapid development of events in reality. Try to do as much as you can now.

In personal life, this dream promises the pleasure and pleasure gained from communicating with a loved one.

If a in a dream you are racing at great speed and lost control- in life, be careful, think over your every step. The situation can get out of your control and begin to develop according to your own scenario, not beneficial to you.

Why do you dream of keys, a wheel from a car?

Did you dream that you can't find your car keys? In life, you will need help, because on your own you will not be able to solve the problems that have piled on you. Conflicts and misunderstandings at work or school are possible.

If a you searched for a long time and found the keys, you will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation, but what will happen soon will be extremely unpleasant for you.

Open car keys in a dream- in life you are confused in yourself, in your thoughts and feelings; close - you will take a desperate bold act that will determine the further course of events.

If a in a dream you hide your car keys, then you will not succeed in realizing your plan in life soon, besides, you are hiding something and it will soon “emerge”, exposing you in a not the best light.

Start car with keys from the first time - good luck and a new life await you.

Starting a car with keys in a dream - to good luck and the onset of a new life

auto wheel- symbol of work:

  • lost a wheel- chances of losing your job
  • change a wheel- an opportune moment to change jobs
  • big wheels on the cargood prospects at work
  • wheels on axle- love affair at work
  • spin the wheel fast- easy work ahead, slow - difficult, unbearable
  • look at the rapidly spinning wheel favorable changes at work, provided that you keep your mouth shut
  • flat tire- troubles at work, lack of strength and energy

Why dream of a car explosion?

If in a dream car exploded before your eyes- in life, the wrath of ill-wishers will fall upon you.

If a you were thrown up by a car explosion- your feelings and lifestyle will change for the worse due to slander and gossip of envious people.

To see a car explosion in a dream - to the anger of ill-wishers

If a you escaped the explosion, getting out of the car on time - you will have many difficulties, but you can find a worthy way out of this situation.

You felt the explosion, but did not see it- ahead of a depressive state, melancholy, regret.

If a you did not see or feel the explosion of the car itself, but you see its devastating result- you should reduce your ardor, stop, think about the correctness of your actions and behavior, otherwise troubles cannot be avoided.

Feeling the explosion of a car in a dream - to melancholy and depression

Why dream of getting hit by a car?

In a dream be hit by a car- in reality, get into an unpleasant or dangerous situation. Deception of partners at work or betrayal of friends is possible.

If you dreamed that someone close to you was hit by a car- he will soon need your help, do not turn away from him. If you see how car hit a stranger- you will witness an unpleasant situation in which you can provide help or support.

Being hit by a car in a dream - to the betrayal of friends

No matter how vivid and memorable the dream about the car is, it does not mean anything if in reality all your thoughts are occupied with buying, selling or repairing a car. Keep this in mind when trying to find the decoding of a night dream.

Video: Dream Interpretation - Why is the car dreaming?

Some dreams are so realistic that they scare the owner of the vision a lot, making him believe in the inevitability of problems. “I dreamed that they shot down a person, whether to expect something bad in reality” is a question that worries many and requires a definite answer.

What if a person is shot down in a dream?

Seeing in a dream how intruders shot down a person - to sudden events in one's own life. Such events can be both positive and sharply negative, and here it is important to recall the details of the vision. If in a dream a person remains indifferent to tragedy, then in reality one should not expect problems. Even if some kind of trouble happens, it will not greatly affect the owner of the vision.

The dream in which a person sees a minor accident also has a good interpretation. If a person was shot down, but he was not badly injured, then the approaching minor troubles will not be able to spoil his career and personal prospects.

If in a dream a person reacts emotionally to a tragedy, cries and screams loudly, then in reality he will have to face the irreversible consequences of his own actions. One thing is wrong decision can radically change life, crossing out all past successes. In the near future, you should carefully monitor your actions in order to prevent any mistakes.

Seeing in a dream how someone is knocked down to death - to serious problems and sudden crises in personal life. A dead man in a dream is always considered bad sign portending large monetary losses and quarrels with the closest people. That is why in the coming weeks after the vision, a person should show maximum tolerance.

If the owner of the vision is somehow involved in car accident, which means in real life a person will have a chance to do bad things. It is better not to use this opportunity, because the consequences of such an act can be terrifying.

A dream in which the owner of the vision is trying to provide the first medical care victim, means that in reality a person is always ready to make sacrifices for the sake of others. However, friends and relatives do not always answer him the same way.

A bad interpretation has a vision in which a person knocks a person down and hides from the crime scene. Usually such a vision means that the dreamer will try to take advantage of other people's ideas, but he himself will suffer from this.

If in a dream a person knocks down one of his acquaintances or friends, then this person will have to go through a very difficult period. Now the dreamer can help a loved one with advice, preventing tragedies in his life.

What portends?

To dream about how someone knocks a person down on a busy highway - to an abundance of one's own shortcomings. Perhaps a person is so passionate about his career and personal life that he is used to overstepping other people's interests. Such behavior will sooner or later turn against him.

A dream has a bad interpretation, in which the owner of the vision intentionally knocks someone down in his car. Usually such a vision means that in the near future the dreamer will achieve considerable life success, but only due to their vile behavior. Perhaps such successes will bring material benefits, but they clearly will not bring satisfaction.

If in a dream a person knocks down his lover, then in the future there will be a negative shift in the relationship. Perhaps quarrels will become more frequent, and the couple will have to leave. Such a vision may also mean that soon the owner of the vision will have the opportunity to betray his soul mate.

Dreams about accidents are always unpleasant, especially if people suffer because of them. In the case of interpreting such a vision, a person should be careful. Using several dream books, the owner of the vision will be able to draw up the most organic interpretation.