Values ​​of logical symbols.  Symbols of modern formal logic.  Implication or logical consequence

Values ​​of logical symbols. Symbols of modern formal logic. Implication or logical consequence

In mathematics, special symbols are used to shorten the record and express the statement more accurately.

Mathematical Symbols:

For example, using the symbol " > » to numbers a, b, we get the entry " a > b”, which is an abbreviation for the sentence: “number a more number b". If - designations of lines, then the record is a statement that is parallel. Record " x M" means that x is an element of the set M.

Along with mathematical symbolism, logical symbolism is widely used in mathematics, applied to statements and predicates .

Under saying meaning a sentence that is either only true or only false. For example, the statement "–3 > 0" is false, and the statement "2 2 = 4" is true. We will designate statements in capital Latin letters, possibly with indices. For example, A= "-3 > 0», B= "2 2 = 4".

Predicate is a sentence with one variable or several variables. For example, the sentence: "number x greater than the number 0" (in characters x > 0) is a single variable predicate x, and the sentence: "a+b=c" is a three-variable predicate a, b, c.

The predicate for specific values ​​of the variables becomes a proposition, taking on true and false values.

We will denote predicates as functions: Q(x) = « x >, F(x,b,c) = « x + b = c» .

Logic symbols: .

1. Negation applies to one statement or predicate, corresponds to the particle "not" and is denoted by .

For example, the formula is an abbreviation for the sentence: "-3 is not greater than 0" ("it is not true that -3 is greater than 0").

2. Conjunction applied to two statements or predicates, corresponds to the union "and", denoted: A&B(or A B).

So the formula (–3 > 0) & (2 2 = 4) means the sentence “–3 > 0 and 2 2 = 4”, which is obviously false.

3. Disjunction applies to two statements or predicates, corresponds to the union "or" (non-separating) and is denoted A B .

Suggestion: "number x belongs to a set or a set" is represented by the formula: .

4. implication corresponds to the union "if ..., then ..." and is denoted: A B.

So, the entry a > –1 a > 0" is an abbreviation for the sentence "if a >-1, then a > 0».

5. Equivalence A B matches the sentence: A if and only if B».

The symbols are called quantifiers of generality and existence , respectively, apply to predicates (and not statements). The quantifier is read as "any", "every", "all", or with the preposition "for": "for any", "for all", etc. The quantifier is read: “exists”, “there is”, etc.

General quantifier applied to predicate F(x, …) containing one variable (for example, x) or several variables, resulting in the formula

1. xF(x,…), which corresponds to the sentence: "for any x performed F(x, … or all x have the property F(x, …)».

For example: x(x> 0) there is an abbreviation for the phrase: "any x greater than 0", which is a false statement.

Sentence: a(a> 0 a> –1) is a true proposition.

2. Existence quantifier applied to the predicate F(x,…) corresponds to the sentence "there exists x, such that F(x,…)" ("there is x, for which F(x,…)") and is denoted: xF(x,…).

For example, the true statement "there is a real number whose square is 2" is written by the formula x(xR&x 2 = 2). Here the existential quantifier is applied to the predicate: F(x)= (xR&x 2 = 2) (recall that the set of all real numbers is denoted by R).

If a quantifier is applied to a predicate with one variable, then the result is a proposition, true or false. If a quantifier is applied to a predicate with two or more variables, then the result is a predicate with one less variable. So, if the predicate F(x, y) contains two variables, then in the predicate xF(x, y) one variable y(variable x is "related", you cannot substitute values ​​for it x). To predicate xF(x, y) one can apply the quantifier of generality or existence with respect to the variable y, then the resulting formula xF(x, y) or xF(x, y) is a proposition.

So, the predicate | sin x|< a » contains two variables x, a. Predicate x(|sinx|< a) depends on one variable a, while this predicate turns into a false statement (|sinx|< ), at a= 2 we get a true statement x(|sinx|< 2).

⊃ can mean the same thing as ⇒ (the symbol can also mean a superset).

U+21D2 ⇒

⇒ (\displaystyle\Rightarrow )
→ (\displaystyle \to )\to
⊃ (\displaystyle \supset )
⟹ (\displaystyle \implies )\implies

U+2254 (U+003A U+003D)

U+003A U+229C


:= (\displaystyle:=):=
≡ (\displaystyle \equiv )
⇔ (\displaystyle\Leftrightarrow )

U+0028 U+0029 () () (\displaystyle (~)) () U+22A2 ⊢ ⊢ (\displaystyle \vdash )\vdash U+22A8 ⊨ ⊨ (\displaystyle\vDash)\vDash, the sign for the AND-NOT operator.
  • U+22A7 ⊧ Implication (logical consequence): is model for.... For example, A ⊧ B means that A implies B. In any model where A ⊧ B, if A is true, then B is also true.
  • U+22A8 ⊨ True: is true.
  • U+22AC ⊬ Not output: negation ⊢, symbol irreducibly, for example, TP means that " P is not a theorem in T»
  • U+22AD ⊭ False: not true
  • U+22BC ⊼ NAND: another NAND operator, can also be written as ∧
  • U+22BD ⊽ NOR: XOR operator, can also be written as V
  • U+22C4 ⋄ Diamond: modal operator for "possibly," "not necessarily not," or, rarely, "consistently" (in most modal logics, the operator is defined as "¬◻¬")
  • U+22C6 ⋆ Asterisk: usually used as a special operator
  • U+22A5 ⊥ Up button or U+2193 ↓ Down arrow: Pierce arrow , XOR symbol. Sometimes "⊥" is used for contradiction or absurdity.
    • U+2310 ⌐ Canceled NOT

    The following operators are rarely supported by standard fonts. If you want to use them on your page, you should always embed the correct fonts so that the browser can display the characters without having to install fonts on your computer.

    Poland and Germany

    In Poland, the universal quantifier is sometimes written as ∧ (\displaystyle \wedge ), and the existence quantifier as ∨ (\displaystyle\vee ). The same is observed in German literature.

    Symbolism is logical

    a system of signs (symbols) used in logic to designate terms, predicates, propositions, logical functions, relations between propositions. Different logical systems can use different notation systems, so below we give only the most common symbols used in the literature on logic:

    The initial letters of the Latin alphabet are usually used to denote individual constant expressions, terms;

    Capital initial letters of the Latin alphabet are usually used to denote specific statements;

    Letters at the end of the Latin alphabet are usually used to denote individual variables;

    Uppercase letters at the end of the Latin alphabet are usually used to denote propositional variables or propositional variables; for the same purpose, small letters of the middle of the Latin alphabet are often used: p, q, r, ...;

    logical symbolism; u

    Signs that serve to indicate negation; read: "not", "it is not true that";

    Signs for designating a conjunction - a logical connective and a statement containing such a connective as the main sign; read: "and";

    A sign for designating a non-exclusive disjunction - a logical connective and a statement containing such a connective as the main sign; read: "or";

    A sign to denote a strict, or exclusive, disjunction; read: "either, or";

    Signs for designating an implication - a logical connective and a statement containing such a connective as the main sign; read: "if, then";

    Signs to indicate the equivalence of statements; read: "if and only if";

    A sign denoting the deducibility of one statement from another, from a set of statements; read: "derivable" (if the statement A is derivable from an empty set of premises, which is written as "A", then the sign " " reads: "provable");

    Truth (from English true - truth); - lie (from English false - lie);

    General quantifier; read "for everyone", "everyone";

    Existence quantifier; read: "exists", "there is at least one";

    Signs to indicate the modal operator of necessity; read: "it is necessary that";

    Signs to indicate the modal possibility operator; read: "possibly".

    Along with those listed in multi-valued, temporary, deontic and other systems of logic, their own specific symbols are used, however, each time it is explained what exactly this or that symbol means and how it is read (see: Logical sign).

    Dictionary of logic. - M.: Tumanit, ed. center VLADOS. A.A. Ivin, A.L. Nikiforov. 1997 .

    See what "logical symbolism" is in other dictionaries:

      - (Logical constants) terms related to the logical form of reasoning (proof, conclusion) and are a means of conveying human thoughts and conclusions, conclusions in any field. L. to. include such words as not, and, or, there are ... Glossary of Logic Terms

      GOST R ISO 22742-2006: Automatic identification. Bar coding. Linear barcode and 2D symbols on product packaging- Terminology GOST R ISO 22742 2006: Automatic identification. Bar coding. Linear barcode symbols and two-dimensional symbols on product packaging original document: 3.8 Data Matrix: Two-dimensional matrix symbology with correction ... ...

      - (Wittgenstein) Ludwig (1889 1951) Austro English. philosopher, prof. philosophy at Cambridge University in 1939 1947. Philos. V.'s views were formed as under the influence of certain phenomena in the Austrian. culture early. 20th century, and as a result of creative ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      - (Greek logike̅́) the science of acceptable ways of reasoning. The word "L." in its modern use is ambiguous, although not as rich in semantic shades as ancient Greek. logos from which it comes. In the spirit of tradition with the concept of L ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

      - (from the Greek semeiot sign) a general theory of sign systems that studies the properties of sign complexes of a very different nature. Such systems include natural languages, written and oral, a variety of artificial languages, starting with formalized ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      This term has other meanings, see Cow (meanings). ? Domestic cow ... Wikipedia

      Concept Calculus- "CALCULUS OF CONCEPTS" ("Record in concepts") the work of the German mathematician and logician Gottlob Frege, which marked the beginning of the modern form of mathematical (symbolic) logic. The full title of this work included an indication that in ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

      Wittgenstein (WITTGENSTEIN) Ludwig- (1889 1951) austrian philosopher. Prof. philosophy at the University of Cambridge in 1939 47 . The philosophical views of V. were formed both under the influence of certain phenomena in the Austrian. culture of the beginning of the 20th century, and as a result of the creative development of new achievements ... ... Modern Western Philosophy. encyclopedic Dictionary

      the code- 01.01.14 code [code]: A set of rules that match elements of one set with elements of another set. [ISO/IEC 2382-4, 02/04/01] Source ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      - (Comte) founder of positivism, b. January 19, 1798 in Montpellier, where his father was a tax collector. At the Lyceum, he excelled in mathematics. Entering the Polytechnic School, he surprised professors and comrades with his mental development. AT… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Conjunction or logical multiplication (in set theory, this is an intersection)

    A conjunction is a complex logical expression that is true if and only if both simple expressions are true. Such a situation is possible only in a single case, in all other cases the conjunction is false.

    Designation: &, $\wedge$, $\cdot$.

    Truth table for conjunction

    Picture 1.

    Conjunction properties:

    1. If at least one of the subexpressions of the conjunction is false on some set of variable values, then the entire conjunction will be false for this set of values.
    2. If all conjunction expressions are true on some set of variable values, then the entire conjunction will also be true.
    3. The value of the entire conjunction of a complex expression does not depend on the order of the subexpressions to which it is applied (as in mathematics, multiplication).

    Disjunction or logical addition (in set theory, this is a union)

    A disjunction is a complex logical expression that is almost always true, except when all expressions are false.

    Designation: +, $\vee$.

    Truth table for disjunction

    Figure 2.

    Disjunction properties:

    1. If at least one of the disjunction subexpressions is true on some set of variable values, then the entire disjunction is true for this set of subexpressions.
    2. If all expressions from some disjunction list are false on some set of variable values, then the entire disjunction of these expressions is also false.
    3. The value of the entire disjunction does not depend on the order of subexpressions (as in mathematics - addition).

    Negation, logical negation, or inversion (in set theory, this is negation)

    Negation - means that the particle NOT or the word INCORRECT is added to the original logical expression, WHICH and as a result we get that if the original expression is true, then the negation of the original one will be false and vice versa, if the original expression is false, then its negation will be true.

    Notation: not $A$, $\bar(A)$, $¬A$.

    Truth table for inversion

    Figure 3

    Negative properties:

    The "double negation" of $¬¬A$ is a consequence of the proposition $A$, that is, it is a tautology in formal logic and is equal to the value itself in Boolean logic.

    Implication or logical consequence

    An implication is a complex logical expression that is true in all cases except when true implies false. That is, this logical operation connects two simple logical expressions, of which the first is the condition ($A$), and the second ($A$) is the consequence of the condition ($A$).

    Notation: $\to$, $\Rightarrow$.

    Truth table for implication

    Figure 4

    Implication properties:

    1. $A \to B = ¬A \vee B$.
    2. The implication $A \to B$ is false if $A=1$ and $B=0$.
    3. If $A=0$, then the implication $A \to B$ is true for any value of $B$, (true can follow from false).

    Equivalence or logical equivalence

    Equivalence is a complex logical expression that is true on equal values ​​of variables $A$ and $B$.

    Designations: $\leftrightarrow$, $\Leftrightarrow$, $\equiv$.

    Truth table for equivalence

    Figure 5

    Equivalence properties:

    1. The equivalence is true on equal sets of values ​​of the variables $A$ and $B$.
    2. CNF $A \equiv B = (\bar(A) \vee B) \cdot (A \cdot \bar(B))$
    3. DNF $A \equiv B = \bar(A) \cdot \bar(B) \vee A \cdot B$

    Strict disjunction or addition modulo 2 (in set theory, this is the union of two sets without their intersection)

    A strict disjunction is true if the values ​​of the arguments are not equal.

    For electronics, this means that the implementation of circuits is possible using one typical element (although this is an expensive element).

    Order of execution of logical operations in a complex logical expression

    1. Inversion(negation);
    2. Conjunction (logical multiplication);
    3. Disjunction and strict disjunction (logical addition);
    4. Implication (consequence);
    5. Equivalence (identity).

    In order to change the specified order of execution of logical operations, you must use parentheses.

    General properties

    For a set of $n$ booleans, there are exactly $2^n$ distinct values. The truth table for a boolean expression in $n$ variables contains $n+1$ columns and $2^n$ rows.


    1. Notation

    1.1. Notation for logical connectives (operations):

    a) negation(inversion, logical NOT) is denoted by ¬ (for example, ¬A);

    b) conjunction(logical multiplication, logical AND) is denoted by /\
    (for example, A /\ B) or & (for example, A & B);

    c) disjunction(logical addition, logical OR) is denoted by \/
    (for example, A \/ B);

    d) following(implication) is denoted by → (for example, A → B);

    e) identity denoted by ≡ (for example, A ≡ B). The expression A ≡ B is true if and only if the values ​​of A and B are the same (either they are both true or they are both false);

    f) symbol 1 is used to denote truth (true statement); symbol 0 - to denote a lie (false statement).

    1.2. Two boolean expressions containing variables are called equivalent (equivalent) if the values ​​of these expressions are the same for any values ​​of the variables. So, the expressions A → B and (¬A) \/ B are equivalent, but A /\ B and A \/ B are not (the meanings of the expressions are different, for example, when A \u003d 1, B \u003d 0).

    1.3. Priorities of logical operations: inversion (negation), conjunction (logical multiplication), disjunction (logical addition), implication (following), identity. Thus, ¬A \/ B \/ C \/ D means the same as

    ((¬A) \/ B)\/ (C \/ D).

    It is possible to write A \/ B \/ C instead of (A \/ B) \/ C. The same applies to the conjunction: it is possible to write A / \ B / \ C instead of (A / \ B) / \ C.

    2. Properties

    The list below is NOT meant to be exhaustive, but is hopefully representative.

    2.1. General properties

    1. For a set of n boolean variables exist exactly 2 n different values. Truth table for boolean expression from n variables contains n+1 column and 2 n lines.

    2.2 Disjunction

    1. If at least one of the subexpressions to which the disjunction is applied is true on some set of variable values, then the entire disjunction is true for this set of values.
    2. If all expressions from some list are true on some set of variable values, then the disjunction of these expressions is also true.
    3. If all expressions from some list are false on some set of variable values, then the disjunction of these expressions is also false.
    4. The value of a disjunction does not depend on the order of the subexpressions to which it is applied.

    2.3. Conjunction

    1. If at least one of the subexpressions to which the conjunction is applied is false on some set of variable values, then the entire conjunction is false for that set of values.
    2. If all expressions from some list are true on some set of variable values, then the conjunction of these expressions is also true.
    3. If all expressions from some list are false on some set of variable values, then the conjunction of these expressions is also false.
    4. The meaning of a conjunction does not depend on the order of subexpressions to which it is applied.

    2.4. Simple disjunctions and conjunctions

    We call (for convenience) the conjunction simple if the subexpressions to which the conjunction is applied are distinct variables or their negations. Similarly, the disjunction is called simple if the subexpressions to which the disjunction is applied are distinct variables or their negations.

    1. A simple conjunction evaluates to 1 (true) on exactly one set of variable values.
    2. A simple disjunction evaluates to 0 (false) on exactly one set of variable values.

    2.5. implication

    1. implication AB is tantamount to disjunction A) \/ B. This disjunction can also be written as: A\/B.
    2. implication AB takes the value 0 (false) only if A=1 and B=0. If a A=0, then the implication AB true for any value b.