Currant jam recipe without water.  Culinary recipes and photo recipes.  Blackcurrant without cooking

Currant jam recipe without water. Culinary recipes and photo recipes. Blackcurrant without cooking

It can become an ornament and a small flower garden in the country, and a lawn thought out to the smallest detail by landscape designers. Its peculiarity is that with age it blooms even better. Therefore, preparing hosts for wintering is a very important event. This is especially true for the regions of the middle and northern strip. After all, despite the assertion of some flower growers that it belongs to unpretentious flowers, it can die in a harsh winter.

How to prepare the host for winter?

In order for the plant to remain healthy in the spring, care for its condition must begin in the fall. The main care for the hosta for the winter is to trim and cover it with special materials. Also very important point is the right time for these activities.

Let us consider in more detail each stage of the work, and also find out what is not recommended to do at all.

When to prune the hosta for the winter?

All pruning of the hosta consists only in getting rid of the stem on which the flowers were located. This is necessary so that the plant does not begin to form seeds. This will save him energy. The rest of the leaves should not be touched. For several reasons:

  1. This will be stressful for the root system. If pruning is carried out in the fall, then the flower will begin to spend energy on their restoration, which will greatly weaken it, and it may die in cold weather.
  2. withered naturally the leaves will play the role of a mulching (covering) material, which will increase the hosts' chances of surviving the winter.

Shelter hosta for the winter

Flower growers who have been growing hostas for more than one year recommend using dry peat, mowed grass, rotten sawdust or thin tree branches as mulch. They, in addition to a preserved function during the winter, in the spring will become an additional organic fertilizer.

Mulching the soil at the site of hosta planting is carried out until all its leaves fall down and dry. A dry frosty day is best suited for this procedure.

We do it like this:

  • we drop our flower a little;
  • under the leaves, around the hemp from the cut stem, we scatter the mulching agent;
  • pour it with phytosporin and sprinkle tobacco dust(this will scare away the snail slugs in early spring at the appearance of the first new leaves);
  • cover with spruce branches or non-woven covering material (for example: you can use spunbod or lutrasil).

Covering the hosta is quite simple, because you don’t need to make any wooden frames, but you just need to cover the flower beds where it grew, and then press the top material along the edges and in the middle with stones.

What should not be done when preparing hostas for winter?

As you can see, the use of expensive materials is not required to cover the hosta before the cold, and all the required autumn care for the flower is quite simple. If the preparation for winter is carried out correctly, then your beauty will delight you with her flowering every year.

It is believed that the host is one of those cultivated plants who does not need the care of flower growers. And this flower grows throughout the season, requiring neither watering nor pest and disease control. Also, this plant does not require the intervention of flower growers when preparing the plant for winter. Perhaps such statements are true in relation to the host growing in the southern regions. But here in the center of our country without special care in the fall this beautiful flower wither or simply die.

Hosta is one of those cultivated plants that does not need the care of flower growers.

In this article, we will talk about what agrotechnical measures for the care and transplantation of hostas are carried out in the autumn.

Preparing hostas for winter correct pruning and shelter plants for the period of cold weather. You should also feed flowering perennials after flowering.

Usually, activities to prepare a flower in a flower bed for winter period start in the summer when it fades. It is necessary to take a closer look at the main stages of preparation for the coming cold weather, as well as remind flower growers what not to do when caring for it during the fall.

Dying hosta foliage in the fall will be an additional shelter for the root system.

Autumn pruning technology

Pruning the hosta in autumn is an easy undertaking, since this flower at this time should only be cut off the peduncle, on which there are no more flowers. So many experienced flower growers say, they also argue that in the fall the foliage of this flowering plant cannot be cut off, since this event weakens the perennial, makes it less resistant to the upcoming cold weather. BUT dying foliage in autumn will be an additional shelter for the root system. In the spring, when new leaves appear, you can remove the old dead foliage.

But here a new trouble awaits flower growers: the main pests of this perennial usually winter in the old foliage - snails and slugs. In the spring they "wake up" from hibernation and begin to actively eat the foliage of these flowers. As a result, growers have to pick these pests by hand or look for other ways to deal with them. But no less number of flower growers, in addition to flower stalks, also remove all the withered foliage, and they do it precisely in the autumn period. But There are no specific deadlines for pruning. Usually they wait until the foliage turns completely yellow, and only then remove it. But at the same time, at least 14 to 20 days should remain until the first cold weather. Removal and immediate burning of leaves is a preventive measure to prevent numerous pests from overwintering among the foliage of this perennial.

It is difficult for a novice grower to catch the moment of autumn pruning of hosts, so in this case it is better not to touch its leaves until spring. And pruning plants in the fall is better for more experienced flower growers.

If in the garden this perennial grows in different corners, then you can try both options and choose the best one for yourself.

How to prepare a host for winter (video)

What you need to know about transplanting hosta in the fall

This perennial can be propagated both by seeds and by dividing the bush. But the first method is quite laborious, since you first have to grow seedlings, and only then plant the grown seedlings in a pre-prepared place.

Therefore, a simpler method is usually chosen - dividing the bush. The host grows strongly over time and begins to interfere with the normal growth and flowering of other plants in the flower bed. Therefore, it is transplanted, while dividing into parts. This herbaceous perennial does not tolerate such a procedure: it does not take root well after transplantation, it recovers for a long time, and also becomes unattractive for a long time. That's why a new landing site is chosen carefully, in order to subject the flower to such a procedure as rarely as possible. Usually transplanted and divided by a host that has reached the age of 5 - 6 years. Large roots are carefully filed with a hacksaw, and then broken by hand. After dividing (but before planting in the soil), all foliage should be cut off, leaving only stems about 10 cm high.

Hosta reproduces by dividing the bush

When is the best time to repot this flowering perennial? This is most often done in the spring, when young sprouts appear. You can carry out this procedure throughout the season, but it is better not to touch the flowering specimens. Beginners are interested in the following question: is it possible to transplant in the autumn? Yes, you can, but you should remember - from the moment the flower is transplanted to a new place before the onset of cold weather, at least 30 - 40 days should pass. During this period, the perennial will have time to adapt to a new place and will be able to winter well. The time for such agrotechnical event in different regions selected based on local climatic conditions(usually from the first to the last decade of September).

Important! There are varieties of hosts in which the root system does not grow in the spring (Tokudama, Siebold, as well as hybrids created on the basis of these species), so they are transplanted or planted only in autumn.

Place for landing hosta must be chosen in advance

The place for planting this perennial must be chosen in advance, it should be in light partial shade, and the soil itself should be light, fertile, loose with neutral acidity. If the soil is heavy on the site, then humus, peat, river sand or rotted sawdust should first be added to it. In addition, there should be no stagnant moisture in the soil, and groundwater should not come closer to the soil surface than 0.6 - 0.8 m.

Before planting, 15-20 liters of water are poured into the prepared holes. Then the plant is placed in the hole, all the roots are carefully straightened and covered with a nutrient substrate from above. The depth of each hole is about 0.4 m, a layer of drainage material 5 cm thick is laid out on the bottom. It is necessary to fill in the holes so that there are no voids between the roots.

Between the bushes of this perennial, it is necessary to make a distance:

  • between large ones - 0.8-1.0 m;
  • between the averages - 0.5 m;
  • between dwarfs - 0.2 m.

After planting, all the bushes should be watered abundantly, and the tree trunks should be mulched with humus or high-moor peat. The root neck should not be buried in the soil, otherwise it will begin to rot.

Hosta breeding (video)

Feeding hostas in autumn

Usually, these flowering perennials no longer fertilize in the fall - the plant assimilates those nutrients, which were introduced into the soil after the end of flowering.

This flowering perennial finishes flowering in mid-July - early August. For them, during this period, you need to use fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium. This top dressing will allow the flowers to recover from active flowering and prepare for a harsh winter.

For hosta, you need to use fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.

Shelter hosta for the winter

Before winter, a layer of peat or humus 15–17 cm thick is introduced under each plant. This mulch will be a kind of blanket that protects the host root system from severe frosts. If the foliage of this flower was not cut off in autumn, then it will also be an additional shelter for the roots. And from above, dry foliage or spruce branches are used as shelter. But usually this plant survives the winter frosts well.

Hosta care features (video)

It can be concluded that in the autumn, caring for this perennial comes down to watering and shelter before the winter cold. To subject the plant to autumn pruning or not is up to the flower growers. It must be remembered that only a few varieties of hosta are transplanted only in the autumn period, and the rest can be transplanted until spring.

Hosta, with its juicy spreading leaves, peculiar flowers with a pronounced caramel smell, is a luxurious decoration for any flower bed. The perennial is unpretentious, but in order to keep it spectacular appearance next season, you need to properly organize the preparation of the plant for winter.

Do I need to prune the hosta in the fall

One of the procedures for the autumn care of the host and preparing it for winter is perennial pruning. There are two opposing views on this matter. Some gardeners recommend pruning the bush without fail, arguing that the old foliage is a breeding ground for all kinds of infections. Others are of the opinion that full pruning of foliage will be the strongest stress for the plant, and fungal diseases rarely affect the host, so the leaves of the plant itself do not pose a threat. It is better if the foliage wilts, dies naturally and serves as a good mulch to protect the plant's root system from the winter cold.

Experienced flower growers say that in autumn the foliage of the host cannot be cut, as this event weakens the perennial, makes it less resistant to the upcoming cold weather.

But the flower stalks on the plant must be removed immediately after flowering. The host is extremely rarely propagated by seed, so it is irrational to allow the plant to spend additional energy on the maturation of unnecessary seeds.

If you do not like flowering hosta, then flower stalks can be removed immediately after they appear.

With the advent of spring and the appearance of young shoots, last year's leaves are easily removed with a conventional rake.

Watering, fertilizing and mulching

Hosta is a moisture-loving plant. It needs watering constantly, including in the fall. Moreover, watering should be of high quality and deep: the soil should be wetted to a depth of 40–50 cm. Stop watering the hosta with the onset of the first frost. It is not recommended to apply fertilizer under the host in autumn. They will provoke the active growth of the perennial, while the plant's resistance to frost and temperature extremes will decrease. The last top dressing with nitrogen-containing fertilizers is carried out in mid-July, and with phosphorus-potassium preparations - no later than August.


Mulching is carried out in September, before the leaves fall and begin to wither. The natural mulch for the plant will be its own dried leaves. Some flower growers use additional shelter. For these purposes, great:

  • spruce branches;
  • chopped brushwood;
  • peat;
  • small chips and sawdust;
  • straw;
  • pine bark;
  • cut grass.

Each type of mulch has its own characteristics of use, advantages and disadvantages:

  • pine bark looks decorative on the flower bed, protects the root system of the plant well, helps to retain moisture. But at the same time, it makes it difficult to clean up fallen leaves, especially if trees grow near the host;

    Tree bark is durable and does not require frequent and complete replacement, usually just updating the top layer is enough.

  • chopped brushwood is also a high-quality mulch, and as a starting material, you can use the branches left after cutting trees and shrubs, passing them through a special grinder. After a while, such a shelter will turn into natural large compost and fertilize the flower bed. The disadvantage of mulching with chopped brushwood is also the difficult cleaning of fallen leaves;

    Even wood inhabited by harmful insects, after grinding and drying, usually ceases to be suitable for them as a habitat.

  • cut grass should be slightly dried in the sun before being used as mulch, otherwise it will quickly rot;
  • straw mulch retains heat well in the soil. It should be taken into account that when it rots, it lowers the level of nitrogen in the soil, therefore, in the next season, appropriate feeding should be provided;
  • One of the main advantages of peat as a mulch is its ability to protect plants from disease. In addition, peat is free-flowing, so it is easy to scatter it under a bush, it retains moisture well, and also contains all the elements for perennial nutrition;

    The composition of peat mainly includes dead plant residues that have decomposed to one degree or another.

  • adding small chips and sawdust helps to fight weeds, retains moisture, improves soil structure. Before mulching, it is recommended to mix sawdust with the ground, and then lay it around a perennial bush, otherwise, with excess moisture, they can freeze in an ice ball.

    When using fresh sawdust, an additional dose of nitrogen fertilizers and lime should be applied.

Ground cover plants can serve as living mulch for hostas. They create a kind of rug that protects the host from many problems.

Most often, Spanish sedum is planted next to the host

Shelter for the winter

In the southern regions, hosts winter well without additional shelter. In the northern regions, after mulching, the perennial is recommended to be carefully covered with a suitable non-woven material: burlap, agrofibre, spunbond. You should not use plastic wrap or roofing material for this. Under them, foliage rotting can begin, which will lead to the development of fungal infections and even the death of the host.

Bushes are covered with non-woven material and pressed around the perimeter with stones or boards

Video: preparing hosts for winter

With proper autumn care for the plant, there are no problems with wintering, and the perennial will not lose its merits, remaining in one place for 20–25 years.

Decorative ornament of any garden, a host, a plant unpretentious. In warm areas, gardeners do not particularly bother caring for it. It winters well without shelter. But in middle lane In our country, frosts can destroy a beautiful flower. We will tell you more about the host, leaving in the fall, preparing for the winter.

Properly choosing a variety of hosts, you can create a unique flower arrangement in your garden. Most often, gardeners use the following types of this plant.

Hosta albo marginata. This is a plant with large green leaves and a beautiful white narrow border. It blooms with tall white or lilac flowers.

Hosta undulata. Along the edge, the leaves are collected, forming a wave, slightly oblong. There are white with a green border, as well as pure green. purple flowers rise above the bushes by 80 cm.

Hosta sieboldiana. The leaves are gray in color, very large. Breeders have bred many varieties of this species with leaves blue color. Siebold blooms with pale lilac flowers.

Hosta plantaginea. The shape of the leaves resembles the leaves of an ordinary plantain, only larger in size. Blooms with white, fragrant flowers. There are varieties with double flowers, they are widely used to create decorative beds.

How to Prepare Your Hosta for Winter

In the fall, the gardener has a lot of obligatory work to do. It is necessary to put in order not only vegetable beds, but also do not forget about ornamental plants. Otherwise, they will die during the winter, and next year you will again have to look for plants to decorate the garden. With a competent approach to growing a host, it retains its decorative properties for twenty years, no less.

Preparing the hosta for winter includes:

  • Pruning.
  • Mulching and watering.
  • Shelter for the winter.

Autumn pruning of hosts: pros and cons

Opinions of host lovers regarding pruning differ. In one, gardeners are united - immediately after flowering, flower stalks must be removed. If you do not trim the flower stalks, seeds will form on them. And this is not necessary, since it is quite difficult to grow a hosta from seeds. The plant should not be allowed to waste energy on the formation of seeds that no one needs, instead of preparing for winter. To remove flower stalks (faded and unblown), use a sharp pruner.

Gardeners do not recommend cutting leaves. Some even transplant with leaves. During the autumn period, they finally wither, and die off naturally. Full pruning of leaves is a strong stress for the plant. And drying out gradually, the foliage will become an excellent mulch that will protect the roots of the plant from the winter cold.

Pruning of old shoots can be done in the spring, when the plant has already overwintered and given new shoots.

Some gardeners believe that pruning is mandatory, because old leaves can cause infections. In fact, hosts rarely get sick, they are resistant to fungal diseases. Therefore, such an argument in favor of leaf pruning cannot be considered as reliable.

Mulching and watering

Is mulching necessary? Be sure to carry out this procedure in September. It should be remembered that the host is a moisture-loving plant. And she needs watering in the fall, more than ever. The roots of the plant should be well wet. For this, the strait of bushes is carried out by 40-50 cm.

Important! At the first frost on the soil, it is necessary to stop watering.

What to use as mulch

The natural mulch will be the lower leaves, which will fall off in the fall. Additionally, you will need a layer of mulch, which is suitable for:

  • peat;
  • sawdust;
  • straw;
  • bark;
  • shredded branches.

Each gardener must determine for himself which type of mulch is more convenient for him to use. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Pine bark. Mulching with bark looks very decorative. The bark protects the root system well, retains moisture for a long time. But its cost is high, and if many varieties of hosta are grown in the garden, it will turn out to be very expensive. Using the bark as a mulch is difficult if the hostas are planted under trees. The decomposed bark will make it difficult to clean up fallen leaves in the fall, which is necessary.

Chopped branches. A gardener who has a special chopper can afford such mulch. Every year, when pruning garden trees and shrubs, many branches remain. If you pass them through the grinder, you get a large number of material that can be used for hosta mulching. A few years later this natural material turns into natural coarse compost. The disadvantage is the same - it is inconvenient to remove foliage with such a mulch.

Peat. The first video shows how to mulch peat hostas in pots and in open ground.

Sawdust. Convenient material, it is easy for them to mulch the area around the host. Looks attractive. But you need to have your own small wood processing plant to use sawdust as mulch in a large garden area.

Important! Before laying out the mulch, it must be treated with insecticides. This will help kill or neutralize potential pests and bacteria that may be in the mulch. So that snails do not start in it, it is additionally sprinkled with tobacco.

How is mulch applied? Mulch is mixed with dry soil and sprinkled near the base of the hosta bush.

"Live" mulch for hosta

Some gardeners plant ground covers between host bushes. The most commonly used stonecrop is Spanish. This plant lines the ground like a rug. The only thing is that it also needs to be taken care of, and this is additional work.

Mulch time

The timing of the introduction of organic mulch depends on the region where the hosta is planted.

  1. In Siberia, regions of the Urals, on Far East- Mulching is carried out until October 1.
  2. In the southern regions, you can wait until the end of October.
  3. In the Moscow region, work is completed by mid-October.

Shelter for the winter

After mulching, you should think about sheltering the hosta for the winter. To do this, you do not need to build any super shelters. Enough to pick up suitable material who will need to close landings.

Important! It is impossible to apply fertilizers containing phosphorus and other elements in the fall. host last time for the season they are fed in August, and then only in the spring.

  • A dry day is chosen for shelter. It is necessary that there is no precipitation and strong winds.
  • Hosta bushes are covered with non-woven material, along the perimeter it is fixed with stones, boards or bricks. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the growth buds.
  • Polyethylene film must not be used. Ruberoid is also not worth using. Otherwise, the foliage will begin to rot, rotting and the development of fungal diseases will begin, which will lead to the death of the plant. It is better to use spunbond, agrofibre, burlap.
  • After a sufficient amount of snow has fallen, it is necessary to cover the plantings with it. You can only take freshly fallen snow, without ice, so as not to damage the plant.

Taking care of the host in the fall, securely covering it for the winter, you can see in the spring how it will release new big leaves saturated color, and then please with fragrant flowers.