Arugula how to grow in the garden and windowsill.  Arugula on the windowsill - how easy it is to grow vitamins at home.  Choosing a variety for home cultivation

Arugula how to grow in the garden and windowsill. Arugula on the windowsill - how easy it is to grow vitamins at home. Choosing a variety for home cultivation

If earlier arugula was a curiosity in our places, today this representative of the cabbage family is gaining more and more fans. Its juicy leaves with a slight nutty flavor are simply indispensable for salads. In addition, they will add an original flavor note to soups, vegetable side dishes and even meat. Therefore, many gardeners are happy to sow arugula seeds next to the salad and cut vitamin greens all summer. If you want to have it in the winter, the most affordable option is to sow the seeds in flower vases. This culture feels great indoors and gives an equally generous deciduous harvest. At the same time, there is no particular difficulty in how to grow arugula on the windowsill. The main thing is to choose a suitable, compact and fast-growing variety and take care of the plants a little.

Features of sowing arugula for indoor cultivation

For planting in pots, it is better to choose varieties that are characterized by a rapid increase in deciduous mass. So, 3-4 weeks after sowing, it will be possible to cut the first crop of arugula:

  • Poker;
  • Corsica;
  • Sicily;
  • Rocket.

As for the soil, it should be nutritious and light. In addition, it is necessary to choose soil mixtures in which peat is not added. The acidity of arugula is not needed and is even contraindicated.

A substrate suitable for a plant can be made independently by mixing:

  • 2 shares of sod land and;
  • adding 1 share of sand for friability.

The closer to the surface the seeds, the faster they will sprout. Therefore, arugula should be sown superficially, only slightly sprinkled with soil on top. In addition, they will rise more evenly.

How to grow arugula on the windowsill: simple plant care

The first week, arugula crops should be kept in a greenhouse, covered with foil. It is desirable that it be a dark place. But as soon as shoots begin to peep through, the container is transferred to a bright southern window sill and the shelter is removed. Be sure to install the backlight, especially on cloudy days and in winter.

There is no need to feed indoor arugula - it grows well on its own.

When the seedlings reach 10 days of age, they should be thinned out. By the way, torn bushes can already be crumbled into a salad. In the future, the crop is fully harvested after 3-4 weeks, when the foliage becomes large. And in order to extend the growing season and take up to 3 crops, the leaves can be cut off gradually, individually.

Growing arugula lettuce in domestic conditions turns into exciting and fascinating pastime for all family members. Where should a beginner not burdened with knowledge of an outlandish salad start?

Arugula is famous as a powerful plant - aphrodisiac, however, in search of truth, it is not necessary to go to the homeland of this plant, to Italy.

enough to grow it in your area and even on windowsill.

To begin with, you need to decide what varieties happen?

What varieties of arugula are

Selection of quality seeds

Choose quality seeds - a difficult task, but doable. Follow some simple tips, and then you can get a truly royal harvest. Pledge good harvest - high quality and suitable to seed germination.

  • First, all seeds must be purchased in stores, specialized on their sale. In no case do not buy hand seeds.
  • Secondly, carefully study the packaging - it should be whole, without breaks and dents, study the information on it - check expiration dates.
  • And thirdly, be sure to follow sowing technology seeds, but more on that later.

The price for a pack of indau or arugula seeds starts from 14 rubles, the maximum price tag for a package is about 70 rubles.

You can buy these seeds at online stores engaged in distribution and delivery, as well as at specialized fairs VVC.

Preparing for landing

Soil selection and preparation for sowing

Arugula prefers neutral or slightly alkaline soil, that is, if sorrel, plantain and horsetail grow in abundance on your site, then the earth needs lime.

You can sow this plant in open ground, but in our latitudes, also called extreme for agriculture, lettuce necessary sow for seedlings.

The minimum temperature required for seeds to germinate is 9-10 degrees, but the optimum starts from 16 .

The soil can be taken as ordinary garden, and specially acquired for these purposes in the store.

Seed preparation

Arugula unpretentious and a well-growing plant, so a special separate germination seeds are not required.

They should be put on well moistened ground, keeping a step of 2 cm.

Seeds can be sown in peat cups and lightly sprinkle earth, leave for 5-6 days. Having received their shoots, you can transplant together with cups in open ground.

Advice! If necessary, cover the seedlings with a film, however, arugula can withstand light frosts without much damage.

Sowing dates

Seeds are grown for seedlings in early spring - in March, although houses can be grown and winter.

Of course, this plant grows and hot summer, but in order to use it fresh, you should be aware that the best leaves are obtained at the age 30-50 days.

Advice! To get delicious spicy greens, you need to thin out, leaving the bushes at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.

Where can you plant arugula?

  1. This plant unpretentious, and can grow both in open ground - in a summer cottage, and at home on windowsill. In an apartment, arugula can grow almost all year round, and delight lovers. fresh salad greens.
  2. You can plant arugula from early spring until late autumn, and shoot several crops per season.
  3. A plant grown in open ground in a garden will require only shelters from frost.

Plant care is the same in all cases - weeding, loosening and plentiful watering. These simple tips will help you grow tasty and healthy harvest.

Care after landing

Top dressing and fertilizers

With a special caution treat organic fertilizers, since arugula has properties accumulate nitrates than can cause poisoning especially in children and the elderly.

Lighting and maintenance of optimal temperature

Light and warm- one of the most important conditions for growing arugula.

It grows best at temperatures 18 degrees.

Arugula loves sunlight and also prefers a good one.

Timely watering

As stated earlier, watering must be careful and plentiful.

Remember, the more water, the sweeter there will be your salad.

How to get rid of pests and diseases of lettuce?

Arugula contains a lot of essential oils, so it scares away many pests. However, the plant may susceptible various fungal diseases.

  • Sometimes arugula can suffer from invasion cruciferous flea, in which case it should be sprinkled ash or tobacco dust. Another option - cover dense light non-woven material.
  • In order to get rid of slugs- sprinkle the ground mustard powder.
  • Well, it is absolutely necessary destroy larvae living in the soil may beetles and cabbage fly.

Universal the way is to plant sage nearby or, they will scare away pests.

How to harvest arugula seeds

Attention! The collection of greens can be started after the plant has grown 10 centimeters from the ground and completed before the flowering of our plant, otherwise all fragrant and beneficial properties will be lost.

This applies to fresh greens, and in order to get seeds for subsequent planting, it costs more a little wait. In July, flowering will end, and the process will begin self-reproduction.

seeds ripen in pods, you should start collecting them immediately after maturation, otherwise they will all be on the ground very quickly. At the beginning autumn the bushes will begin to wither and dry, on this cultivation arugula ends this calendar year.

Arugula has spicy taste and has healing properties. Grow this delicious and useful greens with pleasure!

Video below contains step by step instructions for growing arugula:

Fans of Italian cuisine are familiar with the refreshing bitter-nutty taste of arugula greens, a herbaceous plant of the cabbage family. Until recently, only visitors to expensive restaurants could try dishes with its addition. However, times are changing, and today arugula greens are an affordable product for ordinary consumers and, of course, for summer residents who successfully cultivate spicy grass in their backyards.

In the autumn-winter period, when arugula greens are available only in the form of stunted bunches on supermarket shelves, you can self-cultivate the crop at home, where it feels quite comfortable. Following detailed recommendations, even a novice grower who wants to enjoy the spicy-spicy taste of Mediterranean culinary delights throughout the year can grow arugula on the windowsill.

Seed preparation

Before sowing in the ground, arugula seeds are germinated as follows:

  • For 2-3 hours, the seed is soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a growth stimulator (aloe juice or Epin).
  • Gauze, folded in several layers, abundantly moistened with water, is placed on a plate.
  • Carefully spread the soaked arugula seeds on cheesecloth.
  • The plate is placed in a warm place.

In favorable conditions of heat and high humidity, the seeds hatch very quickly - the first roots appear after 2-3 days, after which they are transferred to the ground.

To save time, it is allowed to sow seeds in the ground without preliminary germination. To do this, they are distributed over the surface of moist soil and sprinkled with a layer of sand no more than 1 cm thick. However, in this case, seedlings will appear much later.

A plastic container with low walls or a low tray can serve as a planting container at the first stage of cultivation. Sowing works are carried out in the following order:

  • The prepared substrate is poured into the planting container, which must be abundantly moistened.
  • Planting holes about 1 cm deep are formed over the entire surface of the soil every 20–25 cm.
  • One germinated seed is placed in each well, trying not to damage the fragile roots, and sprinkled with a thin layer of soil.
  • Unlike seedlings of other crops, arugula crops are not covered with a film; at the end of the procedure, the container is simply placed on a sunny windowsill.

Amicable shoots of arugula appear in 5-6 days. After 2–2.5 weeks, when the second pair of true leaves begins to form on the seedlings, it is time to dive. Young plants are planted in separate cups or pots.

Recipe for the occasion::

Caring for a home "plantation" of arugula does not require much trouble and consists of the following activities:

  • The main condition for good development and high quality of greenery is abundant and regular watering, which must be carried out every 2 days. From lack of moisture, arugula leaves coarsen and acquire strong bitterness.
  • It is not necessary to feed the plants, since the use of mineral fertilizers leads to a high concentration of nitrates in the leaves, and organic dressings give the greens an unpleasant specific taste.
  • Due to the high content of essential oils in the composition, the culture is not attacked by insect pests. Fungal diseases pose the greatest danger to plantings. In case of damage, the plant is not subject to treatment, it is destroyed, and the soil is subjected to repeated heat treatment.
  • When placing arugula, it is worth considering that the most delicious greens grow in good light and at a temperature not higher than +18 ° C.

With proper care, the first green crop can be harvested after 20-30 days (depending on the variety) from the time of planting.

Choosing a variety for home cultivation

Of the many varieties of arugula, the most suitable for growing at home are:

  • Solitaire is one of the most popular early maturing varieties. Narrow dissected leaves are collected in a raised rosette, reaching a diameter of 15–20 cm. The greens are ready for cutting in 20–25 days from the beginning of regrowth.
  • "Poker" is an early maturing variety with wide, slightly dissected leaves collected in a tall rosette. Ripens in 18-25 days.
  • "Rococo" - undersized, early ripening variety. Unusual oak-like leaves are collected in a miniature rosette 10-17 cm high and are distinguished by an intense mustard aroma.
  • "Corsica" is a tall mid-season variety. Rosette of leaves, serrated along the edges, reaches a height of 55–60 cm.

In addition to the above, experienced gardeners highly appreciated such varieties as "Sicily", "Euphoria", "Rocket", "Mermaid", which have proven themselves not only in home cultivation, but also when grown in open ground.

The Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of arugula. This spice was used in ancient Rome, and later it was willingly used by culinary specialists of French and English cuisines. The Egyptians prefer adding the herb to bean dishes and salads, while the Italians use arugula leaves to top pizza, risotto, and salads.

How to grow arugula on the windowsill, we will consider in detail below. Eruka, indau, caterpillar, walker - these are all the names of the annual arugula plant.

Plant varieties also differ in appearance. Some of them have yellow flowers and oblong toothed leaves, others with white flowers and dissected leaves. The whole plant is used for food: seeds, flowers and leaves.

Beneficial features

Healing qualities are preserved if eruku is torn into small pieces, and not cut with a knife.

  1. Arugula leaves contain a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins, essential oils, trace elements, citric and malic acids, tannins, pectin compounds, and antioxidants.
  2. Thanks to this chemical composition, it improves bowel function, normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, strengthens blood vessels, has a positive effect on male potency, slows down the development of cancerous tumors.
  3. Arugula leaf salad is included in the menu by those who decide to lose weight. The grass is low-calorie, contains a lot of fiber and vitamins, the feeling of hunger disappears for a long time.
  4. Arugula is a substitute for salt in the preparation of many dishes.
  5. The use of indau on fasting days normalizes metabolism, removes toxins and toxins.
  6. The herb leaf oil reduces brittle nails and softens the skin.
  7. It helps with problems with potency in men.
  8. Hair masks with decoction or arugula oil reduce hair breakage and give them strength and natural shine.

Medicinal properties

Due to the unique composition, indau is also used as an additional remedy in the treatment of certain diseases. Properties:

  • promotes wound healing;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • reduces cholesterol;
  • improves metabolism;
  • regulates the water-salt balance;
  • raises hemoglobin;
  • has a sedative and calming effect;
  • reduces blood sugar;
  • helps the body fight infections.

Harmful properties

Unfortunately, arugula, in addition to benefits, can also harm the body. Due to the content of phytoncides in the grass, severe allergic reactions are possible.

You should not use eruka for diseases:

  • liver;
  • gastritis;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • prick.

Contraindicated in India and pregnant women.

How to grow arugula on the balcony?

All year round you can grow lettuce leaves on a glazed balcony if the temperature on it is more than 10 degrees. It grows well in such conditions. For planting, you need to take a container, box or pot and sow the seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm. To properly cultivate a plant on a balcony, you need to know how to grow arugula on a windowsill.

Indau has a high seed germination, so when planting, they should not be laid out often. Shoots appear on the 5th day. Seedling method is used to save seeds. Plantings are also made more thickened, in order to subsequently thin them out and make a salad. Harvest ripens in a month.

When growing grass on a balcony, it is important to remember:

  • do not use fertilizers, nitrates are quickly absorbed into the greens;
  • growing arugula requires moderate watering; excess water makes the leaves bitter;
  • make the distance between plants 8 cm, then the taste will improve;
  • it will grow well if the balcony faces the sunny side;
  • the best temperature for growing is 18 degrees;
  • The leaves are ready to eat when the bush reaches a height of 10 cm.

How to grow arugula at home on a windowsill

Any kind of grass is taken as planting material. Early-ripening varieties will please you with a harvest in 20 days, and mid-ripening and late - in 30-40 days, respectively.

In boxes or trays, make a drainage layer of pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay. Take the earth slightly alkaline or neutral. Soil calcined at a high temperature from under pumpkin or legume plants, taken from a summer cottage, is ideal. Alternatively, you can use boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. After disinfection, the earth should stand for 10-14 days. You can prepare the soil yourself, for this, in proportions of 2: 1: 2, they take turf land, sand and humus.

On moistened and slightly compacted soil, make rows or small holes. Put the seeds in them at a distance of three centimeters and sprinkle with a layer of earth one centimeter.

Care, harvest

Watered with a spray bottle so as not to erode the soil. After sowing, the boxes are covered with polyethylene film and placed in the dark. The optimum temperature at which the cultivation of arugula is considered ideal is 18 degrees. When the first shoots appear, usually on the 5-6th day, the film coating is removed. Weak and diseased plants are thrown away. Trays are transferred to a well-lit window sill and moved closer to the glass. Grass is a photophilous plant. If the windows face the north side, then they make backlighting from fluorescent lamps, which are placed at a height of 60 cm. Watered once every two days. Feeding is not required. The eruca plant is very tender, so it should be protected from drafts and do not open the windows on the windows where the boxes are located.

In about a month, juicy greens with an unusual taste will appear in your kitchen. Leaves are cut from a height of 10 cm. The size of the leaves matters, since small leaves contain a large amount of bitterness.

"How to grow arugula on the windowsill in winter?" - fans of this greenery ask a question. The only difference in growing grass in winter is the extension of daylight hours by 4-6 hours.

It's so easy to grow eruka at home. In the refrigerator, greens do not last longer than six days. For long-term storage, it is washed, dried and frozen in the freezer. There will always be fresh greens on the table if you plant indau in small volumes every two weeks.

Pests and diseases

How to grow arugula on the windowsill in order to use its properties to promote health and protect yourself from diseases? It is necessary to follow certain rules for caring for her.

Indau contains a large amount of essential oils. No pests affect her. The smell of essential oils will scare away harmful insects from other plants that are next to it. But it is not protected from fungal diseases that affect the roots due to high soil moisture. The disease manifests itself by wilting of the stems, and white bubbles appear on the roots. The affected greens are destroyed, the disease is incurable.

Trying to experiment

Increasingly, you can see in houses how arugula grows on the windowsill; growing from seeds does not require special conditions for harvesting. This amazing plant feels equally good not only on balconies and window sills, but also in open ground.

After the flowering of the eruca, seeds are formed that are sown in the soil and give new shoots the next year, so there is no need to plant it annually in summer cottages. You can try to leave the seeds, wait until the arugula sprouts on the windowsill, growing from seeds in this case will not require any effort at all.

Cultivation of indau does not cause difficulties due to the unpretentiousness of the plant. Greens have a refined and spicy taste, which in a different way reveals the possibilities and subtleties of well-known products. How to grow arugula on the windowsill so that the green garden is always at hand is described in this article.

How to grow arugula at home

The annual rucola plant (eruca lettuce, rocket lettuce, caterpillar sowing, arugula) belongs to the early ripening vegetables of the cabbage family. This variety of garden leafy greens, which has become especially popular recently due to its exquisite unusual taste and super health benefits, came to us from the Mediterranean coast. Today, arugula is successfully used not only in the Mediterranean, but also in the cuisines of many continents and countries (America, Asia, Europe).

Useful properties of arugula

Arugula leaves spice up any dish, whether it's a fresh vegetable salad, pasta sauce, meat dishes or risotto. The delicate nut-mustard taste of the plant is due to the presence of flavonoids, alkaloids and essential oils. The use of arugula in food has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, tones the body, stimulates digestion, enhances intestinal motility and the removal of decay products. Due to its unique composition, the herb increases the level of hemoglobin and activates the immune system.

Not everyone has garden plots, but many would like to regularly enjoy this greenery, so in this article we will try to highlight the question of how to grow arugula at home. The trendy lettuce is quite unpretentious and does not require special agronomic skills and knowledge. Just follow the advice of experienced gardeners, and you will be provided with an excellent harvest of fragrant leaves at any time of the year.

Greens on the windowsill:

How to grow bay leaves at home

How to grow basil on a windowsill

How to grow dill on the windowsill: fragrant greens all year round

How to grow arugula on a windowsill

Arugula seeds are bought at any specialized store. Early-ripening varieties of Koltivata, Solitaire, Rococo give a harvest quite quickly (after about three weeks), and mid-ripening - Corsica, Sicily ripen in 30-35 days. Different varieties differ not only in the time of emergence, but also in the size, shape and color of the leaves, as well as in the taste, which can be soft nutty, bitter or spicy.

Pot and soil preparation

To grow arugula on a windowsill, a pot, like any other container, must have a drainage layer (expanded clay, broken brick) and holes to remove excess moisture. The dimensions of the container for the mini-garden are selected based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window sill. The height of the pot should not be less than 12 cm. The soil layer is filled up with a height of at least 6-7 cm.

Arugula is unpretentious and undemanding to the soil, the main thing is that the earth is sufficiently loose, moisture-permeable and always moist. The soil can be used universal, or it can be specially designed for seedlings. Such soil contains phosphorus and nitrogen in the right proportions, which has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of any plants, including arugula.

Arugula sowing

The seeds are laid out in rows on the surface of well-moistened soil, observing a step of 3 cm. From above they are covered with a layer of dry earth (1-1.5 cm), after which the soil is qualitatively treated with warm settled water from a sprayer. This method of initial watering helps to evenly distribute moisture over the entire surface of the soil.

The box (container) should be covered with any film or glass and placed in a warm place, for example, near a heating battery, or immediately on a windowsill, especially if there are sunny days. Arugula feels great at a fairly wide temperature range (from +10°C to +25°C).


In order to properly grow arugula on the windowsill, windows should face the sunny side, since all leafy greens love the maximum amount of light. If you do not have the opportunity to break a mini-garden on a south-facing window, then lighting can also be created artificially, which will not affect the yield in any way.

Above the surface of the plants at a distance of about half a meter, you can attach lighting fixtures, such as fluorescent lamps. In winter and in cloudy weather, supplementary lighting must be carried out all day. The rest of the time, for the normal development of greenery, it is enough to increase daylight hours by several hours.

Arugula Care

Do not forget to moisten the soil daily with a spray bottle, removing the film and airing the plantings. The first shoots appear very quickly (3-7 days), which is a signal to remove the protective coating and place the container in its permanent place.

Now the whole process of caring for your green pets comes down to regular watering. The plant very quickly absorbs all substances from the soil, so it is not recommended to fertilize with various chemical substrates.

Arugula harvest

When the leaves reach a height of 10 cm, you can begin to actively feast on spicy grass. You should not wait until it blooms, as in the photo at the beginning of the article :) The crop is harvested as needed, immediately before being added to culinary dishes (this way all nutrients are preserved to the maximum), tearing off green leaves, the original corrugated form. With a uniform, gentle picking, arugula can delight you with its greens for up to 45 days!

As you can see, growing arugula on the windowsill is not difficult. You just have to decide on this important step and in a month you will enjoy the magnificent appearance and taste of this exotic spice.

Mila Nabogova "How to grow arugula at home" especially for the Eco-life website.

The diet of any person should include at least 70% of vegetables. A good addition is fresh herbs, the chemical composition of which is rich in valuable vitamins and minerals. Arugula is considered one of the popular salad components, but when grown in summer cottages, it is rarely possible to obtain a product with an exquisite spicy-nutty taste. The whole secret lies in agricultural technology, the rules of planting and care, which will be discussed in this article.

What is arugula and what does it look like

The plant is a kind of lettuce, belongs to the genus Indau of the cabbage family. Initially, greens were considered a weed, but later added to the lists of vegetable crops grown in our country. Demand for the product began to grow after the popularization of Mediterranean cuisine.

The culture has a short growing season, which allows you to grow greens in the open field throughout the entire warm period. When cultivated in a greenhouse or on a windowsill, the crop grows all year round, in spring and winter.

Arugula contains rich in vitamins, which includes:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins B, E, PP, K;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • vegetable acids (erucic, oleic, linoleic, etc.);
  • steroids and other substances.

Arugula leaves contain a large amount of vitamins

Regular consumption of greens has the following effect on the body:

  • strengthens the protective function of the body;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • increases hemoglobin.

And this is an incomplete list of the merits of arugula, so it is often included in dietary and medical nutrition.

Terms for sowing arugula in open ground

Arugula can be sown several times per season, starting April to August. It is important that the earth has time to warm up to 9-14 degrees. If planted in cold soil, the process of germination and seedling development is inhibited.

In the south and in the middle lane, you can sow from April 15. In the northern regions, it is recommended to use greenhouse or seedling method of cultivation.

Seeds for seedlings need to be planted from the end of March to the beginning of April. Preliminary preparation for seeds is not required, they already have good germination. Seedlings are grown in pots, boxes or cups.

Arugula seeds

Shoots appear 4-6 days after sowing. When 2 true leaves are formed on the sprouts, you need to dive seedlings into separate containers(plastic cups or peat pots). The grown shoots are transferred to an open bed along with an earthen clod so as not to damage the root system.

After the germination of seedlings, it is necessary to thin out the planting, leaving at first 5 cm between the shoots, and then, increasing the distance to 10 cm. Thickening has a negative effect on the taste of the salad.

The most suitable varieties for growing in a country house or garden

The range of varieties makes it difficult to choose when choosing a variety to grow on your site. When buying, you should familiarize yourself with a brief description of the plants and the features of their agricultural technology.

Arrows of Cupid

plant with medium ripening period, the growing season lasts 36-38 days. The bush reaches a height of 20-30 cm, forming a raised rosette of narrow long leaves. During flowering, light yellow inflorescences of small sizes appear.

Features of the variety: consistently gives a high yield, the external similarity of the culture with dandelion.

Arugula Cupid's Arrows


The variety ripens in about a month (vegetation 28-30 days). The height of the bush reaches 20 cm, the stem is erect with a small edge. The plant blooms in small cream-colored inflorescences.

The palatability of the leaves is distinguished by a sweetish aftertaste and the absence of bitterness.

Arugula Curiosity


Plant early 21-25 days. Saturated green leaves of large sizes, in one outlet there are about 20-26 of them. The height of the bush is about 20 cm.

The taste of arugula is sweetish with a hint of mustard. Seed material remains viable for 4 years.

Arugula Poker


Plant early maturation period, the growing season lasts only 20-25 days. The height of the bush does not exceed 16-20 cm. The leaves are lyre-shaped, slightly rounded. The variety is perennial.

Advantages of the plant: high yield, good transportability, high palatability, which are distinguished by a pronounced nutty note and a slight bitterness.

Arugula Olivetta

Rules for planting vegetables in the garden

In order for the arugula to be filled with a rich green color and acquire a pleasant nutty flavor, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of agricultural technology, in particular planting in open ground.

Seed preparation before sowing

Arugula seeds must be purchased in specialized stores. When buying from hand, you will need to spend seed disinfection. To do this, the grains are immersed for 15 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the procedure, you need to thoroughly rinse them under running water and dry them on a towel.

Other treatments to stimulate growth are not carried out, since arugula seed germinates quite well.

Soil preparation for arugula

When choosing a place for a garden bed for arugula, it should be noted that the plant does not like shade or direct sunlight. Therefore, it is worth choosing a site that is in the shade for one half of the day, and in the second in the sun. Ideally, if at noon the plants will be in partial shade.

The landing site should be limited from direct sunlight

Good soil for lettuce fertile, loose with a neutral environment or slightly acidic. The following predecessors are welcome: carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin. It is not recommended to sow arugula after: cabbage, turnip, daikon, radish and other cruciferous crops.

Before planting, the soil can be enriched with calcium by introducing dolomite flour, chalk or other means into it.

What scheme to choose for planting in open ground

Sowing is carried out in prepared holes with a depth of 2 cm. The interval between rows during transplantation is observed in 30-40 cm, between the holes - 5 cm. 2-3 seeds are planted in each hole. After a week, it is necessary to thin out the beds, increasing the interval between plants to 10-15 cm.

Post disembarkation care


The optimum temperature for vegetation is considered to be 14-18 degrees. At a lower rate, the development of the plant is inhibited.

The culture will survive a sharp drop in temperature to minus 7 degrees, but on condition that the cold is short-lived. If frost occurs after sowing, then it is necessary to build a shelter from a plastic film.

Watering the plant

The soil in the beds with arugula should always be moist, so irrigation is done regularly. Watering mode: 3-4 times a week.

Watering is carried out 3-4 times a week

In persistent heat, moisten the soil daily. From lack of moisture, the leaves acquire a bitter taste, and the plant itself releases color.

Arugula loves moisture, but watering should be regulated. Do not allow stagnant water in the upper layers of the soil.

Weeding and loosening

For normal vegetation, the plant needs loose soil, therefore, after each watering or every other time, the earth should be fluffed with a chopper or a horn.

Simultaneously with this procedure, weeding is performed. Weeds thicken the planting, which provokes the development of fungal diseases, attracting pests. In addition, the proximity to weeds can adversely affect the taste of arugula.

top dressing

The soil for planting lettuce should be well fertilized. Then for the entire growing season you will need only 1-2 dressings.

Enter complex mineral compositions should not be, because in a short time the toxins accumulated in the leaves will not have time to decompose. It is better to use a solution of chicken manure or rotted manure along with irrigation water. Nitrogen fertilizers are also suitable.

As a fertilizer, it is best to use a solution of chicken manure

Pests and prevention

Arugula leaves contain a large amount of essential oils, their aroma repels many pests. However, this does not protect against fungal infections, which develop well in a humid environment - the soil.

With the defeat of the root system, the stem begins to gradually fade. On the roots with a fungal disease, small brown bubbles form. When the first signs of the disease are found, it is necessary to remove the bush from the garden, and treat the soil with antifungal drugs.

Arugula leaves can only be damaged cruciferous fleas, lovers of radishes and different types of lettuce. If you cover the seedlings with lutrasil, then the pest will go looking for food elsewhere.

Green harvest

Arugula is harvested with a leaf length of about 10 cm

Those who have already had the experience of growing arugula know that when the plant is overexposed in the garden, the leaves become hard and bitter in taste. Therefore, it is necessary to harvest the harvest on time, should not be postponed.

One of the signs of ripeness is the length of the leaf, it should reach at least 10 cm. After the release of the peduncle, the taste of the lettuce deteriorates.

Large rosettes are cut off completely, other bushes are cut off partially. Leaves are best used fresh for cooking. In the refrigerator, a crop wrapped in cling film can lie for only a few days.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the cultivation of arugula is an exciting and uncomplicated business. By adhering to the general rules for caring for a plant, you can enrich the body with useful microelements, strengthen the immune system and even rejuvenate the skin.

You can plant and grow arugula not only in the country or in the garden, but also at home - on the windowsill or balcony. The main thing is to get acquainted with compatibility with other plants, plant seeds according to the rules and maintain the desired temperature at home.

Currently, among other vegetable salad crops, a Mediterranean delicacy is beginning to occupy a firm place - leaf vegetable salad arugula (arugula, arugula). For a long time it was unusual for Russian cuisine. If in Italy back in the first century, arugula was considered an indispensable vegetable on the dinner table, using it as a spice, then in Russia it was an annoying caterpillar weed, and only in the 20-21st century did it begin to take its rightful place as a salad plant in the kitchen menus of our regions.

Arugula, or Caterpillar sowing, or Indau sowing, or Eruca sowing (Eruca vesicaria, syn. Eruca sativa)

At present, in Russia, the “Italian” is worthily appreciated as a food culture. It does not require special care, grows freely in places with a rather harsh climate.

Arugula can be grown:

  • in open ground by sowing seeds and through seedlings;
  • in the greenhouse by direct sowing of seeds and through seedlings;
  • at home on kitchen windowsills.

I invite you, dear readers, to get acquainted with the methods of growing arugula, its features and varieties for growing in summer cottages and vegetable gardens.

  • Arugula in the plant system
  • Ways to grow arugula
  • Harvest and storage
  • Growing arugula in a greenhouse
  • Growing seedlings of arugula
  • Useful properties of arugula

Arugula in the plant system

In the wild in the Russian Federation, arugula is found in the European part, in the foothills of Dagestan and the Caucasus. Under natural conditions, she prefers dry, light, loose soils.

In different countries of the world it is called differently: rocket salad, rauca, rocca, rocket, arugula, rugola, rugetta, gulyavnik, indau, eruka. In the Russian Federation, they are more often called caterpillar, sowing indau, and in some regions - wild mustard.
Arugula in the plant system belongs to the Cabbage family (Brassicaceae). The international scientific name is Eruca sativa.

Arugula is a very interesting plant. Under the market name "Arugula" there are two types of lettuce:

  1. garden arugula (Eruca sativa), botanical name indau sowing, or sowing caterpillar, or sowing eruca (Eruca vesicaria).
  2. wild arugula, or botanical name two-row thin-leaved(Diplotaxis tenuifolia).

Both types have an attractive taste, giving dishes a delicate aroma of a nutty-mustard hue. At a cursory examination, they are very similar, but they are still two different plants.

Species differences

Varieties of garden arugula, or indau - annual plants. A distinctive feature is the lyre-shaped lower leaves with a serrated, sometimes smooth edge. Flowers in a rare long raceme of light colors (white, cream, yellowish, with purple streaks). The leaves are characterized by a spicy-spicy taste with a mustard note. Seeds in pods are arranged in 2 rows, similar to mustard seeds.

Wild arugula, or thin-leaved double-rowed perennial. Tall, up to 70 cm plants are prone to lodging. A distinctive feature is the shape of the leaf blade of the lower rosette leaves: narrow, long, strongly dissected. The taste of the leaves is sharper than that of annual indau. The flowers are also located in long, loose racemes, but the color of the corolla petals is yellow, turning into orange. Seeds in pods are very small (like poppies), arranged in 2 rows. Fans of spicy dishes prefer varieties of wild arugula.

In the Russian Federation, garden arugula, or indau sowing (erica sowing), is more common. Breeders have bred more than 30 varieties suitable for cultivation in different regions of Russia.

Arugula garden, or Eruka sowing (Eruca vesicaria) © Rasbak

Botanical description of arugula

Indau (arugula) - a plant of 40-60 cm with a straight branched, slightly pubescent stem. Rod root. The leaves are basal, forming a rosette. They are slightly thickened, covered with hairs. They have a spicy-pepper taste with a residual mustard aftertaste. The shape of the leaf blade depends on the variety and type of arugula. The lower leaves are elongated, obovate with a rugged leaf blade, dissected into lyre-shaped or serrated lobes on long petioles. The edges of the leaf blade can be serrated, with a smooth or wavy edge.

Arugula blooms in May - July. The inflorescence is a long, loose raceme. The flowers are small, different shades: white, white-pink, yellowish. Corolla petals with purple veins. They are ovoid in shape. The fruit is an oblong pod on thickened short legs. Inside the pod, seeds arranged in 2 rows are compressed oval or rounded oval. Light brown, light brown in color. Reminds me of mustard seeds.

Ways to grow arugula

Arugula can be grown:

  • in the open field by seeds and seedlings in the southern regions and regions with a temperate climate;
  • in regions with a cold short warm period - through seedlings in open ground or in greenhouse conditions;
  • in cold regions - in heated greenhouses in bed culture, on hydroponic solutions;
  • year-round in a pot culture at home.

Growing arugula in open ground

Location selection

Arugula needs bright but diffused lighting. In the cultural rotation, her beds are protected from the sun by tall plants (corn, beans, winding on a trellis) or areas with partial light shading are used. In open areas at high solar temperatures, arugula passes to fast shooting, forms rough leaf blades with wormwood bitterness.

Soil requirement

For arugula, slightly alkaline and neutral fertile soils, water and breathable, are optimal. Arugula dies on acidic soils, and established bushes form poor-quality greens.

If the soils have been fertilized for a long time only with mineral fats, then lime must be added for autumn digging in order to remove the accumulated acidity and provide the plants with calcium.

If there was autumn liming, then in the spring before sowing, 35-40 g / sq. m. Kemira or nitrophoska. If in previous years the soil was sufficiently fertilized, green manure was used, then it is not necessary to apply fertilizers for arugula when preparing the soil.

If liming was not carried out, and the soil needs fertilizer, then it can be applied for digging per sq. m area of ​​30-40 g of nitrophoska or urea.

During the growing season, it is better not to fertilize arugula, as the leaves accumulate nitrites and nitrates, which adversely affect human health. If there is a developmental delay, foliar top dressing with microelements can be carried out (you can buy them at a flower shop).

Location in cultural circulation

The best predecessors are peas and other legumes, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots. After arugula, cruciferous plants should not be planted and sown for 3-5 years due to possible common diseases and pests.

Sowing period

Arugula belongs to the cold-resistant, early ripening spicy vegetable crops.

Seeds begin to be sown when the soil warms up in a 7-10 cm layer to + 6 ... + 10ºС. Since arugula is an early ripening crop, it is possible to carry out several sowings with a gap of 1.5-2.0 weeks in March - April and the entire first half of the summer, repeating a couple of sowings in late August - early September. In warm regions, autumn crops can be harvested from September to November.

Arugula can be sown with winter sowing and get an extra early harvest. Sowing is carried out in the regions with the onset of a stable zero temperature without long autumn thaws, which can lead to swelling and germination of seeds (then the future crop will die). Sowing is carried out approximately in October - November, and in the south - in the February windows.

Garden arugula, or Caterpillar sowing, or Indau sowing, or Eruca sowing (Eruca vesicaria, syn. Eruca sativa)

Agrotechnics of sowing seeds

Sowing seeds of arugula is carried out in an ordinary way with row spacing of 30 - 45 cm. Seeds are buried by 2-4 cm, depending on the type of soil. A feature of the culture is the extended period of seed germination. Therefore, with the advent of seedlings, several thinnings are carried out, leaving the strongest in the row every 8-10 cm. Thickened plantings form small leaves with coarse veins. Arugula seeds begin to germinate at an air temperature of +9 ... + 10ºС, but + 17 ... + 23ºС is optimal for obtaining quick and friendly shoots.

Caring for arugula outdoors

Protecting plants from pests and diseases

Arugula belongs to early ripening crops. The harvest of leaves ready for cutting is formed within 1-1.5 months. Therefore, no chemical treatments of plants can be carried out.

Changing the color of the leaves, the appearance of various spots, wilting of plants indicate a disease or damage to them by pests. The main method of struggle is preventive and preventive:

  • high-quality soil preparation;
  • observance of cultural circulation;
  • weed control;
  • use of healthy seeds prepared for sowing.

When affected by fungal and bacterial diseases, the use of biofungicides (phytosporin-M, gamair, alirin, etc.) is allowed. Processing of plants is carried out according to the recommendations. In case of severe damage, it is better to remove diseased plants from the garden and destroy it, and shed this place with a solution of potassium permanganate.

The green mass of arugula is attractive to cabbage caterpillars, cabbage moths and other lepidoptera, cruciferous fleas, slugs. When planting seedlings in the ground or when seedlings appear, some gardeners advise covering the plants with a cover material (but not a film) to protect against cabbage fleas. Sprinkling of soil and plants with tobacco dust, finely sifted ash is effective. Treatment with solutions of herbs, especially wormwood, is undesirable. Remaining on the leaves, the solution gives them an undesirable aftertaste.

During the growing season, arugula, slugs and caterpillars, with their limited number, are harvested by hand. You can use the treatment of plants with bioinsecticides (bitoxibacillin-BTU-r, aversectin-C, planriz, tabazol, etc.) according to the recommendations.


Watering is very important for the formation of a quality crop. The lack of water coarsens the leaves, gives them bitterness. Watering is carried out along the aisles, with low pressure, so that the soil with splashes of water does not pollute the arugula leaves. Water every 2 days, preferably in the morning before 9-10 am or after 4 pm. With sparse watering (1-2 times a week with large norms), spicy lettuce leaves become coarse, acquire a wormwood-bitter flavor and are not suitable for use in cooking.

General care

The soil under the arugula by constant loosening is loose and clean from weeds. After watering, the soil is mulched, which allows not only to retain moisture, but also to protect the leaves from soil contamination during subsequent watering. Mulch with fine humus and cut grass. The layer of mulch is gradually increased - from 2 to 3 cm or more. Mulch under the bushes is laid out so that the leaves do not lie on bare ground.

Harvest and storage

The first cut of arugula leaves is carried out with a leaf length of 8-12 cm. Subsequent ones - as needed. At the final harvest of green mass, the crop is stored in a refrigerator, a cold cellar, but not more than 7-8 days. Cut leaves are washed, shaken off excess moisture, wrapped in thick paper or film and placed on the bottom shelf.

Arugula garden, or Eruka sowing (Eruca vesicaria). © MichałGrowing arugula in a greenhouse

In greenhouse conditions, arugula can be grown year-round by sowing seeds or through seedlings.

Soil preparation

If the soil in the greenhouse has not been replaced for a long time, all the necessary work is carried out to decontaminate and populate with living microbial material (Baikal EM-1, Ekomik fruitful, etc.), green manure can be sown and, at a biomass height of 10 cm, planted in the soil by digging into a layer of 5-7 cm .

If the soil is systematically renewed, digging is carried out, if necessary, Kemira or nitrophoska is added at the rate of 15-25 g / sq. m area.

After digging, soil clods are crushed and form beds. After a few days, sowing is carried out.

Sowing seeds

Moisten the soil before sowing. After 15-25 cm, rows are cut with a depth of 1.0 cm.
Seeds are sown to a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm. Sprinkle dry soil on top. Sowing is covered with a film.


With the advent of the first shoots of arugula, the film is removed. The soil is kept loose, without weeds, does not allow the formation of a dry soil crust. Watering is carried out often (after 2 days), but in small portions (without flooding). The lighting is diffused but bright. The first cutting of greens is carried out with the growth of leaves up to 8-10 cm. The next ones - if necessary.

To use fresh arugula for a long time, sowing seeds can be repeated after 10-15 days until mid-April.

Growing arugula at home

At home, this useful crop can be grown all year round, providing the family with fresh herbs, especially needed in early spring.

Growing spicy lettuce is best on kitchen windowsills. Sometimes pots of arugula serve as natural landscaping for housing. Culture is placed on window sills and stands and in other rooms. Spicy salad loves bright lighting. With a lack of light, additional lighting with fluorescent lamps or phytolamps is necessary. The optimum ambient temperature in the room is +18…+20ºС. At higher temperatures, airing is carried out (without drafts), the surrounding space is moistened from a fine spray gun.

Sowing and care

For sowing arugula, the soil can be purchased at the store (soil "for vegetables") or prepared independently using soddy soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. A self-prepared substrate must be disinfected by one of the generally accepted methods.

Prepared or purchased soil fill small boxes or containers. Moisten the soil and carry out row sowing with row spacing of 6-8 cm to a depth of 0.5-1.0 cm. Cover the sowing with a film. After 4-6 days, with the emergence of arugula seedlings, the film is removed and the box is placed on the windowsill or in another fairly bright place.

Dry air is humidified through a fine atomizer. The soil is constantly kept moist.

When 2 true leaves are formed, young seedlings of arugula are transplanted / dive 1-2 plants into a separate container or into boxes with free placement of seedlings.

During the growing season of plants, do not allow the formation of inflorescences. They are cut off immediately. With the advent of flowers, the leaves of this culture coarsen, acquire an unpleasant bitterness. A box with soil from under seedlings can be used for the next sowing of seeds. Re-sowing is carried out after two weeks.

Garden arugula, or Eruca sowing (Eruca vesicaria) Growing seedlings of arugula

Above, we examined the cultivation of arugula from seeds in different conditions: open ground, in a greenhouse and at home. Arugula bushes occupy a fairly large area and, in order to increase the yield, it can be grown through seedlings. Growing through seedlings is more cost-effective:

  • the plant forms the largest yield;
  • the seedling method saves the time spent on obtaining a crop when planting in a permanent place.

It is especially profitable to grow arugula through seedlings in regions with a late onset of stable warm weather (you can lay up to three rotations with a full harvest).

Depending on the region, arugula seeds for seedlings are sown in late February - early March and continue sowing with a two-week break until mid-April.

Soil preparation, sowing seeds and conditions for obtaining seedlings are the same as when growing arugula at home. Disinfection of arugula seeds is necessary when using self-collected or purchased from private traders on the market.

After the formation of 2 true leaves, the seedlings dive:

  • in boxes with a planting pattern (20-25 cm - aisle, 10-15 cm - in a row);
  • in separate peat cups, which are planted with the plant in a permanent place;
  • in separate pots or other containers for 1-2 plants.

The age of arugula seedlings for planting in a permanent place is 25-28 days. The soil should warm up to a temperature of + 6 ... + 10ºС. Air temperature from +14-16ºС to +18-20ºС.

Approximately in warm regions, seedlings in separate peat cups (there are fewer injuries during planting) are planted in the ground at the end of March - the first decade of April (depending on the onset of constant spring warming).

In cold regions, seedlings of arugula are laid in the first decade of April, and planting in the ground is carried out from the second half of May.

Before planting arugula in a permanent place, hardening of seedlings is necessary. Seedlings are usually planted in the greenhouse in the evening, in open ground - in the afternoon, which helps the plants to better adapt to new environmental conditions.

Varieties of arugula for country cultivation

In garden culture, 2 types of arugula are grown:

  • cultural (indau sowing, sowing eruka);
  • wild, known as wild rocket, thin-leaved double row.

Arugula is an annual plant, but among garden varieties there are also biennial crops. The roots left in the soil after the last cut for the winter under shelters form an ultra-early harvest of vitamin greens in early spring. For country conditions, the early and medium varieties of annual arugula, presented below, are more suitable.

lettuce variety Arugula Olivetta- Early, from germination to harvesting greenery 20-25 days. Height 20-25 cm. The leaves are lyre-shaped, the general shape is oval. Juicy, rich green, fragrant. The taste is mustard-nutty with a bitter aftertaste. The nutty aroma is pronounced, which is very much appreciated by culinary specialists.

lettuce variety Arugula Spartacus– Early, from germination to green harvesting 24-28 days. The height of plants is up to 70 cm, the leaf rosette is 18-22 cm. The leaf rosette is semi-raised. The leaves are lyre-shaped, smooth. Greens are spicy. Cream flowers. Diet variety.

lettuce variety Arugula Victoria- Mid-season, from germination to harvesting greenery 28-32 days. Bushes up to 70 cm, high foliage, rich in vitamins. The socket is semi-raised. The leaves are smooth, lyre-shaped, light green. Cream flowers. Diet variety.

lettuce variety Arugula Poker- Early ripening, from germination to harvesting greenery 20-25 days. Plants branched, 40-80 cm tall. The leaves are dissected, large, rosette up to 20 cm tall, have a sweetish mustard flavor. Forms up to 12 cut leaves in the greenhouse, up to 28 in the open field. Variety for conveyor summer cultivation.

lettuce variety Arugula Lybid– Ultra-early, from germination to green harvesting 8-20 days. The first leaves without dissection of the leaf blade, moderately green. The variety is resistant to shooting. Depending on the region, it can be grown in open and closed ground.

lettuce variety Arugula Sicily- Mid-season, from germination to harvesting greenery 27-30 days. Bushes up to 60 cm tall. The leaves are lyre-shaped, pinnately dissected with a nutty taste and aroma. The flowers are yellow-white with purple veins. In the heat and in violation of watering, the variety quickly shoots.

lettuce variety Arugula Cupid's Arrows- Medium-late, from germination to harvesting of greenery 35-38 days. Bushes up to 20-30 cm with narrow long carved leaves. Flowers yellow. A distinctive feature - the inflorescences look like dandelions.

lettuce variety arugula rococo- Early ripe, from germination to harvesting greenery 20-25 days. Forms a high (up to 18 cm) rosette of wide leaves. The leaf blade is serrated along the edge. The leaves have a sharp taste and strong aroma. The flowers are white.

lettuce variety arugula Corsica– Medium, from germination to green harvesting 30-32 days. A semi-raised rosette of leaves is characteristic, up to 60 cm high. The leaf blade is narrow, smooth. The shape of the leaf is lyre-shaped with notched edges. The flowers are white with pink hues. In heat and drought, the variety shoots quickly.

lettuce variety Arugula Koltivata- Early ripe, from germination to harvesting greenery 20-25 days. Rosette of strongly dissected leaves up to 10-15 cm in height. The leaves are very fragrant. Contains high levels of essential oils. They have a sharp mustard flavor with a nutty aftertaste. Cream flowers. It is used for cultivation in the open and closed ground.

lettuce variety Arugula Dikovina- Mid-season, from germination to harvesting greenery 22-25 days. Plant height up to 20 cm. The leaves are lyre-shaped, smooth, collected in a semi-raised rosette (18-20 cm). Resistant to bolting, which allows for a long time to maintain the nutritional quality of greenery.

The text shows the most striking varieties in terms of their taste, bred in Russia (with the exception of the Ukrainian variety Lybid and the Dutch variety Koltivata). Relatively young varieties of Russian selection (included in the state register of varieties no earlier than 2005-2010) have proven themselves well when grown in open and protected ground. The raised rosette allows you to harvest a clean crop of greens. Varieties provide more than 1.0-1.5 to 2.5 kg of greenery per sq. m. area.

Finishing the article about the methods of growing different varieties of arugula, one cannot pass over in silence its value as a food and medicinal plant.

Arugula garden, or Eruka sowing (Eruca vesicaria). © Brigid Jackson Useful properties of arugula

The chemical composition of arugula determines its medicinal properties.

Arugula contains:

  • a large list of vitamins - A, C, B9 and others from the group, K, E, T, PP;
  • a set of vital micro and macro elements - iodine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper, sodium, etc.;
  • flavonoids and bioactive substances that have a beneficial effect on water-salt metabolism, the functioning and health of the gastrointestinal tract, blood sugar levels, strengthen the nervous system, have the ability to burn fat, lower cholesterol and increase hemoglobin; Arugula is recommended by doctors to patients with venous disease and high blood pressure.
  • Italians call arugula golden salad for its excellent healing properties in certain kidney diseases, predisposition to cancer, anemia, iodine deficiency, maintaining male strength (a natural aphrodisiac), increasing immunity to a number of other diseases.

Attention! The saturation of the green mass of arugula with essential oils and flavonoids can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, before proceeding to taking preparations containing arugula, consult a doctor.

Arugula is a natural doctor that can protect against problems with the thyroid or prostate gland, normalize the hemoglobin in the human body and get rid of edema. This herb has a spicy, nutty-mustard scent and can turn a simple salad or soup into a gourmet meal. If you want to enjoy fresh leaves, then you can learn how to grow arugula at home on your windowsill.

Before you grow arugula at home, you should find out its features and understand some of the nuances. This is the only way to get the desired result without wasting time and effort.

A big plus of growing arugula is that at home it is quite simple, since the plant is considered not capricious and gives a good harvest in a variety of containers: from flower pots to wooden boxes.

Growing herbs at home, you should consider the following features:

  • it is necessary to give preference to neutral or slightly alkaline soil;
  • the soil must be disinfected. To do this, you can hold it in the oven for half an hour;
  • the bottom of the container where the seeds are planned to be planted is covered with drainage. Pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay can be taken as drainage;
  • The plant needs light. For this reason, the seed container should be placed on the windowsill on the south side. In the event that there is little light in the apartment, ordinary lamps with daylight can be used;
  • direct rays of the sun should not fall on arugula, for which it is worth making a kind of screen around the container, which is easy to build from ordinary sheets of white paper. Such a screen can be not only around the pot, but also cover the top of the window.

The success of the business depends on how well each stage is organized, namely: the selection of seeds, sowing and caring for sprouts. Only if these requirements are met, in the end, you can enjoy a delicious product. By the way, if you violate this or that rule, the beneficial properties of arugula will deteriorate.

Selection of planting material

Arugula can be found in any store for summer residents. Before packaging, all seeds are processed, therefore, after purchase, they do not need to be disinfected or dressed. However, there are some features that are worth paying attention to. So, the grown plant in the end may not be arugula. A similar name is found in two more plants from the sacral family.

That is why it is worth focusing on varieties such as Koltivata, Poker or Rococo. These plants, with proper planting and care, can produce fresh greens after 25 days.

conditions for growth

After the arugula seeds are planted, the container should be placed immediately on the windowsill, preferably near the heating battery. In the event that the seeds are additionally covered with something, they should be aired periodically. The soil should be moistened more often, but do it delicately, preferably with a spray bottle.

If all conditions are met thoroughly, the first sprouts can be seen already 5-7 days after planting. In such a case, it is not worth protecting and sheltering them, and a permanent place is determined for the box. Arugula does not need to be fed with chemical substrates. If the soil is chosen correctly, then the plant will take everything it needs from it.


If we talk about lighting, the planted arugula should receive a sufficient amount of light. If the plant is standing on a window or on a balcony not on the sunny side, it will not have enough light. In such a case, it is worth worrying about providing it with artificial lighting.

As a rule, daylight lamps are located at a distance of 50 centimeters above the soil or sprouts. On cloudy days, a plant located even on the south side still needs additional light. However, the main thing is not to overdo it, as too much light can cause the plant to grow tall and too thin.


Sprouts must be protected from drafts, which, however, are a danger to any plant, but arugula is the most sensitive and tender. Do not open a window or window where the container with the planted seeds is located. As for the temperature regime, it is necessary to ensure that the air in the room does not fall below +17 degrees, even in winter.


If we talk about the capacity where the cultivation of arugula will take place, then there are a lot of options, since the plant is unpretentious and does not need special frills. So, for these purposes, suitable: a wooden box, a flower pot, a plastic container.

Some gardeners or gardeners manage to make planting containers from incredible things, for example, from milk bags. Any container must have sides, the height of which is at least 12 centimeters. Without fail, it is necessary to make holes at the bottom of the container so that, if necessary, moisture leaves, and air enters the roots.

It is better to put the container on a stand or tray so as not to damage or stain the window sill. It would be ideal if you choose boxes of the same length as the surface on which they will stand.

Growing arugula on a windowsill

Arugula, as mentioned earlier, is an unpretentious plant, so its planting is as follows:

  • scatter the soil in containers;
  • moisten the soil;
  • we lay out the seeds of arugula in the soil (it is desirable that there is a distance of 3-4 centimeters between the seeds);
  • on top of the seeds we cover with a layer of soil of about 1 centimeter;
  • moisten the soil;
  • cover the container with the planted plant with plastic wrap or glass until sprouts appear.

Sowing period

Experienced gardeners and gardeners say that the best time for planting is March, when there are much more sunny days.

Soil preparation

Summer residents are advised to purchase soil exclusively in special stores. It is advisable to pay attention to the soil that is intended for growing seedlings, since it is this type that is rich in phosphorus and those elements that make arugula strong, and as a result, a person will have an excellent harvest.

Nevertheless, simple black soil is also quite suitable for these purposes, which can be taken from the garden where pumpkins or any legumes were grown before. Arugula is suitable for slightly alkaline or neutral soil, and in soil where peat is present, it will simply die.

Those who have the desire and opportunity can prepare the soil at home. This will require sand, soddy soil and humus, which must be mixed in almost equal amounts (a little less sand will be needed). As a result, crumbly and loose soil should come out.

Agrotechnics of sowing seeds

Some people believe that seeds can simply be planted and wait for them to produce the expected healthy and tasty plant. In fact, everything is different. The success of growing arugula at home depends on how well each stage is organized.

So, as already mentioned earlier, the selection of seeds, sowing, care - all this must be done strictly based on the instructions. You can get a fresh and vitamin-complete plant only by adhering to certain rules, which can be found in more detail below.

Care rules

If you decide to grow arugula at home, you need to know a few basic rules of care. So, you should make sure that the plant does not stretch too much. The color of arugula should be rich. If a particular change in the color or length of the leaves is noticeable in the plant, this may indicate that the light regime is disturbed. Most likely, the plant needs more light, which is easily solved with additional artificial lighting.

Particular attention should be paid to the light if the cultivation takes place in the winter.


Water the plant with enough water. It is better to do this with a sprayer so that, in the end, the sprouts do not flood. Watering is carried out daily.

top dressing

When caring for a plant such as arugula, you need to know that it has the ability to quickly absorb all the substances that can enter the soil with water. Therefore, experts do not advise the use of any top dressing.

If you use a solution of chicken manure or certain chemical fertilizers, and all of them pose a danger to human health, this is guaranteed to go directly into the plant. Moreover, there is one more feature - such feeding destroys all the useful properties of arugula, and all the work on growing a useful product will go down the drain.


As for thinning, sprouts that are already 8 to 10 days old can be thinned out. Thus, in general, plants that have withered or are weak in themselves are removed. By the way, the latter do not have to be thrown away at all, they are boldly added to the soup, after getting rid of the roots.

Protection against diseases and pests

If arugula is grown on the windowsill of the house, pest problems should not arise. The fact is that, basically, the plant grows in such conditions, since in the garden it is most often attacked by the so-called cruciferous flea, which destroys the crop in a matter of time.

Harvest and storage

So, subject to all stages of growing arugula at home, the first results can be obtained already 1 month after planting the seeds. The leaves of the plant can be safely harvested as soon as they reach 10 centimeters in height.

It is better to cut the ripened arugula immediately before eating. If you act carefully, you can eat fresh herbs for more than a month. The maximum of vitamins and nutrients can be obtained from a fresh product.

Some prefer to prolong the pleasure - cutting off the whole arugula, put it in a chopped form in a container, lightly sprinkle with salt and store in the refrigerator. By the way, in this form, the plant can be stored for six months.

Some housewives argue that it is better to store arugula in dried form, but this should be done in compliance with the rules so that the plant does not lose its beneficial properties. So, it is necessary to dry only high-quality leaves, and do it naturally in a warm, dark place for 6 days.