Snowman black and white drawing.  How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step.  snowman with broom

Snowman black and white drawing. How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step. snowman with broom

Portrait of a Snowman for children from 5 years old. Master class with step by step photo

Master class with step by step photos: How to draw a portrait of a Snowman in watercolor for children from 5 years old

Author: Natalya Alexandrovna Ermakova, Lecturer, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Velikiye Luki, Pskov Region.
Description: the master class is intended for children from 5 years old and their parents, educators, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: interior decoration, participation in creative exhibitions, gift.
Target: creation of a portrait of a Snowman in watercolor technique.
-continue to introduce children to the mythological and fairy-tale characters of the Russian people, to acquaint them with the history of the appearance and characteristic features of the Snowman, his role in domestic animation;
- teach how to draw a portrait of a Snowman;
- exercise in building a sketch of a drawing using auxiliary lines and geometric shapes;
- improve skills in watercolor technique;
- to cultivate interest in various visual techniques and materials, a sense of love and pride in the history and culture of their homeland.

Hello dear friends and guests! Winter Mother came to the Russian Land, and transformed the world with her frosty breath, and marvelous lace. Snow-white snowflakes are circling in the air, sparkling in the sun, they cover the earth with a fluffy blanket. And in every yard, as if by magic, funny Snowmen or Snowmen wrapped in scarves appear.

This fun winter idea has been known to people since ancient times. Scientists say that snowmen are a simple snow sculpture created in winter. This fun originated in ancient times when cleaning snow from yards, paths and paths. Since the easiest way to remove snow during the thaw was to roll it into snow balls, from which snowmen were made.

Superstitious people, who believe in the forces of nature and its spirits: goblin and brownies, mermaids and kikimors, field, yard, and so on, tell different tales, but there have been stories about snow creatures. There is a belief that in the old days the snowman was revered as the spirit of winter.
In ancient times, people treated him like some kind of deity, since the snowman was created from snow, which is bestowed by heaven, so a broom was given to the snowman so that he could fly up into the sky. To the snowmen-spirits of Winter, people raised a request for help, mercy and a decrease in the duration of cold weather.
Passing by a snowman, each person stopped for a minute and asked in a whisper to help him fulfill his most secret desires. It was believed that as soon as this snowman melts, all conceived dreams will surely come true soon.

In the old days in Russia, they believed that the air was inhabited by celestial maidens, who commanded fogs, clouds, snows, and therefore solemn rituals were held in their honor, including the modeling of snow women. According to Slavic legends, a snowman or a snowwoman is a heavenly nymph created by a man from snow, who fell dead to the ground as a result of a mythical battle between the gods of thunder (lightning, cold) and clouds. Having melted in the spring, the celestial nymph came to life, ascending as a steam into the sky, and could again bring rains to the earth, which were required for the sprout of the crop. That is why people made snowmen in winter, hoping for a good harvest by autumn.

And to this day there is an old custom, on the day of the winter solstice (December 25), you need to help the sun gain strength - for this they burn bonfires, roll burning wheels, symbolizing the sun. And so that the winter is not too harsh, they sculpt snowmen depicting winter, dance round dances around them, singing:
Frost, frost, overgrown through the tyn,
He brought a snow woman.
Baba, crochet nose,
Get a snowball! -
and smashed it with snowballs.

The classic snowman consists of three snowballs (balls), obtained by sculpting snowballs and rolling snow on them.

The largest ball becomes the snowman's tummy, the smaller one becomes the chest, and the smallest one becomes the head.

The rest of the snowman can be completely different, but there are special rules for how snow creatures should look. The snowman's arms can be represented by two branches, but sometimes symbolic arms are made from two small snowballs. A snowman is often given a shovel or a broom, which is stuck into the snow next to the figure. Sometimes a snowman is supplied with two feet of snowballs, as if peeking out from under the skirt of his fur coat. The rules require that the snowman's nose be made of carrots (carrots were well preserved until winter in old Russian peasant farms), but in the reality of modern conditions, more accessible improvised materials (pebbles, sticks, coals) are more often used, which also indicate other facial features. A bucket is sometimes put on a snowman's head.
This snowman was fashioned by a hare from the wonderful New Year's cartoon "The Winter's Tale". This is a Soviet musical wartime animated cartoon film, released in 1945, restored in 2012 by the State Film Fund of Russia.

The icy harsh winter has come, the New Year will come soon. Forest animals gathered to meet him. In this they are helped by Santa Claus, the Snowman and the Snow Woman, who was blinded by squirrels.

In this mischievous New Year's fairy tale with musical scenes around the New Year tree, dances and songs, real miracles happen, and the snow woman turns into the beautiful Snow Maiden.

In most cartoons, the Snowman is always a positive and kind character, so any cartoon about a snowman brings a positive and good mood. All the cartoons in which this fairy-tale character participates cannot be counted, so I will only talk about my favorite ones from my childhood.
"When the Trees Light Up" is perhaps one of the best animated New Year's fairy tale films, filmed in 1950.
On New Year's Eve, Father Frost, together with his chauffeur Snowman, sets off from the fairy-tale tower to Moscow, to the Christmas tree in kindergarten, taking, as expected, a bag of gifts.

Among other toys, a teddy bear and a cotton bunny, intended for the girl Lucy and her brother Vanya. But on the way, both gifts accidentally fall out through a hole in the bag and remain in the forest. They will have to go through many adventures before they finally get to their little owners.

This instructive and kind cartoon about the Snowman and Santa Claus shows the kids how good conquers evil and, despite the tricks of the evil wolves, the bunny and the bear cub, having gone through many adventures, have time for the holiday. In 2001, this cartoon was restored and re-voiced, resulting in a new, more advanced version with a modern soundtrack.

Cartoons about Snowmen are especially relevant on New Year's holidays. Cheerful winking of garlands, a delicious smell of a festive dinner, a do-it-yourself snowman, the aroma of a Christmas tree, the anticipation of gifts and, of course, New Year's cartoons create an atmosphere of home warmth, comfort and real children's happiness.
There is a New Year's tradition when children and even adults write letters to Santa Claus, and this is exactly what the wonderful New Year's cartoon "The Snowman-Mailman" tells about. In 2015, this cartoon turned 60 years old. It was created in 1955 based on the fairy tale "Yolka" by Vladimir Suteev.
On the eve of the New Year, several children write a letter to Santa Claus with a request to send them a Christmas tree for the holiday, and then they make a Snowman, who must take the letter to the magical forest.

When midnight comes, with the last stroke of the clock, the Snowman comes to life and, together with a small yard puppy named Druzhok, goes in search of Santa Claus. In the magical forest, local villains - an owl, a fox and a wolf - are trying either by force or by cunning to take away a letter from the Snowman, thinking that they can get everything they want from Santa Claus for him.

During their journey, they overcome many obstacles. But with the help of a kind bear, the Snowman manages to get to Santa Claus and convey to him the request of the children.

The snowman, along with a bear and a puppy named Bobik, finds Santa Claus. As a result, our heroes bring the children a Christmas tree and gifts from Santa Claus himself.

In 1978, the kids were pleased with the new cartoon "Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf", with a wonderful fairy tale plot.
Santa Claus is preparing gifts for the forest animals for the New Year. And the Gray Wolf and the Crow came up with a plan: how to steal the rabbits. To do this, the Crow distracted Santa Claus, and the Wolf stole his festive outfit and a bag of gifts. Having dressed up, the Wolf and the Crow go to the hares. In the meantime, the Hare and the Hare went away for the Christmas tree and ordered the hares not to open to anyone. But the Wolf came in the outfit of Santa Claus, and of course, the rabbits were happy to open it and climbed into the bag themselves for gifts. Only sweet-daughter hid under the stove.

And again, in the cartoon, the snowman shows real courage and courage, for which he has to suffer, but good always triumphs over evil.

Santa Claus helps the Snowman, gives him a new nose from a bump. Together they catch up with the wolf and save the rabbits, just in time for the New Year celebration and present gifts to the animals on time.

Perhaps the most touching and kind is the 1985 cartoon "The Sun and Bigfoot"
A cartoon about how four snowmen lived in the winter forest with carrots instead of a nose. Sometimes they watched the children sleeping in the house. Frost was considered his father. Their life was darkened by a crow, who said that the sun would come and they would all melt.

Good, touching lyrical tale. Snowmen are snowmen who appeared in winter from the snow, but with the onset of spring the sun always appears and the snow melts, so they began to ask for the sun so that it does not appear ... But, having gone to travel through the winter forest, the snowmen met animals: a hedgehog, a bunny, a bear cub , a squirrel who said that everyone needs the Sun and, realizing that they would melt with the onset of heat, sacrificed themselves for the sake of others and asked the sun to appear.
Beautiful flowers have grown in place of the melted snowmen. Such actions adorn our land and make it possible to save life on the entire planet.

These are the mysterious Snowmen: cheerful and courageous, resourceful and decisive! Creatures made of cold snow have a great, kind Russian soul, a pure heart and high aspirations! Today we will draw their portraits, welcome to our creative workshop!
Materials and tools:
- A3 paper
- simple pencil, eraser
- bank for water

Master class progress:

We begin work on the portrait with a preliminary sketch with a simple pencil. Just above the middle of the sheet, in the center, draw a circle for the snowman's head.

Next, draw the second "com"-arc, we will draw a snowman to the waist.

Now face-draw a large carrot (long triangle).

We connect the lines of the triangle with an arc. And while our hero is sleeping, we draw slightly rounded lines.

We will be a snowman - over the lines for the eyes we draw arcs - small rainbows, then round pupils in the middle, eyebrows, and a mischievous smile.
We will have a snowman in a Russian hat with earflaps. We begin to draw it from the "cucumber" (oval) on the forehead.
Why cucumber? The answer is simple - many children begin to say that they cannot draw an oval, but they draw a cucumber without hesitation.

We paint on the cucumber's ears (like a dog's) and an arc from above. Then a scarf - first we wrap the neck (as if we put circles on a pyramid), and then draw the ends of the scarf.

The pencil sketch should be made with light, almost transparent lines so that they are not visible in the colored drawing. If necessary, extra lines can be slightly wiped with an eraser.
Further work in watercolor. It is a special paint, ringing, transparent, loves cleanliness and water. Therefore, when applying color, you need to be able to regulate the moisture on the brush, you can remove the excess on the edge of the can or on a cloth, and if necessary, pick up the missing moisture with the tip of the brush.
For the background of the portrait, we chose a cold color scheme, we use several colors at once, smoothly "pouring" one color into another. The paint layer is very thin, the paper shines through it, the snowman should remain white.
Eyes can be anything, I used blue.

Already drew +19 I want to draw +19 Thank you + 83

Thanks to our step-by-step lessons, in 10-20 minutes you will have a snowman drawn for the New Year. We are sure that with the help of our lessons you will 100% draw a snowman with a pencil in stages.

Draw a snowman step by step

Video: how to draw a snowman for children from 3 years old

How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step for beginners

Video: how easy it is to draw a snowman for a child

How to draw a snowman for the New Year

How to draw a beautiful snowman for the New Year

Video: how to draw three snowmen for children

How easy it is to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step for children

How to draw a New Year's snowman in a scarf and a bucket on his head in stages

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a scarf and with a red bucket on his head! For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw a small New Year's snowman with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a little New Year's snowman! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw and color a Christmas snowman (detailed lesson)

We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • The black
  • Grey
  • Violet
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Blue.

How to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step. Only 6 stages! We will need:

  • hard and soft pencils
  • eraser
  • compass
  • black pen
  • colour pencils

How to draw a New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird in pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, glitter, an eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw a New Year's pair of snowmen in love with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman couple in love! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

How to draw a snowman in a hat in a green scarf and skiing step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a hat in a green scarf and on skis with pencils in stages!

Draw a happy snowman

But what to do if there is a desire, but there is no possibility - the cold, frost and a caring mother do not allow.

Don't despair! Pustunchik will help you arrange a real winter holiday without even leaving the room. We can’t blind, then we’ll draw.

How to draw a snowman?

In order for the drawing to come out correct and beautiful, you need to know what main parts the Snowman consists of.

Usually these are three snowballs: the largest is the Snowman's abdomen, the smaller one is his chest, and the smallest is his head. Snowman arms and legs can also be made from small snowballs. Often two small branches are attached to the place of the hands. The nose is usually made from carrots, and the eyes and mouth are made from coals. And, of course, an invariable attribute - a bucket, instead of a hat, and a broom, which he "holds" in his hands.

Now you can start drawing, and to make it easier for you, use the tips in the form of diagrams. They have a variety of snowmen on them!

Scheme 1

Scheme 2

Scheme 3

Surely everyone knows who a snowman is. This is a very popular winter sculpture made of snow, which even a five-year-old child can make. As well as a fabulous and cartoon character, Therefore, the first to come up with how exactly illustrators. Snowman or Snowman - fashioned in winter

The tradition of sculpting this character came to us from ancient times. Due to the lack of electricity and the Internet, people had fun as best they could, and this fun was very popular. However, in our age of high technology, this seemingly simple game finds its fans, and when enough snow falls, the kids pour out into the yards and start sculpting. Probably, it was with this, apart from sand cakes, that the career of many famous sculptors began.

However, modern winters do not always make it possible to create ice figures. At first there is no snow, then when it falls it becomes too cold, and then it is already too dirty and melts quickly. Therefore, many children, as well as their parents, replace modeling with an image. Before drawing a snowman, let's figure out what details it consists of.


It is made from two or more snowballs, which are obtained by painstaking and diligent rolling. To do this, first they sculpt a small dense lump, then put it on the crust and begin layer by layer, as it were, winding such strips on it. To make the ball smooth, when rolling it is periodically deployed at different angles.

Usually a snowman consists of three lumps. The largest of them is the belly, a little smaller is the chest, and, finally, the smallest is the head. Therefore, when asked how to draw a snowman, feel free to answer: "Simple", because it consists of three not very even circles. The remaining parts of our character are usually created from what can be found in every yard.

Our snowman's arms can be made from two simple branches or small clumps. Often he is honorably awarded with a broom or a shovel, and then he is a guardian of order. Sometimes two small clods of snow on the ground are used to make something like boots. According to tradition, the nose of our hero is a carrot. It was used because it is very well preserved and could be found in every cellar. However, modern snowmen are increasingly making it from simple pebbles or sticks. Also, with their help, other parts of the face are indicated. If there is an unnecessary leaky bucket, then you can make it a hat.

We draw

Now let's figure out how to draw a snowman in stages.

We need: paper, a simple pencil, an eraser. If you want to make it colored - paints, a brush and a jar of water.

So let's get started:

  1. To begin with, we outline its general outline.
  2. Draw a small oval above the middle. This is the head of our character.
  3. To it we add gradually increasing middle and lower parts.
  4. Next, we move on to the upper limbs.
  5. How to draw a snowman without a face? It's impossible. Therefore, we depict our carrot, as well as charcoal dots in place of the mouth and eyes. Our character takes on its own features. And basically, it depends on this stage what character it will have.
  6. Next comes the hat. A simple pom-pom hat.
  7. In the left hand of our hero we draw a broom. We have it made in the old fashioned way, from rods, and not from polymer strips, as in modern times.
  8. Let's warm our snowman with a scarf with a beautiful knot around his neck.
  9. Finishing the image, we erase unnecessary dashes and lines.
  10. Bold outline the contours, draw the buttons.
  11. We outline light spots and shadows. Shade them lightly.
  12. Paint over the scarf with a hat in dark color.
  13. And finally, the very last step: decorate his headdress and scarf with snowflakes. It's winter. Here's how to draw a snowman with a pencil.

Finishing touch

If desired, a scarf with a hat and a broom can be made multi-colored using paints.

How to draw a snowman

Here we will look at different ways to draw a snowman - a favorite winter games character and Santa's helper. It is easy to draw, but such pictures create a New Year's winter mood. In addition, this is a great idea for creating DIY cards for children of almost any age.

A step by step example of drawing a snowman

First, we offer to see how to draw a snowman in stages. A snowman is a figure made of snow, which consists of three snow balls and has a characteristic carrot nose, a bucket instead of a hat, and coals of eyes.

Stage 1
We will also draw the base. First, three balls, slightly different in size: at the bottom - more, at the top - smaller.

Let's mark the snow surface on which our snowman stands. Let's draw a face: a carrot instead of a nose, with dots we will depict the eyes and mouth, the buttons of the suit.

Stage 3
We will give the figure volume with the help of hatching, we will give a broom in our hands. The picture is ready, it can be colored or left in black and white.

Draw from the front

A similar way to draw a snowman with a pencil is discussed below. It differs in working outline. The technique described below will definitely come in handy in other drawings.

We divide the work area with perpendicular lines into 4 equal squares. The lower half will remain unchanged, we divide the upper half again. Thus, the size of the balls that make up the figure is marked.

Based on this markup, we draw the constituent balls. You can immediately add arms and legs.

Extra lines can be removed and only the main outline left. Next, add the attributes of a snowman: a bucket on his head, a nose-carrot, eyes and a broom. In our version, the snowman still has a belt.

We complete the drawing with hatching that conveys a shadow.

Handsome snowman

Snowmen are basically the same. The difference will be in the number of their constituent balls and accessories. Below is an option on how to draw a beautiful snowman. This snowman is a dandy. He has a real top hat and a beautiful scarf.

We draw, as usual, a sketch. Two balls with preliminary marking of the face and hands.

Next we will draw a hat and a scarf. This sequence was chosen in order to make it more convenient to trace the final contour.

The contour will not depend on the rest of the accessories, so it can already be outlined.

It remains to add buttons on the frock coat, a ribbon on the hat and hands from twigs.

The drawing is ready for further filling with color.

simple drawing

The simple sequence below will show you how easy it is to draw a snowman without preliminary sketches and preparation.

Let's start drawing the hat. Below it we depict the head of a snowman.

A small strip on the neck will later become a scarf. Even lower add the torso. For simplicity of the image, we recommend drawing a figure of two balls.

The snowman is ready and you can color it. For example, as shown below.

With hat and scarf

The New Year's character is similar to the usual one, only with more elegant accessories. We offer to draw a snowman for the New Year in a beautiful hat and bright scarf.

Let's start with the markup. First three circles on top of each other. Then we outline the hat and hands. Our hero waves his hand in greeting to the readers.

Then we detail a hat with a buckle and a scarf.

Now you can draw a general outline by adding a snowball on which our figure is located, and remove the auxiliary lines.

We draw with paints

A more difficult way to draw a snowman is with paints. To do this, you need some brush and watercolor skills. But the result will be great.

First, draw a sketch with a pencil, using as thin strokes as possible. The main figure consists of a head ball and a cylinder depicting a torso in a fur coat.

On the head we will put a pretty hat with a bubo and a lapel. We will place the figure itself in the snowball.

On the face, draw the corners of the eyes, a carrot nose and a smiling mouth.

Let's add the hands depicted for simplicity in the pockets or behind the back. On the neck - a scarf. You can also draw buttons on the coat.

The sketch is completed, and now it should be circled with a thin felt-tip pen or pen.

Remove extra lines with an eraser.

We start painting with paints. First, let's give a general light blue background to the snow, including the figure.

Black paint over the coals: eyes, mouth, buttons.

Now we take a more saturated blue color and paint over the evening sky. On the snow, add a shadow from the character.

Next, the picture should be dried and filled with the color of the hat and scarf again for greater brightness. Apply snow with white paint. On a dried surface, the paint will not spread, and the snowflake will retain a clear outline.

It remains to circle the contours of the snowman again over the paint for greater clarity. The drawing is ready.

Drawing lessons
How to draw a snowman. Examples of drawing snowmen for the winter and the new year. Step-by-step drawing lessons with a pencil and paints.

How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step

Thanks to our step-by-step lessons, in 10-20 minutes you will have a snowman drawn for the New Year. We are sure that with the help of our lessons you will 100% draw a snowman with a pencil in stages.

Draw a snowman step by step

Draw a horizontal and vertical line to mark the center of the snowman's face. Next, draw the outline of the head and the cylinder.

Detailing the sketch. Please note that the snowman will be drawn in the center of the sheet, this is important from the point of view of the laws of composition.

We draw hands and buttons.

With a soft pencil (B) apply shadows. Do not press hard on the pencil at this stage. Since the light falls on the right, we darken the left side more. Darken the carrot both from below and from above to achieve volume.

Outline the snowman and add contrast with the B4 pencil.

How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step for beginners

Draw a square cylinder for the hat. Then the eyes of the snowman, as well as the eyebrows, Make the nose in the form of a three-dimensional cone, draw four points for the snowman's mouth.

Now draw a scarf as shown in the picture. Now we make a pipe, and draw smoke on top.

Let's make the wooden arms now, and don't forget to add the stripes to the scarf. Also add six buttons in the middle.

So you got such a wonderful snowman, paint it as you like. Thank you for learning with us.

How to draw a snowman for the New Year

Draw a circle for the head and then for the body. Don't forget the auxiliary lines.

We draw a hat for a snowman. Add details for the face.

We continue to draw the face.

We draw a scarf whose ends are wrapped around the neck, which, in principle, a snowman cannot have.

Draw the body of a snowman

We draw two branches, these will be the hands of our snowman

We draw the snow on which our snowman stands.

That's all, the New Year's snowman is ready. Now it can be colored.

How to draw a beautiful snowman for the New Year

For this lesson I used HB, B2, B4, B6 pencils. We draw the outline of the hat with an HB pencil. Draw the outline of the head with an HB pencil.

We draw the face of a snowman with an HB pencil. We draw the outline of the scarf with an HB pencil.

We draw the outline of the body with an HB pencil.

We draw sticks with an HB pencil. On the left stick we draw birds and a birdhouse.

We shade the hat, scarf, carrot, eyes, buttons, hands, birds, birdhouse with pencils B, B2. Strokes are applied with a B2 pencil. Outline the outline with a B6 pencil. You can write your signature or wish on the plate. The drawing is ready. Happy New Year!

How easy it is to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step for children

And so for the beginning you will draw the base. This is a large oval for the body and a round head. Then draw a hat on the snowman's head.

Here is the final step. Here you will add eyes and a mouth and simple little circles and twigs on the broom. And finally decorate it.

How to draw a New Year's snowman in a scarf and a bucket on his head in stages

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a scarf and with a red bucket on his head! For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • eraser and colored pencils!

We draw a head and this will be the first part of our snowman!

We draw a part of the body and this will be the second part of our snowman!

We draw the second part of the body and this will be the third final part of our snowman!

We draw a bucket on the head and bangs!

We draw eyes, inside an eye, a carrot in the form of a spout and a mouth!

We draw a scarf, patterns on a scarf, ropes at the bottom of a scarf, hands and a glove on one hand!

Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen, decorate the eyes with it and erase everything superfluous.

We take a red pencil and decorate with it a carrot in the form of a nose and a bucket on the head! We take a dark red pencil and decorate the patterns on the scarf with it! And we take a yellow pencil and decorate the bangs with it!

At the final stage, we take a green pencil and decorate with it a scarf and ropes at the bottom of the scarf! We take a brown pencil and decorate our hands with it! And we take a gray pencil and decorate the glove on our hand with it! And that's all)) our New Year's snowman in a scarf and with a red bucket on his head is ready))) good luck to everyone))))

How to draw a small New Year's snowman with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a little New Year's snowman! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

We draw the outline of the head.

We draw a hat, bangs, patterns on the hat in the form of snowflakes, cranberries and leaves on the hat and balabon!

We draw a scarf, patterns on a scarf in the form of snowflakes and small ropes at the bottom of the scarf!

We draw eyes, inside the eye, cilia, nose and mouth!

We draw hands, a body and two buttons on a body!

Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen, leaving the balabon, head, body, arms and ropes at the bottom of the scarf! And we take a black felt-tip pen and decorate with it inside the eye and two buttons on the body!

We take a red pencil and decorate with it a hat, a scarf, a nose and a cranberry! And we take a green pencil and decorate the cranberry leaves with it!

At the final stage, we take an HB pencil and lightly decorate our snowman with it! And that's all)) our New Year's little snowman is ready))) good luck to everyone))))

How to draw and color a Christmas snowman (detailed lesson)

We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • The black
  • Grey
  • Violet
  • Orange
  • Red
  • Green
  • Brown
  • Blue.

First, draw the first lump - the head of a snowman.

We draw the third room.

We draw hands - sticks, and legs - two small lumps. Erase extra lines.

We draw eyes, and a nose - a carrot. We leave a highlight in the pupils. Erase extra lines.

Draw the mouth and tongue. We also draw the lower lip and select the cheek.

We draw eyelashes, eyebrows and wrinkles near the eye that appear when you smile.

We draw a scarf. Erase extra lines.

We start coloring. Color the bucket with a gray pencil.

Color the iris purple.

Color the carrot orange. Add dots and stripes to the carrots with a black pencil.

Color the tongue in the mouth red, and color the place that remains in the mouth black.

Alternately color the scarf from orange to green.

Hands - sticks of a snowman will be painted brown.

Add volume to the snowman - add a blue pencil to the edges of the snowman.

Now outline with black pencil. Everything! Our snowman is ready!

How to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step

In this lesson I will show you how to draw a snowman in a hat with earflaps step by step. Only 6 stages! We will need:

  • hard and soft pencils
  • eraser
  • compass
  • black pen
  • colour pencils

With the help of a compass we draw the body, head and hands.

We draw a hat with earflaps and a scarf around the snowman's neck.

We draw two buttons, eyes, a mouth and a carrot nose.

Everything is outlined in black ink. We erase the excess pencil.

With a hard pencil, paint the snowman's body, red buttons, orange nose.

We paint the earflap with red, the fur on the hat with a soft pencil. Green scarf. And our drawing is ready :)

How to draw a New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird in pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, glitter, an eraser and colored pencils!

Draw the head The first part of our snowman!

Draw a cylinder and patterns on it!

We draw a nose in the form of a carrot, eyes, inside an eye, a mouth and three buttons!

We draw a scarf, ropes from a scarf, hands and gloves on hands!

We draw snowflakes, snow, a bird, eyes, inside an eye and a body with wings, a beak and legs of a bird, as in the picture!

Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen, leaving the snow that we made with a pencil!

We take a blue pencil and decorate with it the patterns on the cylinder, scarf, gloves on the hands, snowflakes and part of the bird! And we take a black gel pen and decorate it inside the eye and inside the bird's eye!

At the final stage, we take a blue pencil and decorate with it the second part of the cylinder, three buttons and the second part of the bird! We take an orange pencil and decorate with it a nose in the form of a carrot and a beak and paws of a bird! We take a brown pencil and decorate our hands with it! And we take sequins and decorate our drawing with them, whoever does not have sequins can leave the drawing as it is)) and that's it)) our New Year's snowman in a top hat and with a bird is ready))) good luck to everyone)))))

How to draw a New Year's pair of snowmen in love with a pencil step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman couple in love! To do this, we need an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

Let's start by drawing a snowman girl! Draw the head of the first part of our snowman girl!

We draw part of the body the second part!

We draw the second part of the body, the third part!

We draw eyes, nose, mouth, bangs, three buttons on the body and hands of our snowman girl!

We draw a hat, a cranberry, a bow, leaves from a cranberry on a hat and a bird on a hat, as in the picture!

Then we start drawing the snowman boy! We draw the head of the first part of our snowman boy!

We draw part of the body the second part of our snowman!

We draw the second part of the body the third part of our snowman!

Draw a cylinder, cranberries and leaves on the cylinder!

We draw eyes, nose, mouth, bangs and three buttons on the body of our snowman boy!

We draw a hand, a scarf and ropes from a scarf!

Let's start coloring! We take a black felt-tip pen and decorate with it the eyes, buttons of our snowmen and part of the cylinder of our snowman boy! We take a yellow pencil and decorate with it the bangs of our snowmen and part of the bird! We take a green pencil and decorate the cranberry leaves of our snowmen with it! And we take a brown pencil and decorate the second part of our bird with it!

We take a red pencil and decorate with it part of the hat of our snowman girl, a scarf of our snowman boy and noses of our two snowmen! We take a dark pink pencil and decorate a bow with it! And we take a green pencil and decorate with it the second part of the cylinder from our snowman boy!

At the final stage, we take a light blue pencil and decorate our snowmen with light strokes! And that's it)) our New Year's love couple of snowmen is ready))) good luck to everyone)))

How to draw a snowman in a hat in a green scarf and skiing step by step

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's snowman in a hat in a green scarf and on skis with pencils in stages!

Draw the head of the first part of our snowman!

We draw part of the body the second part of our snowman!

We draw the second part of the body, the third part of our snowman!

We draw eyes, a nose in the form of a carrot, a mouth, three buttons on the body, a hat and a balabon on it!

We draw a scarf and hands!

We draw ski poles in hands and patterns on them, legs, skis, a snowflake and patterns on skis, as in the picture!

Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and erase everything superfluous.

Let's start coloring! We take a green pencil and decorate with it a scarf and patterns on ski poles! We take an orange pencil and decorate with it a nose in the form of a carrot and a ski! Take a pink pencil and make blush with it! And we take a black felt-tip pen and decorate their eyes!

At the final stage, we take a red pencil and decorate with it part of the cap and part of the balabon! We take a blue pencil and decorate with it three buttons on the body, the second part of the balabon and ski poles! And we take a light blue pencil and decorate our snowman with light strokes! And that's all)) our New Year's snowman in a hat in a green scarf and skiing is ready))) good luck to everyone))))))

Draw a happy snowman

We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • Dark blue
  • Orange
  • Violet
  • Pink
  • Red
  • Brown.

First, draw the first lump - the head of a snowman.

Then we draw the second lump - the body of a snowman.

We draw hands to the snowman - sticks, and mittens on sticks. Also, at the lower end of the stick, draw two arcs to give the impression that the stick is stuck. We erase the extra lines.

We draw eyes and a nose - a carrot. We leave glare in the eyes. Erase extra lines.

We draw a mouth. We make the tongue with an arc in the mouth.

We draw a scarf and buttons. Erase extra lines.

We draw a hat for a snowman - a cylinder.

We start coloring. With a red pencil, we paint a scarf, mittens and a ribbon on the cylinder.

Color the sticks and buttons with a brown pencil. Let's leave highlights in the buttons.

We color the cylinder itself with a dark blue pencil.

Color the nose of the carrot orange.

Then color the tongue pink and the mouth purple. Everything, our snowman is ready!

How to draw a snowman skating

Here you will see how to draw a snowman skating. We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • the black
  • green
  • Orange
  • grey
  • red
  • pink.

To begin with, we draw the first lump - the head of a snowman.

Then we draw the second lump - the body of the snowman.

We draw hands - sticks, and mittens on them. And we draw skates instead of legs.

Now we draw clothes. We draw a hat with a pompom, a scarf and buttons.

We draw eyes - dots and a nose - a carrot.

We draw a smiling mouth.

We start coloring. Color the hat with a red pencil.

We paint the mittens with pink and make the snowman blush.

Draw the buttons with a black pencil and color the inside of the hat.

The nose is painted orange.

Color the scarf green.

Color the skates with a gray pencil. Everything. Our snowman is ready!

How to draw a cute singing baby snowman

In this photo tutorial we will show you how to draw a cute little snowman singing. We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Green
  • Brown.

To begin with, we draw the first lump - the head.

We draw the second lump - the body.

We draw legs - two small lumps and hands - sticks, and mittens on them.

We draw closed eyes - arcs and a nose - a carrot.

We draw an open round mouth.

Now we draw clothes. We draw a New Year's hat and a scarf.

We start coloring. Color the hat, scarf and mouth with a red pencil.

Brown colorize the hands - sticks and draw buttons.

Orange color the carrot - the nose.

Color the mittens green. Everything! Our cute baby snowman is ready!

How to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step
On this page you will learn 100% how to draw a snowman with a pencil step by step. We have step by step photo tutorials and videos. Come in!