Elena flying and her husband Yuri.  The husband hard upsets the volatile Elena.  Joint photos of a happy couple

Elena flying and her husband Yuri. The husband hard upsets the volatile Elena. Joint photos of a happy couple

Elena Letuchaya burst into the media space swiftly, and seemingly from nowhere. The program "Revizorro" on the channel "Friday", displaying on clean water unscrupulous restaurateurs and hoteliers, made a splash on Russian television.

In the format of a sharp, sometimes on the verge of a foul reality show, Elena Letuchaya was in her place. Beautiful, bright, educated, strict, bold and tough - the audience immediately fell in love with her.

No time to fall in love

Oddly enough, they didn’t gossip much about the personal life of the TV presenter. A single woman, who is over 35 years old, always causes bewilderment of the public. But here it seemed like it was clear - what kind of husbands, children? She is at home five days a year.

Look, today she is in Yekaterinburg, tomorrow in Sochi, and the day after tomorrow in Arkhangelsk. Dangles around the country like Putin.

Indeed, Flying to all questions about her personal life invariably answered that she had no time, and she did not like to twist novels. Almost nothing is known about her past relationships., most likely because the peak of popularity fell on last years, and before Elena Letuchaya was not famous.

Elena says that she had a relationship, from 20 to 25 years old she lived with her boyfriend. But then, by her own account, she was not at all ready. family life, almost ran away to my mother.

Wait for your man

As for today, Elena is married, and says that she met the man of her dreams. Being a strong woman, she also needs a strong man, and there are few of them. But found. “He is very strong,” Flying admits, “I am such a ... sheep next to him.”

Yuri Anashenkov is a lawyer, the owner of a collection company. He was born in Moscow in 1977. In 1999 he graduated from the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He served in the system of Internal Affairs, received the rank of major. He held the position of personnel inspector in the Department of Internal Affairs for the Eastern District of Moscow.

Later he left the authorities to engage in entrepreneurial activities. Yuri had two civil marriages. With Evgenia Zaichenko, Anashenkov had a son.

From the second civil wife, art critic Hasmik Vaye Reytor Yuri lived for six years. In this relationship, he had two sons.

Interesting Notes:

According to Elena, Yuri is a wonderful father, helps both ex-wives. Rumors that Elena took Yuri away from Asmik, Letuchaya denies - he was already free, and his ex-common-law wife found another man, everyone is happy.

Yuri made an official marriage proposal only to Flying. They rested on ski resort. February 14 climbed into the mountains, he got down on one knee and held out a box with a ring. "And what, the wedding will be?" Elena was surprised. "Of course," Yuri replied.

The lovers played their wedding on the island of Santorini, celebrated quietly, in the circle of relatives and closest people.

The family lives in a 250-meter cottage in an elite village near Moscow.

The luxury of being weak

Elena says that with the advent of Yuri in her life, for the first time in many years, she allowed herself to feel weak. Husband is a real man's shoulder, stone wall. As a lawyer, he handles all of the Flying's legal affairs. In particular, he advised her when the contract with the Friday channel was terminated.

Elena Letuchaya switched to Channel One in order to engage in social journalism. Now she walks not in commercial establishments, but in terrible hospitals, dilapidated houses, having turned from a restaurateurs' nightmare into a round-the-clock nightmare of officials.

This is exactly the work that Volatile has always wanted to do. The break with the Pyatnitsa TV channel turned out to be painful - under the contract, she was obliged to pay 50% of all fees received on the main button of the country.

However, the winner of the award of the Russian TV Academy "Teffi" does not regret it at all.

Leaving Friday and the Revizorro program allowed her to devote more time to her beloved husband and home.

The sons of Yuri often come to visit them, Letuchaya also thinks about children.

Both spouses are engaged extreme views sports - skiing, horseback riding, longboarding. They travel a lot, photos from different places of the world periodically appear in Elena's microblog.

They are different in character - Elena is explosive, and Yuri is calm. At the same time, they practically do not quarrel, Flying manages to negotiate.

Once Yuri was asked by Elena's girlfriend how he copes with her character. To this he replied: "I like that Lena has a character, and I like that she never applies this character to me."

Today, Elena Letuchaya leads an active creative life. Her program on Channel One « Flying squad» continues to reveal problems in the social infrastructure of different cities. Produced the Lexicon project for children and their parents. Getting ready to release a new one television project for those who dream of working in television.

In all endeavors, she is supported by a faithful and reliable husband.

Joint photos of a happy couple

Annenkova Elena Borisovna, nee Galperina. 1917
Annenkov Yuri Pavlovich (1889-1974);

Actress and ballerina of the Bat Theater
The first wife of Yuri Annenkov.

Portrait of V. Motyleva. 1920, Yuri Annenkov.
Valentina Ivanovna Motyleva, second wife of Yuri Annenkov.
Successful dramatic actress in Russia and abroad.

From left to right:
Osip Mandelstam, Korney Chukovsky, Benedict Livshits and Yuri Annenkov, seeing off to the front.
Random photo of Karl Bulla. 1914

Conscripts were to pass along the Nevsky Prospekt,
leaving for the army. Chukovsky and Annenkov went out into the crowd, which saw off
them on Nevsky. These were the first days of the war. The mood was patriotic and
optimistic. On Nevsky they met Mandelstam.
And from the ranks of conscripts, the poet Benedikt Livshits ran out to them. An unfamiliar approached
photographer and asked permission to take pictures of them.
And it was the famous Karl Bulla, who filmed
tsars, tsarinas and governments of Russia, which already managed without tsars.

So the photo is interesting.
Of these, only Annenkov looks a little shabby, but still an intellectual.
Annenkov was a real intellectual. These were the exception.
The intelligentsia is an artificially created, non-existent sublayer (sic).
Mandelstam looks like a little office clerk.
Chukovsky is generally similar to the village Lopakhin, who made money in the city,
became the NEW RUSSIAN and is learning to wear a tie with a vest.
Livshits looks the most interesting of all. He needed to be an actor.
Livshits looks like an advanced St. Petersburg worker who attended Marxist circles.
So-so, Pavel Vlasov from Odessa.
I always love this photo. When I look for something in my archive of photos, then
sometimes I look.

I think that I won't write much anymore, I can't, and I don't want to, and I won't force myself anymore.
You would get the citizens out of here.
It turns out that reasoning and thinking is more interesting. I've been spinning for a few days now
one thought and little idea and has not yet hit the wall. The brain, almost itself, has already turned several times, created a continuation and again a corridor, not a dead end.
Don't be afraid people! I haven't quite moved yet. Doctors won't let me live as a complete fucker for health reasons. I'm only half.
Verbitsky, who himself, by the way, is no less than 51 percent
diagnosed me as a violent lunatic.
Verbitsky is a very broadly developed, versatile mathematician - a psychiatrist.

So my roof has not completely gone yet. Half.
Now, if Verbitsky and I are united, we will get one, decent fucker.

It is very interesting to discuss myself on my own. Try it.

It is interesting that only my silent sphinxes from the list put pressure on my psyche
"Friends with..."
This list puts pressure on the remnants of conscience and conscience says that people are waiting, but you are not
And I write from time to time.
But I don't care about those who have not signed up for the list, but read this magazine without signing up.
Purely Soviet business. I am weighed down by my Soviet experience. Paper. Even if it's virtual.
Here I treat her with respect. And of course I'm a scoop. Only vain assholes
they say that after a long life under Soviet power, they are not soviet. To such people
cannot be trusted. Never lend them more than a three-ruble note. They won't give up.
I lived absolutely most of my life in the USSR. Where and how could experience disappear from me
whole life?

In Russian today it is very easy to lie, and often without practical meaning.
Out of snobbery, out of vanity, out of ignorance...
Well, in other cases, they lie for their own benefit.

Valeria Novodvorskaya is also a scoop. Do not doubt. It doesn't go anywhere.
A person was formed before the age of 18-20 (plus or minus) and then does not change, but only
develops in the same direction. And the experience of the surrounding life and tradition remains with us forever.
Those who discard the experience of life and its inherent traits,
and change dramatically in adulthood --- the coolest exceptions.
======================================== ====
So citizens, get out of here at low speed with all your suitcases.

Did you know that Trotsky wrote to Lenin to send him to the front not talkers,
and BOLSHEVIKOV, ready to lead forward and DIE?
And he received them. And they led and died.
The Whites had absolutely no conviction.
They wanted to restore back what they had lost.
They wanted to glue SKULLS. Here are such stupid people.
So they had absolutely no chance.

The anti-human regime won IDEOLOGICALLY.
A dull and petty paradox.

And don't try.
This is not at all what I think and reason about these days.

Yuri Gennadyevich Anashenkov is a little-known person. He gained popularity in the media thanks to an affair with Elena Flying, the host of the Revizorro rating program, with whom they were legally married last summer. Almost nothing is known about the biography of the chosen one of the popular TV presenter, it is impossible to find even information about the place and exact date of his birth, Wikipedia does not report anything about him either.

Yuri Anashenkov: biography, crime

Yuri Gennadievich was born in Moscow in 1977, and after graduation high school entered the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He began his career with a job in the police, where he rose to the rank of major.

Then he was an inspector for personnel of the internal affairs department of the Eastern Administrative District of the Russian capital. However, service in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not bring Anashenkov any moral or material satisfaction, and he decided to become an entrepreneur.

In the photo - Yuri Anashenkov

Yuri Gennadievich is a wealthy man, is engaged in the collection business, and the first company that he created together with partners and CEO which he later became, was the collection agency Russian Collector.

Anashenkov's name was mentioned in the criminal chronicle in 2011 in connection with his involvement in raider attacks. They wrote that a group of armed fighters from his company participated in the raider seizure of the enterprise in order to oust one of the customers' competitors.

Anashenkov's business brings good income, which allowed him to become a fairly wealthy person and live in grand style.

Elena Letuchaya and Yuri Anashenkov

Yuri met Elena a year and a half before their wedding. He fell in love with Flying immediately, and this was the reason that he left his common-law wife with two children. Millionaire Collector Two Years Older Than His Own new darling- at the time of the beginning of their romance, Yuri was thirty-nine, and Elena was thirty-seven years old.

In the photo - Anashenkov and Volatile

The popular TV presenter even had men before Yuri, but she always hid her personal life and was considered one of the most enviable brides in show business. For the first time with a new chosen one, the "auditor" publicly appeared at the Topical Style Awards ceremony and almost immediately they started talking about what it was - future husband Flying.

The presenter decided to declassify the romance with Yuri even before the wedding, posting a photo of their joint vacation in Bali, where they had a great time sunbathing on the beach and surfing.

Yuri Anashenkov and Elena Letuchaya registered their marriage on August 22, 2016 at Greek resort Santorini surrounded by only the closest friends and family. And before that, Lena celebrated a bachelorette party in the presidential suite of one of the most luxurious hotels in the capital, Lotte Hotel Moscow. All last days before the wedding, Letuchaya carefully thought out all the details of the celebration so that this event would become fabulous and memorable.

The fact that Elena finally decided to part with her bachelor life indicates that in Yuri she saw the man of her life. Anashenkov enjoys authority with Elena and provides her support not only in Everyday life, but also helps in the work as much as possible. Anashenkov is a lawyer by training, and Elena often turns to him for advice. He spares nothing for his wife - together they live in a luxurious mansion in one of the elite villages near Moscow.

According to Anashenkov's wife, after she married him, she was finally able to feel like a weak woman who no longer had to solve all the difficult problems on her own. Yuri turned out to be a caring husband, next to whom she feels like behind a stone wall.

The experience of their family life is less than a year, and so far everything is going great in a young family. Elena does not hide that she has been dreaming of children for a long time, and, perhaps, next to Yuri Anashenkov, she will be able to fulfill her dream. They are very similar, they have the same interests, both love to travel, leisure, sport. Elena admitted that she found a kindred spirit in Yuri, and next to him she forgets about everything in the world.

former women

Despite the fact that for Elena Flying her husband became the only man, according to some, Yuri Gennadievich was never distinguished by loyalty to only one woman, and, having a family, he can have fun with others. The presence of two ex-wives indicates that he can easily leave the family, even though there are children in it.

The first common-law wife of Yuri was Evgenia Zaichenko, whom Anashenkov left with a small child who was not even a year old for the sake of new love- to the art critic Hasmik Vaye Reytor.

Hasmik Gevorgovna is a Muscovite, a creative and active person. She started working early - from the age of eighteen and also married early. Hasmik has had a career in the investment business and event management. A lot of time ex-wife Anashenkova devotes to charity - she heads the Galchonok Foundation, which helps children with organic lesions nervous system and their families. Together with well-known artists, this foundation staged the performance "Very Poetry", the proceeds of which go to help needy children.

In the photo - Yuri Anashenkov and Hasmik Vaye Reytor

Hasmik Vaye Reytor lived with Yuri Anashenkov for six years, in 2009 she gave birth to their first son, and in 2012 - the second. The birth of children did not affect Anashenkov's decision to leave the family when their second son was only three years old.

Elena Letuchaya denies all accusations that she was the culprit of this and says that that marriage broke up even before she started dating Yuri, and his ex-wife is now in a new relationship. According to Hasmik Vaye Reytor, she was going through a difficult divorce, and her work at the Galchonok Charitable Foundation helped her cope with negative emotions. She saw that other women were in a much more deplorable state, alone with sick children, so everything was fine with her, compared to them.

She says that Yuri continues to communicate with the children, but they do not see any help from him. Hasmik does not set his sons against their father, and they love him very much and look forward to meeting him.

One of Anashenkov's acquaintances called him a cuckoo man and said that Yuri's first wife still loves him and hopes that he can return. Their son Maxim is now nine years old, and Anashenkov also communicates with him. The same friend says that he and his first common-law wife Evgenia Zaichenko had a very big love, but with Yuri, unlike her, she apparently passed a long time ago.

Anashenkov knows how to win women's hearts, knows how to look after beautifully, apparently, this is how he won the love of all his women. He showered the Flying with compliments, gave expensive gifts and completely captured all her thoughts. Perhaps now he has become more mature and more serious, he will be able to settle down and make Elena Volatile truly happy, because she has very serious plans for the future.

Flying at work and Flying at home are two different women. TV viewers are used to the fact that Elena is always strict and principled on audits in restaurants, but alone with her husband in her apartment she is white and fluffy.


“I am proud that I have a character. For one competition that I had at a bachelorette party, my friends asked Yura if he likes my character and how he tolerates it,” the TV presenter recalls with a laugh. “And he said: “I in principle, I like that Lena has a character. And that she never shows it on me! "It's true: I'm different at home. A person still always maintains a certain image."

However, sometimes a tired star is forgotten, and then the husband makes adjustments to her behavior. “If the blonde who commands someone is weak and starts squeaking, no one will listen to her. But it’s important to be able to switch. upsets hard, "Flying admitted.

In marriage, she most enjoys the opportunity to be soft and weak next to her beloved. “This is an incredible reward for women like me. After all, I am perceived as a powerful woman who knows what she wants. If there is no man at home with whom you can disconnect, it’s very difficult, lonely,” says Elena. “Yura can inspire in any situation confidence in me. When I left the third season of "Revizorro" for health reasons, I could hardly crawl and did not get out of the clinics, I used to call him and ask him to just talk to me. I listened to him and understood that I was calming down, no matter how incredible the pressure ".

Before Anashenkov, Flying had two fairly long romances. “We met for five or six years. One man made an offer several times, but I understood that it was not too early. And then I met Yura and felt that he was the one who was needed. At first sight. I was worried, it seems, even more than Yura. There was a real lump inside. Everyone said that Yura, when he put on the ring, was happy, and I stood rooted to the spot. Probably, this is because I am already old enough, and I am aware of the seriousness of the event, " - quotes the 37-year-old TV presenter site Lady.mail.ru.

According to Elena, they have a very conscious connection with Yuri. “If I go somewhere with my friends, he will never call, they say,“ it’s already 12 o’clock, where are you hanging around. was in a relationship, we understand where it can break, - the star explained. - We try to take care of each other. While we do not have our own children, but I am happy to communicate with Yuri's children, they come to our house, and I really like it ".