We draw a saucepan.  How to draw dishes - from simple to complex.  Draw a pot and a ladle

We draw a saucepan. How to draw dishes - from simple to complex. Draw a pot and a ladle

Games and pictures with dishes are a great opportunity for kindergarten to learn the names of various kitchen utensils with children, learn how to distribute them according to the method of use and the material from which they are made. Knowledge of utensils and the ability to handle them is one of the main requirements for graduates of preparatory groups.

In a kindergarten setting, it is more convenient to work with children on this topic. Tableware for children is quite an attractive and interesting thing, so they are easily included in the process of learning its names. It will be useful for children who can read to work with signed pictures - so they can visually remember the spelling of new or already familiar words.

In order for the process to take place in a playful way, it is better to cut the pictures into separate, fairly large cards. Then, taking out one card, invite the children to take a closer look at the object depicted on it and decide for what purposes it can be used. If one of the kids knows the name of the item, let him pronounce it. If not, an adult introduces the name to the group.

pitcher fork

Pay attention to the details of the utensils, discuss what different kitchen utensils have in common and what they might be useful for. For example:

  • Lid - many items of utensils have. Helps to keep heat inside, or protects the contents of the dish from various debris, dust, etc. Look among the cards for objects with a lid, remember their names, discuss their purpose.
  • The handle is a part of many kitchen utensils. Allows you to hold an object and protects your hands from heat, allows you to reach for something without touching your hands. A frying pan, a ladle, a ladle, a saucepan, a colander and many other items have a handle (look for them among the cards). Please note that the pan has two handles. For what? (To be able to hold a heavy container with both hands).
  • Spout (at the teapot, jug). Helps to pour liquid into a small container.
  • Numerous holes (at the strainer, colander, slotted spoon). They allow filtering, that is, separating large, solid particles from liquid and small particles.
  • Bottom - each item has a container, that is, it is intended for temporary or permanent storage, cooking and liquids. Find all items that have a bottom. In addition to the bottom, they also have walls, which can be of different heights, made of various materials. Look for the walls at the saucer (are there any?), at the glass, at the pan.

When all the dishes have already been studied, pictures for children with names will help you remember what this or that object is called.

Be sure to discuss the materials from which kitchen utensils are made - glass, ceramics, metal. Group the pictures according to what material the item is made of.

Then try to divide the pictures according to the role of the object in the kitchen: intended for eating, for boiling or frying, for cooking.

If there are sets of dishes available, in the end, you can work out the studied topic in work with toy kitchen utensils. You can advise the children to find the studied items at home, in the kitchen (with the consent of the mother). This will be a kind of homework, the results of which will be summed up the next day.

Another collection of thematic coloring pages. This time the theme is dishes. The ability to generalize, to find common features, to select a word-term denoting a whole group of objects is a very difficult exercise for kids.

Another collection of thematic coloring pages. This time the theme is dishes. The ability to generalize, to find common features, to select a word-term denoting a whole group of objects is a very difficult exercise for kids. Why are a cup, a bowl, a plate, and even a frying pan with a saucepan all dishes? Are the knife, fork and spoon utensils or cutlery?

When coloring pictures depicting dishes, the child does not just mindlessly draw with a pencil, he mentally answers dozens of questions: what is this or that device made of, how to use it, what does it serve for, what other types of dishes can be used with it, and so on, etc.

You can not just print pictures and give to the child, but arrange a whole game. Make a riddle, and let the kid look for the answer among the pictures for coloring.

Here for example:

You can listen to how the dishes sound. The glass jar rings loudly. And if you pour a little water, the tone changes. Experiment with porcelain and faience cups, saucers, plates.

And here are a few more pictures and riddles for them.

I puff, I puff

I don't want to get hot anymore.

The lid rattled loudly.

"Drink tea, the water has boiled!" (Kettle)

Kettle's girlfriend

Has two ears

Cooks porridge, soup for Yulia.

And her name is ... (Pan)

There will be delicious food

With a golden crust

If you are using...

That's right, a frying pan!

I take her by the hand

I pour tea into it.

Drink - it's sweet and hot,

If you want, cool in a saucer. (A cup).

On the head of a button

A sieve in the nose

One hand

Yes, it's on the back. (Teapot)

I was born in the earth

Hardened in fire.

There are a lot of mysteries about dishes, try and choose thematic riddles for these pictures for coloring.

If you need children's dishes, go to the site http://lilibon.ru/category/posuda/. The online store Lilibon presents only the best products for children. There you will find the widest selection of children's dishes for every taste.

The effectiveness of speech therapy classes in kindergarten and at home depends very much on the quality of the visual material selected by adults. Bright, varied pictures of dishes for preschool children help to carry out exercises and games that contribute to:

  • vocabulary enrichment;
  • practicing storytelling skills;
  • correct use of grammatical structures of the native language.

If you choose high-quality images, then children will be much more willing to complete tasks, and a positive result from classes will appear much faster.

Here are some tips to help you organize activities for children using visual material.

  • All cards must be sufficiently dense, with accurate realistic drawings, with a detailed image of objects. It is best to find a ready-made set of drawings for kindergarten or download images for this article.
  • Give the child the opportunity to first just get acquainted with the pictures for classes. Let him carefully consider them, ask clarifying questions about the drawn objects. Play "shop" or "memory" with them. Offer to collect split pictures. You can connect several cut cards from the thematic set and invite the baby to "clean up".
  • For classes, you need to find both subject images on a specific topic, and plot ones.
  • With one set of pictures or a plot drawing, you need to carry out as many different speech therapy games as possible, this will allow you to use all the possibilities of visual material.
  • It is necessary to select such cards for classes, which depict objects and plots that are well known and understandable to children. The younger the baby, the more relevant this rule.

subject pictures

Images of dishes can be divided into several groups:

  1. tea (everything that is used for tea drinking);
  2. dining room (plates, salad bowls, dishes);
  3. kitchen (pots, pans, stewpans).

It is best to introduce children to the names from each group separately, use part of the thematic set. This rule is especially important to observe with preschoolers 4-5 years old. For older children, you can use mixed sets.

Object pictures of dishes are suitable for a variety of speech therapy games. They help not only to enrich the active vocabulary, but also to form a whole set of useful speech skills. It is very important that the images on the cards are realistic, elaborate, then the children have more opportunities to use the features, characteristics of a particular subject in speech.

cup and saucer

spoons Forks

Salt and pepper shaker

Story pictures

Plot pictures on the topic “dishes” are also very useful for the development of speech. They allow you to compose not only descriptions, but also entire stories.

The pictures “Mom washes the dishes” or “Merry tea party” help a 3-year-old kid come up with a few simple sentences, and at 6 years old, these same illustrations can be used to compose a detailed narrative.

Pictures with a plot must be selected for each group of dishes, that is, the drawings should include a kitchen, a dining room. It’s good if children can see washing dishes, cooking, decorating a festive table.

Narrative pictures provide an opportunity to train in compiling stories, as well as train attention, imagination, memory.


For the speech development of children, it is very useful to conduct didactic games.

  • Say the opposite

hot pan -
fragile cup -
small plate -

  • Compare Pairs

The child receives two cards with different objects, and then describes the similarities and differences between them. It can be:

cup - glass
deep plate - saucer
saucepan - teapot

  • What is superfluous

Ask the preschooler to choose four from a set of subject pictures so that three can be called one word, and one more image would be superfluous. For example:


  • Match up the couples

Ask your child to find a match for the item you have chosen, and then explain your decision. If a cup is drawn, then he can pick up a saucer, a teapot, a glass for it. In each case, the explanation will be different.

  • Set the table

Offer to choose from all the images of dishes several items:


  • Tell and guess

Lay out all the cards from the Kindergarten Dishes set on the table. The child must take one picture and come up with a riddle-description about the drawn object. For example: large, metal, deep - pan; small, porcelain, fragile - a cup.

  • Let's put things in order

Cut out several “cupboards” from paper (for kitchen utensils, dining and tea utensils). Then ask them to arrange the images of dishes in the right cabinet, each type in its own.

  • clean plates

Offer to choose any picture with one item of dishes and name it, and then count up to 5 according to this pattern: "One cup needs to be washed, two cups need to be washed, three cups need to be washed ...".

We draw with a pencil clear reflections and highlights on the sparkling surface of kitchen utensils using a graphite pencil.

Let's choose a kind of still life from the most common metal objects. First of all, let's pay attention to the reflections that are visible on the sparkling surface. Since the surface of kitchen objects is curved, it distorts the objects reflected in it.
Light and shadow

Reflections on a matte metal surface look more blurry than on a polished one.

Squint your eyes to better see the distribution of light and shadow on objects. Remember where the brightest highlights are, for which you will need to leave the white paper intact.

You can add some of the other highlights in the later stages of work, using the mastic eraser.

Thickly shade the deep shadows that surround the highlights, and then, using a halftone transition, convey the rounded shape of the objects.

For a pencil drawing lesson you will need:
Large sheet of drawing paper
Graphite pencils B and 4B
Mastic eraser

1 We outline the contours

Select an object of reference size in the composition you created and mark its size on a pencil. Then, applying a pencil horizontally and vertically to the sketch, determine the coordinates of the boundaries of the outlines of objects, while simultaneously evaluating their angles of inclination. Since all objects are rounded, you will need to draw a series of ellipses. Mark reflections on the lid, ladle, saucepan and holes in the colander. Draw a handle and its reflection on the lid.

2 Add an intermediate tone

Hold the 4B pencil as described in the Expert Tip and lightly mark the shadows surrounding the highlights on the lid. Outline the rim of the lid with a clearer line and mark the reflections of the windows at its lower edge. Shade areas of gray intermediate tone on the pot, ladle, colander and bottle.

3 Adding Shades to Dark Tones

Deepen the tone of the base of the colander with a 4B pencil. Draw a label on the bottle and lightly mark the second label that is visible from the back side through the glass. Shade the bottle with an intermediate medium tone. In a darker tone, emphasize the neck and edge of the bottle. Strengthen all the outlines and draw a handle at the top of the colander. Fill in an intense dark tone overlay handle on a ladle.

Stroke long with the tip of a pencil
When you are shading at an early stage of a still life painting, use the full length of the stylus. Sharpen a 4B pencil with a craft knife to expose the long tip of the lead, and draw strokes by placing the pencil almost horizontally on the paper. To keep the tip of the lead sharp, rotate the pencil as you work.

Pencil drawing lesson - the next step
Once you've sorted out the basic tones, it's time to move on to the most important reflections and highlights we see on metal surfaces. The most interesting are the reflections of the windows on the lid of the pot. Although the outlines of the windows are distorted by the convex surface of the lid, both the dark binding of the frame and the transparent rectangles of glass are clearly visible on them.

4 Draw reflections on the lid

Add dark shadows surrounding the window reflections on the lid. The distinct outlines of the windows will help you convey the shiny metal surface.

5 We continue to hatch

Shade the lid of the pot, leaving the white highlights intact. To keep these highlights sharp, cut out a paper mask to match the shape of the highlight, place it in place, and stroke directly over the mask. Deepen the dark tone on the rim of the lid, the handle and its reflection. The lid now has a full tonal range. Start painting the intermediate tone on the side of the pot to represent the ladle reflected in it.

6 Draw a pot and ladle

Fill in the dark area inside the pan with vertical strokes. Keep gradations in the tone of the lines to convey the convex shape of the pan. Deepen the reflection of the ladle on the side of the pan with diagonal hatching. Draw a dark line under the handle of the ladle, and then shade the ladle ladle, marking its edges with darker lines. Draw reflections on the top of the ladle ladle. In order to cope with this task, squint your eyes. This will help you simplify the outlines and more accurately distribute the chiaroscuro.

7 We finish drawing a colander

Draw the dark spots of the holes in the colander, starting from the sketches made at the beginning of the work. Circle the handles and the rim of the colander with thin dark lines. Shade the surface of the colander with long oblique lines, changing their direction to describe the curves of the surface. Leave unshaded those places where light reflections should lie. Add reflections to the top of the bottle.

Now the tones are distributed, and the reflections are quite clearly described, but you can improve the picture. Add details such as the letters on the bottle label. Finally, clean up the highlights from random pencil lines.

8 Adding a detail

Shade the strip on the bottle label so that white letters can be read against its background. Slightly deepen the tone on the right side of the neck and on the edge of the bottle.

9 Add Drop Shadows

Highlight the edge of the label on the left side of the bottle. To do this, apply hatching over the paper mask. With long free strokes, draw the shadows cast by objects. Take a mastic eraser and erase all the random pencil lines from the highlights.

Lesson drawing kitchen items with a pencil - the result of the lesson

A Interesting reflections
The convex metal surfaces of objects distort the reflections, which take on rather curious shapes.

B Highlights
In those places where the brightest highlights should be, the white paper was left unshaded.

The matte surface
The shadow on the matte surface of the colander looks more uniform in tone than the shadow on the shiny polished surfaces.

Categories: December 20, 2011

In the modern world, it is not difficult to learn how to draw, sculpt, do crafts, develop various artistic skills. Moreover, with the help of detailed master classes, you can turn from the most ordinary beginner into an amateur and self-taught professional without leaving your home. Usually people try to start with elementary objects and things in order to understand the essence of drawing.

How to draw dishes correctly?

At first glance, dishes seem to be a rather complicated element. After all, in order to depict it in volume, you need to understand where you need to add a shadow. It makes the drawing realistic. Of course, any image that you want to draw must be broken down into simple geometric shapes and lines, which will make it possible to obtain the desired result with their further modification.

Step-by-step drawing lesson on the example of a cup

How to draw dishes with a pencil in stages?

  1. The first step will be the basting of the vertical, which is the middle axis of the future cup. After that, you need to draw 2 horizontal lines, where the lower one is shorter than the upper one - these are the middle axes of the top and bottom of the cup. There is one important point - the vertical axis should pass clearly in the middle of the horizontal ones.
  2. The next step is to draw ellipses on the horizontal axes. Very carefully, you should connect the bottom and top with identical arcs, which will later be the walls of the finished cup.
  3. The third stage is the removal of unnecessary auxiliary lines and an axis. Then you need to draw a handle.
  4. Next, we begin to create volume - we outline the thickness of the cup. With an eraser, we remove a segment of the handle invisible to the eye, give it volume and thickness. Now we are working with the shadows on the handle and cup. The near edges should be made more saturated, but the far part should be less contrasting. This allows you to make the cup oriented in space, it is visually perceived correctly, realistically.
  5. It remains to outline a horizontal line in order to create the feeling that the cup is stable on the surface, as well as outline the shadows inside it.

What is important to know when drawing dishes?

When the question arises: "How to draw dishes?" - Learn the basics of drawing. Whatever the design of the object, the near part should be more detailed and contrasting than the far part. Shadows are important to do both on the outside of the object, and on the inside.

And at the initial stage, it is important to break any object into geometric shapes and lines for the correct placement on paper and the proportional size of the object.