Aphorisms about fashion and style. The social status of the individual protsenko m.v Statuses about style and individuality

The concept of status in everyday life is equated with the characteristics of an individual associated with his economic capital, social prestige and the possibility of influence in certain areas of life. However, the sociological interpretation this concept comes from the special social position of a person within a group or society, determined by the specifics of the rights and obligations for the individual. The status allows us to identify any person, assigning him to any group and entering into the social structure of society. Examples of statuses can be different: priest, leader, woman, child, client, professor, prisoner, father, mayor, etc. Each person is free to form his status, but he is limited by his financial situation, social relations and national culture as a whole. Any state offers its individuals a certain set of statuses that are appropriate and possible at each historical and social stage of the development of society. Moreover, society creates a field of competition for status. The specifics of this struggle are influenced by the age, gender of the individual, his social and professional affiliation. The very concept of the social status of a person has three components: sociology (adj.: social), status and personality. Sociology is the science of society. Personality is an individual who is the bearer of not only biological and psychological qualities but also socially significant features. Many individuals make up a society. Personality is formed in the interaction of internal urges and external restrictions. · Status is a social position occupied by a person in society. Types of statuses: Personal status is the position that a person occupies in a small or primary group depending on how it is evaluated by its individual qualities. · social status- this is the position of a person, which he automatically occupies as a representative of a large social group or community (professional, class, national). · A status set is a collection of statuses belonging to one individual. · Prescribed status - the status that a person acquires by birth (eg: a title that is inherited) · Achievable status - a position that a person achieves through his efforts. A natural status is a status that relies on biological trait. (male, female) So: the social status of a person is the position of a person in society, occupied by him as a representative of a certain social group and including a certain set of rights and obligations. Social status depends on: · age; gender professions; origin; marital status; · income; education. You should not think that everyone is assigned one single social status. Each person can hold several different statuses, but one of them will prevail over others. Sociologists call this status the main one. The main status dominates in the mind of a person, influencing his life activity and motives of behavior, and the surrounding people perceive this status as leading for the individual. Thus, the influence of social status on a person is noticeable. Social roles have no less influence on him. Social status and social roles are interrelated concepts. Any status contains certain patterns of behavior, a culture of relationships and obligations. In other words, expected actions. It is these actions and what shapes behavior within a social status that is called social role. In each status, the manifestation of several roles is possible, which in sociology is usually called the "role set". The expected behavior associated with a particular role performs for society the functions of a norm, regulation of rights and obligations. All society is based on role relationships which once again reinforces the socializing role of the public for each individual. For example, the social status of a woman can be many-sided: wife, mother, daughter, sister, company employee, Christian, member of some organization (besides this, there are many more examples of social status). The totality of these provisions is called the status set. The above example shows how social status is determined: this is marital status, and religious views, and professional activity, and personal interests, etc. There are contradictions of statuses, which leads a person to discomfort, therefore, he strives for changes. For example: in the USA for a long time There was racial discrimination against African Americans. Over time, a representative of this race becomes the President of the United States. This means that the status system of society has changed. The ratio of prescribed and acquired statuses is reflected in social structure. In a slave, feudal and caste society, prescribed statuses predominate, because they are highly valued family ties for status. In a democratic society, acquired statuses prevail. The social role of an individual is a set of requirements that are put forward in relation to a person who occupies a particular social position. Aspects social role: · way of behavior; formalization: a) you can communicate formally (eg: lecturer-student in class); b) communication in an informal setting (eg: the same when meeting on the street by chance); Acquired roles - in childhood they are toys, and in adulthood it is a conscious choice of professional activity; scale of connections - some roles involve a wide circle of communication (ex.: journalist), and other roles a limited circle (ex.: parent by the number of children in the family); · emotional aspect- judge, actor; · motivational aspect - interest, finances, prestige or otherwise. The division of social roles: · behavior of the individual; role expectation of others from the behavior of the individual. (Under the prism of the profession, it sounds something like what is possible for an actor, but not for a judge.) social roles (human activity in groups); interpersonal roles (family, friends). The process of socialization. Social roles are acquired in the process of socialization. A person observes others, and then imitates them, accepting the rules. But a person has a certain degree of freedom, which should not violate the freedoms of other people and the system of society. Socialization is the process of personality formation, during which a person learns the skills, patterns of behavior and attitudes inherent in his social role. (The individual either acts as expected of him, or improves in the role appropriate to him). Combination in progress external factors and internal qualities person. Socialization agents are members of society that influence the formation of personality. In childhood, parents, and from the age of 3, the number of socialization agents increases. Conformism is the passive acceptance of the existing order. Forms of socialization: · Adaptation - passive adaptation to the environment; · Integration - active interaction of the individual with the environment, as a result of which not only the environment affects the individual, but also the individual changes the environment. The degree of completion of socialization is determined by: · The ability to manage finances independently of others. · The ability to secure a livelihood. Ability to live separately from parents. · Ability to choose a lifestyle. Questions for self-control: 1. What does the concept of the social status of a person mean? 2. Name three components of the social status of the individual. 3. Name the types of social statuses. 4. What determines the social status of a person? 5. What is the essence of the concept of social role? 6. What is included in the status set of a person? 7. What are the main aspects of the social role of the individual? 8. Socialization of the individual, what is it?

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    Another result of socialization is the acquisition by people of various statuses, that is, certain positions in society. There are social and personal statuses. * social status- this is the position of an individual (or a group of people) in society in accordance with his gender, age, origin, property, education, occupation, position, marital status etc. For example, people studying at a university have the status of a student; those who completed their labor activity by age - the status of a pensioner; those who lost their jobs - the status of the unemployed. Each status position implies certain rights and obligations.

    People have in their lives not one, but many statuses. So, a person can be both a son, and a husband, and a father, and a scientist, and a mayor, and a car enthusiast, and a patron of the arts, etc. At the same time, in the set of statuses one can single out one main status(usually official), which is of decisive importance for a given individual.

    Bright example - famous Russian economic and political figure of the 1990s. Yuri Luzhkov(born in 1936). In spite of rich variety his position in society (up to a senator, honorary professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences and author of a popular book about Moscow), after all, the position of mayor of the capital of Russia is the main social status of this person. Depending on the role played by the individual himself in acquiring his status, two main types of social statuses are distinguished: prescribed and achieved. Prescribed status(also called attributed or attributed) - this is the one that is received from birth, by inheritance or by a coincidence of life circumstances, regardless of the desire, will and efforts of a person. These are, in particular, acquired from birth, or born, statuses associated with gender (woman, man), nationality (Egyptian, Chilean, Belarusian), race (representative of the Mongoloid, Negroid or Caucasoid racial groups), consanguinity (daughter, son, sister, grandmother), with inherited titles (queen, emperor, baroness). The prescribed statuses include such “unwittingly” acquired statuses as stepdaughter, stepson, mother-in-law, etc.

    Contrary to the prescribed status achieved (or being achieved) acquired through the individual's own efforts. It is associated ♦ with obtaining education and labor qualifications (student, student, worker, foreman, engineer), ♦ with labor activity and business career (farmer, banker, director, major, general, doctor of science, minister, member of parliament), ♦ with some special merit (people's artist, honored "teacher, honorary citizen of the city), etc.

    According to Western analysts, in the post-industrial society, it is precisely achieved(rather than prescribed) status of people. Modern societies gravitate toward the so-called meritocracy, which involves evaluating people according to their merits (knowledge, qualifications, professionalism), and not according to inherited or personal connections with VIP.

    Achieved and prescribed statuses are two major status type. But life, as always, is “more bizarre” than schemes and can create non-standard situations, in particular, the status of an unemployed person, an emigrant (who became such, say, due to political persecution), a disabled person (as a result, for example, of a road accident), an ex-champion 4 . ex-husband. Where should these and other similar “negative” statuses be attributed, to which a person, of course, initially does not aspire in any way, but which, unfortunately, he nevertheless received? One option is to classify them as mixed status, for they may contain elements of both prescribed and attained status.

    If the social status determines the place of the individual in society, then the personal one determines his position in the environment of the people directly surrounding him. * personal status - this is the position of a person in a small (or primary) group, determined by how others relate to him. Thus, each worker in any labor collective enjoys a certain reputation among colleagues, i.e. has a public assessment of his personal qualities (a hard worker is a lazy person, a kind person is a miser, a serious person is a dummy, a benevolent person is evil, etc.). In accordance with such assessments, people often build their relations with him, thereby determining his personal status in the team.

    Levels of social and personal status often may not coincide. So, let's say, a minister (high social status) can be a bad and dishonest person (low personal status). And vice versa, a “simple” cleaner (low social status) due to her hard work and sincerity can be highly respected by others (high personal status).

    Social statuses and roles - important elements personality structures. The concepts of "social status" and "social role" have steadily entered the dictionary of terms of social and humanities. In scientific circulation in the 1930s. they were introduced by the American social anthropologist and sociologist Ralph Linton (1893-1953).

    social status. The word "status" is borrowed by sociology (social sciences) from the language of Roman jurisprudence. AT Ancient Rome status meant legal status faces. Thus, social status is understood as the position (position) of an individual in society or a group, associated with his rights and obligations. Highlighting a status position allows you to:

    • a) see place occupied by a person in a society, a group, including through the prism of generally recognized indicators social achievements chances of success;
    • b) show the surrounding social status environment;
    • c) understand amount of social benefits(resources) and rights and obligations that he possesses.

    It is customary to distinguish social statuses in a certain way.

    Socio-demographic statuses (also called sociobiological or natural) may be related:

    • 1) with the age of the person ( age status)- a child, a teenager, a young man, a person of mature, advanced age;
    • 2) kinship (related family statuses) - father, mother, son, daughter, etc.;
    • 3) gender of a person ( sexual status) - man Woman;
    • 4) race ( racial status). This social category arose in the 19th century, when biologists and anthropologists tried to classify the diversity of human physical types into three groups - Caucasians, Negroids, Mongoloids;
    • 5) health ( health status)- for example, a disabled person, a person with limited physical abilities.

    Proper social statuses- their education and existence is possible only in society; they are a product of the system of social ties that have developed in society. These include statuses:

    • ? economic(owner, tenant, rentier, landowner, employee, etc.);
    • ?political(reflect this or that attitude of people's social positions to power);
    • ? legal(belonging to a status is often associated with the corresponding legal scope of the rights and obligations of persons);
    • ?professional(these include all professions and specialties within them);
    • ? sociocultural(consist of four basic areas: science, education, art, religion);
    • ?territorial(for example, city dweller, villager; Siberian, resident Far East etc.).

    Social statuses are also subdivided into formal and informal.

    Formal status -

    it is a social position that is fixed and spelled out in one or another official document. For example, CEO joint-stock company, tone manager of a trading company, rector of a higher educational institution, director of a lyceum.

    Unofficial (informal) status is not reflected in official documents. Usually unofficial status positions are added up in the process interpersonal relationships in small groups, between friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives. For example, we say about a person that he is “responsible” or “irresponsible”, “hardworking” or “loafer”, “upstart” or “deservedly holds a high managerial position”, “the soul of the company” or “on his mind”, etc. d.

    Allocate prescribed (ascriptive), achieved and mixed social statuses.

    > prescribed name the statuses that an individual received and possesses them without making any effort to acquire them. For example, the status of social origin, inherited aristocratic titles, socio-demographic statuses.

    > achievable name the status positions that an individual acquired through his own efforts. Thus, educational and professional status are examples of achieved status positions. Modern open societies focused on the fact that in society the main, determining value was achieved statuses ( self made man- a man who made himself), and not prescribed, as in traditional and closed societies.

    > mixed name the statuses at the same time they have signs of a prescribed and achieved status. For example, children decided to follow in the footsteps of the older generation and chose the same profession as their parents, under the influence of their example, overt or covert influence, explicit or implicit consent, assistance. This is not uncommon in the families of lawyers, doctors, actors, musicians, financiers, successful businessmen. Mixed status can also include positions desired by a person, but received by him under patronage, thanks to various social ties.

    In the aggregate of statuses, it is customary to single out the main status, i.e. the status most characteristic of a given individual; the social position by which he is singled out by others and he identifies himself in the first place. AT modern society the main status often coincides with the professional and official status of a person (financial analyst, chief researcher, lawyer, unemployed, housewife).

    Distinguish private and social statuses.

    social status is the position (position) of a person in society, largely determined by the representative of which social group he is.

    personal status- this is the position (position) of a person in the primary group depending on how he (his qualities) is evaluated by other members of the group.

    Social status is predominant in the system of impersonal formal relations, in large organizations, among strangers. Personal status prevails among people known to a person. Personal statuses are informal; their influence and effectiveness are determined by the fact that it is important for most people to maintain and increase their personal status in the group. People are very sensitive to the expectations and demands of those they personally know and respect, and in order to maintain their trust, they sometimes run the risk of incurring the resentment of officials.

    The distinction between personal status and social status corresponds to the distinction that the Chinese make between the two ways of "saving face." Social status refers to a person's position in society: the respect he enjoys is based on which social category he belongs to and how this category is evaluated in the system of social evaluation, prestige. A person retains his social status if he lives in accordance with the norms of this social category. When the Chinese talk about saving mian", they mean the preservation of the reputation that a person has secured due to his position in society. Thus, a successful merchant is expected to provide his daughter with an excellent dowry, even if he has to go into debt to do so.

    The Chinese also talk about saving "l yang." A person cannot live without “lian”, it depends on how he will be evaluated as a human being, the loss of “lian” will lead to the fact that he will be isolated. A person is unlikely to be forgiven if he is convicted of dishonesty, meanness, betrayal, if he reveals an unforgivable poverty of mind, an inability to keep his word. Preservation of "lian" is not related to social status, its assertion depends personally on the person himself.

    In the middle of the 20th century, Robert Merton introduced the term "status set"(The term is used as a synonym for this concept. "status portrait" person). Under status set is understood as the totality of all statuses belonging to one individual.

    For example, sir N is a middle-aged man, teacher, doctor of science, scientific secretary of the dissertation council, head of department, trade union member, member of one of the parties, Christian, voter, husband, father, uncle, etc. Such is the status set, or portrait, of a person N.

    From point of view rank value allocate social statuses high, middle, low rank. By ranking value, for example, status positions are distinguished top manager, middle or lower level manager.

    When analyzing social statuses, one must remember about status incompatibility. There are two forms of status incompatibility:

    • 1) when a person occupies a high position in one group and a low position in another;
    • 2) when the rights and obligations of one status contradict, exclude or interfere with the exercise of the rights and obligations of another status.

    An example of the first form of status incompatibility is when the CEO big company in his family is not the head of the family, this role is performed by his wife. Examples of the second form of status incompatibility include the fact that an official does not have the right to engage in commercial activities, a policeman cannot be a member of a mafia group. Criminals who are servants of the law are considered "werewolves in uniform."

    status incompatibility

    a situation is called in which the same person in different group hierarchies occupies different ranks - high, medium, low.

    In contrast to this status compatibility called a position in which the same person in different group hierarchies occupies approximately the same ranks - all high, all middle or all low.

    social role. If the key to understanding social status is the word "position", then when we talk about social role, then the word "behavior" is the starting point here. Social statuses describe position, position of people in social world, and social roles reveal behavior of people in the world of social statuses. We occupy status, but play(perform) a role, therefore a role is performed dynamic aspect social status.

    A social role is a kind of model, template, format for the behavior of an individual occupying a particular status. In its origin, the word "role" is associated with the Latin word persona(person, person), which in ancient times meant actor's mask, depicting the character of the character (or role): villain, jester, hero, titan, etc. In a certain sense, a role is a mask that a person puts on himself when he enters people, society.

    American sociologist II. Berger writes: "... man plays dramatic roles in the grandiose play of society, and, speaking in sociological terms, he is the mask that he must wear when playing his roles."

    A role is the expected behavior of an individual holding a certain status (R. Linton). All aspects of the definition of social role are interconnected. So, the role is the behavior of the individual, but not any, but expected, i.e. such behavior that corresponds to the ideas that have developed in groups, society regarding the normality, adequacy, correctness, worthiness of a person’s actions in connection with his status position. In this way, role-playing is human behavior, considered in the coordinate system of expectations and status positions. In other words, only behavior that meets the expectations of those who are functionally associated with a given status is called a role; other behavior is not a role.

    Talcott Parsons noted that each role can be described using five main characteristics - in terms of: 1) its emotionality; 2) method of obtaining; 3) scale; 4) formalization; 5) motivation.

    Given these characteristics, let's compare two roles: the role of a policeman and the role of a mother.

    • 1. The role of a policeman is much less emotional than the role of a mother. In general, emotional restraint is expected from a police officer, while the role of a mother can be associated with a very vivid display of feelings.
    • 2. According to the method of obtaining, the role of a policeman is related to the achieved status. The role of a mother includes both prescribed (since women are mothers) and attainable (since all women become mothers) aspects.
    • 3. The role of the policeman is formal; he can only do what is prescribed by law, by instructions, determined by orders. The role of the mother is largely informal, although, of course, it is formal in terms of the provisions fixed in legal acts and documents.
    • 4. The role of a mother is larger than the role of a police officer, since the role of a police officer is limited only by the scope of his professional performance. official duties, while a much wider range of relationships develops between mother and child.
    • 5. From the point of view of motivation, the role of a police officer is primarily focused on the implementation of public interests in law and security. But this role also includes personal motivation. It is associated with public recognition of the police service, worthy rewards for the work of police officers, their career interests. However, the defining role of a policeman is serving the legitimate interests of citizens, the law, i.e. First of all, the role of the policeman is socially motivated. The mother's role includes motivation for personal and social interests. Primary here is the personal motivation of a woman to have children, which may coincide with the interest of society in the reproduction of the population.

    In addition to the concept of "status set", Robert Merton introduced the term role set. Under role set refers to a set of roles (role complex) associated with one status. As a rule, each status includes several roles. For example, the status of a university professor is associated with the roles of a teacher, researcher, supervisor of graduate students, youth mentor, scientific consultant, expert, author. scientific works etc. Thus, together with the concept of "status set", the concept of "role set" is used, which describes the whole variety of behavior patterns - roles assigned to one status (Fig. 10.1).

    Is the role a part of the "I" of a person, his personal structure, or is it just an external shell for the inner "I", a mask, a label? To what extent "I" identifies(identifies) with the role?

    The role can be a part of the "I", and only an external mask. If one of the parents plays the role of Santa Claus on the New Year tree in kindergarten, then this role is nothing more than a mask, which with "I" this person may be completely unrelated. For a professional actor, playing the role of Santa Claus is already something else. For him this

    Rice. 10.1.

    the role, of course, is a mask, but a mask associated with his profession; here, the performance of the role is already to a certain extent included in the "I" of a person.

    An even greater identification of the inner "I" of a person with a role is possible. The actor plays different roles: today the role of Prince Hamlet, tomorrow King Lear, then the inhabitant of the social bottom of Sateen. But in reality the actor is neither Hamlet, nor Lear, nor Satine, none of these and other dramatic characters. But for a doctor, a lawyer, a musician, their professional activity is not a theatrical performance; what they serve are the roles of their whole lives. So, the doctor calls himself, considers and identifies himself with the doctor, and not with a masquerade role-playing character in a white coat. at the doctor the role of the doctor deeply rooted in his "I".

    Roles can suddenly have a second bottom, when they seem to begin to live their own life separate from people. There are two main dangers here. The first is that it is impossible to live in society and evade the performance of roles. Roles, among other things, are a form of social selection, the establishment of social filters, and control. If a person does not want or is not able to master role-playing behavior, then he is threatened with non-recognition, rejection, social isolation. The second danger is that people tend to think that the roles they play are under their complete control; they believe that they can always enter any role they want or leave it at will. However, after all, one can play too much and one day find that roles command people, and not people command roles; that the roles put people under their control and turned their inner self into ashes.

    • See: Shibutani T. Social psychology. Rostov n / a, 1998.S. 351-356.
    • See: Belsky V. Yu., Kravchenko A. I., Kurganov S. I. Sociology for lawyers. M., 2009. S. 154.
    • Berger P. L. An invitation to sociology: a humanistic perspective. pp. 99-100.

    These include those that exist very a short time(pedestrian, passenger, etc.).


    All statuses exist in time, if by time we understand the life of a person. With his death, his social time ends. In human society, time stretches much longer.

    Timeless statuses. Some statuses of an individual (they are called ascribed) do not disappear as long as he is alive. In our sense, they exist forever. For example: gender, nationality, race and some others.

    Permanent(basic) statuses are statuses that persist for a long time.

    Temporary statuses. Most statuses are temporary. And the most striking of them are episodic. They are named so due to their short duration. You can be a guest for several hours or days, but hardly for several years. The same can be said about the passenger, the buyer or the patient of the clinic. A striking example episodic status - in the queue. The queue with its generally accepted norms and rules, the distribution of roles and informal statuses arises spontaneously and for a short time. After a while, you left the store and went outside. Now you have the episodic status of a passerby. And after 10 minutes you went down to the subway and turned into a passenger. On the wall of the car hang the rights and obligations assigned to this status.

    Economic, political, religious statuses can be temporary and permanent. Examples of political statuses. Permanent ones that are included in the system of the state (government, police). Voter status is temporary. Confidant president in the election company - temporary status. A presidential candidate is also a temporary status, but the presidential representative on the ground is a permanent one.


    With the help of statuses, a sociologist can characterize the object of research just as accurately as an artist, drawing a portrait of a person with a set of individual features. Can we say that the totality of statuses characterizes this particular person?

    The status portrait of a person has another name in sociology - the status set of an individual, which was introduced in the middle of the 20th century by the American sociologist R. Merton.

    A status set is a collection of all statuses belonging to one individual.

    The status set of each person is individual, that is, unique in all details. It is worth changing one of them, say, gender or profession, and leaving all the others unchanged, as we get a similar, but different person. Even if all the main statuses of two people coincide, which happens not so often, the non-main ones will certainly differ. Of two completely similar people in status, one in this moment may end up in the subway (episodic status "passenger"), and the other - to move on his own "Audio" ("driver - owner of his own car").

    Main and personal statuses

    In the set of statuses there will always be a key or main one. The main status is the most characteristic status for a given individual, according to which others distinguish him or with which they identify him.

    For women, the main thing has traditionally been the status associated with the position of the husband. In modern society, the situation is changing. For men, the status associated with the main place of work or occupation: director of a commercial bank, researcher, police officer, worker in an industrial enterprise.

    The main thing is the status that determines the lifestyle, the circle of acquaintances, the manner of behavior, etc. For the scientific intelligentsia, the main thing is often not the place of work or occupation, but an academic degree, for managers - the position or hierarchical rank.

    For a man, this is the status of an employee in social production (the status of an employee), for a woman, it is a housewife. Society assigns these statuses to them. In the process of life, a person learns what society imposes on him. How stronger man identifies with a major status, the harder it is for him to lose it. Unemployment is terrible for a man because it deprives him of his main status - the breadwinner of the family.