Sleep mink coat black unmarried girl.  Look from the side and do not touch.  Why dream of a fur coat on another person

Sleep mink coat black unmarried girl. Look from the side and do not touch. Why dream of a fur coat on another person

The meaning of a dream about a short fur coat (Russian folk dream book)

Fur coat in a dream - success; try on - big money.

Interpretation of sleep by a dream book: Fur coat - According to the dream book, this symbol means either pretense and inflated claims, or real satisfaction with one's success. To dream of a naked man in a fur coat, to betrayal by those you trust, to a change in relations with loved ones. Seeing that dogs are tearing the fur coat you are wearing is a sign of conflict and trouble in which others will be involved. To see a fur coat for an adult, put on a small child, you have met a person who has an overestimated idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own significance and thereby misleads you.

Worldly interpretation of a dream about Fur coats (allegories of the writer Aesop)

Fur coat - According to the dream book, this symbol means either pretense, or contentment, wealth. The sheepskin coat was very popular among the people - a fur coat turned inside out with fur, and rich people wore not only sheepskin coats, but also fur coats with luxurious collars. Seeing yourself undressed in the middle of winter and looking at a window with fur coats - to deceived hopes, to frustration, to vain efforts that will lead to nothing; to the mistake you make because you misjudge the circumstances. To see a person whom you have confused with an animal because of a fur coat - you are too trusting and impressionable, do not rush to give vent to feelings, exercise your head more; do not trust the first impression and do not rush to express an opinion, because you will be mistaken; to the surprise. Seeing a living fur coat is a surprise, a sharp change in circumstances. Seeing a naked person in a fur coat - to illness, malaise; betrayal by those you trust; to change relationships with loved ones. To see that in a dream dogs are tearing a fur coat that is worn on you - to a quarrel, troubles in which friends will be involved; to conflict over a loved one. Seeing a luxurious adult fur coat that is worn on a small child - a person will appear on your way who exaggerates his importance and thereby misleads others; there will be communication with a person who will surprise you with the inconsistency of the position held, this is how what you dream about is deciphered.

Seeing a fur coat, how to unravel the symbolism of sleep (according to the Family Dream Book)

Fur coat - If in a dream from Sunday to Monday they give you a beautiful and expensive fur coat- this predicts financial difficulties for you. Sheltering in a dream with a fur coat - to loneliness. But if you have a dream from Friday to Saturday, a new interesting acquaintance awaits you. A dream from Wednesday to Thursday, in which you buy a fur coat for someone close, portends a comfortable and cloudless existence. If in a dream a pile falls out of your fur coat, this portends strife in the family. If you had a dream from Tuesday to Wednesday, a break in relations with one of your relatives will follow.

Fur coat according to the dream book of the esoteric E. Tsvetkov

Fur coat - Big quarrel; forced road.

Analysis of the dream in which the Fur Coat was dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

Fur coat - Buying a fur coat in a dream - you are too squeezed, afraid to say too much about yourself in the presence of unfamiliar people. But forget that your personal life may not interest someone. Seeing yourself dressed in a fur coat - something is preventing you from being liberated; perhaps - this is due to some kind of long-standing complex of yours - well, for example, you are uncomfortable having sex if you are not sure that no one and nothing will disturb you in the next couple of hours.

If you dream of fur coats (according to Dmitrenko's Ukrainian dream book)

Fur coat - Fur coat in a dream - a big quarrel, scandal. fur coat - you will move to a new house

Interpretation of Fur coats from the dictionary-dream book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

The meaning of the dream about the Mink (the message of the Tarot cards)

Fur coat - News.

Fur coat in a dream (interpretation of the Esoteric dream book)

Fur coat - Solid, warm to stable material well-being. (Even if it is yours and in reality). Chic, very expensive, do not boast of your well-being - this will cause someone's envy and the "evil eye". Shabby, old, very uneven financial situation: sometimes empty, sometimes thick.

Why dream and how to interpret the Fur Coat according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Fur coat - Success and wealth.

Fur coat according to the Small Velesov dream book

Fur coat (casing) - Wealth, success // noise, quarrel, to illness, lies, moving, forced road; wear - a rich inheritance; to put on at the wrong time - bad, sadness, grief; put on yellow, white - a disease; black - death.

I dreamed of a fur coat (interpretation according to the Old Russian dream book)

Fur coat - Putting on oneself in winter does not mean anything, and in summer a dream marks sadness, sorrow and misfortune.

Why dream according to the signs of a Fur Coat (Slavic dream book)

A fur coat is a false path, but a great protection. Sometimes it's income. Not suggestibility. Pluto in Leo.

The meaning of the dream about furs (Jewish dream book)

Fur coat - Putting on a fur coat A dream seen in the spring means that you will be promised mountains of gold, but these promises should not be given much importance.

A dream that occurred in the summer warns that you are ready to be overly gullible; and in the fall - means that you are too impatient; dreamed in the winter - this dream means that you have to go somewhere, although you would prefer to stay at home.

Meet Fur Coat in a dream (a clue from the dream book of the healer Akulina)

Fur coat - To great and long wealth. Imagine that your fur coat is made of expensive fur, and moreover, instead of a lining, it also has fur. You are not afraid of any frost.

Seeing a fur coat in a dream, why? (according to the Magic dream book)

I dreamed of a fur coat - to get involved in an adventurous business.

What does a dream with a Fur Coat mean, taking into account the date of birth (according to the Seasonal Dream Book)

In the spring, why dream in a dream to measure a fur coat - to make an attempt to get money in order to start a new profitable business.

If in the summer in a dream you dreamed of trying on a fur coat, you would have very substantial expenses.

In the fall, why did you dream of measuring a fur coat - for good money.

In winter, why dream of an expensive fur coat - a rich groom for a woman, losses for a man.

The fur coat, according to the interpretation of Gustav Miller, speaks of the dreamer's material wealth: in the near future he will have everything necessary for a happy and comfortable life. At the same time, Miller considers an unfavorable dream in which a person sees an expensive fur accessory on himself: fate has prepared a very unpleasant surprise for him.

Seeing yourself in a dream in a tattered and dirty fur coat is a significant improvement in your financial situation in reality. Such a dream will temporarily take away adversity and sorrow from the dreamer. Buying a fur coat in a fur store is a stormy romance: the dreamer will have a wonderful relationship with his soulmate. For young mothers, this dream promises the appearance of a rich admirer on the horizon.

What did the fur coat dream about? Freud's dream book

Sigmund Freud interprets such dreams in his usual manner. In particular, buying a fur coat in a dream speaks of a certain tightness of the dreamer, of his timidity. In reality, a person who has seen such a dream does not want to communicate with an unfamiliar environment, fearing all sorts of provocations and condemnations. Sigmund Freud recommends such people not to dwell on bad thoughts and remember that not everyone is interested in their personal life.

Seeing yourself in a dream dressed in an expensive fur coat - to the indecision of any action. Freud believes that the dreamer in real life something is blocking it from coming out. Perhaps this is due to recent complexes, for example, in sexual terms: the dreamer is uncomfortable having sex, because he is not sure that no one will disturb him and his sexual partner in the next half hour.

Why is a fur coat dreaming? Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Evgeny Tsvetkov does not see anything good in such dreams. In particular, to put on a chic fur coat in a dream - to long road, which will be overshadowed by any incidents. This journey will suck out of the dreamer all the moral strength and financial resources. Evgeny Tsvetkov gives another interpretation to such a dream: a grandiose scandal is coming that can tarnish the dreamer's reputation for life. To steal a fur coat in a dream - to family squabbles and troubles.

Modern dream book: fur coat

The black coat represents death. A light fur coat is a symbol of illness. A dirty fur coat, on the contrary, dreams of money and success. Putting on a fur coat in a dream and experiencing inconvenience at the same time - to a profitable acquaintance with some influential person. A mink coat dreams of a long journey, and a fur coat from

In dreams, mink fur promises money, a rich life. If the dreamer is a woman, then she may soon get married. For a man to see this expensive fur product in a dream means success in a business related to generating income. In some cases mink coat in a dream is a warning of trouble.

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    Who dreamed of a mink coat?

    The appearance of a mink fur coat in a dream can be considered a good sign but to get more exact interpretation, you should pay attention to who exactly saw the mink coat in a dream.


    For a girl to see this fur product in a night vision, heralds the appearance in life of a wealthy fan, a wealthy person, a patron. However, his character and life principles may be far from ideal.

    A mink coat in a dream symbolizes a successful marriage and happy marriage. If mink fur appeared in a dream married woman, this indicates a discord in family relationships and fear of losing a spouse.

    The male

    If a man dreams of this particular winter fur clothing, luck will soon smile on him. This is a sign that portends the conclusion of large transactions, contracts that will bring profit.

    For a man, a mink coat in a dream is a symbol of well-being in business. Sometimes a dream in which a mink coat appears can be a harbinger of large expenses.

    Appearance of fur

    A big role in deciphering the dream is how the fur product looked like:

    • A new mink fur coat - to wealth. An expensive fur coat with a chic mink collar prophesies a cloudless life; the dreamer will not face financial difficulties.
    • An old mink coat indicates that the dreamer's well-being leaves much to be desired. The situation can be corrected, but it will require significant efforts.
    • A dirty, torn, but long mink coat, on the contrary, is a favorable sign. The financial situation of the dreamer will improve.
    • Shaggy ugly fur product - to a quarrel.
    • A fur coat spoiled by a moth is a harbinger of the fact that in the near future one should not expect changes in life.
    • Sometimes spoiled mink outerwear in a dream can mean illness.

    If you dreamed of a long mink sheepskin coat, then modesty and shyness are to a large extent manifested in the character of the dreamer. These qualities can both help and hinder the dreamer in achieving the goal.

    Fur coat color

    Mink fur in a dream can be not only classic brown, but also black, gray, white. Depending on this interpretation of sleep, there are:

    • Seeing brown mink outerwear in a dream means that the dreamer's efforts will be appreciated by others. He will be rewarded for his labors. If brown mink fur dreamed not in winter season, this is an indication that the dream will come true exactly in winter time.
    • Black mink fur in a dream symbolizes deep feelings and fidelity of a lover. But in some dream books, a short black mink coat portends a major quarrel and a deterioration in relations with loved ones.
    • A gray or blue fur coat in a dream indicates that one should not neglect the feelings of others. This can lead to future disappointments.
    • A white mink coat in a dream promises a quick marriage.

    The plot of the dream

    A mink coat can be a favorable sign, although sometimes it also promises trouble for the dreamer. To give the correct answer to the question of what a mink coat is dreaming of, it is necessary to analyze what exactly happened in a dream:

    1. 1. If the dreamer was given such an expensive gift, this portends new opportunities, connections and acquaintances with people who in the future can help achieve material well-being. If a girl dreamed that she was presented with this mink product as a gift, she would soon receive a marriage proposal. You can make an assumption about the fate of marriage by appearance mink coat: the more beautiful and expensive the fur coat looks, the more successful the marriage will be.
    2. 2. If in a night vision the dreamer himself gives this chic fur product, this indicates his generosity, his willingness to help others, but sometimes such a dream indicates extravagance.
    3. 3. Buying mink furs in dreams means that personal life will develop successfully. Nothing portends trouble, and relations with a loved one are sincere and reliable.
    4. 4. If a person wears a mink fur coat in a dream, such a dream symbolizes power, strength. The dreamer will have to control people, perhaps even manipulate someone. If in a dream a person feels comfortable in a fur robe, then success awaits him. If in a dream he is uncomfortable in a fur coat and feels discomfort, he should be careful and not abuse his powers.
    5. 5. If a person dreams that he is sewing up a fur coat, putting it in order, then you need to strengthen family ties, improve relations with relatives.
    6. 6. If in a dream a person looks at a mink coat in a shop window, this indicates that the dreamer hopes for an event that will change life for the better. However, in order to fulfill your intentions, you will have to try, and success will not keep you waiting.
    7. 7. If another woman wears a mink fur product in a dream, the dreamer will have a rival. If the woman from the dream is her friend, friendships will be in jeopardy.
    8. 8. Seeing such a coveted fur product on another person is a warning. The dreamer can be betrayed by the closest people.
    9. 9. If in a dream a person tried on outerwear made of mink fur, and it suited him, this is a good sign. Soon there will be an opportunity to do business that will bring considerable profit. To measure a mink coat that fit, but not to buy it - the dreamer runs the risk of missing a good opportunity.
    10. 10. If a fur product was stolen in a dream, this can be interpreted as a warning: a person may lose a valuable thing.

    Interpretation in various dream books

    Juno's dream book offers the following interpretations of a dream in which mink outerwear appeared:

    • purchase winter clothes from mink fur - to the material well-being of the dreamer;
    • a spoiled mink fur coat is a harbinger of a misunderstanding associated with a close environment;
    • for a woman, the appearance of this wardrobe item in a dream promises a meeting with a man who will become her patron and surround her with warmth and care.

    Miller's dream book contains slightly different interpretations related to the appearance of a mink coat in a dream:

    • A mink fur coat in night vision is a symbol of pretense. Such a dream is a dream for those who do not show their true face, constantly play and deceive.
    • If in a dream a naked person wears a mink coat, one should beware of a vile act.
    • If a person dreamed that he wears clothes made of mink fur - you can expect a cold snap. If one of the relatives in a dream wears a mink coat, then warming will come.

    According to Freud's dream book, the appearance of mink outerwear in a dream can be interpreted as follows:

    • If you dream of a mink fur coat, then the dreamer is very shy and insecure. Deep inside, he desires attention to his personality.
    • If in a dream a person is wearing expensive mink fur outerwear, he is not confident in himself and is afraid of losing his partner.

Mink coat has excellent aesthetic qualities. For many women, she is a symbol of success, because her cost is very high. But what is this wardrobe item dreaming of? The interpretation of such a dream is extremely controversial, as it can portend both good luck, prosperity and respect, and be an indicator of excessive secrecy and inner constraint.

Why dream of a mink coat on yourself?

If you had a dream in which a person sees a fur coat on himself, then, according to the dream book, it is very important to remember the sensations experienced by the dreamer. If a person does not like a fur coat because of heaviness or tightness, then in reality he often feels sorry for himself, which prevents the achievement of material values.

Do you want to get rid of it in a dream as soon as possible? The dreamer himself is to blame for all the problems. Feeling comfortable in a mink coat - only pleasant events await in the future.

Why dream of a mink coat on another person?

According to the dream book, fur coat worn by a friend, portends a quick quarrel with her. Moreover, it is likely that she will become an insidious rival. If in a dream a friend was dressed in a chic black fur coat, then in reality she will achieve her goal, seriously harming the dreamer.

Sometimes a dream may indicate that a person is jealous of something. If you dreamed people in luxurious furs, then, according to the dream book, in reality the dreamer is envious of the rich and other successful personalities.

Quite often, people in mink coats, flashing in a dream, portend soon disappointment in one of their relatives. Perhaps a person will be treated vilely, although he will not provoke anyone.

donated fur coat

According to the dream book, coat given to the dreamer, promises an early meeting with financial partners. In reality, people will appear who will help you gain material wealth and other opportunities.

Long or very beautiful mink coat

Why does a woman dream of a fur coat? If she very long and has a hood, then, according to the dream book, in reality a person suffers from his own stiffness. It is possible that the dreamer is jealous of women who are not distinguished by shyness and modesty.

A luxurious long piece of clothing, according to the dream book, symbolizes the secrecy of a person. But this does not harm him at all, because a reward awaits him for his silence.

If you dreamed very chic fur, then the dream book portends successful business in the future. And if the fur coat also fits perfectly in size, then only success and prosperity await the person. But there must be one important condition- this wardrobe item should belong to the dreamer in a dream. Otherwise, there is a great risk of losing your own happiness and wealth in the near future.

Product color

Why dream black mink coat? This is a warning dream. If you dreamed that she was expensive and looks luxurious, then, according to the dream book, soon there may be financial difficulties. A fitted coat portends problems in your personal life. If you dreamed of a short product made of mink fur, then scandals with relatives are expected in reality. But the long one promises internal problems and self-flagellation.

Be sure to remember the details of the dream in which the fur coat was dreamed:

  • redhead;
  • brown;
  • golden.

All dream events can be repeated in real life, especially if such a dream occurred in the fall. But it is not a fact that exactly what was dreamed will come true.

white color? According to the dream book, this portends marriage. And the more luxurious this wardrobe item turns out to be, the more prosperous it will be. family life. If a white mink coat was dreamed of by a married woman, then a large cash flow is expected in the near future.

According to the dream book, gray coat or blue color portends disappointment due to his own composure. Neglecting the opinions of loved ones and ignoring their feelings can lead to adverse consequences. A fur coat of this color, dreamed of by an unmarried woman, portends an early acquaintance with a wealthy young man, with whom life will resemble a "golden cage". So whether to marry him or not is up to the woman herself.

Wearing or trying on a fur coat

Wear a mink fur product in a dream- in reality it portends power. It is highly likely that the dreamer will take a leadership position or begin to manipulate someone. It is very important to remember the sensations that a person experienced in a dream. If you dreamed that a fur coat brings joy and comfort, then such power will be productive. Discomfort portends malpractice.

To reconcile a fur coat in a dream and at the same time it fits perfectly - in reality, you have to do a rather profitable business. If a person puts on a fur product on himself and realizes that he does not have the funds to buy it, then in reality he may find himself in an unpleasant situation that will arise unexpectedly.

If the coat was given or stolen

Dreaming that they gave a mink coat? According to the dream book, there will soon be a meeting with a person who will call for marriage. If a married woman saw such a dream, then she will have useful connections in the near future.

If in reality she has some difficulties, then soon they will be resolved due to the favor of very influential people.

A stolen fur coat promises the appearance of a dangerous rival. In some cases, theft portends a major loss due to its self-confidence.

Miller's dream book

According to such a dream book, a mink coat is dreamed of by those people who have overstated ambitions, and they do not seek to show their true colors. In addition, such a dream is a sign of:

  • deceit;
  • pretense.

Wear luxurious furs in a dream- in reality there will be a cold snap. If a close relative wore a fur coat, you need to wait for warming.

Thus, a mink coat in a dream can promise the onset of both pleasant and not so pleasant events. Such a vision often has a positive meaning, but even with an unfavorable interpretation, you should not be upset, since the world of dreams is very unpredictable.

Dreams during which a fur coat was dreamed are difficult to call unambiguous. The interpretation here varies not only depending on the quality of the product made of natural fur, but even on the season.

That is why, when deciphering a dream, it is always necessary to pay attention to a combination of factors and only after that draw certain conclusions. The same things can be dreamed of under different circumstances, and, consequently, the meanings will be different.

I dreamed of a fur coat in a dream what does it mean

A fur coat can be bought, given or received as a gift, tried on and even lost. Naturally, in the dream book, each of the actions has its own interpretation. Fur coats can dream of a variety of things. Sleep values ​​can also change depending on the color of the fur and the days of the week.

If a stylish little thing in all its glory dream in summer, then the dream is worth remembering in great detail. Perhaps he portends a series of events that will take place in the winter. This is especially true for brown fur.

Why dream of a mink coat

If a black mink coat dream in a dream Sunday to Monday, then it will become a harbinger of finding a large amount of money and exorbitant expenses in relation to the available budget.

dreaming Tuesday to Wednesday, such a thing can lead to a break in relations with one of the relatives.

But to buy or even give to someone fur coat from Wednesday to Thursday, means the beginning of a comfortable period and promises a cloudless life in abundance and fun.

Dream of gifting with furs maybe also if the dreamer considers the person who made the gift to be overly thrifty and even stingy.

Seeing a mink coat in a dream

In some dreams, you can see a natural good thing on yourself. Maybe a fur product is dreamed of on another person.

For example, adult mink coat see on someone who looks like a child in a dream, but in fact they are not can be interpreted as exorbitant obligations undertaken by a person. The started business will only seem profitable, but in fact it will not go further than fantasies.

In some sources, not a very good sign is short version.

There are indications that when dreaming of a new sheepskin coat you can suffer losses, and an old but long thing promises success and prosperity.

torn thing in any case promises poverty and dreams of ordeal and not only financial.

Why dream of measuring a fur coat and buying it

  • Trying on a fur coat and buying it in a dream is not at all the same thing. There are also many nuances here. A dream in which a woman dreamed of a thing that she wore in her youth, can be a harbinger of divorce or a break in an established relationship.
  • black frankly hot the thing makes it clear that the dreamer yearns for financial independence with all his might and is very worried about this.
  • Trying on a red-haired model in a dream, in reality, you will have to be cunning and come up with ways to get out of confusing difficult situations.
  • If the product is sewn from fox fur, then the dream may be a harbinger of deception.
  • Not just to measure a good thing, but intend to buy it- to the search for solid capital for your own business, which can turn out to be very profitable in reality.

If you dream of a long fur coat on yourself

If in a dream you see yourself in a long mink coat, which came at the right time, in reality, one can expect a favorable financial terms period and increase in wealth. It is important to take into account sensations in such a dream.

A mink product may fit or be out of size. Even if the thing dreamed of a long fur, a feeling of discomfort is not ruled out.

Interpretations are different:

  1. fit model dreamed of by a free woman - to a wealthy boyfriend;
  2. tight and restricting movement- to financial difficulties that arose through the fault of the dreamer, who did not calculate his strength and took wishful thinking
  3. tattered, old- to poverty
  4. the new one is too long and dragging along the floor means that the dreamer has swung at a business that will be almost impossible to master alone.

Why dream of a fur coat on another person

If luxurious fur clothes are in a dream a wardrobe item of a friend, then the relationship with her can deteriorate sharply. Alternatively, you should be wary of treason on her part.
Sometimes the interpretation may be different.

Envy caused in relation to successful people can also lead to the fact that beautiful fur products, even in dreams, will go to someone else. In reality, this leads to disappointment in someone from the inner circle.

If you dream of a white and black fur coat

  • Fur Fashion should be distinguished not only by the degree of comfort, but also by color.
  • Wearing white furs for an unmarried girl, it can become a harbinger of an imminent marriage, moreover, quite successful.
  • If the lady is married, then white furs promise wealth.
  • blue mink in this regard, it is a hint of a golden cage, in which it will be satisfying, but not very comfortable.
  • For a married woman this is a warning about excessive pride.
  • Black mink coat seen in a dream is a warning against extra spending or personal troubles.
  • Brown fur coat promises stability and measured life.

In general, in dreams, much depends not only on color, but also on sensations.

  • And if the thing is fashionable and stylish, and its owner glows with happiness, then in reality this is a good sign.
  • It is much worse to have a product with a drop-down pile or feel uncomfortable.