Dmitry Medvedev was a punk.  Biography of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.  Personal life and family of Dmitry Medvedev

Dmitry Medvedev was a punk. Biography of the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev. Personal life and family of Dmitry Medvedev

The personal life of Dmitry Medvedev is of slightly less interest than the question of where Putin's daughters live and what they do, but still there is a demand.

Personal life and family of Dmitry Medvedev

Family and personal property

Dmitry Medvedev

He married in December 1993 to Svetlana Linnik, with whom he studied at the same school. My wife graduated from LFEI, works in Moscow and organizes social events in St. Petersburg.
Son Ilya was born on August 3, 1995. He was filmed, "having passed an honest casting", in 2007 (issue No. 206) and 2008 (issue No. 219) in the Yeralash film magazine under his own name.

The pet of the Medvedev family, jokingly called the “first cat of the country”, is a fluffy light gray cat of the Neva Masquerade breed named Dorofei. The Medvedevs have four more dogs - a pair of English setters (brother and sister - Daniel and Jolie), a golden retriever Aldu and a Central Asian shepherd dog. Medvedev's setters took first and second places at shows.
According to his December 2007 declaration of income to the Central Election Commission, Medvedev has an apartment of 367.8 square meters. m; revenues for 2006 amounted to 2 million 235 thousand rubles.

According to Novaya Gazeta dated January 10, 2008, since August 22, 2000, registered in his own apartment with an area of ​​364.5 sq. m. in apartment building in the residential complex "Golden Keys-1" at the address: Minskaya street, house 1 A, apt. 38. Also, according to Novaya Gazeta, according to data from the Unified Register of Homeowners for 2005, in Moscow, Dmitry Medvedev had another apartment at the address: Tikhvinskaya Street, house No. 4, apt. 35; total area - 174 sq. meters.

According to the site dated September 18, 2008, the Medvedevs actually lived in the presidential residence Gorki-9, which was previously occupied by Boris Yeltsin and his family.
For 2010 Dmitry Medvedev's income amounted to 3,378,673.63 rubles. There are 4,961,528.98 rubles in bank accounts. Owned on lease land plot in Russia with an area of ​​4700 sq.m. In addition, Dmitry Medvedev owns a 1948 GAZ 20 Pobeda car.
Wife and son of Dmitry Medvedev for 2010 they have not declared any income and have no money in their bank accounts.

Dmitry Medvedev's attitude to religion and the national question

By his own admission, Dmitry Medvedev is Russian, at 23 years old in his own way own decision accepted Orthodox baptism "in one of the central cathedrals of St. Petersburg", after which, as he believes, "another life began for him ...".
Spouse, Svetlana Medvedeva, - the head of the Board of Trustees of the target complex program "Spiritual and Moral Culture of the Younger Generation of Russia", which is led by Hegumen Kiprian (Yashchenko).

While in Kazan in November 2007, Dmitry Medvedev said: "Increasing religious education is the task of the state, religious associations, and the national education system." In the same place, he expressed support for "the proposal to grant religious educational institutions the right to accredit their educational program according to state standards." Expect the new lineup State Duma will, as a matter of priority, adopt a law on state accreditation of educational programs for non-state, including religious, educational institutions. Also in Kazan, he supported the proposal of representatives of Muslim organizations to grant the leaders of Russia's traditional faiths the right to speak on federal television channels.
Considers it expedient the presence of religious leaders in the military environment.
He advocates the development of simplified mechanisms for granting Russian citizenship to religious figures.
On August 24, 2009, in the Ivolginsky datsan, he was proclaimed the incarnation of White Tara, a highly revered incarnation of a bodhisattva in Buddhism. After the initiation ritual, which took place without much ceremony, D. Medvedev said:
"I respect your traditions"

Hobbies of Dmitry Medvedev

According to information in the media in December 2007, Dmitry Medvedev was fond of hard rock since childhood, went in for swimming and yoga.
Dmitry Medvedev known as an active user of Apple products. So, it was reported that Dmitry Medvedev used the Apple iPhone even when this phone was not officially delivered to Russia and was not certified, and in 2010 the Russian president became the owner of the iPad, although these devices were not yet sold in Russia at that moment. Also, while watching videos on the website of the President of Russia, video recordings of the president's addresses were found, in which there are Apple MacBook Pro laptops and a more budgetary version of the MacBook Black. Besides, Steve Jobs(the head of Apple) presented Dmitry Medvedev with an iPhone 4 in June 2010, the day before it hit US stores.

Known as a fan of the professional football club "Zenith" St. Petersburg, which he has been rooting for all his life. Favorite rock band is Deep Purple.
Also, sometimes Dmitry Medvedev listens to the music of the Linkin Park group: her fan is the son of Dmitry Anatolyevich, Ilya Medvedev.
Dmitry Medvedev is fond of photography. I started taking pictures as a child with the Smena-8M camera. Already being president, he participated in an exhibition of photography under open sky"The World Through the Eyes of Russians", which took place in March 2010 on Tverskoy Boulevard in Moscow. Today, Medvedev's arsenal includes cameras from Leica, Nikon and Canon.

Myself Dmitry Medvedev He spoke about his passion for photography:
“Of course I like taking pictures of people. But photographing people is not easy for me. After all, because of my work, it will look rather strange if at some point I run out with a camera and start photographing someone. I'm afraid people just won't understand me. »

Almost all national projects curated by Medvedev have been criticized.
Medvedev initiated amendments to the federal law"On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation", prohibiting minors from staying in in public places at night. According to some analysts, this provision is in conflict with Art. 27 of the Constitution of Russia, which affirms the right of a Russian citizen to free movement, choice of place of stay and residence; on the other hand, according to, in particular, P. Astakhov, such restrictions are permissible if there is a threat to health and morality.
September 6, 2008 by Decree No. 1316 “On Certain Issues of the Ministry of the Interior Russian Federation» liquidated the Department for Combating Organized Crime and Terrorism, as well as the entire regional system of Organized Crime Control Departments. According to some experts, a blow was dealt to the fight against organized crime.
In the appeal of the Russian opposition "Putin must go" published on March 10, 2010, Dmitry Medvedev is called "an obedient locum tenens" and a "modern Simeon Bekbulatovich."
Allegations of Medvedev's lack of independence and significant dependence on his predecessor were repeated many times in many media throughout his reign, but according to Alexei Kudrin, who worked in the Putin government under President Medvedev, these ideas are largely exaggerated:

It is believed that Medvedev's freedom of action was very limited. But I witnessed the development and adoption of many key decisions. And I can assure you: Putin was not the limiter he is thought to be. Yes, there are areas where he and Putin made decisions only together. However, Medvedev had many opportunities and freedom.

On October 15, 2011, at a meeting held at the Digital October Center for New Technologies in Moscow, Nikolai Svanidze outlined the main shortcomings of Medvedev's policy as follows:

“Exclusively the truth and only the truth. Like in court. [...] This is absolutely terrible, and growing, corruption, this is bureaucratic lawlessness, which is also not decreasing, this is the absence of real independent justice, this is a very low level of functioning, sometimes, perhaps, in many ways, an imitation level of the functioning of democratic institutions and civil society institutions.
This is a one-sided, archaic, opaque economy, which relies on raw material exports, this is the absence of competition - economic and real political. And all this in many ways leads to a trend that, unfortunately, is very well known to us from later Soviet times, and a very negative trend called “alienation of people from the state”.
All these problems are not only serious, but systemic and, accordingly, probably require a systemic response. »

Titles, awards, ranks

Russian awards
Dmitry Medvedev became a holder of the highest award of the Serbian Orthodox Church - the Order of St. Sava, 1st degree.

Medal "In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"
Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation (July 8, 2003) - for active participation in the preparation of the Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly for 2003
Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education for 2001 (August 30, 2002) - for the creation of the textbook " Civil law» for educational institutions of higher professional education
Commemorative medal of A. M. Gorchakov (Russian Foreign Ministry, 2008)

Foreign awards

Knight Grand Cross with Diamonds of the Order of the Sun of Peru (2008)
Grand Chain of the Order of the Liberator (Venezuela, 2008)
Anniversary medal "10 years of Astana" (Kazakhstan, 2008)
Order of Jerusalem (Palestinian National Authority, 2011)
Order of Glory (Armenia, 2011) - for a significant contribution to strengthening friendship between the Armenian and Russian peoples, strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries, as well as personal contribution to ensuring stability and security in the region
Confessional awards

Star of the Order of St. Mark the Apostle (Alexandrian Orthodox Church, year 2009)
Order of St. Sava, First Class (Serbian Orthodox Church, 2009)

Honorary academic titles

Honorary Doctor of Law, Faculty of Law, St. Petersburg State University.
Honorary Doctor of the University of World Economy and Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan (2009) - for great services and contribution to the development and strengthening of relations, friendship and cooperation between Russia and Uzbekistan
Honorary Doctor of Baku state university(Azerbaijan, September 3, 2010) - for merits in the development of education and strengthening of Russian-Azerbaijani relations.
Honorary Doctor of Laws from Korea University (Republic of Korea, 2010)

Laureate of the "Themis" award for 2007 in the nomination " public service"" for his great personal contribution to the development of the fourth part of the Civil Code and for the personal presentation of the bill in the State Duma."
Award Winner International Foundation Unity of Orthodox Peoples “For outstanding work in strengthening the unity of Orthodox peoples. For the approval and promotion of Christian values ​​in the life of society" named after His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II for 2009 (January 21, 2010)

Other awards

Gold medals of the Senate and Congress of the Cortes Generales (Spain, March 3, 2009)
Golden Key of Madrid (Spain, March 2, 2009)
Medal "Symbol of Science" (2007).

class rank

Since January 17, 2000 - Acting State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 1st class

Military rank

Reserve Colonel

Interesting Facts

In honor of Dmitry Medvedev in January 2012, one of the streets of the Palestinian

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev - President of the Russian Federation from 2008 to 2012, from May 2012 to January 15, 2020 headed the Government of the Russian Federation. He resigned together with the Government in full force after Vladimir Putin's speech before the Federal Assembly, during which the president announced changes to the Constitution.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Medvedev was born into an intelligent Leningrad family.

His father, Anatoly Afanasyevich Medvedev, was a professor at the Leningrad Institute of Technology them. Lensoviet (currently - St. Petersburg State Technical University), and my mother, Yulia Veniaminovna, taught at the Pedagogical Institute. Herzen, later worked as a guide in the suburban reserve Pavlovsk. Dmitry was the only child in the family.

Dmitry Medvedev's childhood passed in the residential area of ​​Leningrad - Kupchino. He attended school number 305 on Budapest Street. Nina Pavlovna Eryukhina, Medvedev's class teacher, recalled that Dmitry devoted all his time to studying, was fond of chemistry and often stayed in the office, conducting various experiments, but he was rarely seen walking with classmates. By the way, Dmitry still keeps in touch with the teachers of his native school.

In 1979, Dmitry joined the Komsomol, a member of which he remained until August 1991.

In 1982, Dmitry Medvedev graduated from high school, after which he entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg State University, which in those years bore the unpronounceable name of the Leningrad Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor State University. Zhdanov.

Nikolai Kropachev, who at that time was a graduate student at the department of criminal law (in 2008 he became the rector of St. Petersburg State University), described student Medvedev as follows: “A strong, good student. He went in for sports, in particular weightlifting. Once he won something for his faculty. But in the main classes, he was the same as everyone else. Only diligently.

By the way, in his youth, the politician was fond of hard rock, his favorite bands are Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Dmitry listened to domestic rock, in particular, Chaif. In addition, as a student, Medvedev became the owner of the Smena-8M camera and became seriously interested in photography. Dmitry Medvedev did not serve in the army, but as a student he completed military training in Khukhoyamaki (Karelia).

In 1987, Dmitry received a law degree, then continued his scientific career in graduate school. For the next three years, he worked on his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “Problems of the implementation of civil legal personality state enterprise”, simultaneously teaching at the department of civil law in his alma mater, and also moonlighting as a janitor for 120 rubles a month.

Political career

When the elections of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR were held in March 1989, Professor Anatoly Sobchak was also among the deputies who ran. The future mayor of St. Petersburg was Medvedev's supervisor, and the young graduate student helped his mentor as much as possible: he put up posters, agitated passers-by on the streets, and spoke at election rallies.

When Dmitry Medvedev defended his PhD in 1990, Sobchak, who already held the post of chairman of the Leningrad City Council, invited his ward to the staff, saying that he would need "young and modern" people. The young man accepted the offer, becoming one of Sobchak's advisers, while continuing to teach at the department. It was at Sobchak's headquarters that Medvedev first met Vladimir Putin, who was also invited to work by Anatoly Alexandrovich.

When Anatoly Sobchak was elected mayor of Leningrad in 1991, Putin followed him and became vice-mayor, Dmitry Medvedev returned to teaching, and also became a freelance expert of the Committee on external relations Petersburg administration under Putin. As part of this position, he was sent to Sweden, where he completed an internship in local government.

In 1993, Dmitry became one of the co-founders of Finzell CJSC, where he owned half of the shares, as well as the legal director of the Ilim Pulp Enterprise pulp and paper corporation, and later was appointed Ilim's representative on the Board of Directors of the Bratsk timber industry complex.

In 1996, Dmitry Medvedev stopped working with Smolny in connection with the loss of Sobchak to Vladimir Yakovlev in the gubernatorial elections. And in 1999 he was appointed to the position of Deputy Chief of Staff of the Government of the Russian Federation. As suggested by the editors of the site, in connection with the appointment, he left teaching and moved to the capital.

After the departure of Boris Yeltsin, Dmitry Anatolyevich became deputy head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. In 2000, after Vladimir Putin won the presidential election, he took the post of First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration.

At the same time, he took over as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom (in 2001 he was listed as Deputy Chairman) and held this responsible position until 2008.

From autumn 2003 to autumn 2005, Dmitry Medvedev headed the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. In the same 2003, he was appointed a member of the Russian Security Council.

From October 2005 to July 2008, Dmitry Medvedev was First Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of National Projects and Demographic Policy. At the end of 2005, he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation (reappointed to the position in September 2007).

From mid-2006, for two years, Medvedev was chairman of the presidium of the Council for the implementation of national projects.

Election campaign

In November 2005, Medvedev's election campaign started de facto on central television channels; at the same time, Dmitry Anatolyevich's pre-election website was registered. A few months later, the politician began to be mentioned in the press as a favorite of Vladimir Putin.

In September 2006, Medvedev headed the International Board of Trustees of the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo. And six months later, in early 2007, Medvedev began to be called the main potential candidate for the Russian presidency. According to analysts, even then 33% of voters in the first round and 54% in the second were ready to vote for him.

The active phase of the election campaign began in October 2007. A couple of months later, Putin supported Medvedev's candidacy, after which, at the congress of United Russia, Dmitry Anatolyevich was officially nominated for the presidency.

During the submission of documents to the Central Election Commission, Dmitry Medvedev announced that he would leave the post of the Gazprom Board of Directors if he became president.


On March 2, 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev was elected the third president of the Russian Federation, ahead of his main rivals - Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR), Gennady Zyuganov (KPRF) and Andrei Bogdanov (DPR) - with an overwhelming majority of 70.28% of the votes.

Two months after the official summing up of the election campaign (May 7), Dmitry Medvedev was inaugurated. In his inaugural speech, he stated the need to focus on civil and economic freedoms. The first decree signed by Medvedev in his new position was the Federal Law, which was supposed to provide free housing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The beginning of Medvedev's presidency coincided with the beginning of the global financial crisis and with the armed conflict with Georgia on the territory of South Ossetia, which became the most significant event in Medvedev's foreign policy.

Dmitry Medvedev on the conflict in South Ossetia (2013)

As Dmitry Anatolyevich himself admitted, the so-called "five-day" war came as a surprise to him. Some tension in relations between Russia and Georgia was felt in early 2008, but, according to the president, he "had no idea what ideas live in Saakashvili's inflamed brain."

The escalation of the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict took place at the end of July - the beginning of August; third month of Medvedev's presidency. On the night of August 7-8, the Minister of Defense called the President and told about the beginning of hostilities by the Georgian troops. When Anatoly Serdyukov reported the death of Russian peacekeepers, Medvedev ordered to open fire to kill. It was his personal decision, made without the participation of ministers. On the morning of the 8th, Russian aviation began shelling military facilities located on the territory of Georgia.

On August 12, 2008, Dmitry Anatolyevich and French President Nicolas Sarkozy adopted a plan to resolve the contradictions, signed a few days later by the presidents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, as well as Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili.

In spite of decisive action president at a critical moment, many analysts tend to believe that foreign policy Medvedev has been punctuated by both comparative successes and apparent failures. So, despite the initially well-formed relations between Medvedev and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, who replaced Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine never joined the Customs Union, and the situation with the "gas" relations between the countries has worsened.

Great excitement among the patriotic public was caused by Medvedev's position on the Libyan issue. At his request, Russia abstained from voting on a resolution in the UN Security Council when its members were deciding on a possible military operation in Libya to protect civilians from Gaddafi's troops.

Events in Libya quarreled between Putin and Medvedev

The efforts of Dmitry Medvedev in the social sphere have borne fruit: during his presidency, population growth has stabilized, reaching a peak value in several decades, the percentage of large families has increased; real incomes of the population increased by almost 20%, doubled the average size pensions; more than a million families have improved their living conditions thanks to the maternity capital program. Much has been done in the field of small business - Medvedev contributed to the simplification of the procedure for starting one's own business, and also removed some restrictions for entrepreneurs.

The foundation was laid for the creation of a powerful research center, which was supposed to become an analogue of the American Silicon Valley. In September 2010, Medvedev signed FZ-244 "On the Skolkovo Innovation Center". The working group of the Skolkovo project was led by Vladislav Surkov.

Dmitry Medvedev about Skolkovo

At the initiative of the President, in 2009-2011, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was reformed, and law enforcement agencies were renamed "police". Also, according to the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev, the level of social protection and the efficiency of the work of employees of internal bodies was increased.

With the support of Anatoly Serdyukov, the reform of the Armed Forces was also initiated, which consisted in optimizing the number of officers, optimizing the management system (transition from a 4-tier hierarchy to a 3-tier one) and reforming military education.

Also, during Medvedev's cadence, the presidential term was increased from 4 to 6 years, and that of the Duma - from 4 to 5. In September 2010, Medvedev removed Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who had exhausted the government's credit of trust. Subsequently, Sergei Sobyanin was appointed to take his place.

In September 2011, it was announced that Vladimir Putin would nominate his candidacy in the presidential elections in 2012, and in case of victory, Dmitry Medvedev would head the government.

The results of the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev

In general, Dmitry Medvedev's presidency has received mixed reviews. Thus, the well-known publicist Dmitry Bykov reproached him for "hypertrophied attention to the tertiary", many public figures Medvedev was criticized for his lack of real power, while Alexei Kudrin, who was the Minister of Finance until September 2011, stated that he "was a witness to the development and adoption of many key decisions" personally by Medvedev.

Dmitry Medvedev was especially warmly treated by Russian Internet users. Thanks to his interest in technology and openness of character, the president has repeatedly become the subject of videos that are rapidly spreading across the Web. For example, a video in which Dmitry Medvedev dances to the song "American Boy" along with showman Garik Martirosyan has collected several million views.

Dmitry Medvedev dancing

Further activities

After Vladimir Putin was elected President in the 2012 elections, Dmitry Medvedev headed the Government and became the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Under his leadership are prominent political figures of Russia: First Deputy Igor Shuvalov, Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov, Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky and others.

In May 2012, Dmitry Medvedev was appointed chairman of United Russia.

In 2016, Dmitry Medvedev headed the Government of the Russian Federation and the party " United Russia", being one of the key political figures of the country. He was elected to the main Program Commission, which was involved in the development of the political course of the party. He oversaw economic issues, in particular, pricing and import substitution, solved problems in the field of healthcare and education. Several times he visited Crimea on a business trip, which was the reason for the protest note of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

Dmitry Medvedev: “There is no money, but you hold on”

In early 2017, the prime minister was at the center of a major corruption scandal. Opposition politician Alexei Navalny and members of his Anti-Corruption Foundation posted on YouTube a 50-minute video investigation titled "He's not Dimon to you" (a reference to a quote from the Prime Minister's press secretary Natalya Timakova), alleging that Medvedev was heading a multi-level corruption scheme based on on charitable foundations. The key place in the investigation was occupied by the "Dar" fund, headed by a classmate of the prime minister, Ilya Eliseev. The film also showcased Medvedev's alleged mansions in Phesako, his vineyard and castle in Tuscany, and two yachts, the Fotinia.

On March 26, thousands of Russians took to the streets demanding answers from the government to the allegations in the FBK film. The answer from Dmitry Anatolyevich was made on April 19. “I will not specifically comment on the absolutely false products of political crooks,” he said during a speech in the State Duma. On June 12, another wave of anti-corruption rallies awaited Russia.

After the 2018 presidential election, Dmitry Medvedev retained the prime minister's chair. Although the deputies of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Just Russia (with the exception of 4 people) refused to support his candidacy, most of the deputies of the State Duma supported his appointment - 376 people, i.е. 83%. During a speech to members of the lower house of parliament, Medvedev thanked them for their trust and announced the upcoming increase in the retirement age.

Hobbies and personal life of Dmitry Medvedev

The wife of Dmitry Medvedev is Svetlana Linnik, his school friend from the parallel. According to Dmitry Anatolyevich, mutual sympathy between them arose back in their school years, but only in the senior class did he pluck up the courage and confess to the girl in his feelings.

After graduation, their paths diverged: Svetlana became a student at LEFI, while Dmitry chose Leningrad State University; during the student period, they practically did not communicate, but a chance meeting reminded them of past feelings. In 1989, the lovers got married.

In August 1995, Dmitry and Svetlana became parents - the boy who was born was named Ilya. Medvedev Jr. grew up capable of exact sciences, was fond of football, saber fencing and computer technology. In 2007, he starred in several episodes of Yeralash by Boris Grachevsky. In 2012, Ilya entered MGIMO with 359 points out of 400 possible.

"Yeralash" with the son of Dmitry Medvedev

The Medvedev family loves animals. The spouses have a cat and a cat of the Neva Masquerade breed - Dorofei and Milka, who more than once became the heroes of news articles. Dmitry Medvedev is also the owner of four dogs: English setters Daniel and Jolie, a Central Asian Shepherd Dog whose name is unknown to the press, and a golden retriever Alba.

It's no secret that Dmitry Medvedev closely follows new technologies and is an active user of social networks. Medvedev's first computer appeared in the early 80s; it was a Soviet M-6000 computer. He is registered on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Twitter and Instagram, and was one of the first politicians to start addressing the population through a video blog.

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev is one of the most prominent political figures in the government of the Russian Federation, the third president of Russia. The politician has established himself as a statesman-modernizer whose goal is to improve Russian civil society.

Childhood and youth

Medvedev Dmitry Anatolyevich was born on September 14, 1965 in a residential area of ​​Leningrad. Parents Anatoly Afanasyevich and Yulia Veniaminovna worked as teachers in pedagogical and technological universities. Dima was the only child in the family. Already in childhood, he was distinguished by a thoughtful calm character.

Dmitry Medvedev in his youth

In 1982, after graduating from school No. 305, Dmitry Medvedev entered the Faculty of Law at Leningrad State University, where he proved himself to be a successful student with pronounced leadership qualities. In his student years, the future chairman of the government of the Russian Federation became interested in rock music, photography and weightlifting. In 1990 he defended his dissertation and became a candidate of legal sciences.

The politician says that in his youth he worked as a janitor, for which he was paid 120 rubles with an increased 50-ruble stipend.

Career and politics

Since 1988, Dmitry Medvedev has been teaching at the Leningrad State University, teaching civil and Roman law to students. Along with teaching, he showed himself as a scientist and became one of the authors of the 3-volume textbook "Civil Law", for which he wrote 4 chapters.

Medvedev's political career began in 1990. At that time, he became the "favorite" adviser to the first mayor of Saint Petersburg. A year later, the man joined the Committee of the St. Petersburg City Hall on external relations, where he worked as an expert under the guidance.

In the period of the 90s, the future Prime Minister of the Russian Federation also showed himself in the field of business. In 1993, he became a co-founder of Frinzel OJSC, he owns 50% of the company's shares. At the same time, Dmitry Medvedev became director of legal affairs at the Ilim Pulp Enterprise timber industry corporation. In 1994, he joined the management team of the Bratsk Timber Industry Complex OJSC.

The biography of Dmitry Anatolyevich finally went in a political direction in 1999. Then he became Vladimir Putin's deputy in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, who at that time headed the apparatus of the government of the Russian Federation.

In 2000, by decree of the new president of the Russian Federation, Medvedev was appointed to the post of first deputy head of the presidential administration. In 2003, after the resignation of the former chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, the politician headed the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

As soon as Dmitry Anatolyevich began to appear frequently in newspapers and on television, journalists noted his extraordinary resemblance to. Some sources began to publish theories about reincarnation or a secret conspiracy, for the execution of which a person who looks like an emperor must be in power.

Conspiracy theories began to surround the politician who gained popularity. Websites appeared on the Internet claiming that all of Medvedev's personal data was forged in order to hide the fact that he was Jewish by nationality, and his real name- Mendel. Official representatives of the Kremlin do not even comment on such theories, considering them unworthy of the attention of politicians.

March 2, 2008 in the presidential race, Medvedev won a landslide victory, gaining 70% of the vote. In May, the inauguration of the youngest president of Russia took place.

Dmitry Medvedev and

The first decrees of the third President of the Russian Federation concerned the development social sphere: education, healthcare, improvement of housing conditions for veterans. The most striking project of the young head of the Russian Federation was the creation of Skolkovo - the "Russian Silicon Valley". Medvedev also fell to the five-day war with Georgia, which began against the background of the conflict with South Ossetia.

It was Dmitry Medvedev who contributed to the dismissal from the post of the capital's mayor. The mayor of Moscow in 2010 was dismissed using the wording "due to loss of confidence."

In the same year, a personal meeting took place Russian President and heads of the United States. Business negotiations continued informally at the American leader's favorite hamburger in Washington. Footage of the joint breakfast of the two politicians spread all over the world.

Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama

In 2011, during a meeting of the United Russia party, Medvedev said that Vladimir Putin, then prime minister, should run for president. In 2012, after the victory of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the presidential elections in Russia, Dmitry Anatolyevich was appointed chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, and a little later he headed political party"United Russia".

Kremlin officials view Medvedev as a professional administrator, a decent man, an out-of-the-box thinker and a competent lawyer. According to media reports, colleagues and associates in the civil service call Dmitry Anatolyevich Vizier and Nanopresident, which is most likely due to the politician’s passion for new technologies and short stature politics. According to unofficial information, Medvedev's height is 163 cm.

Some events in the work of the Prime Minister and his proposals and initiatives attract public attention, often in a negatively humorous way. A number of his statements become memes and aphorisms and in less than a day scatter across the Web.

Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin

In May 2016, the press began quoting Dmitry Medvedev's scandalous statement "there is no money, but you hold on" in response to a complaint about meager pensions. The phrase spread around almost all the media, appeared on humorous sites and social networks.

While some part of the public came up with new jokes, another was openly indignant at the fact that the government refuses to take care of pensioners. As it turned out later, the scandalous phrase that appeared in the news was simply taken out of context. In fact, Dmitry Anatolyevich promised the pensioner that the indexation will take place later, when the opportunity arises. Saying goodbye, he wished to hold on, adding to this other warm wishes.

The summer of 2016 gave the public another odious statement by the Prime Minister. This time, during the forum "Territory of Meanings", Dmitry Anatolyevich spoke about teachers. When asked about the low salaries of teachers, Medvedev replied that the work of a teacher is a vocation, and an energetic teacher will always find an opportunity to earn extra money, and if a person wants to earn a lot, then he should think about changing his profession and go into business.

In the autumn of the same year, the Internet began to quote Dmitry Anatolyevich again. During the ceremony of signing agreements following the meeting of the Eurasian Intergovernmental Council, Medvedev half-jokingly, half-seriously proposed to rename the classic Americano coffee to Rusiano.

The public immediately picked up this initiative, a number of cafes began to indicate a new drink on the menu, and some even offered a discount to those visitors who ordered the usual coffee, calling it in a new way.

On March 18, 2018, the presidential elections in Russia were held, in which Vladimir Putin again won. After the inauguration elected president The Russian government, headed by the chairman, resigned. Upon taking office, Putin again offered the post of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new composition of the Russian government was announced to journalists.

Personal life

The personal life of Dmitry Medvedev, as well as his political career, clean and strong. FROM future wife, the daughter of a soldier, he met in his school years. Medvedev's wife was the first beauty, at school and in the financial and economic university, popular with young people. However, Svetlana chose Dmitry as her future husband. The wedding took place in 1989.

Wife politician works in Moscow and organizes social events in his native St. Petersburg. Svetlana Medvedeva became the head target program on work with youth "Spiritual and moral culture of the younger generation of Russia". At the initiative of Medvedev's wife, in 2008 new holiday- Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

Wedding of Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Svetlana

In 1996, the son Ilya was born in the family, who in 2012 became a student at MGIMO. Medvedev's son entered the university on the general basis of the competition thanks to the USE indicators.

Now Ilya Medvedev has successfully completed his undergraduate studies at MGIMO and is thinking about a career as a corporate lawyer. Ilya - The only son Dmitry Anatolyevich, according to official sources, the politician has no other children.

Dmitry Anatolyevich is a passionate fan of social networks. His accounts are registered with

Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev- the first and only child of a professor of the institute and a philologist-teacher, and later a guide, appeared on September 14, 1965 in Leningrad. Already with early years shows responsibility, purposefulness, perseverance and craving for learning.

Dmitry in childhood (1967)

Graduated from the Law Department of the Leningrad State University. Zhdanov in 1987, graduate school - three years later. As a student, he was interested in photography, rock music, was engaged in weightlifting, won university competitions. During the period of study at a higher educational institution, he joins the party, until 91 he remains a member of the CPSU.

Dmitry in his youth

Since 1988 he has been teaching law at the university. Becomes a co-author of the book "Civil Law". In parallel with the work of a teacher, since the 90s, he has gradually entered politics. First, for five years he has been an adviser to the chairman of the City Council A. Sobchak, then a specialist in external relations of the mayor's office, at that time headed by. From 93g. connects to the business, becomes a co-founder of several enterprises. In 1999 he stopped teaching and moved to the capital. Here Medvedev is Kozak's deputy chief of staff of the Government of Russia, this job was offered to him by Putin, who became chairman. Some time later, Dmitry Anatolyevich was appointed deputy head of the presidential administration. He was the leader of the election campaign of Vladimir Vladimirovich. In 2000, he became the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom.

Three years later, D.A. Medvedev gets the post of head of the presidential administration and a member of the country's Security Council. The career of this man developed so rapidly that he is the youngest leader of Russia since tsarism., freeze frames
Wikimedia Commons - from U.S. Embassy Moscow Press Office
Personal archive of Dmitry Medvedev

One of the important personalities in Russia, and the current prime minister, was born in 1965 in the city of Leningrad. He was brought up in an intelligent family. His mother and father were very intelligent and educated people. They were both teachers. In the family he was only child. Dmitry Medvedev and his family lived in the residential area of ​​Kupchina. There he spent his childhood. He studied well at school, devoted all his time to studying. I was especially fond of chemistry. When his classmates went for a walk, Dima closed himself in the classroom and conducted various experiments. And so his school years passed. After graduating from school, Medvedev entered the law school. As he is described, he was a tough guy. He went in for sports and studied hard. After receiving his diploma, he continued to study science. He did his PhD. At the same time, he taught at the department and worked as a janitor.

Married Dmitry once. They are raising a son. The Medvedev family loves animals very much. They have two cats and four dogs. Which they love very much. In his youth, Medvedev was fond of rock. Later he took up photography. He is also a supporter modern technologies and innovation. Dmitry Medvedev, personal life. His biography is directly related to politics. He devoted almost his entire life to her. Dmitry's professor and mentor, Anatoly Sobchak, helped him take his first steps in politics. Having become chairman of the Leningrad City Council, Sobchak took Medvedev into his team. And it was thanks to this man that he first met Putin. Which also worked for Sobchak. In 2000, when Putin won the election, Dmitry took a post in the presidential administration. In 2008, Medvedev became the 103rd President of Russia. And this is not his entire track record.

Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Svetlana Medvedev

Medvedev has known his wife since school years. But only at the graduation party he confessed his feelings to her. But in their college years, their paths diverged. But one unexpected meeting changed everything. Past feelings faded away new force. The couple soon got married. Seven years later, their first and only son was born. Dmitry Medvedev and his wife Svetlana Medvedev are very fond of each other. They have a kind and bright family. May their happiness be indestructible.

Dmitry Medvedev and his son Ilya

The son of Dmitry Ilyusha was born in 1996. He grew up as a very developed boy. He really likes acting in films. So in 2007 he starred in Yeralash. His passion for photography comes from his father. Dmitry somehow starred in the film "Yolki" in 2010. In 2012, the boy independently entered the institute. Followed in the footsteps of his father. Thanks to his mother, he grew up to be a very responsible and kind person. She raised him herself, in severity. She followed the boy's hobbies so that he would not go astray. He speaks three languages. Dmitry Medvedev and his son Ilya are very fond of spending their free time together, but because of the work of their father, they rarely see each other.

Passion for Dmitry Medvedev

In his student years, Dmitry was fond of rock music, went to concerts of his favorite bands. He was also into photography. Now his passion modern technology and technology. He keeps up with all the latest developments in the field. He especially likes Apple. Even the creator of the company gave Emu an iPhone when it was not yet on sale. Dmitry Medvedev's passion has no limits. What he just did not do in his youth. Was a sports fan. More than once he took part in sports competitions, and took pride of place.

Dmitry Medvedev and the World Wide Web

Almost everyone knows that our premier is a fan of social networks. It is registered on almost all sites. I created my own video blog, and communicated with the people. In short, he is a very advanced person. Dmitry Medvedev and the worldwide web are inseparable. It's like a second world for him, no less interesting. He keeps up with the times, trying not to miss a single novelty. Yes, he is such a versatile person.

Dmitry Medvedev. A family

The family is very important for Dmitry, but unfortunately they cannot spend a lot of time together, because of the kind of activity of the father of the family. The family understands this, and patiently waiting for him home. Those rare times that the family spends together, they look forward to. Having fallen in love with their spouse as a child, they lived in perfect harmony for many years. In this love they raised their son. Therefore, he grew up to be a good and understanding person. As Dmitry Medvedev says, family is life for him, and everything he does is for their future. And his family understands and supports each other. He spends his free time only with his family. She and her son even go to rock concerts, not often, but they really appreciate these days.

Merits to the strange

He did a lot of things for the good of Russia. Don't list them right away. Created various social programs. In order to improve the life of the people, and its future. We can only wish him good luck in his further endeavors. Let everything that he does not undertake he will succeed. And also wish happiness, health, long life to him and his family. And work for the benefit of Russia and its people, and not vice versa. Wish him good luck and patience.