Joint wearing of glasses and lenses.  I wonder if it is possible to wear both lenses and glasses at the same time?  This will be of particular interest to GOC fans.  Fans of thick spectacle lenses about themselves

Joint wearing of glasses and lenses. I wonder if it is possible to wear both lenses and glasses at the same time? This will be of particular interest to GOC fans. Fans of thick spectacle lenses about themselves

Hello dear reader! If you are still faced with a disease such as glaucoma and lost visual acuity, today we will analyze and choose options for correction.

Each of these means has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will also analyze - is it possible to wear lenses with glaucoma? In addition, there are even contraindications to wearing certain types of lenses or glasses.

Features of wearing lenses

Fortunately, in most cases, lenses for glaucoma can be worn. Just a few things to keep in mind:

  • stage of treatment;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • frequent changes in visual acuity;
  • surgical intervention;
  • intolerance to the material from which the lenses are made.

Stage of treatment - if you are prescribed, then most likely you will have to stop wearing contact lenses for this period. There may be several reasons:

  1. the lens closes access for the penetration of the drug into the structures of the eye;
  2. the lens material may absorb some of the components of the product.

When using various, its "dryness" may occur. This is a side effect whereby less tear fluid is secreted and the eye is not completely flushed. Then wearing lenses will be uncomfortable, itching, redness and irritated eyes will appear.

Change in visual acuity - as a result of successful treatment, or vice versa, a consequence of long inactivity, visual acuity changes. This will require a change of contact lenses, this can only be done after an eye examination. Otherwise, you can do harm, for example, overvoltage with inappropriate diopters.

Intolerance - you will notice as soon as you put them on. “Feeling of a mote in the eye”, instant, tearing, will force you to remove the lenses and there will be no more desire to put them on again.

Advantages of lenses over glasses

Of course, it is more convenient to wear contact lenses: they do not fog up, do not break, do not get lost, fit tightly and do not slip. And for many, it is the aesthetic moment that is important, when the presence of corrective agents is not visible.

They are soft, which are easier to put on and take off, hard - which let oxygen through more, but are felt more clearly in the eye. glaucoma is also not contraindicated, it is recommended more for therapeutic purposes. They are also allowed for children over 3 years old, with a diagnosis of glaucoma.

Recently, new types have appeared on the market that have a clear advantage over glasses and other lenses:

  1. Lenses that promote greater penetration of eye drops and inhibit their release. This is a new development that helps to reduce intraocular pressure, thanks to the biofilm applied to them.
  2. A unique invention of scientists - lenses with a built-in sensor that allows you to monitor changes in intraocular pressure. Pulses when changing when changing the size of the cornea are sent to the doctor's monitor. They are one-day and of course expensive.

Since glaucoma is not a simple disease, but with its own characteristics, course and methods of treatment, whether it is possible to wear contact lenses individually in your case, the optometrist will help you finally decide.

Choosing glasses

Glasses have no less adherents than lenses. Therefore, they are also improved, endowed with useful functions suitable for various diseases.

  • relieving eye strain;
  • blockade of ultraviolet radiation;
  • decrease in intraocular pressure;
  • reduce the angle of refraction of light.

But not all green glasses are the same. It is important not to run into a fake, buying them in dubious places. Most often, these glasses are made to order and they have a certificate of conformity.

At the same time, never wear dark or black glasses if you have been diagnosed with glaucoma. In such glasses, the pupil dilates, which can lead to an increase in pressure.

There are glasses with photochromic lenses, also known as "chameleons". They change their bandwidth depending on the lighting, creating optimal conditions for the eyes.

Another type of spectacle lenses are progressive lenses. There are no obvious contraindications for wearing with glaucoma, but it is advisable to undergo a preliminary consultation with a doctor. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they have 2 areas of vision. The upper one is for viewing objects far away, the lower one is for nearby distances.

Like contact lenses, there are models for treatment in the range of glasses. These are perforated glasses - with many holes covered with an opaque plate. Lenses for glaucoma, for efficiency choose green. With this device, the load is distributed evenly and the load on the eyes is reduced.

You need to wear them for an hour, several times a day. The main advantage of glasses is that they can be worn before and after surgery, unlike contact lenses.

Video from an ophthalmologist about wearing lenses and glasses for glaucoma

The doctor talks about the types of glasses that are prescribed for glaucoma, whether it is possible to wear lenses when they are not recommended. Is there a therapeutic effect from wearing corrective devices.


Now, dear reader, you have an answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear lenses for glaucoma, their types and features of wearing. Know that there are different types of eyeglasses that can relieve symptoms. It remains only to decide what suits you and consult with your doctor about the choice. And we wish you a healthy eye and clear vision, see you soon. Sincerely, Irina Nazarova.

Do you know how to wear glasses and lenses correctly? “Well, it’s easy,” you answer. In fact, in order not to spoil vision instead of improving it, glasses and contact lenses must be worn and selected correctly. We will give you some tips on how to choose the right glasses and contact lenses.

Consult an ophthalmologist

Glasses and contact lenses can only be selected by a doctor based on the results of diagnostics carried out using modern equipment. Without an examination by an ophthalmologist using modern diagnostic methods, it is impossible to say exactly why you see poorly (farsightedness, myopia, astigmatism). “Poor vision” is a broad concept, which can be caused by many eye diseases. And only astigmatism can figure it out.

Buy glasses only in opticians or specialty stores

If you want to buy a frame you like (and, in your opinion, high-quality) in the subway or kiosk, do not deny yourself this. But you should not buy glasses there, even with glasses that match your diopters.

  1. First, are you sure of the elementary quality of these glasses?
  2. Secondly, remember that when making glasses, not only diopter is taken into account.
The distance between the eyes of people is different, and it must be very accurately verified between the center of one glass and another.

Otherwise, after a while you will feel discomfort, and without understanding why it arose, you can get new vision problems by constantly wearing such glasses. Therefore, order the installation of glasses only with a prescription from a pharmacy or a specialized store.

Read the instruction

In no case should you violate the instructions for wearing contact lenses. And we, unfortunately, are not accustomed to carefully follow the instructions. But in the case of contact lenses, violating the “slowly” rules, a person can get serious problems.

Improper processing and storage, exceeding the wearing period, sleeping in contact lenses that are not intended for this, lead to ingrowth of blood vessels into the cornea, malnutrition of the cornea, and its diseases. Remember this!

Of course, you can become a "violator" and unintentionally. Then, all the more so, do not wait until something starts to disturb you, see a doctor! If you are a contact lens wearer but are considering Excimer Laser Correction, please note that contact lens wearers who do not take the necessary precautions usually require treatment prior to laser correction. Moreover, the recovery period after correction in these cases is longer due to malnutrition of the cornea. Neglecting the obvious things, you can get serious complications.

Check with a specialist regularly

Many people know that before choosing contact lenses or glasses it is necessary to visit a doctor, but they often simply do not know that then (also mandatory!) You need to periodically undergo eye examinations.

If contact lenses are of high quality and well-chosen, this does not mean that you no longer need to contact a specialist.

The lens is a foreign body for our eyes, it can cause subtle changes at first. This method of correction should be handled with the utmost care, following all instructions. But even in this case, the condition of the eyes should be monitored by a doctor.

Glasses seem to us the safest and most proven way of correction. But keep in mind that over time, your vision may change, and eye diseases may appear. This will require a new approach to your problems. And the sooner they are discovered, the sooner their solution will begin. This means that the greater the likelihood of maintaining the maximum possible visual acuity in your case.

An annual eye exam is required for all people, even for those with good vision. If you wear contact lenses or glasses, be sure to ask your ophthalmologist how often you need to see him.

The English-speaking Internet is now flooded with materials dedicated to GOC, which literally means "glasses over contact lenses." What is the reason for the popularity of GOC abroad? What are the prospects for the development of this trend in Russia?

Periodically, the Internet portal site throws us unusual topics for articles that have not attracted attention before. This time, the reason for the "journalistic investigation" was the concept hiding under the abbreviation GOC, which stands for "glasses over contacts". Translated into Russian, this means "glasses over contact lenses", which is becoming increasingly popular abroad in certain circles. We were inspired to think about this trend by a question from one of the forum participants, a site named Sergey, who asked: “How do you feel about the huge English-language material about the GOC, why is it so developed there and why is it not in Russia? What is the purpose of doing this in Europe and America, where there are special clinics that specialize and advertise GOC? Is this system used all the time for some specific purpose or is it a fashion, like piercing? Maybe it helps to reduce overly large eyes or, for example, different pupil sizes, like mine? In this connection, I am wondering if this will not suit me, since it is not pleasant to constantly explain that different pupil sizes are not dangerous for my opponent. Let's try to understand this issue.


The practice of using glasses and contact lenses together is not new. Referring to the literature, in particular to the book by A. A. Kivaev and E. G. Shapiro "Contact vision correction", in the section "Selection of telescopic systems with contact lenses in patients with low vision" we find the following recommendations for the correction of low vision:

“Patients with visual acuity in the better eye of 0.05-0.2 are a significant number. For the rehabilitation of low vision, optical means are used that magnify the image on the retina (telescopic glasses, projection devices, hyperoculars, etc.), which have a number of disadvantages that make their use difficult. So, the most common of them - telescopic glasses - are heavy, narrow the field of view, and are not aesthetically pleasing. Back in the thirties of our century, the combination “contact lens - spectacle glass” was proposed as a magnifying system (Dallos J., 1936). At the same time, a negative contact lens was put on the eye and a positive spectacle glass was used. When selecting contact lenses for emmetropia, as well as for myopia and hypermetropia of small degrees, it is recommended to use lenses with a refraction of -19.0 to -28.0 D, with high hypermetropia - from -5.0 to -16.0 D. Based on visual acuity testing, change the optical power of the contact lens and spectacle glass, achieving maximum visual acuity. Rigid lenses are recommended as contact lenses, as it is difficult for the visually impaired to manipulate the lenses, and they often damage the more “delicate” SCLs. In addition, rigid contact lenses are better at correcting astigmatism and compensating for aberrations.”

In the methodological manual by A. P. Lyutinskaya and S. N. Mikhailova “Principles of vision correction”, in the section dealing with the correction of presbyopia in patients with ametropia who present asthenopic complaints when using bifocal or progressive spectacle lenses, it is said that one one of the simplest methods is the correction of refractive errors with hard or soft contact lenses with additional near-spectacle correction.

We then decided to seek expert advice. Irina Leshchenko, PhD, professional medical adviser for Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Associate Professor of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, said that the sharing of glasses and contact lenses has been known for a long time. Ophthalmologists use glasses over contact lenses in cases where the lack or excess of refraction cannot be compensated only with contact lenses; in addition, they are prescribed for the correction of presbyopia in nearsighted people with a high degree of myopia. These are individual cases that are not so common, therefore, when teaching contact vision correction, this possibility is simply indicated. It is also possible to combine "minus" contact lenses and "plus" glasses for the correction of low vision; a similar technique is described in the aforementioned book "Contact Vision Correction". However, in Russia this method of low vision correction is practically not used, since glasses and contact lenses are quite expensive, and visually impaired patients, as a rule, do not have sufficient income to purchase such expensive optics, moreover, many of them are older people. and they cannot wear contact lenses. In addition, low vision can become an obstacle to performing manipulations with contact lenses. Uliana Dyadina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, ophthalmologist, medical optics consultant at Grand Vision Company LLC, noted that in addition to the correction of low vision, there are other indications for using glasses over contact lenses: for example, correction of presbyopia, correction of ametropia of high degrees with astigmatism, prismatic correction. As for Sergei, who wants to reduce the difference in the size of the pupils with the help of GOC, he will have to answer that this method is not suitable for him, he should try decorative contact lenses.

In general, it can be stated that the method of using glasses over contact lenses has long been known and acceptable for the correction of some complex cases of ametropia, the correction of presbyopia, and in the correction of low vision, it allows you to abandon bulky telescopic glasses. However, GOC apologists and fans are looking for just the opposite - they need a combination of contact lenses and glasses that will significantly increase the optical power of the lenses, make these lenses and glasses as thick and noticeable as possible.


If you type the abbreviation GOC into any search engine, you will find many links to forums, websites, live journal discussions where GOC fans talk about their needs and share their experiences.

For example, a user named Karan, originally from India, asks: “How can I make glasses glasses thicker? In an amateur play in college, I played a man with very thick glasses who couldn't see anything without them. My refraction is +2.5 diopters. And now I myself want to have such glasses. I chose a plastic frame, lenses made of a material with a refractive index of 1.56. But they are not thick enough. Are there lenses with a lower refractive index in India? Anyone have any ideas how to make the lenses thicker?”

They answer him:
- If you are interested in thick glasses, then search the Internet for GOC (glasses over contacts). There are many people who use a combination of positive contact lenses with spectacles to achieve high refraction spectacle lenses. Search and you will find a lot of advice.
- Try to order glasses in a large frame size - your +2.5 diopter lenses will be much thicker in them.
- You can get as thick lenses as you want. You just need to ask to increase the thickness in the center.
- Tell the optical shop that you don't want thin lenses. Today they, without asking, make thin lenses for everyone. But they should have thick lenses for those who can't afford thin ones.

And here is what Bobby Laurell from the Czech Republic writes: “I love wearing glasses, especially with thick lenses. I specifically purchased a pair of "plus" contact lenses to make my regular glasses stronger. On the Internet, this trick is called GOC, which means glasses over contact lenses. I knew there were people like me, even though I had never met a GOC user yet. I haven't seen anyone who likes that their partner wears strong and thick glasses. I purchased very strong goggles online from a company in Taiwan that provides a special service for GOC fans. It sells and installs lenses with optical refraction up to ± 30 diopters in glasses. I was very happy when I received my order: a box of glasses with lenses that had a power of -16 diopters; they were very thick at the edges, but light. I immediately went for a walk in my new glasses, and noticed that people were looking at my glasses in a cafe in a shopping center where I stopped for a bite to eat. I did not mind, but enjoyed the fact that strangers were looking at me. I don’t know what I would say if someone I know asked me why I wear ugly thick glasses instead of my usual thin ones.” The same Bobby Laurell maintains his own website and blog, where everyone shares their experience and talks about their success in using GOC. There are many stories and recommendations on the site on how to achieve the thickest possible lenses, and many photos of attractive girls in glasses with high-diopter negative lenses that can be ordered.

To see well with GOC, you need to properly balance the optical power of contact and spectacle lenses, Bobby points out. It is not so easy to calculate, but for those who wish, a table in MS Excel format is presented on the site, which will help you choose what you need.

Here are some more comments from Yahoo! Groups:

Not many people use GOC. Some do it for fun, satisfying their desire to wear thick and strong glasses. No one has been able to explain how this desire arises and how it disappears. But the fact is that there are those among people who want to wear very strong glasses and are willing to spend a lot of money to satisfy this need. Wearing well-fitted GOCs is a special feeling. You see everything clearly enough, but at the same time you feel the weight of the glasses on your face, and the surrounding objects appear smaller or larger - depending on whether you use negative spectacle lenses over positive contact lenses or vice versa. I have never tried wearing positive spectacle lenses over negative contact lenses, but a friend of mine described how it felt. He said that the image was like looking through binoculars.

When using my GOC with -20 diopter spectacle lenses over positive contact lenses, the size of objects decreases, the periphery is blurred, but I can drive a car normally in them. When I wear GOC, I feel cool, calm, balanced and very satisfied. I feel that the person with the strong glasses that others are looking at is the real me. I know that many people do not like to use glasses if they have very strong and thick lenses. Some of them consider me unattractive and express their regret that, because of my weak eyes, I am forced to use such glasses. But I know that my soul and body were made for thick glasses.

Another aspect of GOC use is sexual. Like many GOC users, I like women with thick glasses. The fact that they wear such glasses does not detract from their beauty. On the contrary, their glasses and thick lenses only enhance their sex appeal.

Thanks for the interesting topic. I have always been interested in strong positive lenses, although I have -4 diopters myopia, but with the help of an optometrist I managed to fit GOC: -10 diopters contact lenses and +6 diopters glasses. I often wear this combination of contact lenses and glasses and enjoy my optical experience.

To conclude this section, we note that demand creates supply. Those who want thicker lenses can contact, for example, the Hong Kong company Optical4Less. The company guarantees customers a special lens thickness, offers lenses for GOC and any special glasses. Nothing is impossible, according to the company's website. There you can also see samples of spectacle lenses made of a material with a low refractive index: -20.00 diopters with a thickness along the edge of 12 mm; -30.00 diopters with 17 mm edge thickness; -18.00 diopters with an edge thickness of 18 mm from an extremely low refractive index material; +16.00 diopters (rectangular frame lenses) or +15.00 diopters (round frame lenses) with a center thickness of 15 mm.


According to experts, GOC is a type of fetishism that refers to the so-called eye fetishism. * Eye fetishism is called an irresistible desire to wear corrective or sunglasses, as well as attraction to people who wear glasses. Although eye fetishism is not a paraphilia, it sometimes develops to extremes bordering on it. Some fetishists use carefully sized contact lenses that allow them to see through very strong glasses, which is called GOC. Others overcorrect over the years in the hope that eventually they will need those strong glasses. There are those who actively participate in online communities, talking about their experiences with wearing strong glasses, trading them and reselling them, posting photos of people wearing such glasses. Part of the GOC fans are men who just like women with very strong glasses, and this addiction is similar to how some people prefer women with a certain hair color or body shape.

Why do people develop a strong obsession with glasses? An article by David Ryan titled "Psychology", published in the American professional optical magazine EyeCare Professional magazine, discusses the causes of eye fetishism. It is difficult to name one - the only reason, the author notes. Some may remember when the obsession with glasses began, while others argue that it is innate in them. As a rule, interest arises at a fairly young age, when a person meets someone with glasses who makes a huge positive impression on him. At this point, a chemical reaction occurs in the brain that releases endorphins, which are often called natural opioids, and an imprint of pleasure is formed on the stimulus that induces it. This imprinting is temporary, and if it is associated with something innocent, like admiring a person with glasses, then the resulting obsession is harmless enough. Imprinting can become dangerous if it occurs as a result of addiction to pornography, drugs and other illegal activities.


Having interviewed a number of employees of optical enterprises, we were convinced that they had not heard about the fashion for the GOC and so far they had never had orders from those who wanted to purchase glasses with very thick lenses. On the contrary, when issuing ready-made spectacles, there are many complaints that spectacle lenses are not thin enough. On the topic of interest to us, we talked, in particular, with Alexander Ryabinin, head of production at Optic Mekk SPb. He did not recall a single order for glasses with unusually thick lenses. All cases where he had to increase the thickness of the lenses were associated with the presence of anisometropia in the client, and increasing the thickness of the lens with a lower optical power made it possible to improve the cosmetic appearance of the glasses. Most of the surveyed opticians expressed doubt that the GOC fashion will take root in Russia: firstly, it is expensive, secondly, it does not provide high-quality vision, and thirdly, our people find other methods of self-expression. However, one of our interlocutors related an interesting case when his salon employees had to fit a combination of contact lenses and strong glasses to a draftee, although they did not know that it was called GOC. The young man had a refraction of -5.00 diopters, he was prescribed contact lenses +3.00 diopters and made the most thick glasses with lenses -9.00 diopters so that visual acuity was not optimal. The medical commission declared the young man unfit for military service because of his sight ...
************ Ryan, D. Pseyecology / David Ryan // EyeCare Professional magazine: [website]. URL: (Accessed 2/16/2011).

Shcherbakova Olga, Veko 04, 2011

At the same time, it has been known for a long time. Their combined use helps to form the so-called telescopic vision, which is indispensable for the visually impaired and people whose vision pathology is a combination of ametropia. Such a system is able to increase the image to a state of comfortable vision. The whole secret lies in the fact that the contact lens being put on has a negative value with a large minus (5.0 to 28.0D), and the lenses of the glasses are made positive.

Using such a telescopic system, it is easy to achieve a 1.5-2.2-fold increase in images by 1.5-3.5 times. True, in the CIS this technique is used very rarely due to the fact that both contact lenses and such glasses are quite expensive, and patients who have received visual impairment usually do not have the necessary amount of money, and older people simply do not know how to use contact lenses.

Actually, the conclusion is simple: the use of glasses together with contact lenses, as a way to correct low vision, has also been known for a long time.

However, GOC fans have slightly different goals - to make glasses and glasses, and lenses as thick and noticeable as possible. To do this, a combination of glasses and contact lenses is made, which allows you to significantly increase the optical power of the lenses. As a rule, a combination of strong minus glasses and positive lenses is used for this. True, this combination leads to some side effects - the size of objects decreases, the periphery is blurred, but the vision remains clear.

The GOC movement is very popular in the US and Europe. Even clinics and firms have appeared that manufacture or select lenses for glasses of great strength. There are foreign Internet sites and forums dedicated to GOC communities. These people are ready to shell out a lot of money to satisfy their desire to hide their eyes behind thick glasses.

Many people who use GOC experience great pleasure in wearing them. The main factors of the resulting pleasure, in this case, are: the weight of this not easy unit on the face and the interested glances of passers-by. According to many, GOC people look cool, stylish and confident, which gives them a certain satisfaction.

In addition, many GOC users find girls with thick glasses sexually attractive, arguing that glasses with very thick lenses are a real decoration, emphasizing their beauty.

According to psychologists, GOC is nothing more than the so-called eye fetishism. Such manifestations include an irresistible desire to wear sunglasses or corrective glasses, as well as a special disposition towards people who use such glasses. Some male GOC fans do not wear such designs themselves, but they are incredibly attracted to girls with very thick glasses (similar to lovers of a certain body type, hair color or eye color). There are even entire dating sites for GOC adherents with an abundance of photos of young and not so faces with massive eyepieces on their noses.

It is worth saying that not all GOC fans use systems with correctly fitted lenses that allow them to see well through thick glasses. Some go over-corrected in the hope that one day these glasses will fit them.

Ophthalmologists allow eye lenses to be worn along with glasses to correct vision and protect against ultraviolet radiation. However, the constant combination of two optical devices is not recommended, as it leads to a deterioration in visual acuity. In addition, insufficient oxygen supply to the mucous membranes while using funds can provoke eye diseases.

Can lenses be worn with glasses?

Devices with diopters

Ophthalmologists oppose the glasses over contacts fashion trend, in which people with no visual impairment wear lenses with minus and plus points. This combination of eye products is bad for visual abilities.

Doctors advise wearing two optical devices for correction at the same time with very low visual acuity. Negative lenses with positive glasses create a telescopic effect, in which it becomes possible to clearly see magnified objects in the center. But then peripheral vision weakens. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method occasionally, for example, when reading. You can wear colored lenses to get a decorative effect, along with glasses to improve your vision. But it is important to consider that the mucous membranes of the eyes do not receive oxygen and moisture in full. Therefore, long-term use is not recommended.

Such glasses can be worn together with an accessory for working at a PC so that the organs of vision do not get tired longer.

It is worth using lenses with glasses for working on a computer to get the following positive effects:

  • relaxation of the eyes;
  • improvement in contrast ratios;
  • obtaining a clearer visual picture;
  • reducing the impact of PC on the eyes;
  • disappearance of light spots;
  • increase the duration of comfortable work behind the screen.

Sun protection optics

In case of poor vision, it is recommended to wear glasses and lenses to further protect the cornea from dangerous ultraviolet radiation. Transparent plates for the correction of visual abilities may have protection from UV rays, but they do not remove overwork, pain and increased tearing. An additional advantage of combining funds, if you choose the right frame, is a sharpening of vision during the day and at sunset, as well as an improvement in appearance.

Special products for drivers will help maintain normal visual acuity and remove interfering glare.

It is important for drivers to wear optical devices together, as sun glare or headlights often cause an emergency. In Europe, models of special driving glasses with light protection have been created that can be worn with lenses. The following types are common.