The hereditary tragedy of the Maksakovs.  The hard fate of a famous family.  Maxim Maksakov: biography Brother of Lyudmila Maksakova

The hereditary tragedy of the Maksakovs. The hard fate of a famous family. Maxim Maksakov: biography Brother of Lyudmila Maksakova

Maxim Maksakov with two Lyudmilas - mother and niece.

As it became known, a loud scandal flares up related to the theft of budgetary funds allocated for the promotion of sports and propaganda in the media. healthy lifestyle life. In its center was a partner of the Ministry of Sports of Russia OOO PR + Sport. According to law enforcement agencies, this firm annually received tens of millions of rubles for supposedly organized stories on television and publications in newspapers. At the same time, the journalists themselves did not even guess that businessmen mastered millions on their work.

Under the suspicion of the Main Directorate economic security and combating corruption of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so far the winners of competitions held by the Ministry of Sports for the development of budgetary funds within the framework of the federal target program"Development physical education and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015". Every year to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle on television and in printed publications the ministry allocates about 80 million rubles.

According to law enforcement agencies, starting in 2009, firms affiliated with businessman Maxim Maksakov, the son of the famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova [and the brother of State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova - approx.]. To win the auctions, the alleged scammers acted in a very primitive way. In particular, to participate in the auction they declared three or four firms registered to their friends, acquaintances or relatives, one of which became the winner.

The last company to win the competition organized by the Ministry of Sports in 2012 was PR+Sport LLC, whose CEO is Maxim Maksakov. According to investigators, he was also the only (not counting the founder of the company Vasily Kolodny and his sister Ekaterina) her employee. According to police representatives, the company did not even have an office, and all the accounting documentation of the company was stored in country house friend of Mr. Kolodny.

According to the contract concluded with the Ministry of Sports, the company headed by Mr. Maksakov, using the money allocated from the budget, was to prepare materials for the media promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle. However, according to representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the main activity of PR + Sport LLC, apart from the press conferences they hold with the participation of the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, was limited to monitoring the print media and TV channels Rossiya and Rossiya 2. Appropriate publications and stories were taken from there, which were filed with reports on the work done sent to the Ministry of Sports. At the same time, the journalists themselves did not even suspect that merchants were making millions from their work.

By the way, last year PR + Sport LLC also used an article from Kommersant for its report in its activities. It became one of the episodes of the criminal case initiated in September this year by the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (large-scale fraud). To establish which publications the suspects were hiding behind, law enforcement agencies had to send requests to almost a dozen newspapers. In the meantime, Mr. Maksakov, who, at the request of the investigation, was placed under house arrest by the Tver Court of Moscow, is charged with several episodes using materials from the VGTRK television and radio broadcasting company. According to Kommersant, about 50 videos appear in the case, for the payment of which about 13 million rubles were written off. However, according to law enforcement agencies, we are likely to talk about the annual theft of at least 60 million rubles. Another 20 million rubles, according to the investigation, the company of Mr. Maksakov spent on salaries and organizational expenses. Moreover, payments to employees were delayed for several months - numerous entries on the website testify to this.

The Ministry of Sports made it clear to Kommersant yesterday that they are familiar with the problems that have arisen with PR + Sport LLC, but at the same time they said that they are not yet ready to comment on the current situation. In turn, the co-owner of the LLC, Ekaterina Kolodnaya, told Kommersant that she would be able to comment only a few days later, when she coordinated her position with her lawyer.

Law enforcement agencies have yet to figure out the relationship between officials and merchants, so they have no complaints against employees of the Ministry of Sports yet.

[Izvestia, 02.10.2013, “Partner of the Ministry of Sports spent 50 million on promoting physical education”: The PR + Sport company, whose office is located in 1st Derbenevsky Lane, was in the center of attention of operatives of the Main Directorate for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption ( GUEBiPK) Ministry of Internal Affairs. The organization positioned itself as an expert in advertising and PR in the field of sports events, as well as "one of the most successful participants in marketing and PR of state tenders" (quote from the company's profile on the Web).

"PR + Sport" in recent years - from 2009 to 2013 - won at least eight state competitions for a total amount of over 370 million rubles. Almost all orders are from the Ministry of Sports. One of the last large orders - more than 90 million rubles - provided for "work on the development and implementation of activities for information and propaganda support of the federal target program" Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015 ".
PR+Sport also worked for other government departments. So, in 2012, the company won a competition for 30 million rubles, which was held by the Federal Tourism Agency. According to the order documents, the firm was supposed to promote "the Russian tourist product on the domestic and foreign markets» through exhibitions, presentations and conferences. […]

Maxim Maksakov is the son from the first marriage of the famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova and the grandson of the famous Soviet biochemist Boris Zbarsky, the former director of the laboratory at the Lenin Mausoleum.

Lyudmila Maksakova (front row left) with her family

Maksakov himself was unavailable for comments to Izvestia, but the editors spoke with some former employees of PR + Sport. One of the heads of the division of the company, asking not to mention his name, said that literally until the end of the summer a team of more than 60 people worked in the company "PR + Sport". However, at the beginning of 2013, the employees were no longer paid salaries, and about a month ago the office was completely locked up. According to him, the management owed employees salaries, vacation pay and compensation for a total of 30 million rubles. […]
Employees of PR + Sport also said that Maxim Maksakov was closely acquainted with the Minister of Sports Vitaly Mutko, because his mother Lyudmila was friends with the wife of the official Tatyana. Maksakov's colleagues believe that his troubles are connected with some disagreements with the minister's family.
“Something went wrong, at the next personal meeting they quarreled, after which Mutko asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to check Maksakov’s activities,” the Izvestia interlocutor said. - Inset]

[“Seven Days”, 06/13/2013, “Lyudmila Maksakova: “They treated my marriage differently”: Maxim married a second time. True, his wife and three-year-old daughter Vasilisa live in Rome - Maxim used to have a business there, and now his son works in Moscow. So he has to wander between the Russian and Italian capitals. - Inset]

["Interlocutor", 10/08/2012, "The famous singer was given alms": Lyudmila Maksakova - People's Artist of Russia, actress of the Theater. Evg. Vakhtangov. She has played dozens star roles to the cinema - " Bat”,“ Unjudicated ”,“ Tatyana’s Day ”,“ Ten Little Indians ”,“ Mu-mu ”, etc. The eldest son of the actress is Maxim, a businessman, owner of a PR agency. His father is the artist Lev Zbarsky. Maxim has three children: Peter, Anna and Vasilisa. Maksakova's second husband is Peter Igenbergs, a businessman, a physicist by education. They have been together for almost 40 years. Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs is an opera singer, soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, since 2011 a soloist of the Mariinsky Opera Company. - Inset]

According to Izvestia, State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs, using her status, is trying to influence the investigation of the criminal case initiated against her brother, the general director of PR + Sport LLC Maxim Maksakov. As two sources told Izvestia, in law enforcement agencies and the State Duma, Maksakova, through her fellow deputies, sends deputy requests to law enforcement agencies, and also interferes in the course of the investigation with personal calls and visits. The actions of the deputy, according to experts, impede an independent investigation and hinder the investigation.

Maxim Maksakov is the son from the first marriage of actress Lyudmila Maksakova and the grandson of biochemist Boris Zbarsky, the former director of the laboratory at the Lenin Mausoleum. Deputy Maksakova, a businessman, has a maternal brother. Against Maksakov, the Main Department of Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (GUEBiPK) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud”), under which he faces up to 10 years in prison. According to investigators, being the head of the capital company "PR + Sport", Maksakov stole about 50 million rubles from the budget, but the investigators managed to collect evidence of only 13 million.

Between 2009 and 2013, PR+Sport did indeed win eight government contracts totaling over 370 million rubles. Almost all orders are from the Ministry of Sports. One of the last large orders - more than 90 million rubles - provided for "work on the development and implementation of activities for information and propaganda support of the federal target program" Development of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015 ".

According to the documents, Maksakov spent budget money to pay for the services of journalists in preparing articles on the target topic and placing them in the media. However, according to investigators, in fact, he selected for reporting in newspapers and on media websites already published articles with similar topics, passing them off as allegedly prepared as part of a state order. The operatives interviewed journalists from various publications who allegedly received fees from PR + Sport, but they categorically refused to cooperate with this company and said that they wrote their materials on sports topics as a matter of routine. Maksim Maksakov is currently being held in a pre-trial detention center.

As Izvestia was told in the lower house of parliament, the deputy State Duma Iosif Kobzon, at the request of Maria Maksakova, sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to intervene in the investigative actions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Maria Maksakova organized a whole campaign to ruin the criminal case against her brother. Even Kobzon, at her request, sent a request to the Prosecutor General's Office about alleged violations during the investigation against Maxim Maksakov. On the one hand, this is understandable - family ties, but if you look from the ethical side of the issue, then such behavior is unacceptable, - said the interlocutor of Izvestia.

At the time of submission of the material, Izvestia failed to get a comment from Kobzon. Maksakova, having heard a question about her brother from Izvestia, offered to call back later, and then throughout the day she dropped calls from correspondents of the publication.

Izvestia's interlocutor at the Prosecutor General's Office confirmed the receipt of the request, but refused to disclose details.

Alexander Degtyarev, head of the State Duma Commission on Parliamentary Ethics, noted that the legislation does not prohibit parliamentarians from sending inquiries regarding relatives.

Another thing is that you cannot use your status to put pressure on law enforcement regardless of whether a relative or not is a defendant in the case. The most important thing is that parliamentarians are guided by the letter of the law, since it is forbidden by law to put pressure on the investigation, Degtyarev said.

According to Dmitry Abzalov, president of the Center for Strategic Communications, cases have recently become more frequent when deputies, using their status, are trying to change the course of a particular criminal investigation.

When sending a request to law enforcement agencies, two goals are pursued: obtaining information that is not provided in in full, and pressure on key people who are investigating. This needs to be fought because it is all corruption. And here you can see the factor of nepotism, an attempt to escape punishment through family ties- says Abzalov.

As Izvestia was told in the leadership of the lower house of parliament, as soon as the Duma begins its spring session, the situation with the use of the status of a deputy for personal purposes and pressure on the investigation by Maria Maksakova will be considered not only in the faction " United Russia”, but also on the general commission on parliamentary ethics.

Grandson of People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Maksakova. Married to the daughter of fashion designer Yudashkin.

Pyotr Maksakov was born on January 5, 1990 in Moscow. Him with early childhood had to get used to constant attention to his star family which deserves special attention. Relatives of Peter public people: diplomats, artists, politicians.

His grandmother is the famous actress, Honored and People's Artist of Russia Lyudmila Maksakova. Aunt - Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs - opera singer and politician. She was a member of the State Duma and was a member of the Committee on Culture. Peter's father - Maxim, was engaged in advertising.

Nothing is known about the mother, except that she gave her husband three children: Peter, Anna and Vasilisa. On the maternal side, Peter is related to Anatoly Dobrynin - his great-grandfather was a Soviet diplomat and USSR ambassador to the United States. Peter himself is a person almost unknown to the general public. Despite the widespread opinion that the representatives of the "golden youth" are great snobs, Pyotr Maksakov is quite democratic.

Peter spent his childhood years in his grandmother's house, which is located in Bryusov Lane in Moscow. The nanny took him for a walk to the site to the Church of the Ascension. It is noteworthy that Galya Yudashkina and her teacher also walked here. It was the Church of the Ascension that opened its doors to representatives of the first Soviet beau monde, and then the elite of the new state. Therefore, with early age Peter saw a lot of eminent people.

At the age of 7, Peter became a student of the secondary secondary school No. 20, but soon the boy's parents decided that their son should receive a better and more versatile education. So Peter entered the private school Oundle in the UK. After school, Peter Maksakov became a student at Durham University, where he received a degree in psychology. Returning to Russia, he entered MGIMO and received an MBA degree.

Together with Ilan Shor, husband popular singer Jasmine, Petr Maksakov created and began to promote the Kremlin Vodka brand. Maksakov also owns the Smith company, which develops startup concepts. In addition, Petr Maksakov is a full-time business consultant at the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House.

As for his personal life, for some time Pyotr Maksakov met with Tatiana Mamiashvili, the daughter of the President of the Russian Wrestling Federation, Mikhail Mamiashvili. However, this novel was fleeting and did not have time to develop into something serious.

In the winter of 2014, Pyotr Maksakov began courting Galina Yudashkina, the daughter of the famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. The lovers got married on June 5, 2015, and on June 7 they arranged magnificent wedding in Moscow. In 2016, Peter and Galina became parents - they had long-awaited son Anatoly.

Pyotr Maksakov became famous for his marriage. Children famous families created a family - of course, such an event could not but excite the public. As Valentin Yudashkin said: “the guys didn’t need to play such a magnificent wedding. But they both understand that they are representatives of public families, they grew up in an atmosphere of constant interest in their lives and calmly reacted to everything that happened.

Former deputy of the State Duma Maria Maksakova now even those who are not interested in opera or politics know by sight.

A young pretty woman, a mother of three children, who is celebrating her 40th birthday today, is popular on the Web in a way that she was not popular during her singing and theater career and during the period of "serving time" in the building on Okhotny Ryad. The reason for this is her flight to Ukraine with her husband. Denis Voronenkov, then And as a consequence of all this - a real tragedy. Literally - dancing on the bones.

Masha changes her hair. Sings. Sits on a twine. Wears furs in summer. Photographed with Saakashvili. Now any step Maksakova, captured by the paparazzi, is discussed as greatest event century. Added to the noise was the unexpected “resurrection” of the late husband, who was allegedly “seen alive and well in Israel.”

Yes, now Maria Petrovna Jr. needs to somehow survive in a foreign land. You have to be smart. After all, even a mother will not help here - it seems that the prima of the Vakhtangov Theater Lyudmila Maksakova no longer has any relationship with her daughter.

It is surprising that the female fates of all three Maksakovs are not easy. With external well-being, even wealth, family happiness did not come easily to them. They suffered, they tossed. They went out for “the wrong” men. They did stupid things. None managed to make a cozy nest the first time. To - here once and for all. But, what is even more curious, in the fate of every lady there were foreign husbands (and related problems) and a second citizenship. It was not without politics and accusations of betrayal of the motherland, which made life even more difficult for them ...

"Where's my Carmen?"

Maria Petrovna senior. Three times winner of the Stalin Prize, prima of the Bolshoi Theater, performer of Russian romances.

It seems like her life should have been a full bowl. And fate began to test future star even in childhood.

The girl was born in a prosperous family. But the father is an employee of the Volga Shipping Company Petr Sidorov- died early, and at the age of eight, the eldest Marusya had to go to earn money. For singing in the church choir, she was paid a ruble a month. At the age of 17, Maria was already enrolled in the troupe of the Astrakhan Opera Theater.

And in the summer of 1919, a native of Austria, the famous baritone and opera entrepreneur, came to the city on tour. Maximilian Maksakov. He became the new manager of the troupe and immediately entrusted Masha Sidorova with several interesting parts. At the same time, he noted that, having talent and a voice, the girl does not know how to sing at all. She asked Maximilian Karlovich to work with her - he was not up to her. Maria went to the Petrograd Conservatory. However, after learning from Professor Glazunov, which has a lyric soprano, hastened to return to Astrakhan.

Maria Maksakova Sr. in the opera Lohengrin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Korobeinikov

Maria Petrovna herself later recalled that, having returned to her homeland, she very soon became not only a student of Maksakov, but also his wife. However, the early marriage of Marusya Sidorova gave rise to many legends that would later accompany her throughout later life. It was even said that Maximilian connected his life with a simple poor girl at the request of his dying wife. Who knows? Maria was 18 years old at that time, he was 50.

Maksakova's granddaughter, her full namesake, would later say: her grandmother wanted to become a singer so much that only Maximilian could help her. He will take her to Moscow, they will live 16 years. And until the end of her days, Maria Petrovna will call him best husband and man.

She will give almost 30 years to the Bolshoi Theater, she will become the voice of this stage. And at the same time, for many years he will live in fear, not sleep at night. Startled at every rustle outside the window. Wait for the "black funnel" to come for her sooner or later.

Maximilian Maksakov as Iago. Photo: Public Domain

The singer's daughter Lyudmila Maksakova recalled: Maria Petrovna and Maximilian Karlovich built a cooperative in Bryusov Lane, and one day the singer needed her husband's passport. When she opened his document for the first time, she almost fainted: it turns out that her beloved is a citizen of Austria, and his last name is not Maksakov at all (it was just a pseudonym), but Schwartz. 1930s. Around the enemies of the people and spies. Arrests, denunciations. She immediately drew the curtains and burned the passport in a frying pan. Since then, fear has settled in her heart. And in 1936, her husband died.

After enduring a year of mourning, Maria Maksakova decided on a new relationship. On tour in Warsaw, she met the Soviet Ambassador to Poland and the founder of foreign intelligence Yakov Davtyan. But this relationship was not destined to be either long or happy. They lived only six months. Davtyan was shot, and she, as the wife of an enemy of the people, was deported. If not Stalin. It is known that he was a great lover of the theater, often visited the opera, knew Maksakova. “Where is my Carmen?” the leader suddenly asked. And the singer was immediately taken to the Kremlin.

Is it any wonder that when, in 1940, 38-year-old Maria Maksakova gave birth to a long-awaited daughter, rumors instantly spread throughout Moscow that the girl's father was "the father of all times and peoples." As it was in fact, no one knew. Later, Lyudmila Vasilievna will tell that her mother gave birth from Soloist of the Bolshoi Theater Alexander Volkov. But he did not want to recognize his daughter and fled to the United States during World War II, automatically becoming an enemy of the people.

So, if Maria Petrovna had not crossed out Volkov from life, Lyudmila would have been waiting for the fate of the daughter of a traitor to the motherland. Maksakova Sr. could not allow this. And she wrote down her daughter "Lyudmila Vasilievna". The patronymic of the future prima of the Vakhtangov Theater received from a family friend Vasily Novikov- an employee of the GB authorities. They say that it was he who helped Maria Petrovna and little Lucy to evacuate to Astrakhan during the war.

Then the singer had to work, raise a child. Just live in peace. Great personal happiness, however, was no longer there. And three Stalin Prizes of the first degree could hardly help in his possession. And in 1953 she overtook terrible blow and in a career. Youthful, still in good shape, the Bolshoi Theater unexpectedly retired the singer.

Maksakova was 51 years old. But even at this young age, she was able to start new life. What it cost her is a separate issue. She came to the folk orchestra. Osipova, began to perform Russian songs and romances. And the country applauded her again. But in order to feed herself and her daughter, Maria Petrovna was forced to earn extra money by studying with students. Her daughter hardly saw her. Mother kept Lucy in a tight rein, never spoke heart to heart with her. But the main lesson that Lyudmila Vasilievna received from Maria Petrovna was that she had to work hard. And I tried to follow him.

“Did you hit a man and run away?”

Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova, daughter of Maria Petrovna. Prima of the Vakhtangov Theatre.

Severity in education, restrictions on entertainment led to the opposite result in the life of young Lyudmila Maksakova. Having entered the theater school, against the advice of her mother, to become a translator and graduate from a foreign language, the aspiring actress began experiments on her appearance. She dyed her hair, was addicted bright makeup. The taste of freedom was sweet. Lyudmila was not interested in studying. Much more attracted student parties. No wonder that pretty quickly the beauty jumped out to get married. For her sake artist Zbarsky even left his fashion model wife.

Lev and Lyudmila were young, they loved each other and their friends. There were always guests in the house. The actress went for groceries, cooked, washed dishes. At the same time, the artist demanded that she take care of herself, while he himself was jealous and often rolled up scandals. None of them wanted to be officially registered.

As Lyudmila Vasilievna later said, the talented artist never had 15 rubles for a stamp in his passport. And she always had a lot of work.

Lyudmila Maksakova, 1966 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Armand

At 29, Lyudmila became pregnant. She bore Maxim hard. And when he was born, Leo had to adopt him. He gave the boy his middle name, last name. However, relations with Lyudmila very soon came to naught. She returned to her mother, Leo decided to emigrate to America.

Mother's mistakes taught me nothing. Fate wanted Lyudmila to study at own experience. And the life of the son of an emigrant in the Soviet Union would hardly have been happy. Most likely, he would not have been accepted to a decent institute, would not have been taken to Good work. Abroad would certainly be closed to him. So Lyudmila Maksakova reasoned before going to the registry office and ... submitting documents for the adoption of Maxim Zbarsky. She rewrote her son with her last name. Leo left safely and did not have to pay alimony for 15 years in advance before leaving, as required Soviet law. He just didn't have that kind of money. Lev Zbarsky never even called his son. Not so long ago the artist died.

With a small child in her arms, Lyudmila continued her search for personal happiness. But the second bright novel was overshadowed by tragedy.

FROM Mikael Tariverdiev Lyudmila Maksakova met in the sanatorium "Actor". Handsome, imposing, smartly dressed, the owner of water skis and a Volga with a deer on the hood, the composer immediately impressed the actress. Both were free and ready for new romantic relationship. They only lasted three years. The beautiful fairy tale is over car accident in which an outside young man was injured. The young man ran across Leningradsky Prospekt at the Sovetskaya Hotel - on the other side a girl was waiting for him - and ended up under the wheels of Tariverdiev's car.

The story that happened to the composer and actress became the basis of the film script Eldara Ryazanova Station for two. In those years, a lot was said about her. But how it really happened, Lyudmila Maksakova and the widow Mikaela Tariverdiev tell differently.

The widow says that Lyudmila was driving, and Mikael, as a decent noble man, took the blame. The actress assures that there were a lot of witnesses - Tariverdiev himself was driving the car. As Lyudmila Vasilievna said, the worst thing that night was that Mikael did not stop, but even increased speed. Apparently there was a shock. And only when some military man caught up with them and shouted: “What, you bastard, knocked down a man and fled ?!” Tariverdiev turned around and drove to the crime scene. The composer had a well-known lawyer, the term was given a suspended sentence. However, that story ruined Tariverdiev's life. Having suffered several heart attacks, he passed away quite early.

German citizen, Latvian Peter Paul Andreas Igenbergs whose ancestors once left tsarist Russia became the first and only legal husband Lyudmila Maksakova. A physicist and businessman, Peter worked in Moscow. According to one version, they met by chance, at the entrance. And there the man proposed to the actress. According to another version, they nevertheless saw each other in the apartment - at a party on the occasion of awarding Maksakova the title of "deserved". However, that just doesn't matter.

Lyudmila Maksakova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

For a year and a half, Peter and Lyudmila looked closely at each other. Though she may have been watching. And he was so persistent from the very beginning that he was ready to run to the registry office almost the next day. As a result, "starved out." And when they applied to Griboedovsky, they began to get on their nerves, demanding the most incredible information about relatives up to the seventh generation.

Finally, Peter and Lyudmila signed. Although in 1974 marriage with a foreigner was considered almost a betrayal of the motherland. And colleagues reacted differently to her marriage. Only a few found the strength to sincerely rejoice. Basically, they were jealous. And many simply stopped talking to her. On the next tour to Greece, her name was not on the list. She became banned. She was no longer invited to shoot and photo tests. There were problems with the entry and exit of the husband. Once, when Maria Petrovna Maksakova was dying, they did not want to let him into the Union, and Lyudmila Vasilievna called Gromyko's assistant. If my husband is not given a visa, I will jump out of the window, ”she shouted into the telephone receiver. And Peter managed to say goodbye to his mother-in-law.

Only in this marriage, Lyudmila Maksakova later admits, did she feel truly happy. Only with Peter did I understand what it means to be “like behind a stone wall”. He raised Maxim as his own son, although the "good people" of course told the truth. And on July 24, 1977 in Munich, the couple had a daughter, who was named after Maria Petrovna.

Lyudmila Maksakova as Jocasta in Oedipus Rex. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

“During the day I love United Russia, at night I love a communist!”

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. Daughter of Lyudmila Vasilievna. Granddaughter of Maria Petrovna.

Like Lyudmila Vasilievna once, as a teenager, Maria also began to make up madly, rebelled, and took offense at her mother. Once she even tried to open her veins. Lyudmila Maksakova herself spoke about this in candid interview. But as if “justified”: most likely, it was a desire only to prove her case, to scare her mother.

“My husband, Vladimir Anatolyevich, is a solid businessman with experience family life, 19 years older than me, ”said in an interview glossy magazine who, like her grandmother, became an opera singer, Maria Maksakova.

Lyudmila Maksakova with her daughter Maria (right) and grandson Petya, 1995. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

Seeing her on TV, Tyurin fell in love immediately, began to wait for Maria in the Hermitage Garden. And he was probably as assertive as he used to be future father Mary - in relation to her mother.

Unfortunately, there are no other similarities. “His life was ready for my appearance in it: the finished frame was waiting for its gem, - Maria Maksakova floridly expressed in the same interview. “He offered me literally everything at once: his feelings, his home, having children ... Very soon I also fell in love with him ...”.

Apparently, he offered everything but the truth. On the Web you can find information about Vladimir Anatolyevich Tyurin, born in 1958. He graduated from the Gnessin Music College... He has several convictions and the nickname "Tyurik".

The GUBOP Ministry of Internal Affairs several years ago gave an operational summary: "Tyurin is a thief in law and the leader of the Bratskaya OCG."

A few years ago, in some media, Tyurin was referred to as civil husband Maria Maksakova. They wrote that it was he who was the father of the singer's two children: Ilya and Lyudmila. But in 2011, Maria became a State Duma deputy from United Russia, and a refutation appeared on the party website that she "has never been married and is not married now." For nothing that already in 2012, Maria admitted that she was in a relationship with the son of a Baku musician - a jeweler Jamil Aliyev. It can be assumed that both unions were not officially registered. However, later Maria decided to disown her acquaintance with Vladimir Tyurin altogether, leaving her fans in the dark about who really is the father of her children.

On March 26, 2015, State Duma deputy from United Russia Maria Maksakova and parliamentarian from the Communist Party Denis Voronenkov officially registered their relationship.

Wedding of Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The singer admitted that having lived to the age of 37, she no longer hoped to ever meet a man with whom she would like to spend her whole life. He is probably the best thing that happened to me, said Maksakova. "For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I'm happy."

They bought groceries in the same stores, stayed in the same hotels. And they even took fish from one merchant in the Dorogomilovsky market. But fate was pleased to throw them into politics. And bring them together there, in a large building on Okhotny Ryad. So that they parted so tragically very soon.

Trials began before the wedding. In December 2014, the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation sent materials to the State Duma depriving Voronenkov of his parliamentary immunity. A criminal case was initiated against him on the raider seizure of a building in the center of Moscow. In April 2015, a month after the wedding, Maria had a miscarriage due to nervousness - she lost twins. But a year later, the couple had a son Ivan.

On that day, an announcement appeared in the State Duma: on the occasion of the birth of the first inter-factional child, the buffet works free of charge. Who composed the ditty remains a mystery:

Lips the color of apricot, and I sing cleanly.
During the day I love United Russia, at night I love communists!

They remembered her Maria Maksakova for a long time. Then it seemed to the lovers that everything would be fine. He called her “my star”, she called him “Denechka”. They believed in themselves. And in the Lord. They even got married in Jerusalem in November 2016. But that didn't save them either.

Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were deprived of deputy mandates. They fled to Ukraine. He received the citizenship of this country (later Maria will say that her husband is “half Ukrainian”). And on March 23, 2017, less than two years after the wedding, the disgraced

Politics, emigration and an "unreliable" husband played a cruel joke on the third representative of the Maksakov family. For emerging dual citizenship (Germany and Russia), Maria was expelled from the party. Gnesinka and Mariinka hurried to fire her.

“Well, glory to you, Lord!” Lyudmila Maksakova told reporters about the death of her son-in-law.

An emotional outburst, of course. But you don't envy her now. Whatever Mary is, whatever she does, she is her daughter.

“Let her publicly renounce her words if she wants me to talk to her,” Maria answered. And then she said that the journalists quarreled with her mother.

“There is such a place in the Bible: even the living will envy the dead ...”, she cried in an interview and assured that she stayed to live only to raise Vanya.

Then there will be other confessions. The fact that Denis was the best husband in the world. That she thanked him for every day she lived. Appreciated every moment. And then, in March, she was very, very sick. Although someone tried to see in her appearance "not enough mourning."

At 39, Maria Maksakova was left a widow with three children. What conclusions will she draw from this story? Can she be happy again?

// Photo: Boris Kremer /

Today, September 26, famous actress theater and cinema Lyudmila Maksakova celebrates her birthday. The actress is 77 years old. For my creative career she played a huge number of roles in theatrical productions, on television and in films. Despite the dizzying success in her career, harmony did not always reign in her family.

Son's judgment

Lyudmila Maksakova married twice. With her first husband, the artist Lev Zbarsky, she did not live long. In marriage, the couple had a son, Maxim. At first he bore his father's surname, but after he moved to the USA he became Maksakov. Lev Borisovich did not maintain contact with his family and spent last days all alone. He died of lung cancer.

Four years ago, the family of the actress was affected by a major scandal. Her son was accused of embezzling a huge amount from the budget - 260 million rubles. This money was allocated to a campaign to promote sports leisure and a healthy lifestyle in the media. Over the course of four years, Maksakov's firm signed eight contracts worth 370 million. According to investigators, the company of the son of the actress assured that they spent money on materials in the press. However, the journalists themselves, who prepared the articles, assured that they did it in working order.

// Photo: Mikhail Frolov / Komsomolskaya Pravda /

Maxim Maksakov and his colleague Vasily Kolodny did not admit their guilt and believed that they were only victims of arbitrariness on the part of former operatives. The son of the actress was sentenced to three years, but since he for a long time was under house arrest, he was credited with this term and released directly from the courtroom.

Quarrel with daughter over son-in-law

Also, Lyudmila Maksakova has a daughter from her second marriage with German businessman Peter Andreas Igenbergs. Maria followed in the footsteps of her famous grandmother, opera singer Maria Maksakova. The artist has been a guest soloist of the Bolshoi Theater since 2003. Despite active creative activity She decided to try her hand at politics.

In 2011, she became a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party, but six years later she was expelled due to the concealment of dual citizenship. However, at that time, the artist had already moved to Kyiv with her husband Denis Voronenkov. A man was shot dead in the center of the Ukrainian capital in March.

Relations between Lyudmila Vasilievna and Maria escalated after the actress's statement about her daughter's wife. “Well, thank you, Lord,” the actress commented on the death of Voronenkov. - What else to do with it? Thank you, Lord, that in the end the person who was so mean ... He is a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago. Many people were taken aback by this phrase. famous artist about son-in-law.

However, this incident alienated Mary from her mother. As it turned out, even before that, everything was not so simple in the Maksakova family. According to the opera singer, she lacked attention as a child famous actress.

“I started using cosmetics, it annoyed my mother,” Maria Maksakova recalled in an interview with the ZIK TV channel. - Once I put on makeup, and she took a dirty sponge, which was used to wash dishes that smelled bad, and tried to wash it off. I endured this humiliation, but I still remember it. I realized that I would have to continue to communicate with this woman, no matter how she treated me. But at less than eighteen years old, I closed the door of this house and try not to remember.