How to start a relationship with a friend.  How to start dating your best friend or girlfriend.  Try to communicate openly

How to start a relationship with a friend. How to start dating your best friend or girlfriend. Try to communicate openly

Strong friendships are the perfect foundation for a successful romantic relationship. Act very carefully and make an informed decision, because best friends play an important role in our lives. Communicate openly and try not to rush things to ease the transition from friendship to romance. As the relationship develops, strive to strengthen the feelings that have arisen in order to move to the next level!


Try to communicate openly

    Report your interest if you're still just friends. If a friend is unaware of your romantic feelings, be direct, but not threatening. Explain that you have a liking and a desire to build romantic relationship. Emphasize that you will understand if he does not experience reciprocal romantic feelings, but you do not want to leave an understatement between you.

    • For example, say, “I have feelings for you. I wish we were more than just friends, but I understand if you're not ready for this development."
    • Unrequited love can strain friendships, so it's best to tell the truth, no matter the outcome.
  1. Share your concerns with your best friend to keep the relationship honest. In the transition from friendship to romance, there is a considerable risk that is not easy to accept. Talk about your fears of losing a close friend and understand how the person's feelings are mutual. Also ask what other problems might be standing in your way.

    • For example, say something like, "You're my best friend and I'm not sure if our friendship is worth jeopardizing for romantic pursuits."
  2. Set boundaries for new relationships to avoid misunderstandings. From the very beginning, be clear and direct with your partner about your romantic desires and needs. You should not assume that he will guess what you want and how to make you happy. Immediately outline the behavior that you find unacceptable for a romantic partner so that the person knows how to treat you.

    • For example, say: "I believe in monogamy, so I will not tolerate cheating from a partner."
  3. Don't make assumptions about your partner's desires. After moving from a friendship to a new relationship, you may feel like you are aware of your partner's romantic desires. You should always ask your partner about his goals and desires, as they change over time, and each situation is unique. If you are at a loss, ask a direct question right away. Your partner will appreciate your efforts and care.

    • So, if a partner has mentioned in the past that they don't want to be in a codependent relationship, don't assume that they want to keep you at a distance.

    Take your time

    1. Make sure your romantic feelings are not temporary. Consider your current state of mind and life situation and then ask yourself if your romantic feelings could be caused by such factors. Sometimes as a result vicissitudes of life people seek support, stability, emotional sensations, or solace from their acquaintances with whom they do not really want to be in a relationship. Don't try to build relationships with your best friends if you only need them to make you feel better.

      • For example, a person may seek solace in a relationship with a best friend and try to take their mind off the death of a loved one.
    2. Do not rush to move on to intimacy until you are sure that there is mutual understanding between you. You don't have to drive the horses. Both partners must be sure of their feelings and not be distracted by other aspects. Romantic caresses and sexual contact can blur the boundaries of a relationship. Let your physical relationship develop its own way based on genuine attraction.

      • If you rush into intimacy, the situation can become awkward or increase the intensity of your relationship too quickly.
    3. Be consistent in your romantic impulses to avoid confusion. If you take your time, then you will be able to avoid confusing volatile behavior. If one day you act like a lover, and the next you treat a person like a friend, then he will begin to doubt your feelings. Act slowly and gradually so that your actions and the obligations you have assumed do not become an unbearable burden for you.

      • For example, one day you don’t need to come to work with a friend with a bouquet of flowers, and after a couple of days introduce yourself to her colleagues as a “buddy”.
    4. Do not occupy all the personal space of a person, so as not to get tired of each other. Taking your relationship to the next level with your best friend can strengthen an already strong bond, and you may be tempted to spend every free moment together. Take small breaks to devote time to your hobbies and have time to miss each other. This approach will help you appreciate each other even more and not bother your partner with your constant presence.

      • For example, find time to see other friends or do things you love.

    Create a romantic atmosphere

    1. Give each other playful or affectionate nicknames. Old friendly nicknames can give a person the feeling that he is not interesting to you as a partner. Start calling your friend an affectionate name that will emphasize your feelings and admiration. This will make it easier for you to move from friendship to love.

An extremely common question from most guys. I used to ask myself the same. I am very glad that now I don’t ask anyone how to start dating a girl. And you will be glad when you realize how simple it is. Over time, you will start to get it almost at the snap of your fingers. I'll tell you what the secret is.

Think about goals

Before looking for an answer to the question of how to start a relationship with a girl, think about it, do you need it? Do not rush to scroll through, I suggest you just think, weigh all the pros and cons. There are many situations, it is quite possible that yours is not suitable for serious relationship. The issue is your goals. What do you want to get after you find out how a relationship starts?

If you just want to chat with a girl, this is not the place for you. If you just need sex every day, this is also not your choice. If you want to know, you must be aware of your actions. Are you really ready to live with this person long enough?

Are you absolutely sure that with whom you would like to have children and meet old age? Before you start a relationship with the girl you like, you need to ask a lot of questions. It would be useful to analyze her behavior.

  1. This girl completely suits you outwardly, and you definitely don’t want to have sex with others then? The most important question is at the top. Very often, over time, guys begin to think about what it would be nice to try with other girls. They change, they inevitably burn, and everything is on the knurled. Make sure that outwardly this girl is really the best for you.
  2. How exactly does she blow your mind? No need to deny, all girls endure the brain, there are no exceptions. But they all do it differently. It's just that some guys don't care about certain methods. Do you like pissing about being 5 minutes late at work? Or the sad silence all evening because you didn't remember her fourth cousin's birthday? If you are not bothered by her methods of taking out the brain, you can start.
  3. Do not rot under household goods? Before you build a relationship with a girl, you should understand whether you can provide each other with everything you need.
Actually, you need to reach agreement on three things: sex, food and life. If you both like whips, doshirak and srach in the apartment, congratulations - you have found each other. Otherwise, run away sooner or later. And you won’t change her, you don’t even have to try, she won’t be able to play her role endlessly, like you. We'll have to clash foreheads on major issues.

It is likely that you still do not know the answer to all these questions. In this case, before you start a relationship with a girlfriend, spend a few dates with her, you need at least a little sex. it The best way understand each other. And then - more. If you agree on the main issues, the relationship will build on its own, you will only need to maintain them. Thus, the question boils down to making the girl interested.

What to interest?

The script used to be simpler. It was enough mutual sympathy, several dates, sex, and everything was already taking shape on its own. It worked in the USSR. Today the world has changed, we need to work in a completely different way. The modern guy has two options for the development of events.
  1. Work from resources. That is, simply to please the girl different ways. Do to her expensive gifts, take you to cool restaurants, movies, buy knick-knacks. Clothes, etc. It is worth noting that over time this method works worse and worse, and rightly so.
  2. Work from your personality. You have to show how interesting and unusual you are. She must clearly see your values, moral advantages over other guys. And you also need to let her know that you can be unavailable to her, and she should already show some activity in order to start a relationship with you.

Which of these scenarios would work best? Here I will better explain to you why you should not go the first way. The reasons are many.

  1. Girls love interesting guys who can surprise with something other than a wallet. The crisis times are over. Whatever it was, the quality of life is improving every day. Therefore, girls no longer need so urgently a person who can simply provide for her.
  2. Girls like it when a guy has some kind of intangible value. It should be interesting, unusual, new and perhaps the ultimate experience for her.
  3. Inaccessibility is a very interesting quality that works great with beautiful girls. Why does she need another available guy when she has hundreds of them?
  4. If you take the first path, you will most likely fail over time. As a result, you will lose a fat wallet, time and nerves. Why do you need such sacrifices when you can make everything much easier and more interesting?
You can be interested in non-standard behavior, knuckleheads, a lot of tricks, you can read about them in my numerous articles. You can do even easier and sign up for the course. So you will quickly understand what's what, get a specific step-by-step working scheme and easily answer the question of how to start a relationship with a girl.

Golden Rule

There is no relationship before sex! A close relationship never starts if you haven't felt each other in bed yet. This rule has always worked and will continue to work as long as humanity is alive at all. The reasons are simple:
  • before sex you have no unity, you are disunited people;
  • no one owes anything to anyone in her understanding if there was no sex;
  • you are just friends, it turns out that your relationship is still only friendly;
  • you just haven't built the right level of trust yet.
Thus, you can start a relationship only after you have already taken some steps:
  • full seduction and sex;
  • absolute conviction that it fits your requirements;
  • you will get evidence from the girl that she is really interested in a relationship with you.
I'll tell you from practice. Girls who at the start seem sweet and attractive turn out to be full logs in bed. They don't know how and they don't want to learn. Sex test is the best.

How to start dating a girl?

When sex has already happened, you need to rock the situation smoothly. Even if you are accustomed to abruptly put everything in its place, not this time, you will have to stop a little. The psychology of a girl is much more complicated, you really need to work with her.

Here are a few useful tips on this account.

  1. Shorten the breaks between your meetings.
  2. Sex should also become gradually more and more often.
  3. Do not lose touch, gradually try to become more and more interested in her life.
  4. Formal proposals are not needed, for her everything should happen naturally, simply and without serious decisions.
Here's how to start a relationship the right way, it's really simple. But you will need Additional Information about seduction. Without her, things won't go anywhere. You can get it in two ways: either read my articles more often, watch thematic materials, or sign up for my course, where you will receive a specific step by step instructions that works with all girls. And be sure to practice communicating with girls!
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

Life sometimes presents original surprises, from which the head begins to spin, and a person is lost and does not know what is the best thing to do in a piquant situation. This applies to friendships that imperceptibly grow into love feelings.

Everyone has it young man or a girl in her life, such a banal situation arose when a friend suddenly flares up a bright and warm feeling, not much resembling friendly sympathy. As a rule, such situations happen in adolescence or more mature age, when young people have already learned some of the basics of relationships.

Even in childhood, the guys were friends with the whole yard, played active games and were the best friends on earth. But time flew by quickly, the children moved into a more mature age phase, in which the first feelings and hobbies appeared. The girl suddenly realizes that her dear childhood friend has turned into a handsome guy who knows best about her character, problems, joys and sorrows. Sometimes the best friend can be the perfect choice for a girl, because they grew up together, they experienced a lot of things together.

A girl who saw in her friend something more than just a friend, ponders how to start dating a friend. First you need to figure it out - maybe a childhood friend also considered some new qualities in the girl, saw her revealed beauty and is also eager to experience a storm of love emotions with her? This is quite easy to do if you stay alone with a friend more often and see what changes in his usual behavior.

If a young man looks away when a girl stares at him, blushes and is embarrassed, then this is a sure sign that the young man has matured and sees a sensual object in his girlfriend. The girl should pay attention to his clothes: if a friend began to dress the way she likes, then he wants to impress and, perhaps, also counts on mutual feelings on her part. You can go even more aggressively to check how a friend looks at becoming a couple in love and making a girlfriend his girlfriend.

There are many examples when guys who were friends from the very early age, become strong couple, and then create a strong family union. It is important to remember that you don’t need to “play with feelings” of a true friend - you can lose good man forever, because such an attitude is not forgiven.

When a friend in love begins to think about how to become a girl from a friend, then in this issue The heart will tell you best. Who, if not the girl herself, has the most complete information about his friend's hobbies, knows about strong and weaknesses his character? Per for a long time friendship, she got a complete picture of all areas of her friend's life, his personal qualities. She knows perfectly well what he is capable of, and what features she likes best.

A girl who decides to become a close friend to her friend can quite simply do this, but on one condition - if the friend always cared about her more than others and showed increased signs of attention. When feelings have crossed the border of friendship, you can directly tell your friend about it - there may be plenty of moments, because young people often see each other and communicate, as before. You can show a friend that you like him not as a friend, but as a young man, and that the girl wants to date him.

For example, you can go for a walk only together in a romantic place or just go to the movies, and then a girl can inadvertently take a young man by the hand and not let her go - if the guy doesn’t let her go either, then this is a sure sign that friendship will turn into love. Many friends, when they have matured, begin to meet - after all, they know everything about each other, they had many common interests and fun.

Therefore, if a girl has set herself the task of achieving reciprocity from a friend, then she must take some action and show him her feelings. How to become a guy a girl so that everything happens naturally? This is easy to do - talk more with a friend in private, spend as much time with him as possible and sincerely show your sympathy. Any female tricks can be used: a flirtatious smile, special signs of attention, pleasant surprises.

Once true childhood friends have every chance to turn into harmonious couple who cares deeply about her soul mate. It is easier for friends to cross the line and fall in love with each other, because they have been close people for many years, appreciate and respect each other.

Friendly affection between a guy and a girl has always been distinguished by devotion and constancy, especially if it lasts from early childhood and has stood the test of time. Do not give up quivering emotions for a true friend, which suddenly appeared in the heart of a girl - because they can become the basis of a strong union.

Does it exist real friendship between a man? Philosophers are still arguing about this. But let's leave them - let them argue for themselves. And you take care better device your personal life. It's time for you to have a life partner.

Do you think your best friend be your girlfriend? Of course it can. But how to propose to a friend, that's the question. Of course, if you have been friends for a long time, and the girl is used to your real role, it will be very, very difficult to achieve what you want. But if you are not quite used to each other, it's worth a try.

Walk under the moon or go to a cafe

Invite the girl to take a walk in the evening park, also warning that you will need to talk about something serious. You should not go to the cinema, to the disco, to the theater, as these are bad options - there are too many distractions. But going to a cozy and not crowded cafe is another matter. After sitting in a corner and ordering some food and drinks, you can start talking. Offer your friend to pay the bill for both of you, insist on it if she decides not to.

Grab a gift

Buy some small gift in advance that your girlfriend will love. Options: a small soft toy, a bar of her favorite chocolate, a book. You should not buy flowers, otherwise they will lose their original appearance by the end of the evening, and it will be inconvenient for a girl to carry them constantly in her hands.

Start a conversation from afar

It’s not worth it to immediately confess to a friend in love. First, talk about something abstract, for example, about what's new happened recently in the company of your mutual friends.. After gradually approach the main, for which, in fact, you started this walk (gatherings in a cafe).

Confess your love

Your offer can be beaten not quite standard. For example, tell your friend "You know [girl name], I don't want to be your friend anymore". Wait for her reaction, and then add the following:“You see, I like you as a girl, and I want you to call me your boyfriend, and not just a friend. Let's meet" . And then give the same gift that you have prepared.

Speak softly but confidently

You must confess your love to your girlfriend and offer a relationship in a calm, soft, but at the same time confident voice.. You don't want her to think you're timid and insecure. Girls do not really like such guys, and therefore the chance of refusal in this case is quite noticeable.