Why is a girl running after my boyfriend.  How do guys treat a girl running after him

Why is a girl running after my boyfriend. How do guys treat a girl running after him

So you have a hobby. Sometimes this guy drives you crazy and the next minute you feel happy. At one moment you think that all hope is lost, but then you get one message from him, and everything starts all over again. We all know how to play this game simply because we all do it.

All girls hate this game, and to be completely honest with myself, it is really crazy. We begin to analyze everything this guy does, from punctuation marks to the time it takes him to respond to our message. And although it means a lot to us, for a guy, most likely, it means nothing at all. Here are some reasons why you should never run after a guy. And remember, there are no exceptions to these rules.

1. Chasing after someone who isn't interested gives you nothing but the feeling of a vicious circle.

When you meet the right person, you won't have to run after them because both of you will want to be together. Your worlds will change and the only thing you will do is move forward together. Otherwise, you will just be wasting your time making someone fall in love with you.

2. You start to forget about the people who appeared in your life for a reason.

You miss out on treasured moments with friends and family while trying to create shared moments with your passion that will soon be forgotten.

3. You offer your heart to someone who doesn't deserve it.

This is not the person who will look after you, do everything to make you feel good, and who will always be there, because he does not need a life without you.

4. You waste your energy on fleeting hobbies.

You should spend your time focusing on long-term goals, not on what will be important to you for no more than a week.

5. You start to forget things that were and still are important.

You dreamed of something else and hoped for the best, so why settle for the rare phone calls at two in the morning now?

6. You drive yourself crazy

These rare phone calls and messages are your best friends and at the same time your worst nightmare. You think you are playing a game, but in reality someone is just playing with your feelings.

7. You're chasing a guy instead of just letting life take its course.

Stop analyzing every message received from your crush and let fate put everything in its place. Let the present moment come into your life and don't look for any explanations because there aren't any.

8. Having a passion may be good, but at some point you will get hurt.

Every time your phone turns on, you pray that this is it. And if this, indeed, is him, a goofy expression immediately appears on your face that does not go away for a long time.

9. When he doesn't call, you get nervous and read articles like this one.

Then you realize that time is running out, and he does not answer you, and you were the last one to send a message. This may seem like torture, but you know that you shouldn't send another message, because the previous one remained unanswered. But you do it anyway. In response, you get nothing and get even more upset until he likes your photo on Instagram - and everything starts all over again.

The point is that you shouldn't be chasing someone's heart, chasing another person. Better start running after your dreams and ambitions. Stop running after love, let it look for you.

Wanting to please a guy, some girls purposely demonstrate their sympathy and in every possible way show signs of attention to the one they like. young man. This state of affairs, of course, flatters male pride, but it does not always lead to building the relationship that a girl dreams of. The thing is that a man is by nature a breadwinner, his instinct tells him that a woman needs to be fought for, she needs to be achieved, demonstrating her superiority over other applicants. If the girl gets too easily, and even more so if the girl herself runs after the guy, he does not value her too much. Excessively active actions on the part of the fair sex can completely scare a man away. Then, instead of sympathy, antipathy will come, instead of falling in love, irritation, and the girl in this situation will inevitably suffer.

However, there are exceptions to any rule: shy and shy guys who find it difficult to build relationships with the opposite sex are happy to accept signs of attention from girls. In this case, you won’t have to run after the guy for a long time, very soon he will become yours. Although even here the instinct of the earner may suddenly wake up, and the young man will want to achieve another girl himself in order to raise his significance in his own eyes. Then the relationship can end as quickly as it began.

How then to achieve the guy you like?

If you fall in love with a guy by running after him, it is unlikely, then what you need to do, because if you do nothing at all, he may not pay attention to his admirer at all. Here it is worth remembering the numerous female tricks. It is not necessary to openly demonstrate your sympathy, it is enough to be at the right time in the right place, and he himself will take the initiative. To do this, it is worth studying his lifestyle, trying to get in touch with the people with whom he communicates, collecting as much information about him as possible.

So, for example, to please a guy who is well versed in cars, you can turn to him for help in repairing your car. It is unlikely that he will be able to refuse a pretty girl. Then it will be much easier to build communication. If a guy is engaged in gym sign up there too. If you already know each other a little, then, having met there, you will surely begin to communicate closer - common interests bring together. The main thing is not to push and not to show your sympathy too much, show interest, nothing more. And, of course, wanting to please a guy, remember that men love with their eyes - appearance should be top notch.

For many guys, the question “is it worth chasing a girl?” pretty relevant. It seems that the girl likes it, and I would like to continue the relationship, but not everything is as smooth as you want. What to do? Continue courting, reconsider your behavior? Finish with this tension and open new page own life? Not everything is unambiguous and it is not worth generalizing the situation. Everything is individual and depends on the circumstances. So, let's talk about what to do in such cases.

Are relationships important to you?

Think carefully, do you really need this relationship or is it just a game, a desire to satisfy your own pride? You should not seek a second chance, complicate life for both yourself and the girl, if the reason for your courtship is sports interest, especially if the girl makes it clear that she is not very interested. Believe me, if you try to continue, you will also ruin friendships, except negative emotions you won't get anything for yourself.

Stay strong

A girl should see in her chosen one a strong personality, a person who can protect her. This is inherent in nature, only a strong male can survive on his own and protect his offspring. So it is with us people. Believe me, we have not gone very far from the animal world, and often, even at a subconscious level, we are guided by its laws and rules. Well, girls do not need squishy, ​​modest, nerds and other sluts. The exception is the sons of rich parents, well, you know, in this case, the interest is the loot, and not your moral and physical qualities.

Only a truly confident person can win the heart of a girl. Well, you should work on your confidence separately. You must be confident in yourself, no matter the circumstances. Take care of yourself: sports, reading books for self-development. If you are stronger than the majority and have more knowledge than the average citizen, then you will have more self-respect, you will feel superior to others, which, in turn, will give you self-confidence.

But there is one important point– this confidence should be subjective, independent of any temporary failures. Let me explain: Petya did ten times more push-ups than you, Vasya quotes smart phrases in Latin, and you haven’t mastered much in Russian yet, and this is clearly not your “horse”. This should in no way affect your self-esteem. Always and in everything you are the best, you just need to work on yourself a little more.

Never try to explain your actions

In addition to the fact that a man making excuses is a rather miserable and depressing sight, in this case he can be said to be guaranteed to lose a woman. This is a manifestation of the weakness that women do not tolerate in men. Act like nothing happened, change the subject, make a joke, but never make excuses!


You should not try to look after, relying on gifts, dinners, compliments, flowers. This is not it. So you become another good friend. Relationships should be based on attraction, you should behave like a dominant male, showing initiative in every possible way, be strong, a leader.

Don't limit yourself to just sex

It happens that a girl fits all your needs, and everything is “ok” in bed, but something doesn’t stick, and in the end you scatter. After all, not only sex is important, you need to understand what a woman wants, what is important for her in a man, only in this case you can keep her near you.

You don't have to be a "nice guy"

A "nice guy" is only good for being used as a friend. Remember, girls love bad boys. No need to try to please with your actions, to be nice and sweet. Be tough, a woman needs a real strong male, not a cute plush toy that she, after playing a little, will soon leave. No need to be like soft effeminate guys. If a girl calls and you're busy, don't drop everything you do to feel with her. Let her know you're busy and call back later. She will understand that your world is not fixated on her, you have a complete and rich life, you will not resort, like most, at the first call. A girl will appreciate a guy who behaves like a man, not a lap dog.

That's all the recommendations. Be a man, strong personality. It attracts girls. Learn to understand the word "no". If a girl has already clearly made it clear that she is not interested in a relationship with you, be sure that you definitely have no prospects, you just don’t suit her, you don’t need to cause a feeling of self-loathing with vain attempts. If a girl is interested in you, she will not let you go anywhere.

author: Igor Kruglov, for the site