How to make a wooden machine with your own hands.  How to make a do-it-yourself wooden machine gun Ak 47 from wood drawings

How to make a wooden machine with your own hands. How to make a do-it-yourself wooden machine gun Ak 47 from wood drawings

Do-it-yourself wooden machine gun or a story about how I made Kalashnikov...

I decided to please the son of one of my good friends and make him a wooden toy. To my question: “what to do?”, A friend answered immediately: “maybe some kind of pestle?”. Not a bad idea, I thought, and went into arms production. True, I decided not to waste time on trifles and instead of a "pestle" make an automatic machine right away! Still, whatever one may say, but every kid knows that a machine gun is cooler than a pistol! :))

I decided to take the legendary Kalashnikov as a basis. I want to say right away for all connoisseurs of modeling and accurate layouts: the task was, first of all, to make a reliable and strong toy, so I did not try to recreate the machine in all details, but made a conditional copy!

A thick pine board of fifty was chosen as a building material. I just took a pencil and sketched the contours of the future machine by hand, guided by the picture from the Internet.

I don’t like all kinds of carnations, brackets, wires, so I decided to make the trigger out of wood too. So it is more reliable and more pleasant to the touch! :)

I immediately figured out and drew a mounting system for the store. The detail seems to be small, but very significant, without which the machine will not be a machine, but so ... a fart for kids. After all, if the machine has a non-removable magazine, then such a weapon is worthless! :))) In the photo below, the prototypes of the future store. :)

Then he sawed the workpiece with an electric jigsaw. It turned out here is such a blank.

After that, I sawed out the side “walls” of the machine from thin plywood, covering the place where the store was attached.

Once again I figured the store in place. For him, I used the same board as for the main workpiece.

I sawed and sharpened the corners with a file so that nothing touched and the parts had free play.

Next, on the milling table, I removed the chamfer from the butt and the handle, so that later I could complete what I started with a grinder and finally round the corners.

I glued the side walls with PVA glue.

I secured them with clamps and left to dry.

I walked around the corners with a milling cutter and as a result something already reminiscent of the same Kalashnikov turned out! :) Then I polished everything with a grinder.

Now you can do the barrel of the machine. For this, I used a cylindrical blank purchased in advance from a hardware store. At the same time I sawed out the part of the barrel, the front sight and drilled all the necessary holes.

For drilling, I used a special stand for a drill. Without it, making an even and perpendicular hole is a task for those whose hands do not shake and have a diamond eye. I decided to make my life easier and took advantage of this convenient device.

The barrel parts are ready, it remains to put them on PVA glue.

All details and dimensions are pure improvisation! I just looked at the drawing of the machine and did "just like in the picture." In the end, it worked out well. How do they say? Don't praise yourself...

I fixed the store and lo and behold, a legendary machine gun appeared in front of me, which came out quite similar to the original. Although there will certainly be critics and dissatisfied, but then excuse me, guys, as it was possible, it was possible! :))

I know that many would paint the machine the way it should be in the original, I saw how some use black nitro paint, and the wood is almost always covered with a thick layer of varnish. I am a specific person in this matter. Covering the texture of wood with paint and varnishing all the tactile sensations that it gives with varnish is for me like sticking wallpaper on a beautiful fresco! :)) But in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, everyone does as he sees fit, according to his own understanding and taste! :)

There was a small touch, to fix the store. For this I used small magnets. Since there were no specially purchased ones at hand, I took them out of an old children's designer, from which my children left only a couple of details. The rest got lost.

Do-it-yourself wooden machine gun or a story about how I made Kalashnikov...

I decided to please the son of one of my good friends and make him a wooden toy. To my question: “what to do?”, A friend answered immediately: “maybe some kind of pestle?”. Not a bad idea, I thought, and went into arms production. True, I decided not to waste time on trifles and instead of a "pestle" make an automatic machine right away! Still, whatever one may say, but every kid knows that a machine gun is cooler than a pistol! :))

I decided to take the legendary Kalashnikov as a basis. I want to say right away for all connoisseurs of modeling and accurate layouts: the task was, first of all, to make a reliable and strong toy, so I did not try to recreate the machine in all details, but made a conditional copy!

A thick pine board of fifty was chosen as a building material. I just took a pencil and sketched the contours of the future machine by hand, guided by the picture from the Internet.

I don’t like all kinds of carnations, brackets, wires, so I decided to make the trigger out of wood too. So it is more reliable and more pleasant to the touch! :)

I immediately figured out and drew a mounting system for the store. The detail seems to be small, but very significant, without which the machine will not be a machine, but so ... a fart for kids. After all, if the machine has a non-removable magazine, then such a weapon is worthless! :))) In the photo below, the prototypes of the future store. :)

Then he sawed the workpiece with an electric jigsaw. It turned out here is such a blank.

After that, I sawed out the side “walls” of the machine from thin plywood, covering the place where the store was attached.

Once again I figured the store in place. For him, I used the same board as for the main workpiece.

I sawed and sharpened the corners with a file so that nothing touched and the parts had free play.

Next, on the milling table, I removed the chamfer from the butt and the handle, so that later I could complete what I started with a grinder and finally round the corners.

I glued the side walls with PVA glue.

I secured them with clamps and left to dry.

I walked around the corners with a milling cutter and as a result something already reminiscent of the same Kalashnikov turned out! :) Then I polished everything with a grinder.

Now you can do the barrel of the machine. For this, I used a cylindrical blank purchased in advance from a hardware store. At the same time I sawed out the part of the barrel, the front sight and drilled all the necessary holes.

For drilling, I used a special stand for a drill. Without it, making an even and perpendicular hole is a task for those whose hands do not shake and have a diamond eye. I decided to make my life easier and took advantage of this convenient device.

The barrel parts are ready, it remains to put them on PVA glue.

All details and dimensions are pure improvisation! I just looked at the drawing of the machine and did "just like in the picture." In the end, it worked out well. How do they say? Don't praise yourself...

I fixed the store and lo and behold, a legendary machine gun appeared in front of me, which came out quite similar to the original. Although there will certainly be critics and dissatisfied, but then excuse me, guys, as it was possible, it was possible! :))

I know that many would paint the machine the way it should be in the original, I saw how some use black nitro paint, and the wood is almost always covered with a thick layer of varnish. I am a specific person in this matter. Covering the texture of wood with paint and varnishing all the tactile sensations that it gives with varnish is for me like sticking wallpaper on a beautiful fresco! :)) But in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, everyone does as he sees fit, according to his own understanding and taste! :)

There was a small touch, to fix the store. For this I used small magnets. Since there were no specially purchased ones at hand, I took them out of an old children's designer, from which my children left only a couple of details. The rest got lost.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

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Municipal budgetary educational institution "Verkhovskaya secondary Comprehensive school No. 1, Oryol region, village Verkhovye Making a model - a copy of the Kalashnikov assault rifle AK-74 Completed by: a student of grade 9. Andriyanov Ivan Head: teacher of technology Martynov Oleg Ivanovich p.Verkhovye 2015

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3 slide

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Selection and justification of the project idea I am in the 9th grade, I am fond of technology, the history of weapons, I love to make things. I really like technology lessons. I decided to prepare creative project and take part in the Olympiad in technology. The teacher advised me to take as a topic for the project the development of a product suitable for making by students in technology lessons and in the “Skilled Hands” circle. The product should be easy to manufacture, technological, made from available materials, cheap to manufacture. When working on it, as many different operations as possible for processing wood and metal with hand tools and on machine tools should be used. In the lessons we usually made pointers, mallets, boxes, benches. mops, but it was not very interesting. I thought that guys usually like to play war, are interested in weapons and decided to develop and make a model of some small arms. In addition, it will be useful for the school detachment of the Youth Army. one

4 slide

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Goals and objectives Goal: To create an original, technologically cheap product suitable for making by schoolchildren in technology lessons and in a circle, necessary for school. Tasks: 1. Learn to mentally represent an object and graphically express it in the form technical drawing and drawing, work with design and technological documentation. 2. Know and correctly perform various technological operations for the processing of wood and metals. 3. Really evaluate your knowledge and skills. 2

5 slide

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Choice of product options After considering several models of the AK assault rifle, I chose option No. 4 of the AK-74 model with a wooden butt, deciding that the model of this machine made of wood would look more impressive. 1 2 3 4 3

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Short story creation of the machine "It's not the weapon that kills, the person kills." M.T.Kalashnikov During the Great Patriotic War there was a need to translate the main small arms Red Army on the cartridge 7.62 mm. The main advantage of such a cartridge is sufficient lethal force at medium distances compared to pistol cartridges, and the lower weight of the intermediate cartridge compared to rifle cartridges allows the fighter to carry more ammunition. After creating an intermediate cartridge of caliber 7.62 mm. in 1943, active development of small arms began, in which the most famous designers of the USSR took part. Kalashnikov also took part in the competition. His development showed good results, which allowed him 4

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go to the second stage of the competition. In 1947, Kalashnikov introduced a modified version of the assault rifle he had developed, which was subsequently adopted in 1949. The first Kalashnikov assault rifles had two modifications: with a wooden non-folding stock (AK-47) and with a metal folding stock (AKS-47). Kalashnikov created a practical and reliable weapon. The merit of the developer is the optimal arrangement of time-tested technologies into a single sample that meets all the requirements. Despite the fact that the Kalashnikov assault rifle entered service with the SA back in 1949, due to Soviet secrecy, the weapon was introduced only in 1956. In the 1950s, samples of medium-sized small arms began to be replaced by Kalashnikov assault rifles. It soon became the main type of small arms in the allied countries of the USSR, as well as in Finland and in some other countries. Such a rapidly growing popularity of the automaton was due to the simplicity and reliability of the design. as well as low cost weapons. In the early 70s, the USSR began to develop a new automatic cartridge of 5.45x39 caliber. In 1974, chambered for 5.45, into service Soviet army accepted new machine AK-74. More than 60 years have passed since the creation of the first version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. The well-known developer managed to achieve his goal: “to develop a weapon that would be understandable to a simple soldier.” Indeed, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is very popular 5

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on all continents. The Kalashnikov assault rifle is one of the most popular weapons in the world. It is in service with the armies of 106 countries of the world. Recognized as the invention of the century and listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most common weapon in the world. For his Kalashnikov assault rifle, he received the Stalin Prize of the first degree. 6

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Choice of materials For the manufacture of my product, I used the most affordable and cheap material - wood, metal scraps, wire. It is advisable to use birch for the receiver, magazine horn and handle, since its wood is dense, hard and does not have pronounced annual layers, but it is suitable and pine, spruce. For turning the barrel and gas tube, only birch must be used. Birch. It has a very uniform structure, color, light, closer to white, sometimes with a yellowish tinge. Used for making plywood, tool handles, furniture, etc. Spruce. The wood is white with a yellowish tint, knotty. It is used for the manufacture of musical instruments, in construction. Pine. The wood is reddish yellow, has no a large number of knots. It is used in the construction of bridges, wagons, flooring, etc. Tin. Galvanized sheet 0.2 mm thick, bends well, cut with scissors, processed with a file. Used for the manufacture of the trigger bracket, the lever of the translator, the front sight. aiming bar. To finish the finished product, I took black enamel, and for the buttstock, a walnut wood texture. eight

11 slide

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Selection of tools and equipment In the manufacture of my product, I used the following tools and equipment: Pencil Ruler Scribe Vernier caliper Square Carpenter's workbench Locksmith's workbench Drilling machine Lathe STD-120 Lathe TV-6 Electric drill Hacksaw Locksmith scissors Rasp Planer Chisel Mallet Oobzik Milling cutter Obrazivny skin Brush 9

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Preparation of technological documentation I carefully studied the design and types of the AK-74 Kalashnikov assault rifle. Having removed all dimensions from a full-size metal model of an assault rifle available in the OBZh class, with the help of a teacher, I developed the technology and procedure for manufacturing individual parts, drew and cut out cardboard templates for a case with a butt, a magazine, and a handle. Completed drawings and technological maps for the manufacture of the main parts of the machine. The templates will later be used by other students to make a model of the machine. ten

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Specification Receiver with an example. Gas tube with lining. Fly. Target bar. Shutter lever. Translator flag. Barrel with compensator. Ramrod. Cleaning rod brackets. Score. Trigger brace. A pen. trigger. 12

15 slide

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Technological maps for the manufacture of the main parts of the Kalashnikov assault rifle AK - 74 13

16 slide

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Routing No. 1 Production of a receiver with a butt 14 No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Receiver 1 1:1 Birch

17 slide

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Sequence of technological operations Graphical representation Tools, equipment 1. Pick up a workpiece of the required dimensions. Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. Template, pencil 3. Cut along the lines of the part from the workpiece. Joiner's workbench, jigsaw, clamp 4. Mill the ribs in the upper part of the receiver. Joiner's workbench, milling cutter, clamp 5. Process the butt according to the model. Joiner's workbench, planer, rasp, knife 15

18 slide

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The sequence of technological operations Graphic image Tools, equipment 6.Drill a hole with a diameter of 20 mm to install the barrel. Drill, drill 7. Drill holes with a diameter of 20 mm. Drill, drill bit 8. Drill sockets for installing the magazine and handle. Joiner's workbench, chisel, chisel, mallet 9. Finish the finished product Sandpaper 16

19 slide

Description of the slide:

Sequence of technological operations Graphical representation Tools, equipment 1. Pick up a workpiece of the required dimensions. 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. Ruler, hacksaw Template, pencil 3. Cut out the store horn along the lines from the blank. Jigsaw, carpentry workbench, clamp 4. Mill the ribs of the front edge of the part. Joiner's workbench, milling cutter, clamp 5. Apply a burner to the risks on the sides of the front edge of the store. Carpenter's workbench, pencil, electric burner Technological map No. 2 Machine gun barrel manufacturing No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Barrel 1 1:1 Birch 17

20 slide

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The sequence of technological operations Graphical representation Tools, equipment Select the workpiece of the required size. Ruler, hacksaw 2. Process the workpiece in the form of an octagon and punch the centers. Planer, center punch, hammer 3. Fix the workpiece in a lathe and grind it to a diameter of 26 mm STD-120 lathe, chisels, caliper 4. Carry out further turning according to the drawing STD-120 lathe, chisels, caliper 5. Perform finishing finished product. Lathe STD-120, sandpaper 18

21 slide

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Technological map No. 3 Production of a gas pipe with an overlay No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Gas pipe 1 1:1 Birch 19

22 slide

Description of the slide:

The sequence of technological operations Graphical representation Tools, equipment 1. Select the workpiece of the required size Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Process the workpiece in the form of an octagon and punch the centers. Joiner's workbench, planer, center punch, hammer 3. Fix the workpiece in a lathe and grind it to a diameter of 39 mm. Lathe STD-120, chisels, caliper 4. Further turning the part according to the drawing. STD-120 lathe, chisels, vernier caliper 5. Cut off the lower part of the part by 5 mm and finish it. Joiner's workbench, planer, sandpaper 20

23 slide

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Technological map No. 4 Machine handle manufacturing No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Handle 1 1:1 Birch 21

24 slide

Description of the slide:

Sequence of technological operations Graphical representation Tools, equipment 1. Pick up a workpiece of the required dimensions. Pencil, ruler, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. template, pencil 3. Cut out the part from the workpiece along the marking lines and round the edges of the side faces. Joiner's workbench, clamp, jigsaw, rasp 4. Apply a pattern on the side surfaces of the handle with a burner. Joiner's workbench, pencil, ruler, electric burner. 5. Finish the part. Sandpaper 22

25 slide

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Technological map No. 5 Making a magazine horn No. Name Quantity Scale Material 1 Magazine horn 1 1: 1 Birch 23

26 slide

Description of the slide:

The sequence of technological operations Graphical representation Tools, equipment 1. Select the workpiece of the desired size Ruler, pencil, hacksaw 2. Apply the contours of the future product to the workpiece according to the template. Pencil, template 3. Cut out the part from the workpiece. Joiner's workbench, clamp, jigsaw 4. Mill the ribs of the front edge of the part. Joiner's workbench, clamp, milling cutter 5. Apply a burner to the leading edge and finish the part. electric burner, sandpaper 24

27 slide

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Safety precautions when working with tools and on machines When manufacturing a product, it is necessary to know and strictly follow the rules for the safe operation of all technological operations performed, use work clothes and protective equipment. 25

28 slide

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Stages of manufacturing the product The sequence and main stages of manufacturing the machine are shown in the figures. In this case, the following technological operations were performed: Marking Sawing Planing Drilling Chiseling Saw-out Metal cutting Metal chopping Sawing Metal bending Turning Soldering Wood burning milling Finishing 26

29 slide

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The legendary machine gun of all times and peoples - AK 47 made of paper.

Well, it's time to arm yourself with a worthy weapon, the pride of our vast country - the AK 47 assault rifle (Kalashnikov assault rifle). You have the opportunity to glue the deadly AK 47 with your own hands and put the entire dean's office, school, office, neighbors on the ears ... underline as necessary. And if the machine is still strengthened and painted, then there will be an atas in general!

A scan of the AK 47 assault rifle made of paper takes 10 pages in pepakura and, compared to analogues, is not so difficult to assemble. Although there is something to bend over with tweezers at the ready. For all connoisseurs of weapons, this copy is required for gluing.

We are glad to present you another version of the paper Kalashnikov assault rifle scan. This time she came to us from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. The model has its own characteristics and even visually differs somewhat from the first version. It takes 12 pages, but is shorter than the first one by 7 cm. For many, this version of the Kalashnikov assault rifle will not only be easier to make with your own hands, but also better due to good textures.

“How could you go to Izhevsk and not tell anything about Kalashnikov?” you ask me. The Kalashnikov is probably one of the most famous assault rifles in the world and a symbol that Russia is associated with along with vodka, a bear and a balalaika. Kalashnikov is on the flags and emblems of some countries, he constantly flashes in the cinema and computer games. Do Kalashnikov in dozens of factories around the world. But Izhevsk remains the birthplace of the famous machine gun.

I went to the Izhmash plant and saw how the legendary Kalashnikov assault rifle was made. Not so long ago, Izhmash was going through hard times, but now things have gone better. In 2014, the Kalashnikov Concern, as NPO Izhmash is now called, for the first time in 7 years received net profit from production activities in the amount of 94 million rubles, and this happened despite the sanctions imposed on the enterprise.

It turns out that before the sanctions, Kalashnikov supplied almost 80% of its products to the US market, it was civilian weapons. The supply of Saiga carbines and other types of civilian weapons to the United States was indeed impressive. Here is a 2012 article that states that US citizens buy as many "Kalashnikov-type" weapons as Russian army and the police. And the Saiga is bought, for example, by former US Marines, who, in combat conditions, sometimes prefer captured Kalashnikov assault rifles to their M-16s.

It was sanctions that stopped the migration of Saiga carbines to the United States. By the way, this measure provoked a boom in sales Russian weapons on the American continent. Moreover, in January 2015, the head of the American arms importer RWC, Thomas McCrossin, announced that the company intends to begin production of Kalashnikov assault rifles in the United States under the AK-47 brand. Concern "Kalashnikov", it seems, did not object, considering this step under the conditions of sanctions to be quite logical. RWC is going to buy a license from a Bulgarian manufacturer, which is still in Soviet times got it from the USSR.

Aleksey Krivoruchko, general director of the Kalashnikov Concern, says that just a year ago, 80 percent of the weapons produced by the Izhevsk plant were civilian. But after the largest "civilian" was banned, the concern increased the production of military weapons. The main consumers are Africa, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Latin America. In the end for last year Kalashnikov increased the production of small arms from 70,000 (2013) to 120,000 units and reoriented production: now 80% of the weapons produced here are military. Now Kalashnikov is developing another 40 types of small arms of various calibers, and some of them are going to be presented this year.

Let's take a walk around the legendary Izhevsk plant and see how and what kind of weapons are produced here.

There is nothing unusual in the production of weapons. First, separate elements are made, then all this is assembled into a machine gun or, for example, an air gun. This is how molds are made for casting some parts. These models are made from a model composition (paraffin, stearin and something else). Then the models are assembled into blocks.

A suspension is applied to the block, sprinkled with sand and dried, such a ceramic form is obtained. Then a model is smelted from it and steel is poured.

Finished parts then need to be cleaned manually. Everything is nice and homey.

In furnaces, parts are heated to a certain temperature, as a result of which the structure of the material and its hardness change.

And this is a bath for heat treatment "on salt". Details are lowered into hot salt.

Pickling line. When the parts of the weapon are heat-treated, heat appears on them. This incandescence is removed with chemicals. The pickling line is already new.

The old shops look like this.

See how everything was sincere at the factory. Flowers, posters, seagulls with sweets.

Now the plant is being modernized. New workshops appear, a large central warehouse is being built. New machines appeared here in December 2014. Now there will be no cacti.

There was also trouble with the machines. Due to sanctions, the number of countries that can supply us with equipment has been greatly reduced. Kalashnikov is going to refocus on domestic and Asian manufacturers.

By the way, pay attention to the charming hanger and bag with strawberries!

Initially, Kalashnikov was going to spend 5 billion rubles on investments, but due to the weakening of the ruble, at least 6 billion rubles will have to be invested in modernization. The investment program should be completed in 2017.

By 2020, Kalashnikov is going to increase the volume of products and gross revenue by 3 times and at the same time cut the cost of products by half.

Now the plant looks like a large construction site. Moreover, repair and modernization goes in parallel with production. In some workshops, floors and walls are being repaired at the same time, somewhere a new roof is being laid and new ceilings are being made.

Behind the screen, repairs, and nearby they continue to make some details.

Let's get to assembly! Pressing the box with the barrel is called "wedding".

There are several production streams: mass products - military products and civilian weapons based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle, sniper rifles and "Tiger" shotguns based on a sniper rifle. By the way, the weapons that are named after animals are called "our menagerie" by the plant's employees.

The flows are organized in different ways: in the first case it is a conveyor, in the second it is a multi-series assembly, that is, each product is assembled by one person.

During the production process, an assault rifle or other weapon goes through a series of checkpoints. Three at launch, seven at release, plus after each operation. In the case of military products, for example, the interchangeability of parts is checked.

At one site, sports and hunting weapons are produced (carbines “Los”, “Bars”, etc.) and sniper rifle SV-98.

Despite the modernization of equipment, the principle of assembly will remain the same, with a considerable share of manual labor.

After the "wedding" the product is sent "for coating", and from there - for the final assembly. A lid, butt, forearm, handle, etc. are attached to the barrel and box.

Plot with aircraft guns. This type of weapon is produced only here, at the Izhevsk plant. The rate of fire of the guns that are installed on Russian helicopters and planes is up to 1800 rounds per minute.

The plant produces about 120 thousand units of small arms per year, in the flow - about 500 units per day. This is not a full download. Initially, the plant was designed to produce 600,000 weapons. In the coming years, the plant is going to master the production of new lines and increase production to 300,000 units per year.

This year, the enterprise intends to produce 20-25% more weapons than last year (120,000 in 2014).

The most popular type of weapon among buyers produced at the plant is still the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Of the civilian products, the biggest demand is for the "Tigers" and other representatives of the so-called "menagerie" - "Barsov", "Moose", "Isubrey", etc.

A 10-minute drive from the factory is a center where weapons are tested.

The classic Kalashnikov assault rifle has long been morally obsolete. Weapons are constantly being upgraded. This is due, among other things, to the fact that 70% of the clashes occur at night. That's why modern machine should be comfortable for night combat.

So, a Picattini rail appeared on the Kalashnikov assault rifle, on which you can install a collimator sight that allows you to fire at night, as well as a tactical flashlight and target designator. In addition, the machine was equipped with a flame arrester, which will not give out the location of the fighter when fired.

The “body kit” for the machine, that is, the modernization kit, was made by the plant only this year. There was a pistol grip. Butt - folding and telescopic. Any shooter can customize such a machine for himself.

But there is also a completely new machine - AK-12. It no longer requires modernization, it is lighter and more accurate than the old version of the Kalashnikov. All the necessary elements are already on it. Pistol grip, magazine quick-release device and a new safety catch allow you to fire with one hand while performing the necessary manipulations with the weapon with the other.

Now the AK-12 is completing state tests and, most likely, will be put into service this year. In January 2015, the Ministry of Defense chose the AK-12 assault rifle as the main small arms, which will become an element of the Ratnik military equipment. Already this year, the Russian army can receive up to 70 thousand samples of the "Warrior".

Submachine gun 19-01 "Vityaz-SN"

"Saiga" 12 isp.340

At the carbine "Saiga" MK isp. 107 is a fundamentally new balanced automation system. As I was told, this weapon has no recoil at all. Usually the frame of the machine pushes the shooter in the shoulder, but this carbine is equipped with a balancer, which is instantly sent to meet it. When they collide, recoil compensation occurs. “It would seem that there are springs, two planks, but no one else in the world has created such a weapon. We now want to place special emphasis on this weapon. In the world of small arms, this is not just a novelty, but, one might say, a sensation.”

While this is an experimental sample, designers are currently working on weapons. Next week, the factory will receive two new samples and go with them to Hungary for the European Championship in practical shooting and then, perhaps, make some other changes to the design. Already this year, Kalashnikov wants to start mass production of this carbine.

You can shoot even with one hand. When firing, the barrel of the carbine remains motionless, which, of course, increases the accuracy of fire.

Well? Are you proud of Russia?