Send an appeal to the President on a direct line.  The unified message processing center accepts questions for the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin.  Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Send an appeal to the President on a direct line. The unified message processing center accepts questions for the Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation instructions for those who want to talk with Vladimir Vladimirovich.

In June, Russian President Vladimir Putin traditionally answers questions from Russians. Revda residents can also ask their own question. has prepared detailed instructions for those who do this for the first time.

When will the direct line be?

June 15, Thursday, at noon Moscow time (and at 14:00 local time). The Information Processing Center began accepting questions on June 1 and will continue until the end of the live broadcast. The broadcast will be conducted by Channel One, Rossiya 1 and Rossiya 24, as well as radio stations Mayak, Vesti FM and Radio Rossii. On the Internet, the live broadcast can be read on federal websites in text transcript.

And how often does Putin communicate with the Russians?

For the first time, a direct line with Vladimir Putin went on the air in 2001, the president answered 47 questions from Russians. The head of state then kept within 2 hours and 20 minutes. In the future, such events were held annually, with the exception of 2004 and 2012. The longest direct line took place in 2013 - 4 hours 47 minutes, during which time Vladimir Putin answered 85 questions. In 2015, a record was set: the number of questions exceeded 3.25 million.

What can you ask?

According to the regulations, the hotline provides for the personal intervention of the president in case of violation of the rights of citizens, people apply because their problems could not or did not want to be solved by local authorities. Traditionally, there are questions about housing and communal services and health care, social security, the state of the economy, complaints about the state of roads and corruption. In addition to complaints, you can make suggestions to improve life in the country. Judging by the first questions published on the website of the project, the topic of international politics is also popular.

It is promised that each appeal goes to a special center and is entered into a single register so that not a single problem is left without attention.

What do you need to contact Vladimir Putin?

Phone or Internet access required. Questions are sent to one of the message processing centers, there are several of them in the country. All work around the clock. Calls from fixed numbers and mobile phones are free. If all operators are busy, you can record your question to the president on an answering machine. It will be taken into account in the unified register of appeals.

How to ask a question by phone?

Free number for calls within the country 8-800-200-40-40. You can call from your mobile or home phone. In the entire history of the direct line - this is the most popular way to ask the president a question. The operator begins a conversation with the caller by filling in the data: last name, first name, patronymic, age, address, contact phone number, and only then will he listen to your question. Calls are accepted around the clock, seven days a week.

Can I send an SMS?

Yes. Questions in the form of SMS and MMS messages are accepted at 0-40-40 from phones of Russian telecom operators. Sending a message is free. It will be possible to ask a question only in Russian and no more than 70 characters.

How to write to Putin on the Internet?

You need to go to the official website of the project “Moscow. Putin", select the "Ask a question" section. If necessary, then register, if not, log in. In the items proposed in the dialog box, check the "Allow" checkboxes everywhere. Record your video message to the President and click the "Submit" button. Or use the public applications in

For the second day in a single message processing center, a continuous stream of questions to the "Direct Line" with Vladimir Putin has been received. There are thousands of calls. People want to tell the president not only about specific problems, Russians are concerned about global topics. For example, what place our country will occupy in the world, the introduction of digital technologies, ecology.

This year, for the first time, volunteers are helping to process messages for professional operators. There are a lot of video messages coming in.

Go online to contact the President - a video connection with the Question Processing Center on the "Direct Line" with Vladimir Putin is established in just a few seconds.

This can be done through the webcam of a computer or any mobile device with any operating system. It is enough to go to the website, and you can also download a mobile application suitable for the gadget - it is free. Then you need to register, you can do this through social networks. And finally, ask your question to the president.

“We, the residents of the village of Telemba, have not been able to solve the problem with high-speed Internet for many years. We decided to turn to Vladimir Vladimirovich specifically with the hope that he will be able to help resolve this issue with the installation of optical fiber,” a resident of Buryatia addressed the president.

A big talk about the future of the country and about your future. Summer holidays are ahead, and schoolchildren are already thinking about which textbooks they will receive on September 1.

“I want to know when electronic textbooks will be introduced in schools,” the schoolgirl asked.

If you need extra time to collect your thoughts, you can also write down your question in advance, save it in the memory of your phone or computer. And then send.

“Vladimir Vladimirovich, please tell me when an interdepartmental environmental commission will be set up to consider issues of violation of the environmental rights of citizens. Currently, clear deforestation is carried out, and the air of the environment is polluted. Otherwise, we will lose our ecology and our cities,” the Russian asked his question.

The only limitation is time. The video must not be longer than one minute.

“We have an acute problem with kindergartens. There is one kindergarten for 120 places for 7 thousand inhabitants. And over 300 kids in line. Behind us is an abandoned kindergarten, which they promise to repair, but nothing happens, ”the center was contacted with such a problem.

The conversation is always about the actual, the most exciting topics. The message reception and processing center operates around the clock. Number for those who want to ask their question by phone from Russia: 8 800 200-40-40. There are also numbers for international calls.

This year, for the first time, volunteers, side by side with the center's operators, are also involved in processing Russians' appeals to Vladimir Putin.

Traditionally, appeals are also accepted from users of the social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. And both text and video. Touching messages sometimes come through social networks.

“I have a big request for you - to help me enroll in a cadet school. I study so-so, I'm still growing up without a father. I hope you can help me," the boy said.

Another communication channel is SMS and MMS. Messages are accepted to the number 0-40-40 only from phones of Russian telecom operators. The service is free. You need to write in Russian and keep within 70 characters.

In the life of any citizen, a situation arises when, in order to combat injustice and arbitrariness of local officials or to resolve a complex issue, the only authority that can help restore violated rights is the President of the Russian Federation.

Many, faced with injustice and a gross violation of their civil rights and freedoms in Russia, do not apply to higher authorities with an official request. It is connected either with fear‚ with distrust or simply being lazy. In fact, write to Putin V.V. Not only real, but necessary.

Reporting the excesses and arbitrariness of local officials, which are already commonplace, is also necessary because it is thanks to such news that the highest state power can restore order in our country and return the trampled rights of the Russians.

Some people are stopped by ignorance how to write a letter to Putin V.V. Now anyone can apply to the President. And to organize it simply thanks to the achievements of modern information technologies.

A letter to Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich can also be written in the usual way on a piece of paper and brought to the Presidential Administration. It is necessary to make sure that it is issued and assigned an incoming identification number.

You can send a letter by mail to:

index 10132, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 23

The return address must be indicated on the envelope, otherwise the letter will not be considered.

How to write a message to the President online

One of the ways to send a letter to the President of the Russian Federation is the official website of the President of the Russian Federation http: //www. Anyone wishing to write to the President can take advantage of this opportunity by going to the special section "Appeals" at: Write a letter and send an e-mail directly to the President or his Administration.

The main requirement in order to write a message to Putin is to have your own email address.

You need an electronic mailbox not only to send a message to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, but also to receive an answer to your letter.

Before writing a message, you should carefully read the rules for writing letters to the President.

The length of the e-mail should not exceed four thousand characters. You can find out the size of the letter in the "Statistics" section in Microsoft Word. Try to briefly state the facts on the subject of the letter and at the end write what decision you want from local governments that have violated the law.

You can attach materials or documents to the letter in xls‚ pcx‚ doc‚ bmp‚ mp3‚ ppt‚ pdf‚ txt‚ mp4‚ wma‚ jpg‚ tif‚ avi‚ pps‚ mkv‚ png‚ wmv‚ rtf‚ mov‚ flv. Files must not be archived, the size of the attached file cannot be more than 5 MB.

Complaints to the President of the Russian Federation

Complaints V.V. Putin on the actions or inaction of an official are also sent to the address: Write a complaint

When compiling an appeal, remember that a letter is not accepted for consideration if:

  1. it contains profanity or offensive language
  2. text in full capital letters
  3. the text is a continuous canvas without division into separate sentences
  4. the text is typed in Russian, but printed in Latin letters
  5. e-mail specified in the questionnaire is invalid or incomplete

The date of the President's communication with the Russians changes every year. The day and time has already been announced when there will be a direct line with Vladimir Putin in 2019. We will tell you why the head of the country communicates with Russians in this format, where to see the broadcasts, and most importantly, how to ask a question on a direct line in 2019.

When will the direct line with Putin take place in 2019?

Earlier, the media reported that a new direct line with the President of Russia was scheduled for the end of April, later the date was called June 15. Today it's officially announced: a direct line with Vladimir Putin is scheduled for June 20, 2019. The time when the next straight line will pass is 12:00 (MSK).

What is the essence of direct lines with the president?

The President of the Russian Federation during a video communication with citizens.

The television format of live broadcasts allows ordinary citizens to ask the president questions that concern them. Russians send questions and complaints in advance to call centers preparing the video bridge. Residents of large cities connected to the conversation can participate in the annual direct line.

Typically, about 3 million questions are received. During the broadcast, the head of state manages to respond to 60 - 90 of the most burning, acute appeals. Complaints are transferred to the state executive bodies for competence, which are obliged to conduct inspections and report the results to citizens.

How to contact the direct line to Putin?

Every citizen has the opportunity to ask V.V. Putin a question on a direct line - 2019.

Contact methods: by telephone; through the Internet; writing an SMS. Next, we will tell you in detail how to take advantage of the opportunities provided.

Phone the President

Toll-free phone line for voicing questions to the president: 8-800-20-0-40-40. Those outside of Russia use other phone numbers to call Putin's direct line: +7-499-55-0-40-40, +7-495-53-9-40-40.

200 call center specialists began receiving calls to hotlines on June 9. In addition to Moscow, such centers are located in Lipetsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk. You can call and leave messages for Vladimir Vladimirovich around the clock.

Before calling Vladimir Putin, state your question clearly, outlining its essence in a draft.

Ask Putin a question via social networks

Send an appeal to Vladimir Putin using Internet social networks:

  • VKontakte - group;
  • Odnoklassniki - community

Click "Write a message" and follow the prompts of the virtual assistant.

Attention! You can ask the president a question only after logging into your account.

Write a letter to Putin on the official website

Not everyone knows where to send a letter to VV Putin. Available for this official services:


How to ask Vladimir Putin a question using the official Direct Line website?

How to write to Putin on a direct line on the official portal of the head of state?

  1. Follow the link
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page, select the "Write a letter" option.
  3. Fill out a short form. Enter the text of the letter.

The only requirement for users is the presence of e-mail.

Download direct line app 2019

Any Russian can complain, ask the president something using mobile devices. For appeals, you will need to download the Moscow-Putin application. The app is available for Android and iOS users.

To compose a text message, record a video message, make a video call, you need to register in the application.

Send SMS to President

The fastest option to ask a question on the direct line of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is SMS, MMS. A free message to Russians should be sent to 04040. Its maximum length is 70 characters.

How to get to the direct line studio

In recent years, the studio has been located in Gostiny Dvor. Before the last meeting, there were spectators in the hall who had the opportunity to directly ask Putin a question. To get on the live broadcast, people went through a special selection.

In 2018, the format changed: there was no audience. Some questions were displayed on monitors, others were voiced by the presenters, volunteers. The new format is explained by the fact that the head of state wanted to pay attention to the residents of the regions who are unable to come to the capital.

Where can I watch the 2019 broadcast?

TV channels broadcasting a direct line with Vladimir Putin:

  • The first;
  • Russia 1;
  • Russia 24;

The communication of the head of the country with the population is also transmitted by radio waves of stations:

  • Vesti FM;
  • Lighthouse;
  • Radio of Russia.

On June 20, 2019, the Direct Line broadcast can be watched online at The broadcast starts at 12:00 (Moscow time). Residents of all regions of the Russian Federation will be able to watch the program live.

Video: Full recording of direct communication between V.V. Putin and Russians in 2018.

Dates and totals of previous straight lines

Year the date Asked questions Duration
2001 21 December 47 2:20
2002 December 19th 51 2:37
2003 December 18 69 3:00
2005 September 27 60 3:00
2006 the 25th of October 55 3:00
2007 October 18 69 3:00
2008 December 4 46 2:30
2009 December 3 80 4:00
2010 December 16 88 4:25
2011 December 15 90 4:33
2013 25th of April 85 4:46
2014 April 17 81 4:00
2015 April 16 74 4:00
2016 14th of April 80 3:40
2017 June 15 73 4:00
2018 June 7 73 4:20

Based on the results of live interviews, President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin gives instructions to the government, heads of regions, ministers, and heads of enterprises to sort out complaints. None of the questions remain unanswered.